mirror of
synced 2023-10-10 13:36:53 +02:00
Merge branch 'dev' into diagnostics
This commit is contained in:
@ -106,9 +106,15 @@ async function login(req,res) {
urlPrefix += "/";
response = {
"prompts":[{type:"button",label:mergedAdminAuth.strategy.label, url: urlPrefix + "auth/strategy"}]
if (mergedAdminAuth.strategy.autoLogin) {
response.autoLogin = true
response.loginRedirect = urlPrefix + "auth/strategy"
response.prompts = [
{type:"button",label:mergedAdminAuth.strategy.label, url: urlPrefix + "auth/strategy"}
if (mergedAdminAuth.strategy.icon) {
response.prompts[0].icon = mergedAdminAuth.strategy.icon;
@ -185,7 +191,7 @@ function genericStrategy(adminApp,strategy) {
} else {
var profile = arguments[arguments.length - 2];
return completeVerify(profile,originalDone);
@ -92,10 +92,16 @@ var passwordTokenExchange = function(client, username, password, scope, done) {
loginAttempts = loginAttempts.filter(function(logEntry) {
return logEntry.user !== username;
// Check if the user contains a user defined token and use it
// instead of generating a new token
} else {
Tokens.create(username,client.id,scope).then(function(tokens) {
log.audit({event: "auth.login",user,username:username,client:client.id,scope:scope});
} else {
log.audit({event: "auth.login.fail.permissions",username:username,client:client.id,scope:scope});
@ -502,7 +502,7 @@
"searchBox": "Open search box",
"managePalette": "Manage palette",
"actionList": "Action list",
"splitWiresWithLinks": "Split selection with Link nodes"
"splitWireWithLinks": "Split selection with Link nodes"
"library": {
"library": "Library",
@ -1165,5 +1165,21 @@
"ru": "Russian",
"zh-CN": "Chinese(Simplified)",
"zh-TW": "Chinese(Traditional)"
"validator": {
"errors": {
"invalid-json": "Invalid JSON data: __error__",
"invalid-json-prop": "__prop__: invalid JSON data: __error__",
"invalid-prop": "Invalid property expression",
"invalid-prop-prop": "__prop__: invalid property expression",
"invalid-num": "Invalid number",
"invalid-num-prop": "__prop__: invalid number",
"invalid-regexp": "Invalid input pattern",
"invalid-regex-prop": "__prop__: invalid input pattern",
"missing-required-prop": "__prop__: property value missing",
"invalid-config": "__prop__: invalid configuration node",
"missing-config": "__prop__: missing configuration node",
"validation-error": "__prop__: validation error: __node__, __id__: __error__"
@ -149,7 +149,11 @@
"toggle-navigator": "ナビゲータの表示/非表示を切替",
"zoom-out": "縮小",
"zoom-reset": "拡大/縮小を初期化",
"zoom-in": "拡大"
"zoom-in": "拡大",
"search-flows": "フローを検索",
"search-prev": "前へ",
"search-next": "次へ",
"search-counter": "\"__term__\" __count__ 件中の __result__ 件目"
"user": {
"loggedInAs": "__name__ としてログインしました",
@ -497,7 +501,8 @@
"redoChange": "変更操作をやり直し",
"searchBox": "ノードを検索",
"managePalette": "パレットの管理",
"actionList": "動作一覧"
"actionList": "動作一覧",
"splitWireWithLinks": "選択したワイヤーをlinkノードで分離"
"library": {
"library": "ライブラリ",
@ -898,7 +903,8 @@
"invalidNodes": "不正なノード",
"uknownNodes": "未知のノード",
"unusedSubflows": "未使用のサブフロー",
"hiddenFlows": "非表示のフロー"
"hiddenFlows": "非表示のフロー",
"modifiedNodes": "修正したノードやフロー"
"expressionEditor": {
@ -1174,6 +1180,7 @@
"hide-all-flows": "全てのフローを非表示",
"show-all-flows": "全てのフローを表示",
"show-last-hidden-flow": "最後に非表示にしたフローを表示",
"list-modified-nodes": "修正したフローを表示",
"list-hidden-flows": "非表示フローを表示",
"list-flows": "フロー一覧",
"list-subflows": "サブフロー一覧",
@ -1240,6 +1247,8 @@
"distribute-selection-vertically": "選択を上下に整列",
"wire-series-of-nodes": "ノードを一続きに接続",
"wire-node-to-multiple": "ノードを複数に接続",
"split-wire-with-link-nodes": "ワイヤーをlinkノードで分割",
"generate-node-names": "ノード名を生成",
"show-user-settings": "ユーザ設定を表示",
"show-help": "ヘルプを表示",
"toggle-palette": "パレットの表示切替",
@ -1266,6 +1275,8 @@
"show-library-import-dialog": "ライブラリ読み込みダイアログを表示",
"show-examples-import-dialog": "サンプル読み込みダイアログを表示",
"search": "検索",
"search-previous": "前を検索",
"search-next": "次を検索",
"show-action-list": "アクション一覧を表示",
"confirm-edit-tray": "編集を完了",
"cancel-edit-tray": "編集をキャンセル",
@ -1276,8 +1287,8 @@
"set-deploy-type-to-modified-flows": "デプロイを「変更したフロー」に設定",
"set-deploy-type-to-modified-nodes": "デプロイを「変更したノード」に設定",
"show-debug-tab": "デバッグタブを表示",
"clear-debug-messages": "デバッグメッセージをクリア",
"clear-filtered-debug-messages": "フィルタしたデバッグメッセージをクリア",
"clear-debug-messages": "デバッグメッセージを削除",
"clear-filtered-debug-messages": "フィルタしたデバッグメッセージを削除",
"activate-selected-debug-nodes": "選択したデバッグノードを有効化",
"activate-all-debug-nodes": "全てのデバッグノードを有効化",
"activate-all-flow-debug-nodes": "フロー内の全デバッグノードを有効化",
@ -1289,5 +1300,21 @@
"zoom-reset": "ズームリセット",
"toggle-navigator": "ナビゲータ表示切替",
"show-system-info": "システムインフォメーション"
"validator": {
"errors": {
"invalid-json": "JSONデータが不正: __error__",
"invalid-json-prop": "__prop__: JSONデータが不正: __error__",
"invalid-prop": "プロパティ式が不正",
"invalid-prop-prop": "__prop__: プロパティ式が不正",
"invalid-num": "数値が不正",
"invalid-num-prop": "__prop__: 数値が不正",
"invalid-regexp": "入力パターンが不正",
"invalid-regex-prop": "__prop__: 入力パターンが不正",
"missing-required-prop": "__prop__: プロパティが未設定",
"invalid-config": "__prop__: 設定ノードが不正",
"missing-config": "__prop__: 設定ノードが存在しません",
"validation-error": "__prop__: チェックエラー: __node__, __id__: __error__"
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 90 B |
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
<svg width="50" height="5" viewBox="0, 0, 50, 5" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="M0 1H50V4H0Z" fill="#CCC"/></svg>
After Width: | Height: | Size: 127 B |
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 192 B |
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
<svg width="5" height="50" viewBox="0, 0, 5, 50" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="M1 0H4V50H1Z" fill="#CCC"/></svg>
After Width: | Height: | Size: 127 B |
@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ var RED = (function() {
var parts = topic.split("/");
var node = RED.nodes.node(parts[1]);
if (node) {
if (msg.hasOwnProperty("text") && msg.text !== null && /^[a-zA-Z]/.test(msg.text)) {
if (msg.hasOwnProperty("text") && msg.text !== null && /^[@a-zA-Z]/.test(msg.text)) {
msg.text = node._(msg.text.toString(),{defaultValue:msg.text.toString()});
node.status = msg;
@ -9,12 +9,14 @@
* options:
* search : function(value, [done])
* search: function(value, [done])
* A function that is passed the current contents of the input whenever
* it changes.
* The function must either return auto-complete options, or pass them
* to the optional 'done' parameter.
* If the function signature includes 'done', it must be used
* minLength: number
* If `minLength` is 0, pressing down arrow will show the list
* The auto-complete options should be an array of objects in the form:
* {
@ -26,10 +28,11 @@
$.widget( "nodered.autoComplete", {
_create: function() {
var that = this;
const that = this;
this.completionMenuShown = false;
this.options.search = this.options.search || function() { return [] }
this.options.minLength = parseInteger(this.options.minLength, 1, 0);
this.options.search = this.options.search || function() { return [] };
this.element.on("keydown.red-ui-autoComplete", function(evt) {
if ((evt.keyCode === 13 || evt.keyCode === 9) && that.completionMenuShown) {
var opts = that.menu.options();
@ -71,8 +74,8 @@
this.completionMenuShown = true;
_updateCompletions: function(val) {
var that = this;
if (val.trim() === "") {
const that = this;
if (val.trim().length < this.options.minLength) {
if (this.completionMenuShown) {
@ -96,7 +99,7 @@
if (this.options.search.length === 2) {
var requestId = 1+Math.floor(Math.random()*10000);
const requestId = 1+Math.floor(Math.random()*10000);
this.pendingRequest = requestId;
this.options.search(val,function(completions) { displayResults(completions,requestId);})
} else {
@ -112,4 +115,12 @@
function parseInteger(input, def, min, max) {
if(input == null) { return (def || 0); }
min = min == null ? Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY : min;
max = max == null ? Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY : max;
let n = parseInt(input);
if(isNaN(n) || n < min || n > max) { n = def || 0; }
return n;
@ -359,6 +359,7 @@ RED.popover = (function() {
if (trigger === 'hover') {
target.on('mouseenter',function(e) {
@ -470,6 +471,10 @@ RED.popover = (function() {
popover.setAction = function(newAction) {
action = newAction;
popover.delete = function() {
return popover;
@ -105,8 +105,8 @@
this.element.on("keydown",function(e) {
if (!menuShown && e.keyCode === 40) {
if (!menuShown && e.keyCode === 40 && $(this).val() === '') {
//DOWN (only show menu if search field is emty)
@ -670,7 +670,7 @@ RED.tabs = (function() {
var link = $("<a/>",{href:"#"+tab.id, class:"red-ui-tab-label"}).appendTo(li);
if (tab.icon) {
$('<img src="'+tab.icon+'" class="red-ui-tab-icon"/>').appendTo(link);
$('<i>',{class:"red-ui-tab-icon", style:"mask-image: url("+tab.icon+"); -webkit-mask-image: url("+tab.icon+");"}).appendTo(link);
} else if (tab.iconClass) {
$('<i>',{class:"red-ui-tab-icon "+tab.iconClass}).appendTo(link);
@ -55,34 +55,46 @@
var autoComplete = function(options) {
function getMatch(value, searchValue) {
const idx = value.toLowerCase().indexOf(searchValue.toLowerCase());
const len = idx > -1 ? searchValue.length : 0;
return {
index: idx,
found: idx > -1,
pre: value.substring(0,idx),
match: value.substring(idx,idx+len),
post: value.substring(idx+len),
function generateSpans(match) {
const els = [];
if(match.pre) { els.push($('<span/>').text(match.pre)); }
if(match.match) { els.push($('<span/>',{style:"font-weight: bold; color: var(--red-ui-text-color-link);"}).text(match.match)); }
if(match.post) { els.push($('<span/>').text(match.post)); }
return els;
return function(val) {
var matches = [];
options.forEach(opt => {
let v = opt.value;
var i = v.toLowerCase().indexOf(val.toLowerCase());
if (i > -1) {
var pre = v.substring(0,i);
var matchedVal = v.substring(i,i+val.length);
var post = v.substring(i+val.length)
var el = $('<div/>',{style:"white-space:nowrap; overflow: hidden; flex-grow:1"});
$('<span/>',{style:"font-weight: bold"}).text(matchedVal).appendTo(el);
var element = $('<div>',{style: "display: flex"});
if (opt.source) {
"font-size": "0.8em"
const optVal = opt.value;
const optSrc = (opt.source||[]).join(",");
const valMatch = getMatch(optVal, val);
const srcMatch = getMatch(optSrc, val);
if (valMatch.found || srcMatch.found) {
const element = $('<div>',{style: "display: flex"});
const valEl = $('<div/>',{style:"font-family: var(--red-ui-monospace-font); white-space:nowrap; overflow: hidden; flex-grow:1"});
if (optSrc) {
const optEl = $('<div>').css({ "font-size": "0.8em" });
value: v,
value: optVal,
label: element,
i: (valMatch.found ? valMatch.index : srcMatch.index)
matches.sort(function(A,B){return A.i-B.i})
@ -93,6 +105,36 @@
// This is a hand-generated list of completions for the core nodes (based on the node help html).
