Add tests for MQTT v5 auto parsing hints

This commit is contained in:
Steve-Mcl 2022-04-15 18:21:36 +01:00
parent 78f456911a
commit 8ba6a7436e

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
"use strict";
const should = require("should");
const helper = require("node-red-node-test-helper");
const { doesNotThrow } = require("should");
const mqttNodes = require("nr-test-utils").require("@node-red/nodes/core/network/10-mqtt.js");
const BROKER_HOST = process.env.MQTT_BROKER_SERVER || "localhost";
const BROKER_PORT = process.env.MQTT_BROKER_PORT || 1883;
@ -92,7 +93,21 @@ describe('MQTT Nodes', function () {
options.expectMsg = Object.assign({}, options.sendMsg);
testSendRecv({}, { datatype: "auto", topicType: "static" }, {}, options, { done: done });
itConditional('should send JSON and receive string (auto)', function (done) {
//Prior to V3, "auto" mode would only parse to string or buffer.
// itConditional('should send JSON and receive string (auto mode)', function (done) {
// if (skipTests) { return this.skip() }
// this.timeout = 2000;
// const options = {}
// options.sendMsg = {
// topic: nextTopic(),
// payload: '{"prop":"value1", "num":1}',
// qos: 1
// }
// options.expectMsg = Object.assign({}, options.sendMsg);
// testSendRecv({}, { datatype: "auto", topicType: "static" }, {}, options, { done: done });
// })
//In V3, "auto" mode should try to parse JSON, then string and fall back to buffer
itConditional('should send JSON and receive object (auto mode)', function (done) {
if (skipTests) { return this.skip() }
this.timeout = 2000;
const options = {}
@ -102,9 +117,22 @@ describe('MQTT Nodes', function () {
qos: 1
options.expectMsg = Object.assign({}, options.sendMsg);
options.expectMsg.payload = JSON.parse(options.sendMsg.payload);
testSendRecv({}, { datatype: "auto", topicType: "static" }, {}, options, { done: done });
itConditional('should send JSON and receive string (utf8)', function (done) {
itConditional('should send invalid JSON and receive string (auto mode)', function (done) {
if (skipTests) { return this.skip() }
this.timeout = 2000;
const options = {}
options.sendMsg = {
topic: nextTopic(),
payload: '{prop:"value3", "num":3}'// send invalid JSON ...
options.expectMsg = Object.assign({}, options.sendMsg);//expect same payload
testSendRecv({}, { datatype: "auto", topicType: "static" }, {}, options, { done: done });
itConditional('should send JSON and receive string (utf8 mode)', function (done) {
if (skipTests) { return this.skip() }
this.timeout = 2000;
const options = {}
@ -116,7 +144,7 @@ describe('MQTT Nodes', function () {
options.expectMsg = Object.assign({}, options.sendMsg);
testSendRecv({}, { datatype: "utf8", topicType: "static" }, {}, options, { done: done });
itConditional('should send JSON and receive Object (json)', function (done) {
itConditional('should send JSON and receive Object (json mode)', function (done) {
if (skipTests) { return this.skip() }
this.timeout = 2000;
const options = {}
@ -127,7 +155,31 @@ describe('MQTT Nodes', function () {
options.expectMsg = Object.assign({}, options.sendMsg, { payload: { "prop": "value3", "num": 3 } });//expect an object
testSendRecv({}, { datatype: "json", topicType: "static" }, {}, options, { done: done });
itConditional('should send String and receive Buffer (buffer)', function (done) {
itConditional('should send invalid JSON and raise error (json mode)', function (done) {
if (skipTests) { return this.skip() }
this.timeout = 2000;
const options = {}
options.sendMsg = {
topic: nextTopic(),
payload: '{prop:"value3", "num":3}', // send invalid JSON ...
