Merge branch 'master' into use-css-variables

This commit is contained in:
Mauricio Bonani 2022-06-28 16:25:40 -04:00 committed by GitHub
commit 9b4d3ad6bf
No known key found for this signature in database
39 changed files with 783 additions and 137 deletions

View File

@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
"marked": "4.0.17",
"minami": "1.2.3",
"mocha": "9.2.2",
"node-red-node-test-helper": "^0.2.7",
"node-red-node-test-helper": "^0.3.0",
"nodemon": "2.0.16",
"proxy": "^1.0.2",
"sass": "1.52.3",

View File

@ -44,7 +44,8 @@
"loadNodes": "Lade Nodes __count__",
"loadFlows": "Lade Flows",
"importFlows": "Füge Flows dem Arbeitsbereich hinzu",
"importError": "<p>Fehler beim Laden von Flows.</p><p>__message__</p>"
"importError": "<p>Fehler beim Laden von Flows.</p><p>__message__</p>",
"loadingProject": "Lade Projekt"
"workspace": {
"defaultName": "Flow __number__",
@ -53,7 +54,16 @@
"delete": "Sind Sie sicher, dass '__label__' gelöscht werden soll?",
"dropFlowHere": "Hier kann der Flow eingefügt werden",
"addFlow": "Flow hinzufügen",
"addFlowToRight": "Flow zum Arbeitsbereich rechts hinzufügen",
"hideFlow": "Flow ausblenden",
"hideOtherFlows": "Andere Flows ausblenden",
"showAllFlows": "Alle Flows anzeigen",
"hideAllFlows": "Alle Flows ausblenden",
"hiddenFlows": "Liste __count__ ausgeblendeten Flow auf",
"hiddenFlows_plural": "Liste __count__ ausgeblendete Flows auf",
"showLastHiddenFlow": "Letzten ausgeblendeten Flow anzeigen",
"listFlows": "Flows auflisten",
"listSubflows": "Subflows auflisten",
"status": "Status",
"enabled": "Aktiviert",
"disabled": "Deaktiviert",
@ -65,6 +75,8 @@
"view": {
"view": "Ansicht",
"grid": "Raster",
"storeZoom": "Zoomstufe beim Laden wiederherstellen",
"storePosition": "Scrollposition beim Laden wiederherstellen",
"showGrid": "Raster anzeigen",
"snapGrid": "Am Raster ausrichten",
"gridSize": "Rastergröße",
@ -82,6 +94,7 @@
"palette": {
"show": "Palette anzeigen"
"edit": "Bearbeiten",
"settings": "Einstellungen",
"userSettings": "Einstellungen",
"nodes": "Nodes",
@ -92,7 +105,7 @@
"search": "Flows durchsuchen",
"searchInput": "Flows durchsuchen",
"subflows": "Subflow",
"createSubflow": "Erstellen",
"createSubflow": "Subflow",
"selectionToSubflow": "Auswahl in Subflow umwandeln",
"flows": "Flow",
"add": "Hinzufügen",
@ -104,24 +117,42 @@
"editPalette": "Palette verwalten",
"other": "Sonstige",
"showTips": "Tipps anzeigen",
"showWelcomeTours": "Geführte Touren für neue Versionen anzeigen",
"help": "Node-RED-Website",
"projects": "Projekt",
"projects": "Projekte",
"projects-new": "Neu",
"projects-open": "Öffnen",
"projects-settings": "Einstellungen",
"showNodeLabelDefault": "Zeige Namen von neu hinzugefügten Nodes",
"groups": "Gruppe",
"codeEditor": "Code-Editor",
"groups": "Gruppen",
"groupSelection": "Auswahl gruppieren",
"ungroupSelection": "Gruppe auflösen",
"groupMergeSelection": "Auswahl der Gruppe hinzufügen",
"groupRemoveSelection": "Auswahl aus der Gruppe entfernen"
"groupRemoveSelection": "Auswahl aus der Gruppe entfernen",
"arrange": "Anordnen",
"alignLeft": "Links ausrichten",
"alignCenter": "Zentrieren",
"alignRight": "Rechts ausrichten",
"alignTop": "Oben ausrichten",
"alignMiddle": "Mittig ausrichten",
"alignBottom": "Unten ausrichten",
"distributeHorizontally": "Horizontal verteilen",
"distributeVertically": "Vertikal verteilen",
"moveToBack": "Nach hinten verschieben",
"moveToFront": "Nach vorne verschieben",
"moveBackwards": "Rückwärts verschieben",
"moveForwards": "Vorwärts verschieben"
"actions": {
"toggle-navigator": "Navigator ein-/ausblenden",
"zoom-out": "Verkleinern",
"zoom-reset": "Vergrößerung rücksetzen",
"zoom-in": "Vergrößern"
"zoom-in": "Vergrößern",
"search-flows": "Flows durchsuchen",
"search-prev": "Vorherige",
"search-next": "Nächste"
"user": {
"loggedInAs": "Angemeldet als __name__",
@ -131,7 +162,7 @@
"loginFailed": "Anmeldung fehlgeschlagen",
"notAuthorized": "Nicht berechtigt",
"errors": {
"settings": "Sie müssen angemeldet sein, um auf die Einstellungen zuzugreifen zu können",
"settings": "Sie müssen angemeldet sein, um auf die Einstellungen zugreifen zu können",
"deploy": "Sie müssen angemeldet sein, um Änderungen übernehmen (deploy) zu können",
"notAuthorized": "Sie müssen angemeldet sein, um diese Aktion ausführen zu können"
@ -141,7 +172,7 @@
"warnings": {
"undeployedChanges": "Node hat nicht übernommene (deploy) Änderungen",
"nodeActionDisabled": "Node-Aktionen deaktiviert",
"nodeActionDisabledSubflow": "Node-Aktionen deaktiviert im Subflow",
"nodeActionDisabledSubflow": "Node-Aktionen innerhalb des Subflows deaktiviert",
"missing-types": "<p>Flows gestoppt aufgrund fehlender Node-Typen</p>",
"missing-modules": "<p>Flows angehalten aufgrund fehlender Module</p>",
"safe-mode": "<p>Flows sind im abgesicherten Modus gestoppt.</p><p>Flows können bearbeitet und übernommen (deploy) werden, um sie neu zu starten.</p>",
@ -157,21 +188,21 @@
"error": "<strong>Fehler:</strong> __message__",
"errors": {
"lostConnection": "Verbindung zum Server verloren. Verbindung wird erneut hergestellt ...",
"lostConnectionReconnect": "Verbindung zum Server verloren. Verbindung wird in __time__ s versucht wieder herzustellen.",
"lostConnectionTry": "Jetzt testen",
"lostConnectionReconnect": "Verbindung zum Server verloren. Wiederherstellung der Verbindung in __time__s.",
"lostConnectionTry": "Jetzt versuchen",
"cannotAddSubflowToItself": "Subflow kann nicht zu sich selbst hinzugefügt werden",
"cannotAddCircularReference": "Subflow kann nicht hinzugefügt werden, da ein zirkulärer Bezug erkannt wurde",
"unsupportedVersion": "<p>Nicht unterstützte Version von Node.js erkannt.</p><p>Es muss ein Upgrade auf das neueste LTS-Release von Node.js durchgeführt werden.</p>",
"failedToAppendNode": "<p>Fehler beim Laden von '__module__'.</p><p>__error__</p>"
"project": {
"change-branch": "Wechsel in den Branch '__project__'",
"merge-abort": "Merge abgebrochen",
"change-branch": "Wechsel in den lokalen Branch '__project__'",
"merge-abort": "Git-Merge abgebrochen",
"loaded": "Projekt '__project__' geladen",
"updated": "Projekt '__project__' aktualisiert",
"pull": "Projekt '__project__' erneut geladen",
"revert": "Änderungen im Projekt '__project__' rückgängig gemacht",
"merge-complete": "Merge abgeschlossen",
"merge-complete": "Git-Merge abgeschlossen",
"setupCredentials": "Berechtigungen einrichten",
"setupProjectFiles": "Projektdateien einrichten",
"no": "Nein, Danke",
@ -186,7 +217,7 @@
"no-thanks": "Nein, Danke",
"create-default-project": "Standardprojektdateien erstellen",
"show-merge-conflicts": "Merge-Konflikte anzeigen",
"unknownNodesButton": "Finden Sie unbekannte nodes"
"unknownNodesButton": "Nach unbekannten Nodes suchen"
"clipboard": {
@ -204,17 +235,17 @@
"subflow_plural": "__count__ Subflows",
"replacedNodes": "__count__ Node ersetzt",
"replacedNodes_plural": "__count__ Nodes ersetzt",
"pasteNodes": "Flow-JSON hier einfügen oder",
"pasteNodes": "Flow-JSON einfügen oder",
"selectFile": "Datei für Import auswählen",
"importNodes": "Import",
"exportNodes": "Export",
"download": "Download",
"importUnrecognised": "Importierter Typ nicht erkannt:",
"importUnrecognised_plural": "Importierte Typen nicht erkannt:",
"importDuplicate": "Importiertes doppeltes Node:",
"importDuplicate_plural": "Importierte doppelte Nodes:",
"nodesExported": "Nodes in der Zwischenablage abgelegt",
"nodesImported": "Eingefügt:",
"importUnrecognised": "Nicht erkannten Typ importiert:",
"importUnrecognised_plural": "Nicht erkannte Typen importiert:",
"importDuplicate": "Doppelten Node importiert:",
"importDuplicate_plural": "Doppelte Nodes importiert:",
"nodesExported": "Nodes in die Zwischenablage exportiert",
"nodesImported": "Importiert:",
"nodeCopied": "__count__ Node kopiert",
"nodeCopied_plural": "__count__ Nodes kopiert",
"groupCopied": "__count__ Gruppe kopiert",
@ -230,11 +261,11 @@
"all": "Alle Flows",
"compact": "Kompakt",
"formatted": "Formatiert",
"copy": "In Zwischenablage exportieren",
"copy": "In Zwischenablage kopieren",
"export": "In Bibliothek exportieren",
"exportAs": "Exportiere als",
"overwrite": "Ersetzen",
"exists": "<p>'__file__' existiert bereits.</p><p>Soll sie ersetzt werden?</p>"
"exists": "<p><b>\"__file__\"</b> existiert bereits.</p><p>Soll sie ersetzt werden?</p>"
"import": {
"import": "Importiere in",
@ -270,9 +301,9 @@
"successfulRestart": "Flows erfolgreich neugestartet",
