node-red-node-sensortag ======================= This node adds support to Node-RED to read from the Texas Instruments SensorTag. Pre-requisites -------------- You will need a suitable Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) stack and drivers for your hardware - for example Bluez 5.2.x or better. #### Raspberry Pi Install Bluetooth drivers and bluez stack, and set executeable by non-root user sudo apt-get install libbluetooth-dev libudev-dev pi-bluetooth sudo setcap cap_net_raw+eip $(eval readlink -f `which node`) Install ------- Run the following command in your Node-RED user directory - typically `~/.node-red` npm i node-red-node-sensortag Usage ----- The SensorTag is a Bluetooth LE device hosting the following sensors: * Humidity and Temperature * Ambient & IR Temperatures * Barometric Pressure * 3 axis Accelerometer * 3 axis Gyroscope * 3 axis Magnetometer * 2 push Buttons * 1 Luxometer (CC2650 version only) The config node allows the user to enable/disable any of the sensors listed above. The readings from these sensors will be sent as a JSON object payload with the sensor name appended to the topic provided: * Humidity - { topic: [topic_prefix]/humidity , payload: { temp: 21.2, humidity: 88} } * Temperature - { topic: [topic_prefix]/temperature, payload: { ambient: 21.2, object: 33.0 } } * Barometric Pressure - { topic: [topic_prefix]/pressure, payload: { pres: 1000 } } * Accelerometer - { topic: [topic_prefix]/accelerometer , payload: { x:0.0, y:9.8, z:0.0 } } * Magnetometer - { topic: [topic_prefix]/magnetometer , payload: { x:0.0, y:0.0, z:0.0 } } * Gyroscope - { topic: [topic_prefix]/gyroscope , payload: { x:0.0, y:0.0, z:0.0 } } * Luxometer - { topic: [topic_prefix]/luxometer , payload: { lux: 212 } } * Buttons - { topic: [topic_prefix]/keys , payload: { left: true, right: false} } The sensorTag library used by this node only supports using 1 SensorTag at a time. **NOTE:** On Linux Node-RED needs to be run as root in order or access the Linux Bluetooth 4.0 system calls