module.exports = function (RED) { "use strict"; const SNMP = require("net-snmp"); const sessions = {}; function generateUUID() { let d =; let d2 = ((typeof performance !== 'undefined') && && ( * 1000)) || ( * Math.random() * 100000);//Time in microseconds since load return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function (c) { let r = Math.random() * 16;//random number between 0 and 16 if (d > 0) {//Use timestamp until depleted r = (d + r) % 16 | 0; d = Math.floor(d / 16); } else {//Use microseconds since page-load if supported r = (d2 + r) % 16 | 0; d2 = Math.floor(d2 / 16); } return (c === 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3 | 0x8)).toString(16); }); } function openSession(sessionid, host, user, options) { // SNMPv3 call if (options.version === SNMP.Version3) { sessions[sessionid] = SNMP.createV3Session(host, user, options); } // SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c call else { sessions[sessionid] = SNMP.createSession(host,, options); } return sessions[sessionid]; } // Any session needs to be closed after completion function closeSession(sessionid) { try { sessions[sessionid].removeAllListeners(); } catch (e) { } try { sessions[sessionid].close(); } catch (e) { } delete sessions[sessionid]; } function initSnmpNode(node, config) { =; =; node.version = config.version; node.auth = config.auth; node.authprot = config.authprot; node.privprot = config.privprot; if (node.credentials) { node.username = node.credentials.username; node.authkey = node.credentials.authkey; node.privkey = node.credentials.privkey; } node.timeout = Number(config.timeout || 5) * 1000; } function prepareSnmpOptions(node, msg) { let host = ||; const sessionid = generateUUID(); const user = {} const options = {}; const compat = { "v1": "1", "v2": "2c", "v2c": "2c", "v3": "3" }; if(compat[node.version]) { node.version = compat[node.version]; } else if(["1","2c","3"].indexOf(node.version) < 0) { node.version = "1"; } options.version = node.version; if (node.version === "1") { options.version = SNMP.Version1; = ||; } else if (node.version === "2c") { options.version = SNMP.Version2c; = ||; } else if (node.version === "3") { = node.username || msg.username || ""; user.level = SNMP.SecurityLevel.noAuthNoPriv; user.authProtocol = SNMP.AuthProtocols.none; user.authKey = ""; user.privProtocol = SNMP.PrivProtocols.none; user.privKey = ""; options.version = SNMP.Version3; if (node.auth === "authNoPriv" || node.auth === "authPriv") { user.level = SNMP.SecurityLevel.authNoPriv; user.authProtocol = (node.authprot === "SHA") ? SNMP.AuthProtocols.sha : SNMP.AuthProtocols.md5; user.authKey = node.authkey || msg.authkey || ""; if (node.auth === "authPriv") { user.level = SNMP.SecurityLevel.authPriv; if (node.privprot === "DES" || node.privprot === "AES") { user.privProtocol = (node.privprot === "AES") ? SNMP.PrivProtocols.aes : SNMP.PrivProtocols.des; user.privKey = node.privkey || msg.privkey || ""; } } } } options.timeout = node.timeout; options.debug = msg.debug || undefined; options.port = options.port || 161; options.retries = options.retries || 1; if (msg.engineID) { options.engineID = msg.engineID;//The engineID used for SNMPv3 communications, given as a hex string - defaults to a system-generated engineID containing elements of random } if (msg.backoff) { options.backoff = msg.backoff;//The factor by which to increase the timeout for every retry, defaults to 1 for no increase } if (msg.backwardsGetNexts) { options.backwardsGetNexts = msg.backwardsGetNexts;//boolean to allow GetNext operations to retrieve lexicographically preceding OIDs } if (msg.idBitsSize === 16 || msg.idBitsSize === 32) { options.idBitsSize = msg.idBitsSize;//Either 16 or 32, defaults to 32. Used to reduce the size of the generated id for compatibility with some older devices. } const ipv = parseIP(host); if (ipv.version === 4) { host = ipv.ip; options.port = ipv.port || options.port; options.transport = 'udp4'; } else if (ipv.version === 6) { host = ipv.ip; options.port = ipv.port || options.port; options.transport = 'udp6'; } else { //probably a host name if (host.indexOf(":") > 0) { host = host.split(":")[0]; options.port = host.split(":")[1]; } } return { host: host, sessionid: sessionid, user: user, options: options, } } function