node-red-node-discovery ======================= A <a href="" target="_new">Node-RED</a> node that uses Bonjour / Avahi to discover local network services such as iTunes libraries, printers, etc. Now also supports announcing new services. Prerequisites ------------- please read the [install instructions]( for the underlying npm. For Debian / Ubuntu this requires installing sudo apt-get install libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev Install ------- Run the following command in your Node-RED user directory - typically `~/.node-red` npm i node-red-node-discovery Usage ----- ### Discovery Uses an implementation of mdns to provide a Bonjour / Avahi service discovery capability. `msg.payload` contains the service object on both arrival and leaving. `msg.payload.state` contains boolean true or false depending if the service has arrived (true) or gone away (false).. Within the `msg.payload` object the most interesting things are: * * msg.payload.interface * msg.payload.port * msg.payload.addresses * msg.payload.txtRecord For a full list of official service types see [this list](" target="_new). ### Announce Provides a Bonjour / Avahi / Zeroconf announcement node. If `msg.payload` is `false` - the announcement is stopped. Any other value starts the announcement process. The announcement can be customised by the msg if not configured in the edit panel. - `msg.service` - For a full list of official service types see <a href="" target="_new">this list</a>. - `msg.port` - the tcp or udp port to use. - `` - the short description name of the service. If you use %h in the name, it will be replaced by the machine hostname. - `msg.txtRecord` - a set of comma separated name:value pairs ### Note: When Node-RED starts you will get a big WARNING message about the Bonjour Compatibility layer... this is just a warning so don't worry.