"deployFailed": "Übernahme (deploy) fehlgeschlagen: __message__",
"unusedConfigNodes": "Einige Konfigurations-Nodes werden nicht verwendet.",
"unusedConfigNodesButton":"Finden Sie ungenutzte konfig nodes",
"unknownNodesButton":"Finden Sie unbekannte nodes",
"invalidNodesButton":"Finden Sie ungültige nodes",
"unusedConfigNodesButton": "Suche nach unbenutzten Konfigurations-Nodes",
"unknownNodesButton": "Suche nach unbekannten Nodes",
"invalidNodesButton": "Suche nach ungültigen Nodes",
"errors": {
"noResponse": "Keine Antwort vom Server"
@ -355,10 +386,10 @@
"keys": "Schlüsselwörter",
"keysPlaceholder": "Komma-getrennte Schlüsselwörter",
"author": "Author",
"authorPlaceholder": "Dein Name <>",
"authorPlaceholder": "Ihr Name <>",
"desc": "Beschreibung",
"env": {
"restore": "Stelle auf Subflow-Standard zurück",
"restore": "Subflow-Standard wiederherstellen",
"remove": "Entferne Umgebungsvariable"
"errors": {
@ -367,9 +398,9 @@
"group": {
"editGroup": "Editiere Gruppe: __name__",
"editGroup": "Bearbeite Gruppe: __name__",
"errors": {
"cannotCreateDiffGroups": "Kann keine Gruppe erzeugen mit Nodes von verschiedenen Gruppen",
"cannotCreateDiffGroups": "Kann keine Gruppe mit Nodes von anderen Gruppen erstellen",
"cannotAddSubflowPorts": "Kann keine Subflow-Anschlüsse zu einer Gruppe hinzufügen"
@ -383,7 +414,7 @@
"addNewConfig": "Neuen Konfigurations-Node '__type__' hinzufügen",
"editNode": "Node '__type__' bearbeiten",
"editConfig": "Konfigurations-Node '__type__' bearbeiten",
"addNewType": "Neuen Typ '__type__' hinzufügen",
"addNewType": "Neuen Typ '__type__' hinzufügen ...",
"nodeProperties": "Node-Eigenschaften",
"label": "Name",
"color": "Farbe",
@ -406,7 +437,7 @@
"loadCredentials": "Lade Node-Berechtigungen",
"inputs": {
"input": "Eingang",
"select": "Wähle",
"select": "Auswahl",
"checkbox": "Checkbox",
"spinner": "Spinner",
"none": "Kein",
@ -449,23 +480,27 @@
"shortcut": "Tastenkürzel",
"scope": "Geltungsbereich",
"unassigned": "Nicht zugeordnet",
"global": "global",
"global": "Global",
"workspace": "Arbeitsbereich",
"selectAll": "Alle Nodes auswählen",
"selectAll": "Alles auswählen",
"selectNone": "Alles abwählen",
"selectAllConnected": "Alle verbundenen Nodes auswählen",
"addRemoveNode": "Node aus Auswahl hinzufügen/entfernen",
"editSelected": "Ausgewählten Node bearbeiten",
"deleteSelected": "Ausgewählte Nodes oder Links löschen",
"importNode": "Node importieren",
"exportNode": "Node exportieren",
"importNode": "Nodes importieren",
"exportNode": "Nodes exportieren",
"nudgeNode": "Ausgewählte Nodes verschieben (1px)",
"moveNode": "Ausgewählte Nodes verschieben (20px)",
"toggleSidebar": "Seitenleiste ein-/ausblenden",
"togglePalette": "Palette ein-/ausblenden",
"copyNode": "Ausgewählte Nodes kopieren",
"cutNode": "Ausgewählte Nodes ausschneiden",
"pasteNode": "Node einfügen",
"pasteNode": "Nodes einfügen",
"copyGroupStyle": "Gruppenstil kopieren",
"pasteGroupStyle": "Gruppenstil einfügen",
"undoChange": "Letzte Änderung rückgängig machen",
"redoChange": "Letzte Änderung wiederholen",
"searchBox": "Suchfeld öffnen",
"managePalette": "Palette verwalten",
"actionList": "Aktionsliste"
@ -491,7 +526,7 @@
"palette": {
"noInfo": "Keine Informationen verfügbar",
"filter": "Nodes filtern",
"search": "Modules durchsuchen",
"search": "Module durchsuchen",
"addCategory": "Neu hinzufügen ...",
"label": {
"subflows": "Subflows",
@ -520,7 +555,8 @@
"nodeEnabled_plural": "Nodes aktiviert:",
"nodeDisabled": "Node deaktiviert:",
"nodeDisabled_plural": "Nodes deaktiviert:",
"nodeUpgraded": "Upgrade von Node-Modul __module__ auf Version __version__ durchgeführt"
"nodeUpgraded": "Upgrade von Node-Modul __module__ auf Version __version__ durchgeführt",
"unknownNodeRegistered": "Fehler beim Laden des Nodes: <ul><li>__type__<br>__error__</li></ul>"
"editor": {
"title": "Palette verwalten",
@ -636,7 +672,7 @@
"outline": "Entwurf",
"empty": "leer",
"globalConfig": "Globale Konfigurations-Nodes",
"triggerAction": "Auslösen",
"triggerAction": "Aktion auslösen",
"find": "Suche im Arbeitsbereich"
"help": {
@ -739,7 +775,7 @@
"userName": "Benutzername",
"email": "E-Mail",
"workflow": "Arbeitsablauf",
"workfowTip": "Wähle deinen bevorzugten Git-Arbeitsablauf",
"workfowTip": "Wählen Sie Ihren bevorzugten Git-Arbeitsablauf (Workflow)",
"workflowManual": "Manuell",
"workflowManualTip": "Alle Änderungen müssen manuell übertragen werden (commit) über die Seitenleiste 'Projekthistorie'",
"workflowAuto": "Automatisch",
@ -858,6 +894,8 @@
"addTitle": "Element hinzufügen"
"search": {
"history": "Suchhistorie",
"clear": "Leeren",
"empty": "Keine Übereinstimmungen gefunden",
"addNode": "Node hinzufügen ...",
"options": {
@ -865,7 +903,10 @@
"unusedConfigNodes": "Unbenutzte Konfigurations-Nodes",
"invalidNodes": "Ungültige Nodes",
"uknownNodes": "Unbekannte Nodes",
"unusedSubflows": "Unbenutzte Subflows"
"unusedSubflows": "Unbenutzte Subflows",
"hiddenFlows": "Versteckte Flows",
"modifiedNodes": "Geänderte Nodes",
"thisFlow": "Aktueller Flow"
"expressionEditor": {
@ -887,6 +928,9 @@
"eval": "Fehler beim Auswerten des Ausdrucks\n__message__"
"monaco": {
"setTheme": "Thema auswählen"
"jsEditor": {
"title": "JavaScript-Editor"
@ -896,8 +940,10 @@
"jsonEditor": {
"title": "JSON-Editor",
"format": "JSON formatieren",
"rawMode": "JSON-Editor",
"rawMode": "Bearbeite JSON",
"uiMode": "Visueller Editor",
"rawMode-readonly": "JSON",
"uiMode-readonly": "Visuell",
"insertAbove": "Oberhalb einfügen",
"insertBelow": "Unterhalb einfügen",
"addItem": "Element hinzufügen",
@ -968,7 +1014,7 @@
"clone": "Projekt klonen",
"desc0": "Wenn Sie bereits über ein Git-Repository verfügen, das ein Projekt enthält, können Sie es klonen, um damit zu arbeiten.",
"already-exists": "Das Projekt ist bereits vorhanden",
"must-contain": "Darf nur A-Z 0-9 _ enthalten",
"must-contain": "Darf nur A-Z 0-9 _ - enthalten",
"project-name": "Projektname",
"no-info-in-url": "Geben Sie Benutzername & Passwort nicht innerhalb der URL vor",
"git-url": "Git-Repository-URL",
@ -1026,7 +1072,7 @@
"desc2": "Im Tab 'Commit-Historie' in der Seitenleiste werden alle Dateien angezeigt, die sich in Ihrem Projekt geändert haben, und um sie ins lokale Repository zu übertragen (commit). Es zeigt Ihnen eine vollständige Historie Ihrer Commits an und ermöglicht es Ihnen, Ihre Commits in ein (remote) Server-Repository zu schieben (push)."
"create": {
"projects": "Projekt",
"projects": "Projekte",
"already-exists": "Das Projekt ist bereits vorhanden",
"must-contain": "Darf nur A-Z 0-9 _ enthalten",
"no-info-in-url": "Geben Sie Benutzername & Passwort nicht innerhalb der URL vor",
@ -1059,7 +1105,8 @@
"not-git": "Kein Git-Repository",
"no-resource": "Repository nicht gefunden",
"cant-get-ssh-key-path": "Fehler! Der ausgewählte SSH-Schlüsselpfad kann nicht abgerufen werden.",
"unexpected_error": "unerwarteter_Fehler"
"unexpected_error": "unerwarteter_Fehler",
"clearContext": "Kontextdaten löschen beim Projektwechsel"
"delete": {
"confirm": "Sind Sie sicher, dass dieses Projekt gelöscht werden soll?"
@ -1106,13 +1153,43 @@
"preview": "Vorschau",
"defaultValue": "Standardwert"
"tourGuide": {
"takeATour": "Tour starten",
"start": "Start",
"next": "Nächste"
"diagnostics": {
"title": "System-Informationen"
"languages": {
"de": "German",
"en-US": "English",
"ja": "Japanese",
"ko": "Korean",
"ru": "Russian",
"zh-CN": "Chinese(Simplified)",
"zh-TW": "Chinese(Traditional)"
"de": "Deutsch",
"en-US": "Englisch",
"ja": "Japanisch",
"ko": "Koreanisch",
"ru": "Russisch",
"zh-CN": "Chinesisch (Vereinfacht)",
"zh-TW": "Chinesisch (Traditionell)"
"validator": {
"errors": {
"invalid-json": "Ungültige JSON-Daten: __error__",
"invalid-json-prop": "__prop__: ungültige JSON-Daten: __error__",
"invalid-prop": "Ungültiger Eigenschaftsausdruck",
"invalid-prop-prop": "__prop__: ungültiger Eigenschaftsausdruck",
"invalid-num": "Ungültige Nummer",
"invalid-num-prop": "__prop__: ungültige Nummer",
"invalid-regexp": "Ungültiges Eingabemuster",
"invalid-regex-prop": "__prop__: ungültiges Eingabemuster",
"missing-required-prop": "__prop__: Eigenschaftswert fehlt",
"invalid-config": "__prop__: ungültige Konfigurations-Node",
"missing-config": "__prop__: Konfigurations-Node fehlt",
"validation-error": "__prop__: Validierungsfehler: __node__, __id__: __error__"
"contextMenu": {
"insert": "Einfügen",
"node": "Node",
"junction": "Kreuzung",
"linkNodes": "Verknüpfe Nodes"

