module.exports = function(RED) { /*jshint -W082 */ "use strict"; var settings = RED.settings; var events = require("events"); const { SerialPort } = require('serialport'); var bufMaxSize = 32768; // Max serial buffer size, for inputs... const serialReconnectTime = settings.serialReconnectTime || 15000; // TODO: 'serialPool' should be encapsulated in SerialPortNode // Configuration Node function SerialPortNode(n) { RED.nodes.createNode(this,n); this.serialport = n.serialport; this.newline = n.newline; /* overloaded: split character, timeout, or character count */ this.addchar = n.addchar || ""; this.serialbaud = parseInt(n.serialbaud) || 57600; this.databits = parseInt(n.databits) || 8; this.parity = n.parity || "none"; this.stopbits = parseInt(n.stopbits) || 1; this.dtr = n.dtr || "none"; this.rts = n.rts || "none"; this.cts = n.cts || "none"; this.dsr = n.dsr || "none"; this.bin = n.bin || "false"; this.out = n.out || "char"; this.enabled = n.enabled || true; this.waitfor = n.waitfor || ""; this.responsetimeout = n.responsetimeout || 10000; this.changePort = (serialPort) => { serialPool.close(this.serialport,() => {}); this.serialport = serialPort.serialport || this.serialport; this.serialbaud = parseInt(serialPort.serialbaud) || this.serialbaud; this.databits = parseInt(serialPort.databits) || this.databits; this.parity = serialPort.parity || this.parity; this.stopbits = parseInt(serialPort.stopbits) || this.stopbits; this.dtr = serialPort.dtr || this.dtr; this.rts = serialPort.rts || this.rts; this.cts = serialPort.cts || this.cts; this.dsr = serialPort.dsr || this.dsr; this.bin = serialPort.bin || this.bin; this.out = serialPort.out || this.out; } } RED.nodes.registerType("serial-port",SerialPortNode); // receives msgs and sends them to the serial port function SerialOutNode(n) { RED.nodes.createNode(this,n); this.serialConfig = RED.nodes.getNode(n.serial); if (!this.serialConfig) { this.error(RED._("serial.errors.missing-conf"), {}); return; } this.serial = n.serial; var node = this; node.port = serialPool.get(this.serialConfig); var serialConfig = this.serialConfig; this.serialConfig.on('start', function() { node.port = serialPool.get(serialConfig); }); node.on("input",function(msg) { if (msg.hasOwnProperty("baudrate")) { var baud = parseInt(msg.baudrate); if (isNaN(baud)) { node.error(RED._("serial.errors.badbaudrate"),msg); } else { node.port.update({baudRate: baud},function(err,res) { if (err) { var errmsg = err.toString().replace("Serialport","Serialport "+node.port.serial.path); node.error(errmsg,msg); } }); } } if (!msg.hasOwnProperty("payload")) { return; } // do nothing unless we have a payload var payload = node.port.encodePayload(msg.payload); node.port.write(payload,function(err,res) { if (err) { var errmsg = err.toString().replace("Serialport","Serialport "+node.port.serial.path); node.error(errmsg,msg); } }); }); node.port.on('ready', function() { node.status({fill:"green",shape:"dot",text:"node-red:common.status.connected"}); }); node.port.on('closed', function() { node.status({fill:"red",shape:"ring",text:"node-red:common.status.not-connected"}); }); node.port.on('stopped', function() { node.status({fill:"grey",shape:"ring",text:"serial.status.stopped"}); }); } RED.nodes.registerType("serial out",SerialOutNode); // receives data from the serial port and emits msgs function SerialInNode(n) { RED.nodes.createNode(this,n); this.serialConfig = RED.nodes.getNode(n.serial); if (!this.serialConfig) { this.error(RED._("serial.errors.missing-conf"), {}); return; } this.serial = n.serial; var node = this; this.serialConfig.on('start', function() { setCallback(node, node.serialConfig); }); this.on("close", function(done) { serialPool.close(this.serialConfig.serialport,done); }); function setCallback(node) { node.status({fill:"grey",shape:"dot",text:"node-red:common.status.not-connected"}); node.port = serialPool.get(node.serialConfig); node.port.on('data', function(msgout) { node.send(msgout); }); node.port.on('ready', function() { node.status({fill:"green",shape:"dot",text:"node-red:common.status.connected"}); }); node.port.on('closed', function() { node.status({fill:"red",shape:"ring",text:"node-red:common.status.not-connected"}); }); node.port.on('stopped', function() { node.status({fill:"grey",shape:"ring",text:"serial.status.stopped"}); }); } setCallback(node) } RED.nodes.registerType("serial