<dd>If the request was redirected one or more times, the accumulated information will be added to this property. `location` is the next redirect destination. `cookies` is the cookies returned from the redirect source.</dd>
<p>When configured within the node, the URL property can contain <ahref="http://mustache.github.io/mustache.5.html"target="_blank">mustache-style</a> tags. These allow the
url to be constructed using values of the incoming message. For example, if the url is set to
<code>example.com/{{{topic}}}</code>, it will have the value of <code>msg.topic</code> automatically inserted.
Using {{{...}}} prevents mustache from escaping characters like / & etc.</p>
<p>The node can optionally automatically encode <code>msg.payload</code> as query string parameters for a GET request, in which case <code>msg.payload</code> has to be an object.</p>
<p><b>Note</b>: If running behind a proxy, the standard <code>http_proxy=...</code> environment variable should be set and Node-RED restarted, or use Proxy Configuration. If Proxy Configuration was set, the configuration take precedence over environment variable.</p>
<h4>Using multiple HTTP Request nodes</h4>
<p>In order to use more than one of these nodes in the same flow, care must be taken with
the <code>msg.headers</code> property. The first node will set this property with
the response headers. The next node will then use those headers for its request - this
is not usually the right thing to do. If <code>msg.headers</code> property is left unchanged
between nodes, it will be ignored by the second node. To set custom headers, <code>msg.headers</code>
should first be deleted or reset to an empty object: <code>{}</code>.
<h4>Cookie handling</h4>
<p>The <code>cookies</code> property passed to the node must be an object of name/value pairs.
The value can be either a string to set the value of the cookie or it can be an
object with a single <code>value</code> property.<p>
<p>Any cookies returned by the request are passed back under the <code>responseCookies</code> property.</p>
<h4>Content type handling</h4>
<p>If <code>msg.payload</code> is an Object, the node will automatically set the content type
of the request to <code>application/json</code> and encode the body as such.</p>
<p>To encode the request as form data, <code>msg.headers["content-type"]</code> should be set to <code>application/x-www-form-urlencoded</code>.</p>