module.exports = function(RED) { "use strict"; var path = require("path"); var ws = require("ws"); var colours = require('./colours'); // Xaccel.x,y,z,gyro.x,y,z,orientation.roll,pitch,yaw,compass var HF_RE = /^X(.+),(.+),(.+),(.+),(.+),(.+),(.+),(.+),(.+),(.+)$/; // Ytemperature,humidity,pressure var LF_RE = /^Y(.+),(.+),(.+)$/; // K[U|L|R|D|E][0|1|2] - joystick event: direction,state var KEY_RE = /^K(.)(.)$/; var KEY_MAP = { "U":"UP", "D":"DOWN", "L":"LEFT", "R":"RIGHT", "E":"ENTER" }; var currentFlipH = false; var currentFlipV = false; var currentRotation = "R0"; var currentDisplay = []; var HAT = (function() { var hatWS = null; var wsServerListeners = {}; var wsConnections = {}; var currentEnvironment = {temperature: 20, humidity: 80, pressure: 1000}; var hat = null; var onclose = null; var users = []; var motionUsers = 0; var envUsers = 0; var reconnectTimer = null; var envTimer = null; var connect = function() { if (!hatWS) { currentFlipH = false; currentFlipV = false; currentRotation = "R0"; currentDisplay = []; for (var y=0; y<8; y++) { currentDisplay.push([]); for (var x=0; x<8; x++) { currentDisplay[y].push('0,0,0'); } } var wsPath = RED.settings.httpNodeRoot || "/"; wsPath = wsPath + (wsPath.slice(-1) == "/" ? "":"/") + "sensehat-simulator/ws" var storeListener = function(event,listener) { if (event == "error" || event == "upgrade" || event == "listening") { wsServerListeners[event] = listener; } } RED.server.addListener('newListener',storeListener); // Create a WebSocket Server hatWS = new ws.Server({ server:RED.server, path:wsPath, // Disable the deflate option due to this issue // // that is fixed in the 1.x release of the ws module // that we cannot currently pickup as it drops node 0.10 support perMessageDeflate: false }); RED.server.removeListener('newListener',storeListener); hatWS.on('connection', function(socket) { var id = (1+Math.random()*4294967295).toString(16); wsConnections[id] = socket; socket.send("Y"+currentEnvironment.temperature+","+currentEnvironment.humidity+","+currentEnvironment.pressure); socket.send(currentRotation); if (currentFlipV) { socket.send("FV"); } if (currentFlipH) { socket.send("FH"); } var cmd = ""; for (var y=0; y<8; y++) { for (var x=0; x<8; x++) { cmd += ","+x+","+y+","+currentDisplay[y][x]; } } socket.send("P"+cmd.substring(1)); socket.on('close',function() { delete wsConnections[id]; }); socket.on('message',function(data,flags) { var m; var msg; if ((m = LF_RE.exec(data)) !== null) { currentEnvironment = {temperature: Number(m[1]), humidity: Number(m[2]), pressure: Number(m[3])}; msg = "Y"+currentEnvironment.temperature+","+currentEnvironment.humidity+","+currentEnvironment.pressure; for (var id in wsConnections) { if (wsConnections.hasOwnProperty(id)) { var client = wsConnections[id]; if (client !== socket) { client.send(msg); } } } } else if ((m = KEY_RE.exec(data)) !== null) { msg = { topic: "joystick", payload: {key: KEY_MAP[m[1]], state: Number(m[2])} } for (var j=0; j<users.length; j++) { var node = users[j]; if (node.stick) { node.send(RED.util.cloneMessage(msg)); } } } }); socket.on('error', function(err) { delete wsConnections[id]; }); }); } } var disconnect = function(done) { if (hatWS !== null) { var listener = null; for (var event in wsServerListeners) { if (wsServerListeners.hasOwnProperty(event)) { listener = wsServerListeners[event]; if (typeof listener === "function") { RED.server.removeListener(event,listener); } } } wsServerListeners = {}; wsConnections = {}; hatWS.close(); hatWS = null; } done(); } return { open: function(node) { if (!hatWS) { connect(); } if (!reconnectTimer) { node.status({fill:"green",shape:"dot",text:"node-red:common.status.connected"}); } if (node.motion) { motionUsers++; } if (node.env) { envUsers++; } users.push(node); if (envUsers === 1) { envTimer = setInterval(function() { var msg = { topic: "environment", payload: {temperature: currentEnvironment.temperature, humidity: currentEnvironment.humidity, pressure: currentEnvironment.pressure} }; for (var j=0; j<users.length; j++) { var node = users[j]; if (node.env) { node.send(RED.util.cloneMessage(msg)); } } },1000); } }, close: function(node,done) { if (node.motion) { motionUsers--; } if (node.env) { envUsers--; } if (envUsers === 0) { clearTimeout(envTimer); } users.splice(users.indexOf(node),1); if (users.length === 0) { disconnect(done); } else { done(); } }, send: function(msg) { for (var id in wsConnections) { if (wsConnections.hasOwnProperty(id)) { var client = wsConnections[id]; client.send(msg); } } } } })(); function SenseHatInNode(n) { RED.nodes.createNode(this,n); this.motion = n.motion; this.env = n.env; this.stick = n.stick; var node = this; node.status({fill:"red",shape:"ring",text:"node-red:common.status.disconnected"});; node.on("close", function(done) { HAT.close(this,done); }); } RED.nodes.registerType("rpi-sensehatsim in",SenseHatInNode); function SenseHatOutNode(n) { RED.nodes.createNode(this,n); var node = this; node.status({fill:"red",shape:"ring",text:"node-red:common.status.disconnected"});; node.on("close", function(done) { HAT.close(this,done); }); var handleTextMessage = function(line,msg) { var textCol = colours.getRGB(msg.color||msg.colour)||"255,255,255"; var backCol = colours.getRGB(msg.background)||"0,0,0"; var speed = null; if (!isNaN(msg.speed)) { speed = msg.speed; } var command = "T"; if (textCol) { command += textCol; if (backCol) { command += ","+backCol; } } if (speed) { var s = parseInt(speed); if (s >= 1 && s <= 5) { s = 0.1 + (3-s)*0.03; } command = command + ((command.length === 1)?"":",") + s; } command += ":" + line; return command; } node.on("input",function(msg) { var command; var parts; var col; if (typeof msg.payload === 'number') { HAT.send(handleTextMessage(""+msg.payload,msg)); } else if (typeof msg.payload === 'string') { var lines = msg.payload.split("\n"); lines.forEach(function(line) { command = null; if ( /^(([0-7]|\*|[0-7]-[0-7]),([0-7]|\*|[0-7]-[0-7]),(\d{1,3},\d{1,3},\d{1,3}|#[a-f0-9]{3,6}|[a-z]+))(,([0-7]|\*|[0-7]-[0-7]),([0-7]|\*|[0-7]-[0-7]),(\d{1,3},\d{1,3},\d{1,3}|#[a-f0-9]{3,6}|[a-z]+))*$/i.test(line)) { parts = line.split(","); var expanded = []; var i=0; var j=0; while (i<parts.length) { var x = parts[i++]; var y = parts[i++]; col = parts[i++]; if (/#[a-f0-9]{3,6}|[a-z]/i.test(col)) { col = colours.getRGB(col); if (col === null) { // invalid colour, go no further return; } } else { col += ","+parts[i++]+","+parts[i++]; } if (x === '*') { x = "0-7"; } if (y === '*') { y = "0-7"; } var x0,x1; var y0,y1; if (x.indexOf("-") === -1) { x0 = x1 = parseInt(x); } else { var px = x.split("-"); x0 = parseInt(px[0]); x1 = parseInt(px[1]); if (x1<x0) { j = x1; x1 = x0; x0 = j; } } if (y.indexOf("-") === -1) { y0 = y1 = parseInt(y); } else { var py = y.split("-"); y0 = parseInt(py[0]); y1 = parseInt(py[1]); if (y1<y0) { j = y1; y1 = y0; y0 = j; } } x = x0; while (x<=x1) { y = y0; while (y<=y1) { expanded.push([x,y,col]); y++; } x++; } } if (expanded.length > 0) { var pixels = {}; var rules = []; for (i=expanded.length-1; i>=0; i--) { var rule = expanded[i]; if (!pixels[rule[0]+","+rule[1]]) { rules.unshift(rule.join(",")); currentDisplay[Number(rule[1])][Number(rule[0])] = rule[2]; pixels[rule[0]+","+rule[1]] = true; } } if (rules.length > 0) { command = "P"+rules.join(","); } } } if (!command) { if (/^R(0|90|180|270)$/i.test(line)) { command = line.toUpperCase(); currentRotation = command; } else if (/^F(H|V)$/i.test(line)) { command = line.toUpperCase(); if (command === 'FH') { currentFlipH = !currentFlipH; } else { currentFlipV = !currentFlipV; } } else if (/^D(0|1)$/i.test(line)) { command = line.toUpperCase(); } else { command = handleTextMessage(line,msg); } } if (command) { //console.log(command); HAT.send(command); } }); } }); } RED.nodes.registerType("rpi-sensehatsim out",SenseHatOutNode); RED.httpAdmin.get("/sensehat-simulator", RED.auth.needsPermission(''), function(req,res) { res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname,"public","index.html")); }); }