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详情擦看信息页.", + "success": "成功注入: __label__", + "errors": { + "failed": "注入失败, 请查看日志" + } + }, + "catch": { + "catch": "检测异常", + "catchNodes": "检测到 (__number__)", + "label": { + "source": "检测错误来自", + "node": "节点", + "type": "类型", + "selectAll": "全选", + "sortByLabel": "按名称排序", + "sortByType": "按类型排序" + }, + "scope": { + "all": "所有节点", + "selected": "已选节点" + } + }, + "status": { + "status": "状态 (所有)", + "statusNodes": "状态显示 (__number__)", + "label": { + "source": "状态报告来自", + "node": "节点", + "type": "类型", + "selectAll": "全选", + "sortByLabel": "按名称排序", + "sortByType": "按类型排序" + }, + "scope": { + "all": "所有节点", + "selected": "已选节点" + } + }, + "debug": { + "output": "输出", + "msgprop": "信息属性", + "msgobj": "完整信息", + "to": "目标", + "debtab": "调试窗口", + "tabcon": "调试窗口及终端控制台", + "notification": { + "activated": "成功激活: __label__", + "deactivated": "成功取消: __label__" + }, + "sidebar": { + "label": "调试窗口", + "name": "名称", + "filterAll": "所有节点", + "filterSelected": "已选节点", + "filterCurrent": "目前流程", + "debugNodes": "调试节点", + "clearLog": "清理日志", + "openWindow": "在新窗口打开" + }, + "messageMenu": { + "collapseAll": "折叠所有路径", + "clearPinned": "清理已固定路径", + "filterNode": "过滤此节点", + "clearFilter": "清除已设过滤" + } + }, + "link": { + "linkIn": "连接入口", + "linkOut": "连接出口", + "label": { + "event": "事件名称", + "node": "节点名称", + "type": "流程", + "sortByFlow":"根据流程排序", + "sortByLabel": "根据名称排序" + } + }, + "tls": { + "tls": "TLS设置", + "label": { + "use-local-files": "使用本地密匙及证书文件", + "upload": "上传", + "cert": "证书", + "key": "私钥", + "ca": "CA证书", + "verify-server-cert":"验证服务器证书" + }, + "placeholder": { + "cert":"证书路径 (PEM 格式)", + "key":"私匙路径 (PEM 格式)", + "ca":"CA证书路径 (PEM 格式)" + }, + "error": { + "missing-file": "无证书/密匙文件提供" + } + }, + "exec": { + "label": { + "command": "命令", + "append": "追加", + "timeout": "超时", + "timeoutplace": "可选填", + "return": "输出", + "seconds": "秒" + }, + "placeholder": { + "extraparams": "额外的输入参数" + }, + "opt": { + "exec": "当命令任务完成时 - exec 模式", + "spawn": "当命令任务进行时 - spawn 模式" + }, + "oldrc": "使用旧式输出模式 (传统模式)" + }, + "function": { + "label": { + "function": "函数", + "outputs": "输出" + }, + "error": { + "inputListener":"无法在函数里面加入对‘注入’事件的监视", + "non-message-returned":"函数节点尝试返回类型为 __type__ 的信息" + }, + "tip": "可从信息页面查看更多关于如何编写函数的帮助" + }, + "template": { + "label": { + "template": "模版", + "property": "设定属性", + "format": "语法高亮", + "syntax": "格式", + "output": "输出为", + "mustache": "Mustache 模版", + "plain": "纯文本", + "json": "解析JSON", + "none": "无" + }, + "templatevalue": "This is the payload: {{payload}} !" + }, + "delay": { + "action": "行为设置", + "for": "时长", + "delaymsg": "延迟每一条信息", + "delayfixed": "固定延迟时间", + "delayvarmsg": "用 msg.delay 改写延迟时长", + "randomdelay": "随机延迟", + "limitrate": "信息速度限制", + "limitall": "所有信息", + "limittopic": "每一个 msg.topic", + "fairqueue": "轮流发每一个主题", + "timedqueue": "发所有主题", + "milisecs": "毫秒", + "secs": "秒", + "sec": "秒", + "mins": "分", + "min": "分", + "hours": "小时", + "hour": "小时", + "days": "日", + "day": "日", + "between": "介于", + "and": "和", + "rate": "速度", + "msgper": "信息 每", + "dropmsg": "不传输中间信息", + "label": { + "delay": "延迟", + "variable": "变量", + "limit": "限制", + "limitTopic": "限制主题", + "random": "随机", + "units" : { + "second": { + "plural" : "秒", + "singular": "秒" + }, + "minute": { + "plural" : "分钟", + "singular": "分钟" + }, + "hour": { + "plural" : "小时", + "singular": "小时" + }, + "day": { + "plural" : "日", + "singular": "日" + } + } + }, + "error": { + "buffer": "缓冲超过了 