2022-04-06 15:11:37 +01:00
var should = require ( "should" ) ;
var sinon = require ( "sinon" ) ;
var NR _TEST _UTILS = require ( "nr-test-utils" ) ;
var diagnostics = NR _TEST _UTILS . require ( "@node-red/runtime/lib/api/diagnostics" )
var mockLog = ( ) => ( {
log : sinon . stub ( ) ,
debug : sinon . stub ( ) ,
trace : sinon . stub ( ) ,
warn : sinon . stub ( ) ,
info : sinon . stub ( ) ,
metric : sinon . stub ( ) ,
audit : sinon . stub ( ) ,
_ : function ( ) { return "abc" }
} )
describe ( "runtime-api/diagnostics" , function ( ) {
describe ( "get" , function ( ) {
before ( function ( ) {
diagnostics . init ( {
isStarted : ( ) => true ,
nodes : {
getNodeList : ( ) => [ { module : "node-red" , version : "9.9.9" } , { module : "node-red-node-inject" , version : "8.8.8" } ]
} ,
settings : {
version : "7.7.7" ,
available : ( ) => true ,
//apiMaxLength: xxx, deliberately left blank. Should arrive in report as "UNSET"
debugMaxLength : 1111 ,
disableEditor : false ,
flowFile : "flows.json" ,
mqttReconnectTime : 321 ,
serialReconnectTime : 432 ,
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socketReconnectTime : 2222 ,
socketTimeout : 3333 ,
tcpMsgQueueSize : 4444 ,
inboundWebSocketTimeout : 5555 ,
runtimeState : { enabled : true , ui : false } ,
2022-04-06 15:11:37 +01:00
adminAuth : { } , //should be sanitised to "SET"
httpAdminRoot : "/admin/root/" ,
httpAdminCors : { } , //should be sanitised to "SET"
httpNodeAuth : { } , //should be sanitised to "SET"
httpNodeRoot : "/node/root/" ,
httpNodeCors : { } , //should be sanitised to "SET"
httpStatic : "/var/static/" , //should be sanitised to "SET"
httpStaticRoot : "/static/root/" ,
httpStaticCors : { } , //should be sanitised to "SET"
uiHost : "something.secret.com" , //should be sanitised to "SET"
uiPort : 1337 , //should be sanitised to "SET"
userDir : "/var/super/secret/" , //should be sanitised to "SET",
2022-07-21 10:07:40 +01:00
nodesDir : "/var/super/secret/" , //should be sanitised to "SET",
2022-04-06 15:11:37 +01:00
contextStorage : {
default : { module : "memory" } ,
file : { module : "localfilesystem" } ,
secured : { module : "secure_store" , user : "fred" , pass : "super-duper-secret" } ,
} ,
editorTheme : { }
} ,
log : mockLog ( )
} ) ;
} )
it ( "returns basic user settings" , function ( ) {
return diagnostics . get ( { scope : "fake_scope" } ) . then ( result => {
should ( result ) . be . type ( "object" ) ;
Object . keys ( result )
const reportPropCount = Object . keys ( result ) . length ;
reportPropCount . should . eql ( 7 ) ; //ensure no more than 7 keys are present in the report (avoid leakage of extra info)
result . should . have . property ( "report" , "diagnostics" ) ;
result . should . have . property ( "scope" , "fake_scope" ) ;
result . should . have . property ( "time" ) . type ( "object" ) ;
result . should . have . property ( "intl" ) . type ( "object" ) ;
result . should . have . property ( "nodejs" ) . type ( "object" ) ;
result . should . have . property ( "os" ) . type ( "object" ) ;
result . should . have . property ( "runtime" ) . type ( "object" ) ;
const runtimeCount = Object . keys ( result . runtime ) . length ;
2022-07-21 10:07:40 +01:00
runtimeCount . should . eql ( 5 ) ; //ensure 5 keys are present in runtime
2022-04-06 15:11:37 +01:00
result . runtime . should . have . property ( 'isStarted' , true )
2022-07-21 10:07:40 +01:00
result . runtime . should . have . property ( 'flows' )
2022-04-06 15:11:37 +01:00
result . runtime . should . have . property ( 'modules' ) . type ( "object" ) ;
result . runtime . should . have . property ( 'settings' ) . type ( "object" ) ;
result . runtime . should . have . property ( 'version' , '7.7.7' ) ;
const moduleCount = Object . keys ( result . runtime . modules ) . length ;
moduleCount . should . eql ( 2 ) ; //ensure no more than the 2 modules specified are present
