/** * Copyright 2013, 2015 IBM Corp. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ module.exports = function(RED) { "use strict"; var Ntwitter = require('twitter-ng'); var OAuth= require('oauth').OAuth; var request = require('request'); function TwitterNode(n) { RED.nodes.createNode(this,n); this.screen_name = n.screen_name; } RED.nodes.registerType("twitter-credentials",TwitterNode,{ credentials: { screen_name: {type:"text"}, access_token: {type: "password"}, access_token_secret: {type:"password"} } }); /** * Populate msg.location based on data found in msg.tweet. */ function addLocationToTweet(msg) { if (msg.tweet) { if (msg.tweet.geo) { // if geo is set, always set location from geo if (msg.tweet.geo.coordinates && msg.tweet.geo.coordinates.length === 2) { if (!msg.location) { msg.location = {}; } // coordinates[0] is lat, coordinates[1] is lon msg.location.lat = msg.tweet.geo.coordinates[0]; msg.location.lon = msg.tweet.geo.coordinates[1]; msg.location.icon = "twitter"; } } else if (msg.tweet.coordinates) { // otherwise attempt go get it from coordinates if (msg.tweet.coordinates.coordinates && msg.tweet.coordinates.coordinates.length === 2) { if (!msg.location) { msg.location = {}; } // WARNING! coordinates[1] is lat, coordinates[0] is lon!!! msg.location.lat = msg.tweet.coordinates.coordinates[1]; msg.location.lon = msg.tweet.coordinates.coordinates[0]; msg.location.icon = "twitter"; } } // if none of these found then just do nothing } // if no msg.tweet then just do nothing } function TwitterInNode(n) { RED.nodes.createNode(this,n); this.active = true; this.user = n.user; //this.tags = n.tags.replace(/ /g,''); this.tags = n.tags; this.twitter = n.twitter; this.topic = n.topic||"tweets"; this.twitterConfig = RED.nodes.getNode(this.twitter); var credentials = RED.nodes.getCredentials(this.twitter); if (credentials && credentials.screen_name == this.twitterConfig.screen_name) { var twit = new Ntwitter({ consumer_key: "OKjYEd1ef2bfFolV25G5nQ", consumer_secret: "meRsltCktVMUI8gmggpXett7WBLd1k0qidYazoML6g", access_token_key: credentials.access_token, access_token_secret: credentials.access_token_secret }); //setInterval(function() { // twit.get("/application/rate_limit_status.json",null,function(err,cb) { // console.log("direct_messages:",cb["resources"]["direct_messages"]); // }); // //},10000); var node = this; if (this.user === "user") { node.poll_ids = []; node.since_ids = {}; var users = node.tags.split(","); for (var i=0;i=0;t-=1) { var tweet = cb[t]; var where = tweet.user.location; var la = tweet.lang || tweet.user.lang; var msg = { topic:node.topic+"/"+tweet.user.screen_name, payload:tweet.text, lang:la, tweet:tweet }; if (where) { msg.location = {place:where}; addLocationToTweet(msg); } node.send(msg); if (t === 0) { node.since_ids[u] = tweet.id_str; } } } if (err) { node.error(err); } }); },60000)); } }())); } } else if (this.user === "dm") { node.poll_ids = []; twit.getDirectMessages({ screen_name:node.twitterConfig.screen_name, trim_user:0, count:1 },function(err,cb) { if (err) { node.error(err); return; } if (cb[0]) { node.since_id = cb[0].id_str; } else { node.since_id = '0'; } node.poll_ids.push(setInterval(function() { twit.getDirectMessages({ screen_name:node.twitterConfig.screen_name, trim_user:0, since_id:node.since_id },function(err,cb) { if (cb) { for (var t=cb.length-1;t>=0;t-=1) { var tweet = cb[t]; var where = tweet.sender.location; var la = tweet.lang || tweet.sender.lang; var msg = { topic:node.topic+"/"+tweet.sender.screen_name, payload:tweet.text, lang:la, tweet:tweet }; if (where) { msg.location = {place:where}; addLocationToTweet(msg); } node.send(msg); if (t === 0) { node.since_id = tweet.id_str; } } } if (err) { node.error(err); } }); },120000)); }); } else if (this.user === "event") { try { var thing = 'user'; var setupStream = function() { if (node.active) { twit.stream(thing, st, function(stream) { //twit.stream('user', { track: [node.tags] }, function(stream) { node.stream = stream; stream.on('data', function(tweet) { if (tweet.event !== undefined) { console.log("stream event"+tweet.event); console.log(tweet); var la = tweet.target.lang || tweet.source.lang; var msg = { event:tweet.event, payload:tweet }; node.send(msg); } }); stream.on('limit', function(tweet) { node.warn("tweet rate limit hit"); }); stream.on('error', function(tweet,rc) { if (rc == 420) { node.warn("Twitter rate limit hit"); } else { node.warn("Stream error:"+tweet.toString()+" ("+rc+")"); } setTimeout(setupStream,10000); }); stream.on('destroy', function (response) { if (this.active) { node.warn("twitter ended unexpectedly"); setTimeout(setupStream,10000); } }); }); } } setupStream(); } catch (err) { node.error(err); } } else if (this.tags !