mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 10:37:43 +00:00
439 lines
18 KiB
439 lines
18 KiB
* POP3 protocol - RFC1939 - https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1939.txt
* Dependencies:
* * poplib - https://www.npmjs.com/package/poplib
* * nodemailer - https://www.npmjs.com/package/nodemailer
* * imap - https://www.npmjs.com/package/imap
* * mailparser - https://www.npmjs.com/package/mailparser
module.exports = function(RED) {
"use strict";
var nodemailer = require("nodemailer");
var Imap = require('imap');
var POP3Client = require("poplib");
var MailParser = require("mailparser").MailParser;
var util = require("util");
try {
var globalkeys = RED.settings.email || require(process.env.NODE_RED_HOME+"/../emailkeys.js");
catch(err) {
function EmailNode(n) {
this.topic = n.topic;
this.name = n.name;
this.outserver = n.server;
this.outport = n.port;
this.secure = n.secure;
var flag = false;
if (this.credentials && this.credentials.hasOwnProperty("userid")) {
this.userid = this.credentials.userid;
} else {
if (globalkeys) {
this.userid = globalkeys.user;
flag = true;
if (this.credentials && this.credentials.hasOwnProperty("password")) {
this.password = this.credentials.password;
} else {
if (globalkeys) {
this.password = globalkeys.pass;
flag = true;
if (flag) {
RED.nodes.addCredentials(n.id,{userid:this.userid, password:this.password, global:true});
var node = this;
var smtpOptions = {
host: node.outserver,
port: node.outport,
secure: node.secure
if (this.userid && this.password) {
smtpOptions.auth = {
user: node.userid,
pass: node.password
var smtpTransport = nodemailer.createTransport(smtpOptions);
this.on("input", function(msg) {
if (msg.hasOwnProperty("payload")) {
if (smtpTransport) {
if (msg.to && node.name && (msg.to !== node.name)) {
var sendopts = { from: ((msg.from) ? msg.from : node.userid) }; // sender address
sendopts.to = node.name || msg.to; // comma separated list of addressees
if (node.name === "") {
sendopts.cc = msg.cc;
sendopts.bcc = msg.bcc;
sendopts.subject = msg.topic || msg.title || "Message from Node-RED"; // subject line
if (msg.hasOwnProperty("envelope")) { sendopts.envelope = msg.envelope; }
if (Buffer.isBuffer(msg.payload)) { // if it's a buffer in the payload then auto create an attachment instead
if (!msg.filename) {
var fe = "bin";
if ((msg.payload[0] === 0xFF)&&(msg.payload[1] === 0xD8)) { fe = "jpg"; }
if ((msg.payload[0] === 0x47)&&(msg.payload[1] === 0x49)) { fe = "gif"; } //46
if ((msg.payload[0] === 0x42)&&(msg.payload[1] === 0x4D)) { fe = "bmp"; }
if ((msg.payload[0] === 0x89)&&(msg.payload[1] === 0x50)) { fe = "png"; } //4E
msg.filename = "attachment."+fe;
var fname = msg.filename.replace(/^.*[\\\/]/, '') || "file.bin";
sendopts.attachments = [ { content:msg.payload, filename:fname } ];
if (msg.hasOwnProperty("headers") && msg.headers.hasOwnProperty("content-type")) {
sendopts.attachments[0].contentType = msg.headers["content-type"];
// Create some body text..
