mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 10:36:34 +00:00
Merge branch 'master' into dev
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,23 @@
#### 3.1.3: Maintenance Release
- Add missing en-us messages (#4475) @knolleary
#### 3.1.2: Maintenance Release
- Relax some node validators to allow undefined value (#4471) @knolleary
- Fix switch validation of typeof field (#4465) @knolleary
- Use move cursor when hovering on group border (#4467) @knolleary
- Added action list Chinese (Simplified and Traditional) translation + v3.1.1 changes (#4470) @wangyiyi2056
- Add French translation of `action-list` + v3.1.1 changes (#4466) @GogoVega
- Ensure nested groups inside subflows have their g props remapped (#4472) @knolleary
#### 3.1.1: Maintenance Release
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
"displayStatus": "Show node status",
"displayConfig": "Configuration nodes",
"import": "Import",
"importExample": "Import Example Flow",
"importExample": "Import example flow",
"export": "Export",
"search": "Search flows",
"searchInput": "search your flows",
@ -130,6 +130,11 @@
"editPalette": "Manage palette",
"other": "Other",
"showTips": "Show tips",
"showNodeHelp": "Show node help",
"enableSelectedNodes": "Enable selected nodes",
"disableSelectedNodes": "Disable selected nodes",
"showSelectedNodeLabels": "Show selected node labels",
"hideSelectedNodeLabels": "Hide selected node labels",
"showWelcomeTours": "Show guided tours for new versions",
"help": "Node-RED website",
"projects": "Projects",
@ -511,8 +516,8 @@
"selectAllConnected": "Select connected",
"addRemoveNode": "Add/remove node from selection",
"editSelected": "Edit selected node",
"deleteSelected": "Delete selected nodes or link",
"deleteReconnect": "Delete and Reconnect",
"deleteSelected": "Delete selection",
"deleteReconnect": "Delete and reconnect",
"importNode": "Import nodes",
"exportNode": "Export nodes",
"nudgeNode": "Move selected nodes (1px)",
@ -1227,6 +1232,7 @@
"contextMenu": {
"showActionList": "Show action list",
"insert": "Insert",
"node": "Node",
"junction": "Junction",
@ -1215,7 +1215,8 @@
"validator": {
"errors": {
"invalid-json": "Données JSON invalides : __error__",
"invalid-prop": "Expression de propriété non valide",
"invalid-expr": "Expression JSONata invalide : __error__",
"invalid-prop": "Expression de propriété invalide",
"invalid-num": "Numéro invalide",
"invalid-regexp": "Modèle d'entrée non valide",
"invalid-regex-prop": "__prop__: modèle d'entrée non valide",
@ -1235,5 +1236,159 @@
"environment": "Environment",
"header": "Variables d'environnement globales",
"revert": "Rétablir"
"action-list": {
"toggle-show-tips": "Basculer l'affichage des astuces",
"show-about": "Afficher la description de Node-RED",
"show-welcome-tour": "Afficher la visite de bienvenue",
"show-next-tab": "Afficher l'onglet suivant",
"show-previous-tab": "Afficher l'onglet précédent",
"add-flow": "Ajouter un flux",
"add-flow-to-right": "Ajouter un flux à droite",
"edit-flow": "Modifier le flux",
"remove-flow": "Supprimer le flux",
"enable-flow": "Activer le flux",
"disable-flow": "Désactiver le flux",
"hide-flow": "Masquer le flux",
"hide-other-flows": "Masquer les autres flux",
"hide-all-flows": "Masquer tous les flux",
"show-all-flows": "Afficher tous les flux",
"show-last-hidden-flow": "Afficher le dernier flux masqué",
"list-modified-nodes": "Afficher les flux modifiés",
"list-hidden-flows": "Afficher les flux cachés",
"list-flows": "Lister les flux",
"list-subflows": "Liste les sous-flux",
"go-to-previous-location": "Aller à l'emplacement précédent",
"go-to-next-location": "Aller à l'emplacement suivant",