var msgCompletions = [
{ value: "payload" },
{ value: "topic", source: ["mqtt","inject","rbe"] },
{ value: "action", source: ["mqtt"] },
{ value: "complete", source: ["join"] },
{ value: "contentType", source: ["mqtt"] },
{ value: "cookies", source: ["http request","http response"] },
{ value: "correlationData", source: ["mqtt"] },
{ value: "delay", source: ["delay","trigger"] },
{ value: "encoding", source: ["file"] },
{ value: "error", source: ["catch"] },
{ value: "error.message", source: ["catch"] },
{ value: "error.source", source: ["catch"] },
{ value: "error.source.id", source: ["catch"] },
{ value: "error.source.type", source: ["catch"] },
{ value: "error.source.name", source: ["catch"] },
{ value: "filename", source: ["file","file in"] },
{ value: "flush", source: ["delay"] },
{ value: "followRedirects", source: ["http request"] },
{ value: "headers", source: ["http response","http request"] },
{ value: "host", source: ["tcp request","http request"] },
{ value: "ip", source: ["udp out"] },
{ value: "kill", source: ["exec"] },
{ value: "messageExpiryInterval", source: ["mqtt"] },
{ value: "method", source: ["http request"] },
{ value: "options", source: ["xml"] },
{ value: "parts", source: ["split","join","batch","sort"] },
{ value: "pid", source: ["exec"] },
{ value: "port", source: ["tcp request"," udp out"] },
{ value: "qos", source: ["mqtt"] },
{ value: "rate", source: ["delay"] },
{ value: "rejectUnauthorized", source: ["http request"] },
{ value: "req", source: ["http in"]},
{ value: "req.body", source: ["http in"]},
{ value: "req.headers", source: ["http in"]},
@ -100,38 +142,28 @@
{ value: "req.params", source: ["http in"]},
{ value: "req.cookies", source: ["http in"]},
{ value: "req.files", source: ["http in"]},
{ value: "complete", source: ["join"] },
{ value: "contentType", source: ["mqtt"] },
{ value: "cookies", source: ["http in","http request"] },
{ value: "correlationData", source: ["mqtt"] },
{ value: "delay", source: ["delay","trigger"] },
{ value: "encoding", source: ["file"] },
{ value: "error", source: ["catch"] },
{ value: "filename", source: ["file","file in"] },
{ value: "flush", source: ["delay"] },
{ value: "followRedirects", source: ["http request"] },
{ value: "headers", source: ["http in"," http request"] },
{ value: "kill", source: ["exec"] },
{ value: "messageExpiryInterval", source: ["mqtt"] },
{ value: "method", source: ["http-request"] },
{ value: "options", source: ["xml"] },
{ value: "parts", source: ["split","join"] },
{ value: "pid", source: ["exec"] },
{ value: "qos", source: ["mqtt"] },
{ value: "rate", source: ["delay"] },
{ value: "rejectUnauthorized", source: ["http request"] },
{ value: "requestTimeout", source: ["http request"] },
{ value: "reset", source: ["delay","trigger","join","rbe"] },
{ value: "responseCookies", source: ["http request"] },
{ value: "responseTopic", source: ["mqtt"] },
{ value: "responseURL", source: ["http request"] },
{ value: "restartTimeout", source: ["join"] },
{ value: "retain", source: ["mqtt"] },
{ value: "schema", source: ["json"] },
{ value: "select", source: ["html"] },
{ value: "statusCode", source: ["http in"] },
{ value: "statusCode", source: ["http response","http request"] },
{ value: "status", source: ["status"] },
{ value: "status.text", source: ["status"] },
{ value: "status.source", source: ["status"] },
{ value: "status.source.type", source: ["status"] },
{ value: "status.source.id", source: ["status"] },
{ value: "status.source.name", source: ["status"] },
{ value: "target", source: ["link call"] },
{ value: "template", source: ["template"] },
{ value: "toFront", source: ["delay"] },
{ value: "topic", source: ["inject","mqtt","rbe"] },
{ value: "url", source: ["http request"] },
{ value: "userProperties", source: ["mqtt"] }
{ value: "userProperties", source: ["mqtt"] },
{ value: "_session", source: ["websocket out","tcp out"] },
var allOptions = {
msg: {value:"msg",label:"msg.",validate:RED.utils.validatePropertyExpression, autoComplete: autoComplete(msgCompletions)},
@ -637,7 +669,7 @@
if (opt.icon.indexOf("<") === 0) {
} else if (opt.icon.indexOf("/") !== -1) {
$('<img>',{src:mapDeprecatedIcon(opt.icon),style:"margin-right: 4px; height: 18px;"}).prependTo(op);
$('<i>',{class:"red-ui-typedInput-icon", style:"mask-image: url("+opt.icon+"); -webkit-mask-image: url("+opt.icon+");"}).prependTo(op);
} else {
$('<i>',{class:"red-ui-typedInput-icon "+opt.icon}).prependTo(op);
@ -1147,7 +1179,8 @@
if (opt.autoComplete) {
search: opt.autoComplete
search: opt.autoComplete,
minLength: 0
@ -319,21 +319,25 @@ RED.deploy = (function() {
function save(skipValidation,force) {
if (!$("#red-ui-header-button-deploy").hasClass("disabled")) {
function save(skipValidation, force) {
if ($("#red-ui-header-button-deploy").hasClass("disabled")) {
return; //deploy is disabled
if ($("#red-ui-header-shade").is(":visible")) {
return; //deploy is shaded
if (!RED.user.hasPermission("flows.write")) {
RED.notify(RED._("user.errors.deploy"), "error");
let hasUnusedConfig = false;
if (!skipValidation) {
var hasUnknown = false;
var hasInvalid = false;
var hasUnusedConfig = false;
let hasUnknown = false;
let hasInvalid = false;
const unknownNodes = [];
const invalidNodes = [];
var unknownNodes = [];
var invalidNodes = [];
RED.nodes.eachConfig(function(node) {
RED.nodes.eachConfig(function (node) {
if (node.valid === undefined) {
@ -346,7 +350,7 @@ RED.deploy = (function() {
RED.nodes.eachNode(function(node) {
RED.nodes.eachNode(function (node) {
if (!node.valid && !node.d) {
@ -359,31 +363,31 @@ RED.deploy = (function() {
hasUnknown = unknownNodes.length > 0;
hasInvalid = invalidNodes.length > 0;
var unusedConfigNodes = [];
RED.nodes.eachConfig(function(node) {
const unusedConfigNodes = [];
RED.nodes.eachConfig(function (node) {
if ((node._def.hasUsers !== false) && (node.users.length === 0)) {
hasUnusedConfig = true;
var showWarning = false;
var notificationMessage;
var notificationButtons = [];
var notification;
let showWarning = false;
let notificationMessage;
let notificationButtons = [];
let notification;
if (hasUnknown && !ignoreDeployWarnings.unknown) {
showWarning = true;
notificationMessage = "<p>"+RED._('deploy.confirm.unknown')+"</p>"+
'<ul class="red-ui-deploy-dialog-confirm-list"><li>'+cropList(unknownNodes).map(function(n) { return sanitize(n) }).join("</li><li>")+"</li></ul><p>"+
notificationMessage = "<p>" + RED._('deploy.confirm.unknown') + "</p>" +
'<ul class="red-ui-deploy-dialog-confirm-list"><li>' + cropList(unknownNodes).map(function (n) { return sanitize(n) }).join("</li><li>") + "</li></ul><p>" +
RED._('deploy.confirm.confirm') +
notificationButtons= [
notificationButtons = [
id: "red-ui-deploy-dialog-confirm-deploy-deploy",
text: RED._("deploy.confirm.button.confirm"),
class: "primary",
click: function() {
click: function () {
@ -393,16 +397,16 @@ RED.deploy = (function() {
showWarning = true;
notificationMessage = "<p>"+RED._('deploy.confirm.improperlyConfigured')+"</p>"+
'<ul class="red-ui-deploy-dialog-confirm-list"><li>'+cropList(invalidNodes.map(function(A) { return sanitize( (A.tab?"["+A.tab+"] ":"")+A.label+" ("+A.type+")")})).join("</li><li>")+"</li></ul><p>"+
notificationMessage = "<p>" + RED._('deploy.confirm.improperlyConfigured') + "</p>" +
'<ul class="red-ui-deploy-dialog-confirm-list"><li>' + cropList(invalidNodes.map(function (A) { return sanitize((A.tab ? "[" + A.tab + "] " : "") + A.label + " (" + A.type + ")") })).join("</li><li>") + "</li></ul><p>" +
RED._('deploy.confirm.confirm') +
notificationButtons= [
notificationButtons = [
id: "red-ui-deploy-dialog-confirm-deploy-deploy",
text: RED._("deploy.confirm.button.confirm"),
class: "primary",
click: function() {
click: function () {
@ -413,28 +417,28 @@ RED.deploy = (function() {
text: RED._("common.label.cancel"),
click: function() {
click: function () {
notification = RED.notify(notificationMessage,{
notification = RED.notify(notificationMessage, {
modal: true,
fixed: true,
buttons: notificationButtons
var nns = RED.nodes.createCompleteNodeSet();
const nns = RED.nodes.createCompleteNodeSet();
const startTime = Date.now();
var startTime = Date.now();
$(".red-ui-deploy-button-content").css('opacity', 0);
var data = {flows:nns};
const data = { flows: nns };
if (!force) {
data.rev = RED.nodes.version();
@ -446,25 +450,25 @@ RED.deploy = (function() {
url: "flows",
type: "POST",
data: JSON.stringify(data),
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
headers: {
"Node-RED-Deployment-Type": deploymentType
}).done(function(data,textStatus,xhr) {
}).done(function (data, textStatus, xhr) {
if (hasUnusedConfig) {
'<p>'+RED._("deploy.unusedConfigNodes")+' <a href="#" onclick="RED.sidebar.config.show(true); return false;">'+RED._("deploy.unusedConfigNodesLink")+'</a></p>',"success",false,6000);
'<p>' + RED._("deploy.successfulDeploy") + '</p>' +
'<p>' + RED._("deploy.unusedConfigNodes") + ' <a href="#" onclick="RED.sidebar.config.show(true); return false;">' + RED._("deploy.unusedConfigNodesLink") + '</a></p>', "success", false, 6000);
} else {
RED.notify('<p>' + RED._("deploy.successfulDeploy") + '</p>', "success");
RED.nodes.eachNode(function(node) {
RED.nodes.eachNode(function (node) {
if (node.changed) {
node.dirty = true;
node.changed = false;
@ -473,7 +477,7 @@ RED.deploy = (function() {
node.dirty = true;
node.moved = false;
if(node.credentials) {
if (node.credentials) {
delete node.credentials;
@ -483,42 +487,41 @@ RED.deploy = (function() {
delete confNode.credentials;
RED.nodes.eachSubflow(function(subflow) {
RED.nodes.eachSubflow(function (subflow) {
subflow.changed = false;
RED.nodes.eachWorkspace(function(ws) {
RED.nodes.eachWorkspace(function (ws) {
ws.changed = false;
// Once deployed, cannot undo back to a clean state
}).fail(function(xhr,textStatus,err) {
}).fail(function (xhr, textStatus, err) {
if (xhr.status === 401) {
RED.notify(RED._("deploy.deployFailed", { message: RED._("user.notAuthorized") }), "error");
} else if (xhr.status === 409) {
resolveConflict(nns, true);
} else if (xhr.responseText) {
RED.notify(RED._("deploy.deployFailed", { message: xhr.responseText }), "error");
} else {
RED.notify(RED._("deploy.deployFailed", { message: RED._("deploy.errors.noResponse") }), "error");
}).always(function() {
}).always(function () {
deployInflight = false;
var delta = Math.max(0,300-(Date.now()-startTime));
setTimeout(function() {
const delta = Math.max(0, 300 - (Date.now() - startTime));
setTimeout(function () {
$(".red-ui-deploy-button-content").css('opacity', 1);
}, delta);
return {
init: init,
setDeployInflight: function(state) {
@ -110,7 +110,11 @@ RED.editor = (function() {
var result = [];
for (var prop in definition) {
if (definition.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
if (!validateNodeProperty(node, definition, prop, properties[prop])) {
var valid = validateNodeProperty(node, definition, prop, properties[prop]);
if ((typeof valid) === "string") {
else if(!valid) {
@ -124,7 +128,7 @@ RED.editor = (function() {
* @param definition - the node property definitions (either def.defaults or def.creds)
* @param property - the property name being validated
* @param value - the property value being validated
* @returns {boolean} whether the node proprty is valid
* @returns {boolean|string} whether the node proprty is valid. `true`: valid `false|String`: invalid
function validateNodeProperty(node,definition,property,value) {
var valid = true;
@ -136,22 +140,74 @@ RED.editor = (function() {
if (/^\$\{[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\}$/.test(value)) {
return true;
var label = null;
if (("label" in definition[property]) &&
((typeof definition[property].label) == "string")) {
label = definition[property].label;
if ("required" in definition[property] && definition[property].required) {
valid = value !== "";
if (!valid && label) {
return RED._("validator.errors.missing-required-prop", {
prop: label
if (valid && "validate" in definition[property]) {
try {
valid = definition[property].validate.call(node,value);
var opt = {};
if (label) {
opt.label = label;
valid = definition[property].validate.call(node,value, opt);
// If the validator takes two arguments, it is a 3.x validator that
// can return a String to mean 'invalid' and provide a reason
if ((definition[property].validate.length === 2) &&
((typeof valid) === "string")) {
return valid;
} else {
// Otherwise, a 2.x returns a truth-like/false-like value that
// we should cooerce to a boolean.
