mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 10:36:34 +00:00
fix sub/unsub when using "dont unsub"
This commit is contained in:
@ -219,8 +219,10 @@ module.exports = function(RED) {
* Handle the payload / packet recieved in MQTT In and MQTT Sub nodes
function subscriptionHandler(node, datatype ,topic, payload, packet) {
const v5 = node.brokerConn.options && node.brokerConn.options.protocolVersion == 5;
var msg = {topic:topic, payload:null, qos:packet.qos, retain:packet.retain};
const msg = {topic:topic, payload:null, qos:packet.qos, retain:packet.retain};
const v5 = (node && node.brokerConn)
? node.brokerConn.v5()
: Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(packet, "properties");
if(v5 && packet.properties) {
setStrProp(packet.properties, msg, "responseTopic");
setBufferProp(packet.properties, msg, "correlationData");
@ -300,7 +302,7 @@ module.exports = function(RED) {
msg.payload = payload;
if ((node.brokerConn.broker === "localhost")||(node.brokerConn.broker === "")) {
if (node.brokerConn && (node.brokerConn.broker === "localhost" || node.brokerConn.broker === "")) {
msg._topic = topic;
@ -412,6 +414,12 @@ module.exports = function(RED) {
* Perform the connect action
* @param {MQTTInNode|MQTTOutNode} node
* @param {Object} msg
* @param {Function} done
function handleConnectAction(node, msg, done) {
let actionData = typeof msg.broker === 'object' ? msg.broker : null;
if (node.brokerConn.canConnect()) {
@ -442,12 +450,17 @@ module.exports = function(RED) {
* Perform the disconnect action
* @param {MQTTInNode|MQTTOutNode} node
* @param {Function} done
function handleDisconnectAction(node, done) {
node.brokerConn.disconnect(function () {
const unsubscribeCandidates = {}
//#endregion "Supporting functions"
//#region "Broker node"
@ -591,10 +604,9 @@ module.exports = function(RED) {
if (typeof node.cleansession === 'undefined') {
node.cleansession = true;
if (typeof node.autoUnsubscribe === 'undefined') {
if (typeof node.autoUnsubscribe !== 'boolean') {
node.autoUnsubscribe = true;
//use url or build a url from usetls://broker:port
if (node.url && node.brokerurl !== node.url) {
node.brokerurl = node.url;
@ -664,7 +676,6 @@ module.exports = function(RED) {
node.options.password = node.password;
node.options.keepalive = node.keepalive;
node.options.clean = node.cleansession;
node.options.autoUnsubscribe = node.autoUnsubscribe;
node.options.clientId = node.clientid || 'nodered_' + RED.util.generateId();
node.options.reconnectPeriod = RED.settings.mqttReconnectTime||5000;
delete node.options.protocolId; //V4+ default
@ -702,7 +713,8 @@ module.exports = function(RED) {
node.options.rejectUnauthorized = (node.verifyservercert == "true" || node.verifyservercert === true);
node.v5 = () => node.options && node.options.protocolVersion == 5
node.subscriptionIdentifiersAvailable = () => node.v5() && node.serverProperties && node.serverProperties.subscriptionIdentifiersAvailable
n.autoConnect = n.autoConnect === "false" || n.autoConnect === false ? false : true;
node.setOptions(n, true);
@ -784,18 +796,11 @@ module.exports = function(RED) {
// Re-subscribe to stored topics
for (var s in node.subscriptions) {
if (node.subscriptions.hasOwnProperty(s)) {
let topic = s;
let qos = 0;
let _options = {};
for (var r in node.subscriptions[s]) {
if (node.subscriptions[s].hasOwnProperty(r)) {
qos = Math.max(qos,node.subscriptions[s][r].qos);
_options = node.subscriptions[s][r].options;
_options.qos = _options.qos || qos;
node.client.subscribe(topic, _options);
@ -857,22 +862,28 @@ module.exports = function(RED) {
if(!node.client) { return _callback(); }
if(node.closing) { return _callback(); }
* Call end and wait for the client to end (or timeout)
* @param {mqtt.MqttClient} client The broker client
* @param {number} ms The time to wait for the client to end
* @returns
let waitEnd = (client, ms) => {
return new Promise( (resolve, reject) => {
node.closing = true;
if(!client) {
if (!client) {
} else {
} else {
const t = setTimeout(() => {
//clean end() has exceeded WAIT_END, lets force end!