in",SerialInNode); // request data and waits for reply function SerialRequestNode(n) { RED.nodes.createNode(this,n); this.serial = n.serial; this.serialConfig = RED.nodes.getNode(this.serial); if (this.serialConfig) { var node = this; node.port = serialPool.get(this.serialConfig); // Serial Out node.on("input",function(msg) { if (msg.hasOwnProperty("baudrate")) { var baud = parseInt(msg.baudrate); if (isNaN(baud)) { node.error(RED._("serial.errors.badbaudrate"),msg); } else { node.port.update({baudRate: baud},function(err,res) { if (err) { var errmsg = err.toString().replace("Serialport","Serialport "+node.port.serial.path); node.error(errmsg,msg); } }); } } if (!msg.hasOwnProperty("payload")) { return; } // do nothing unless we have a payload if (msg.hasOwnProperty("count") && (typeof msg.count === "number") && (node.serialConfig.out === "count")) { node.serialConfig.newline = msg.count; } if (msg.hasOwnProperty("flush") && msg.flush === true) { node.port.serial.flush(); } node.status({fill:"yellow",shape:"dot",text:"serial.status.waiting"}); node.port.enqueue(msg,node,function(err,res) { if (err) { var errmsg = err.toString().replace("Serialport","Serialport "+node.port.serial.path); node.error(errmsg,msg); } }); }); let serialConfig = this.serialConfig; serialConfig.on('start', function() { node.port = serialPool.get(serialConfig); setCallback(node); }); // Serial In function setCallback(node) { node.port.on('data', function (msgout, sender) { // serial request will only process incoming data pertaining to its own request (i.e. when it's at the head of the queue) if (sender !== node) { return; } node.status({ fill: "green", shape: "dot", text: "node-red:common.status.ok" }); msgout.status = "OK"; node.send(msgout); }); node.port.on('timeout', function (msgout, sender) { if (sender !== node) { return; } msgout.status = "ERR_TIMEOUT"; node.status({ fill: "red", shape: "ring", text: "serial.status.timeout" }); node.send(msgout); }); node.port.on('ready', function () { node.status({ fill: "green", shape: "dot", text: "node-red:common.status.connected" }); }); node.port.on('closed', function () { node.status({ fill: "red", shape: "ring", text: "node-red:common.status.not-connected" }); }); node.port.on('stopped', function() { node.status({fill:"grey",shape:"ring",text:"serial.status.stopped"}); }); } setCallback(node); } else { this.error(RED._("serial.errors.missing-conf"), {}); } this.on("close", function(done) { if (this.serialConfig) { serialPool.close(this.serialConfig.serialport,done); } else { done(); } }); } RED.nodes.registerType("serial request", SerialRequestNode); // control node to stop, start, reconfigure ports function SerialControlNode(n) { const configProps = [ "serialport", "serialbaud", "databits", "parity", "stopbits", "dtr", "rts", "cts", "dsr" ] RED.nodes.createNode(this,n); this.serialConfig = RED.nodes.getNode(n.serial); if (!this.serialConfig) { this.error(RED._("serial.errors.missing-conf"), {}); return; } this.serial = n.serial; var node = this; node.port = serialPool.get(node.serialConfig); node.port.on('stopped', function() { node.status({fill:"grey",shape:"ring",text:"serial.status.stopped"}); }); node.port.on('ready', function() { node.status({fill:"green",shape:"dot",text:node.serialConfig.serialbaud+","+node.serialConfig.databits+","+(node.serialConfig.parity.toUpperCase().substr(0,1))+","+node.serialConfig.stopbits}); }); node.on("input",function(msg) { if (msg.hasOwnProperty("flush") && msg.flush === true) { node.port.serial.flush(); } if (configProps.some((p) => { return msg.payload.hasOwnProperty(p) })) { msg.payload.enabled = msg.payload.hasOwnProperty('enabled') ? msg.payload.enabled : true; node.serialConfig.changePort(msg.payload); } var stat = {fill:"green",shape:"dot",text:node.serialConfig.serialbaud+","+node.serialConfig.databits+","+(node.serialConfig.parity.toUpperCase().substr(0,1))+","+node.serialConfig.stopbits} if (msg.payload.hasOwnProperty("enabled")) { node.serialConfig.enabled = msg.payload.enabled; if (msg.payload.enabled === true || msg.payload.enabled === "true") { node.serialConfig.emit('start'); } else { serialPool.close(node.serialConfig.serialport,() => {"[serialconfig:""] " + RED._("serial.stopped",{port:node.serialConfig.serialport})); }); stat.fill = "grey"; stat.shape = "ring"; } } let currentConfig = {}; => { currentConfig[p] = node.serialConfig[p]; }); currentConfig.enabled = node.serialConfig.enabled; node.status(stat); node.send({payload:currentConfig}); }); } RED.nodes.registerType("serial control", SerialControlNode); var serialPool = (function() { var connections = {}; return { get:function(serialConfig) { // make local copy of configuration -- perhaps not needed? var port = serialConfig.serialport, baud = serialConfig.serialbaud, databits = serialConfig.databits, parity = serialConfig.parity, stopbits = serialConfig.stopbits, dtr = serialConfig.dtr, rts = serialConfig.rts, cts = serialConfig.cts, dsr = serialConfig.dsr, newline = ""+serialConfig.newline, spliton = serialConfig.out, waitfor = serialConfig.waitfor, binoutput = serialConfig.bin, addchar = serialConfig.addchar, responsetimeout = serialConfig.responsetimeout; var id = port; // just return the connection object if already have one // key is the port (file path) if (connections[id]) { return connections[id]; } // State variables to be used by the on('data') handler var i = 0; // position in the buffer // .newline is misleading as its meaning depends on the split input policy: // "char" : a msg will be sent after a character with value .newline is received // "time" : a msg will be sent after .newline milliseconds // "count" : a msg will be sent after .newline characters // if we use "count", we already know how big the buffer will be var bufSize = (spliton === "count") ? Number(newline): bufMaxSize; waitfor = waitfor.replace("\\n","\n").replace("\\r","\r").replace("\\t","\t").replace("\\e","\e").replace("\\f","\f").replace("\\0","\0"); // jshint ignore:line if (waitfor.substr(0,2) == "0x") { waitfor = parseInt(waitfor,16); } if (waitfor.length === 1) { waitfor = waitfor.charCodeAt(0); } var active = (waitfor === "") ? true : false; var buf = new Buffer.alloc(bufSize); var splitc; // split character // Parse the split character onto a 1-char buffer we can immediately compare against if (newline.substr(0,2) == "0x") { splitc = new Buffer.from([newline]); } else { splitc = new Buffer.from(newline.replace("\\n","\n").replace("\\r","\r").replace("\\t","\t").replace("\\e","\e").replace("\\f","\f").replace("\\0","\0")); // jshint ignore:line } if (addchar === true) { addchar = splitc; } addchar = addchar.replace("\\n","\n").replace("\\r","\r").replace("\\t","\t").replace("\\e","\e").replace("\\f","\f").replace("\\0","\0"); // jshint ignore:line if (addchar.substr(0,2) == "0x") { addchar = new Buffer.from([addchar]); } connections[id] = (function() { var obj = { _emitter: new events.EventEmitter(), serial: null, _closing: false, tout: null, queue: [], on: function(a,b) { this._emitter.on(a,b); }, close: function(cb) { this.serial.close(cb); }, encodePayload: function (payload) { if (!Buffer.isBuffer(payload)) { if (typeof payload === "object") { payload = JSON.stringify(payload); } else { payload = payload.toString(); } if (addchar !== "") { payload += addchar; } } else if (addchar !== "") { payload = Buffer.concat([payload,Buffer.from(addchar)]); } return payload; }, write: function(m,cb) { this.serial.write(m,cb); }, update: function(m,cb) { this.serial.update(m,cb); }, enqueue: function(msg,sender,cb) { var payload = this.encodePayload(msg.payload); var qobj = { sender: sender, msg: msg, payload: payload, cb: cb, } this.queue.push(qobj); // If we're enqueing the first message in line, // we shall send it right away if (this.queue.length === 1) { this.writehead(); } }, writehead: function() { if (!this.queue.length) { return; } var qobj = this.queue[0]; this.write(qobj.payload,qobj.cb); var msg = qobj.msg; var timeout = msg.timeout || responsetimeout; this.tout = setTimeout(function () { this.tout = null; var msgout = obj.dequeue() || {}; msgout.port = port; // if we have some leftover stuff, just send it if (i !