valid = !!valid
} catch(err) {
console.log("Validation error:",node.type,node.id,"property: "+property,"value:",value,err);
return RED._("validator.errors.validation-error", {
prop: property,
node: node.type,
id: node.id,
error: err.message
if (valid && definition[property].type && RED.nodes.getType(definition[property].type) && !("validate" in definition[property])) {
if (!value || value == "_ADD_") {
valid = definition[property].hasOwnProperty("required") && !definition[property].required;
if (!valid && label) {
return RED._("validator.errors.missing-required-prop", {
prop: label
} else {
var configNode = RED.nodes.node(value);
valid = (configNode && (configNode.valid == null || configNode.valid));
if (configNode) {
if ((configNode.valid == null) || configNode.valid) {
return true;
if (label) {
return RED._("validator.errors.invalid-config", {
prop: label
else {
if (label) {
return RED._("validator.errors.missing-config", {
prop: label
return false;
return valid;
@ -179,10 +235,26 @@ RED.editor = (function() {
if (defaults[property].hasOwnProperty("format") && defaults[property].format !== "" && input[0].nodeName === "DIV") {
value = input.text();
if (!validateNodeProperty(node, defaults, property,value)) {
var valid = validateNodeProperty(node, defaults, property,value);
if (((typeof valid) === "string") || !valid) {
if ((typeof valid) === "string") {
var tooltip = input.data("tooltip");
if (tooltip) {
else {
tooltip = RED.popover.tooltip(input, valid);
input.data("tooltip", tooltip);
} else {
var tooltip = input.data("tooltip");
if (tooltip) {
input.data("tooltip", null);
@ -1151,7 +1151,7 @@ RED.editor.codeEditor.monaco = (function() {
try {
var _model = ed.getModel();
if (_model !== null) {
var id = _model.getModeId(); // e.g. javascript
var id = _model._languageId; // e.g. javascript
var ra = _model._associatedResource.authority; //e.g. model
var rp = _model._associatedResource.path; //e.g. /18
var rs = _model._associatedResource.scheme; //e.g. inmemory
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@
'b': { before:"**", after: "**", tooltip: RED._("markdownEditor.bold")},
'i': { before:"_", after: "_", tooltip: RED._("markdownEditor.italic")},
'code': { before:"`", after: "`", tooltip: RED._("markdownEditor.code")},
'ol': { before:" * ", newline: true, tooltip: RED._("markdownEditor.ordered-list")},
'ol': { before:" 1. ", newline: true, tooltip: RED._("markdownEditor.ordered-list")},
'ul': { before:" - ", newline: true, tooltip: RED._("markdownEditor.unordered-list")},
'bq': { before:"> ", newline: true, tooltip: RED._("markdownEditor.quote")},
'link': { before:"[", after: "]()", tooltip: RED._("markdownEditor.link")},
@ -977,18 +977,31 @@ RED.view.tools = (function() {
* doesn't clash with any existing nodes of that type
* @param {Object} node The node to set the name of - if not provided, uses current selection
function generateNodeNames(node) {
const nodes = node?[node]:RED.view.selection().nodes;
function generateNodeNames(node, options) {
options = options || {
renameBlank: true,
renameClash: true,
generateHistory: true
let nodes = node;
if (node) {
if (!Array.isArray(node)) {
nodes = [ node ]
} else {
nodes = RED.view.selection().nodes;
if (nodes && nodes.length > 0) {
// Generate history event if using the workspace selection,
// or if the provided node already exists
const generateHistory = !node || !!RED.nodes.node(node.id)
const generateHistory = options.generateHistory && (!node || !!RED.nodes.node(node.id))
const historyEvents = []
const typeIndex = {}
let changed = false;
nodes.forEach(n => {
if (n._def && n._def.defaults && n._def.defaults.name) {
const paletteLabel = RED.utils.getPaletteLabel(n.type, n._def)
const nodeDef = n._def || RED.nodes.getType(n.type)
if (nodeDef && nodeDef.defaults && nodeDef.defaults.name) {
const paletteLabel = RED.utils.getPaletteLabel(n.type, nodeDef)
const defaultNodeNameRE = new RegExp('^'+paletteLabel+' (\\d+)$')
if (!typeIndex.hasOwnProperty(n.type)) {
const existingNodes = RED.nodes.filterNodes({type: n.type})
@ -1004,7 +1017,7 @@ RED.view.tools = (function() {
typeIndex[n.type] = maxNameNumber + 1
if (n.name === '') {
if ((options.renameBlank && n.name === '') || (options.renameClash && defaultNodeNameRE.test(n.name))) {
if (generateHistory) {
@ -604,7 +604,7 @@ RED.view = (function() {
RED.actions.add("core:paste-from-internal-clipboard",function(){importNodes(clipboard,{generateIds: true});});
RED.actions.add("core:paste-from-internal-clipboard",function(){importNodes(clipboard,{generateIds: true, generateDefaultNames: true});});
RED.actions.add("core:detach-selected-nodes", function() { detachSelectedNodes() })
@ -2463,7 +2463,7 @@ RED.view = (function() {
var removedEntities = RED.nodes.remove(node.id);
removedNodes = removedNodes.concat(removedEntities.nodes);
if (node.g) {
var group = RED.nodes.group(node.g);
if (selectedGroups.indexOf(group) === -1) {
@ -3480,7 +3480,6 @@ RED.view = (function() {
activeGroup.selected = true;
var cnodes = RED.nodes.getAllFlowNodes(mousedown_node);
for (var n=0;n<cnodes.length;n++) {
if (!cnodes[n].selected) {
@ -5403,12 +5402,16 @@ RED.view = (function() {
* - addFlow - whether to import nodes to a new tab
* - touchImport - whether this is a touch import. If not, imported nodes are
* attachedto mouse for placing - "IMPORT_DRAGGING" state
* - generateIds - whether to automatically generate new ids for all imported nodes
* - generateDefaultNames - whether to automatically update any nodes with clashing
* default names
function importNodes(newNodesObj,options) {
options = options || {
addFlow: false,
touchImport: false,
generateIds: false
generateIds: false,
generateDefaultNames: false
var addNewFlow = options.addFlow
var touchImport = options.touchImport;
@ -5436,7 +5439,13 @@ RED.view = (function() {
if (!$.isArray(nodesToImport)) {
nodesToImport = [nodesToImport];
if (options.generateDefaultNames) {
RED.actions.invoke("core:generate-node-names", nodesToImport, {
renameBlank: false,
renameClash: true,
generateHistory: false
try {
var activeSubflowChanged;
@ -118,13 +118,10 @@ RED.user = (function() {
} else if (data.type == "strategy") {
i = 0;
for (;i<data.prompts.length;i++) {
var field = data.prompts[i];
var sessionMessage = /[?&]session_message=(.*?)(?:$|&)/.exec(window.location.search);
if (sessionMessage) {
RED.sessionMessages = RED.sessionMessages || [];
if (sessionMessage) {
if (history.pushState) {
var newurl = window.location.protocol+"//"+window.location.host+window.location.pathname
window.history.replaceState({ path: newurl }, "", newurl);
@ -132,6 +129,15 @@ RED.user = (function() {
window.location.search = "";
if (RED.sessionMessages.length === 0 && data.autoLogin) {
document.location = data.loginRedirect
i = 0;
for (;i<data.prompts.length;i++) {
var field = data.prompts[i];
if (RED.sessionMessages) {
var sessionMessages = $("<div/>",{class:"form-row",style:"text-align: center"}).appendTo("#node-dialog-login-fields");
RED.sessionMessages.forEach(function (msg) {
@ -14,22 +14,72 @@
* limitations under the License.
RED.validators = {
number: function(blankAllowed){return function(v) { return (blankAllowed&&(v===''||v===undefined)) || (v!=='' && !isNaN(v));}},
regex: function(re){return function(v) { return re.test(v);}},
typedInput: function(ptypeName,isConfig) { return function(v) {
number: function(blankAllowed,mopt){
return function(v, opt) {
if ((blankAllowed&&(v===''||v===undefined)) || (v!=='' && !isNaN(v))) {
return true;
if (opt && opt.label) {
return RED._("validator.errors.invalid-num-prop", {
prop: opt.label
return opt ? RED._("validator.errors.invalid-num") : false;
regex: function(re, mopt) {
return function(v, opt) {
if (re.test(v)) {
return true;
if (opt && opt.label) {
return RED._("validator.errors.invalid-regex-prop", {
prop: opt.label
return opt ? RED._("validator.errors.invalid-regexp") : false;
typedInput: function(ptypeName,isConfig,mopt) {
return function(v, opt) {
var ptype = $("#node-"+(isConfig?"config-":"")+"input-"+ptypeName).val() || this[ptypeName];
if (ptype === 'json') {
try {
return true;
} catch(err) {
return false;
if (opt && opt.label) {
return RED._("validator.errors.invalid-json-prop", {
error: err.message,
prop: opt.label,
return opt ? RED._("validator.errors.invalid-json", {
error: err.message
}) : false;
} else if (ptype === 'msg' || ptype === 'flow' || ptype === 'global' ) {
return RED.utils.validatePropertyExpression(v);
if (RED.utils.validatePropertyExpression(v)) {
return true;
if (opt && opt.label) {
return RED._("validator.errors.invalid-prop-prop", {
prop: opt.label
return opt ? RED._("validator.errors.invalid-prop") : false;
} else if (ptype === 'num') {
return /^[+-]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]*([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?$/.test(v);
if (/^[+-]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]*([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?$/.test(v)) {
return true;
if (opt && opt.label) {
return RED._("validator.errors.invalid-num-prop", {
prop: opt.label
return opt ? RED._("validator.errors.invalid-num") : false;
return true;
@ -142,8 +142,15 @@ body {
line-height: 14px;
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mask-image: url(images/spin.svg);
-webkit-mask-size: contain;
mask-size: contain;
-webkit-mask-position: 50% 50%;
mask-position: 50% 50%;
-webkit-mask-repeat: no-repeat;
mask-repeat: no-repeat;
background-color: $spinner-color;
.red-ui-font-code {
@ -150,7 +150,6 @@ $popover-button-border-color-hover: #666;
$diff-text-header-color: $secondary-text-color;
$diff-text-header-background: #ffd;
$diff-text-header-background-hover: #ffc;
$diff-state-color: $primary-text-color;
$diff-state-prefix-color: $secondary-text-color;
$diff-state-added: #009900;
@ -195,7 +194,6 @@ $view-lasso-stroke: #ff7f0e;
$view-lasso-fill: rgba(20,125,255,0.1);
$view-background: $secondary-background;
$view-select-mode-background: $secondary-background-selected;
$view-grid-color: #eee;
$node-label-color: #333;
@ -301,6 +299,14 @@ $group-default-label-color: #a4a4a4;
$tourGuide-border: #c56c6c;
$tourGuide-heading-color: #c56c6c;
$grip-color: #ccc;
$icons-flow-color: #808080;
$spinner-color: #999;
$tab-icon-color: #dedede;
// Deprecated
$text-color-green: $text-color-success;
$info-text-code-color: $text-color-code;
@ -123,17 +123,20 @@
background: $debug-message-background;
font-size: 11px;
color: $secondary-text-color-inactive;
overflow-wrap: anywhere;
.red-ui-debug-msg-date {
padding: 1px 5px 1px 1px;
padding: 1px 10px 1px 0px;
white-space: nowrap;
.red-ui-debug-msg-topic {
display: block;
color: $debug-message-text-color-meta;
.red-ui-debug-msg-name {
padding: 1px 5px;
padding: 1px 0px;
color: $secondary-text-color-inactive;
white-space: nowrap;
.red-ui-debug-msg-tools {
position: absolute;
@ -149,11 +149,27 @@
bottom: 0px;
width: 7px;
left: -9px;
background: $primary-background url(images/grip.png) no-repeat 50% 50%;
background-color: $primary-background;
cursor: col-resize;
border-left: 1px solid $primary-border-color;
box-shadow: -1px 0 6px $shadow;
&:before {
content: '';
display: block;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
-webkit-mask-image: url(images/grip.svg);
mask-image: url(images/grip.svg);
-webkit-mask-size: auto;
mask-size: auto;
-webkit-mask-position: 50% 50%;
mask-position: 50% 50%;
-webkit-mask-repeat: no-repeat;
mask-repeat: no-repeat;
background-color: $grip-color;
&.red-ui-tray-resize-maximised {
background: $primary-background;
cursor: default;
@ -26,6 +26,13 @@
box-shadow: none;
.ui-widget.ui-widget-content {
border: 1px solid $tertiary-border-color;
.ui-widget-content {
border: 1px solid $secondary-border-color;
.ui-widget-header {
color: $header-text-color;
@ -40,7 +40,23 @@
height: 7px;
box-sizing: border-box;
cursor: ns-resize;
background: $primary-background url(images/grip-horizontal.png) no-repeat 50% 50%;
background-color: $primary-background;
&:before {
content: '';
display: block;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
-webkit-mask-image: url(images/grip-horizontal.svg);
mask-image: url(images/grip-horizontal.svg);
-webkit-mask-size: contain;
mask-size: contain;
-webkit-mask-position: center;
mask-position: center;
-webkit-mask-repeat: no-repeat;
mask-repeat: no-repeat;
background-color: $grip-color;
@ -70,6 +86,22 @@
width: 7px;
display: inline-block;
cursor: ew-resize;
background: $primary-background url(images/grip.png) no-repeat 50% 50%;
background-color: $primary-background;
&:before {
content: '';
display: block;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
-webkit-mask-image: url(images/grip.svg);
mask-image: url(images/grip.svg);
-webkit-mask-size: contain;
mask-size: contain;
-webkit-mask-position: 50% 50%;
mask-position: 50% 50%;
-webkit-mask-repeat: no-repeat;
mask-repeat: no-repeat;
background-color: $grip-color;
@ -152,7 +152,20 @@
padding: 1px 2px;
.red-ui-popover {
a {
text-decoration: none;
color: var(--red-ui-popover-color) !important;
a:focus {
text-decoration: none;
color: var(--red-ui-popover-color) !important;
a:focus {
outline: 1px solid $form-input-focus-color;
.red-ui-popover a.red-ui-button,
.red-ui-popover button.red-ui-button {
&:not(.primary) {
@ -47,8 +47,24 @@
width: 7px;
// z-index: 11;
background: $primary-background url(images/grip.png) no-repeat 50% 50%;
background-color: $primary-background;
cursor: col-resize;
&:before {
content: '';
display: block;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
-webkit-mask-image: url(images/grip.svg);
mask-image: url(images/grip.svg);
-webkit-mask-size: auto;
mask-size: auto;
-webkit-mask-position: 50% 50%;
mask-position: 50% 50%;
-webkit-mask-repeat: no-repeat;
mask-repeat: no-repeat;
background-color: $grip-color;
.red-ui-sidebar-closed > #red-ui-sidebar { display: none; }
@ -530,10 +530,16 @@ div.red-ui-info-table {
.red-ui-icons-flow {
background-image: url('images/subflow_tab.svg');
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: contain;
filter: brightness(2.5);
mask-image: url(images/subflow_tab.svg);
-webkit-mask-image: url(images/subflow_tab.svg);
mask-position: center;
-webkit-mask-position: center;
mask-size: contain;
-webkit-mask-size: contain;
mask-repeat: no-repeat;
-webkit-mask-repeat: no-repeat;
background-color: $icons-flow-color;
// filter: brightness(2.5);
.red-ui-info-toolbar {
@ -346,21 +346,28 @@
img.red-ui-tab-icon {
margin-left: -8px;
margin-right: 3px;
margin-top: -2px;
opacity: 0.1;
width: 20px;
height: 20px;
vertical-align: middle;
i.red-ui-tab-icon {
opacity: 0.7;
width: 18px;
height: 20px;
&:not(.fa) {
display: inline-block;
margin-left: -8px;
margin-right: 3px;
margin-top: -2px;
opacity: 1;
width: 20px;
height: 20px;
vertical-align: middle;
-webkit-mask-size: contain;
mask-size: contain;
-webkit-mask-position: center;
mask-position: center;
-webkit-mask-repeat: no-repeat;
mask-repeat: no-repeat;
background-color: $tab-icon-color;
.red-ui-tabs-badges {
position: absolute;
@ -135,6 +135,13 @@
.red-ui-treeList-spinner {
height: 32px;
background: url(images/spin.svg) 50% 50% no-repeat;
background-size: auto 20px;
-webkit-mask-image: url(images/spin.svg);
mask-image: url(images/spin.svg);
-webkit-mask-size: auto 20px;
mask-size: auto 20px;
-webkit-mask-position: 50% 50%;
mask-position: 50% 50%;
-webkit-mask-repeat: no-repeat;
mask-repeat: no-repeat;
background-color: $spinner-color;
@ -104,6 +104,17 @@
.red-ui-typedInput-icon {
margin-right: 6px;
&:not(.fa) {
-webkit-mask-size: cover;
mask-size: cover;
-webkit-mask-position: center;
mask-position: center;
-webkit-mask-repeat: no-repeat;
mask-repeat: no-repeat;
background-color: $primary-text-color;
height: 14px;
width: 12px;
@ -58,7 +58,6 @@
.red-ui-workspace-select-mode {
.red-ui-workspace-chart-background {
opacity: 0.7;
// fill: $view-select-mode-background;
.red-ui-workspace-chart-grid line {
opacity: 0.8;
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/node-red/nr-monaco-build */
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/Steve-Mcl/monaco-editor-esm-i18n */
declare module 'assert' {
/** An alias of `assert.ok()`. */
@ -125,3 +125,7 @@ declare module 'assert' {
export = assert;
declare module 'node:assert' {
import assert = require('assert');
export = assert;
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/node-red/nr-monaco-build */
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/Steve-Mcl/monaco-editor-esm-i18n */
* Async Hooks module: https://nodejs.org/api/async_hooks.html
@ -227,3 +227,6 @@ declare module 'async_hooks' {
enterWith(store: T): void;
declare module 'node:async_hooks' {
export * from 'async_hooks';
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/node-red/nr-monaco-build */
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/Steve-Mcl/monaco-editor-esm-i18n */
declare module 'buffer' {
import { BinaryLike } from 'node:crypto';
export const INSPECT_MAX_BYTES: number;
export const kMaxLength: number;
export const kStringMaxLength: number;
@ -20,6 +21,72 @@ declare module 'buffer' {
new(size: number): Buffer;
prototype: Buffer;
* @experimental
export interface BlobOptions {
* @default 'utf8'
encoding?: BufferEncoding | undefined;
* The Blob content-type. The intent is for `type` to convey
* the MIME media type of the data, however no validation of the type format
* is performed.