View File

@ -685,7 +685,8 @@
"showHelp": "Show help",
"showInOutline": "Show in outline",
"showTopics": "Show topics",
"noHelp": "No help topic selected"
"noHelp": "No help topic selected",
"changeLog": "Change Log"
"config": {
"name": "Configuration nodes",
@ -1158,7 +1159,8 @@
"tourGuide": {
"takeATour": "Take a tour",
"start": "Start",
"next": "Next"
"next": "Next",
"welcomeTours": "Welcome Tours"
"diagnostics": {
"title": "System Info"
@ -1187,5 +1189,11 @@
"missing-config": "__prop__: missing configuration node",
"validation-error": "__prop__: validation error: __node__, __id__: __error__"
"contextMenu": {
"insert": "Insert",
"node": "Node",
"junction": "Junction",
"linkNodes": "Link Nodes"

View File

@ -1158,7 +1158,8 @@
"tourGuide": {
"takeATour": "ツアーを開始",
"start": "開始",
"next": "次へ"
"next": "次へ",
"tours": "ツアー"
"diagnostics": {
"title": "システム情報"
@ -1188,6 +1189,12 @@
"validation-error": "__prop__: チェックエラー: __node__, __id__: __error__"
"contextMenu": {
"insert": "挿入",
"node": "ノード",
"junction": "分岐点",
"linkNodes": "Linkード"
"action-list": {
"toggle-show-tips": "ヒント表示切替",
"show-about": "Node-REDの説明を表示",
@ -1302,7 +1309,7 @@
"search": "検索",
"search-previous": "前を検索",
"search-next": "次を検索",
"show-action-list": "アクション一覧を表示",
"show-action-list": "動作一覧を表示",
"confirm-edit-tray": "編集を完了",
"cancel-edit-tray": "編集をキャンセル",
"show-remote-diff": "リモートとの変更差分を表示",
@ -1324,6 +1331,11 @@
"zoom-out": "ズームアウト",
"zoom-reset": "ズームリセット",
"toggle-navigator": "ナビゲータ表示切替",
"show-system-info": "システムインフォメーション"
"show-system-info": "システム情報",
"split-wires-with-junctions": "分岐点によりワイヤーを分割",
"new-project": "新しいプロジェクト",
"open-project": "プロジェクトを開く",
"show-project-settings": "プロジェクト設定を表示",
"show-version-control-tab": "バージョンコントロールタブを表示"

