diff --git a/packages/node_modules/@node-red/editor-client/locales/zh-TW/editor.json b/packages/node_modules/@node-red/editor-client/locales/zh-TW/editor.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..95129acb3 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/node_modules/@node-red/editor-client/locales/zh-TW/editor.json @@ -0,0 +1,945 @@ +{ + "common": { + "label": { + "name": "名稱", + "ok": "確認", + "done": "完成", + "cancel": "取消", + "delete": "刪除", + "close": "關閉", + "load": "讀取", + "save": "保存", + "import": "匯入", + "export": "匯出", + "back": "返回", + "next": "下一步", + "clone": "複製專案", + "cont": "Continue" + } + }, + "workspace": { + "defaultName": "流程__number__", + "editFlow": "編輯流程: __name__", + "confirmDelete": "確認刪除", + "delete": "確定想要刪除 '__label__'?", + "dropFlowHere": "把流程放到這裡", + "addFlow": "新增流程", + "listFlows": "流程列表", + "status": "狀態", + "enabled": "有效", + "disabled": "無效", + "info": "詳細描述", + "selectNodes": "點擊節點用於選擇", + "tip": "詳細描述支援Markdown羽量級標記語言,並將出現在資訊標籤中。" + }, + "menu": { + "label": { + "view": { + "view": "顯示", + "grid": "格線", + "showGrid": "顯示格線", + "snapGrid": "對齊格線", + "gridSize": "格線尺寸", + "textDir": "文本方向", + "defaultDir": "默認方向", + "ltr": "從左到右", + "rtl": "從右到左", + "auto": "上下文", + "language": "Language", + "browserDefault": "Browser default" + }, + "sidebar": { + "show": "顯示側邊欄" + }, + "palette": { + "show": "Show palette" + }, + "settings": "設置", + "userSettings": "使用者設置", + "nodes": "節點", + "displayStatus": "顯示節點狀態", + "displayConfig": "修改節點配置", + "import": "匯入", + "export": "匯出", + "search": "搜尋流程", + "searchInput": "搜尋流程", + "subflows": "子流程", + "createSubflow": "新建子流程", + "selectionToSubflow": "將選擇部分更改為子流程", + "flows": "流程", + "add": "增加", + "rename": "重新命名", + "delete": "刪除", + "keyboardShortcuts": "鍵盤快速鍵", + "login": "登入", + "logout": "退出", + "editPalette": "節點管理", + "other": "其他", + "showTips": "顯示小提示", + "help": "Node-RED website", + "projects": "專案", + "projects-new": "新專案", + "projects-open": "開啟專案", + "projects-settings": "專案設定", + "showNodeLabelDefault": "顯示新添加節點的標籤", + "clipboard": "剪貼簿", + "library": "庫", + "examples": "範例" + } + }, + "actions": { + "toggle-navigator": "切換導航器", + "zoom-out": "縮小", + "zoom-reset": "重置縮放", + "zoom-in": "放大" + }, + "user": { + "loggedInAs": "作為__name__登入", + "username": "帳號", + "password": "密碼", + "login": "登入", + "loginFailed": "登入失敗", + "notAuthorized": "未授權", + "errors": { + "settings": "設置資訊需要登入後才能訪問", + "deploy": "改動需要登入後才能部署", + "notAuthorized": "此操作需要登入後才能執行" + } + }, + "notification": { + "warning": "警告: __message__", + "warnings": { + "undeployedChanges": "節點中存在未部署的更改", + "nodeActionDisabled": "節點動作在子流程中被禁用", + "nodeActionDisabledSubflow": "node actions disabled within subflow", + "missing-types": "流程由於缺少節點類型而停止。請檢查日誌的詳細資訊", + "safe-mode": "

Flows stopped in safe mode.

You can modify your flows and deploy the changes to restart.

", + "restartRequired": "Node-RED必須重新啟動,以啟用升級的模組", + "credentials_load_failed": "

Flows stopped as the credentials could not be decrypted.

The flow credential file is encrypted, but the project's encryption key is missing or invalid.

", + "credentials_load_failed_reset": "

Credentials could not be decrypted

The flow credential file is encrypted, but the project's encryption key is missing or invalid.

The flow credential file will be reset on the next deployment. Any existing flow credentials will be cleared.

", + "missing_flow_file": "

Project flow file not found.

The project is not configured with a flow file.

", + "missing_package_file": "

Project package file not found.

The project is missing a package.json file.

", + "project_empty": "

The project is empty.

Do you want to create a default set of project files?
Otherwise, you will have to manually add files to the project outside of the editor.

", + "project_not_found": "

Project '__project__' not found.

", + "git_merge_conflict": "

Automatic merging of changes failed.

Fix the unmerged conflicts then commit the results.

" + }, + "error": "Error: __message__", + "errors": { + "lostConnection": "丟失與伺服器的連接,重新連接...", + "lostConnectionReconnect": "丟失與伺服器的連接,__time__秒後重新連接", + "lostConnectionTry": "現在嘗試", + "cannotAddSubflowToItself": "無法向其自身添加子流程", + "cannotAddCircularReference": "無法添加子流程 - 迴圈引用", + "unsupportedVersion": "您正在使用不受支持的Node.js版本
請升級到最新版本的Node.js LTS", + "failedToAppendNode": "

Failed to load '__module__'