"copy-selection-to-internal-clipboard": "Copier la sélection dans le presse-papiers",
"cut-selection-to-internal-clipboard": "Couper la sélection dans le presse-papiers",
"paste-from-internal-clipboard": "Coller depuis le presse-papiers",
"detach-selected-nodes": "Détacher les noeuds sélectionnés",
"delete-selection": "Supprimer la sélection",
"delete-selection-and-reconnect": "Supprimer la sélection et reconnecter",
"edit-selected-node": "Modifier le noeud sélectionné",
"go-to-selection": "Aller à la sélection",
"undo": "Annuler les modifications",
"redo": "Rétablir les modifications",
"select-all-nodes": "Sélectionner tous les noeuds",
"select-none": "Sélectionner un noeud",
"enable-selected-nodes": "Activer les noeuds sélectionnés",
"disable-selected-nodes": "Désactiver les noeuds sélectionnés",
"toggle-show-grid": "Basculer l'affichage de la grille",
"toggle-snap-grid": "Basculer l'aide au placement des noeuds",
"toggle-status": "Commuter l'état",
"show-selected-node-labels": "Afficher les étiquettes des noeuds sélectionnés",
"hide-selected-node-labels": "Masquer les étiquettes des noeuds sélectionnés",
"scroll-view-up": "Faire défiler vers le haut",
"scroll-view-right": "Faire défiler vers la droite",
"scroll-view-down": "Faire défiler vers le bas",
"scroll-view-left": "Faire défiler vers la gauche",
"step-view-up": "Faire défiler d'une unité vers le haut",
"step-view-right": "Faire défiler d'une unité vers la droite",
"step-view-down": "Faire défiler d'une unité vers le bas",
"step-view-left": "Faire défiler d'une unité vers la gauche",
"move-selection-up": "Déplacer la sélection vers le haut",
"move-selection-right": "Déplacer la sélection vers la droite",
"move-selection-down": "Déplacer la sélection vers le bas",
"move-selection-left": "Déplacer la sélection vers la gauche",
"move-selection-forwards": "Avancer la sélection",
"move-selection-backwards": "Reculer la sélection",
"move-selection-to-front": "Déplacer la sélection vers l'avant",
"move-selection-to-back": "Déplacer la sélection vers l'arrière",
"step-selection-up": "Déplacer la sélection d'une unité vers le haut",
"step-selection-right": "Déplacer la sélection d'une unité vers la droite",
"step-selection-down": "Déplacer la sélection d'une unité vers le bas",
"step-selection-left": "Déplacer la sélection d'une unité vers la gauche",
"select-connected-nodes": "Sélectionner les noeuds connectés",
"select-downstream-nodes": "Sélectionner les noeuds connectés en aval",
"select-upstream-nodes": "Sélectionner les noeuds connectés en amont",
"go-to-next-node": "Aller au noeud suivant",
"go-to-previous-node": "Aller au noeud précédent",
"go-to-next-sibling": "Aller au noeud frère suivant",
"go-to-previous-sibling": "Aller au noeud frère précédent",
"go-to-nearest-node-on-left": "Aller au noeud gauche le plus proche",
"go-to-nearest-node-on-right": "Aller au noeud droit le plus proche",
"go-to-nearest-node-above": "Aller au noeud supérieur le plus proche",
"go-to-nearest-node-below": "Aller au noeud le plus proche ci-dessous",
"align-selection-to-grid": "Aligner la sélection",
"align-selection-to-left": "Aligner la sélection à gauche",
"align-selection-to-right": "Aligner la sélection à droite",
"align-selection-to-top": "Aligner la sélection en haut",
"align-selection-to-bottom": "Aligner la sélection vers le bas",
"align-selection-to-middle": "Aligner la sélection au centre verticalement",
"align-selection-to-center": "Aligner la sélection au centre horizontalement",
"distribute-selection-horizontally": "Distribuer la sélection horizontalement",
"distribute-selection-vertical": "Distribuer la sélection verticalement",
"wire-series-of-nodes": "Connecter les noeuds en série",