client && client.end(true);
}, ms);
client.end(() => {
if(node.connected && node.closeMessage) {
@ -893,64 +904,222 @@ module.exports = function(RED) {
node.subscriptionIds = {};
node.subid = 1;
node.subscribe = function (topic,options,callback,ref) {
ref = ref||0;
var qos;
if(typeof options == "object") {
qos = options.qos;
} else {
qos = options;
options = {};
//typedef for subscription object:
* @typedef {Object} Subscription
* @property {String} topic - topic to subscribe to
* @property {Object} [options] - options object
* @property {Number} [options.qos] - quality of service
* @property {Number} [options.nl] - no local
* @property {Number} [options.rap] - retain as published
* @property {Number} [options.rh] - retain handling
* @property {Number} [options.properties] - MQTT 5.0 properties
* @property {Number} [options.properties.subscriptionIdentifier] - MQTT 5.0 subscription identifier
* @property {Number} [options.properties.userProperties] - MQTT 5.0 user properties
* @property {Function} callback
* @property {String} ref - reference to the node that created the subscription
* Create a subscription object
* @param {String} _topic - topic to subscribe to
* @param {Object} _options - options object
* @param {String} _ref - reference to the node that created the subscription
* @returns {Subscription}
function createSubscriptionObject(_topic, _options, _ref, _brokerId) {
/** @type {Subscription} */
const subscription = {};
const ref = _ref || 0;
let options
let qos = 1 // default to QoS 1 (AWS and several other brokers don't support QoS 2)
// if options is an object, then clone it
if (typeof _options == "object") {
options = RED.util.cloneMessage(_options || {})
qos = _options.qos;
} else if (typeof _options == "number") {
qos = _options;
options.qos = qos;
options = options || {};
// sanitise qos
if (typeof qos === "number" && qos >= 0 && qos <= 2) {
options.qos = qos;
subscription.topic = _topic;
subscription.qos = qos;
subscription.options = RED.util.cloneMessage(options);
subscription.ref = ref;
subscription.brokerId = _brokerId;
return subscription;
* If topic is a subscription object, then use that, otherwise look up the topic in
* the subscriptions object. If the topic is not found, then create a new subscription
* object and add it to the subscriptions object.
* @param {Subscription|String} topic
* @param {*} options
* @param {*} callback
* @param {*} ref
node.subscribe = function (topic, options, callback, ref) {
/** @type {Subscription} */
let subscription
let doCompare = false
let changesFound = false
// function signature 1: subscribe(subscription: Subscription)
if (typeof topic === "object" && topic !== null) {
subscription = topic
topic = subscription.topic
options = subscription.options
ref = subscription.ref
callback = subscription.callback
// function signature 2: subscribe(topic: String, options: Object, callback: Function, ref: String)
else if (typeof topic === "string") {
// since this is a call where all params are provided, it might be
// a node change (modification) so we need to check for changes
doCompare = true
subscription = node.subscriptions[topic] && node.subscriptions[topic][ref]
// bad function call
else {
console.warn('Invalid call to node.subscribe')
const thisBrokerId = node.type === 'mqtt-broker' ? node.id : node.broker
// unsubscribe topics where the broker has changed
const oldBrokerSubs = (unsubscribeCandidates[ref] || []).filter(sub => sub.brokerId !== thisBrokerId)
oldBrokerSubs.forEach(sub => {
/** @type {MQTTBrokerNode} */
const _brokerConn = RED.nodes.getNode(sub.brokerId)
if (_brokerConn) {
_brokerConn.unsubscribe(sub.topic, sub.ref, true)
// if subscription is found (or sent in as a parameter), then check for changes.