" + }, + "project": { + "change-branch": "Change to local branch '__project__'", + "merge-abort": "Git merge aborted", + "loaded": "Project '__project__' loaded", + "updated": "Project '__project__' updated", + "pull": "Project '__project__' reloaded", + "revert": "Project '__project__' reverted", + "merge-complete": "Git merge completed", + "setupCredentials": "Setup credentials", + "setupProjectFiles": "Setup project files", + "no": "No thanks", + "createDefault": "Create default project files", + "mergeConflict": "Show merge conflicts" + }, + "label": { + "manage-project-dep": "Manage project dependencies", + "setup-cred": "Setup credentials", + "setup-project": "Setup project files", + "create-default-package": "Create default package file", + "no-thanks": "No thanks", + "create-default-project": "Create default project files", + "show-merge-conflicts": "Show merge conflicts" + } + }, + "clipboard": { + "clipboard": "剪貼簿", + "nodes": "節點", + "node": "__count__ 節點", + "node_plural": "__count__ 多個節點", + "configNode": "__count__ 節點組態", + "configNode_plural": "__count__ 多節點組態", + "flow": "__count__ 流程", + "flow_plural": "__count__ 多流程", + "subflow": "__count__ 子流程", + "subflow_plural": "__count__ 多子流程", + "pasteNodes": "在這裡粘貼節點", + "selectFile": "匯入所選檔案", + "importNodes": "匯入節點", + "exportNodes": "匯出節點至剪貼簿", + "download": "下載", + "importUnrecognised": "匯入了無法識別的類型:", + "importUnrecognised_plural": "匯入了無法識別的類型:", + "nodesExported": "節點匯出到了剪貼簿", + "nodesImported": "已匯入:", + "nodeCopied": "已複製__count__個節點", + "nodeCopied_plural": "已複製__count__個節點", + "invalidFlow": "無效的流程: __message__", + "export": { + "selected": "已選擇的節點", + "current": "現在的節點", + "all": "所有流程", + "compact": "緊湊", + "formatted": "已格式化", + "copy": "匯出到剪貼簿", + "export": "匯出到庫", + "exportAs": "匯出為", + "overwrite": "取代", + "exists": "

\"__file__\" 已經存在.


" + }, + "import": { + "import": "匯入到", + "newFlow": "新流程", + "errors": { + "notArray": "Input not a JSON Array", + "itemNotObject": "Input not a valid flow - item __index__ not a node object", + "missingId": "Input not a valid flow - item __index__ missing 'id' property", + "missingType": "Input not a valid flow - item __index__ missing 'type' property" + } + }, + "copyMessagePath": "已複製路徑", + "copyMessageValue": "已複製數值", + "copyMessageValue_truncated": "已複製捨棄的數值", + "selectNodes": "選擇上面的文本並複製到剪貼簿" + }, + "deploy": { + "deploy": "部署", + "full": "全面", + "fullDesc": "在工作區中部署所有內容", + "modifiedFlows": "已修改的流程", + "modifiedFlowsDesc": "只部署包含已更改節點的流", + "modifiedNodes": "已更改的節點", + "modifiedNodesDesc": "只部署已經更改的節點", + "restartFlows": "Restart Flows", + "restartFlowsDesc": "Restarts the current deployed flows", + "successfulDeploy": "部署成功", + "successfulRestart": "Successfully restarted flows", + "deployFailed": "部署失敗: __message__", + "unusedConfigNodes": "您有一些未使用的配置節點", + "unusedConfigNodesLink": "點擊此處查看它們", + "errors": { + "noResponse": "伺服器沒有回應" + }, + "confirm": { + "button": { + "ignore": "忽略", + "confirm": "確認部署", + "review": "查看更改", + "cancel": "取消", + "merge": "合併", + "overwrite": "忽略 & 部署" + }, + "undeployedChanges": "您有未部署的更改。\n\n離開此頁面將丟失這些更改。", + "improperlyConfigured": "工作區包含一些未正確配置的節點:", + "unknown": "工作區包含一些未知的節點類型:", + "confirm": "你確定要部署嗎?", + "doNotWarn": "do not warn about this again", + "conflict": "伺服器正在運行較新的一組流程。", + "backgroundUpdate": "伺服器上的流程已更新。", + "conflictChecking": "檢查是否可以自動合併更改", + "conflictAutoMerge": "此更改不包括衝突,可以自動合併", + "conflictManualMerge": "這些更改包括了在部署之前必須解決的衝突。", + "plusNMore": "+ __count__ more" + } + }, + "eventLog": { + "title": "事件日誌", + "view": "查看日誌" + }, + "diff": { + "unresolvedCount": "__count__個未解決的衝突", + "unresolvedCount_plural": "__count__個未解決的衝突", + "globalNodes": "Global nodes", + "flowProperties": "Flow Properties", + "type": { + "added": "已添加", + "changed": "已更改", + "unchanged": "未更改", + "deleted": "已刪除", + "flowDeleted": "已刪除流程", + "flowAdded": "已添加流程", + "movedTo": "移動至__id__", + "movedFrom": "從__id__移動" + }, + "nodeCount": "__count__個節點", + "nodeCount_plural": "__count__個節點", + "local": "本地", + "remote": "遠端", + "reviewChanges": "Review Changes", + "noBinaryFileShowed": "Cannot show binary file contents", + "viewCommitDiff": "View Commit Changes", + "compareChanges": "Compare Changes", + "saveConflict": "Save conflict resolution", + "conflictHeader": "__resolved__ of __unresolved__ conflicts resolved", + "commonVersionError": "Common Version doesn't contain valid JSON:", + "oldVersionError": "Old Version doesn't contain valid JSON:", + "newVersionError": "New Version doesn't contain valid JSON:" + }, + "subflow": { + "editSubflowInstance": "Edit subflow instance: __name__", + "editSubflow": "編輯流程範本: __name__", + "edit": "編輯流程範本", + "subflowInstances": "這個子流程範本有__count__個實例", + "subflowInstances_plural": "這個子流程範本有__count__個實例", + "editSubflowProperties": "編輯屬性", + "input": "輸入:", + "output": "輸出:", + "status": "status node", + "deleteSubflow": "刪除子流程", + "info": "詳細描述", + "category": "Category", + "env": { + "restore": "Restore to subflow default", + "remove": "Remove environment variable" + }, + "errors": { + "noNodesSelected": "無法創建子流程: 未選擇節點", + "multipleInputsToSelection": "無法創建子流程: 多個輸入到了選擇" + }, + "format": "標記格式" + }, + "editor": { + "configEdit": "編輯", + "configAdd": "添加", + "configUpdate": "更新", + "configDelete": "刪除", + "nodesUse": "__count__個節點使用此配置", + "nodesUse_plural": "__count__個節點使用此配置", + "addNewConfig": "添加新的__type__配置", + "editNode": "編輯__type__節點", + "editConfig": "編輯__type__配置", + "addNewType": "添加新的__type__節點", + "nodeProperties": "節點屬性", + "label": "Label", + "portLabels": "埠標籤", + "labelInputs": "輸入", + "labelOutputs": "輸出", + "settingIcon": "Icon", + "noDefaultLabel": "無", + "defaultLabel": "使用默認標籤", + "searchIcons": "搜尋 icons", + "useDefault": "use default", + "description": "Description", + "show": "Show", + "hide": "Hide", + "errors": { + "scopeChange": "更改範圍將使其他流中的節點無法使用", + "invalidProperties": "Invalid properties:" + } + }, + "keyboard": { + "title": "鍵盤快速鍵", + "keyboard": "Keyboard", + "filterActions": "filter actions", + "shortcut": "shortcut", + "scope": "scope", + "unassigned": "未分配", + "global": "global", + "workspace": "workspace", + "selectAll": "選擇所有節點", + "selectAllConnected": "選擇所有連接的節點", + "addRemoveNode": "從選擇中添加/刪除節點", + "editSelected": "編輯選定節點", + "deleteSelected": "刪除選定節點或連結", + "importNode": "匯入節點", + "exportNode": "匯出節點", + "nudgeNode": "移動所選節點(1px)", + "moveNode": "移動所選節點(20px)", + "toggleSidebar": "切換側邊欄", + "togglePalette": "Toggle palette", + "copyNode": "複製所選節點", + "cutNode": "剪切所選節點", + "pasteNode": "粘貼節點", + "undoChange": "撤銷上次執行的更改", + "searchBox": "打開搜索框", + "managePalette": "管理面板" + }, + "library": { + "library": "Library", + "openLibrary": "打開庫...", + "saveToLibrary": "保存到庫...", + "typeLibrary": "__type__型別程式庫", + "unnamedType": "無名__type__", + "exportedToLibrary": "Nodes exported to library", + "dialogSaveOverwrite": "一個叫做__libraryName__的__libraryType__已經存在,您需要覆蓋麼?", + "invalidFilename": "無效的檔案名", + "savedNodes": "保存的節點", + "savedType": "已保存__type__", + "saveFailed": "保存失敗: __message__", + "types": { + "local": "Local", + "examples": "Examples" + }, + "exportToLibrary": "將節點匯出到庫", + "filename": "檔案名", + "folder": "資料夾", + "filenamePlaceholder": "文件", + "fullFilenamePlaceholder": "a/b/文件", + "folderPlaceholder": "a/b", + "breadcrumb": "庫" + }, + "palette": { + "noInfo": "無可用資訊", + "filter": "過濾節點", + "search": "搜索模組", + "addCategory": "Add new...", + "label": { + "subflows": "子流程", + "input": "輸入", + "output": "輸出", + "function": "功能", + "social": "社交", + "storage": "存儲", + "analysis": "分析", + "advanced": "高級" + }, + "actions": { + "collapse-all": "Collapse all categories", + "expand-all": "Expand all categories" + }, + "event": { + "nodeAdded": "添加到面板中的節點:", + "nodeAdded_plural": "添加到面板中的多個節點", + "nodeRemoved": "從面板中刪除的節點:", + "nodeRemoved_plural": "從面板中刪除的多個節點:", + "nodeEnabled": "啟用節點:", + "nodeEnabled_plural": "啟用多個節點:", + "nodeDisabled": "禁用節點:", + "nodeDisabled_plural": "禁用多個節點:", + "nodeUpgraded": "節點模組__module__升級到__version__版本" + }, + "editor": { + "title": "面板管理", + "palette": "Palette", + "times": { + "seconds": "秒前", + "minutes": "分前", + "minutesV": "__count__分前", + "hoursV": "__count__小時前", + "hoursV_plural": "__count__小時前", + "daysV": "__count__天前", + "daysV_plural": "__count__天前", + "weeksV": "__count__周前", + "weeksV_plural": "__count__周前", + "monthsV": "__count__月前", + "monthsV_plural": "__count__月前", + "yearsV": "__count__年前", + "yearsV_plural": "__count__年前", + "yearMonthsV": "__y__年, __count__月前", + "yearMonthsV_plural": "__y__年, __count__月前", + "yearsMonthsV": "__y__年, __count__月前", + "yearsMonthsV_plural": "__y__年, __count__月前" + }, + "nodeCount": "__label__個節點", + "nodeCount_plural": "__label__個節點", + "moduleCount": "__count__個可用模組", + "moduleCount_plural": "__count__個可用模組", + "inuse": "使用中", + "enableall": "全部啟用", + "disableall": "全部禁用", + "enable": "啟用", + "disable": "禁用", + "remove": "移除", + "update": "更新至__version__版本", + "updated": "已更新", + "install": "安裝", + "installed": "已安裝", + "conflict": "conflict", + "conflictTip": "