1000 条信息", + "buffer1": "缓冲超过了 10000 条信息" + } + }, + "trigger": { + "send": "发送", + "then": "然后", + "then-send": "然后发送", + "output": { + "string": "字符串", + "number": "数字", + "existing": "现有信息对象", + "original": "原本信息对象", + "latest": "最新信息对象", + "nothing": "无" + }, + "wait-reset": "等待至重置", + "wait-for": "等待", + "wait-loop": "重发每", + "duration": { + "ms": "毫秒", + "s": "秒", + "m": "分钟", + "h": "小时" + }, + "extend": " 如有新信息,延长延迟", + "label": { + "trigger": "触发", + "trigger-block": "出发并阻止", + "trigger-loop": "重发每", + "reset": "重置触发节点条件 如果:", + "resetMessage":"msg.reset 已设置", + "resetPayload":"msg.payload 等于", + "resetprompt": "可选填" + } + }, + "comment": { + "label": { + "title": "标题", + "body": "主体" + }, + "tip": "提示: 主题内容可以添加格式化为 Github 风格 Markdown" + }, + "unknown": { + "label": { + "unknown": "未知" + }, + "tip": "




" + }, + "mqtt": { + "label": { + "broker": "服务端", + "example": "e.g. localhost", + "qos": "QoS", + "clientid": "客户端ID", + "port": "端口", + "keepalive": "存货定时器(秒)", + "cleansession": "使用新的会话", + "use-tls": "使用安全连接 (SSL/TLS)", + "tls-config":"TLS 设置", + "verify-server-cert":"验证服务器证书", + "compatmode": "使用旧式 MQTT 3.1 支持" + }, + "tabs-label": { + "connection": "连接", + "security": "安全", + "will": "终结信息", + "birth": "初始信息" + }, + "placeholder": { + "clientid": "留空白将会自动生成", + "clientid-nonclean":"如非新会话,必须设置客户端ID", + "will-topic": "留空白将禁止终止信息", + "birth-topic": "留空白将禁止初始信息" + }, + "state": { + "connected": "已连接到服务端: __broker__", + "disconnected": "已断开与服务端 __broker__ 的链接", + "connect-failed": "与服务端 __broker__ 的连接失败" + }, + "retain": "保留", + "true": "是", + "false": "否", + "tip": "提示: 如果你想用msg属性来设置主题,qos 或者是否保存,请将这几个区域留空", + "errors": { + "not-defined": "主题未设置", + "missing-config": "未设置服务端", + "invalid-topic": "主题无效", + "nonclean-missingclientid": "客户端ID未设定,使用新会话" + } + }, + "httpin": { + "label": { + "method": "方法", + "url": "URL", + "doc": "文档", + "return": "返回", + "upload": "接受文件上传?", + "status": "状态码", + "headers": "头子段", + "other": "其他" + }, + "setby": "- 用 msg.method 设定 -", + "basicauth": "基本认证", + "use-tls": "使用安全连接 (SSL/TLS) ", + "tls-config":"TLS 设置", + "utf8": "UTF-8 字符串", + "binary": "二进制缓冲模块", + "json": "解析JSON对象", + "tip": { + "in": "相对URL", + "res": "发送到此节点的消息必须来自 http input 节点", + "req": "提示:如果JSON解析失败,则获取的字符串将按原样返回." + }, + "httpreq": "http 请求", + "errors": { + "not-created": "当httpNodeRoot为否时,无法创建 http-in 节点", + "missing-path": "无路径", + "no-response": "无响应对象", + "json-error": "JSON 解析错误", + "no-url": "未设定 URL", + "deprecated-call":"__method__ 方法已弃用", + "invalid-transport":"非HTTP传输请求" + }, + "status": { + "requesting": "请求中" + } + }, + "websocket": { + "label": { + "type": "类型", + "path": "路径", + "url": "URL" + }, + "listenon": "监听", + "connectto": "连接", + "payload": "发送/接受 有效载荷", + "message": "发送/接受 完整信息", + "tip": { + "path1": "默认情况下, payload 将包含要发送或从Websocket接收的数据。侦听器可以配置为以JSON格式的字符串发送或接收整个消息对象.", + "path2": "这条路径将相对于 ", + "url1": "URL 应该使用 ws:// 或者 wss:// 方案并指向现有的websocket侦听器.", + "url2": "默认情况下, payload 将包含要发送或从Websocket接收的数据。