"wire-node-to-multiple": "Connecter les noeuds à plusieurs",
"wire-multiple-to-node": "Connecter plusieurs au noeud",
"split-wire-with-link-nodes": "Diviser le fil avec des noeuds de liaison",
"generate-node-names": "Générer les noms de noeuds",
"show-user-settings": "Afficher les paramètres utilisateur",
"show-help": "Afficher l'aide",
"toggle-palette": "Basculer l'affichage de la palette",
"show-event-log": "Afficher le journal des événements",
"manage-palette": "Gérer la palette",
"toggle-sidebar": "Basculer l'affichage de la barre latérale",
"show-info-tab": "Afficher l'onglet d'informations sur le noeud",
"show-help-tab": "Afficher l'onglet d'aide du noeud",
"show-config-tab": "Afficher l'onglet du noeud de configuration",
"select-all-config-nodes": "Sélectionner tous les noeuds de configuration",
"delete-config-selection": "Supprimer le noeud de configuration sélectionné",
"show-context-tab": "Afficher l'onglet des données contextuelles",
"create-subflow": "Créer un sous-flux",
"convert-to-subflow": "Convertir la sélection en sous-flux",
"group-selection": "Grouper la sélection",
"ungroup-selection": "Dissocier la sélection",
"merge-selection-to-group": "Fusionner la sélection dans le groupe",
"remove-selection-from-group": "Supprimer la sélection du groupe",
"copy-group-style": "Copier le style du groupe",
"paste-group-style": "Coller le style du groupe",
"show-export-dialog": "Afficher la boîte de dialogue d'exportation",
"show-import-dialog": "Afficher la boîte de dialogue d'importation",
"show-library-export-dialog": "Afficher la boîte de dialogue d'exportation de la bibliothèque",
"show-library-import-dialog": "Afficher la boîte de dialogue d'importation de bibliothèque",
"show-examples-import-dialog": "Afficher la boîte de dialogue d'importation d'exemples",
"search": "Rechercher",
"search-previous": "Recherche précédente",
"search-next": "Recherche suivante",
"show-action-list": "Afficher la liste d'actions",
"confirm-edit-tray": "Confirmer la modification",
"cancel-edit-tray": "Annuler la modification",
"show-remote-diff": "Afficher les différences avec les modifications distantes",
"deploy-flows": "Déployer des flux",
"restart-flows": "Redémarrer les flux",
"set-deploy-type-to-full": "Définir le déploiement sur 'tout'",
"set-deploy-type-to-modified-flows": "Définir le déploiement sur 'flux modifiés'",
"set-deploy-type-to-modified-nodes": "Définir le déploiement sur 'noeuds modifiés'",
"show-debug-tab": "Afficher l'onglet de débogage",
"clear-debug-messages": "Supprimer les messages de débogage",
"clear-filtered-debug-messages": "Supprimer les messages de débogage filtrés",
"activate-selected-debug-nodes": "Activer les noeuds de débogage sélectionnés",
"activate-all-debug-nodes": "Activer tous les noeuds de débogage",
"activate-all-flow-debug-nodes": "Activer tous les noeuds de débogage dans un flux",
"deactivate-selected-debug-nodes": "Désactiver les noeuds de débogage sélectionnés",
"deactivate-all-debug-nodes": "Désactiver tous les noeuds de débogage",
"deactivate-all-flow-debug-nodes": "Désactiver tous les noeuds de débogage dans un flux",
"zoom-in": "Zoomer",
"zoom-out": "Dézoomer",
"zoom-reset": "Réinitialiser le zoom",
"toggle-navigator": "Basculer l'affichage du navigateur",
"show-system-info": "Afficher les informations système",
"split-wires-with-junctions": "Diviser les fils avec des jonctions",
"new-project": "Nouveau projet",
"open-project": "Ouvrir le projet",
"show-project-settings": "Afficher les paramètres du projet",
"show-version-control-tab": "Afficher l'onglet de contrôle de version",
"start-flows": "Démarrer les flux",
"stop-flows": "Arrêter les flux",
