<!-- Copyright 2015 IBM Corp. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. --> <script type="text/x-red" data-template-name="PhysicalWeb in"> <div class="form-row"> <label for="node-input-topic"><i class="fa fa-tasks"></i> Topic</label> <input type="text" id="node-input-topic" placeholder="eddysone"> </div> <br/> <!-- By convention, most nodes have a 'name' property. The following div --> <!-- provides the necessary field. Should always be the last option --> <div class="form-row"> <label for="node-input-name"><i class="fa fa-tag"></i> Name</label> <input type="text" id="node-input-name" placeholder="Name"> </div> </script> <script type="text/x-red" data-help-name="PhysicalWeb in"> <p><a href="https://google.github.io/physical-web/">Physical Web</a></p> <p><a href="https://github.com/sandeepmistry/bleno#running-on-linux">READ THIS ON LINUX</a> <p>This node scans for Eddystones and publishes what it finds. It can output 2 types of message</p> <ul> <li><strong>URL</strong> - <ul> <li>type - Eddystone type</li> <li>txPower - Received power at 0m in dBm</li> <li>url - The URL the beacon is broadcasting</li> <li>tlm - TLM data, if the device is interleaving broadcasts</li> <li>rssi - RSSI of the beacon</li> <li>distance - Estimated distance to the beacon</li> </ul> </li> <li><strong>UID</strong> - <ul> <li>type - Eddystone type</li> <li>txPower - Received power at 0m in dBm</li> <li>namespace - 10-byte ID of namspace</li> <li>instance - 6-byte ID insance</li> <li>tlm - TLM data, if the device is interleaving broadcasts</li> <li>rssi - RSSI of the beacon</li> <li>distance - Estimated distance to the beacon</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <p>Where the tlm data will be in the following format</p> <ul> <li>tlm - <ul> <li>version - TML version</li> <li>vbatt - Battery Voltage</li> <li>temp - Temperature</li> <li>advCnt - Advertising PDU count</li> <li>secCnt - Time since power on or reboot</li> </ul> </li> <li>rssi - RSSI of diecovered beacon</li> <li>distance - Approximate distance to beacon</li> </ul> </script> <script type="text/javascript"> RED.nodes.registerType('PhysicalWeb in',{ category: 'Physical_Web', // the palette category defaults: { // defines the editable properties of the node name: {value:"Eddystone"}, // along with default values. topic: {value: "eddystone"} }, color: "#2F7ACD", inputs:0, // set the number of inputs - only 0 or 1 outputs:1, // set the number of outputs - 0 to n // set the icon (held in icons dir below where you save the node) icon: "physical-web.png", // saved in icons/myicon.png label: function() { // sets the default label contents return this.name||"PhysicalWeb"; }, labelStyle: function() { // sets the class to apply to the label return this.name?"node_label_italic":""; } }); </script> <script type="text/x-red" data-template-name="PhysicalWeb out"> <div class="form-row"> <label for="node-input-period"><i class="fa fa-tasks"></i> Period</label> <input type="text" id="node-input-period" placeholder="Period"> </div> <br/> <div class="form-row"> <label for="node-input-url"><i class="fa fa-link"></i> URL</label> <input type="text" id="node-input-url" placeholder="http://..."> </div> <br/> <div class="form-row"> <label for="node-input-power"><i class="fa fa-battery-half"></i> Power</label> <input type="text" id="node-input-power" placeholder="Power"> </div> <br/> <!-- By convention, most nodes have a 'name' property. The following div --> <!-- provides the necessary field. Should always be the last option --> <div class="form-row"> <label for="node-input-name"><i class="fa fa-tag"></i> Name</label> <input type="text" id="node-input-name" placeholder="Name"> </div> </script> <script type="text/x-red" data-help-name="PhysicalWeb out"> <p><a href="https://google.github.io/physical-web/">Physical Web</a></p> <p><a href="https://github.com/sandeepmistry/bleno#running-on-linux">READ THIS ON LINUX</a> <p>This node takes the value of <i>msg.payload</i> and publishes it as a Eddystone URL announcement</p> <p>The config window will allow you to set the powerlevel (-30 to 100 db) and the period (ms) between anouncements</p> </script> <script type="text/javascript"> RED.nodes.registerType('PhysicalWeb out',{ category: 'Physical_Web', // the palette category defaults: { // defines the editable properties of the node name: {value:"Eddystone"}, // along with default values. url: {value: ""}, power: {value:"-21"}, period: {value: "10"} }, color: "#2F7ACD", inputs:1, // set the number of inputs - only 0 or 1 outputs:0, // set the number of outputs - 0 to n // set the icon (held in icons dir below where you save the node) icon: "physical-web.png", // saved in icons/myicon.png label: function() { // sets the default label contents return this.name||"PhysicalWeb"; }, labelStyle: function() { // sets the class to apply to the label return this.name?"node_label_italic":""; } }); </script>