module.exports = function(RED) { "use strict"; var StompClient = require('stomp-client'); // ---------------------------------------------- // ------------------- State -------------------- // ---------------------------------------------- function updateStatus(node, allNodes) { let setStatus = setStatusDisconnected; if (node.connecting) { setStatus = setStatusConnecting; } else if (node.connected) { setStatus = setStatusConnected; } setStatus(node, allNodes); } function setStatusDisconnected(node, allNodes) { if (allNodes) { for (let id in node.users) { if (hasProperty(node.users, id)) { node.users[id].status({ fill: "red", shape: "ring", text: "node-red:common.status.disconnected"}); } } } else { node.status({ fill: "red", shape: "ring", text: "node-red:common.status.disconnected" }) } } function setStatusConnecting(node, allNodes) { if(allNodes) { for (var id in node.users) { if (hasProperty(node.users, id)) { node.users[id].status({ fill: "yellow", shape: "ring", text: "node-red:common.status.connecting" }); } } } else { node.status({ fill: "yellow", shape: "ring", text: "node-red:common.status.connecting" }); } } function setStatusConnected(node, allNodes) { if(allNodes) { for (var id in node.users) { if (hasProperty(node.users, id)) { node.users[id].status({ fill: "green", shape: "dot", text: "node-red:common.status.connected" }); } } } else { node.status({ fill: "green", shape: "dot", text: "node-red:common.status.connected" }); } } function setStatusError(node, allNodes) { if(allNodes) { for (var id in node.users) { if (hasProperty(node.users, id)) { node.users[id].status({ fill: "red", shape: "dot", text: "error" }); } } } else { node.status({ fill: "red", shape: "dot", text: "error" }); } } // ---------------------------------------------- // ------------------- Nodes -------------------- // ---------------------------------------------- function StompServerNode(n) { RED.nodes.createNode(this,n); const node = this; // To keep track of processing nodes that use this config node for their connection node.users = {}; // Config node state node.connected = false; node.connecting = false; /** Flag to avoid race conditions between `deregister` and the `close` event of the config node (ex. on redeploy) */ node.closing = false; /** Options to pass to the stomp-client API */ node.options = {}; node.sessionId = null; node.subscribtionIndex = 1; node.subscriptionIds = {}; /** @type { StompClient } */ node.client; node.setOptions = function(options, init) { if (!options || typeof options !== "object") { return; // Nothing to change } // Apply property changes (only if the property exists in the options object) setIfHasProperty(options, node, "server", init); setIfHasProperty(options, node, "port", init); setIfHasProperty(options, node, "protocolversion", init); setIfHasProperty(options, node, "vhost", init); setIfHasProperty(options, node, "reconnectretries", init); setIfHasProperty(options, node, "reconnectdelay", init); if (node.credentials) { node.username = node.credentials.user; node.password = node.credentials.password; } if (!init && hasProperty(options, "username")) { node.username = options.username; } if (!init && hasProperty(options, "password")) { node.password = options.password; } // Build options for passing to the stomp-client API node.options = { address: node.server, port: node.port * 1, user: node.username, pass: node.password, protocolVersion: node.protocolversion, reconnectOpts: { retries: node.reconnectretries * 1, delay: node.reconnectdelay * 1000 }, vhost: node.vhost }; } node.setOptions(n, true); /** * Register a STOMP processing node to the connection. * @param { StompInNode | StompOutNode | StompAckNode } stompNode The STOMP processing node to register * @param { Function } callback */ node.register = function(stompNode, callback = () => {}) { node.users[] = stompNode; // Auto connect when first STOMP processing node is added if (Object.keys(node.users).length === 1) { node.connect(callback); } else { callback(); } } /** * Remove registered STOMP processing nodes from the connection. * @param { StompInNode | StompOutNode | StompAckNode } stompNode The STOMP processing node to unregister * @param { Boolean } autoDisconnect Automatically disconnect from the STOM server when no processing nodes registered to the connection * @param { Function } callback */ node.deregister = function(stompNode, autoDisconnect, callback = () => {}) { delete node.users[]; if (autoDisconnect && !node.closing && node.connected && Object.keys(node.users).length === 0) { node.disconnect(callback); } else { callback(); } } /** * Wether a new connection can be made. * @returns `true` or `false` */ node.canConnect = function() { return !node.connected && !node.connecting; } /** * Connect to the STOMP server. * @param {Function} callback */ node.connect = function(callback = () => {}) { if (node.canConnect()) { node.closing = false; node.connecting = true; setStatusConnecting(node, true); try { // Remove left over client if needed if (node.client) { node.client.disconnect(); node.client = null; } node.client = new StompClient(node.options); node.client.on("connect", function() { node.closing = false; node.connecting = false; node.connected = true; callback(); node.log("Connected to STOMP server", {sessionId: node.sessionId, url: `${node.options.address}:${node.options.port}`, protocolVersion: node.options.protocolVersion}); setStatusConnected(node, true); }); node.client.on("reconnect", function(sessionId, numOfRetries) { node.closing = false; node.connecting = false; node.connected = true; node.sessionId = sessionId; callback(); node.log("Reconnected to STOMP server", {sessionId: node.sessionId, url: `${node.options.address}:${node.options.port}`, protocolVersion: node.options.protocolVersion, retries: numOfRetries}); setStatusConnected(node, true); }); node.client.on("reconnecting", function() { node.warn("reconnecting"); node.connecting = true; node.connected = false; node.log("Reconnecting to STOMP server...", {url: `${node.options.address}:${node.options.port}`, protocolVersion: node.options.protocolVersion}); setStatusConnecting(node, true); }); node.client.on("error", function(err) { node.error(err); setStatusError(node, true); }); node.client.connect(function(sessionId) { node.sessionId = sessionId; }); } catch (err) { node.error(err); } } else { node.log("Not connecting to STOMP server, already connected"); callback(); } } /** * Disconnect from the STOMP server. * @param {Function} callback */ node.disconnect = function(callback = () => {}) { const waitDisconnect = (client, timeout) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // Set flag to avoid race conditions for disconnect as every node tries to call it directly or indirectly using deregister node.closing = true; const t = setTimeout(() => { reject(); }, timeout); client.disconnect(() => { clearTimeout(t); resolve(); }); }); } if (!node.client) { node.warn("Can't disconnect, connection not initialized."); callback(); } else if (node.closing || !node.connected) { // Disconnection already in progress or not connected callback(); } else { node.log("Unsubscribing from STOMP queue's..."); const subscribedQueues = Object.keys(node.subscriptionIds); subscribedQueues.forEach(function(queue) { node.unsubscribe(queue); }); node.log('Disconnecting from STOMP server...'); waitDisconnect(node.client, 2000).then(() => { node.log("Disconnected from STOMP server", {sessionId: node.sessionId, url: `${node.options.address}:${node.options.port}`, protocolVersion: node.options.protocolVersion}) }).catch(() => { node.log("Disconnect timeout closing node..."); }).finally(() => { node.sessionId = null; node.subscribtionIndex = 1; node.subscriptionIds = {}; node.connected = false; node.connecting = false; setStatusDisconnected(node, true); callback(); }); } } /** * Subscribe to a given STOMP queue. * @param { String} queue The queue to subscribe to * @param { "auto" | "client" | "client-individual" } clientAck Can be `auto`, `client` or `client-individual` (the latter only starting from STOMP v1.1) * @param { Function } callback */ node.subscribe = function(queue, acknowledgment, callback) { node.log(`Subscribing to: ${queue}`); if (node.connected && !node.closing) { if (!node.subscriptionIds[queue]) { node.subscriptionIds[queue] = node.subscribtionIndex++; } const headers = { id: node.subscriptionIds[queue], // Only set client-individual if not v1.0 ack: acknowledgment === "client-individual" && node.options.protocolVersion === "1.0" ? "client" : acknowledgment } node.client.subscribe(queue, headers, function(body, responseHeaders) { let msg = { headers: responseHeaders, topic: queue }; try { msg.payload = JSON.parse(body); } catch { msg.payload = body; } callback(msg); }); } else { node.error("Can't subscribe, not connected"); } } /** * Unsubscribe from a STOMP queue. * @param {String} queue The STOMP queue to unsubscribe from * @param {Object} headers Headers to add to the unsubscribe message */ node.unsubscribe = function(queue, headers = {}) { delete node.subscriptionIds[queue]; if (node.connected && !node.closing) { node.client.unsubscribe(queue, headers); node.log(`Unsubscribed from ${queue}`, headers); } } /** * Publish a STOMP message on a queue. * @param {String} queue The STOMP queue to publish to * @param {any} message The message to send * @param {Object} headers STOMP headers to add to the SEND command */ node.publish = function(queue, message, headers = {}) { if (node.connected && !node.closing) { node.client.publish(queue, message, headers); } else { node.error("Can't publish, not