// if there are any changes requested, tidy up the old subscription
if (subscription) {
if (doCompare) {
// compare the current sub to the passed in parameters. Use RED.util.compareObjects against
// only the minimal set of properties to identify if the subscription has changed
const currentSubscription = createSubscriptionObject(subscription.topic, subscription.options, subscription.ref)
const newSubscription = createSubscriptionObject(topic, options, ref)
changesFound = RED.util.compareObjects(currentSubscription, newSubscription) === false
if (changesFound) {
if (subscription.handler) {
node._clientRemoveListeners('message', subscription.handler)
subscription.handler = null
const _brokerConn = RED.nodes.getNode(subscription.brokerId)
if (_brokerConn) {
_brokerConn.unsubscribe(subscription.topic, subscription.ref, true)
// clean up the unsubscribe candidate list
delete unsubscribeCandidates[ref]
// determine if this is an existing subscription
const existingSubscription = typeof subscription === "object" && subscription !== null
// if existing subscription is not found or has changed, create a new subscription object
if (existingSubscription === false || changesFound) {
subscription = createSubscriptionObject(topic, options, ref, node.id)
// setup remainder of subscription properties and event handling
node.subscriptions[topic] = node.subscriptions[topic] || {};
node.subscriptions[topic][ref] = subscription
if (!node.subscriptionIds[topic]) {
node.subscriptionIds[topic] = node.subid++;
options.properties = options.properties || {};
options.properties.subscriptionIdentifier = node.subscriptionIds[topic];
subscription.options = subscription.options || {};
subscription.options.properties = options.properties || {};
subscription.options.properties.subscriptionIdentifier = node.subscriptionIds[topic];
subscription.callback = callback;
node.subscriptions[topic] = node.subscriptions[topic]||{};
var sub = {
handler:function(mtopic,mpayload, mpacket) {
if(mpacket.properties && options.properties && mpacket.properties.subscriptionIdentifier && options.properties.subscriptionIdentifier && (mpacket.properties.subscriptionIdentifier !== options.properties.subscriptionIdentifier) ) {
//do nothing as subscriptionIdentifier does not match
} else if (matchTopic(topic,mtopic)) {
callback(mtopic,mpayload, mpacket);
ref: ref
node.subscriptions[topic][ref] = sub;
// if the client is connected, then setup the handler and subscribe
if (node.connected) {
node.client.subscribe(topic, options);
const subIdsAvailable = node.subscriptionIdentifiersAvailable()
node.unsubscribe = function (topic, ref, removed) {
ref = ref||0;
var sub = node.subscriptions[topic];
if (sub) {
if (sub[ref]) {
if(node.client) {
delete sub[ref];
//TODO: Review. The `if(removed)` was commented out to always delete and remove subscriptions.
// if we dont then property changes dont get applied and old subs still trigger
//if (removed) {
if (Object.keys(sub).length === 0) {
delete node.subscriptions[topic];
delete node.subscriptionIds[topic];
if (node.connected) {
if (!subscription.handler) {
subscription.handler = function (mtopic, mpayload, mpacket) {
const sops = subscription.options ? subscription.options.properties : {}
const pops = mpacket.properties || {}
if (subIdsAvailable && pops.subscriptionIdentifier && sops.subscriptionIdentifier && (pops.subscriptionIdentifier !== sops.subscriptionIdentifier)) {
//do nothing as subscriptionIdentifier does not match
} else if (matchTopic(topic, mtopic)) {
subscription.callback && subscription.callback(mtopic, mpayload, mpacket)
node._clientOn('message', subscription.handler)
// if the broker doesn't support subscription identifiers, then don't send them (AWS support)
if (subscription.options.properties && subscription.options.properties.subscriptionIdentifier && subIdsAvailable !== true) {