type?: string | undefined;
* A [`Blob`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Blob) encapsulates immutable, raw data that can be safely shared across
* multiple worker threads.
* @since v14.18.0
* @experimental
export class Blob {
* The total size of the `Blob` in bytes.
* @since v14.18.0
readonly size: number;
* The content-type of the `Blob`.
* @since v14.18.0
readonly type: string;
* Creates a new `Blob` object containing a concatenation of the given sources.
* {ArrayBuffer}, {TypedArray}, {DataView}, and {Buffer} sources are copied into
* the 'Blob' and can therefore be safely modified after the 'Blob' is created.
* String sources are also copied into the `Blob`.
constructor(sources: Array<BinaryLike | Blob>, options?: BlobOptions);
* Returns a promise that fulfills with an [ArrayBuffer](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/ArrayBuffer) containing a copy of
* the `Blob` data.
* @since v14.18.0
arrayBuffer(): Promise<ArrayBuffer>;
* Creates and returns a new `Blob` containing a subset of this `Blob` objects
* data. The original `Blob` is not altered.
* @since v14.18.0
* @param start The starting index.
* @param end The ending index.
* @param type The content-type for the new `Blob`
slice(start?: number, end?: number, type?: string): Blob;
* Returns a promise that fulfills with the contents of the `Blob` decoded as a
* UTF-8 string.
* @since v14.18.0
text(): Promise<string>;
export { BuffType as Buffer };
declare module 'node:buffer' {
export * from 'buffer';
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/node-red/nr-monaco-build */
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/Steve-Mcl/monaco-editor-esm-i18n */
declare module 'child_process' {
import { BaseEncodingOptions } from 'fs';
@ -512,3 +512,6 @@ declare module 'child_process' {
function execFileSync(command: string, args: ReadonlyArray<string>, options: ExecFileSyncOptionsWithBufferEncoding): Buffer;
function execFileSync(command: string, args?: ReadonlyArray<string>, options?: ExecFileSyncOptions): string | Buffer;
declare module 'node:child_process' {
export * from 'child_process';
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/node-red/nr-monaco-build */
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/Steve-Mcl/monaco-editor-esm-i18n */
declare module 'cluster' {
import * as child from 'child_process';
@ -263,3 +263,6 @@ declare module 'cluster' {
function eventNames(): string[];
declare module 'node:cluster' {
export * from 'cluster';
@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/node-red/nr-monaco-build */
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/Steve-Mcl/monaco-editor-esm-i18n */
declare module 'console' {
import console = require('node:console');
export = console;
declare module 'node:console' {
import { InspectOptions } from 'util';
global {
@ -118,6 +122,11 @@ declare module 'console' {
ignoreErrors?: boolean | undefined;
colorMode?: boolean | 'auto' | undefined;
inspectOptions?: InspectOptions | undefined;
* Set group indentation
* @default 2
groupIndentation?: number | undefined;
interface ConsoleConstructor {
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/node-red/nr-monaco-build */
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/Steve-Mcl/monaco-editor-esm-i18n */
declare module 'crypto' {
import * as stream from 'stream';
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ declare module 'crypto' {
function createHmac(algorithm: string, key: BinaryLike | KeyObject, options?: stream.TransformOptions): Hmac;
// https://nodejs.org/api/buffer.html#buffer_buffers_and_character_encodings
type BinaryToTextEncoding = 'base64' | 'hex';
type BinaryToTextEncoding = 'base64' | 'base64url' | 'hex';
type CharacterEncoding = 'utf8' | 'utf-8' | 'utf16le' | 'latin1';
type LegacyCharacterEncoding = 'ascii' | 'binary' | 'ucs2' | 'ucs-2';
@ -517,7 +517,7 @@ declare module 'crypto' {
key: BinaryLike,
curve: string,
inputEncoding?: BinaryToTextEncoding,
outputEncoding?: 'latin1' | 'hex' | 'base64',
outputEncoding?: 'latin1' | 'hex' | 'base64' | 'base64url',
format?: 'uncompressed' | 'compressed' | 'hybrid',
): Buffer | string;
generateKeys(): Buffer;
@ -1187,3 +1187,6 @@ declare module 'crypto' {
function diffieHellman(options: { privateKey: KeyObject; publicKey: KeyObject }): Buffer;
declare module 'node:crypto' {
export * from 'crypto';
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/node-red/nr-monaco-build */
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/Steve-Mcl/monaco-editor-esm-i18n */
declare module 'dgram' {
import { AddressInfo } from 'net';
@ -40,11 +40,11 @@ declare module 'dgram' {
class Socket extends EventEmitter {
addMembership(multicastAddress: string, multicastInterface?: string): void;
address(): AddressInfo;
bind(port?: number, address?: string, callback?: () => void): void;
bind(port?: number, callback?: () => void): void;
bind(callback?: () => void): void;
bind(options: BindOptions, callback?: () => void): void;
close(callback?: () => void): void;
bind(port?: number, address?: string, callback?: () => void): this;
bind(port?: number, callback?: () => void): this;
bind(callback?: () => void): this;
bind(options: BindOptions, callback?: () => void): this;
close(callback?: () => void): this;
connect(port: number, address?: string, callback?: () => void): void;
connect(port: number, callback: () => void): void;
disconnect(): void;
@ -61,11 +61,11 @@ declare module 'dgram' {
send(msg: string | Uint8Array, offset: number, length: number, callback?: (error: Error | null, bytes: number) => void): void;
setBroadcast(flag: boolean): void;
setMulticastInterface(multicastInterface: string): void;
setMulticastLoopback(flag: boolean): void;
setMulticastTTL(ttl: number): void;
setMulticastLoopback(flag: boolean): boolean;
setMulticastTTL(ttl: number): number;
setRecvBufferSize(size: number): void;
setSendBufferSize(size: number): void;
setTTL(ttl: number): void;
setTTL(ttl: number): number;
unref(): this;
* Tells the kernel to join a source-specific multicast channel at the given
@ -142,3 +142,6 @@ declare module 'dgram' {
prependOnceListener(event: "message", listener: (msg: Buffer, rinfo: RemoteInfo) => void): this;
declare module 'node:dgram' {
export * from 'dgram';
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/node-red/nr-monaco-build */
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/Steve-Mcl/monaco-editor-esm-i18n */
declare module 'dns' {
// Supported getaddrinfo flags.
@ -253,6 +253,8 @@ declare module 'dns' {
function setServers(servers: ReadonlyArray<string>): void;
function getServers(): string[];
function setDefaultResultOrder(order: 'ipv4first' | 'verbatim'): void;
// Error codes
const NODATA: string;
const FORMERR: string;
@ -359,6 +361,8 @@ declare module 'dns' {
function setServers(servers: ReadonlyArray<string>): void;
function setDefaultResultOrder(order: 'ipv4first' | 'verbatim'): void;
class Resolver {
constructor(options?: ResolverOptions);
cancel(): void;
@ -381,3 +385,6 @@ declare module 'dns' {
declare module 'node:dns' {
export * from 'dns';
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/node-red/nr-monaco-build */
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/Steve-Mcl/monaco-editor-esm-i18n */
declare module 'domain' {
import EventEmitter = require('events');
@ -25,3 +25,6 @@ declare module 'domain' {
function create(): Domain;
declare module 'node:domain' {
export * from 'domain';
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/node-red/nr-monaco-build */
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/Steve-Mcl/monaco-editor-esm-i18n */
declare module 'events' {
interface EventEmitterOptions {
@ -79,3 +79,7 @@ declare module 'events' {
export = EventEmitter;
declare module 'node:events' {
import events = require('events');
export = events;
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/node-red/nr-monaco-build */
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/Steve-Mcl/monaco-editor-esm-i18n */
declare module 'fs' {
import * as stream from 'stream';
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ declare module 'fs' {
export class ReadStream extends stream.Readable {
close(): void;
close(callback?: (err?: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null) => void): void;
bytesRead: number;
path: string | Buffer;
pending: boolean;
@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ declare module 'fs' {
export class WriteStream extends stream.Writable {
close(): void;
close(callback?: (err?: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null) => void): void;
bytesWritten: number;
path: string | Buffer;
pending: boolean;
@ -2244,13 +2244,13 @@ declare module 'fs' {
bufferSize?: number | undefined;
export function opendirSync(path: string, options?: OpenDirOptions): Dir;
export function opendirSync(path: PathLike, options?: OpenDirOptions): Dir;
export function opendir(path: string, cb: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, dir: Dir) => void): void;
export function opendir(path: string, options: OpenDirOptions, cb: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, dir: Dir) => void): void;
export function opendir(path: PathLike, cb: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, dir: Dir) => void): void;
export function opendir(path: PathLike, options: OpenDirOptions, cb: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, dir: Dir) => void): void;
export namespace opendir {
function __promisify__(path: string, options?: OpenDirOptions): Promise<Dir>;
function __promisify__(path: PathLike, options?: OpenDirOptions): Promise<Dir>;
export interface BigIntStats extends StatsBase<bigint> {
@ -2271,3 +2271,6 @@ declare module 'fs' {
bigint?: boolean | undefined;
declare module 'node:fs' {
export * from 'fs';
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/node-red/nr-monaco-build */
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/Steve-Mcl/monaco-editor-esm-i18n */
declare module 'fs/promises' {
import {
@ -564,5 +564,8 @@ declare module 'fs/promises' {
function readFile(path: PathLike | FileHandle, options?: BaseEncodingOptions & { flag?: OpenMode | undefined } | BufferEncoding | null): Promise<string | Buffer>;
function opendir(path: string, options?: OpenDirOptions): Promise<Dir>;
function opendir(path: PathLike, options?: OpenDirOptions): Promise<Dir>;
declare module 'node:fs/promises' {
export * from 'fs/promises';
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/node-red/nr-monaco-build */
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/Steve-Mcl/monaco-editor-esm-i18n */
// Declare "static" methods in Error
interface ErrorConstructor {
@ -74,14 +74,57 @@ declare var module: NodeModule;
declare var exports: any;
// Buffer class
type BufferEncoding = "ascii" | "utf8" | "utf-8" | "utf16le" | "ucs2" | "ucs-2" | "base64" | "latin1" | "binary" | "hex";
type BufferEncoding = "ascii" | "utf8" | "utf-8" | "utf16le" | "ucs2" | "ucs-2" | "base64" | "base64url" | "latin1" | "binary" | "hex";
type WithImplicitCoercion<T> = T | { valueOf(): T };
//#region borrowed
// from https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/blob/38da7c600c83e7b31193a62495239a0fe478cb67/lib/lib.webworker.d.ts#L633 until moved to separate lib
* A controller object that allows you to abort one or more DOM requests as and when desired.
* @since v14.7.0
interface AbortController {
* Returns the AbortSignal object associated with this object.
* @since v14.7.0
readonly signal: AbortSignal;
* Invoking this method will set this object's AbortSignal's aborted flag and signal to any observers that the associated activity is to be aborted.
* @since v14.7.0
abort(): void;
* A signal object that allows you to communicate with a DOM request (such as a Fetch) and abort it if required via an AbortController object.
* @since v14.7.0
interface AbortSignal {
* Returns true if this AbortSignal's AbortController has signaled to abort, and false otherwise.
* @since v14.7.0
readonly aborted: boolean;
declare var AbortController: {
prototype: AbortController;
new(): AbortController;
declare var AbortSignal: {
prototype: AbortSignal;
new(): AbortSignal;
// TODO: Add abort() static
//#endregion borrowed
* Raw data is stored in instances of the Buffer class.