This module cannot be installed as it includes a
node type that has already been installed

Conflicts with __module__

", + "loading": "載入目錄...", + "tab-nodes": "節點", + "tab-install": "安裝", + "sort": "排序:", + "sortAZ": "a-z順序", + "sortRecent": "日期順序", + "more": "增加__count__個", + "errors": { + "catalogLoadFailed": "無法載入節點目錄。
查看流覽器控制台瞭解更多資訊", + "installFailed": "無法安裝: __module__
查看日誌瞭解更多資訊", + "removeFailed": "無法刪除: __module__
查看日誌瞭解更多資訊", + "updateFailed": "無法更新: __module__
查看日誌瞭解更多資訊", + "enableFailed": "無法啟用: __module__
查看日誌瞭解更多資訊", + "disableFailed": "無法禁用: __module__
查看日誌瞭解更多資訊" + }, + "confirm": { + "install": { + "body": "在安裝之前,請閱讀節點的文檔,某些節點的依賴關係不能自動解決,可能需要重新啟動Node-RED。", + "title": "安裝節點" + }, + "remove": { + "body": "刪除節點將從Node-RED卸載它。節點可能會繼續使用資源,直到重新啟動Node-RED。", + "title": "刪除節點" + }, + "update": { + "body": "更新節點將需要重新啟動Node-RED來完成更新,該過程必須由手動完成。", + "title": "更新節點" + }, + "cannotUpdate": { + "body": "此節點的更新可用,但不會安裝在面板管理器可以更新的位置。

