diff --git a/nodes/core/locales/en-US/messages.json b/nodes/core/locales/en-US/messages.json index b5ba94c20..70e335728 100644 --- a/nodes/core/locales/en-US/messages.json +++ b/nodes/core/locales/en-US/messages.json @@ -252,55 +252,6 @@ }, "tip": "On Windows you must use double back-slashes \\\\ in any directory names." }, - "serial": { - "label": { - "serialport": "Serial Port", - "settings": "Settings", - "baudrate": "Baud Rate", - "databits": "Data Bits", - "parity": "Parity", - "stopbits": "Stop Bits", - "input": "Input", - "split": "Split input", - "deliver": "and deliver", - "output": "Output", - "serial": "serial", - "none": "none" - }, - "placeholder": { - "serialport": "for example: /dev/ttyUSB0/" - }, - "parity": { - "none": "None", - "even": "Even", - "mark": "Mark", - "odd": "Odd", - "space": "Space" - }, - "split": { - "character": "on the character", - "timeout": "after a timeout of", - "length": "into fixed lengths of" - }, - "output": { - "ascii": "ascii strings", - "binary": "binary buffers" - }, - "addsplit": "add split character to output messages", - "tip": { - "split": "Tip: the \"Split on\" character is used to split the input into separate messages. It can also be added to every message sent out to the serial port.", - "timeout": "Tip: In timeout mode timeout starts from arrival of first character." - }, - "onopen": "serial port __port__ opened at __baud__ baud __config__", - "errors": { - "missing-conf": "missing serial config", - "serial-port": "serial port", - "error": "serial port __port__ error: __error__", - "unexpected-close": "serial port __port__ closed unexpectedly", - "disconnected": "serial port __port__ disconnected", - "closed": "serial port __port__ closed" - } - }, "tcpin": { "label": { "type": "Type", @@ -544,42 +495,6 @@ "xml_js": "This node only handles xml strings or js objects." } }, - "arduino": { - "label": { - "pin": "Pin", - "type": "Type", - "port": "Port" - }, - "placeholder": { - "port": "e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0 COM1" - }, - "status": { - "connectfirst": "connecting to first board found", - "connect": "connecting to __device__", - "connected": "connected to __device__", - "version": "version: __version__", - "portclosed": "port closed" - }, - "state": { - "in": { - "digital": "Digital pin", - "analogue": "Analogue pin" - }, - "out": { - "digital": "Digital (0/1)", - "analogue": "Analogue (0-255)", - "servo": "Servo (0-180)" - } - }, - "tip": { - "io": "Note: You cannot use the same pin for both output and input.", - "conf": "Tip: Use search to try to auto-detect serial port." - }, - "errors": { - "portnotconf": "port not configured", - "devnotfound": "device __dev__ not found. Trying to find board." - } - }, "rpi-gpio": { "label": { "gpiopin": "GPIO Pin", @@ -683,183 +598,5 @@ "writefail": "failed to write to file: __error__", "appendfail": "failed to append to file: __error__" } - }, - "redisout": { - "label": { - "host": "Host", - "port": "Port", - "key": "Key", - "type": "Type" - }, - "type": { - "string": "String", - "hash": "Hash", - "set": "Set", - "list": "List" - }, - "tip": "If key is blank, the topic will be used as the key.
If type is hash, payload should be an object or field=value string.", - "errors": { - "invalidpayload": "Invalid payload for redis hash", - "nokey": "No key or topic set" - } - }, - "mongodb": { - "label": { - "host": "Host", - "port": "Port", - "database": "Database", - "username": "Username", - "password": "Password", - "server": "Server", - "collection": "Collection", - "operation": "Operation", - "onlystore": "Only store msg.payload object", - "createnew": "Create a new document if no match found", - "updateall": "Update all matching documents" - }, - "operation": { - "save": "save", - "insert": "insert", - "update": "update", - "remove": "remove", - "find": "find", - "count": "count", - "aggregate": "aggregate" - }, - "tip": " Tip: If no collection is set, ensure msg.collection will contain the collection name", - "errors": { - "nocollection": "No collection defined", - "missingconfig": "missing mongodb configuration" - } - }, - "feedparse": { - "label": { - "feedurl": "Feed