{ "rpi-gpio": { "label": { "gpiopin": "GPIO", "selectpin": "select pin", "resistor": "Resistor?", "readinitial": "Read initial state of pin on deploy/restart?", "type": "Type", "initpin": "Initialise pin state?", "debounce": "Debounce", "freq": "Frequency", "button": "Button", "pimouse": "Pi Mouse", "pikeyboard": "Pi Keyboard", "left": "Left", "right": "Right", "middle": "Middle" }, "resistor": { "none": "none", "pullup": "pullup", "pulldown": "pulldown" }, "digout": "Digital output", "pwmout": "PWM output", "servo": "Servo output", "initpin0": "initial level of pin - low (0)", "initpin1": "initial level of pin - high (1)", "left": "left", "right": "right", "middle": "middle", "any": "any", "pinname": "Pin", "alreadyuse": "already in use", "alreadyset": "already set as", "tip": { "pin": "Pins in Use: ", "in": "Tip: Only Digital Input is supported - input must be 0 or 1.", "dig": "Tip: For digital output - input must be 0 or 1.", "pwm": "Tip: For PWM output - input must be between 0 to 100; setting high frequency might occupy more CPU than expected.", "ser": "Tip: For Servo output - input must be between 0 to 100. 50 is centre." }, "types": { "digout": "digital output", "input": "input", "pullup": "input with pull up", "pulldown": "input with pull down", "pwmout": "PWM output", "servo": "Servo output" }, "status": { "stopped": "stopped", "closed": "closed", "not-running": "not running", "not-available": "not available", "na": "N/A : __value__" }, "errors": { "ignorenode": "Raspberry Pi specific node set inactive", "version": "Failed to get version from Pi", "sawpitype": "Saw Pi Type", "libnotfound": "Cannot find Pi RPi.GPIO python library", "alreadyset": "GPIO pin __pin__ already set as type: __type__", "invalidpin": "Invalid GPIO pin", "invalidinput": "Invalid input", "needtobeexecutable": "__command__ needs to be executable", "mustbeexecutable": "nrgpio must to be executable", "commandnotfound": "nrgpio command not found", "commandnotexecutable": "nrgpio command not executable", "error": "error: __error__", "pythoncommandnotfound": "nrgpio python command not running" } } }