請參閱有關如何更新此節點的文檔。" + }, + "button": { + "review": "打開節點資訊", + "install": "安裝", + "remove": "刪除", + "update": "更新" + } + } + } + }, + "sidebar": { + "info": { + "name": "節點信息", + "tabName": "名稱", + "label": "信息", + "node": "節點", + "type": "類型", + "module": "Module", + "id": "ID", + "status": "狀態", + "enabled": "啟用", + "disabled": "禁用", + "subflow": "子流程", + "instances": "實例", + "properties": "屬性", + "info": "信息", + "desc": "Description", + "blank": "空白", + "null": "空", + "showMore": "展開", + "showLess": "收起", + "flow": "流程", + "selection": "選擇", + "nodes": "__count__ 個節點", + "flowDesc": "流程描述", + "subflowDesc": "子流程描述", + "nodeHelp": "節點幫助", + "none": "無", + "arrayItems": "__count__個項目", + "showTips": "您可以從設置面板啟用提示資訊" + }, + "config": { + "name": "配置節點", + "label": "配置", + "global": "所有流程", + "none": "無", + "subflows": "子流程", + "flows": "流程", + "filterUnused": "未使用", + "filterAll": "所有", + "filtered": "__count__ 個隱藏" + }, + "context": { + "name": "Context Data", + "label": "context", + "none": "none selected", + "refresh": "refresh to load", + "empty": "empty", + "node": "Node", + "flow": "Flow", + "global": "Global", + "deleteConfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete this item?", + "autoRefresh": "Auto-refresh" + }, + "palette": { + "name": "節點管理", + "label": "節點" + }, + "project": { + "label": "項目", + "name": "名稱", + "description": "描述", + "dependencies": "依賴", + "settings": "設置", + "noSummaryAvailable": "No summary available", + "editDescription": "編輯專案描述", + "editDependencies": "編輯項目依賴", + "editReadme": "Edit README.md", + "showProjectSettings": "Show project settings", + "projectSettings": { + "title": "Project Settings", + "edit": "edit", + "none": "None", + "install": "install", + "removeFromProject": "remove from project", + "addToProject": "add to project", + "files": "Files", + "package": "Package", + "flow": "Flow", + "credentials": "Credentials", + "packageCreate": "File will be created when changes are saved", + "fileNotExist": "File does not exist", + "selectFile": "Select File", + "invalidEncryptionKey": "Invalid encryption key", + "encryptionEnabled": "Encryption enabled", + "encryptionDisabled": "Encryption disabled", + "setTheEncryptionKey": "Set the encryption key", + "resetTheEncryptionKey": "Reset the encryption key", + "changeTheEncryptionKey": "Change the encryption key", + "currentKey": "Current key", + "newKey": "New key", + "credentialsAlert": "This will delete all existing credentials", + "versionControl": "Version Control", + "branches": "Branches", + "noBranches": "No branches", + "deleteConfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete the local branch '__name__'? This cannot be undone.", + "unmergedConfirm": "The local branch '__name__' has unmerged changes that will be lost. Are you sure you want to delete it?", + "deleteUnmergedBranch": "Delete unmerged branch", + "gitRemotes": "Git remotes", + "addRemote": "add remote", + "addRemote2": "Add remote", + "remoteName": "Remote name", + "nameRule": "Must contain only A-Z 0-9 _ -", + "url": "URL", + "urlRule": "https://, ssh:// or file://", + "urlRule2": "Do not include the username/password in the URL", + "noRemotes": "No remotes", + "deleteRemoteConfrim": "Are you sure you want to delete the remote '__name__'?", + "deleteRemote": "Delete remote" + }, + "userSettings": { + "committerDetail": "Committer Details", + "committerTip": "Leave blank to use system default", + "userName": "Username", + "email": "Email", + "sshKeys": "SSH Keys", + "sshKeysTip": "Allows you to create secure connections to remote git repositories.", + "add": "add key", + "addSshKey": "Add SSH Key", + "addSshKeyTip": "Generate a new public/private key pair", + "name": "Name", + "nameRule": "Must contain only A-Z 0-9 _ -", + "passphrase": "Passphrase", + "passphraseShort": "Passphrase too short", + "optional": "Optional", + "cancel": "Cancel", + "generate": "Generate key", + "noSshKeys": "No SSH keys", + "copyPublicKey": "Copy public key to clipboard", + "delete": "Delete key", + "gitConfig": "Git config", + "deleteConfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete the SSH key __name__? This cannot be undone." + }, + "versionControl": { + "unstagedChanges": "Unstaged changes", + "stagedChanges": "Staged changes", + "unstageChange": "Unstage change", + "stageChange": "Stage change", + "unstageAllChange": "Unstage all changes", + "stageAllChange": "Stage all changes", + "commitChanges": "Commit changes", + "resolveConflicts": "Resolve conflicts", + "head": "HEAD", + "staged": "Staged", + "unstaged": "Unstaged", + "local": "Local", + "remote": "Remote", + "revert": "Are you sure you want to revert the changes to '__file__'? This cannot be undone.", + "revertChanges": "Revert changes", + "localChanges": "Local Changes", + "none": "None", + "conflictResolve": "All conflicts resolved. Commit the changes to complete the merge.", + "localFiles": "Local files", + "all": "all", + "unmergedChanges": "Unmerged changes", + "abortMerge": "abort merge", + "commit": "commit", + "changeToCommit": "Changes to commit", + "commitPlaceholder": "Enter your commit message", + "cancelCapital": "Cancel", + "commitCapital": "Commit", + "commitHistory": "Commit History", + "branch": "Branch:", + "moreCommits": " more commit(s)", + "changeLocalBranch": "Change local branch", + "createBranchPlaceholder": "Find or create a branch", + "upstream": "upstream", + "localOverwrite": "You have local changes that would be overwritten by changing the branch. You must either commit or undo those changes first.", + "manageRemoteBranch": "Manage remote branch", + "unableToAccess": "Unable to access remote repository", + "retry": "Retry", + "setUpstreamBranch": "Set as upstream branch", + "createRemoteBranchPlaceholder": "Find or create a remote branch", + "trackedUpstreamBranch": "The created branch will be set as the tracked upstream branch.", + "selectUpstreamBranch": "The branch will be created. Select below to set it as the tracked upstream branch.", + "pushFailed": "Push failed as the remote has more recent commits. Pull and merge first, then push again.", + "push": "push", + "pull": "pull", + "unablePull": "

Unable to pull remote changes; your unstaged local changes would be overwritten.

Commit your changes and try again.

", + "showUnstagedChanges": "Show unstaged changes", + "connectionFailed": "Could not connect to remote repository: ", + "pullUnrelatedHistory": "

The remote has an unrelated history of commits.

Are you sure you want to pull the changes into your local repository?