delete subscription.options.properties.subscriptionIdentifier
node.client.subscribe(topic, subscription.options)
node.unsubscribe = function (topic, ref, removeClientSubscription) {
ref = ref||0;
const unsub = removeClientSubscription || node.autoUnsubscribe !== false
const sub = node.subscriptions[topic];
let brokerId = node.id
if (sub) {
if (sub[ref]) {
brokerId = sub[ref].brokerId || brokerId
if(node.client && sub[ref].handler) {
node._clientRemoveListeners('message', sub[ref].handler);
sub[ref].handler = null
if (unsub) {
delete sub[ref]
// if instructed to remove the actual MQTT client subscription
if (unsub) {
// if there are no more subscriptions for the topic, then remove the topic
if (Object.keys(sub).length === 0) {
try {
} catch (_err) {
// do nothing
} finally {
// remove unsubscribe candidate as it is now REALLY unsubscribed
delete node.subscriptions[topic];
delete node.subscriptionIds[topic];
if (unsubscribeCandidates[ref]) {
unsubscribeCandidates[ref] = unsubscribeCandidates[ref].filter(sub => sub.topic !== topic)
} else {
// if instructed to not remove the client subscription, then add it to the candidate list
// of subscriptions to be removed when the the same ref is used in a subsequent subscribe
// and the topic has changed
unsubscribeCandidates[ref] = unsubscribeCandidates[ref] || [];
topic: topic,
ref: ref,
brokerId: brokerId
node.topicAliases = {};
@ -988,7 +1157,7 @@ module.exports = function(RED) {
setStrProp(msg, options.properties, "contentType");
setIntProp(msg, options.properties, "messageExpiryInterval", 0);
setUserProperties(msg.userProperties, options.properties);
setIntProp(msg, options.properties, "topicAlias", 1, node.serverProperties.topicAliasMaximum || 0);
setIntProp(msg, options.properties, "topicAlias", 1, bsp.topicAliasMaximum || 0);
setBoolProp(msg, options.properties, "payloadFormatIndicator");
//FUTURE setIntProp(msg, options.properties, "subscriptionIdentifier", 1, 268435455);
@ -1124,7 +1293,7 @@ module.exports = function(RED) {
if(node.rap === "true" || node.rap === true) options.rap = true;
else if(node.rap === "false" || node.rap === false) options.rap = false;
node._topic = node.topic; // store the original topic incase node is later changed
node.brokerConn.subscribe(node.topic,options,function(topic, payload, packet) {
subscriptionHandler(node, node.datatype, topic, payload, packet);
@ -1177,7 +1346,7 @@ module.exports = function(RED) {
if (action === Actions.UNSUBSCRIBE) {
subscriptions.forEach(function (sub) {
node.brokerConn.unsubscribe(sub.topic, node.id);
node.brokerConn.unsubscribe(sub.topic, node.id, true);
delete node.dynamicSubs[sub.topic];
//user can access current subscriptions through the complete node is so desired
@ -1187,7 +1356,7 @@ module.exports = function(RED) {
subscriptions.forEach(function (sub) {
//always unsubscribe before subscribe to prevent multiple subs to same topic
if (node.dynamicSubs[sub.topic]) {
node.brokerConn.unsubscribe(sub.topic, node.id);
node.brokerConn.unsubscribe(sub.topic, node.id, true);
delete node.dynamicSubs[sub.topic];
@ -1233,16 +1402,12 @@ module.exports = function(RED) {
node.on('close', function(removed, done) {
if (node.brokerConn) {
if(node.isDynamic) {
if (node.brokerConn.options.autoUnsubscribe) {
Object.keys(node.dynamicSubs).forEach(function (topic) {
node.brokerConn.unsubscribe(topic, node.id, removed);
node.dynamicSubs = {};
Object.keys(node.dynamicSubs).forEach(function (topic) {
node.brokerConn.unsubscribe(topic, node.id, removed);
node.dynamicSubs = {};
} else {
if (node.brokerConn.options.autoUnsubscribe) {
node.brokerConn.unsubscribe(node.topic, node.id, removed);
node.brokerConn.unsubscribe(node.topic, node.id, removed);
node.brokerConn.deregister(node, done, removed);
node.brokerConn = null;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user