module.exports = function(RED) { "use strict"; var spawn = require("child_process").spawn; var plat = require("os").platform(); function doPing(node, host, arrayMode) { const defTimeout = 5000; var ex, hostOptions, commandLineOptions; if (typeof host === "string") { hostOptions = { host: host, timeout: defTimeout } } else { hostOptions = host; hostOptions.timeout = isNaN(parseInt(hostOptions.timeout)) ? defTimeout : parseInt(hostOptions.timeout); } //clamp timeout between 1 and 30 sec hostOptions.timeout = hostOptions.timeout < 1000 ? 1000 : hostOptions.timeout; hostOptions.timeout = hostOptions.timeout > 30000 ? 30000 : hostOptions.timeout; var timeoutS = Math.round(hostOptions.timeout / 1000); //whole numbers only var msg = { payload:false, }; //only include the extra msg object if operating in advance/array mode. if (arrayMode) { = hostOptions } if (plat == "linux" || plat == "android") { commandLineOptions = ["-n", "-w", timeoutS, "-c", "1"] } else if (plat.match(/^win/)) { commandLineOptions = ["-n", "1", "-w", hostOptions.timeout] } else if (plat == "darwin" || plat == "freebsd") { commandLineOptions = ["-n", "-t", timeoutS, "-c", "1"] } else { node.error("Sorry - your platform - "+plat+" - is not recognised.", msg); return; //dont pass go - just return! } //spawn with timeout in case of os issue ex = spawn("ping", [...commandLineOptions,]); //monitor every spawned process & SIGINT if too long var spawnTout = setTimeout(() => { node.log(`ping - Host '${}' process timeout - sending SIGINT`) try { if (ex && { ex.kill("SIGINT"); } } catch(e) {console.warn(e); } }, hostOptions.timeout+1000); //add 1s for grace var res = false; var line = ""; var fail = false; //var regex = /from.*time.(.*)ms/; var regex = /=.*[<|=]([0-9]*).*TTL|ttl..*=([0-9\.]*)/; ex.stdout.on("data", function (data) { line += data.toString(); }); ex.on("exit", function (err) { clearTimeout(spawnTout); }); ex.on("error", function (err) { fail = true; if (err.code === "ENOENT") { node.error(err.code + " ping command not found", msg); } else if (err.code === "EACCES") { node.error(err.code + " can't run ping command", msg); } else { node.error(err.code, msg); } }); ex.on("close", function (code) { if (fail) { fail = false; return; } var m = regex.exec(line)||""; if (m !== "") { if (m[1]) { res = Number(m[1]); } if (m[2]) { res = Number(m[2]); } } if (code === 0) { msg.payload = res } try { node.send(msg); } catch(e) {console.warn(e)} }); } function PingNode(n) { RED.nodes.createNode(this,n); this.mode = n.mode; =; this.timer = n.timer * 1000; var node = this; function generatePingList(str) { return (str + "").split(",").map((e) => (e + "").trim()).filter((e) => e != ""); } function clearPingInterval() { if (node.tout) { clearInterval(node.tout); } } if (node.mode === "triggered") { clearPingInterval(); } else if (node.timer) { node.tout = setInterval(function() { let pingables = generatePingList(; for (let index = 0; index < pingables.length; index++) { const element = pingables[index]; if (element) { doPing(node, element, false); } } }, node.timer); } this.on("input", function (msg) { let node = this; let payload = || msg.payload; if (typeof payload == "string") { let pingables = generatePingList(payload) for (let index = 0; index < pingables.length; index++) { const element = pingables[index]; if (element) { doPing(node, element, false); } } } else if (Array.isArray(payload) ) { for (let index = 0; index < payload.length; index++) { const element = payload[index]; if (element) { doPing(node, element, true); } } } }); this.on("close", function() { clearPingInterval(); }); } RED.nodes.registerType("ping",PingNode); }