", + "pullChanges": "Pull changes", + "history": "history", + "projectHistory": "Project History", + "daysAgo": "__count__ day ago", + "daysAgo_plural": "__count__ days ago", + "hoursAgo": "__count__ hour ago", + "hoursAgo_plural": "__count__ hours ago", + "minsAgo": "__count__ min ago", + "minsAgo_plural": "__count__ mins ago", + "secondsAgo": "Seconds ago", + "notTracking": "Your local branch is not currently tracking a remote branch.", + "statusUnmergedChanged": "Your repository has unmerged changes. You need to fix the conflicts and commit the result.", + "repositoryUpToDate": "Your repository is up to date.", + "commitsAhead": "Your repository is __count__ commit ahead of the remote. You can push this commit now.", + "commitsAhead_plural": "Your repository is __count__ commits ahead of the remote. You can push these commits now.", + "commitsBehind": "Your repository is __count__ commit behind of the remote. You can pull this commit now.", + "commitsBehind_plural": "Your repository is __count__ commits behind of the remote. You can pull these commits now.", + "commitsAheadAndBehind1": "Your repository is __count__ commit behind and ", + "commitsAheadAndBehind1_plural": "Your repository is __count__ commits behind and ", + "commitsAheadAndBehind2": "__count__ commit ahead of the remote. ", + "commitsAheadAndBehind2_plural": "__count__ commits ahead of the remote. ", + "commitsAheadAndBehind3": "You must pull the remote commit down before pushing.", + "commitsAheadAndBehind3_plural": "You must pull the remote commits down before pushing.", + "refreshCommitHistory": "Refresh commit history", + "refreshChanges": "Refresh changes" + } + } + }, + "typedInput": { + "type": { + "str": "文字列", + "num": "數字", + "re": "規則運算式", + "bool": "布林", + "json": "JSON", + "bin": "二進位流", + "date": "時間戳記", + "jsonata": "expression", + "env": "env variable" + } + }, + "editableList": { + "add": "添加" + }, + "search": { + "empty": "找不到匹配", + "addNode": "添加一個節點..." + }, + "expressionEditor": { + "functions": "功能", + "functionReference": "Function reference", + "insert": "插入", + "title": "JSONata運算式編輯器", + "test": "Test", + "data": "示例消息", + "result": "結果", + "format": "格式表達方法", + "compatMode": "相容模式啟用", + "compatModeDesc": "





", + "noMatch": "無匹配結果", + "errors": { + "invalid-expr": "無效的JSONata運算式:\n __message__", + "invalid-msg": "無效的示例JSON消息:\n __message__", + "context-unsupported": "無法測試上下文函數\n $flowContext 或 $globalContext", + "eval": "評估運算式錯誤:\n __message__" + } + }, + "jsEditor": { + "title": "JavaScript 編輯器" + }, + "textEditor": { + "title": "Text 編輯器" + }, + "jsonEditor": { + "title": "JSON編輯器", + "format": "格式化JSON" + }, + "markdownEditor": { + "title": "Markdown 編輯器", + "format": "F使用markdown格式化", + "heading1": "Heading 1", + "heading2": "Heading 2", + "heading3": "Heading 3", + "bold": "粗體", + "italic": "斜體", + "code": "程式碼", + "ordered-list": "編號清單", + "unordered-list": "符號清單", + "quote": "引用", + "link": "連結", + "horizontal-rule": "分隔線", + "toggle-preview": "預覽" + }, + "bufferEditor": { + "title": "緩衝區編輯器", + "modeString": "作為UTF-8字串處理", + "modeArray": "作為JSON陣列處理", + "modeDesc": "



例如,Hello World的值會被轉換為JSON陣列:

[72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 32, 87, 111, 114, 108, 100]