"copy-item-url": "Copier l'URL de l'élément",
"copy-item-edit-url": "Copier l'URL de modification de l'élément",
"move-flow-to-start": "Déplacer le flux jusqu'au début",
"move-flow-to-end": "Déplacer le flux jusqu'à la fin",
"show-global-env": "Afficher les variables d'environnement globales",
"lock-flow": "Verrouiller le flux",
"unlock-flow": "Déverrouiller le flux",
"show-node-help": "Afficher l'aide du noeud"
@ -23,7 +23,11 @@
"position": "位置",
"enable": "启用",
"disable": "禁用",
"upload": "上传"
"upload": "上传",
"lock": "锁定",
"unlock": "解锁",
"locked": "锁定",
"unlocked": "解锁"
"type": {
"string": "字符串",
@ -68,7 +72,13 @@
"enabled": "有效",
"disabled": "无效",
"info": "详细描述",
"selectNodes": "点击节点来选择"
"selectNodes": "点击节点来选择",
"enableFlow": "启用流程",
"disableFlow": "禁用流程",
"lockFlow": "锁定流程",
"unlockFlow": "解除锁定",
"moveToStart": "移动到起始",
"moveToEnd": "移动到末尾"
"menu": {
"label": {
@ -101,6 +111,7 @@
"displayStatus": "显示节点状态",
"displayConfig": "修改节点配置",
"import": "导入",
"importExample": "导入示例流程",
"export": "导出",
"search": "查找流程",
"searchInput": "查找流程",
@ -142,7 +153,12 @@
"moveToBack": "置于底层",
"moveToFront": "置于顶层",
"moveBackwards": "向后移动",
"moveForwards": "向前移动"
"moveForwards": "向前移动",
"actions": {
@ -403,6 +419,7 @@
"errors": {
"noNodesSelected": "<strong>无法创建子流程</strong>: 未选择节点",
"acrossMultipleGroups": "无法跨多个组创建子流",
"multipleInputsToSelection": "<strong>无法创建子流程</strong>: 多个输入到了选择"
@ -491,12 +508,14 @@
"unassigned": "未分配",
"global": "全局",
"workspace": "工作区",
"editor": "编辑对话框",
"selectAll": "选择所有节点",
"selectNone": "取消所有选择",
"selectAllConnected": "选择所有连接的节点",
"addRemoveNode": "从选择中添加/删除节点",
"editSelected": "编辑选定节点",
"deleteSelected": "删除选定节点或链接",
"deleteReconnect": "删除并重新连接",
"importNode": "导入节点",
"exportNode": "导出节点",
"nudgeNode": "移动所选节点(1px)",
@ -571,6 +590,7 @@
"editor": {
"title": "面板管理",
"palette": "控制板",
"allCatalogs": "所有目录",
"times": {
"seconds": "秒前",
"minutes": "分前",
@ -610,6 +630,7 @@
"tab-nodes": "节点",
"tab-install": "安装",
"sort": "排序:",
"sortRelevance": "关联",
"sortAZ": "a-z顺序",
"sortRecent": "日期顺序",
"more": "增加 __count__ 个",
@ -683,7 +704,11 @@
"empty": "空的",
"globalConfig": "全局配置节点",
"triggerAction": "触发动作",
"find": "在工作区中查找"
"find": "在工作区中查找",
"copyItemUrl": "复制地址",
"copyURL2Clipboard": "复制地址到剪贴板",
"showFlow": "显示流程",
"hideFlow": "隐藏流程"
"help": {
"name": "帮助",
@ -984,7 +1009,10 @@
"quote": "引用",
"link": "链接",
"horizontal-rule": "水平线",
"toggle-preview": "切换预览"
"toggle-preview": "切换预览",
"mermaid": {
"summary": "美人鱼图"
"bufferEditor": {
"title": "Buffer 编辑器",
@ -1147,17 +1175,6 @@
"create": "创建分支",
"current": "当前的"
"languages": {
"de": "德语",
"en-US": "英文",
"fr": "法语",
"ja": "日语",
"ko": "韩文",
"zh-CN": "简体中文",
"zh-TW": "繁体中文"
"create-default-file-set": {
"no-active": "没有活动项目就无法创建默认文件集",
"no-empty": "无法在非空项目上创建默认文件集",
@ -1188,17 +1205,20 @@
"title": "系统信息"
"languages": {
"de": "德语-Deutsch",
"en-US": "英文-English",
"ja": "日语-日本",
"ko": "韩文-한국인",
"ru": "俄语-Русский",
"de": "德语",
"en-US": "英文",
"fr": "法语",
"ja": "日语",
"ko": "韩文",
"zh-CN": "简体中文",
"zh-TW": "繁體中文"
"zh-TW": "繁体中文"
"validator": {
"errors": {
"invalid-json": "无效的 JSON 数据: __error__",
"invalid-expr": "无效的 JSONata 表达式: __error__",
"invalid-prop": "无效的属性表达式",
"invalid-num": "无效的数字",
"invalid-regexp": "输入格式无效",
@ -1210,9 +1230,15 @@
"contextMenu": {
"insert": "插入",
"node": "节点",
"junction": "连接点",
"linkNodes": "链接节点"
"env-var": {
"environment": "环境配置",
"header": "全局环境变量",
"revert": "重置"
@ -270,5 +270,9 @@
"$moment": {
"args": "[str]",
"desc": "使用Moment库获取日期对象。"
"$clone": {
"args": "value",
"desc": "安全克隆对象."
@ -23,7 +23,11 @@
"position": "位置",
"enable": "啟用",
"disable": "禁用",
"upload": "上傳"
"upload": "上傳",
"lock": "鎖定",
"unlock": "解鎖",
"locked": "鎖定",