parseIP(ip) { const IPV4_PAT = /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)(?::(\d+)){0,1}$/g; const IPV6_DOUBLE_COL_PAT = /^\[{0,1}([0-9a-f:]*)::([0-9a-f:]*)(?:\]:(\d+)){0,1}$/g; const ipv4Matcher = IPV4_PAT.exec(ip); let hex = ""; let port; let ipOnly = []; try { if (ipv4Matcher && ipv4Matcher.length) { for (let i = 1; i <= 4; i++) { ipOnly.push(ipv4Matcher[i]); hex += toHex4(ipv4Matcher[i]); } if (ipv4Matcher[5]) { port = parseInt(ipv4Matcher[5]); } return { ip: ipOnly.join("."), hex, port, version: 4 }; } // IPV6 Must be colons format (a:b:c:d:e:A.B.C.D not currently supported) let ipv6Pattern = "^\\[{0,1}"; for (let i = 1; i <= 7; i++) { ipv6Pattern += "([0-9a-f]+):"; } ipv6Pattern += "([0-9a-f]+)(?:\\]:(\\d+)){0,1}$"; const IPV6_PAT = new RegExp(ipv6Pattern); // IPV6, double colon const ipv6DoubleColonMatcher = IPV6_DOUBLE_COL_PAT.exec(ip); if (ipv6DoubleColonMatcher && ipv6DoubleColonMatcher.length) { let p1 = ipv6DoubleColonMatcher[1]; if (!p1) { p1 = "0"; } let p2 = ipv6DoubleColonMatcher[2]; if (!p2) { p2 = "0"; } p1 = p1.padStart(4, "0"); p2 = p2.padStart(4, "0"); ip = p1 + getZeros(8 - numCount(p1) - numCount(p2)) + p2; if (ipv6DoubleColonMatcher[3]) { ip = "[" + ip + "]:" + ipv6DoubleColonMatcher[3]; } } // IPV6 const ipv6Matcher = IPV6_PAT.exec(ip); if (ipv6Matcher && ipv6Matcher.length) { for (let i = 1; i <= 8; i++) { const p = toHex6(ipv6Matcher[i]).padStart(4, "0"); ipOnly.push(p); hex += p; } if (ipv6Matcher[9]) { port = parseInt(ipv6Matcher[9]); } return { ip: ipOnly.join(":"), hex, port, version: 6 }; } throw new Error("Unknown address: " + ip); } catch (error) { return { ip, hex, port, version: null, error: error }; } function numCount(/** @type {string} */s) { return s.split(":").length; } function getZeros(/** @type {number} */ count) { const sb = [":"]; while (count > 0) { sb.push("0000:"); count--; } return sb.join(""); } function toHex4(/** @type {string} */ s) { const val = parseInt(s); if (val < 0 || val > 255) { throw new Error("Invalid value : " + s); } return val.toString(16).padStart(2, "0"); } function toHex6(/** @type {string} */ s) { const val = parseInt(s, 16); if (val < 0 || val > 65536) { throw new Error("Invalid hex value : " + s); } return s; } } function SnmpNode(n) { const node = this; RED.nodes.createNode(node, n); initSnmpNode(node, n); node.oids = n.oids ? n.oids.replace(/\s/g, "") : ""; node.on("input", function (msg) { const oids = node.oids || msg.oid; const { host, sessionid, user, options } = prepareSnmpOptions(node, msg); if (oids) { let sess = openSession(sessionid, host, user, options); sess.on("error", function (err) { node.error(err, msg); }) sess.get(oids.split(","), function (error, varbinds) { if (error) { node.error(error.toString(), msg); } else { for (let i = 0; i < varbinds.length; i++) { let vb = varbinds[i]; if (SNMP.isVarbindError(vb)) { node.error(SNMP.varbindError(vb), msg); vb._error = SNMP.varbindError(vb); //add _error to msg so users can determine the varbind is not valid } else { if (vb.type == 4) { vb.value = vb.value.toString(); } } vb.tstr = SNMP.ObjectType[vb.type]; } msg.payload = varbinds; msg.oid = oids; node.send(msg); } closeSession(sessionid); // Needed to close the session else a bad or good read could affect future readings }); } else { node.warn("No oid(s) to search for"); } }); } RED.nodes.registerType("snmp", SnmpNode, { credentials: { username: { type: "text" }, authkey: { type: "password" }, privkey: { type: "password" } } }); function SnmpSNode(n) { const node = this; RED.nodes.createNode(node, n); initSnmpNode(node, n); node.varbinds = n.varbinds; if (node.varbinds && node.varbinds.trim().length === 0) { delete node.varbinds; } node.on("input", function (msg) { const { host, sessionid, user, options } = prepareSnmpOptions(node, msg); const varbinds = (node.varbinds) ? JSON.parse(node.varbinds) : msg.varbinds; if (varbinds) { for (let i = 0; i < varbinds.length; i++) { varbinds[i].type = SNMP.ObjectType[varbinds[i].type]; } let sess = openSession(sessionid, host, user, options); sess.on("error", function (err) { node.error(err, msg); }) sess.set(varbinds, function (error, varbinds) { if (error) { node.error(error.toString(), msg); } else { for (let i = 0; i < varbinds.length; i++) { // for version 2c we must check each OID