View File

@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
"rename": "重命名",
"delete": "删除",
"keyboardShortcuts": "键盘快捷方式",
"login": "登",
"login": "登",
"logout": "退出",
"editPalette": "节点管理",
"other": "其他",
@ -122,16 +122,16 @@
"zoom-in": "放大"
"user": {
"loggedInAs": "作为 __name__ 登",
"loggedInAs": "作为 __name__ 登",
"username": "账号",
"password": "密码",
"login": "登",
"loginFailed": "登失败",
"login": "登",
"loginFailed": "登失败",
"notAuthorized": "未授权",
"errors": {
"settings": "设置信息需要登后才能访问",
"deploy": "改动需要登后才能部署",
"notAuthorized": "此操作需要登后才能执行"
"settings": "设置信息需要登后才能访问",
"deploy": "改动需要登后才能部署",
"notAuthorized": "此操作需要登后才能执行"
"notification": {

View File

@ -48,10 +48,10 @@ RED.contextMenu = (function() {
const menuItems = [
{ onselect: 'core:show-action-list', onpostselect: function() {} },
label: 'Insert',
label: RED._("contextMenu.insert"),
options: [
label: 'Node',
label: RED._("contextMenu.node"),
onselect: function() {
position: [ options.x - offset.left, options.y - ],
@ -62,12 +62,12 @@ RED.contextMenu = (function() {
label: 'Junction',
label: RED._("contextMenu.junction"),
onselect: 'core:split-wires-with-junctions',
disabled: hasSelection || !hasLinks
label: 'Link Nodes',
label: RED._("contextMenu.linkNodes"),
onselect: 'core:split-wire-with-link-nodes',
disabled: hasSelection || !hasLinks
@ -170,6 +170,7 @@ RED.contextMenu = (function() {
return {
show: show
show: show,
hide: disposeMenu

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
const MONACO = "monaco";
const ACE = "ace";
const defaultEditor = ACE;
const defaultEditor = MONACO;
const DEFAULT_SETTINGS = { lib: defaultEditor, options: {} };
var selectedCodeEditor = null;
var initialised = false;
@ -48,12 +48,12 @@
function create(options) {
//TODO: (quandry - for consideration)
//TODO: (quandry - for consideration)
// Below, I had to create a hidden element if || options.element is not in the DOM
// I have seen 1 node calling `this.editor = RED.editor.createEditor()` with an
// I have seen 1 node calling `this.editor = RED.editor.createEditor()` with an
// invalid (non existing html element selector) (e.g. node-red-contrib-components does this)
// This causes monaco to throw an error when attempting to hook up its events to the dom & the rest of the 'oneditperapre'
// code is thus skipped.
// This causes monaco to throw an error when attempting to hook up its events to the dom & the rest of the 'oneditperapre'
// code is thus skipped.
// In ACE mode, creating an ACE editor (with an invalid ID) allows the editor to be created (but obviously there is no UI)
// Because one (or more) contrib nodes have left this bad code in place, how would we handle this?
// For compatibility, I have decided to create a hidden element so that at least an editor is created & errors do not occur.
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
return this.editor.create(options);//fallback to ACE
return {
init: init,
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
* Get user selected code editor
* @return {string} Returns
* @return {string} Returns
* @memberof RED.editor.codeEditor
get editor() {
@ -104,4 +104,4 @@
create: create

View File

@ -37,8 +37,7 @@
if (!node._def.defaults || !node._def.defaults.hasOwnProperty("icon")) {
var icon = $("#red-ui-editor-node-icon").val()||"";
if (!this.isDefaultIcon) {
if ((icon !== node.icon) &&
(icon !== "")) {
if ((node.icon && icon !== node.icon) || (!node.icon && icon !== "")) {
editState.changes.icon = node.icon;
node.icon = icon;
editState.changed = true;

View File

@ -20,10 +20,8 @@ = (function() {
var helpSection;
var panels;
var panelRatio;
var helpTopics = [];
var treeList;
var tocPanel;
var helpIndex = {};
function resizeStack() {
var h = $(content).parent().height() - toolbar.outerHeight();
@ -97,7 +95,10 @@ = (function() {
var pendingContentLoad;
treeList.on('treelistselect', function(e,item) {
pendingContentLoad = item;
if (item.nodeType) {
if (item.tour) {;
else if (item.nodeType) {
} else if (item.content) {
@ -189,7 +190,6 @@ = (function() {
function refreshHelpIndex() {
helpTopics = [];
var modules = RED.nodes.registry.getModuleList();
var moduleNames = Object.keys(modules);
@ -198,15 +198,32 @@ = (function() {
label: RED._(""),
children: [],
expanded: true
var tours = RED.tourGuide.list().map(function (item) {
return {
icon: "fa fa-play-circle-o",
label: item.label,
tour: item.path,
var helpData = [
id: 'changelog',
label: "Node-RED v"+RED.settings.version,
content: getChangelog
label: "Node-RED",
children: [
id: 'changelog',
label: RED._(""),
content: getChangelog
label: RED._("tourGuide.welcomeTours"),
children: tours
var subflows = RED.nodes.registry.getNodeTypes().filter(function(t) {return /subflow/.test(t)});
if (subflows.length > 0) {

View File

@ -433,9 +433,30 @@ RED.tourGuide = (function() {
function listTour() {
return [
id: "2_3",
label: "3.0.0-beta.3",
path: "./tours/welcome.js"
id: "2_2",
label: "2.2.0",
path: "./tours/2.2/welcome.js"
id: "2_1",
label: "2.1.0",
path: "./tours/2.1/welcome.js"
return {
load: loadTour,
run: run,
list: listTour,
reset: function() {

View File

@ -979,13 +979,14 @@ = (function() {
* - it uses `<paletteLabel> <N>` - where N is the next available integer that
* doesn't clash with any existing nodes of that type
* @param {Object} node The node to set the name of - if not provided, uses current selection
* @param {{ renameBlank: boolean, renameClash: boolean, generateHistory: boolean }} options Possible options are `renameBlank`, `renameClash` and `generateHistory`
function generateNodeNames(node, options) {
options = options || {
options = Object.assign({
renameBlank: true,
renameClash: true,
generateHistory: true
}, options)
let nodes = node;
if (node) {
if (!Array.isArray(node)) {