"unlocked": "解鎖"
"type": {
"string": "字符串",
@ -38,11 +42,14 @@
"event": {
"loadPlugins": "加載插件",
"loadPalette": "加載控制板",
"loadNodeCatalogs": "加載節點目錄",
"loadNodes": "加載 __count__ 個節點",
"loadFlows": "加載流程",
"importFlows": "往工作區中加載流程"
"importFlows": "往工作區中加載流程",
"importError": "<p>加載流程錯誤</p><p>__message__</p>",
"loadingProject": "加載項目"
"workspace": {
"defaultName": "流程__number__",
@ -51,18 +58,35 @@
"delete": "確定想要刪除 '__label__'?",
"dropFlowHere": "把流程放到這裡",
"addFlow": "新增流程",
"listFlows": "流程列表",
"addFlowToRight": "在右側新增流程",
"hideFlow": "隱藏流程",
"hideOtherFlows": "隱藏其它流程",
"showAllFlows": "顯示所有流程",
"hideAllFlows": "隱藏所有流程",
"hiddenFlows": "列出 __count__ 個隱藏流程",
"hiddenFlows_plural": "列出 __count__ 個隱藏流程",
"showLastHiddenFlow": "顯示最後一個隱藏流程",
" ": "流程列表",
"listSubflows": "列出子流程",
"status": "狀態",
"enabled": "有效",
"disabled": "無效",
"info": "詳細描述",
"selectNodes": "點擊節點用於選擇"
"selectNodes": "點擊節點用於選擇",
"enableFlow": "啟用流程",
"disableFlow": "禁用流程",
"lockFlow": "鎖定流程",
"unlockFlow": "解除鎖定",
"moveToStart": "移動到起始",
"moveToEnd": "移動到末尾"
"menu": {
"label": {
"view": {
"view": "顯示",
"grid": "格線",
"storeZoom": "加載時還原縮放尺寸",
"storePosition": "加載時還原滾動位置",
"showGrid": "顯示格線",
"snapGrid": "對齊格線",
"gridSize": "格線尺寸",
@ -80,12 +104,14 @@
"palette": {
"show": "顯示控制板"
"edit": "編輯",
"settings": "設置",
"userSettings": "使用者設置",
"nodes": "節點",
"displayStatus": "顯示節點狀態",
"displayConfig": "修改節點配置",
"import": "匯入",
"importExample": "導入示例流程",
"export": "匯出",
"search": "搜尋流程",
"searchInput": "搜尋流程",
@ -102,24 +128,48 @@
"editPalette": "節點管理",
"other": "其他",
"showTips": "顯示小提示",
"help": "Node-RED website",
"showWelcomeTours": "顯示新版本向導",
"help": "Node-RED 文檔主頁",
"projects": "專案",
"projects-new": "新專案",
"projects-open": "開啟專案",
"projects-settings": "專案設定",
"showNodeLabelDefault": "顯示新添加節點的標籤",
"codeEditor": "代碼編輯器",
"groups": "組",
"groupSelection": "選擇組",
"ungroupSelection": "取消選擇組",
"groupMergeSelection": "合并選擇",
"groupRemoveSelection": "從組中移除"
"groupRemoveSelection": "從組中移除",
"arrange": "布局",
"alignLeft": "左對齊",
"alignCenter": "居中對齊",
"alignRight": "右對齊",
"alignTop": "頂部對齊",
"alignMiddle": "垂直居中對齊",
"alignBottom": "底部對齊",
"distributeHorizontally": "横向分布",
"distributeVertically": "垂直分布",
"moveToBack": "置於底層",
"moveToFront": "置於頂層",
"moveBackwards": "向後移動",
"moveForwards": "向前移動",
"actions": {
"toggle-navigator": "切換導航器",
"zoom-out": "縮小",
"zoom-reset": "重置縮放",
"zoom-in": "放大"
"zoom-in": "放大",
"search-flows": "搜索流程",
"search-prev": "上一個",
"search-next": "下一個",
"search-counter": "\"__term__\" __result__ of __count__"
"user": {
"loggedInAs": "作為 __name__ 登入",
@ -135,12 +185,17 @@
"notification": {
"state": {
"flowsStopped": "流程已停止",
"flowsStarted": "流程已啟動"
"warning": "<strong>警告</strong>: __message__",
"warnings": {
"undeployedChanges": "節點中存在未部署的更改",
"nodeActionDisabled": "節點動作在子流程中被禁用",
"nodeActionDisabledSubflow": "子流程中禁用了節點操作",
"missing-types": "流程由於缺少節點類型而停止。請檢查日誌的詳細資訊",
"missing-modules": "<p>流程因缺少模塊而停止。</p>",
"safe-mode": "<p>流程在安全模式下停止。</p><p>您可以修改流程並部署更改以重新啟動。</p>",
"restartRequired": "Node-RED必須重新啟動,以啟用升級的模組",
"credentials_load_failed": "<p>流程由於無法解密證書而停止。</p> <p>流程證書文件已加密,但是項目的加密密鑰丟失或無效。</p>",
@ -151,7 +206,7 @@
"project_not_found": "<p>找不到項目的'__project__'</p>",
"git_merge_conflict": "<p>自動合併更改失敗。</p><p>修復未合併的衝突,然後提交結果。</p>"
"error": "<strong>Error</strong>: __message__",
"error": "<strong>錯誤</strong>: __message__",
"errors": {
"lostConnection": "丟失與伺服器的連接,重新連接...",
"lostConnectionReconnect": "丟失與伺服器的連接,__time__ 秒後重新連接",
@ -208,6 +263,8 @@
"download": "下載",
"importUnrecognised": "匯入了無法識別的類型:",
"importUnrecognised_plural": "匯入了無法識別的類型:",
"importDuplicate": "導入了重復節點:",
"importDuplicate_plural": "導入了重復節點:",
"nodesExported": "節點匯出到了剪貼簿",