const hooks = { done: done, beforeLoad: null, afterLoad: null, afterConnect: null }
hooks.afterLoad = (helperNode, mqttBroker, mqttIn, mqttOut) => {
helperNode.on("input", function (msg) {
try {"error").type("object");"source").type("object");"id",;
} catch (err) {
return true; //handled
testSendRecv({}, { datatype: "json", topicType: "static" }, {}, options, hooks);
itConditional('should send String and receive Buffer (buffer mode)', function (done) {
if (skipTests) { return this.skip() }
this.timeout = 2000;
const options = {}
@ -138,7 +190,7 @@ describe('MQTT Nodes', function () {
options.expectMsg = Object.assign({}, options.sendMsg, { payload: Buffer.from(options.sendMsg.payload) });//expect Buffer.from(msg.payload)
testSendRecv({}, { datatype: "buffer", topicType: "static" }, {}, options, { done: done });
itConditional('should send utf8 Buffer and receive String (auto)', function (done) {
itConditional('should send utf8 Buffer and receive String (auto mode)', function (done) {
if (skipTests) { return this.skip() }
this.timeout = 2000;
const options = {}
@ -149,7 +201,7 @@ describe('MQTT Nodes', function () {
options.expectMsg = Object.assign({}, options.sendMsg, { payload: "x y z" });//set expected payload to "x y z"
testSendRecv({}, { datatype: "auto", topicType: "static" }, {}, options, { done: done });
itConditional('should send non utf8 Buffer and receive Buffer (auto)', function (done) {
itConditional('should send non utf8 Buffer and receive Buffer (auto mode)', function (done) {
if (skipTests) { return this.skip() }
this.timeout = 2000;
const options = {}
@ -158,7 +210,7 @@ describe('MQTT Nodes', function () {
topic: nextTopic(),
payload: Buffer.from([0xC0, 0xC1, 0xF5, 0xF6, 0xF7, 0xF8, 0xF9, 0xFA, 0xFB, 0xFC, 0xFD, 0xFE, 0xFF]) //non valid UTF8
options.expectMsg = Object.assign({}, options.sendMsg);
options.expectMsg = Object.assign({}, options.sendMsg, {payload: Buffer.from([0xC0, 0xC1, 0xF5, 0xF6, 0xF7, 0xF8, 0xF9, 0xFA, 0xFB, 0xFC, 0xFD, 0xFE, 0xFF])});
testSendRecv({}, { datatype: "auto", topicType: "static" }, {}, options, hooks);
itConditional('should send/receive all v5 flags and settings', function (done) {
@ -168,16 +220,16 @@ describe('MQTT Nodes', function () {
const options = {}
const hooks = { done: done, beforeLoad: null, afterLoad: null, afterConnect: null }
options.sendMsg = {
topic: t + "/command", payload: Buffer.from("v5"), qos: 1, retain: true,
topic: t + "/command", payload: Buffer.from('{"version":"v5"}'), qos: 1, retain: true,
responseTopic: t + "/response",
userProperties: { prop1: "val1" },
contentType: "application/json",
contentType: "text/plain",
correlationData: Buffer.from([1, 2, 3]),
payloadFormatIndicator: true,
messageExpiryInterval: 2000,
options.expectMsg = Object.assign({}, options.sendMsg);
options.expectMsg.payload = options.expectMsg.payload.toString(); //auto mode + payloadFormatIndicator should make a string
options.expectMsg.payload = options.expectMsg.payload.toString(); //auto mode + payloadFormatIndicator + contentType: "text/plain" should make a string
delete options.expectMsg.payloadFormatIndicator; //Seems mqtt.js only publishes payloadFormatIndicator the will msg
const inOptions = {
datatype: "auto", topicType: "static",
@ -185,6 +237,98 @@ describe('MQTT Nodes', function () {
testSendRecv({ protocolVersion: 5 }, inOptions, {}, options, hooks);
itConditional('should send regular string with v5 media type "text/plain" and receive a string (auto mode)', function (done) {
if (skipTests) { return this.skip() }
this.timeout = 2000;
const options = {}
const hooks = { done: done, beforeLoad: null, afterLoad: null, afterConnect: null }
options.sendMsg = {
topic: nextTopic(), payload: "abc", contentType: "text/plain"
options.expectMsg = Object.assign({}, options.sendMsg);
testSendRecv({ protocolVersion: 5 }, { datatype: "auto", topicType: "static" }, {}, options, hooks);
itConditional('should send JSON with v5 media type "text/plain" and receive a string (auto mode)', function (done) {
if (skipTests) { return this.skip() }
this.timeout = 2000;
const options = {}
const hooks = { done: done, beforeLoad: null, afterLoad: null, afterConnect: null }
options.sendMsg = {
topic: nextTopic(), payload: '{"prop":"val"}', contentType: "text/plain"
options.expectMsg = Object.assign({}, options.sendMsg);
testSendRecv({ protocolVersion: 5 }, { datatype: "auto", topicType: "static" }, {}, options, hooks);
itConditional('should send JSON with v5 media type "application/json" and receive an object (auto mode)', function (done) {
if (skipTests) { return this.skip() }
this.timeout = 2000;
const options = {}
const hooks = { done: done, beforeLoad: null, afterLoad: null, afterConnect: null }
options.sendMsg = {
topic: nextTopic(), payload: '{"prop":"val"}', contentType: "application/json",
options.expectMsg = Object.assign({}, options.sendMsg, { payload: JSON.parse(options.sendMsg.payload)});
testSendRecv({ protocolVersion: 5 }, { datatype: "auto", topicType: "static" }, {}, options, hooks);
itConditional('should send invalid JSON with v5 media type "application/json" and raise an error (auto mode)', function (done) {
if (skipTests) { return this.skip() }
this.timeout = 2000;
const options = {}
options.sendMsg = {
topic: nextTopic(),
payload: '{prop:"value3", "num":3}', contentType: "application/json", // send invalid JSON ...