sendopts.text = RED._("email.default-message",{filename:fname, description:(msg.description||"")});
else {
var payload = RED.util.ensureString(msg.payload);
sendopts.text = payload; // plaintext body
if (/<[a-z][\s\S]*>/i.test(payload)) { sendopts.html = payload; } // html body
if (msg.attachments) { sendopts.attachments = msg.attachments; } // add attachments
smtpTransport.sendMail(sendopts, function(error, info) {
if (error) {
} else {
else { node.warn(RED._("email.errors.nosmtptransport")); }
else { node.warn(RED._("email.errors.nopayload")); }
credentials: {
userid: {type:"text"},
password: {type: "password"},
global: { type:"boolean"}
// EmailInNode
// Setup the EmailInNode
function EmailInNode(n) {
var imap;
this.name = n.name;
this.repeat = n.repeat * 1000 || 300000;
this.inserver = n.server || (globalkeys && globalkeys.server) || "imap.gmail.com";
this.inport = n.port || (globalkeys && globalkeys.port) || "993";
this.box = n.box || "INBOX";
this.useSSL= n.useSSL;
this.protocol = n.protocol || "IMAP";
this.disposition = n.disposition || "None"; // "None", "Delete", "Read"
var flag = false;
if (this.credentials && this.credentials.hasOwnProperty("userid")) {
this.userid = this.credentials.userid;
} else {
if (globalkeys) {
this.userid = globalkeys.user;
flag = true;
} else {
if (this.credentials && this.credentials.hasOwnProperty("password")) {
this.password = this.credentials.password;
} else {
if (globalkeys) {
this.password = globalkeys.pass;
flag = true;
} else {
if (flag) {
RED.nodes.addCredentials(n.id,{userid:this.userid, password:this.password, global:true});
var node = this;
this.interval_id = null;
// Process a new email message by building a Node-RED message to be passed onwards
// in the message flow. The parameter called `msg` is the template message we
// start with while `mailMessage` is an object returned from `mailparser` that
// will be used to populate the email.
// DCJ NOTE: - heirachical multipart mime parsers seem to not exist - this one is barely functional.
function processNewMessage(msg, mailMessage) {
msg = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(msg)); // Clone the message
// Populate the msg fields from the content of the email message
// that we have just parsed.
msg.payload = mailMessage.text;
msg.topic = mailMessage.subject;
msg.date = mailMessage.date;
msg.header = mailMessage.headers;
if (mailMessage.html) { msg.html = mailMessage.html; }
if (mailMessage.to && mailMessage.from.to > 0) { msg.to = mailMessage.to; }
if (mailMessage.cc && mailMessage.from.cc > 0) { msg.cc = mailMessage.cc; }
if (mailMessage.bcc && mailMessage.from.bcc > 0) { msg.bcc = mailMessage.bcc; }
if (mailMessage.from && mailMessage.from.length > 0) { msg.from = mailMessage.from[0].address; }
if (mailMessage.attachments) { msg.attachments = mailMessage.attachments; }
else { msg.attachments = []; }
node.send(msg); // Propagate the message down the flow
} // End of processNewMessage
// Check the POP3 email mailbox for any new messages. For any that are found,
// retrieve each message, call processNewMessage to process it and then delete
// the messages from the server.
function checkPOP3(msg) {
var currentMessage;
var maxMessage;
// Form a new connection to our email server using POP3.
var pop3Client = new POP3Client(
node.inport, node.inserver,
{enabletls: node.useSSL} // Should we use SSL to connect to our email server?
// If we have a next message to retrieve, ask to retrieve it otherwise issue a
// quit request.
function nextMessage() {
if (currentMessage > maxMessage) {
} // End of nextMessage
pop3Client.on("stat", function(status, data) {
// Data contains:
// {
// count: <Number of messages to be read>
// octect: <size of messages to be read>
// }
if (status) {
currentMessage = 1;
maxMessage = data.count;
} else {
node.log(util.format("stat error: %s %j", status, data));
pop3Client.on("error", function(err) {
node.log("We caught an error: " + JSON.stringify(err));
pop3Client.on("connect", function() {
//node.log("We are now connected");
pop3Client.login(node.userid, node.password);
pop3Client.on("login", function(status, rawData) {
//node.log("login: " + status + ", " + rawData);
if (status) {
} else {
node.log(util.format("login error: %s %j", status, rawData));
pop3Client.on("retr", function(status, msgNumber, data, rawData) {
// node.log(util.format("retr: status=%s, msgNumber=%d, data=%j", status, msgNumber, data));
if (status) {
// We have now received a new email message. Create an instance of a mail parser
// and pass in the email message. The parser will signal when it has parsed the message.
