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synced 2023-10-10 13:36:58 +02:00
Added input scaling function and averaging of multiple readings for noise reduction to the analogue input node. Added the ‘sanity check’ read of the digital input pin to the timer callback in the discrete input node
147 lines
6.8 KiB
147 lines
6.8 KiB
* Copyright 2014 Maxwell R Hadley
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Require main module
var RED = require(process.env.NODE_RED_HOME + "/red/red");
// Require bonescript
try {
var bonescript = require("bonescript");
} catch (err) {
require("util").log("[145-digital-in] Error: cannot find module 'bonescript'");
// The node constructor
function DiscreteInputNode(n) {
RED.nodes.createNode(this, n);
// Store local copies of the node configuration (as defined in the .html)
this.topic = n.topic; // the topic is not currently used
this.pin = n.pin; // The Beaglebone Black pin identifying string
if (n.activeLow) // Set the 'active' state 0 or 1 as appropriate
this.activeState = 0;
this.activeState = 1;
this.updateInterval = n.updateInterval * 1000; // How often to send totalActiveTime messages
this.interruptAttached = false; // Flag: should we detach interrupt when we are closed?
this.intervalId = null; // Remember the timer ID so we can delete it when we are closed
this.currentState = 0; // The pin input state "1" or "0"
this.lastActiveTime = NaN; // The date (in ms since epoch) when the pin last went high
this.totalActiveTime = 0; // The total time in ms that the pin has been high (since reset)
this.starting = true;
// Define 'node' to allow us to access 'this' from within callbacks (the 'var' is essential -
// otherwise there is only one global 'node' for all instances of DiscreteInputNode!)
var node = this;
// This function is called whenever the input pin changes state. We update the currentState
// and the ActiveTime variables, and send a message on the first output with the new state
// Note: this function gets called spuriously when the interrupt is first enabled: in this
// case x.value is undefined - we must test for this
var interruptCallback = function (x) {
if (x.value != undefined && node.currentState !== Number(x.value)) {
node.currentState = Number(x.value);
var now = Date.now();
if (node.currentState === node.activeState) {
node.lastActiveTime = now;
} else if (!isNaN(node.lastActiveTime)) {
node.totalActiveTime += now - node.lastActiveTime;
var msg = {};
msg.topic = node.topic;
msg.payload = node.currentState;
node.send([msg, null]);
// This function is called by the timer. It updates the ActiveTime variables, and sends a
// message on the second output with the latest value of the total active time, in seconds
var timerCallback = function () {
if (node.currentState === node.activeState) {
var now = Date.now();
node.totalActiveTime += now - node.lastActiveTime;
node.lastActiveTime = now;
var msg = {};
msg.topic = node.topic;
msg.payload = node.totalActiveTime / 1000;
node.send([null, msg]);
// Re-synchronise the pin state if we have missed a state change interrupt for some reason
bonescript.digitalRead(node.pin, interruptCallback);
// This function is called when we receive an input message. Clear the ActiveTime variables
// (so we start counting from zero again)
var inputCallback = function (msg) {
node.totalActiveTime = 0;
if (node.currentState === node.activeState) {
node.lastActiveTime = Date.now();
if (node.starting) {
node.starting = false;
var msg = [{topic:node.topic}, {topic:node.topic}];
msg[0].payload = node.currentState;
msg[1].payload = node.totalActiveTime;
// If we have a valid pin, set it as an input and read the (digital) state
if (["P8_7", "P8_8", "P8_9", "P8_10", "P8_11", "P8_12", "P8_13", "P8_14", "P8_15",
"P8_16", "P8_17", "P8_18", "P8_19", "P8_26", "P9_11", "P9_12", "P9_13", "P9_14",
"P9_15", "P9_16", "P9_17", "P9_18", "P9_21", "P9_22", "P9_23", "P9_24", "P9_26",
"P9_27", "P9_30", "P9_41", "P9_42"].indexOf(node.pin) >= 0) {
// Don't set up interrupts & intervals until after the close event handler has been installed
process.nextTick(function () {
bonescript.pinMode(node.pin, bonescript.INPUT);
bonescript.digitalRead(node.pin, function (x) {
// Initialise the currentState and lastActveTime variables based on the value read
node.currentState = Number(x.value);
if (node.currentState === node.activeState) {
node.lastActiveTime = Date.now();
// Attempt to attach a change-of-state interrupt handler to the pin. If we succeed,
// set the input event and interval handlers, then send an initial message with the
// pin state on the first output
if (bonescript.attachInterrupt(node.pin, true, bonescript.CHANGE, interruptCallback)) {
node.interruptAttached = true;
node.on("input", inputCallback);
node.intervalId = setInterval(timerCallback, node.updateInterval);
} else {
node.error("Failed to attach interrupt");
setTimeout(function () { node.emit("input", {}); }, 50);
} else {
node.error("Unconfigured input pin");
// Register the node by name. This must be called before overriding any of the Node functions.
RED.nodes.registerType("discrete-in", DiscreteInputNode);
// On close, detach the interrupt (if we attached one) and clear the interval (if we set one)
DiscreteInputNode.prototype.close = function () {
if (this.interruptAttached) {
if (this.intervalId !== null) {