result . runtime . modules . should . have . property ( 'node-red' , '9.9.9' ) ;
result . runtime . modules . should . have . property ( 'node-red-node-inject' , '8.8.8' ) ;
const settingsCount = Object . keys ( result . runtime . settings ) . length ;
2022-07-21 10:07:40 +01:00
settingsCount . should . eql ( 27 ) ; //ensure no more than the 21 settings listed below are present in the settings object
2022-04-06 15:11:37 +01:00
result . runtime . settings . should . have . property ( 'available' , true ) ;
result . runtime . settings . should . have . property ( 'apiMaxLength' , "UNSET" ) ; //deliberately disabled to ensure UNSET is returned
result . runtime . settings . should . have . property ( 'debugMaxLength' , 1111 ) ;
result . runtime . settings . should . have . property ( 'disableEditor' , false ) ;
result . runtime . settings . should . have . property ( 'editorTheme' , { } ) ;
result . runtime . settings . should . have . property ( 'flowFile' , "flows.json" ) ;
result . runtime . settings . should . have . property ( 'mqttReconnectTime' , 321 ) ;
result . runtime . settings . should . have . property ( 'serialReconnectTime' , 432 ) ;
2022-07-21 10:07:40 +01:00
result . runtime . settings . should . have . property ( 'socketReconnectTime' , 2222 ) ;
result . runtime . settings . should . have . property ( 'socketTimeout' , 3333 ) ;
result . runtime . settings . should . have . property ( 'tcpMsgQueueSize' , 4444 ) ;
result . runtime . settings . should . have . property ( 'inboundWebSocketTimeout' , 5555 ) ;
result . runtime . settings . should . have . property ( 'runtimeState' , { enabled : true , ui : false } ) ;
2022-04-06 15:11:37 +01:00
result . runtime . settings . should . have . property ( "adminAuth" , "SET" ) ; //should be sanitised to "SET"
result . runtime . settings . should . have . property ( "httpAdminCors" , "SET" ) ; //should be sanitised to "SET"
result . runtime . settings . should . have . property ( 'httpAdminRoot' , "/admin/root/" ) ;
result . runtime . settings . should . have . property ( "httpNodeAuth" , "SET" ) ; //should be sanitised to "SET"
result . runtime . settings . should . have . property ( "httpNodeCors" , "SET" ) ; //should be sanitised to "SET"
result . runtime . settings . should . have . property ( 'httpNodeRoot' , "/node/root/" ) ;
result . runtime . settings . should . have . property ( "httpStatic" , "SET" ) ; //should be sanitised to "SET"
result . runtime . settings . should . have . property ( 'httpStaticRoot' , "/static/root/" ) ;
result . runtime . settings . should . have . property ( "httpStaticCors" , "SET" ) ; //should be sanitised to "SET"
result . runtime . settings . should . have . property ( "uiHost" , "SET" ) ; //should be sanitised to "SET"
result . runtime . settings . should . have . property ( "uiPort" , "SET" ) ; //should be sanitised to "SET"
result . runtime . settings . should . have . property ( "userDir" , "SET" ) ; //should be sanitised to "SET"
result . runtime . settings . should . have . property ( 'contextStorage' ) . type ( "object" ) ;
2022-07-21 10:07:40 +01:00
result . runtime . settings . should . have . property ( 'nodesDir' , "SET" )
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const contextCount = Object . keys ( result . runtime . settings . contextStorage ) . length ;
contextCount . should . eql ( 3 ) ; //ensure no more than the 3 settings listed below are present in the contextStorage object
result . runtime . settings . contextStorage . should . have . property ( 'default' , { module : "memory" } ) ;
result . runtime . settings . contextStorage . should . have . property ( 'file' , { module : "localfilesystem" } ) ;
result . runtime . settings . contextStorage . should . have . property ( 'secured' , { module : "secure_store" } ) ; //only module should be present, other fields are dropped for security
} )
} )
} ) ;
} ) ;