node-red-node-rbe ================= A <a href="" target="_new">Node-RED</a> node that provides provides report-by-exception (RBE) and deadband capability. Install ------- Run the following command in the root directory of your Node-RED install npm install node-red-node-rbe Usage ----- A simple node to provide report by exception (RBE) and deadband function - only passes on data if it has changed. This works on a per **msg.topic** basis. This means that a single rbe node can handle multiple topics at the same time. ###RBE mode Outputs the **msg** if the **msg.payload** is different to the previous one. Works on numbers and strings. Useful for filtering out repeated messages of the same value. Saves bandwidth, etc... ###Deadband mode In deadband mode the incoming payload should contain a parseable *number* and is output only if greater than + or - the *band gap* away from the previous output. Will accept numbers, or parseable strings like "18.4 C" or "$500"