* A Buffer is similar to an array of integers but corresponds to a raw memory allocation outside the V8 heap. A Buffer cannot be resized.
* Valid string encodings: 'ascii'|'utf8'|'utf16le'|'ucs2'(alias of 'utf16le')|'base64'|'binary'(deprecated)|'hex'
* Valid string encodings: 'ascii'|'utf8'|'utf16le'|'ucs2'(alias of 'utf16le')|'base64'|'base64url'|'binary'(deprecated)|'hex'
declare class Buffer extends Uint8Array {
@ -163,7 +206,7 @@ declare class Buffer extends Uint8Array {
static isBuffer(obj: any): obj is Buffer;
* Returns true if {encoding} is a valid encoding argument.
* Valid string encodings in Node 0.12: 'ascii'|'utf8'|'utf16le'|'ucs2'(alias of 'utf16le')|'base64'|'binary'(deprecated)|'hex'
* Valid string encodings in Node 0.12: 'ascii'|'utf8'|'utf16le'|'ucs2'(alias of 'utf16le')|'base64'|'base64url'|'binary'(deprecated)|'hex'
* @param encoding string to test.
@ -258,24 +301,89 @@ declare class Buffer extends Uint8Array {
writeBigInt64BE(value: bigint, offset?: number): number;
writeBigInt64LE(value: bigint, offset?: number): number;
writeBigUInt64BE(value: bigint, offset?: number): number;
* @alias Buffer.writeBigUInt64BE
* @since v14.10.0, v12.19.0
writeBigUint64BE(value: bigint, offset?: number): number;
writeBigUInt64LE(value: bigint, offset?: number): number;
* @alias Buffer.writeBigUInt64LE
* @since v14.10.0, v12.19.0
writeBigUint64LE(value: bigint, offset?: number): number;
writeUIntLE(value: number, offset: number, byteLength: number): number;
* @alias Buffer.writeUIntLE
* @since v14.9.0, v12.19.0
writeUintLE(value: number, offset: number, byteLength: number): number;
writeUIntBE(value: number, offset: number, byteLength: number): number;
* @alias Buffer.writeUIntBE
* @since v14.9.0, v12.19.0
writeUintBE(value: number, offset: number, byteLength: number): number;
writeIntLE(value: number, offset: number, byteLength: number): number;
writeIntBE(value: number, offset: number, byteLength: number): number;
readBigUInt64BE(offset?: number): bigint;
* @alias Buffer.readBigUInt64BE
* @since v14.10.0, v12.19.0
readBigUint64BE(offset?: number): bigint;
readBigUInt64LE(offset?: number): bigint;
* @alias Buffer.readBigUInt64LE
* @since v14.10.0, v12.19.0
readBigUint64LE(offset?: number): bigint;
readBigInt64BE(offset?: number): bigint;
readBigInt64LE(offset?: number): bigint;
readUIntLE(offset: number, byteLength: number): number;
* @alias Buffer.readUIntLE
* @since v14.9.0, v12.19.0
readUintLE(offset: number, byteLength: number): number;
readUIntBE(offset: number, byteLength: number): number;
* @alias Buffer.readUIntBE
* @since v14.9.0, v12.19.0
readUintBE(offset: number, byteLength: number): number;
readIntLE(offset: number, byteLength: number): number;
readIntBE(offset: number, byteLength: number): number;
readUInt8(offset?: number): number;
* @alias Buffer.readUInt8
* @since v14.9.0, v12.19.0
readUint8(offset?: number): number;
readUInt16LE(offset?: number): number;
* @alias Buffer.readUInt16LE
* @since v14.9.0, v12.19.0
readUint16LE(offset?: number): number;
readUInt16BE(offset?: number): number;
* @alias Buffer.readUInt16BE
* @since v14.9.0, v12.19.0
readUint16BE(offset?: number): number;
readUInt32LE(offset?: number): number;
* @alias Buffer.readUInt32LE
* @since v14.9.0, v12.19.0
readUint32LE(offset?: number): number;
readUInt32BE(offset?: number): number;
* @alias Buffer.readUInt32BE
* @since v14.9.0, v12.19.0
readUint32BE(offset?: number): number;
readInt8(offset?: number): number;
readInt16LE(offset?: number): number;
readInt16BE(offset?: number): number;
@ -290,10 +398,35 @@ declare class Buffer extends Uint8Array {
swap32(): Buffer;
swap64(): Buffer;
writeUInt8(value: number, offset?: number): number;
* @alias Buffer.writeUInt8
* @since v14.9.0, v12.19.0
writeUint8(value: number, offset?: number): number;
writeUInt16LE(value: number, offset?: number): number;
* @alias Buffer.writeUInt16LE
* @since v14.9.0, v12.19.0
writeUint16LE(value: number, offset?: number): number;
writeUInt16BE(value: number, offset?: number): number;
* @alias Buffer.writeUInt16BE
* @since v14.9.0, v12.19.0
writeUint16BE(value: number, offset?: number): number;
writeUInt32LE(value: number, offset?: number): number;
* @alias Buffer.writeUInt32LE
* @since v14.9.0, v12.19.0
writeUint32LE(value: number, offset?: number): number;
writeUInt32BE(value: number, offset?: number): number;
* @alias Buffer.writeUInt32BE
* @since v14.9.0, v12.19.0
writeUint32BE(value: number, offset?: number): number;
writeInt8(value: number, offset?: number): number;
writeInt16LE(value: number, offset?: number): number;
writeInt16BE(value: number, offset?: number): number;
@ -460,9 +593,9 @@ declare namespace NodeJS {
writable: boolean;
write(buffer: Uint8Array | string, cb?: (err?: Error | null) => void): boolean;
write(str: string, encoding?: BufferEncoding, cb?: (err?: Error | null) => void): boolean;
end(cb?: () => void): void;
end(data: string | Uint8Array, cb?: () => void): void;
end(str: string, encoding?: BufferEncoding, cb?: () => void): void;
end(cb?: () => void): this;
end(data: string | Uint8Array, cb?: () => void): this;
end(str: string, encoding?: BufferEncoding, cb?: () => void): this;
interface ReadWriteStream extends ReadableStream, WritableStream { }
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/node-red/nr-monaco-build */
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/Steve-Mcl/monaco-editor-esm-i18n */
declare module 'http' {
import * as stream from 'stream';
import { URL } from 'url';
import { Socket, Server as NetServer } from 'net';
import { Socket, Server as NetServer, LookupFunction } from 'net';
// incoming headers will never contain number
interface IncomingHttpHeaders extends NodeJS.Dict<string | string[]> {
@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ declare module 'http' {
setHost?: boolean | undefined;
// https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/master/lib/_http_client.js#L278
createConnection?: ((options: ClientRequestArgs, oncreate: (err: Error, socket: Socket) => void) => Socket) | undefined;
lookup?: LookupFunction | undefined;
interface ServerOptions {
@ -239,7 +240,7 @@ declare module 'http' {
setTimeout(msecs: number, callback?: () => void): this;
setHeader(name: string, value: number | string | ReadonlyArray<string>): void;
setHeader(name: string, value: number | string | ReadonlyArray<string>): this;
getHeader(name: string): number | string | string[] | undefined;
getHeaders(): OutgoingHttpHeaders;
getHeaderNames(): string[];
@ -281,6 +282,8 @@ declare module 'http' {
aborted: boolean;
host: string;
protocol: string;
reusedSocket: boolean;
maxHeadersCount: number;
constructor(url: string | URL | ClientRequestArgs, cb?: (res: IncomingMessage) => void);
@ -408,7 +411,7 @@ declare module 'http' {
* Only valid for response obtained from http.ClientRequest.
statusMessage?: string | undefined;
destroy(error?: Error): void;
destroy(error?: Error): this;
interface AgentOptions {
@ -487,3 +490,6 @@ declare module 'http' {
const maxHeaderSize: number;
declare module 'node:http' {
export * from 'http';
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/node-red/nr-monaco-build */
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/Steve-Mcl/monaco-editor-esm-i18n */
declare module 'http2' {
import EventEmitter = require('events');
@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ declare module 'http2' {
readonly socket: net.Socket | tls.TLSSocket;
readonly stream: ServerHttp2Stream;
readonly trailers: IncomingHttpHeaders;
readonly url: string;
url: string;
setTimeout(msecs: number, callback?: () => void): void;
read(size?: number): Buffer | string | null;
@ -663,9 +663,9 @@ declare module 'http2' {
statusCode: number;
statusMessage: '';
addTrailers(trailers: OutgoingHttpHeaders): void;
end(callback?: () => void): void;
end(data: string | Uint8Array, callback?: () => void): void;
end(data: string | Uint8Array, encoding: BufferEncoding, callback?: () => void): void;
end(callback?: () => void): this;
end(data: string | Uint8Array, callback?: () => void): this;
end(data: string | Uint8Array, encoding: BufferEncoding, callback?: () => void): this;
getHeader(name: string): string;
getHeaderNames(): string[];
getHeaders(): OutgoingHttpHeaders;
@ -959,3 +959,6 @@ declare module 'http2' {
listener?: (session: ClientHttp2Session, socket: net.Socket | tls.TLSSocket) => void
): ClientHttp2Session;
declare module 'node:http2' {
export * from 'http2';
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/node-red/nr-monaco-build */
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/Steve-Mcl/monaco-editor-esm-i18n */
declare module 'https' {
import { Duplex } from 'stream';
@ -140,3 +140,6 @@ declare module 'https' {
function get(url: string | URL, options: RequestOptions, callback?: (res: http.IncomingMessage) => void): http.ClientRequest;
let globalAgent: Agent;
declare module 'node:https' {
export * from 'https';
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/node-red/nr-monaco-build */
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/Steve-Mcl/monaco-editor-esm-i18n */
declare module 'module' {
import { URL } from 'url';
@ -53,3 +53,7 @@ declare module 'module' {
export = Module;
declare module 'node:module' {
import module = require('module');
export = module;
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/node-red/nr-monaco-build */
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/Steve-Mcl/monaco-editor-esm-i18n */
declare module 'net' {
import * as stream from 'stream';
@ -95,9 +95,9 @@ declare module 'net' {
readonly remotePort?: number | undefined;
// Extended base methods
end(cb?: () => void): void;
end(buffer: Uint8Array | string, cb?: () => void): void;
end(str: Uint8Array | string, encoding?: BufferEncoding, cb?: () => void): void;
end(cb?: () => void): this;
end(buffer: Uint8Array | string, cb?: () => void): this;
end(str: Uint8Array | string, encoding?: BufferEncoding, cb?: () => void): this;
* events.EventEmitter
@ -294,3 +294,6 @@ declare module 'net' {
function isIPv4(input: string): boolean;
function isIPv6(input: string): boolean;
declare module 'node:net' {
export * from 'net';
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/node-red/nr-monaco-build */
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/Steve-Mcl/monaco-editor-esm-i18n */
declare module 'os' {
interface CpuInfo {
@ -240,3 +240,6 @@ declare module 'os' {
function setPriority(pid: number, priority: number): void;
declare module 'node:os' {
export * from 'os';
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/node-red/nr-monaco-build */
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/Steve-Mcl/monaco-editor-esm-i18n */
declare module 'path' {
namespace path {
@ -154,3 +154,7 @@ declare module 'path' {
const path: path.PlatformPath;
export = path;
declare module 'node:path' {
import path = require('path');
export = path;
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/node-red/nr-monaco-build */
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/Steve-Mcl/monaco-editor-esm-i18n */
declare module 'perf_hooks' {
import { AsyncResource } from 'async_hooks';
@ -272,3 +272,6 @@ declare module 'perf_hooks' {
function monitorEventLoopDelay(options?: EventLoopMonitorOptions): EventLoopDelayMonitor;
declare module 'node:perf_hooks' {
export * from 'perf_hooks';
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/node-red/nr-monaco-build */
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/Steve-Mcl/monaco-editor-esm-i18n */
declare module 'process' {
import * as tty from 'tty';
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ declare module 'process' {
* If true, a diagnostic report is generated when the process
* receives the signal specified by process.report.signal.