const hooks = { done: done, beforeLoad: null, afterLoad: null, afterConnect: null }
hooks.afterLoad = (helperNode, mqttBroker, mqttIn, mqttOut) => {
helperNode.on("input", function (msg) {
try {"error").type("object");"source").type("object");"id",;
} catch (err) {
return true; //handled
testSendRecv({ protocolVersion: 5 }, { datatype: "auto", topicType: "static" }, {}, options, hooks);
itConditional('should send buffer with v5 media type "application/json" and receive an object (auto mode)', function (done) {
if (skipTests) { return this.skip() }
this.timeout = 2000;
const options = {}
const hooks = { done: done, beforeLoad: null, afterLoad: null, afterConnect: null }
options.sendMsg = {
topic: nextTopic(), payload: Buffer.from([0x7b,0x22,0x70,0x72,0x6f,0x70,0x22,0x3a,0x22,0x76,0x61,0x6c,0x22,0x7d]), contentType: "application/json",
options.expectMsg = Object.assign({}, options.sendMsg, { payload: {"prop":"val"}});
testSendRecv({ protocolVersion: 5 }, { datatype: "auto", topicType: "static" }, {}, options, hooks);
itConditional('should send buffer with v5 media type "text/plain" and receive a string (auto mode)', function (done) {
if (skipTests) { return this.skip() }
this.timeout = 2000;
const options = {}
const hooks = { done: done, beforeLoad: null, afterLoad: null, afterConnect: null }
options.sendMsg = {
topic: nextTopic(), payload: Buffer.from([0x7b,0x22,0x70,0x72,0x6f,0x70,0x22,0x3a,0x22,0x76,0x61,0x6c,0x22,0x7d]), contentType: "text/plain",
options.expectMsg = Object.assign({}, options.sendMsg, { payload: '{"prop":"val"}'});
testSendRecv({ protocolVersion: 5 }, { datatype: "auto", topicType: "static" }, {}, options, hooks);
itConditional('should send buffer with v5 media type "application/zip" and receive a buffer (auto mode)', function (done) {
if (skipTests) { return this.skip() }
this.timeout = 2000;
const options = {}
const hooks = { done: done, beforeLoad: null, afterLoad: null, afterConnect: null }
options.sendMsg = {
topic: nextTopic(), payload: Buffer.from([0x7b,0x22,0x70,0x72,0x6f,0x70,0x22,0x3a,0x22,0x76,0x61,0x6c,0x22,0x7d]), contentType: "application/zip",
options.expectMsg = Object.assign({}, options.sendMsg, { payload: Buffer.from([0x7b,0x22,0x70,0x72,0x6f,0x70,0x22,0x3a,0x22,0x76,0x61,0x6c,0x22,0x7d])});
testSendRecv({ protocolVersion: 5 }, { datatype: "auto", topicType: "static" }, {}, options, hooks);
itConditional('should subscribe dynamically via action', function (done) {
if (skipTests) { return this.skip() }
this.timeout = 2000;
@ -463,14 +607,16 @@ function buildBasicMQTTSendRecvFlow(brokerOptions, inOptions, outOptions) {
const inNode = buildMQTTInNode(,, ||, inOptions.topic, inOptions, ["helper.node"]);
const outNode = buildMQTTOutNode(,, ||, outOptions.topic, outOptions);
const helper = buildNode("helper", "helper.node", "helper_node", {});
const catchNode = buildNode("catch", "catch.node", "catch_node", {"scope": [""]}, ["helper.node"]);
return {
nodes: {
[]: broker,
[]: inNode,
[]: outNode,
[]: helper,
[]: catchNode,
flow: [broker, inNode, outNode, helper]
flow: [broker, inNode, outNode, helper, catchNode]