View File

@ -988,6 +988,7 @@ RED.view = (function() {
if (RED.view.DEBUG) {
console.warn("canvasMouseDown", { mouse_mode, point: d3.mouse(this), event: d3.event });
if (mouse_mode === RED.state.SELECTING_NODE) {
@ -1779,6 +1780,9 @@ RED.view = (function() {
var i;
var historyEvent;
if (d3.event.button === 2) {
if (mouse_mode === RED.state.PANNING) {
@ -2903,6 +2907,7 @@ RED.view = (function() {
function portMouseDown(d,portType,portIndex, evt) {
if (RED.view.DEBUG) { console.warn("portMouseDown", mouse_mode,d,portType,portIndex); }
evt = evt || d3.event;
if (evt === 1) {
@ -3411,6 +3416,7 @@ RED.view = (function() {
function nodeMouseDown(d) {
if (RED.view.DEBUG) { console.warn("nodeMouseDown", mouse_mode,d); }
if (d3.event.button === 1) {
@ -3793,6 +3799,7 @@ RED.view = (function() {
if (RED.view.DEBUG) {
console.warn("linkMouseDown", { mouse_mode, point: d3.mouse(this), event: d3.event });
if (mouse_mode === RED.state.SELECTING_NODE) {
@ -3852,6 +3859,9 @@ RED.view = (function() {
function groupMouseUp(g) {
if (RED.view.DEBUG) {
console.warn("groupMouseUp", { mouse_mode, event: d3.event });
if (dblClickPrimed && mousedown_group == g && clickElapsed > 0 && clickElapsed < dblClickInterval) {
mouse_mode = RED.state.DEFAULT;
@ -3867,6 +3877,10 @@ RED.view = (function() {
// return
// }
if (RED.view.DEBUG) {
console.warn("groupMouseDown", { mouse_mode, point: mouse, event: d3.event });
if (d3.event.button === 1) {
@ -5858,6 +5872,7 @@ RED.view = (function() {
* @private
function createNode(type, x, y, z) {
const wasDirty = RED.nodes.dirty()
var m = /^subflow:(.+)$/.exec(type);
var activeSubflow = z ? RED.nodes.subflow(z) : null;
if (activeSubflow && m) {
@ -5916,7 +5931,7 @@ RED.view = (function() {
var historyEvent = {
t: "add",
nodes: [],
dirty: RED.nodes.dirty()
dirty: wasDirty
if (activeSubflow) {
var subflowRefresh = RED.subflow.refresh(true);

View File

@ -284,9 +284,22 @@ RED.workspaces = (function() {
onselect: "core:show-last-hidden-flow"
if (hideStack.length > 0) {
let hiddenFlows = new Set()
for (let i = 0; i < hideStack.length; i++) {
let ids = hideStack[i]
if (!Array.isArray(ids)) {
ids = [ids]
ids.forEach(id => {
if (RED.nodes.workspace(id)) {
const flowCount = hiddenFlows.size;
if (flowCount > 0) {
label: RED._("workspace.hiddenFlows",{count: hideStack.length}),
label: RED._("workspace.hiddenFlows",{count: flowCount}),
onselect: "core:list-hidden-flows"

View File

@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
.red-ui-search-results-container {
display: none;
height: 150px;
height: 195px;
.red-ui-editableList-container {
border: 1px dashed var(--red-ui-primary-border-color);
border-top: 1px solid var(--red-ui-secondary-border-color);

View File

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ {
.red-ui-palette-node {
overflow: hidden;
cursor: default;
&.selected {
border-color: transparent;
box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px var(--red-ui-node-selected-color);
@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ {
left: 0;
right: 0;
color: var(--red-ui-node-port-label-color);
cursor: pointer;
&:hover {
text-decoration: none;
background: var(--red-ui-node-port-background-hover);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
export default {
version: "2.1.0",
steps: [
titleIcon: "fa fa-map-o",
title: {
"en-US": "Welcome to Node-RED 2.1!",
"ja": "Node-RED 2.1へようこそ!"
description: {
"en-US": "Let's take a moment to discover the new features in this release.",
"ja": "本リリースの新機能を見つけてみましょう。"
title: {
"en-US": "A new Tour Guide",
"ja": "新しいツアーガイド"
description: {
"en-US": "<p>First, as you've already found, we now have this tour of new features. We'll only show the tour the first time you open the editor for each new version of Node-RED.</p>" +
"<p>You can choose not to see this tour in the future by disabling it under the View tab of User Settings.</p>",
"ja": "<p>最初に、既に見つけている様に、新機能の本ツアーがあります。本ツアーは、新バージョンのNode-REDフローエディタを初めて開いた時のみ表示されます。</p>" +
title: {
"en-US": "New Edit menu",
"ja": "新しい編集メニュー"
prepare() {
complete() {
element: "#menu-item-edit-menu-submenu",
interactive: false,
direction: "left",
description: {
"en-US": "<p>The main menu has been updated with a new 'Edit' section. This includes all of the familar options, like cut/paste and undo/redo.</p>" +
"<p>The menu now displays keyboard shortcuts for the options.</p>",
"ja": "<p>メインメニューに「編集」セクションが追加されました。本セクションには、切り取り/貼り付けや、変更操作を戻す/やり直しの様な使い慣れたオプションが含まれています。</p>" +
title: {
"en-US": "Arranging nodes",
"ja": "ノードの配置"
prepare() {
complete() {
element: "#menu-item-arrange-menu-submenu",
interactive: false,
direction: "left",
description: {
"en-US": "<p>The new 'Arrange' section of the menu provides new options to help arrange your nodes. You can align them to a common edge, spread them out evenly or change their order.</p>",
"ja": "<p>メニューの新しい「配置」セクションには、ノードの配置を助ける新しいオプションが提供されています。ノードの端を揃えたり、均等に配置したり、表示順序を変更したりできます。</p>"
title: {
"en-US": "Hiding tabs",
"ja": "タブの非表示"
element: "#red-ui-workspace-tabs >",
description: {
"en-US": '<p>Tabs can now be hidden by clicking their <i class="fa fa-eye-slash"></i> icon.</p><p>The Info Sidebar will still list all of your tabs, and tell you which ones are currently hidden.',
"ja": '<p><i class="fa fa-eye-slash"></i> アイコンをクリックすることで、タブを非表示にできます。</p><p>情報サイドバーには、全てのタブが一覧表示されており、現在非表示になっているタブを確認できます。'
interactive: false,
prepare() {
$("#red-ui-workspace-tabs > .red-ui-tab-close").css("display","block");
complete() {
$("#red-ui-workspace-tabs > .red-ui-tab-close").css("display","");
title: {
"en-US": "Tab menu",
"ja": "タブメニュー"
element: "#red-ui-workspace-tabs-menu",
description: {
"en-US": "<p>The new tab menu also provides lots of new options for your tabs.</p>",
"ja": "<p>新しいタブメニューには、タブに関する沢山の新しいオプションが提供されています。</p>"
interactive: false,
direction: "left",
prepare() {
$("#red-ui-workspace > .red-ui-tabs > .red-ui-tabs-menu a").trigger("click");
complete() {
title: {
"en-US": "Flow and Group level environment variables",
"ja": "フローとグループの環境変数"
element: "#red-ui-workspace-tabs >",
interactive: false,
description: {
"en-US": "<p>Flows and Groups can now have their own environment variables that can be referenced by nodes inside them.</p>",
"ja": "<p>フローとグループには、内部のノードから参照できる環境変数を設定できるようになりました。</p>"
prepare(done) {
element: "#red-ui-tab-editor-tab-envProperties-link-button",
description: {
"en-US": "<p>Their edit dialogs have a new Environment Variables section.</p>",
"ja": "<p>編集ダイアログに環境変数セクションが追加されました。</p>"
element: ".node-input-env-container-row",
direction: "left",
description: {
"en-US": '<p>The environment variables are listed in this table and new ones can be added by clicking the <i class="fa fa-plus"></i> button.</p>',
"ja": '<p>この表に環境変数が一覧表示されており、<i class="fa fa-plus"></i>ボタンをクリックすることで新しい変数を追加できます。</p>'
complete(done) {
title: {
"en-US": "Link Call node added",
"ja": "Link Callードを追加"
prepare(done) {
this.paletteWasClosed = $("#red-ui-main-container").hasClass("red-ui-palette-closed");
$('[data-palette-type="link call"]')[0].scrollIntoView({block:"center"})
element: '[data-palette-type="link call"]',
direction: "right",
description: {
"en-US": "<p>The <code>Link Call</code> node lets you call another flow that begins with a <code>Link In</code> node and get the result back when the message reaches a <code>Link Out</code> node.</p>",
"ja": "<p><code>Link Call</code>ノードを用いることで、<code>Link In</code>ノードから始まるフローを呼び出し、<code>Link Out</code>ノードに到達した時に、結果を取得できます。</p>"
title: {
"en-US": "MQTT nodes support dynamic connections",
"ja": "MQTTードが動的接続をサポート"
prepare(done) {
$('[data-palette-type="mqtt out"]')[0].scrollIntoView({block:"center"})
element: '[data-palette-type="mqtt out"]',
direction: "right",
description: {
"en-US": '<p>The <code>MQTT</code> nodes now support creating their connections and subscriptions dynamically.</p>',
"ja": '<p><code>MQTT</code>ノードは、動的な接続や購読ができるようになりました。</p>'
title: {
"en-US": "File nodes renamed",
"ja": "ファイルノードの名前変更"
prepare(done) {
complete() {
if (this.paletteWasClosed) {
element: '[data-palette-type="file"]',
direction: "right",
description: {
"en-US": "<p>The file nodes have been renamed to make it clearer which node does what.</p>",
"ja": "<p>fileードの名前が変更され、どのードが何を行うかが明確になりました。</p>"
title: {
"en-US": "Deep copy option on Change node",
"ja": "Changeードのディープコピーオプション"
prepare(done) {
var def = RED.nodes.getType('change');
RED.editor.edit({id:"test",type:"change",rules:[{t:"set",p:"payload",pt:"msg", tot:"msg",to:"anotherProperty"}],_def:def, _:def._});
complete(done) {
element: function() {
return $(".node-input-rule-property-deepCopy").next();
description: {
"en-US": "<p>The Set rule has a new option to create a deep copy of the value. This ensures a complete copy is made, rather than using a reference.</p>",
"ja": "<p>値を代入に、値のディープコピーを作成するオプションが追加されました。これによって参照ではなく、完全なコピーが作成されます。</p>"
title: {
"en-US": "And that's not all...",
"ja": "これが全てではありません..."
description: {
"en-US": "<p>There are many more smaller changes, including:</p><ul><li>Auto-complete suggestions in the <code>msg</code> TypedInput.</li><li>Support for <code>msg.resetTimeout</code> in the <code>Join</code> node.</li><li>Pushing messages to the front of the queue in the <code>Delay</code> node's rate limiting mode.</li><li>An optional second output on the <code>Delay</code> node for rate limited messages.</li></ul>",
"ja": "<p>以下の様な小さな変更が沢山あります:</p><ul><li><code>msg</code> TypedInputの自動補完提案</li><li><code>Join</code>ノードで<code>msg.resetTimeout</code>のサポート</li><li><code>Delay</code>ノードの流量制御モードにおいて先頭メッセージをキューに追加</li><li><code>Delay</code>ードで流量制限されたメッセージ向けの任意の2つ目の出力</li></ul>"