url", - "refresh": "Refresh", - "minutes": "minutes" - }, - "errors": { - "badstatuscode": "error - Bad status code", - "invalidurl": "Invalid url" - } - }, - "email": { - "label": { - "to": "To", - "server": "Server", - "port": "Port", - "userid": "Userid", - "password": "Password", - "repeat": "Refresh", - "seconds": "seconds", - "folder": "Folder" - }, - - "default-message": "Your file from Node-RED is attached: __filename__ __description__", - - - "tip": { - "cred": "Note: Copied credentials from global emailkeys.js file.", - "recent": "Tip: Only retrieves the single most recent email." - }, - "status": { - "messagesent": "Message sent: __response__", - "fetching": "fetching", - "foldererror": "fetch folder error", - "messageerror": "fetch message error", - "message": "message #__number__", - "newemail": "received new email: __topic__", - "duplicate": "duplicate not sent: __topic__", - "inboxzero": "you have achieved Inbox Zero", - "sending": "sending", - "sendfail": "send failed", - "connecterror": "connect error" - }, - "errors": { - "nouserid": "No e-mail userid set", - "nopassword": "No e-mail password set", - "nocredentials": "No Email credentials found. See info panel.", - "nopayload": "No payload to send", - "fetchfail": "Failed to fetch folder: __folder__", - "messageerror": "Fetch message error: __error__" - } - }, - "irc": { - "label": { - "ircserver": "IRC Server", - "channel": "Channel", - "action": "Action", - "port": "Port", - "ssl": "Use Secure SSL connection?", - "self": "Allow self-signed certificates?", - "nickname": "Nickname" - }, - "payload": "Send payload to channel(s)", - "topic": "Use msg.topic to set nickname or channel(s)", - "msg": "Send complete msg object to channel(s)", - "tip": { - "in": "The channel to join must start with a #
You may join multiple channels by comma separating a list - #chan1,#chan2,etc.", - "out": "The channel to join must start with a #
Sending the complete object will stringify the whole msg object before sending." - }, - "errors": { - "connect": "CONNECT", - "err": "ERR", - "net": "NET", - "connected": "CONNECTED", - "online": "ONLINE", - "joined": "JOINED", - "ping": "PING from", - "quit": "QUIT", - "restart": "restart", - "connectionlost": "CONNECTION LOST?", - "hasjoined": "has joined", - "sentinvite": "sent invite to", - "hasleft": "has left", - "hasquit": "has quit", - "kickedfrom": "was kicked from", - "rawcommand": "RAW command", - "topicnotset": "msg.topic not set" - } - }, - "twitter": { - "label": { - "twitter-id":"Twitter ID", - "search": "Search", - "for": "for", - "user": "User", - "dmslabel": "DMs", - "tweetslabel": "tweets", - "clickhere": "Click here to authenticate with Twitter." - }, - "placeholder": { - "for": "comma-separated words, @ids, #tags", - "user": "comma-separated @twitter handles" - }, - "search": { - "public": "all public tweets", - "follow": "the tweets of who you follow", - "user": "the tweets of specific users", - "direct": "your direct messages" - }, - "tip": "Tip: Use commas without spaces between multiple search terms. Comma = OR, Space = AND.
The Twitter API WILL NOT deliver 100% of all tweets.
Tweets of who you follow will include their retweets and favourites.", - "status": { - "using-geo": "Using geo location: __location__", - "tweeting": "tweeting", - "failed":"failed" - }, - "errors": { - "ratelimit":"tweet rate limit hit", - "streamerror":"stream error: __error__ (__rc__)", - "unexpectedend":"stream ended unexpectedly", - "invalidtag":"invalid tag property", - "missingcredentials":"missing twitter credentials", - "truncated":"truncated tweet greater than 140 characters", - "sendfail":"send tweet failed: __error__", - "nopayload":"no payload to tweet", - - "oauthbroke":"something in twitter oauth broke.", - "oautherror": "

Something went wrong with the authentication process. The following error was returned:

__statusCode__: __errorData__

One known cause of this type of failure is if the clock is wrong on system running Node-RED

", - "authorized": "

Authorised - you can close this window and return to Node-RED

" - } } }