" + }, + "projects": { + "config-git": "Configure Git client", + "welcome": { + "hello": "Hello! We have introduced 'projects' to Node-RED.", + "desc0": "This is a new way for you to manage your flow files and includes version control of your flows.", + "desc1": "To get started you can create your first project or clone an existing project from a git repository.", + "desc2": "If you are not sure, you can skip this for now. You will still be able to create your first project from the 'Projects' menu at any time.", + "create": "Create Project", + "clone": "Clone Repository", + "openExistingProject": "Open existing project", + "not-right-now": "Not right now" + }, + "git-config": { + "setup": "Setup your version control client", + "desc0": "Node-RED uses the open source tool Git for version control. It tracks changes to your project files and lets you push them to remote repositories.", + "desc1": "When you commit a set of changes, Git records who made the changes with a username and email address. The Username can be anything you want - it does not need to be your real name.", + "desc2": "Your Git client is already configured with the details below.", + "desc3": "You can change these settings later under the 'Git config' tab of the settings dialog.", + "username": "Username", + "email": "Email" + }, + "project-details": { + "create": "Create your project", + "desc0": "A project is maintained as a Git repository. It makes it much easier to share your flows with others and to collaborate on them.", + "desc1": "You can create multiple projects and quickly switch between them from the editor.", + "desc2": "To begin, your project needs a name and an optional description.", + "already-exists": "Project already exists", + "must-contain": "Must contain only A-Z 0-9 _ -", + "project-name": "Project name", + "desc": "描述", + "opt": "Optional" + }, + "clone-project": { + "clone": "Clone a project", + "desc0": "If you already have a git repository containing a project, you can clone it to get started.", + "already-exists": "Project already exists", + "must-contain": "Must contain only A-Z 0-9 _ -", + "project-name": "Project name", + "no-info-in-url": "Do not include the username/password in the url", + "git-url": "Git repository URL", + "protocols": "https://, ssh:// or file://", + "auth-failed": "Authentication failed", + "username": "Username", + "passwd": "Password", + "ssh-key": "SSH Key", + "passphrase": "Passphrase", + "ssh-key-desc": "Before you can clone a repository over ssh you must add an SSH key to access it.", + "ssh-key-add": "Add an ssh key", + "credential-key": "Credentials encryption key", + "cant-get-ssh-key": "Error! Can't get selected SSH key path.", + "already-exists2": "already exists", + "git-error": "git error", + "connection-failed": "Connection failed", + "not-git-repo": "Not a git repository", + "repo-not-found": "Repository not found" + }, + "default-files": { + "create": "Create your project files", + "desc0": "A project contains your flow files, a README file and a package.json file.", + "desc1": "It can contain any other files you want to maintain in the Git repository.", + "desc2": "Your existing flow and credential files will be copied into the project.", + "flow-file": "Flow file", + "credentials-file": "Credentials file" + }, + "encryption-config": { + "setup": "Setup encryption of your credentials file", + "desc0": "Your flow credentials file can be encrypted to keep its contents secure.", + "desc1": "If you want to store these credentials in a public Git repository, you must encrypt them by providing a secret key phrase.", + "desc2": "Your flow credentials file is not currently encrypted.", + "desc3": "That means its contents, such as passwords and access tokens, can be read by anyone with access to the file.", + "desc4": "If you want to store these credentials in a public Git repository, you must encrypt them by providing a secret key phrase.", + "desc5": "Your flow credentials file is currently encrypted using the credentialSecret property from your settings file as the key.", + "desc6": "Your flow credentials file is currently encrypted using a system-generated key. You should provide a new secret key for this project.", + "desc7": "The key will be stored separately from your project files. You will need to provide the key to use this project in another instance of Node-RED.", + "credentials": "Credentials", + "enable": "Enable encryption", + "disable": "Disable encryption", + "disabled": "disabled", + "copy": "Copy over existing key", + "use-custom": "Use custom key", + "desc8": "The credentials file will not be encrypted and its contents easily read", + "create-project-files": "Create project files", + "create-project": "Create project", + "already-exists": "already exists", + "git-error": "git error", + "git-auth-error": "git auth error" + }, + "create-success": { + "success": "You have successfully created your first project!", + "desc0": "You can now continue to use Node-RED just as you always have.", + "desc1": "The 'info' tab in the sidebar shows you what your current active project is. The button next to the name can be used to access the project settings view.", + "desc2": "The 'history' tab in the sidebar can be used to view files that have changed in your project and to commit them. It shows you a complete history of your commits and allows you to push your changes to a remote repository." + }, + "create": { + "projects": "Projects", + "already-exists": "Project already exists", + "must-contain": "Must contain only A-Z 0-9 _ -", + "no-info-in-url": "Do not include the username/password in the url", + "open": "Open Project", + "create": "Create Project", + "clone": "Clone Repository", + "project-name": "Project name", + "desc": "描述", + "opt": "Optional", + "flow-file": "Flow file", + "credentials": "Credentials", + "enable-encryption": "Enable encryption", + "disable-encryption": "Disable encryption", + "encryption-key": "Encryption key", + "desc0": "A phrase to secure your credentials with", + "desc1": "The credentials file will not be encrypted and its contents easily read", + "git-url": "Git repository URL", + "protocols": "https://, ssh:// or file://", + "auth-failed": "Authentication failed", + "username": "Username", + "password": "Password", + "ssh-key": "SSH Key", + "passphrase": "Passphrase", + "desc2": "Before you can clone a repository over ssh you must add an SSH key to access it.", + "add-ssh-key": "Add an ssh key", + "credentials-encryption-key": "Credentials encryption key", + "already-exists-2": "already exists", + "git-error": "git error", + "con-failed": "Connection failed", + "not-git": "Not a git repository", + "no-resource": "Repository not found", + "cant-get-ssh-key-path": "Error! Can't get selected SSH key path.", + "unexpected_error": "unexpected_error" + }, + "delete": { + "confirm": "Are you sure you want to delete this project?" + }, + "create-project-list": { + "search": "search your projects", + "current": "current" + }, + "require-clean": { + "confirm": "

You have undeployed changes that will be lost.

Do you want to continue?