* @defaul false
* @default false
reportOnSignal: boolean;
@ -410,3 +410,7 @@ declare module 'process' {
export = process;
declare module 'node:process' {
import process = require('process');
export = process;
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/node-red/nr-monaco-build */
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/Steve-Mcl/monaco-editor-esm-i18n */
declare module 'querystring' {
interface StringifyOptions {
@ -29,3 +29,6 @@ declare module 'querystring' {
function escape(str: string): string;
function unescape(str: string): string;
declare module 'node:querystring' {
export * from 'querystring';
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/node-red/nr-monaco-build */
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/Steve-Mcl/monaco-editor-esm-i18n */
declare module 'readline' {
import EventEmitter = require('events');
@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ declare module 'readline' {
resume(): this;
close(): void;
write(data: string | Buffer, key?: Key): void;
write(data: undefined | null | string | Buffer, key: Key): void;
* Returns the real position of the cursor in relation to the input
@ -171,3 +172,6 @@ declare module 'readline' {
function moveCursor(stream: NodeJS.WritableStream, dx: number, dy: number, callback?: () => void): boolean;
declare module 'node:readline' {
export * from 'readline';
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/node-red/nr-monaco-build */
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/Steve-Mcl/monaco-editor-esm-i18n */
declare module 'stream' {
import EventEmitter = require('events');
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ declare module 'stream' {
wrap(oldStream: NodeJS.ReadableStream): this;
push(chunk: any, encoding?: BufferEncoding): boolean;
_destroy(error: Error | null, callback: (error?: Error | null) => void): void;
destroy(error?: Error): void;
destroy(error?: Error): this;
* Event emitter
@ -157,12 +157,12 @@ declare module 'stream' {
write(chunk: any, cb?: (error: Error | null | undefined) => void): boolean;
write(chunk: any, encoding: BufferEncoding, cb?: (error: Error | null | undefined) => void): boolean;
setDefaultEncoding(encoding: BufferEncoding): this;
end(cb?: () => void): void;
end(chunk: any, cb?: () => void): void;
end(chunk: any, encoding: BufferEncoding, cb?: () => void): void;
end(cb?: () => void): this;
end(chunk: any, cb?: () => void): this;
end(chunk: any, encoding: BufferEncoding, cb?: () => void): this;
cork(): void;
uncork(): void;
destroy(error?: Error): void;
destroy(error?: Error): this;
* Event emitter
@ -263,9 +263,9 @@ declare module 'stream' {
write(chunk: any, encoding?: BufferEncoding, cb?: (error: Error | null | undefined) => void): boolean;
write(chunk: any, cb?: (error: Error | null | undefined) => void): boolean;
setDefaultEncoding(encoding: BufferEncoding): this;
end(cb?: () => void): void;
end(chunk: any, cb?: () => void): void;
end(chunk: any, encoding?: BufferEncoding, cb?: () => void): void;
end(cb?: () => void): this;
end(chunk: any, cb?: () => void): this;
end(chunk: any, encoding?: BufferEncoding, cb?: () => void): this;
cork(): void;
uncork(): void;
@ -356,3 +356,7 @@ declare module 'stream' {
export = internal;
declare module 'node:stream' {
import stream = require('stream');
export = stream;
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/node-red/nr-monaco-build */
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/Steve-Mcl/monaco-editor-esm-i18n */
declare module 'string_decoder' {
class StringDecoder {
@ -8,3 +8,6 @@ declare module 'string_decoder' {
end(buffer?: Buffer): string;
declare module 'node:string_decoder' {
export * from 'string_decoder';
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/node-red/nr-monaco-build */
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/Steve-Mcl/monaco-editor-esm-i18n */
declare module 'timers' {
function setTimeout(callback: (...args: any[]) => void, ms?: number, ...args: any[]): NodeJS.Timeout;
@ -17,3 +17,6 @@ declare module 'timers' {
function clearImmediate(immediateId: NodeJS.Immediate): void;
declare module 'node:timers' {
export * from 'timers';
@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/node-red/nr-monaco-build */
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/Steve-Mcl/monaco-editor-esm-i18n */
declare module 'tls' {
import * as net from 'net';
import * as stream from 'stream';
const CLIENT_RENEG_LIMIT: number;
const CLIENT_RENEG_WINDOW: number;
@ -444,7 +445,7 @@ declare module 'tls' {
host?: string | undefined;
port?: number | undefined;
path?: string | undefined; // Creates unix socket connection to path. If this option is specified, `host` and `port` are ignored.
socket?: net.Socket | undefined; // Establish secure connection on a given socket rather than creating a new socket
socket?: stream.Duplex | undefined; // Establish secure connection on a given socket rather than creating a new socket
checkServerIdentity?: typeof checkServerIdentity | undefined;
servername?: string | undefined; // SNI TLS Extension
session?: Buffer | undefined;
@ -781,3 +782,6 @@ declare module 'tls' {
const rootCertificates: ReadonlyArray<string>;
declare module 'node:tls' {
export * from 'tls';
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/node-red/nr-monaco-build */
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/Steve-Mcl/monaco-editor-esm-i18n */
declare module 'trace_events' {
@ -62,3 +62,6 @@ declare module 'trace_events' {
function getEnabledCategories(): string | undefined;
declare module 'node:trace_events' {
export * from 'trace_events';
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/node-red/nr-monaco-build */
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/Steve-Mcl/monaco-editor-esm-i18n */
declare module 'tty' {
import * as net from 'net';
@ -67,3 +67,6 @@ declare module 'tty' {
isTTY: boolean;
declare module 'node:tty' {
export * from 'tty';
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/node-red/nr-monaco-build */
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/Steve-Mcl/monaco-editor-esm-i18n */
declare module 'url' {
import { ParsedUrlQuery, ParsedUrlQueryInput } from 'querystring';
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ declare module 'url' {
append(name: string, value: string): void;
delete(name: string): void;
entries(): IterableIterator<[string, string]>;
forEach(callback: (value: string, name: string, searchParams: this) => void): void;
forEach(callback: (value: string, name: string, searchParams: URLSearchParams) => void, thisArg?: any): void;
get(name: string): string | null;
getAll(name: string): string[];
has(name: string): boolean;
@ -116,4 +116,37 @@ declare module 'url' {
values(): IterableIterator<string>;
[Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<[string, string]>;
import { URL as _URL, URLSearchParams as _URLSearchParams } from 'url';
global {
interface URLSearchParams extends _URLSearchParams {}
interface URL extends _URL {}
interface Global {
URL: typeof _URL;
URLSearchParams: typeof _URLSearchParams;
* `URL` class is a global reference for `require('url').URL`
* https://nodejs.org/api/url.html#the-whatwg-url-api
* @since v10.0.0
var URL:
// For compatibility with "dom" and "webworker" URL declarations
typeof globalThis extends { onmessage: any, URL: infer URL }
: typeof _URL;
* `URLSearchParams` class is a global reference for `require('url').URLSearchParams`.
* https://nodejs.org/api/url.html#class-urlsearchparams
* @since v10.0.0
var URLSearchParams:
// For compatibility with "dom" and "webworker" URLSearchParams declarations
typeof globalThis extends { onmessage: any, URLSearchParams: infer URLSearchParams }
? URLSearchParams
: typeof _URLSearchParams;
declare module 'node:url' {
export * from 'url';
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/node-red/nr-monaco-build */
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/Steve-Mcl/monaco-editor-esm-i18n */
declare module 'util' {
interface InspectOptions extends NodeJS.InspectOptions { }
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ declare module 'util' {
function format(format?: any, ...param: any[]): string;
function formatWithOptions(inspectOptions: InspectOptions, format?: any, ...param: any[]): string;
function getSystemErrorName(err: number): string;
/** @deprecated since v0.11.3 - use a third party module instead. */
function log(string: string): void;
function inspect(object: any, showHidden?: boolean, depth?: number | null, color?: boolean): string;
@ -35,7 +36,12 @@ declare module 'util' {
/** @deprecated since v4.0.0 - use `util.types.isNativeError()` instead. */
function isError(object: any): object is Error;
function inherits(constructor: any, superConstructor: any): void;
function debuglog(key: string): (msg: string, ...param: any[]) => void;
type DebugLoggerFunction = (msg: string, ...param: any[]) => void;
interface DebugLogger extends DebugLoggerFunction {
enabled: boolean;
function debuglog(key: string, callback?: (fn: DebugLoggerFunction) => void): DebugLogger;
const debug: typeof debuglog;
/** @deprecated since v4.0.0 - use `typeof value === 'boolean'` instead. */
function isBoolean(object: any): object is boolean;
/** @deprecated since v4.0.0 - use `Buffer.isBuffer()` instead. */
@ -208,3 +214,6 @@ declare module 'util' {
encodeInto(input: string, output: Uint8Array): EncodeIntoResult;
declare module 'node:util' {
export * from 'util';
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/node-red/nr-monaco-build */
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/Steve-Mcl/monaco-editor-esm-i18n */
declare module 'v8' {
import { Readable } from 'stream';
@ -188,3 +188,6 @@ declare module 'v8' {
function deserialize(data: NodeJS.TypedArray): any;
declare module 'node:v8' {
export * from 'v8';
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/node-red/nr-monaco-build */
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/Steve-Mcl/monaco-editor-esm-i18n */
declare module 'vm' {
interface Context extends NodeJS.Dict<any> { }
@ -153,3 +153,6 @@ declare module 'vm' {
function measureMemory(options?: MeasureMemoryOptions): Promise<MemoryMeasurement>;
declare module 'node:vm' {
export * from 'vm';
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/node-red/nr-monaco-build */
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/Steve-Mcl/monaco-editor-esm-i18n */
declare module 'wasi' {
interface WASIOptions {
@ -87,3 +87,6 @@ declare module 'wasi' {
readonly wasiImport: NodeJS.Dict<any>; // TODO: Narrow to DOM types
declare module 'node:wasi' {
export * from 'wasi';
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/node-red/nr-monaco-build */
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/Steve-Mcl/monaco-editor-esm-i18n */
declare module 'worker_threads' {
import { Context } from 'vm';
@ -239,3 +239,6 @@ declare module 'worker_threads' {
function receiveMessageOnPort(port: MessagePort): { message: any } | undefined;
declare module 'node:worker_threads' {
export * from 'worker_threads';
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/node-red/nr-monaco-build */
/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in https://github.com/Steve-Mcl/monaco-editor-esm-i18n */
declare module 'zlib' {
import * as stream from 'stream';
@ -362,3 +362,6 @@ declare module 'zlib' {
/** @deprecated */
const Z_DEFLATED: number;
declare module 'node:zlib' {
export * from 'zlib';
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Version: 0.33.0(4b1abad427e58dbedc1215d99a0902ffc885fcd4)
* Released under the MIT license
* https://github.com/microsoft/monaco-editor/blob/main/LICENSE.txt
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
/*! @license DOMPurify 2.3.1 | (c) Cure53 and other contributors | Released under the Apache license 2.0 and Mozilla Public License 2.0 | github.com/cure53/DOMPurify/blob/2.3.1/LICENSE */
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Version: 0.33.0(4b1abad427e58dbedc1215d99a0902ffc885fcd4)
* Released under the MIT license
* https://github.com/microsoft/monaco-editor/blob/main/LICENSE.txt
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Version: 0.33.0(4b1abad427e58dbedc1215d99a0902ffc885fcd4)
* Released under the MIT license
* https://github.com/microsoft/monaco-editor/blob/main/LICENSE.txt
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Version: 0.33.0(4b1abad427e58dbedc1215d99a0902ffc885fcd4)
* Released under the MIT license
* https://github.com/microsoft/monaco-editor/blob/main/LICENSE.txt
@ -1,18 +1,16 @@
this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Locale = {language: 'cs', data: {
window.MonacoEnvironment = window.MonacoEnvironment || {};
window.MonacoEnvironment.Locale = window.MonacoLocale = {
language: 'cs',
data: {
"vs/base/browser/ui/actionbar/actionViewItems": {
"titleLabel": "{0} ({1})"
"vs/base/browser/ui/findinput/findInput": {
"defaultLabel": "vstup"
"vs/base/browser/ui/findinput/findInputCheckboxes": {
"caseDescription": "Rozlišovat malá a velká písmena",
"regexDescription": "Použit regulární výraz",
"wordsDescription": "Pouze celá slova"
"vs/base/browser/ui/findinput/replaceInput": {
"defaultLabel": "vstup",
"label.preserveCaseCheckbox": "Zachovávat velikost písmen"
"label.preserveCaseToggle": "Zachovávat velikost písmen"
"vs/base/browser/ui/iconLabel/iconLabelHover": {
"iconLabel.loading": "Probíhá načítání..."
