<!-- ## Before you hit that Submit button.... This issue tracker is for problems with the extra nodes maintained by the Node-RED project. If your issue is: - a general 'how-to' type question, - a feature request or suggestion for a change, - or problems with 3rd party (`node-red-contrib-`) nodes please use the [Node-RED Forum](https://discourse.nodered.org) or [slack team](https://nodered.org/slack), or ask a question on [Stack Overflow](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/node-red) and tag it `node-red`. That way the whole Node-RED user community can help, rather than rely on the core development team. ## So you have a real issue to raise... To help us understand the issue, please fill-in as much of the following information as you can: --> ### Which node are you reporting an issue on? ### What are the steps to reproduce? ### What happens? ### What do you expect to happen? ### Please tell us about your environment: - [ ] Node-RED version: - [ ] node.js version: - [ ] npm version: - [ ] Platform/OS: - [ ] Browser: