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synced 2025-03-01 10:36:34 +00:00
Add Japanese translations for Node-RED v2.1.0-beta.1
This commit is contained in:
@ -90,6 +90,7 @@
"palette": {
"show": "Show palette"
"edit": "Edit",
"settings": "Settings",
"userSettings": "User Settings",
"nodes": "Nodes",
@ -54,7 +54,14 @@
"delete": "本当に '__label__' を削除しますか?",
"dropFlowHere": "ここにフローをドロップしてください",
"addFlow": "フローの追加",
"addFlowToRight": "右側にフローを追加",
"hideFlow": "フローを非表示",
"hideOtherFlows": "他のフローを非表示",
"showAllFlows": "全てのフローを表示",
"hideAllFlows": "全てのフローを非表示",
"showLastHiddenFlow": "最後に非表示にしたフローを表示",
"listFlows": "フロー一覧",
"listSubflows": "サブフロー一覧",
"status": "状態",
"enabled": "有効",
"disabled": "無効",
@ -83,6 +90,7 @@
"palette": {
"show": "パレットを表示"
"edit": "編集",
"settings": "設定",
"userSettings": "ユーザ設定",
"nodes": "ノード",
@ -105,6 +113,7 @@
"editPalette": "パレットの管理",
"other": "その他",
"showTips": "ヒントを表示",
"showWelcomeTours": "新バージョンのガイドツアーを表示",
"help": "Node-REDウェブサイト",
"projects": "プロジェクト",
"projects-new": "新規",
@ -116,7 +125,20 @@
"groupSelection": "選択部分をグループ化",
"ungroupSelection": "選択部分をグループ解除",
"groupMergeSelection": "選択部分をマージ",
"groupRemoveSelection": "グループから削除"
"groupRemoveSelection": "グループから削除",
"arrange": "配置",
"alignLeft": "左揃え",
"alignCenter": "左右中央揃え",
"alignRight": "右揃え",
"alignTop": "上揃え",
"alignMiddle": "上下中央揃え",
"alignBottom": "下揃え",
"distributeHorizontally": "左右に整列",
"distributeVertically": "上下に整列",
"moveToBack": "最背面へ移動",
"moveToFront": "最前面へ移動",
"moveBackwards": "背面へ移動",
"moveForwards": "前面へ移動"
"actions": {
@ -451,7 +473,8 @@
"global": "グローバル",
"workspace": "ワークスペース",
"selectAll": "全てのノードを選択",
"selectAllConnected": "接続された全てのノードを選択",
"selectNone": "選択を外す",
"selectAllConnected": "接続されたノードを選択",
"addRemoveNode": "ノードの選択、選択解除",
"editSelected": "選択したノードを編集",
"deleteSelected": "選択したノードや接続を削除",
@ -461,10 +484,13 @@
"moveNode": "選択したノードを移動(移動量大)",
"toggleSidebar": "サイドバーの表示/非表示",
"togglePalette": "パレットの表示/非表示",
"copyNode": "選択したノードをコピー",
"cutNode": "選択したノードを切り取り",
"copyNode": "ノードをコピー",
"cutNode": "ノードを切り取り",
"pasteNode": "ノードを貼り付け",
"copyGroupStyle": "グループ様式をコピー",
"pasteGroupStyle": "グループ様式を貼り付け",
"undoChange": "変更操作を戻す",
"redoChange": "変更操作をやり直し",
"searchBox": "ノードを検索",
"managePalette": "パレットの管理",
"actionList": "動作一覧"
@ -519,7 +545,8 @@
"nodeEnabled_plural": "ノードを有効化しました:",
"nodeDisabled": "ノードを無効化しました:",
"nodeDisabled_plural": "ノードを無効化しました:",
"nodeUpgraded": "ノードモジュール __module__ をバージョン __version__ へ更新しました"
"nodeUpgraded": "ノードモジュール __module__ をバージョン __version__ へ更新しました",
"unknownNodeRegistered": "ノードの読み込みエラー: <ul><li>__type__<br>__error__</li></ul>"
"editor": {
"title": "パレットの管理",
@ -1108,6 +1135,10 @@
"preview": "UIプレビュー",
"defaultValue": "デフォルト値"
"tourGuide": {
"start": "開始",
"next": "次へ"
"languages": {
"de": "ドイツ語",
"en-US": "英語",
@ -558,7 +558,7 @@ var RED = (function() {
menuOptions.push({id:"menu-item-edit-menu", label:"Edit", options: [
menuOptions.push({id:"menu-item-edit-menu", label:RED._("menu.label.edit"), options: [
{id: "menu-item-edit-undo", label:RED._("keyboard.undoChange"), disabled: true, onselect: "core:undo"},
{id: "menu-item-edit-redo", label:RED._("keyboard.redoChange"), disabled: true, onselect: "core:redo"},
@ -187,7 +187,7 @@
ul.red-ui-menu-dropdown {
background: $header-menu-background;
border: 1px solid $header-menu-background;
width: 250px !important;
width: 260px !important;
margin-top: 0;
li a {
color: $header-menu-color;
@ -3,48 +3,79 @@ export default {
steps: [
titleIcon: "fa fa-map-o",
title: { "en-US": "Welcome to Node-RED 2.1!" },
description: { "en-US": "Let's take a moment to discover the new features in this release." }
title: {
"en-US": "Welcome to Node-RED 2.1!",
"ja": "Node-RED 2.1へようこそ!"
description: {
"en-US": "Let's take a moment to discover the new features in this release.",
"ja": "本リリースの新機能を見つけてみましょう。"
title: { "en-US": "A new Tour Guide" },
description: { "en-US": "<p>First, as you've already found, we now have this tour of new features. We'll only show the tour the first time you open the editor for each new version of Node-RED.</p>"+
"<p>You can choose not to see this tour in the future by disabling it under the View tab of User Settings.</p>" }
title: {
"en-US": "A new Tour Guide",
"ja": "新しいツアーガイド"
description: {
"en-US": "<p>First, as you've already found, we now have this tour of new features. We'll only show the tour the first time you open the editor for each new version of Node-RED.</p>" +
"<p>You can choose not to see this tour in the future by disabling it under the View tab of User Settings.</p>",
"ja": "<p>最初に、既に見つけている様に、新機能の本ツアーがあります。本ツアーは、新バージョンのNode-REDフローエディタを初めて開いた時のみ表示されます。</p>" +
title: { "en-US": "New Edit menu" },
title: {
"en-US": "New Edit menu",
"ja": "新しい編集メニュー"
prepare() {
complete() {
element: "#menu-item-edit-menu-submenu",
interactive: false,
direction: "left",
description: { "en-US": "<p>The main menu has been updated with a new 'Edit' section. This includes all of the familar options, like cut/paste and undo/redo.</p>"+
"<p>The menu now displays keyboard shortcuts for the options.</p>" }
description: {
"en-US": "<p>The main menu has been updated with a new 'Edit' section. This includes all of the familar options, like cut/paste and undo/redo.</p>" +
"<p>The menu now displays keyboard shortcuts for the options.</p>",
"ja": "<p>メインメニューに「編集」セクションが追加されました。本セクションには、切り取り/貼り付けや、変更操作を戻す/やり直しの様な使い慣れたオプションが含まれています。</p>" +
title: { "en-US": "Arranging nodes" },
title: {
"en-US": "Arranging nodes",
"ja": "ノードの配置"
prepare() {
complete() {
element: "#menu-item-arrange-menu-submenu",
interactive: false,
direction: "left",
description: { "en-US": "<p>The new 'Arrange' section of the menu provides new options to help arrange your nodes. You can align them to a common edge, spread them out evenly or change their order.</p>" },
description: {
"en-US": "<p>The new 'Arrange' section of the menu provides new options to help arrange your nodes. You can align them to a common edge, spread them out evenly or change their order.</p>",
"ja": "<p>メニューの新しい「配置」セクションには、ノードの配置を助ける新しいオプションが提供されています。ノードの端を揃えたり、均等に配置したり、表示順序を変更したりできます。</p>"
title: { "en-US": "Hiding tabs" },
title: {
"en-US": "Hiding tabs",
"ja": "タブの非表示"
element: "#red-ui-workspace-tabs > li.active",
description: { "en-US": '<p>Tabs can now be hidden by clicking their <i class="fa fa-times"></i> icon.</p><p>The Info Sidebar will still list all of your tabs, and tell you which ones are currently hidden.' },
description: {
"en-US": '<p>Tabs can now be hidden by clicking their <i class="fa fa-times"></i> icon.</p><p>The Info Sidebar will still list all of your tabs, and tell you which ones are currently hidden.',
"ja": '<p><i class="fa fa-times"></i> アイコンをクリックすることで、タブを非表示にできます。</p><p>情報サイドバーには、全てのタブが一覧表示されており、現在非表示になっているタブを確認できます。'
interactive: false,
prepare() {
$("#red-ui-workspace-tabs > li.active .red-ui-tab-close").css("display","block");
@ -54,9 +85,15 @@ export default {
title: { "en-US": "Tab menu" },
title: {
"en-US": "Tab menu",
"ja": "タブメニュー"
element: "#red-ui-workspace-tabs-menu",
description: { "en-US": '<p>The new tab menu also provides lots of new options for your tabs.</p>' },
description: {
"en-US": "<p>The new tab menu also provides lots of new options for your tabs.</p>",
"ja": "<p>新しいタブメニューには、タブに関する沢山の新しいオプションが提供されています。</p>"
interactive: false,
direction: "left",
prepare() {
@ -67,10 +104,16 @@ export default {
title: { "en-US": "Flow and Group level environment variables" },
title: {
"en-US": "Flow and Group level environment variables",
"ja": "フローとグループの環境変数"
element: "#red-ui-workspace-tabs > li.active",
interactive: false,
description: { "en-US": "<p>Flows and Groups can now have their own environment variables that can be referenced by nodes inside them.</p>" },