var mailparser = new MailParser();
mailparser.on("end", function(mailObject) {
//node.log(util.format("mailparser: on(end): %j", mailObject));
processNewMessage(msg, mailObject);
else {
node.log(util.format("retr error: %s %j", status, rawData));
pop3Client.on("invalid-state", function(cmd) {
node.log("Invalid state: " + cmd);
pop3Client.on("locked", function(cmd) {
node.log("We were locked: " + cmd);
// When we have deleted the last processed message, we can move on to
// processing the next message.
pop3Client.on("dele", function(status, msgNumber) {
} // End of checkPOP3
// checkIMAP
// Check the email sever using the IMAP protocol for new messages.
function checkIMAP(msg) {
node.log("Checking IMAP for new messages");
// We get back a 'ready' event once we have connected to imap
imap.once("ready", function() {
node.status({fill:"blue", shape:"dot", text:"email.status.fetching"});
//console.log("> ready");
// Open the inbox folder
imap.openBox(node.box, // Mailbox name
false, // Open readonly?
function(err, box) {
//console.log("> Inbox open: %j", box);
imap.search([ 'UNSEEN' ], function(err, results) {
if (err) {
node.status({fill:"red", shape:"ring", text:"email.status.foldererror"});
node.error(RED._("email.errors.fetchfail", {folder:node.box}),err);
//console.log("> search - err=%j, results=%j", err, results);
if (results.length === 0) {
//console.log(" [X] - Nothing to fetch");
var marks = false;
if (node.disposition === "Read") { marks = true; }
// We have the search results that contain the list of unseen messages and can now fetch those messages.
var fetch = imap.fetch(results, {
bodies: '',
struct: true,
markSeen: marks
// For each fetched message returned ...
fetch.on('message', function(imapMessage, seqno) {
var messageText = "";
//console.log("> Fetch message - msg=%j, seqno=%d", imapMessage, seqno);
imapMessage.on('body', function(stream, info) {
//console.log("> message - body - stream=?, info=%j", info);
stream.on('data', function(chunk) {
//console.log("> stream - data - chunk=??");
messageText += chunk.toString('utf8');
stream.once('end', function() {
var mailParser = new MailParser();
mailParser.on('end', function(mailMessage) {
processNewMessage(msg, mailMessage);
}); // End of msg->end
}); // End of msg->body
}); // End of fetch->message
// When we have fetched all the messages, we don't need the imap connection any more.
fetch.on('end', function() {
var cleanup = function() {
if (this.disposition === "Delete") {
imap.addFlags(results, "\Deleted", cleanup);
} else if (this.disposition === "Read") {
imap.addFlags(results, "\Seen", cleanup);
} else {
fetch.once('error', function(err) {
console.log('Fetch error: ' + err);
}); // End of imap->search
}); // End of imap->openInbox
}); // End of imap->ready
} // End of checkIMAP
// Perform a check of the email inboxes using either POP3 or IMAP
function checkEmail(msg) {
if (node.protocol === "POP3") {
} else if (node.protocol === "IMAP") {
} // End of checkEmail
if (node.protocol === "IMAP") {
imap = new Imap({
user: node.userid,
password: node.password,
host: node.inserver,
port: node.inport,
tls: node.useSSL,
tlsOptions: { rejectUnauthorized: false },
connTimeout: node.repeat,
authTimeout: node.repeat
imap.on('error', function(err) {
if (err.errno !== "ECONNRESET") {
this.on("input", function(msg) {
this.on("close", function() {
if (this.interval_id != null) {
if (imap) { imap.destroy(); }
// Set the repetition timer as needed
if (!isNaN(this.repeat) && this.repeat > 0) {
this.interval_id = setInterval( function() {
}, this.repeat );
RED.nodes.registerType("e-mail in",EmailInNode,{
credentials: {
userid: { type:"text" },
password: { type: "password" },
global: { type:"boolean" }