@ -20,14 +18,12 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"vs/base/browser/ui/inputbox/inputBox": {
"alertErrorMessage": "Chyba: {0}",
"alertInfoMessage": "Informace: {0}",
"alertWarningMessage": "Upozornění: {0}"
"alertWarningMessage": "Upozornění: {0}",
"history.inputbox.hint": "pro historii"
"vs/base/browser/ui/keybindingLabel/keybindingLabel": {
"unbound": "Nesvázáno s klávesovou zkratkou"
"vs/base/browser/ui/menu/menu": {
"titleLabel": "{0} ({1})"
"vs/base/browser/ui/tree/abstractTree": {
"clear": "Vymazat",
"disable filter on type": "Zakázat filtrování při psaní",
@ -50,6 +46,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"cmdKey.long": "Příkaz",
"ctrlKey": "Ctrl",
"ctrlKey.long": "Control",
"optKey.long": "Možnost",
"shiftKey": "Shift",
"shiftKey.long": "Shift",
"superKey": "Super",
@ -72,16 +69,13 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"vs/base/parts/quickinput/browser/quickInputList": {
"quickInput": "Rychlý vstup"
"vs/editor/browser/controller/coreCommands": {
"removedCursor": "Odebrané sekundární kurzory",
"stickydesc": "Umístit na konec i u delších řádků"
"vs/editor/browser/controller/textAreaHandler": {
"accessibilityOffAriaLabel": "Editor není v tuto chvíli dostupný. Možnosti zobrazíte stisknutím klávesy {0}.",
"editor": "editor"
"vs/editor/browser/core/keybindingCancellation": {
"cancellableOperation": "Určuje, jestli editor spouští operaci, která se dá zrušit, např. Náhled na odkazy"
"vs/editor/browser/coreCommands": {
"removedCursor": "Odebrané sekundární kurzory",
"stickydesc": "Umístit na konec i u delších řádků"
"vs/editor/browser/editorExtensions": {
"miRedo": "&&Znovu",
@ -117,12 +111,15 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"unchangedLine": "{0} nezměněný řádek {1}"
"vs/editor/browser/widget/inlineDiffMargin": {
"diff.clipboard.copyChangedLineContent.label": "Kopírovat změněný řádek ({0})",
"diff.clipboard.copyChangedLinesContent.label": "Kopírovat změněné řádky",
"diff.clipboard.copyChangedLinesContent.single.label": "Kopírovat změněný řádek",
"diff.clipboard.copyDeletedLineContent.label": "Kopírovat odstraněný řádek ({0})",
"diff.clipboard.copyDeletedLinesContent.label": "Kopírovat odstraněné řádky",
"diff.clipboard.copyDeletedLinesContent.single.label": "Kopírovat odstraněný řádek",
"diff.inline.revertChange.label": "Obnovit tuto změnu"
"vs/editor/common/config/commonEditorConfig": {
"vs/editor/common/config/editorConfigurationSchema": {
"codeLens": "Určuje, jestli editor zobrazí CodeLens.",
"detectIndentation": "Určuje, jestli se má při otevření souboru na základě obsahu souboru automaticky detekovat nastavení #editor.tabSize# a #editor.insertSpaces#.",
"editorConfigurationTitle": "Editor",
@ -130,8 +127,13 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"insertSpaces": "Umožňuje vkládat mezery při stisknutí klávesy Tab. Toto nastavení je přepsáno na základě obsahu souboru, pokud je zapnuto nastavení #editor.detectIndentation#.",
"largeFileOptimizations": "Speciální zpracování velkých souborů za účelem zakázání určitých funkcí náročných na paměť",
"maxComputationTime": "Časový limit v milisekundách, po kterém je zrušen výpočet rozdílů. Pokud nechcete nastavit žádný časový limit, zadejte hodnotu 0.",
"maxFileSize": "Maximální velikost souboru v MB, pro který se mají vypočítat rozdíly. Pro zrušení omezení použijte 0.",
"maxTokenizationLineLength": "Řádky s větší délkou se nebudou z důvodu výkonu tokenizovat.",
"renderIndicators": "Určuje, jestli má editor rozdílů zobrazovat indikátory +/- pro přidané/odebrané změny.",
"schema.brackets": "Definuje symboly hranatých závorek, které zvyšují nebo snižují úroveň odsazení.",
"schema.closeBracket": "Znak pravé hranaté závorky nebo řetězcová sekvence",
"schema.colorizedBracketPairs": "Definuje dvojice závorek, které jsou zabarvené podle jejich úrovně vnoření, pokud je zabarvení dvojice závorek povoleno.",
"schema.openBracket": "Znak levé hranaté závorky nebo řetězcová sekvence",
"semanticHighlighting.configuredByTheme": "Sémantické zvýrazňování je konfigurováno nastavením semanticHighlighting aktuálního barevného motivu.",
"semanticHighlighting.enabled": "Určuje, jestli se bude zobrazovat nastavení semanticHighlighting pro jazyky, které ho podporují.",
"semanticHighlighting.false": "Sémantické zvýrazňování je u všech barevných motivů zakázané.",
@ -169,7 +171,8 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"autoClosingQuotes": "Určuje, jestli by měl editor k levým uvozovkám automaticky doplňovat pravé uvozovky, když uživatel přidá levé uvozovky.",
"autoIndent": "Určuje, jestli by měl editor automaticky upravovat odsazení, když uživatel píše, vkládá, přesouvá nebo odsazuje řádky.",
"autoSurround": "Určuje, jestli má editor automaticky ohraničit výběry při psaní uvozovek nebo závorek.",
"bracketPairColorization.enabled": "Určuje, jestli je povolené zabarvení dvojice závorek, nebo ne. Pokud chcete přepsat barvy zvýraznění závorek, použijte workbench.colorCustomizations.",
"bracketPairColorization.enabled": "Určuje, jestli je povolené zabarvení dvojice závorek, nebo ne. Pokud chcete přepsat barvy zvýraznění závorek, použijte #workbench.colorCustomizations#.",
"bracketPairColorization.independentColorPoolPerBracketType": "Určuje, jestli má každý typ hranaté závorky svůj vlastní nezávislý fond barev.",
"codeActions": "Povolí v editoru ikonu žárovky s nabídkou akcí kódu.",
"codeLens": "Určuje, jestli editor zobrazí CodeLens.",
"codeLensFontFamily": "Určuje rodinu písem pro CodeLens.",
@ -219,6 +222,17 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"editor.gotoLocation.multiple.goto": "Přejít na primární výsledek a povolit navigaci na ostatní výsledky bez náhledu",
"editor.gotoLocation.multiple.gotoAndPeek": "Přejít na primární výsledek a zobrazit náhled",
"editor.gotoLocation.multiple.peek": "Zobrazit náhled výsledků (výchozí)",
"editor.guides.bracketPairs": "Určuje, zda je nebo není povolena vizualizace spojení párů závorek.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairs.active": "Povolí vodítka párů závorek pouze pro aktivní pár hranatých závorek.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairs.false": "Zakáže vodítka párů závorek.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairs.true": "Povolí vodítka párů závorek.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairsHorizontal": "Určuje, zda je nebo není povolena vodorovná vizualizace spojení párů závorek.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairsHorizontal.active": "Povolí vodorovná vodítka pouze pro aktivní pár hranatých závorek.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairsHorizontal.false": "Zakáže vodítka párů vodorovných závorek.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairsHorizontal.true": "Povolí vodorovná vodítka jako vodítka pro párování se svislou závorkou.",
"editor.guides.highlightActiveBracketPair": "Řídí, zda má editor zvýraznit aktivní dvojici závorek.",
"editor.guides.highlightActiveIndentation": "Určuje, jestli má editor zvýraznit aktivní vodítko odsazení.",
"editor.guides.indentation": "Určuje, jestli má editor vykreslovat vodítka odsazení.",
"editor.suggest.showClasss": "Pokud je povoleno, technologie IntelliSense zobrazí návrhy pro „class“.",
"editor.suggest.showColors": "Pokud je povoleno, technologie IntelliSense zobrazí návrhy pro „color“.",
"editor.suggest.showConstants": "Pokud je povoleno, technologie IntelliSense zobrazí návrhy pro „constant“.",
@ -260,6 +274,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"folding": "Určuje, jestli je v editoru povoleno sbalování kódu.",
"foldingHighlight": "Určuje, jestli má editor zvýrazňovat sbalené rozsahy.",
"foldingImportsByDefault": "Určuje, zda editor automaticky sbalí rozsahy importu.",
"foldingMaximumRegions": "Maximální počet posunutelných oblastí. Zvýšení této hodnoty může vést k tomu, že editor bude pomaleji reagovat, když má aktuální zdroj velký počet posunutelných oblastí.",
"foldingStrategy": "Určuje strategii pro výpočet rozsahů sbalování.",
"foldingStrategy.auto": "Použít strategii sbalování specifickou pro daný jazyk (pokud je k dispozici), jinak použít strategii založenou na odsazení",
"foldingStrategy.indentation": "Použít strategii sbalování založenou na odsazení",
@ -274,18 +289,15 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"formatOnType": "Určuje, jestli má editor automaticky naformátovat napsaný řádek.",
"glyphMargin": "Určuje, jestli má editor vykreslovat svislý okraj pro piktogramy. Okraje pro piktogramy se používají převážně pro ladění.",
"hideCursorInOverviewRuler": "Určuje, jestli má být na přehledovém pravítku skrytý kurzor.",
"highlightActiveIndentGuide": "Určuje, jestli má editor zvýraznit aktivní vodítko odsazení.",
"hover.above": "Pokud je místo, upřednostňujte zobrazení ukazatele myši nad řádkem.",
"hover.delay": "Určuje dobu prodlevy (v milisekundách), po jejímž uplynutí se zobrazí popisek při umístění ukazatele myši na prvek.",
"hover.enabled": "Určuje, jestli se má zobrazit popisek po umístění ukazatele myši na prvek.",
"hover.sticky": "Určuje, jestli má popisek zobrazený při umístění ukazatele myši na prvek zůstat viditelný.",
"inlayHints.enable": "Povolí vložené tipy v editoru.",
"inlayHints.fontFamily": "Určuje rodinu písem vložených tipů v editoru. Když se nastaví na hodnotu „prázdná“, použije se #editor.fontFamily#.",
"inlayHints.fontSize": "Určuje velikost písma vložených tipů v editoru. Když se nastaví na hodnotu 0, použije se 90 % hodnoty #editor.fontSize#.",
"inlayHints.fontSize": "Určuje velikost písma pomocných parametrů typu inlay v editoru. Výchozí hodnota 90% #editor.fontSize# se používá, pokud je nakonfigurovaná hodnota menší než 5 nebo větší než velikost písma editoru.",
"inline": "Rychlé návrhy se zobrazují jako zástupný text.",
"inlineSuggest.enabled": "Určuje, jestli se mají v editoru automaticky zobrazovat vložené návrhy.",
"inlineSuggest.mode": "Určuje režim, který se má použít pro vykreslování vložených návrhů.",
"inlineSuggest.mode.prefix": "Vykreslit vložený návrh pouze v případě, že nahrazující text je předponou vloženého textu",
"inlineSuggest.mode.subword": "Vykreslit vložený návrh pouze v případě, že nahrazující text je podslovo vloženého textu",
"inlineSuggest.mode.subwordSmart": "Vložený návrh vykreslit pouze v případě, že nahrazený text je podslovem vkládaného textu, ale podslov musí začínat za kurzorem.",
"letterSpacing": "Určuje mezery mezi písmeny v pixelech.",
"lineHeight": "Určuje výšku řádku. \r\n – Při použití hodnoty 0 se automaticky vypočítá výška řádku z velikosti písma.\r\n – Hodnoty mezi 0 a 8 se použijí jako multiplikátor s velikostí písma.\r\n – Hodnoty větší nebo rovny 8 se použijí jako efektivní hodnoty.",
"lineNumbers": "Řídí zobrazování čísel řádků.",
@ -316,6 +328,8 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"multiCursorPaste.full": "Každý kurzor vloží celý text.",
"multiCursorPaste.spread": "Každý kurzor vloží jeden řádek textu.",
"occurrencesHighlight": "Určuje, jestli má editor zvýrazňovat výskyty sémantických symbolů.",
"off": "Rychlé návrhy jsou zakázané.",
"on": "Rychlé návrhy se zobrazují ve widgetu návrhů.",
"overviewRulerBorder": "Určuje, jestli má být kolem přehledového pravítka vykresleno ohraničení.",
"padding.bottom": "Určuje velikost mezery mezi dolním okrajem editoru a posledním řádkem.",
"padding.top": "Určuje velikost mezery mezi horním okrajem editoru a prvním řádkem.",
@ -333,7 +347,6 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"renameOnTypeDeprecate": "Tato možnost je zastaralá, použijte místo ní možnost editor.linkedEditing.",
"renderControlCharacters": "Určuje, jestli má editor vykreslovat řídicí znaky.",
"renderFinalNewline": "Když soubor končí novým řádkem, vykreslit číslo posledního řádku",
"renderIndentGuides": "Určuje, jestli má editor vykreslovat vodítka odsazení.",
"renderLineHighlight": "Určuje, jak má editor vykreslovat zvýraznění aktuálního řádku.",
"renderLineHighlight.all": "Zvýrazní jak mezeru u okraje, tak aktuální řádek.",
"renderLineHighlightOnlyWhenFocus": "Určuje, jestli má editor vykreslovat zvýraznění aktuálního řádku, pouze pokud má editor fokus.",
@ -381,10 +394,6 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"suggest.localityBonus": "Určuje, jestli se mají při řazení upřednostňovat slova, která jsou blízko kurzoru.",
"suggest.maxVisibleSuggestions.dep": "Toto nastavení je zastaralé. Velikost widgetu pro návrhy se teď dá měnit.",
"suggest.preview": "Určuje, jestli se má v editoru zobrazit náhled výsledku návrhu.",
"suggest.previewMode": "Určuje, který režim se má použít pro vykreslení náhledu návrhu.",
"suggest.previewMode.prefix": "Náhled vykreslit pouze v případě, že nahrazující text je předponou vloženého textu",
"suggest.previewMode.subword": "Náhled vykreslit pouze v případě, že nahrazující text je podslovo vloženého textu",
"suggest.previewMode.subwordSmart": "Vykreslit v případě, že je nahrazený text podslovem vloženého textu, nebo pokud se jedná o předponu vloženého textu.",
"suggest.shareSuggestSelections": "Určuje, jestli se mají zapamatované výběry návrhů sdílet mezi více pracovními prostory a okny (vyžaduje #editor.suggestSelection#).",
"suggest.showIcons": "Určuje, jestli mají být v návrzích zobrazené nebo skryté ikony.",
"suggest.showInlineDetails": "Určuje, jestli se mají podrobnosti návrhů zobrazovat společně s popiskem, nebo jenom ve widgetu podrobností.",
@ -402,6 +411,13 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"tabCompletion.on": "Pokud je povoleno dokončování pomocí tabulátoru, bude při stisknutí klávesy Tab vložen nejlepší návrh.",
"tabCompletion.onlySnippets": "Dokončovat fragmenty kódu pomocí tabulátoru, pokud se shodují jejich předpony. Tato funkce funguje nejlépe, pokud není povolena možnost quickSuggestions.",
"unfoldOnClickAfterEndOfLine": "Určuje, jestli kliknutím na prázdný obsah za sbaleným řádkem dojde k rozbalení řádku.",
"unicodeHighlight.allowedCharacters": "Definuje povolené znaky, které se nezvýrazňují.",
"unicodeHighlight.allowedLocales": "Znaky Unicode, které jsou společné v povolených národních prostředích, se nezvýrazňují.",
"unicodeHighlight.ambiguousCharacters": "Určuje, jestli jsou zvýrazněny znaky, které lze zaměnit se základními znaky ASCII, s výjimkou těch, které jsou běžné v aktuálním národním prostředí uživatele.",
"unicodeHighlight.includeComments": "Určuje, jestli se mají znaky v komentářích také zvýrazňovat v Unicode.",
"unicodeHighlight.includeStrings": "Určuje, jestli se mají znaky v řetězcích také zvýrazňovat v Unicode.",
"unicodeHighlight.invisibleCharacters": "Určuje, jestli jsou zvýrazněny znaky, které si pouze rezervují místo nebo nemají žádnou šířku.",
"unicodeHighlight.nonBasicASCII": "Určuje, jestli jsou zvýrazněny všechny nestandardní znaky ASCII. Za základní ASCII se považují pouze znaky mezi U+0020 a U+007E, tabulátoru, posunu na další řádek a návratu na začátek řádku.",
"unusualLineTerminators": "Odebírat neobvyklé ukončovací znaky řádku, které by mohly způsobovat problémy",
"unusualLineTerminators.auto": "Neobvyklé ukončovací znaky řádku se automaticky odeberou.",
"unusualLineTerminators.off": "Neobvyklé ukončovací znaky řádku jsou ignorovány.",
@ -423,6 +439,59 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"wrappingStrategy.advanced": "Deleguje výpočet bodů zalamování na prohlížeč. Je to pomalý algoritmus, který by mohl u velkých souborů způsobit zamrznutí, ve všech případech ale funguje správně.",
"wrappingStrategy.simple": "Předpokládá, že všechny znaky mají stejnou šířku. Jde o rychlý algoritmus, který funguje správně pro neproporcionální písma a určité skripty (například znaky latinky), kde mají piktogramy stejnou šířku."