description: {
"en-US": "<p>Flows and Groups can now have their own environment variables that can be referenced by nodes inside them.</p>",
"ja": "<p>フローとグループには、内部のノードから参照できる環境変数を設定できるようになりました。</p>"
prepare(done) {
@ -78,44 +121,63 @@ export default {
element: "#red-ui-tab-editor-tab-envProperties-link-button",
description: { "en-US": "<p>Their edit dialogs have a new Environment Variables section.</p>" },
description: {
"en-US": "<p>Their edit dialogs have a new Environment Variables section.</p>",
"ja": "<p>編集ダイアログに環境変数セクションが追加されました。</p>"
element: ".node-input-env-container-row",
direction: "left",
description: { "en-US": '<p>The environment variables are listed in this table and new ones can be added by clicking the <i class="fa fa-plus"></i> button.</p>' },
description: {
"en-US": '<p>The environment variables are listed in this table and new ones can be added by clicking the <i class="fa fa-plus"></i> button.</p>',
"ja": '<p>この表に環境変数が一覧表示されており、<i class="fa fa-plus"></i>ボタンをクリックすることで新しい変数を追加できます。</p>'
complete(done) {
title: {"en-US":"Link Call node added"},
title: {
"en-US": "Link Call node added",
"ja": "Link Callノードを追加"
prepare(done) {
$('[data-palette-type="link call"]')[0].scrollIntoView({block:"center"})
$('[data-palette-type="link call"]')[0].scrollIntoView({block:"center"});
element: '[data-palette-type="link call"]',
direction: "right",
description: { "en-US": '<p>The <code>Link Call</code> node lets you call another flow that begins with a <code>Link In</code> node and get the result back when the message reaches a <code>Link Out</code> node.</p>' },
description: {
"en-US": "<p>The <code>Link Call</code> node lets you call another flow that begins with a <code>Link In</code> node and get the result back when the message reaches a <code>Link Out</code> node.</p>",
"ja": "<p><code>Link Call</code>ノードを用いることで、<code>Link In</code>ノードから始まるフローを呼び出し、<code>Link Out</code>ノードに到達した時に、結果を取得できます。</p>"
title: {"en-US":"File nodes renamed"},
title: {
"en-US": "File nodes renamed",
"ja": "ファイルノードの名前変更"
prepare(done) {
element: '[data-palette-type="file"]',
direction: "right",
description: { "en-US": '<p>The file nodes have been renamed to make it clearer which node does what.</p>' },
description: {
"en-US": "<p>The file nodes have been renamed to make it clearer which node does what.</p>",
"ja": "<p>fileノードの名前が変更され、どのノードが何を行うかが明確になりました。</p>"
title: {"en-US":"Deep copy option on Change node"},
title: {
"en-US": "Deep copy option on Change node",
"ja": "Changeノードのディープコピーオプション"
prepare(done) {
var def = RED.nodes.getType('change')
RED.editor.edit({id:"test",type:"change",rules:[{t:'set',p:'payload',pt:'msg', tot:'msg',to:"anotherProperty"}],_def:def, _:def._})
var def = RED.nodes.getType('change');
RED.editor.edit({id:"test",type:"change",rules:[{t:"set",p:"payload",pt:"msg", tot:"msg",to:"anotherProperty"}],_def:def, _:def._});
complete(done) {
@ -123,13 +185,22 @@ export default {
element: function() {
return $(".node-input-rule-property-deepCopy").next()
return $(".node-input-rule-property-deepCopy").next();
description: { "en-US": '<p>The Set rule has a new option to create a deep copy of the value. This ensures a complete copy is made, rather than using a reference.</p>' },
description: {
"en-US": "<p>The Set rule has a new option to create a deep copy of the value. This ensures a complete copy is made, rather than using a reference.</p>",
"ja": "<p>値を代入に、値のディープコピーを作成するオプションが追加されました。これによって参照ではなく、完全なコピーが作成されます。</p>"
title: { "en-US": "And that's not all..." },
description: { "en-US": "<p>There are many more smaller changes, including:</p><ul><li>Auto-complete suggestions in the <code>msg</code> TypedInput.</li><li>Support for <code>msg.resetTimeout</code> in the <code>Join</code> node.</li><li>Pushing messages to the front of the queue in the <code>Delay</code> node's rate limiting mode.</li><li>An optional second output on the <code>Delay</code> node for rate limited messages.</li></ul>" }
title: {
"en-US": "And that's not all...",
"ja": "これが全てではありません..."
