node-red-node-pi-neopixel ========================= A Node-RED node to drive a strip of Neopixel or WS2812 LEDs. Pre-requisites -------------- The Unicorn HAT python drivers need to be pre-installed... This is the easiest way to get the neopixel driver installed... see the Pimorini Getting Started with Unicorn HAT page. curl -sS | bash Install ------- Run the following command in the root directory of your Node-RED install. Usually this is `~/.node-red` npm install node-red-node-pi-neopixel Usage ----- Defaults to a bar chart style mode using configured foreground and background colours. It can accept a number in **msg.payload** that can be either the number of pixels, or a percentage of the total length. If you want to change the foregound colour, you can set **msg.payload** to a comma separated string of `html_colour,length`. To set the background just set **msg.payload** `html_colour` name. Here is a list of html_colour names. The `nth` pixel is set by **msg.payload** with a CSV string `n,r,g,b` A range of pixels from `x` to `y` can be set by **msg.payload** with a CSV string `x,y,r,g,b` The pixels data line should be connected to Pi physical pin 12 - GPIO 18. *Note:* this may conflict with audio playback.