
A set of Node-RED nodes that fetch values from SNMP enabled hosts. Supports v1, v2c and v3.

  • SNMP get - Simple SNMP oid or oid list fetcher
  • SNMP set - Simple snmp Set node.
  • SNMP subtree - Simple sub tree fetcher
  • SNMP table - Simple SNMP oid table fetcher
  • SNMP walker - Simple SNMP oid walker fetcher


Run the following command in your Node-RED user directory - typically ~/.node-red

npm install node-red-node-snmp



SNMP oids fetcher. Can fetch a single or comma separated list of oids. Triggered by any input. may contain the host including the port. may contain the community. (v1 and v2c only)

msg.username may contain the username. (v3 only)

msg.authkey may contain the digest security key. (v3 only)

msg.privkey may contain the encryption security key. (v3 only)

msg.oid may contain a comma separated list of oids to search for. (no spaces)

The host configured in the edit config will override Leave blank if you want to use to provide input.

The community configured in the edit config will override Leave blank if you want to use to provide input.

The username configured in the edit config will override msg.username. Leave blank if you want to use msg.username to provide input.

The digest security key configured in the edit config will override msg.authkey. Leave blank if you want to use msg.authkey to provide input.

The encryption security key configured in the edit config will override msg.privkey. Leave blank if you want to use msg.privkey to provide input.

The oids configured in the edit config will override msg.oid. Leave blank if you want to use msg.oid to provide input.

Outputs msg.payload containing a table of objects, and the requested msg.oid. Values depends on the oids being requested.


SNMP sets the value of one or more OIDs. may contain the host including the port. may contain the community. (v1 and v2c only)

msg.username may contain the username. (v3 only)

msg.authkey may contain the digest security key. (v3 only)

msg.privkey may contain the encryption security key. (v3 only)

msg.varbinds may contain an array of varbind JSON objects e.g.:

    msg.varbinds = [
            "oid": "",
            "type": "OctetString",
            "value": "host1"
        }, {
            "oid": "",
            "type": "OctetString",
            "value": "somewhere"

Types can be:

  • Boolean
  • Integer
  • OctetString
  • Null
  • OID
  • IpAddress
  • Counter
  • Gauge
  • TimeTicks
  • Opaque
  • Integer32
  • Counter32
  • Gauge32
  • Unsigned32
  • Counter64
  • NoSuchObject
  • NoSuchInstance
  • EndOfMibView

The host configured in the edit config will override Leave blank if you want to use to provide input.

The community configured in the edit config will override Leave blank if you want to use to provide input.

The username configured in the edit config will override msg.username. Leave blank if you want to use msg.username to provide input.

The digest security key configured in the edit config will override msg.authkey. Leave blank if you want to use msg.authkey to provide input.

The encryption security key configured in the edit config will override msg.privkey. Leave blank if you want to use msg.privkey to provide input.

The varbinds configured in the edit config will override msg.varbinds. Leave blank if you want to use msg.varbinds to provide input.


Simple SNMP table oid fetcher. Triggered by any input. may contain the host including the port. may contain the community. (v1 and v2c only)

msg.username may contain the username. (v3 only)

msg.authkey may contain the digest security key. (v3 only)

msg.privkey may contain the encryption security key. (v3 only)

msg.oid may contain a comma separated list of oids to search for. (no spaces)

The host configured in the edit config will override Leave blank if you want to use to provide input.

The community configured in the edit config will override Leave blank if you want to use to provide input.

The username configured in the edit config will override msg.username. Leave blank if you want to use msg.username to provide input.

The digest security key configured in the edit config will override msg.authkey. Leave blank if you want to use msg.authkey to provide input.

The encryption security key configured in the edit config will override msg.privkey. Leave blank if you want to use msg.privkey to provide input.

The oid configured in the edit config will override msg.oid. Leave blank if you want to use msg.oid to provide input.

Outputs msg.payload containing the table of objects, and the requested msg.oid. Values depends on the oids being requested.


Simple SNMP oid subtree fetcher. Triggered by any input. Reads from OID specified and any below it. may contain the host including the port. may contain the community. (v1 and v2c only)

msg.username may contain the username. (v3 only)

msg.authkey may contain the digest security key. (v3 only)

msg.privkey may contain the encryption security key. (v3 only)

msg.oid may contain the oid of a single table to search for.

The host configured in the edit config will override Leave blank if you want to use to provide input.

The community configured in the edit config will override Leave blank if you want to use to provide input.

The username configured in the edit config will override msg.username. Leave blank if you want to use msg.username to provide input.

The digest security key configured in the edit config will override msg.authkey. Leave blank if you want to use msg.authkey to provide input.

The encryption security key configured in the edit config will override msg.privkey. Leave blank if you want to use msg.privkey to provide input.

The oid configured in the edit config will override msg.oid. Leave blank if you want to use msg.oid to provide input.

Outputs msg.payload containing the table of objects, and the requested msg.oid. Values depends on the oids being requested.


Simple SNMP oid walker fetcher. Triggered by any input. Reads from OID specified to the end of the table. may contain the host including the port. may contain the community. (v1 and v2c only)

msg.username may contain the username. (v3 only)

msg.authkey may contain the digest security key. (v3 only)

msg.privkey may contain the encryption security key. (v3 only)

msg.oid may contain the oid of a single table to search for.

The host configured in the edit config will override Leave blank if you want to use to provide input.

The community configured in the edit config will override Leave blank if you want to use to provide input.

The username configured in the edit config will override msg.username. Leave blank if you want to use msg.username to provide input.

The digest security key configured in the edit config will override msg.authkey. Leave blank if you want to use msg.authkey to provide input.

The encryption security key configured in the edit config will override msg.privkey. Leave blank if you want to use msg.privkey to provide input.

The oid configured in the edit config will override msg.oid. Leave blank if you want to use msg.oid to provide input.

Outputs msg.payload containing the table of objects, and the requested msg.oid. Values depends on the oids being requested.