
347 lines
14 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* Copyright 2015 IBM Corp.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var clone = require("clone");
var redUtil = require("../../util");
var subflowInstanceRE = /^subflow:(.+)$/;
var typeRegistry = require("../registry");
function diffNodes(oldNode,newNode) {
if (oldNode == null) {
return true;
var oldKeys = Object.keys(oldNode).filter(function(p) { return p != "x" && p != "y" && p != "wires" });
var newKeys = Object.keys(newNode).filter(function(p) { return p != "x" && p != "y" && p != "wires" });
if (oldKeys.length != newKeys.length) {
return true;
for (var i=0;i<newKeys.length;i++) {
var p = newKeys[i];
if (!redUtil.compareObjects(oldNode[p],newNode[p])) {
return true;
return false;
module.exports = {
diffNodes: diffNodes,
parseConfig: function(config) {
var flow = {};
flow.allNodes = {};
flow.subflows = {};
flow.configs = {};
flow.flows = {};
flow.missingTypes = [];
config.forEach(function(n) {
flow.allNodes[] = clone(n);
if (n.type === 'tab') {
flow.flows[] = n;
flow.flows[].subflows = {};
flow.flows[].configs = {};
flow.flows[].nodes = {};
config.forEach(function(n) {
if (n.type === 'subflow') {
flow.subflows[] = n;
flow.subflows[].configs = {};
flow.subflows[].nodes = {};
flow.subflows[].instances = [];
config.forEach(function(n) {
if (n.type !== 'subflow' && n.type !== 'tab') {
var subflowDetails = subflowInstanceRE.exec(n.type);
if ( (subflowDetails && !flow.subflows[subflowDetails[1]]) || (!subflowDetails && !typeRegistry.get(n.type)) ) {
if (flow.missingTypes.indexOf(n.type) === -1) {
2015-12-09 22:51:46 +01:00
var container = null;
if (flow.flows[n.z]) {
container = flow.flows[n.z];
} else if (flow.subflows[n.z]) {
container = flow.subflows[n.z];
if (n.hasOwnProperty('x') && n.hasOwnProperty('y')) {
if (subflowDetails) {
var subflowType = subflowDetails[1]
n.subflow = subflowType;
2015-12-09 22:51:46 +01:00
if (container) {
container.nodes[] = n;
} else {
if (container) {
container.configs[] = n;
} else {
2015-12-09 22:51:46 +01:00
flow.configs[] = n;
flow.configs[]._users = [];
config.forEach(function(n) {
if (n.type !== 'subflow' && n.type !== 'tab') {
for (var prop in n) {
if (n.hasOwnProperty(prop) && prop !== 'id' && prop !== 'wires' && prop !== '_users' && flow.configs[n[prop]]) {
// This property references a global config node
return flow;
diffConfigs: function(oldConfig, newConfig) {
var id;
var node;
var nn;
var wires;
var j,k;
var changedSubflows = {};
var added = {};
var removed = {};
var changed = {};
var wiringChanged = {};
var linkMap = {};
for (id in oldConfig.allNodes) {
if (oldConfig.allNodes.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
node = oldConfig.allNodes[id];
// build the map of what this node was previously wired to
if (node.wires) {
linkMap[] = linkMap[] || [];
for (j=0;j<node.wires.length;j++) {
wires = node.wires[j];
for (k=0;k<wires.length;k++) {
nn = oldConfig.allNodes[wires[k]];
if (nn) {
linkMap[] = linkMap[] || [];
// This node has been removed
if (!newConfig.allNodes.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
removed[id] = node;
// Mark the container as changed
if (newConfig.allNodes[removed[id].z]) {
changed[removed[id].z] = newConfig.allNodes[removed[id].z];
if (changed[removed[id].z].type === "subflow") {
changedSubflows[removed[id].z] = changed[removed[id].z];
2015-12-29 23:16:51 +01:00
//delete removed[id];
} else {
// This node has a material configuration change
if (diffNodes(node,newConfig.allNodes[id]) || newConfig.allNodes[id].credentials) {
changed[id] = newConfig.allNodes[id];
if (changed[id].type === "subflow") {
changedSubflows[id] = changed[id];
// Mark the container as changed
if (newConfig.allNodes[changed[id].z]) {
changed[changed[id].z] = newConfig.allNodes[changed[id].z];
if (changed[changed[id].z].type === "subflow") {
changedSubflows[changed[id].z] = changed[changed[id].z];
delete changed[id];
// This node's wiring has changed
if (!redUtil.compareObjects(node.wires,newConfig.allNodes[id].wires)) {
wiringChanged[id] = newConfig.allNodes[id];
// Mark the container as changed
if (newConfig.allNodes[wiringChanged[id].z]) {