可以将客户端配置为以JSON格式的字符串发送或接收整个消息对象." + }, + "errors": { + "connect-error": "ws连接发生了错误: ", + "send-error": "发送时发生了错误: ", + "missing-conf": "未设置服务器" + } + }, + "watch": { + "label": { + "files": "文件(s)", + "recursive": "递归查看文件夹" + }, + "placeholder": { + "files": "逗号分开文件或文件夹" + }, + "tip": "在Windows上,请务必使用双斜杠 \\\\ 来隔开文件夹名字" + }, + "tcpin": { + "label": { + "type": "类型", + "output": "输出", + "port": "端口", + "host": "主服务器", + "payload": "有效载荷(s)", + "delimited": "分隔符号", + "close-connection": "是否在成功发送每条信息后断开连接?", + "decode-base64": "用 Base64 解码信息?", + "server": "服务器", + "return": "返回", + "ms": "毫秒", + "chars": "字符" + }, + "type": { + "listen": "监听", + "connect": "连接", + "reply": "回应到 TCP" + }, + "output": { + "stream": "字串流", + "single": "单一", + "buffer": "缓冲模块", + "string": "字符串", + "base64": "Base64 字符串" + 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"send": "发送一个", + "toport": "到端口", + "address": "地址", + "decode-base64": "是否解码编码为Base64的信息?" + }, + "placeholder": { + "interface": "(可选填)eth0 的 ip 地址", + "address": "目的地 ip 地址" + }, + "udpmsgs": "udp 信息", + "mcmsgs": "组播信息", + "udpmsg": "udp 信息", + "bcmsg": "广播信息", + "mcmsg": "组播信息", + "output": { + "buffer": "缓冲模块", + "string": "字符串", + "base64": "Base64编码字符串" + }, + "bind": { + "random": "绑定到任意本地端口", + "local": "绑定到本地端口", + "target": "绑定到目标端口" + }, + "tip": { + "in": "提示:确保您的防火墙将允许数据进入", + "out": "提示:如果要使用 msg.ip msg.port 设置,请将地址和端口留空", + "port": "端口已在使用: " + }, + "status": { + "listener-at": "udp 监听器正在监听 __host__:__port__", + "mc-group": "udp 组播到 __group__", + "listener-stopped": "udp 监听器已停止", + "output-stopped": "udp 输出已停止", + "mc-ready": "udp 组播已准备好: __outport__ -> __host__:__port__", + "bc-ready": "udp 广播已准备好: __outport__ -> __host__:__port__", + "ready": "udp 已准备好: __outport__ -> __host__:__port__", + "ready-nolocal": "udp 已准备好: __host__:__port__" + }, + "errors": { + "access-error": "UDP 访问错误, 你可能需要root权限才能接入1024以下的端口", + "error": "错误: __error__", + "bad-mcaddress": "无效的组播地址", + "interface": "必须是需要接口的 ip 地址", + "ip-notset": "udp: ip 地址未设定", + "port-notset": "udp: 端口未设定", + "port-invalid": "udp: 无效端口号码", + "alreadyused": "udp: 端口已经在使用" + } + }, + "switch": { + "label": { + "property": "属性", + "rule": "规矩" + }, + "and": "和", + "checkall": "全选所有规则", + "stopfirst": "接受第一条匹配信息后停止", + "ignorecase": "忽视大小写", + "rules": { + "btwn":"在之间", + "cont":"包含", + "regex":"匹配正则表达式", + "true":"为真", + "false":"为假", + "null":"为空值", + "nnull":"非空值", + "else":"除此以外" + }, + "errors": { + "invalid-expr": "无效 JSONata 表达: __error__" + } + }, + "change": { + "label": { + "rules": "规矩", + "rule": "规矩", + "set": "设定 __property__", + "change": "改变 __property__", + "delete": "删除 __property__", + "move": "移动 __property__", + "changeCount": "改变: __count__ 条规矩", + "regex": "用正则表达式" + }, + "action": { + "set": "设定", + "change": "更改", + "delete": "删除", + "move": "转移", + "to": "到", + 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"含有上拉电阻的输入", + "pulldown": "含有下拉电阻的输入", + "pwmout": "PWM 输出", + "servo": "伺服输出" + }, + "status": { + "stopped": "已停止", + "closed": "已关闭", + "not-running": "不运行" + }, + "errors": { + "ignorenode": "忽略树莓派的特定节点", + "version": "版本命令失败", + "sawpitype": "查看Pi类型", + "libnotfound": "找不到树莓派 RPi.GPIO python库", + "alreadyset": "GPIO 引脚 __pin__ 已经被设定为类型: __type__", + "invalidpin": "无效 GPIO 引脚", + "invalidinput": "无效输入", + "needtobeexecutable": "__command__ 需要为可运行命令", + "mustbeexecutable": "nrgpio 需要为可运行", + "commandnotfound": "nrgpio 命令不存在", + "commandnotexecutable": "nrgpio 命令无法运行", + "error": "错误: __error__", + "pythoncommandnotfound": "nrpgio python 命令不运行" + } + }, + "tail": { + "label": { + "filename": "文件名", + "type": "文件类型", + "splitlines": "拆分线 \\n?" + }, + "action": { + "text": "文本 - 返回字符串", + "binary": "二进制 - 返回缓冲区" + }, + "errors": { + "windowsnotsupport": "Windows目前不支持." + } + }, + "file": { + "label": { + "filename": "文件名", + "action": "行为", + "addnewline": "向每个有效载荷添加换行符(\\ n)?", + 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