== 0) { var m = buf.slice(0,i); m = Buffer.from(m); i = 0; if (binoutput !== "bin") { m = m.toString(); } msgout.payload = m; } /* Notify the sender that a timeout occurred */ obj._emitter.emit('timeout',msgout,qobj.sender); }, timeout); }, dequeue: function() { // if we are trying to dequeue stuff from an // empty queue, that's an unsolicited message if (!this.queue.length) { return null; } var msg = Object.assign({}, this.queue[0].msg); msg = Object.assign(msg, { request_payload: msg.payload, request_msgid: msg._msgid, }); delete msg.payload; if (this.tout) { clearTimeout(obj.tout); obj.tout = null; } this.queue.shift(); this.writehead(); return msg; }, } //newline = newline.replace("\\n","\n").replace("\\r","\r"); obj._emitter.setMaxListeners(50); var olderr = ""; var setupSerial = function() { obj.serial = new SerialPort({ path: port, baudRate: baud, dataBits: databits, parity: parity, stopBits: stopbits, //parser: serialp.parsers.raw, autoOpen: true }, function(err, results) { if (err) { if (err.toString() !== olderr) { olderr = err.toString(); RED.log.error("[serialconfig:""] "+RED._("serial.errors.error",{port:port,error:olderr}), {}); } obj.tout = setTimeout(function() { setupSerial(); }, serialReconnectTime); } }); obj.serial.on('error', function(err) { RED.log.error("[serialconfig:""] "+RED._("serial.errors.error",{port:port,error:err.toString()}), {}); obj._emitter.emit('closed'); if (obj.tout) { clearTimeout(obj.tout); } obj.tout = setTimeout(function() { setupSerial(); }, serialReconnectTime); }); obj.serial.on('close', function() { if (!obj._closing) { if (olderr !== "unexpected") { olderr = "unexpected"; RED.log.error("[serialconfig:""] "+RED._("serial.errors.unexpected-close",{port:port}), {}); } obj._emitter.emit('closed'); if (obj.tout) { clearTimeout(obj.tout); } obj.tout = setTimeout(function() { setupSerial(); }, serialReconnectTime); } else { obj._emitter.emit('stopped'); } }); obj.serial.on('open',function() { olderr = "";"[serialconfig:""] "+RED._("serial.onopen",{port:port,baud:baud,config: databits+""+parity.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+stopbits})); // Set flow control pins if necessary. Must be set all in same command. var flags = {}; if (dtr != "none") { flags.dtr = (dtr!="low"); } if (rts != "none") { flags.rts = (rts!="low"); } if (cts != "none") { flags.cts = (cts!="low"); } if (dsr != "none") { flags.dsr = (dsr!="low"); } if (dtr != "none" || rts != "none" || cts != "none" || dsr != "none") { obj.serial.set(flags); } if (obj.tout) { clearTimeout(obj.tout); obj.tout = null; } //obj.serial.flush(); obj._emitter.emit('ready'); }); obj.serial.on('data',function(d) { function emitData(data) { if (active === true) { var m = Buffer.from(data); var last_sender = null; if (obj.queue.length) { last_sender = obj.queue[0].sender; } if (binoutput !== "bin") { m = m.toString(); } var msgout = obj.dequeue() || {}; msgout.payload = m; msgout.port = port; obj._emitter.emit('data', msgout, last_sender); } active = (waitfor === "") ? true : false; } for (var z=0; z= parseInt(newline)) { emitData(buf.slice(0,i)); i=0; } } // look to match char... else if (spliton === "char") { if ((c === splitc[0]) || (i === bufMaxSize)) { emitData(buf.slice(0,i)); i=0; } } } }); // obj.serial.on("disconnect",function() { // RED.log.error(RED._("serial.errors.disconnected",{port:port})); // }); } setupSerial(); return obj; }()); return connections[id]; }, close: function(port,done) { if (connections[port]) { if (connections[port].tout != null) { clearTimeout(connections[port].tout); } connections[port]._closing = true; try { connections[port].close(function() {"serial.errors.closed",{port:port}), {}); done(); }); } catch(err) { } delete connections[port]; } else { done(); } } } }()); RED.httpAdmin.get("/serialports", RED.auth.needsPermission(''), function(req,res) { SerialPort.list().then( ports => { const a = => p.path); res.json(a); }, err => { res.json([RED._("serial.errors.list")]); } ) }); }