This commit is contained in:
Nick O'Leary 2016-07-06 21:35:06 +01:00
parent e360e57a5b
commit 906bbae899

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@ -1,3 +1,37 @@
#### 0.14.4: Maintenance Release
- Update trigger node ui to use typedInputs
- Better handling of quotes in CSV node
- Clarify the MQTT node sends msg.payload - closes #929
- Inject node should reuse the message it is triggered with Closes #914
- Stop trigger node re-using old message
- Allow node.status text to be 'falsey' values
- Handle DOMException when embedded in an iframe of different origin Fixes #932
- Fix double firing of menu actions
- Fix select box handling in Safari - fixes #928
- Clear context in node test helper Fixes #858
- Allow node properties to be same as existing object functions Fixes #880
- Handle comms link closing whilst completing the initial connect
- Protect against node type names that clash with Object property names Fixes #917
- Clone default node properties to avoid reference leakage
- Strip tab node definition when exporting
- Check for null config properties in editor before over-writing them
- Add hasUsers flag to config nodes
- Add sql mode to ace editor
- Keyboard shortcuts dialog update (#923)
- Ensure importing link nodes to a subflow doesn't add outbound links Fixes #921
- Add updateConfigNodeUsers function to editor
- Scroll to bottom when item added to editableList
- Form input widths behave more consistently when resizing Fixes #919 #920
#### 0.14.3: Maintenance Release