"nodesImported": "已匯入:",
"nodeCopied": "已複製 __count__ 個節點",
@ -259,6 +316,10 @@
"modifiedFlowsDesc": "只部署包含已更改節點的流程",
"modifiedNodes": "已更改的節點",
"modifiedNodesDesc": "只部署已經更改的節點",
"startFlows": "啟動",
"startFlowsDesc": "啟動流程",
"stopFlows": "停止",
"stopFlowsDesc": "停止流程",
"restartFlows": "重新啟動流程",
"restartFlowsDesc": "重新啟動當前部署的流程",
"successfulDeploy": "部署成功",
@ -337,14 +398,28 @@
"output": "輸出:",
"status": "狀態節點",
"deleteSubflow": "刪除子流程",
"confirmDelete": "您確定要刪除此子流程?",
"info": "詳細描述",
"category": "類別",
"module": "模塊",
"license": "許可",
"licenseNone": "無",
"licenseOther": "其它",
"type": "節點類型",
"version": "版本",
"versionPlaceholder": "x.y.z",
"keys": "關鍵字",
"keysPlaceholder": "使用英文逗號分隔關鍵字",
"author": "作者",
"authorPlaceholder": "名字 <email@example.com>",
"desc": "描述",
"env": {
"restore": "恢復為默認子流程",
"remove": "類別刪除環境變量"
"errors": {
"noNodesSelected": "<strong>無法創建子流程</strong>: 未選擇節點",
"acrossMultipleGroups": "無法跨多個組創建子流",
"multipleInputsToSelection": "<strong>無法創建子流程</strong>: 多個輸入到了選擇"
@ -367,12 +442,12 @@
"editConfig": "編輯 __type__ 配置",
"addNewType": "添加新的 __type__ 節點",
"nodeProperties": "節點屬性",
"label": "Label",
"label": "標簽",
"color": "顏色",
"portLabels": "埠標籤",
"labelInputs": "輸入",
"labelOutputs": "輸出",
"settingIcon": "Icon",
"settingIcon": "圖標",
"default": "默認",
"noDefaultLabel": "無",
"defaultLabel": "使用默認標籤",
@ -385,6 +460,7 @@
"icon": "圖標",
"inputType": "輸入類型",
"selectType": "選擇類型...",
"loadCredentials": "加載節點憑證",
"inputs": {
"input": "輸入",
"select": "選擇",
@ -419,7 +495,8 @@
"errors": {
"scopeChange": "更改範圍將使其他流程中的節點無法使用",
"invalidProperties": "無效的屬性:"
"invalidProperties": "無效的屬性:",
"credentialLoadFailed": "無法加載節點憑據"
"keyboard": {
@ -431,11 +508,14 @@
"unassigned": "未分配",
"global": "全局",
"workspace": "工作區",
"editor": "編輯對話框",
"selectAll": "選擇所有節點",
"selectNone": "取消所有選擇",
"selectAllConnected": "選擇所有連接的節點",
"addRemoveNode": "從選擇中添加/刪除節點",
"editSelected": "編輯選定節點",
"deleteSelected": "刪除選定節點或連結",
"deleteReconnect": "刪除並重新連接",
"importNode": "匯入節點",
"exportNode": "匯出節點",
"nudgeNode": "移動所選節點(1px)",
@ -445,10 +525,14 @@
"copyNode": "複製所選節點",
"cutNode": "剪切所選節點",
"pasteNode": "粘貼節點",
"copyGroupStyle": "復製組樣式",
"pasteGroupStyle": "粘貼組樣式",
"undoChange": "撤銷上次執行的更改",
"redoChange": "重做",
"searchBox": "打開搜尋框",
"managePalette": "管理面板",
"actionList": "動作列表"
"actionList": "動作列表",
"splitWireWithLinks": "使用Link節點拆分已選項"
"library": {
"library": "庫",
@ -466,12 +550,11 @@
"types": {
"local": "本地",
"examples": "例子"
"exportToLibrary": "將節點匯出到庫"
"palette": {
"noInfo": "無可用資訊",
"filter": "過濾節點",
"filter": "過濾已安裝模組",
"search": "搜尋模組",
"addCategory": "添加新的...",
"label": {
@ -501,11 +584,13 @@
"nodeEnabled_plural": "啟用多個節點:",
"nodeDisabled": "禁用節點:",
"nodeDisabled_plural": "禁用多個節點:",
"nodeUpgraded": "節點模組__module__升級到__version__版本"
"nodeUpgraded": "節點模組__module__升級到__version__版本",
"unknownNodeRegistered": "加載節點錯誤: <ul><li>__type__<br>__error__</li></ul>"
"editor": {
"title": "面板管理",
"palette": "Palette",
"palette": "控製板",
"allCatalogs": "所有目錄",
"times": {
"seconds": "秒前",
"minutes": "分前",
@ -545,10 +630,12 @@
"tab-nodes": "節點",
"tab-install": "安裝",
"sort": "排序:",
"sortRelevance": "關聯",
"sortAZ": "a-z順序",
"sortRecent": "日期順序",
"more": "增加 __count__ 個",
"upload": "上傳模塊tgz文件",
"refresh": "更新模塊列表",
"errors": {
"catalogLoadFailed": "無法載入節點目錄。<br>查看瀏覽器控制臺瞭解更多資訊",
"installFailed": "無法安裝: __module__<br>__message__<br>查看日誌瞭解更多資訊",
@ -617,7 +704,11 @@
"empty": "空的",
"globalConfig": "全局配置節點",
"triggerAction": "觸發動作",
"find": "在工作區中查找"
"find": "在工作區中查找",
"copyItemUrl": "復製地址",
"copyURL2Clipboard": "復製地址到剪貼板",
"showFlow": "顯示流程",
"hideFlow": "隱藏流程"
"help": {
"name": "幫助",
@ -627,7 +718,8 @@
"showHelp": "顯示幫助",
"showInOutline": "在大綱中顯示",
"showTopics": "顯示主題",