" + }, + "send-req": { + "auth-req": "Authentication required for repository", + "username": "Username", + "password": "Password", + "passphrase": "Passphrase", + "retry": "Retry", + "update-failed": "Failed to update auth", + "unhandled": "Unhandled error response" + }, + "create-branch-list": { + "invalid": "Invalid branch", + "create": "Create branch", + "current": "current" + }, + "create-default-file-set": { + "no-active": "Cannot create default file set without an active project", + "no-empty": "Cannot create default file set on a non-empty project", + "git-error": "git error" + }, + "errors": { + "no-username-email": "Your Git client is not configured with a username/email.", + "unexpected": "An unexpected error occurred", + "code": "code" + } + }, + "editor-tab": { + "properties": "Properties", + "description": "描述", + "appearance": "Appearance", + "env": "Environment Variables" + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/node_modules/@node-red/editor-client/locales/zh-TW/infotips.json b/packages/node_modules/@node-red/editor-client/locales/zh-TW/infotips.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9e67a71cf --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/node_modules/@node-red/editor-client/locales/zh-TW/infotips.json @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +{ + "info": { + "tip0" : "您可以用 {{core:delete-selection}} 刪除選擇的節點或連結。", + "tip1" : "{{core:search}} 可以在流程內搜索節點。", + "tip2": "{{core:toggle-sidebar}} 可以顯示或隱藏邊側欄。", + "tip3": "您可以在 {{core:manage-palette}} 中管理節點的控制台。", + "tip4": "側邊欄中會列出流程中所有的配置節點。您可以通過功能表或者 {{core:show-config-tab}} 來訪問這些節點。", + "tip5": "您可以在設定中選擇顯示或隱藏這些提示。", + "tip6": "您可以用[left] [up] [down] [right]鍵來移動被選中的節點。按住[shift]可以更快地移動節點。", + "tip7": "把節點拖到連接上可以向連接中插入節點。", + "tip8": "您可以用 {{core:show-export-dialog}} 來匯出被選中的節點或標籤頁中的流程。", + "tip9": "您可以將流程的json檔拖入編輯方塊或 {{core:show-import-dialog}} 來導入流程。", + "tip10": "按住[shift]後按一下並拖動節點可以將該節點的多個連接一併移動到其他節點的埠。", + "tip11": "{{core:show-info-tab}} 可以顯示「資訊」標籤頁。 {{core:show-debug-tab}} 可以顯示「調試」標籤頁。", + "tip12": "按住[ctrl]的同時點擊工作介面可以在節點的對話欄中快速添加節點。", + "tip13": "按住[ctrl]的同時點擊節點的埠或後續節點可以快速連接多個節點。", + "tip14": "按住[shift]的同時點擊節點會選中所有被連接的節點。", + "tip15": "按住[ctrl]的同時點擊節點可以在選中或取消選中節點。", + "tip16": "{{core:show-previous-tab}} 和 {{core:show-next-tab}} 可以切換標籤頁。", + "tip17": "您可以在節點的屬性配置畫面中通過 {{core:confirm-edit-tray}} 來更改設置,或者用 {{core:cancel-edit-tray}} 來取消更改。", + "tip18": "您可以通過點擊 {{core:edit-selected-node}} 來顯示被選中節點的屬性設置畫面。" + } +} diff --git a/packages/node_modules/@node-red/editor-client/locales/zh-TW/jsonata.json b/packages/node_modules/@node-red/editor-client/locales/zh-TW/jsonata.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ae62fe068 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/node_modules/@node-red/editor-client/locales/zh-TW/jsonata.json @@ -0,0 +1,218 @@ +{ + "$string": { + "args": "arg", + "desc": "通過以下的類型轉換規則將參數*arg*轉換成字串:\n\n - 字串不轉換。\n -函數轉換成空的字串。\n - JSON的值無法用數字表示所以用無限大或者NaN(非數)表示。\n - 用’JSON.stringify’函數將其他值轉換成JSON字串。" + }, + "$length": { + "args": "str", + "desc": "輸出字串’str’的字數。如果’str’不是字串,拋出錯誤。" + }, + "$substring": { + "args": "str, start[, length]", + "desc": "輸出`start`位置後的的首次出現的包括`str`的子字串。 如果`length`被指定,那麼的字串中將只包括前`length`個文字。如果`start`是負數則輸出從`str`末尾開始的`length`個文字" + }, + "$substringBefore": { + "args": "str, chars", + "desc": "輸出’str’中首次出現的’chars’之前的子字串,如果’str’中不包括’chars’則輸出’str’。" + }, + "$substringAfter": { + "args": "str, chars", + "desc": "輸出’str’中首次出現的’chars’之後的子字串,如果’str’中不包括’chars’則輸出’str’。" + }, + "$uppercase": { + "args": "str", + "desc": "`將’str’中的所有字母變為大寫後輸出。" + }, + "$lowercase": { + "args": "str", + "desc": "將’str’中的所有字母變為小寫後輸出。" + }, + "$trim": { + "args": "str", + "desc": "將以下步驟應用於`str`來去除所有空白文字並實現標準化。\n\n – 將全部tab定位字元、Enter鍵、換行字元用空白代替。\n- 將連續的空白文字變成一個空白文字。\n- 消除開頭和末尾的空白文字。\n\n如果`str`沒有被指定(即在無輸入參數的情況下調用本函數),將上下文的值作為`str`來使用。 如果`str` 不是字串則拋出錯誤。" + }, + "$contains": { + "args": "str, pattern", + "desc": "字串`str` 和 `pattern`匹配的話輸出`true`,不匹配的情況下輸出 `false`。 不指定`str`的情況下(比如用一個參數調用本函數時)、將上下文的值作為`str`來使用。參數 `pattern`可以為字串或正則表達。" + }, + "$split": { + "args": "str[, separator][, limit]", + "desc": "將參數`str`分解成由子字串組成的陣列。 如果`str`不是字串拋出錯誤。可以省略的參數 `separator`中指定字串`str`的分隔符號。分隔符號可以是文字或規則運算式。在不指定`separator`的情況下、將分隔符號看作空的字串並把`str`拆分成由單個字母組成的陣列。如果`separator`不是字串則拋出錯誤。在可省略的參數`limit`中指定分割後的子字串的最大個數。超出個數的子字串將被捨棄。如果`limit`沒有被指定,`str` 將不考慮子字串的個數而將字串完全分隔。如果`limit`是負數則拋出錯誤。" + }, + "$join": { + "args": "array[, separator]", + "desc": "用可以省略的參數 `separator`來把多個字元串連接。如果`array`不是字串則拋出錯誤。 如果沒有指定`separator`,則用空字串來連接字元(即字串之間沒有`separator`)。 如果`separator`不是字元則拋出錯誤。" + }, + "$match": { + "args": "str, pattern [, limit]", + "desc": "對字串`str`使用規則運算式`pattern`並輸出與`str`相匹配的部分資訊。" + }, + "$replace": { + "args": "str, pattern, replacement [, limit]", + "desc": "在字串`str`中搜索`pattern`並用`replacement`來替換。\n\n可選參數`limit`用來指定替換次數的上限。" + }, + "$now": { + "args": "", + "desc": "生成ISO 8601互換格式的時刻,並作為字串輸出。" + }, + "$base64encode": { + "args": "string", + "desc": "將ASCII格式的字串轉換為Base 64格式。