changed[wiringChanged[id].z] = newConfig.allNodes[wiringChanged[id].z];
if (changed[wiringChanged[id].z].type === "subflow") {
changedSubflows[wiringChanged[id].z] = changed[wiringChanged[id].z];
delete wiringChanged[id];
// Look for added nodes
for (id in newConfig.allNodes) {
if (newConfig.allNodes.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
node = newConfig.allNodes[id];
// build the map of what this node is now wired to
if (node.wires) {
linkMap[] = linkMap[] || [];
for (j=0;j<node.wires.length;j++) {
wires = node.wires[j];
for (k=0;k<wires.length;k++) {
if (linkMap[].indexOf(wires[k]) === -1) {
nn = newConfig.allNodes[wires[k]];
if (nn) {
linkMap[] = linkMap[] || [];
if (linkMap[].indexOf( === -1) {
// This node has been added
if (!oldConfig.allNodes.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
added[id] = node;
// Mark the container as changed
if (newConfig.allNodes[added[id].z]) {
changed[added[id].z] = newConfig.allNodes[added[id].z];
if (changed[added[id].z].type === "subflow") {
changedSubflows[added[id].z] = changed[added[id].z];
delete added[id];
var madeChange;
// Loop through the nodes looking for references to changed config nodes
// Repeat the loop if anything is marked as changed as it may need to be
// propagated to parent nodes.
// TODO: looping through all nodes every time is a bit inefficient - could be more targeted
do {
madeChange = false;
for (id in newConfig.allNodes) {
if (newConfig.allNodes.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
node = newConfig.allNodes[id];
for (var prop in node) {
if (node.hasOwnProperty(prop) && prop != "z" && prop != "id" && prop != "wires") {
// This node has a property that references a changed/removed node
// Assume it is a config node change and mark this node as
// changed.
if (changed[node[prop]] || removed[node[prop]]) {
if (!changed[]) {
madeChange = true;
changed[] = node;
// This node exists within subflow template
// Mark the template as having changed
if (newConfig.allNodes[node.z]) {
changed[node.z] = newConfig.allNodes[node.z];
if (changed[node.z].type === "subflow") {
changedSubflows[node.z] = changed[node.z];
} while(madeChange===true)
// Find any nodes that exist on a subflow template and remove from changed
// list as the parent subflow will now be marked as containing a change
for (id in newConfig.allNodes) {
if (newConfig.allNodes.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
node = newConfig.allNodes[id];
if (newConfig.allNodes[node.z] && newConfig.allNodes[node.z].type === "subflow") {
delete changed[];
// Recursively mark all instances of changed subflows as changed
var changedSubflowStack = Object.keys(changedSubflows);
while(changedSubflowStack.length > 0) {
var subflowId = changedSubflowStack.pop();
for (id in newConfig.allNodes) {
if (newConfig.allNodes.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
node = newConfig.allNodes[id];
if (node.type === 'subflow:'+subflowId) {
if (!changed[]) {
changed[] = node;
if (!changed[changed[].z] && newConfig.allNodes[changed[].z]) {
changed[changed[].z] = newConfig.allNodes[changed[].z];
if (newConfig.allNodes[changed[].z].type === "subflow") {
// This subflow instance is inside a subflow. Add the
// containing subflow to the stack to mark
delete changed[];
var diff = {
// Traverse the links of all modified nodes to mark the connected nodes
var modifiedNodes = diff.added.concat(diff.changed).concat(diff.removed).concat(diff.rewired);
var visited = {};
while(modifiedNodes.length > 0) {
node = modifiedNodes.pop();
if (!visited[node]) {
visited[node] = true;
if (linkMap[node]) {
if (!changed[node] && !added[node] && !removed[node] && !wiringChanged[node]) {
modifiedNodes = modifiedNodes.concat(linkMap[node]);
// for (id in newConfig.allNodes) {
// console.log(
// (added[id]?"+":(changed[id]?"!":" "))+(wiringChanged[id]?"w":" ")+(diff.linked.indexOf(id)!==-1?"~":" "),
// id,
// newConfig.allNodes[id].type,
// newConfig.allNodes[id].name||newConfig.allNodes[id].label||""
// );
// }
// for (id in removed) {
// console.log(
// "- "+(diff.linked.indexOf(id)!==-1?"~":" "),
// id,
// oldConfig.allNodes[id].type,
// oldConfig.allNodes[id].name||oldConfig.allNodes[id].label||""
// );
// }
return diff;