for an error condition if (SNMP.isVarbindError(varbinds[i])) { node.error(SNMP.varbindError(varbinds[i]), msg); } } } closeSession(sessionid); }); } else { node.warn("No varbinds to set"); } }); } RED.nodes.registerType("snmp set", SnmpSNode, { credentials: { username: { type: "text" }, authkey: { type: "password" }, privkey: { type: "password" } } }); function SnmpTNode(n) { const node = this; RED.nodes.createNode(node, n); initSnmpNode(node, n); node.oids = n.oids ? n.oids.replace(/\s/g, "") : "" const maxRepetitions = 20; function sortInt(a, b) { if (a > b) { return 1; } else if (b > a) { return -1; } else { return 0; } } node.on("input", function (msg) { const oids = node.oids || msg.oid; const { host, sessionid, user, options } = prepareSnmpOptions(node, msg); if (oids) { msg.oid = oids; let sess = openSession(sessionid, host, user, options); sess.on("error", function (err) { node.error(err, msg); }) sess.table(oids, maxRepetitions, function (error, table) { if (error) { node.error(error.toString(), msg); } else { const indexes = []; for (let index in table) { if (table.hasOwnProperty(index)) { indexes.push(parseInt(index)); } } indexes.sort(sortInt); for (let i = 0; i < indexes.length; i++) { const columns = []; for (let column in table[indexes[i]]) { if (table[indexes[i]].hasOwnProperty(column)) { columns.push(parseInt(column)); } } columns.sort(sortInt); } msg.payload = table; node.send(msg); } closeSession(sessionid); }); } else { node.warn("No oid to search for"); } }); } RED.nodes.registerType("snmp table", SnmpTNode, { credentials: { username: { type: "text" }, authkey: { type: "password" }, privkey: { type: "password" } } }); function SnmpSubtreeNode(n) { const node = this; RED.nodes.createNode(node, n); initSnmpNode(node, n); node.oids = n.oids ? n.oids.replace(/\s/g, "") : "" const maxRepetitions = 20; node.on("input", function (msg) { const oids = node.oids || msg.oid; const { host, sessionid, user, options } = prepareSnmpOptions(node, msg); function feedCb(varbinds) { for (let i = 0; i < varbinds.length; i++) { if (SNMP.isVarbindError(varbinds[i])) { node.error(SNMP.varbindError(varbinds[i]), msg); } else { response.push({ oid: varbinds[i].oid, value: varbinds[i].value }); } } } if (oids) { msg.oid = oids; let sess = openSession(sessionid, host, user, options); sess.on("error", function (err) { node.error(err, msg); }) //move response array & feedCb to inside `node.on("input",` to avoid subsequent // calls overwriting results from previous operations (each call gets own result/response) const response = []; sess.subtree(msg.oid, maxRepetitions, feedCb, function (error) { if (error) { node.error(error.toString(), msg); } else { msg.payload = response; node.send(msg); } closeSession(sessionid); }); } else { node.warn("No oid to search for"); } }); } RED.nodes.registerType("snmp subtree", SnmpSubtreeNode, { credentials: { username: { type: "text" }, authkey: { type: "password" }, privkey: { type: "password" } } }); function SnmpWalkerNode(n) { const node = this; RED.nodes.createNode(node, n); initSnmpNode(node, n); node.oids = n.oids ? n.oids.replace(/\s/g, "") : "" const maxRepetitions = 20; node.on("input", function (msg) { const oids = node.oids || msg.oid; const { host, sessionid, user, options } = prepareSnmpOptions(node, msg); function feedCb(varbinds) { for (let i = 0; i < varbinds.length; i++) { if (SNMP.isVarbindError(varbinds[i])) { node.error(SNMP.varbindError(varbinds[i]), msg); } else { response.push({ oid: varbinds[i].oid, value: varbinds[i].value }); } } } if (oids) { msg.oid = oids; let sess = openSession(sessionid, host, user, options); sess.on("error", function (err) { node.error(err, msg); }) //move response array & feedCb to inside `node.on("input",` to avoid subsequent // calls overwriting results from previous operations (each call gets own result/response) const response = []; sess.walk(msg.oid, maxRepetitions, feedCb, function (error) { if (error) { node.error(error.toString(), msg); } else { msg.payload = response; node.send(msg); } closeSession(sessionid); }); } else { node.warn("No oid to search for"); } }); } RED.nodes.registerType("snmp walker", SnmpWalkerNode, { credentials: { username: { type: "text" }, authkey: { type: "password" }, privkey: { type: "password" } } }); };