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 29 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 70 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 81 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 29 KiB

View File

@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
export default {
version: "2.2.0",
steps: [
titleIcon: "fa fa-map-o",
title: {
"en-US": "Welcome to Node-RED 2.2!",
"ja": "Node-RED 2.2へようこそ!"
description: {
"en-US": "Let's take a moment to discover the new features in this release.",
"ja": "本リリースの新機能を見つけてみましょう。"
title: {
"en-US": "Search history",
"ja": "検索履歴"
description: {
"en-US": "<p>The Search dialog now keeps a history of your searches, making it easier to go back to a previous search.</p>",
"ja": "<p>検索ダイアログが検索履歴を保持するようになりました。これによって、過去の検索に戻りやすくなりました。</p>"
element: "#red-ui-search .red-ui-searchBox-form",
prepare(done) {;
complete() {;
title: {
"en-US": "Remembering Zoom & Position",
"ja": "拡大/縮小のレベルや位置を記憶"
description: {
"en-US": "<p>The editor has new options to restore the zoom level and scroll position when reloading the editor.</p>",
"ja": "<p>エディタを再読み込みした時に、拡大/縮小のレベルやスクロール位置を復元するための新しいオプションを利用できます。</p>"
element: function() { return $("#user-settings-view-store-position").parent()},
prepare(done) {
complete(done) {
title: {
"en-US": "New wiring actions",
"ja": "新しいワイヤー操作"
// image: "images/",
description: {
"en-US": `<p>A pair of new actions have been added to help with wiring nodes together:</p>
<li><b><code>Wire Series Of Nodes</code></b> - adds a wire (if necessary) between each pair of nodes in the order they were selected.</li>
<li><b><code>Wire Node To Multiple</code></b> - wires the first node selected to all of the other selected nodes.</li>
<p>Actions can be accessed from the Action List in the main menu.</p>`,
"ja": `<p>ード接続を支援する2つの新しい操作が追加されました:</p>
<li><b><code>Wire Series Of Nodes</code></b> - ()</li>
<li><b><code>Wire Node To Multiple</code></b> - </li>
title: {
"en-US": "Deleting nodes and reconnecting wires",
"ja": "ノードの削除とワイヤーの再接続"
image: "2.2/images/delete-repair.gif",
description: {
"en-US": `<p>It is now possible to delete a selection of nodes and automatically repair the wiring behind them.</p>
<p>This is really useful if you want to remove a node from the middle of the flow.</p>
<p>Hold the Ctrl (or Cmd) key when you press Delete and the nodes will be gone and the wires repaired.</p>
"ja": `<p>選択したノードを削除した後、その背後にあるワイヤーを自動的に修復できるようになりました。</p>
<p>Ctrl (またはCmd)キーを押しながらDeleteキーを押すとノードがなくなりワイヤーが修復されます</p>
title: {
"en-US": "Detaching nodes from a flow",
"ja": "フローからノードの切り離し"
image: "2.2/images/detach-repair.gif",
description: {
"en-US": `<p>If you want to remove a node from a flow without deleting it,
you can use the <b><code>Detach Selected Nodes</code></b> action.</p>
<p>The nodes will be removed from their flow, the wiring repaired behind them, and then attached to the mouse
so you can drop them wherever you want in the workspace.</p>
<p>There isn't a default keyboard shortcut assigned for this new action, but
you can add your own via the Keyboard pane of the main Settings dialog.</p>`,
"ja": `<p>ノードを削除することなく、フローからノードを除きたい場合は、<b><code>Detach Selected Nodes</code></b>操作を利用できます。</p>
title: {
"en-US": "More wiring tricks",
"ja": "その他のワイヤー操作"
image: "2.2/images/slice.gif",
description: {
"en-US": `<p>A couple more wiring tricks to share.</p>
<p>You can now select multiple wires by holding the Ctrl (or Cmd) key
when clicking on a wire. This makes it easier to delete multiple wires in one go.</p>
<p>If you hold the Ctrl (or Cmd) key, then click and drag with the right-hand mouse button,
you can slice through wires to remove them.</p>`,
"ja": `<p>その他のいくつかのワイヤー操作</p>
<p>Ctrl (またはCmd)キーを押しながらワイヤーをクリックすることで複数のワイヤーを選択できるようになりましたこれによって複数のワイヤーを一度に削除することが簡単になりました</p>
<p>Ctrl (またはCmd)キーを押しながらマウスの右ボタンを用いてドラッグするとワイヤーを切って削除できます</p>`
title: {
"en-US": "Subflow Output Labels",
"ja": "サブフローの出力ラベル"
image: "2.2/images/subflow-labels.png",
description: {
"en-US": "<p>If a subflow has labels set for its outputs, they now get shown on the ports within the subflow template view.</p>",
"ja": "<p>サブフローの出力にラベルが設定されている場合、サブフローテンプレート画面内のポートにラベルが表示されるようになりました。</p>"
title: {
"en-US": "Node Updates",
"ja": "ノードの更新"
// image: "images/",
description: {
"en-US": `<ul>
<li>The JSON node will now handle parsing Buffer payloads</li>
<li>The TCP Client nodes support TLS connections</li>
<li>The WebSocket node allows you to specify a sub-protocol when connecting</li>
"ja": `<ul>

