module.exports = function(RED) { "use strict"; function Base64Node(n) { RED.nodes.createNode(this,n); =||"payload"; var node = this; this.on("input", function(msg) { var value = RED.util.getMessageProperty(msg,; if (value !== undefined) { if (Buffer.isBuffer(value)) { // Take binary buffer and make into a base64 string value = value.toString('base64'); RED.util.setMessageProperty(msg,,value); node.send(msg); } else if (typeof value === "string") { // Take base64 string and make into binary buffer var load = value.replace(/\s+/g,''); // remove any whitespace var regexp = new RegExp('^[A-Za-z0-9+\/=]*$'); // check it only contains valid characters if ( regexp.test(load) && (load.length % 4 === 0) ) { value = new Buffer(load,'base64'); RED.util.setMessageProperty(msg,,value); node.send(msg); } else { //node.log("Not a Base64 string - maybe we should encode it..."); value = (new Buffer(value,"binary")).toString('base64'); RED.util.setMessageProperty(msg,,value); node.send(msg); } } else { node.warn("This node only handles strings or buffers."); } } else { node.warn("No property found to process"); } }); } RED.nodes.registerType("base64",Base64Node); }