connected"); } } /** * Acknowledge (a) message(s) that was received from the specified queue. * @param {String} queue The queue/topic to send an acknowledgment for * @param {String} messageId ID of the message that was received from the server, which can be found in the reponse header as `message-id` * @param {String} transaction Optional transaction name */ node.ack = function(queue, messageId, transaction = undefined) { if (node.connected && !node.closing) { node.client.ack(messageId, node.subscriptionIds[queue], transaction); } else { node.error("Can't send acknowledgment, not connected"); } } node.on("close", function(done) { node.disconnect(function() { done (); }); }); } RED.nodes.registerType("stomp-server", StompServerNode, { credentials: { user: { type: "text" }, password: { type: "password" } } }); function StompInNode(n) { RED.nodes.createNode(this,n); /** @type { StompInNode } */ const node = this; node.server = n.server; /** @type { StompServerNode } */ node.serverConnection = RED.nodes.getNode(node.server); node.topic = n.topic; node.ack = n.ack; if (node.serverConnection) { setStatusDisconnected(node); if (node.topic) { node.serverConnection.register(node, function() { node.serverConnection.subscribe(node.topic, node.ack, function(msg) { node.send(msg); }); }); if (node.serverConnection.connected) { setStatusConnected(node); } } } else { node.error("Missing server config"); } node.on("close", function(removed, done) { if (node.serverConnection) { node.serverConnection.unsubscribe(node.topic); node.serverConnection.deregister(node, true, done); node.serverConnection = null; } else { done(); } }); } RED.nodes.registerType("stomp in",StompInNode); function StompOutNode(n) { RED.nodes.createNode(this,n); /** @type { StompOutNode } */ const node = this; node.server = n.server; /** @type { StompServerNode } */ node.serverConnection = RED.nodes.getNode(node.server); node.topic = n.topic; if (node.serverConnection) { setStatusDisconnected(node); node.on("input", function(msg, send, done) { const topic = msg.topic || node.topic; if (topic.length > 0 && msg.payload) { try { msg.payload = JSON.stringify(msg.payload); } catch { msg.payload = `${msg.payload}`; } node.serverConnection.publish(node.topic, msg.payload, msg.headers || {}); } else if (!topic.length > 0) { node.warn('No valid publish topic'); } else { node.warn('Payload is undefined or null') } done(); }); node.serverConnection.register(node); if (node.serverConnection.connected) { setStatusConnected(node); } } else { node.error("Missing server config"); } node.on("close", function(removed, done) { if (node.serverConnection) { node.serverConnection.deregister(node, true, done); node.serverConnection = null; } else { done(); } }); } RED.nodes.registerType("stomp out",StompOutNode); function StompAckNode(n) { RED.nodes.createNode(this,n); /** @type { StompOutNode } */ const node = this; node.server = n.server; /** @type { StompServerNode } */ node.serverConnection = RED.nodes.getNode(node.server); node.topic = n.topic; if (node.serverConnection) { setStatusDisconnected(node); node.on("input", function(msg, send, done) { node.serverConnection.ack(node.topic, msg.messageId, msg.transaction); done(); }); node.serverConnection.register(node); if (node.serverConnection.connected) { setStatusConnected(node); } } else { node.error("Missing server config"); } node.on("close", function(removed, done) { if (node.serverConnection) { node.serverConnection.deregister(node, true, done); node.serverConnection = null; } else { done(); } }); } RED.nodes.registerType("stomp ack",StompAckNode); }; // ---------------------------------------------- // ----------------- Helpers -------------------- // ---------------------------------------------- /** * Helper function for applying changes to an objects properties ONLY when the src object actually has the property. * This avoids setting a `dst` property null/undefined when the `src` object doesnt have the named property. * @param {object} src Source object containing properties * @param {object} dst Destination object to set property * @param {string} propName The property name to set in the Destination object * @param {boolean} force force the dst property to be updated/created even if src property is empty */ function setIfHasProperty(src, dst, propName, force) { if (src && dst && propName) { const ok = force || hasProperty(src, propName); if (ok) { dst[propName] = src[propName]; } } } /** * Helper function to test an object has a property * @param {object} obj Object to test * @param {string} propName Name of property to find * @returns true if object has property `propName` */ function hasProperty(obj, propName) { //JavaScript does not protect the property name hasOwnProperty // is the recommended/safer test return, propName); }