View File

@ -9,19 +9,22 @@ export default {
description: {
"en-US": "<p>This is the final beta release of Node-RED 3.0.</p><p>Let's take a moment to discover the new features in this release.</p>",
// "ja": "<p>これはNode-RED 3.0の最初のベータリリースです。これには、最終リリースで計画しているほぼ全ての機能が含まれています。</p><p>本リリースの新機能を見つけてみましょう。</p>"
"ja": "<p>これはNode-RED 3.0の最後のベータリリースです。</p><p>本リリースの新機能を見つけてみましょう。</p>"
title: {
"en-US": "Context Menu"
"en-US": "Context Menu",
"ja": "コンテキストメニュー"
image: 'images/context-menu.png',
description: {
"en-US": `<p>The editor now has its own context menu when you
right-click in the workspace.</p>
<p>This makes many of the built-in actions much easier
to access.</p>`
to access.</p>`,
"ja": `<p>ワークスペースで右クリックすると、エディタに独自のコンテキストメニューが表示されるようになりました。</p>
@ -34,10 +37,10 @@ export default {
"en-US": `<p>To make it easier to route wires around your flows,
it is now possible to add junction nodes that give
you more control.</p>
<p>Junctions can be added to wires by holding the Alt key
<p>Junctions can be added to wires by holding both the Alt key and the Shift key
then click and drag the mouse across the wires.</p>`,
// "ja": `<p>フローのワイヤーの経路をより制御しやすくするために、分岐点ノードを追加できるようになりました。</p>
// <p>シフトキーを押しながらマウスの右ボタンをクリックし、ワイヤーを横切るようにドラッグすることで、分岐点を追加できます。</p>`
"ja": `<p>フローのワイヤーの経路をより制御しやすくするために、分岐点ノードを追加できるようになりました。</p>

View File

@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
.inject-time-row {
padding-left: 110px;
.inject-time-row select {
.inject-time-row:not(#inject-time-row-interval) select {
margin: 3px 0;
.inject-time-days label {

View File

@ -558,7 +558,7 @@
onadd: function() {
if ( === '_DEFAULT_') { = ''
RED.actions.invoke("core:generate-node-names", this)
RED.actions.invoke("core:generate-node-names", this, {generateHistory: false})

View File

@ -221,7 +221,7 @@
function onAdd() {
if ( === '_DEFAULT_') { = ''
RED.actions.invoke("core:generate-node-names", this)
RED.actions.invoke("core:generate-node-names", this, {generateHistory: false})
for (var i=0;i<this.links.length;i++) {
var n = RED.nodes.node(this.links[i]);

View File

@ -109,16 +109,13 @@ module.exports = function(RED) {
remove(node) {
const target = generateTarget(node);
const tn = this.getTarget(, target.flowId);
if (tn) {
const targs = this.getTargets(;
const idx = getIndex(targs,;
if (idx > -1) {
targs.splice(idx, 1);
if (targs.length === 0) {
const targs = this.getTargets(;
const idx = getIndex(targs,;
if (idx > -1) {
targs.splice(idx, 1);
if (targs.length === 0) {

View File

@ -639,7 +639,7 @@
onadd: function() {
if ( === '_DEFAULT_') { = ''
RED.actions.invoke("core:generate-node-names", this)
RED.actions.invoke("core:generate-node-names", this, {generateHistory: false})

View File

@ -44,6 +44,14 @@ module.exports = function(RED) {
return undefined;
function parseEnv(key) {
var match = /^env\.(.+)/.exec(key);
if (match) {
return match[1];
return undefined;
* Custom Mustache Context capable to collect message property and node
* flow and global context
@ -74,6 +82,11 @@ module.exports = function(RED) {
return value;
// try env
if (parseEnv(name)) {
return this.cachedContextTokens[name];
// try flow/global context:
var context = parseContext(name);
if (context) {
@ -156,6 +169,17 @@ module.exports = function(RED) {
var tokens = extractTokens(mustache.parse(template));
var resolvedTokens = {};
tokens.forEach(function(name) {
var env_name = parseEnv(name);
if (env_name) {
var promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
var val = RED.util.evaluateNodeProperty(env_name, 'env', node)
resolvedTokens[name] = val;
var context = parseContext(name);
if (context) {
var type = context.type;

View File

@ -89,6 +89,9 @@ module.exports = function(RED) {
else if (msg.payload[s][t].toString().indexOf(node.sep) !== -1) { // add quotes if any "commas"
msg.payload[s][t] = node.quo + msg.payload[s][t].toString() + node.quo;
else if (msg.payload[s][t].toString().indexOf("\n") !== -1) { // add quotes if any "\n"
msg.payload[s][t] = node.quo + msg.payload[s][t].toString() + node.quo;
ou += msg.payload[s].join(node.sep) + node.ret;
@ -112,7 +115,7 @@ module.exports = function(RED) {
q = q.replace(/"/g, '""');
ou += node.quo + q + node.quo + node.sep;
else if (q.indexOf(node.sep) !== -1) { // add quotes if any "commas"
else if (q.indexOf(node.sep) !== -1 || p.indexOf("\n") !== -1) { // add quotes if any "commas" or "\n"
ou += node.quo + q + node.quo + node.sep;
else { ou += q + node.sep; } // otherwise just add
@ -134,7 +137,7 @@ module.exports = function(RED) {
p = p.replace(/"/g, '""');
ou += node.quo + p + node.quo + node.sep;
else if (p.indexOf(node.sep) !== -1) { // add quotes if any "commas"
else if (p.indexOf(node.sep) !== -1 || p.indexOf("\n") !== -1) { // add quotes if any "commas" or "\n"
ou += node.quo + p + node.quo + node.sep;
else { ou += p + node.sep; } // otherwise just add

View File

@ -314,11 +314,13 @@ module.exports = function(RED) {
if (err) {
return done(err);
msgInfo.send({payload: result});
msgInfo.msg.payload = result;
} else {
msgInfo.send({payload: result});
msgInfo.msg.payload = result;
} else {

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
<li>単一メッセージオブジェクト - 最初の出力に接続されたノードに渡されます</li>
<li>メッセージオブジェクトの配列 - 対応する出力に接続されたノードに渡されます</li>
<li>メッセージオブジェクトの配列 - 対応する出力に接続されたノードに渡されます</li>
<p>注: 初期化処理の実行はードの初期化中に行われます。そのため、初期化処理タブにsendを記述した場合に後続ードでメッセージを受け取れないことがあります。</p>

View File

@ -928,6 +928,7 @@
"write": "write file",
"read": "read file",
"filename": "ファイル名",
"path": "パス",
"action": "動作",
"addnewline": "メッセージの入力のたびに改行を追加",
"createdir": "ディレクトリが存在しない場合は作成",

View File

@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
<dt class="optional">userProperties <span class="property-type">オブジェクト</span></dt>
<dd><b>MQTTv5</b>: メッセージのユーザプロパティ</dd>
<dt class="optional">messageExpiryInterval <span class="property-type">数値</span></dt>
<dd><b>MQTTv5</b>: 秒単位のメッセージの有効期限</dd>
<dd><b>MQTTv5</b>: 秒単位のメッセージの有効期限</dd>
<dt class="optional">topicAlias <span class="property-type">数値</span></dt>
<dd><b>MQTTv5</b>: 使用するMQTTトピックエイリアス</dd>

View File

@ -359,6 +359,7 @@ function loadNodeSet(node) {
try {
var loadPromise = null;
var r = require(node.file);
r = r.__esModule ? r.default : r
if (typeof r === "function") {
var red = registryUtil.createNodeApi(node);

