    "irc": {
        "label": {
            "ircserver": "IRC Server",
            "channel": "Channel",
            "action": "Action",
            "port": "Port",
            "ssl": "Use Secure SSL connection?",
            "self": "Allow self-signed certificates?",
            "nickname": "Nickname",
            "username": "Username",
            "password": "Password"
        "placeholder": {
            "ifreq": "if required by server"
        "payload": "Send payload to channel(s)",
        "topic": "Use msg.topic to set nickname or channel(s)",
        "msg": "Send complete msg object to channel(s)",
        "tip": {
            "in": "The channel to join must start with a #<br/>You may join multiple channels by comma separating a list - #chan1,#chan2,etc.",
            "out": "The channel to join must start with a #<br/>Sending the complete object will stringify the whole msg object before sending."
        "errors": {
            "connect": "CONNECT",
            "err": "ERR",
            "net": "NET",
            "connected": "CONNECTED",
            "online": "ONLINE",
            "joined": "JOINED",
            "ping": "PING from",
            "quit": "QUIT",
            "restart": "restart",
            "connectionlost": "CONNECTION LOST?",
            "hasjoined": "has joined",
            "sentinvite": "sent invite to",
            "hasleft": "has left",
            "hasquit": "has quit",
            "kickedfrom": "was kicked from",
            "rawcommand": "RAW command",
            "topicnotset": "msg.topic not set"