mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 10:37:43 +00:00
132 lines
6.2 KiB
132 lines
6.2 KiB
module.exports = function(RED) {
"use strict";
function convertDegreesMinutesSecondsToDecimals(degrees, minutes, seconds) {
var result;
result = degrees + (minutes / 60) + (seconds / 3600);
return result;
function ExifNode(n) {
this.mode = n.mode || "normal";
if (this.mode === "worldmap") { this.property = "payload.content"; }
else { this.property = n.property || "payload"; }
var node = this;
var ExifReader = require('exifreader');
* Extracts GPS location information from Exif data. If enough information is
* provided, convert the Exif data into a pair of single floating point number
* latitude/longitude data pairs. Populates msg.location with these.
* Assumes that the msg object will always have exifData available as msg.exif.
* Assume that the GPS data saved into Exif provides a valid value
function addMsgLocationDataFromExifGPSData(msg,val) {
if (msg.exif.GPSAltitude) {
/* istanbul ignore else */
if (!msg.location) { msg.location = {}; }
msg.location.alt = parseFloat(msg.exif.GPSAltitude);
if (msg.exif.GPSLatitudeRef && msg.exif.GPSLatitude && msg.exif.GPSLongitudeRef && msg.exif.GPSLongitude) { // location can be determined, OK
if (!msg.location) { msg.location = {}; }
msg.location.lat = msg.exif.GPSLatitude;
msg.location.lon = msg.exif.GPSLongitude;
if (msg.exif.GPSLatitudeRef == "South latitude") {
msg.location.lat *= -1;
if (msg.exif.GPSLongitudeRef == "West longitude") {
msg.location.lon *= -1;
else {
node.log("The location of this image cannot be determined safely so no location information has been added to the message.");
if (msg.location) {
msg.location.arc = {
ranges: [100,300,500],
pan: msg.exif.GPSImgDirection ?? msg.exif.GimbalYawDegree,
fov: (2 * Math.atan(36 / (2 * msg.exif.FocalLengthIn35mmFilm)) * 180 / Math.PI),
color: '#aaaa00'
msg.location.icon = "fa-camera fa-lg";
if (msg.exif.Make === "DJI") { msg.location.icon = "quad"; }
if (msg.exif.Make === "Potensic") { msg.location.icon = "quad"; }
if (msg.exif.Make === "Parrot") { msg.location.icon = "quad"; }
msg.location.iconColor = "orange";
var na;
var pop = "";
if (val.hasOwnProperty("name")) { na = val.name; }
else if (msg.hasOwnProperty("filename")) {
na = msg.filename.split('/').pop();
pop = "Timestamp: "+msg.exif.DateTimeOriginal+"<br/>";
else { na = msg.exif.Make+"_"+msg.exif.DateTimeOriginal; }
msg.location.name = na;
msg.location.layer = "Images";
if (msg.exif.ImageDescription) {
pop = "Caption: "+msg.exif.ImageDescription+"<br/>"+pop;
pop += '<img width="280" src="data:image/jpeg;base64,'+val.toString("base64")+'"/>'
if (msg.location.lat && msg.location.lon) {
pop += "<br/>Lat, Lon: "+msg.location.lat+", "+msg.location.lon;
msg.location.popup = pop;
this.on("input", function(msg) {
if (node.mode === "worldmap" && Buffer.isBuffer(msg.payload)) { node.property = "payload"; }
else if (node.mode === "worldmap" && (msg.payload.action !== "file" || msg.payload.type.indexOf("image") === -1)) { return; } // in case worldmap-in not filtered.
try {
var value = RED.util.getMessageProperty(msg,node.property);
if (value !== undefined) {
if (typeof value === "string") { // it must be a base64 encoded inline image type
if (value.indexOf('data:image') !== -1) {
value = new Buffer.from(value.replace(/^data:image\/[a-z]+;base64,/, ""), 'base64');
else {
value = new Buffer.from(value, 'base64');
if (Buffer.isBuffer(value)) { // or a proper jpg buffer
msg.exif = ExifReader.load(value);
for (const p in msg.exif) {
if (msg.exif.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
msg.exif[p] = msg.exif[p].description
if (!isNaN(Number(msg.exif[p]))) {
msg.exif[p] = Number(msg.exif[p])
if (msg.exif && msg.exif.hasOwnProperty("GPSLatitude") && msg.exif.hasOwnProperty("GPSLongitude")) {
if (node.mode === "worldmap") {
msg.payload = msg.location || {};
delete msg.location;
else {
node.error("Invalid payload received, the Exif node cannot proceed, no messages sent.",msg);
else {
node.warn("No input received, the Exif node cannot proceed, no messages sent.",msg);
catch (error) {
node.error("An error occurred while extracting Exif information. Please check the log for details.",msg);
node.log('Error: '+error.message);