"noHelp": "未選擇幫助主題"
"noHelp": "未選擇幫助主題",
"changeLog": "更新日誌"
"config": {
"name": "配置節點",
@ -828,31 +920,37 @@
"json": "JSON",
"bin": "二進位流",
"date": "時間戳記",
"jsonata": "expression",
"env": "env variable",
"jsonata": "表達式",
"env": "環境變量",
"cred": "證書"
"editableList": {
"add": "添加"
"add": "添加",
"addTitle": "添加項"
"search": {
"empty": "找不到匹配",
"history": "搜索歷史",
"clear": "清除所有",
"empty": "找不到匹配項",
"addNode": "添加一個節點...",
"options": {
"configNodes": "配置節點",
"unusedConfigNodes": "未使用的配置節點",
"invalidNodes": "無效的節點",
"uknownNodes": "未知的節點",
"unusedSubflows": "未使用的子流程"
"unusedSubflows": "未使用的子流程",
"hiddenFlows": "隱藏的流程",
"modifiedNodes": "已修改的節點或流程",
"thisFlow": "當前流程"
"expressionEditor": {
"functions": "功能",
"functionReference": "Function reference",
"functionReference": "功能參考",
"insert": "插入",
"title": "JSONata運算式編輯器",
"test": "Test",
"test": "測試",
"data": "示例消息",
"result": "結果",
"format": "格式表達方法",
@ -863,20 +961,28 @@
"invalid-expr": "無效的JSONata運算式:\n __message__",
"invalid-msg": "無效的示例JSON消息:\n __message__",
"context-unsupported": "無法測試上下文函數\n $flowContext 或 $globalContext",
"env-unsupported": "無法測試 $env 函數",
"moment-unsupported": "無法測試 $moment 函數",
"clone-unsupported": "無法測試 $clone 函數",
"eval": "評估運算式錯誤:\n __message__"
"monaco": {
"setTheme": "設置主題"
"jsEditor": {
"title": "JavaScript 編輯器"
"textEditor": {
"title": "Text 編輯器"
"title": "文本編輯器"
"jsonEditor": {
"title": "JSON編輯器",
"format": "格式化JSON",
"rawMode": "編輯 JSON",
"uiMode": "Visual編輯器",
"uiMode": "可視化編輯器",
"rawMode-readonly": "原始JSON",
"uiMode-readonly": "可視化",
"insertAbove": "在上方插入",
"insertBelow": "在下方插入",
"addItem": "添加項目",
@ -892,9 +998,9 @@
"title": "Markdown 編輯器",
"expand": "展開",
"format": "F使用markdown格式化",
"heading1": "Heading 1",
"heading2": "Heading 2",
"heading3": "Heading 3",
"heading1": "標題 1",
"heading2": "標題 2",
"heading3": "標題 3",
"bold": "粗體",
"italic": "斜體",
"code": "程式碼",
@ -903,7 +1009,10 @@
"quote": "引用",
"link": "連結",
"horizontal-rule": "分隔線",
"toggle-preview": "預覽"
"toggle-preview": "切換預覽",
"mermaid": {
"summary": "美人魚圖"
"bufferEditor": {
"title": "緩衝區編輯器",
@ -1038,7 +1147,8 @@
"not-git": "不是git倉庫",
"no-resource": "找不到存儲庫",
"cant-get-ssh-key-path": "錯誤! 無法獲取所選的SSH密鑰路徑。",
"unexpected_error": "意外的錯誤"
"unexpected_error": "意外的錯誤",
"clearContext": "更改項目時清除上下文"
"delete": {
"confirm": "您確定要刪除此項目嗎?"
@ -1068,7 +1178,7 @@
"create-default-file-set": {
"no-active": "沒有活動項目就無法創建默認文件集",
"no-empty": "無法在非空項目上創建默認文件集",
"git-error": "git error"
"git-error": "git錯誤"
"errors": {
"no-username-email": "您的Git客戶端未配置用戶名/電子郵件。",
@ -1079,11 +1189,20 @@
"editor-tab": {
"properties": "屬性",
"envProperties": "環境變量",
"module": "模塊屬性",
"description": "描述",
"appearance": "外觀",
"preview": "UI預覽",
"defaultValue": "默認值",
"env": "環境變量"
"defaultValue": "默認值"
"tourGuide": {
"takeATour": "查看更新內容",
"start": "開始",
"next": "下一個",
"welcomeTours": "歡迎使用 Node-RED"
"diagnostics": {
"title": "系统信息"
"languages": {
"de": "德語",
@ -1095,5 +1214,31 @@
"zh-CN": "簡體中文",
"zh-TW": "繁體中文"
"validator": {
"errors": {
"invalid-json": "無效的 JSON 數據: __error__",
"invalid-expr": "無效的 JSONata 表達式: __error__",
"invalid-prop": "無效的屬性表達式",
"invalid-num": "無效的數字",
"invalid-regexp": "輸入格式無效",
"invalid-regex-prop": "__prop__: 輸入格式無效",
"missing-required-prop": "__prop__: 缺少屬性值",
"invalid-config": "__prop__: 無效的配置節點",
"missing-config": "__prop__: 缺少配置節點",
"validation-error": "__prop__: 驗證錯誤: __node__, __id__: __error__"
"contextMenu": {
"insert": "插入",
"node": "節點",
"junction": "連接點",
"linkNodes": "鏈接節點"
"env-var": {
"environment": "環境配置",
"header": "全局環境變量",
"revert": "重置"
@ -270,5 +270,9 @@
"$moment": {
"args": "[str]",
"desc": "使用Moment庫獲取日期對象。"
"$clone": {
"args": "value",
"desc": "安全克隆對象."