description: {
"en-US": "<p>There are many more smaller changes, including:</p><ul><li>Auto-complete suggestions in the <code>msg</code> TypedInput.</li><li>Support for <code>msg.resetTimeout</code> in the <code>Join</code> node.</li><li>Pushing messages to the front of the queue in the <code>Delay</code> node's rate limiting mode.</li><li>An optional second output on the <code>Delay</code> node for rate limited messages.</li></ul>",
"ja": "<p>以下の様な小さな変更が沢山あります:</p><ul><li><code>msg</code> TypedInputの自動補完提案</li><li><code>Join</code>ノードで<code>msg.resetTimeout</code>のサポート</li><li><code>Delay</code>ノードの流量制御モードにおいて先頭メッセージをキューに追加</li><li><code>Delay</code>ノードで流量制限されたメッセージ向けの任意の2つ目の出力</li></ul>"
@ -159,7 +159,15 @@
"link": {
"linkIn": "link in",
"linkOut": "link out"
"linkOut": "link out",
"linkCall": "link call",
"linkOutReturn": "link return",
"outMode": "モード",
"sendToAll": "接続された全てのlinkノードへ送信",
"returnToCaller": "link callノードへ返却",
"error": {
"missingReturn": "返却するノードの情報が存在しません"
"tls": {
"tls": "TLS設定",
@ -282,7 +290,9 @@
"and": "回/",
"rate": "流量",
"msgper": "メッセージ/",
"queuemsg": "中間メッセージをキューに追加",
"dropmsg": "中間メッセージを削除",
"sendmsg": "2番目の出力で中間メッセージを送信",
"allowrate": "msg.rate(ミリ秒単位)で流量値を上書き",
"label": {
"delay": "delay",
@ -478,6 +488,7 @@
"proxy-config": "プロキシ設定",
"use-proxyauth": "プロキシ認証を使用",
"noproxy-hosts": "例外ホスト",
"senderr": "2xx以外の応答をcatchノードへ送信",
"utf8": "UTF8文字列",
"binary": "バイナリバッファ",
"json": "JSONオブジェクト",
@ -703,13 +714,15 @@
"delete": "delete __property__",
"move": "move __property__",
"changeCount": "change: __count__ rules",
"regex": "正規表現を使用"
"regex": "正規表現を使用",
"deepCopy": "値のディープコピー"
"action": {
"set": "値の代入",
"change": "値の置換",
"delete": "値の削除",
"move": "値の移動",
"toValue": "対象の値",
"to": "対象の値",
"search": "検索する文字列",
"replace": "置換後の文字列"
@ -851,6 +864,8 @@
"file": {
"label": {
"write": "write file",
"read": "read file",
"filename": "ファイル名",
"action": "動作",
"addnewline": "メッセージの入力のたびに改行を追加",
@ -858,7 +873,6 @@
"outputas": "出力形式",
"breakchunks": "チャンクへ分割",
"breaklines": "行へ分割",
"filelabel": "file",
"sendError": "エラーメッセージを送信(互換モード)",
"encoding": "文字コード",
"deletelabel": "delete __file__",
@ -866,7 +880,8 @@
"utf8String_plural": "UTF8文字列",
"binaryBuffer": "バイナリバッファ",
"binaryBuffer_plural": "バイナリバッファ",
"allProps": "各メッセージに既存の全プロパティを含める"
"allProps": "各メッセージに既存の全プロパティを含める",
"filelabel": "file"
"action": {
"append": "ファイルへ追記",
Reference in New Issue
Block a user