== "") { try { var thing = 'statuses/filter'; if (this.user === "true") { thing = 'user'; } var st = { track: [node.tags] }; var bits = node.tags.split(","); if (bits.length == 4) { if ((Number(bits[0]) < Number(bits[2])) && (Number(bits[1]) < Number(bits[3]))) { st = { locations: node.tags }; node.log(RED._("twitter.status.using-geo",{location:node.tags.toString()})); } } var setupStream = function() { if (node.active) { twit.stream(thing, st, function(stream) { //console.log(st); //twit.stream('user', { track: [node.tags] }, function(stream) { //twit.stream('site', { track: [node.tags] }, function(stream) { //twit.stream('statuses/filter', { track: [node.tags] }, function(stream) { node.stream = stream; stream.on('data', function(tweet) { if (tweet.user !== undefined) { var where = tweet.user.location; var la = tweet.lang || tweet.user.lang; var msg = { topic:node.topic+"/"+tweet.user.screen_name, payload:tweet.text, lang:la, tweet:tweet }; if (where) { msg.location = {place:where}; addLocationToTweet(msg); } node.send(msg); } }); stream.on('limit', function(tweet) { node.warn(RED._("twitter.errors.ratelimit")); }); stream.on('error', function(tweet,rc) { if (rc == 420) { node.warn(RED._("twitter.errors.ratelimit")); } else { node.warn(RED._("twitter.errors.streamerror",{error:tweet.toString(),rc:rc})); } setTimeout(setupStream,10000); }); stream.on('destroy', function (response) { if (this.active) { node.warn(RED._("twitter.errors.unexpectedend")); setTimeout(setupStream,10000); } }); }); } } setupStream(); } catch (err) { node.error(err); } } else { this.error(RED._("twitter.errors.invalidtag")); } } else { this.error(RED._("twitter.errors.missingcredentials")); } this.on('close', function() { if (this.stream) { this.active = false; this.stream.destroy(); } if (this.poll_ids) { for (var i=0;i 140) { msg.payload = msg.payload.slice(0,139); node.warn(RED._("twitter.errors.truncated")); } if (msg.media && Buffer.isBuffer(msg.media)) { var apiUrl = "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/update_with_media.json"; var signedUrl = oa.signUrl(apiUrl, credentials.access_token, credentials.access_token_secret, "POST"); var r = request.post(signedUrl,function(err,httpResponse,body) { if (err) { node.error(err,msg); node.status({fill:"red",shape:"ring",text:"twitter.status.failed"}); } else { var response = JSON.parse(body); if (response.errors) { var errorList = response.errors.map(function(er) { return er.code+": "+er.message }).join(", "); node.error(RED._("twitter.errors.sendfail",{error:errorList}),msg); node.status({fill:"red",shape:"ring",text:"twitter.status.failed"}); } else { node.status({}); } } }); var form = r.form(); form.append("status",msg.payload); form.append("media[]",msg.media,{filename:"image"}); } else { twit.updateStatus(msg.payload, function (err, data) { if (err) { node.status({fill:"red",shape:"ring",text:"twitter.status.failed"}); node.error(err,msg); } node.status({}); }); } } else { node.warn(RED._("twitter.errors.nopayload")); } }); } } RED.nodes.registerType("twitter out",TwitterOutNode); var oa = new OAuth( "https://api.twitter.com/oauth/request_token", "https://api.twitter.com/oauth/access_token", "OKjYEd1ef2bfFolV25G5nQ", "meRsltCktVMUI8gmggpXett7WBLd1k0qidYazoML6g", "1.0", null, "HMAC-SHA1" ); RED.httpAdmin.get('/twitter-credentials/:id/auth', function(req, res) { var credentials = {}; oa.getOAuthRequestToken({ oauth_callback: req.query.callback },function(error, oauth_token, oauth_token_secret, results) { if (error) { var err = {statusCode: 401, data: "dummy error"}; var resp = RED._("twitter.errors.oautherror",{statusCode: err.statusCode, errorData: err.data}); res.send(resp) } else { credentials.oauth_token = oauth_token; credentials.oauth_token_secret = oauth_token_secret; res.redirect('https://twitter.com/oauth/authorize?oauth_token='+oauth_token) RED.nodes.addCredentials(req.params.id,credentials); } }); }); RED.httpAdmin.get('/twitter-credentials/:id/auth/callback', function(req, res, next) { var credentials = RED.nodes.getCredentials(req.params.id); credentials.oauth_verifier = req.query.oauth_verifier; oa.getOAuthAccessToken( credentials.oauth_token, credentials.token_secret, credentials.oauth_verifier, function(error, oauth_access_token, oauth_access_token_secret, results) { if (error) { RED.log.error(error); res.send(RED._("twitter.errors.oauthbroke")); } else { credentials = {}; credentials.access_token = oauth_access_token; credentials.access_token_secret = oauth_access_token_secret; credentials.screen_name = "@"+results.screen_name; RED.nodes.addCredentials(req.params.id,credentials); res.send(RED._("twitter.errors.authorized")); } } ); }); }