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ RED.contextMenu = (function () {
{ onselect: 'core:show-action-list', onpostselect: function () { } }
{ onselect: 'core:show-action-list', label: RED._("contextMenu.showActionList"), onpostselect: function () { } }
const insertOptions = []
@ -108,16 +108,16 @@ RED.contextMenu = (function () {
const nodeOptions = []
if (!hasMultipleSelection && !isGroup) {
{ onselect: 'core:show-node-help' },
{ onselect: 'core:show-node-help', label: RED._('menu.label.showNodeHelp') },
{ onselect: 'core:enable-selected-nodes' },
{ onselect: 'core:disable-selected-nodes' },
{ onselect: 'core:enable-selected-nodes', label: RED._('menu.label.enableSelectedNodes') },
{ onselect: 'core:disable-selected-nodes', label: RED._('menu.label.disableSelectedNodes') },
{ onselect: 'core:show-selected-node-labels' },
{ onselect: 'core:hide-selected-node-labels' }
{ onselect: 'core:show-selected-node-labels', label: RED._('menu.label.showSelectedNodeLabels') },
{ onselect: 'core:hide-selected-node-labels', label: RED._('menu.label.hideSelectedNodeLabels') }
label: RED._('sidebar.info.node'),
@ -126,8 +126,8 @@ RED.contextMenu = (function () {
label: RED._('sidebar.info.group'),
options: [
{ onselect: 'core:group-selection' },
{ onselect: 'core:ungroup-selection', disabled: !hasGroup },
{ onselect: 'core:group-selection', label: RED._("menu.label.groupSelection") },
{ onselect: 'core:ungroup-selection', label: RED._("menu.label.ungroupSelection"), disabled: !hasGroup },
if (hasGroup) {
@ -143,8 +143,8 @@ RED.contextMenu = (function () {
menuItems[menuItems.length - 1].options.push(
{ onselect: 'core:copy-group-style', disabled: !hasGroup },
{ onselect: 'core:paste-group-style', disabled: !hasGroup}
{ onselect: 'core:copy-group-style', label: RED._("keyboard.copyGroupStyle"), disabled: !hasGroup },
{ onselect: 'core:paste-group-style', label: RED._("keyboard.pasteGroupStyle"), disabled: !hasGroup}
if (canEdit && hasMultipleSelection) {
@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ RED.contextMenu = (function () {
{ onselect: 'core:cut-selection-to-internal-clipboard', label: RED._("keyboard.cutNode"), disabled: !canEdit || !hasSelection },
{ onselect: 'core:copy-selection-to-internal-clipboard', label: RED._("keyboard.copyNode"), disabled: !hasSelection },
{ onselect: 'core:paste-from-internal-clipboard', label: RED._("keyboard.pasteNode"), disabled: !canEdit || !RED.view.clipboard() },
{ onselect: 'core:delete-selection', disabled: !canEdit || !canDelete },
{ onselect: 'core:delete-selection', label: RED._('keyboard.deleteSelected'), disabled: !canEdit || !canDelete },
{ onselect: 'core:delete-selection-and-reconnect', label: RED._('keyboard.deleteReconnect'), disabled: !canEdit || !canDelete },
{ onselect: 'core:show-export-dialog', label: RED._("menu.label.export") },
{ onselect: 'core:select-all-nodes', label: RED._("keyboard.selectAll") },
@ -56,6 +56,9 @@ RED.validators = {
if (options.allowBlank && v === '') {
return true
if (options.allowUndefined && v === undefined) {
return true
const result = RED.utils.validateTypedProperty(v, ptype, opt)
if (result === true || opt) {
// Valid, or opt provided - return result as-is
@ -176,14 +176,16 @@
for (var i=0;i<rules.length;i++) {
const opt = { label: RED._('node-red:switch.label.rule')+' '+(i+1) }
const r = rules[i];
if (r.hasOwnProperty('v')) {
if ((msg = RED.utils.validateTypedProperty(r.v,r.vt,opt)) !== true) {
if (r.t !== 'istype') {
if (r.hasOwnProperty('v')) {
if ((msg = RED.utils.validateTypedProperty(r.v,r.vt,opt)) !== true) {
if (r.hasOwnProperty('v2')) {
if ((msg = RED.utils.validateTypedProperty(r.v2,r.v2t,opt)) !== true) {
if (r.hasOwnProperty('v2')) {
if ((msg = RED.utils.validateTypedProperty(r.v2,r.v2t,opt)) !== true) {
@ -58,11 +58,8 @@
round: {value:false},
property: {value:"payload",required:true,
validate: RED.validators.typedInput({ type: 'msg' })
validate: RED.validators.typedInput({ type: 'msg', allowBlank: true })
// RED.validators.typedInput("propertyType", false)},
name: {value:""}
inputs: 1,
@ -57,10 +57,10 @@
septopics: {value:true},
property: {value:"payload", required:true,
validate: RED.validators.typedInput({ type: 'msg' })},
validate: RED.validators.typedInput({ type: 'msg', allowUndefined: true })},
topi: {value:"topic", required:true,
validate: RED.validators.typedInput({ type: 'msg' })}
validate: RED.validators.typedInput({ type: 'msg', allowUndefined: true })}
@ -41,8 +41,8 @@
defaults: {
name: {value:""},
property: {value:"payload", validate: RED.validators.typedInput({ type: 'msg' }) },
outproperty: {value:"payload", validate: RED.validators.typedInput({ type: 'msg' }) },
property: {value:"payload", validate: RED.validators.typedInput({ type: 'msg', allowUndefined: true }) },
outproperty: {value:"payload", validate: RED.validators.typedInput({ type: 'msg', allowUndefined: true }) },
tag: {value:""},
ret: {value:"html"},
as: {value:"single"}
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
defaults: {
name: {value:""},
property: {value:"payload",required:true,
validate: RED.validators.typedInput({ type: 'msg' }),
validate: RED.validators.typedInput({ type: 'msg', allowUndefined: true}),
action: {value:""},
pretty: {value:false}
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
name: {value:""},
property: {value:"payload",required:true,
validate: RED.validators.typedInput({ type: 'msg' })},
validate: RED.validators.typedInput({ type: 'msg', allowUndefined: true })},
attr: {value:""},
chr: {value:""}
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
defaults: {
property: {value:"payload",required:true,
validate: RED.validators.typedInput({ type: 'msg' }),
validate: RED.validators.typedInput({ type: 'msg', allowUndefined: true }),
name: {value:""}
@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ class Subflow extends Flow {
// console.log("Instance config\n",JSON.stringify(subflowInternalFlowConfig,"",2));
Reference in New Issue
Block a user