{ "daemon": { "label": { "command": "Command", "arguments": "Arguments", "autostart": "Auto-start daemon on deploy ?", "addenter": "Add [enter] to every message sent ?", "relaunch": "Relaunch command on exit or error ?", "reply": "and", "onclose": "on close" }, "placeholder": { "arguments": "space separated arguments" }, "option": { "reply": { "buffer": "leave reply as a buffer", "string": "format reply as a string", "lines": "output lines of text", "number": "try to convert reply to a number" }, "onclose": { "sigkill": "kill process immediately", "sigterm": "try to terminate process", "sigint": "try to interrupt process" } }, "tip": "<b>Note:</b> The command should just be the actual command. All parameters should be passed in as arguments.", "status": { "nocommand": "no command", "running": "running", "stopped": "stopped", "error": "error" }, "errors": { "badparams": "Bad parameters - should be a JSON array or space separated", "notrunning": "Command not running", "notfound": "Command not found", "notexecutable": "Command not executable", "restarting": "Restarting", "pipeclosed": "Process closed" } } }