將字串中的文字視作二進位形式的資料處理。包含URI編碼在內的字串文字必須在0x00到0xFF的範圍內,否則不會被支持。" + }, + "$base64decode": { + "args": "string", + "desc": "用UTF-8內碼表將Base 64形式二進位值轉換為字串。" + }, + "$number": { + "args": "arg", + "desc": "用下述的規則將參數 `arg`轉換為數值。:\n\n – 數值不做轉換。\n – 將字串中合法的JSON數値表示轉換成數値。\n – 其他形式的值則拋出錯誤。" + }, + "$abs": { + "args": "number", + "desc": "輸出參數`number`的絕對值。" + }, + "$floor": { + "args": "number", + "desc": "輸出比`number`的值小的最大整數。" + }, + "$ceil": { + "args": "number", + "desc": "輸出比`number`的值大的最小整數。" + }, + "$round": { + "args": "number [, precision]", + "desc": "輸出四捨五入後的參數`number`。可省略的參數 `precision`指定四捨五入後小數點下的位數。" + }, + "$power": { + "args": "base, exponent", + "desc": "輸出底數`base`的`exponent`次冪。" + }, + "$sqrt": { + "args": "number", + "desc": "輸出參數 `number`的平方根。" + }, + "$random": { + "args": "", + "desc": "輸出比0大,比1小的偽亂數。" + }, + "$millis": { + "args": "", + "desc": "返回從UNIX時間 (1970年1月1日 UTC/GMT的午夜)開始到現在的毫秒數。在同一個運算式的測試中所有對`$millis()`的調用將會返回相同的值。" + }, + "$sum": { + "args": "array", + "desc": "輸出陣列`array`的總和。如果`array`不是數值則拋出錯誤。" + }, + "$max": { + "args": "array", + "desc": "輸出陣列`array`的最大值。如果`array`不是數值則拋出錯誤。" + }, + "$min": { + "args": "array", + "desc": "輸出陣列`array`的最小值。如果`array`不是數值則拋出錯誤。。" + }, + "$average": { + "args": "array", + "desc": "輸出陣列`array`的平均數。如果`array`不是數值則拋出錯誤。。" + }, + "$boolean": { + "args": "arg", + "desc": "用下述規則將資料轉換成布林值。:\n\n - 不轉換布林值`Boolean`。\n – 將空的字串`string`轉換為`false`\n – 將不為空的字串`string`轉換為`true`\n – 將為0的數位`number`轉換成`false`\n –將不為0的數位`number`轉換成`true`\n –將`null`轉換成`false`\n –將空的陣列`array`轉換成`false`\n –如果陣列`array`中含有可以轉換成`true`的要素則轉換成`true`\n –如果`array`中沒有可轉換成`true`的要素則轉換成`false`\n – 空的物件`object`轉換成`false`\n – 非空的物件`object`轉換成`true`\n –將函數`function`轉換成`false`" + }, + "$not": { + "args": "arg", + "desc": "輸出做反轉運算後的布林值。首先將`arg`轉換為布林值。" + }, + "$exists": { + "args": "arg", + "desc": "如果算式`arg`的值存在則輸出`true`。如果算式的值不存在(比如指向不存在區域的引用)則輸出`false`。" + }, + "$count": { + "args": "array", + "desc": "輸出陣列中的元素數。" + }, + "$append": { + "args": "array, array", + "desc": "將兩個陣列連接。" + }, + "$sort": { + "args": "array [, function]", + "desc": "輸出排序後的陣列`array`。\n\n如果使用了比較函數`function`,則下述兩個參數需要被指定。\n\n`function(left, right)`\n\n該比較函數是為了比較left和right兩個值而被排序演算法調用的。如果使用者希望left的值被置於right的值之後,那麼該函數必須輸出布林值`true`來表示位置交換。而在不需要位置交換時函數必須輸出`false`。" + }, + "$reverse": { + "args": "array", + "desc": "輸出倒序後的陣列`array`。" + }, + "$shuffle": { + "args": "array", + "desc": "輸出隨機排序後的陣列 `array`。" + }, + "$zip": { + "args": "array, ...", + "desc": "將陣列中的值按索引順序打包後輸出。" + }, + "$keys": { + "args": "object", + "desc": "輸出由物件內的鍵組成的陣列。如果參數是物件的陣列則輸出由所有物件中的鍵去重後組成的佇列。" + }, + "$lookup": { + "args": "object, key", + "desc": "輸出對象中與參數`key`對應的值。如果第一個參數`object`是陣列,那麼陣列中所有的物件都將被搜索並輸出這些物件中與參數`key`對應的值。" + }, + "$spread": { + "args": "object", + "desc": "將物件中的鍵值對分隔成每個要素中只含有一個鍵值對的陣列。如果參數`object`是陣列,那麼返回值的陣列中包含所有物件中的鍵值對。" + }, + "$merge": { + "args": "array<object>", + "desc": "將輸入陣列`objects`中所有的鍵值對合併到一個`object`中並返回。如果輸入陣列的要素中含有重複的鍵,則返回的`object`中將只包含陣列中最後出現要素的值。如果輸入陣列中包括物件以外的元素,則拋出錯誤。" + }, + "$sift": { + "args": "object, function", + "desc": "輸出參數`object`中符合`function`的鍵值對。\n\n`function`必須含有下述參數。\n\n`function(value [, key [, object]])`" + }, + "$each": { + "args": "object, function", + "desc": "將函數`function`應用於`object`中的所有鍵值對並輸出由所有返回值組成的陣列。" + }, + "$map": { + "args": "array, function", + "desc": "將函數`function`應用於陣列`array`中所有的值並輸出由返回值組成的陣列。\n\n`function`中必須含有下述參數。\n\n`function(value [, index [, array]])`" + }, + "$filter": { + "args": "array, function", + "desc": "輸出陣列`array`中符合函數`function`條件的值組成的陣列。\n\n`function`必須包括下述參數。\n\n`function(value [, index [, array]])`" + }, + "$reduce": { + "args": "array, function [, init]", + "desc": "將`function`依次應用於陣列中的各要素值。 其中,前一個要素值的計算結果將參與到下一次的函數運算中。。\n\n函數`function`接受兩個參數並作為中綴標記法中的操作符。\n\n可省略的參數`init`將作為運算的初始值。" + }, + "$flowContext": { + "args": "string", + "desc": "獲取流上下文(流等級的上下文,可以讓所有節點共用)的屬性。" + }, + "$globalContext": { + "args": "string", + "desc": "獲取全域上下文的屬性。" + }, + "$pad": { + "args": "string, width [, char]", + "desc": "根據需要,向字串`string`的副本中填充文字使該字串的字數達到`width`的絕對值並返回填充文字後的字串。\n\n如果`width`的值為正,則向字串`string`的右側填充文字,如果`width`為負,則向字串`string`的左側填充文字。\n\n可選參數`char`用來指定填充的文字。如果未指定該參數,則填充空白文字。" + }, + "$fromMillis": { + "args": "number", + "desc": "將表示從UNIX時間 (1970年1月1日 UTC/GMT的午夜)開始到現在的毫秒數的數值轉換成ISO 8601形式時間戳記的字串。" + }, + "$formatNumber": { + "args": "number, picture [, options]", + "desc": "將`number`轉換成具有`picture`所指定的數值格式的字串。\n\n此函數的功能與XPath F&O 3.1規格中定義的XPath/XQuery函數的fn:format-number功能相一致。參數`picture`用於指定數值的轉換格式,其語法與fn:format-number中的定義一致。\n\n可選的第三參數`options`用來覆蓋預設的局部環境格式,如小數點分隔符號。如果指定該參數,那麼該參數必須是包含name/value對的物件,並且name/value對必須符合XPath F&O 3.1規格中記述的數值格式。" + }, + "$formatBase": { + "args": "number [, radix]", + "desc": "將`number`變換為以參數`radix`的值為基數形式的字串。如果不指定`radix`的值,則默認基數為10。指定的`radix`值必須在2~36之間,否則拋出錯誤。" + }, + "$toMillis": { + "args": "timestamp", + "desc": "將ISO 8601格式的字串`timestamp`轉換為從UNIX時間 (1970年1月1日 UTC/GMT的午夜)開始到現在的毫秒數。如果該字串的格式不正確,則拋出錯誤。" + } +}