View File

@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ var api = module.exports = {
safeSettings.context = runtime.nodes.listContextStores();
if (runtime.settings.editorTheme && runtime.settings.editorTheme.codeEditor) {
safeSettings.codeEditor = runtime.settings.editorTheme.codeEditor || {};
safeSettings.codeEditor.lib = safeSettings.codeEditor.lib || "ace";
safeSettings.codeEditor.lib = safeSettings.codeEditor.lib || "monaco";
safeSettings.codeEditor.options = safeSettings.codeEditor.options || {};
safeSettings.libraries = runtime.library.getLibraries();

View File

@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ module.exports = {
* packages/node_modules/@node-red/editor-client/src/vendor/monaco/dist/theme
* e.g. "tomorrow-night", "upstream-sunburst", "github", "my-theme"
theme: "vs",
// theme: "vs",
/** other overrides can be set e.g. fontSize, fontFamily, fontLigatures etc.
* for the full list, see

View File

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
var should = require("should");
var linkNode = require("nr-test-utils").require("@node-red/nodes/core/common/60-link.js");
var helper = require("node-red-node-test-helper");
var clone = require("clone");
describe('link Node', function() {
@ -319,6 +320,48 @@ describe('link Node', function() {
linkCall.receive({ payload: "hello", target: "double payload" });
it('should not raise error after deploying a name change to a duplicate link-in node', async function () {
const flow = [
{ id: "tab-flow-1", type: "tab", label: "Flow 1" },
{ id: "link-in-1", z: "tab-flow-1", type: "link in", name: "duplicate", wires: [["link-out-1"]] },
{ id: "link-in-2", z: "tab-flow-1", type: "link in", name: "duplicate", wires: [["link-out-1"]] }, //duplicate name
{ id: "link-out-1", z: "tab-flow-1", type: "link out", mode: "return" },
{ id: "link-call", z: "tab-flow-1", type: "link call", linkType: "dynamic", links: [], wires: [["n4"]] },
{ id: "n4", z: "tab-flow-1", type: "helper" }
await helper.load(linkNode, flow)
const linkIn2before = helper.getNode("link-in-2");"name", "duplicate") // check link-in-2 has been deployed with the duplicate name
//modify the flow and deploy change
const newConfig = clone(flow);
newConfig[2].name = "add" // change nodes name
await helper.setFlows(newConfig, "nodes") // deploy "nodes" only
const helperNode = helper.getNode("n4");
const linkCall2 = helper.getNode("link-call");
const linkIn2after = helper.getNode("link-in-2");"name", "add") // check link-in-2 no longer has a duplicate name
//poke { payload: "hello", target: "add" } into the link-call node and
//ensure that a message arrives via the link-in node named "add"
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
helperNode.on("input", function (msg) {
try {"target", "add");"error");
} catch (err) {
linkCall2.receive({ payload: "hello", target: "add" });
it('should allow nested link-call flows', function(done) {
var flow = [/** Multiply by 2 link flow **/

View File

@ -144,6 +144,28 @@ describe('template node', function() {
describe('env var', function() {
before(function() {
process.env.TEST = 'xyzzy';
after(function() {
delete process.env.TEST;
it('should modify payload from env variable', function(done) {
var flow = [{id:"n1",z:"t1", type:"template", field:"payload", template:"payload={{env.TEST}}",wires:[["n2"]]},{id:"n2",z:"t1",type:"helper"}];
helper.load(templateNode, flow, function() {
var n1 = helper.getNode("n1");
var n2 = helper.getNode("n2");
n2.on("input", function(msg) {'payload', 'payload=xyzzy');
n1.receive({payload:"foo",topic: "bar"});
it('should modify payload from flow context', function(done) {
var flow = [{id:"n1",z:"t1", type:"template", field:"payload", template:"payload={{flow.value}}",wires:[["n2"]]},{id:"n2",z:"t1",type:"helper"}];
helper.load(templateNode, flow, function() {

View File

@ -693,19 +693,19 @@ describe('CSV node', function() {
describe('json object to csv', function() {
it('should convert a simple object back to a csv', function(done) {
var flow = [ { id:"n1", type:"csv", temp:"a,b,c,,e", wires:[["n2"]] },
var flow = [ { id:"n1", type:"csv", temp:"a,b,c,,e,f", wires:[["n2"]] },
{id:"n2", type:"helper"} ];
helper.load(csvNode, flow, function() {
var n1 = helper.getNode("n1");
var n2 = helper.getNode("n2");
n2.on("input", function(msg) {
try {'payload', '4,foo,true,,0\n');'payload', '4,foo,true,,0,"Hello\nWorld"\n');
catch(e) { done(e); }
var testJson = { e:0, d:1, b:"foo", c:true, a:4 };
var testJson = { e:0, d:1, b:"foo", c:true, a:4, f:"Hello\nWorld" };
n1.emit("input", {payload:testJson});
@ -777,7 +777,7 @@ describe('CSV node', function() {
catch(e) { done(e); }
var testJson = [{ d: 1, b: 3, c: 2, a: 4 },{d:4,a:1,c:3,b:2}];
var testJson = [{ d:1, b:3, c:2, a:4 },{d:4, a:1, c:3, b:2}];
n1.emit("input", {payload:testJson});
@ -790,12 +790,12 @@ describe('CSV node', function() {
var n2 = helper.getNode("n2");
n2.on("input", function(msg) {
try {'payload', 'a,b,c,d\n4,3,2,1\n1,2,3,4\n');'payload', 'a,b,c,d\n4,3,2,1\n1,2,3,"a\nb"\n');
catch(e) { done(e); }
var testJson = [{ d: 1, b: 3, c: 2, a: 4 },{d:4,a:1,c:3,b:2}];
var testJson = [{ d:1, b:3, c:2, a:4 },{d:"a\nb", a:1, c:3, b:2}];
n1.emit("input", {payload:testJson});
@ -826,12 +826,12 @@ describe('CSV node', function() {
var n2 = helper.getNode("n2");
n2.on("input", function(msg) {
try {'payload', 'd,b,c,a\n1,3,2,4\n4,2,3,1\n');'payload', 'd,b,c,a\n1,3,2,4\n4,"f\ng",3,1\n');
catch(e) { done(e); }
var testJson = [{ d: 1, b: 3, c: 2, a: 4 },{d:4,a:1,c:3,b:2}];
var testJson = [{ d: 1, b: 3, c: 2, a: 4 },{d:4,a:1,c:3,b:"f\ng"}];
n1.emit("input", {payload:testJson});
@ -844,12 +844,12 @@ describe('CSV node', function() {
var n2 = helper.getNode("n2");
n2.on("input", function(msg) {
try {'payload', ',0,1,foo,"ba""r","di,ng"\n');'payload', ',0,1,foo,"ba""r","di,ng","fa\nba"\n');
catch(e) { done(e); }
var testJson = ["",0,1,"foo",'ba"r','di,ng'];
var testJson = ["",0,1,"foo",'ba"r','di,ng',"fa\nba"];
n1.emit("input", {payload:testJson});
@ -898,12 +898,12 @@ describe('CSV node', function() {
var n2 = helper.getNode("n2");
n2.on("input", function(msg) {
try {'payload', 'col1,col2,col3,col4\r\nH1,H2,H3,H4\r\nA,B,,\r\nA,,C,\r\nA,,,D\r\n');'payload', 'col1,col2,col3,col4\r\nH1,H2,H3,H4\r\nA,B,,\r\nA,,C,\r\nA,,,"D\nE"\r\n');
catch(e) { done(e); }
var testJson = [{"col1":"H1","col2":"H2","col3":"H3","col4":"H4"},{"col1":"A","col2":"B"},{"col1":"A","col3":"C"},{"col1":"A","col4":"D"}];
var testJson = [{"col1":"H1","col2":"H2","col3":"H3","col4":"H4"},{"col1":"A","col2":"B"},{"col1":"A","col3":"C"},{"col1":"A","col4":"D\nE"}];
n1.emit("input", {payload:testJson});