"vs/editor/common/core/editorColorRegistry": {
"caret": "Barva kurzoru editoru",
"deprecatedEditorActiveLineNumber": "ID je zastaralé. Místo toho použijte nastavení editorLineNumber.activeForeground.",
"editorActiveIndentGuide": "Barva vodítek odsazení aktivního editoru",
"editorActiveLineNumber": "Barva čísla řádku aktivního editoru",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground1": "Barva popředí závorek (1). Vyžaduje povolení zabarvení dvojice závorek.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground2": "Barva popředí závorek (2). Vyžaduje povolení zabarvení dvojice závorek.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground3": "Barva popředí závorek (3). Vyžaduje povolení zabarvení dvojice závorek.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground4": "Barva popředí závorek (4). Vyžaduje povolení zabarvení dvojice závorek.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground5": "Barva popředí závorek (5). Vyžaduje povolení zabarvení dvojice závorek.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground6": "Barva popředí závorek (6). Vyžaduje povolení zabarvení dvojice závorek.",
"editorBracketHighlightUnexpectedBracketForeground": "Barva popředí neočekávaných závorek.",
"editorBracketMatchBackground": "Barva pozadí za odpovídajícími hranatými závorkami",
"editorBracketMatchBorder": "Barva polí odpovídajících hranatých závorek",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground1": "Barva pozadí aktivních vodítek párů závorek (1). Vyžaduje povolení párování závorek.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground2": "Barva pozadí aktivních vodítek párů závorek (2). Vyžaduje povolení párování závorek.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground3": "Barva pozadí aktivních vodítek párů závorek (3). Vyžaduje povolení párování závorek.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground4": "Barva pozadí aktivních vodítek párů závorek (4). Vyžaduje povolení párování závorek.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground5": "Barva pozadí aktivních vodítek párů závorek (5). Vyžaduje povolení párování závorek.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground6": "Barva pozadí aktivních vodítek párů závorek (6). Vyžaduje povolení párování závorek.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background1": "Barva pozadí neaktivních vodítek párů závorek (1). Vyžaduje povolení párování závorek.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background2": "Barva pozadí neaktivních vodítek párů závorek (2). Vyžaduje povolení párování závorek.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background3": "Barva pozadí neaktivních vodítek párů závorek (3). Vyžaduje povolení párování závorek.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background4": "Barva pozadí neaktivních vodítek párů závorek (4). Vyžaduje povolení párování závorek.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background5": "Barva pozadí neaktivních vodítek párů závorek (5). Vyžaduje povolení párování závorek.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background6": "Barva pozadí neaktivních vodítek párů závorek (6). Vyžaduje povolení párování závorek.",
"editorCodeLensForeground": "Barva popředí pro CodeLens v editoru",
"editorCursorBackground": "Barva pozadí kurzoru v editoru. Umožňuje přizpůsobit barvu znaku překrytého kurzorem bloku.",
"editorGhostTextBackground": "Barva pozadí stínového textu v editoru",
"editorGhostTextBorder": "Barva ohraničení stínového textu v editoru",
"editorGhostTextForeground": "Barva popředí stínového textu v editoru",
"editorGutter": "Barva pozadí mezery u okraje editoru. V mezeře u okraje se zobrazují okraje pro piktogramy a čísla řádků.",
"editorIndentGuides": "Barva vodítek odsazení v editoru",
"editorLineNumbers": "Barva čísel řádků v editoru",
"editorOverviewRulerBackground": "Barva pozadí přehledového pravítka editoru. Používá se pouze v případě, že je povolená minimapa, která je umístěná na pravé straně editoru.",
"editorOverviewRulerBorder": "Barva ohraničení přehledového pravítka",
"editorRuler": "Barva pravítek v editoru",
"editorUnicodeHighlight.background": "Barva pozadí použitá ke zvýraznění znaků Unicode.",
"editorUnicodeHighlight.border": "Barva ohraničení použitá ke zvýraznění znaků Unicode.",
"editorWhitespaces": "Barva prázdných znaků v editoru",
"lineHighlight": "Barva pozadí pro zvýraznění řádku na pozici kurzoru",
"lineHighlightBorderBox": "Barva pozadí ohraničení kolem řádku na pozici kurzoru",
"overviewRuleError": "Barva značky přehledového pravítka pro chyby",
"overviewRuleInfo": "Barva značky přehledového pravítka pro informace",
"overviewRuleWarning": "Barva značky přehledového pravítka pro upozornění",
"overviewRulerRangeHighlight": "Barva značky přehledového pravítka pro zvýraznění rozsahu. Barva nesmí být neprůhledná, aby se nepřekryly dekorace pod tím.",
"rangeHighlight": "Barva pozadí zvýrazněných rozsahů, například prostřednictvím funkce rychlého otevření a hledání. Barva nesmí být neprůhledná, aby se nepřekryly dekorace pod tím.",
"rangeHighlightBorder": "Barva pozadí ohraničení kolem zvýrazněných rozsahů",
"symbolHighlight": "Barva pozadí zvýrazněného symbolu, například pro přechod na definici nebo na další/předchozí symbol. Barva nesmí být neprůhledná, aby se nepřekryly dekorace pod tím.",
"symbolHighlightBorder": "Barva pozadí ohraničení kolem zvýrazněných symbolů",
"unnecessaryCodeBorder": "Barva ohraničení nepotřebného (nepoužívaného) zdrojového kódu v editoru",
"unnecessaryCodeOpacity": "Neprůhlednost nepotřebného (nepoužívaného) zdrojového kódu v editoru. Například #000000c0 vykreslí kód se 75% neprůhledností. U motivů s vysokým kontrastem použijte barvu motivu editorUnnecessaryCode.border. Nepoužívaný kód tak nebude zobrazován vyšedle, ale bude podtržený."
"vs/editor/common/editorContextKeys": {
"editorColumnSelection": "Určuje, jestli je povolená možnost editor.columnSelection.",
"editorFocus": "Určuje, jestli editor nebo widget editoru má fokus (např. fokus je ve widgetu Najít).",
@ -455,12 +524,12 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"inDiffEditor": "Určuje, jestli je kontext editorem rozdílů.",
"textInputFocus": "Určuje, jestli editor nebo vstup formátovaného textu mají fokus (kurzor bliká)."
"vs/editor/common/languages/modesRegistry": {
"plainText.alias": "Prostý text"
"vs/editor/common/model/editStack": {
"edit": "Psaní"
"vs/editor/common/modes/modesRegistry": {
"plainText.alias": "Prostý text"
"vs/editor/common/standaloneStrings": {
"accessibilityHelpMessage": "Stisknutím kláves Alt+F1 zobrazíte možnosti usnadnění přístupu.",
"auto_off": "Editor je nakonfigurovaný tak, aby nebyl nikdy optimalizovaný pro použití se čtečkou obrazovky, což v tuto chvíli není ten případ.",
@ -497,45 +566,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"tabFocusModeOnMsgNoKb": "Stisknutím klávesy Tab v aktuálním editoru přesunete fokus na další prvek, který může mít fokus. Příkaz {0} nelze aktuálně aktivovat pomocí klávesové zkratky.",
"toggleHighContrast": "Přepnout motiv s vysokým kontrastem"
"vs/editor/common/view/editorColorRegistry": {
"caret": "Barva kurzoru editoru",
"deprecatedEditorActiveLineNumber": "ID je zastaralé. Místo toho použijte nastavení editorLineNumber.activeForeground.",
"editorActiveIndentGuide": "Barva vodítek odsazení aktivního editoru",
"editorActiveLineNumber": "Barva čísla řádku aktivního editoru",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground1": "Barva popředí závorek (1). Vyžaduje povolení zabarvení dvojice závorek.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground2": "Barva popředí závorek (2). Vyžaduje povolení zabarvení dvojice závorek.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground3": "Barva popředí závorek (3). Vyžaduje povolení zabarvení dvojice závorek.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground4": "Barva popředí závorek (4). Vyžaduje povolení zabarvení dvojice závorek.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground5": "Barva popředí závorek (5). Vyžaduje povolení zabarvení dvojice závorek.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground6": "Barva popředí závorek (6). Vyžaduje povolení zabarvení dvojice závorek.",
"editorBracketHighlightUnexpectedBracketForeground": "Barva popředí neočekávaných závorek.",
"editorBracketMatchBackground": "Barva pozadí za odpovídajícími hranatými závorkami",
"editorBracketMatchBorder": "Barva polí odpovídajících hranatých závorek",
"editorCodeLensForeground": "Barva popředí pro CodeLens v editoru",
"editorCursorBackground": "Barva pozadí kurzoru v editoru. Umožňuje přizpůsobit barvu znaku překrytého kurzorem bloku.",
"editorGhostTextBorder": "Barva ohraničení stínového textu v editoru",
"editorGhostTextForeground": "Barva popředí stínového textu v editoru",
"editorGutter": "Barva pozadí mezery u okraje editoru. V mezeře u okraje se zobrazují okraje pro piktogramy a čísla řádků.",
"editorIndentGuides": "Barva vodítek odsazení v editoru",
"editorLineNumbers": "Barva čísel řádků v editoru",
"editorOverviewRulerBackground": "Barva pozadí přehledového pravítka editoru. Používá se pouze v případě, že je povolená minimapa, která je umístěná na pravé straně editoru.",
"editorOverviewRulerBorder": "Barva ohraničení přehledového pravítka",
"editorRuler": "Barva pravítek v editoru",
"editorWhitespaces": "Barva prázdných znaků v editoru",
"lineHighlight": "Barva pozadí pro zvýraznění řádku na pozici kurzoru",
"lineHighlightBorderBox": "Barva pozadí ohraničení kolem řádku na pozici kurzoru",
"overviewRuleError": "Barva značky přehledového pravítka pro chyby",
"overviewRuleInfo": "Barva značky přehledového pravítka pro informace",
"overviewRuleWarning": "Barva značky přehledového pravítka pro upozornění",
"overviewRulerRangeHighlight": "Barva značky přehledového pravítka pro zvýraznění rozsahu. Barva nesmí být neprůhledná, aby se nepřekryly dekorace pod tím.",
"rangeHighlight": "Barva pozadí zvýrazněných rozsahů, například prostřednictvím funkce rychlého otevření a hledání. Barva nesmí být neprůhledná, aby se nepřekryly dekorace pod tím.",
"rangeHighlightBorder": "Barva pozadí ohraničení kolem zvýrazněných rozsahů",
"symbolHighlight": "Barva pozadí zvýrazněného symbolu, například pro přechod na definici nebo na další/předchozí symbol. Barva nesmí být neprůhledná, aby se nepřekryly dekorace pod tím.",
"symbolHighlightBorder": "Barva pozadí ohraničení kolem zvýrazněných symbolů",
"unnecessaryCodeBorder": "Barva ohraničení nepotřebného (nepoužívaného) zdrojového kódu v editoru",
"unnecessaryCodeOpacity": "Neprůhlednost nepotřebného (nepoužívaného) zdrojového kódu v editoru. Například #000000c0 vykreslí kód se 75% neprůhledností. U motivů s vysokým kontrastem použijte barvu motivu editorUnnecessaryCode.border. Nepoužívaný kód tak nebude zobrazován vyšedle, ale bude podtržený."
"vs/editor/contrib/anchorSelect/anchorSelect": {
"vs/editor/contrib/anchorSelect/browser/anchorSelect": {
"anchorSet": "Ukotvení nastavené na {0}:{1}",
"cancelSelectionAnchor": "Zrušit ukotvení výběru",
"goToSelectionAnchor": "Přejít na ukotvení výběru",
@ -543,20 +574,20 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"selectionAnchor": "Ukotvení výběru",
"setSelectionAnchor": "Nastavit ukotvení výběru"
"vs/editor/contrib/bracketMatching/bracketMatching": {
"vs/editor/contrib/bracketMatching/browser/bracketMatching": {
"miGoToBracket": "Přejít na hranatou &&závorku",
"overviewRulerBracketMatchForeground": "Barva značky přehledového pravítka pro odpovídající hranaté závorky",
"smartSelect.jumpBracket": "Přejít na hranatou závorku",
"smartSelect.selectToBracket": "Vybrat po hranatou závorku"
"vs/editor/contrib/caretOperations/caretOperations": {
"vs/editor/contrib/caretOperations/browser/caretOperations": {
"caret.moveLeft": "Přesunout vybraný text doleva",
"caret.moveRight": "Přesunout vybraný text doprava"
"vs/editor/contrib/caretOperations/transpose": {
"vs/editor/contrib/caretOperations/browser/transpose": {
"transposeLetters.label": "Transponovat písmena"
"vs/editor/contrib/clipboard/clipboard": {
"vs/editor/contrib/clipboard/browser/clipboard": {
"actions.clipboard.copyLabel": "Kopírovat",
"actions.clipboard.copyWithSyntaxHighlightingLabel": "Kopírovat se zvýrazněním syntaxe",
"actions.clipboard.cutLabel": "Vyjmout",
@ -566,7 +597,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"miCut": "&&Vyjmout",
"miPaste": "&&Vložit"
"vs/editor/contrib/codeAction/codeActionCommands": {
"vs/editor/contrib/codeAction/browser/codeActionCommands": {
"applyCodeActionFailed": "Při aplikování akce kódu došlo k neznámé chybě.",
"args.schema.apply": "Určuje, kdy se mají aplikovat vrácené akce.",
"args.schema.apply.first": "Vždy použít první vrácenou akci kódu",
@ -597,15 +628,18 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"refactor.label": "Refaktorovat...",
"source.label": "Zdrojová akce..."
"vs/editor/contrib/codeAction/lightBulbWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/codeAction/browser/lightBulbWidget": {
"codeAction": "Zobrazit akce kódu",
"codeActionWithKb": "Zobrazit akce kódu ({0})",
"preferredcodeActionWithKb": "Zobrazit akce kódu. Je k dispozici upřednostňovaná rychlá oprava ({0})."
"vs/editor/contrib/codelens/codelensController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/codelens/browser/codelensController": {
"showLensOnLine": "Zobrazit příkazy CodeLens pro aktuální řádek"
"vs/editor/contrib/comment/comment": {
"vs/editor/contrib/colorPicker/browser/colorPickerWidget": {
"clickToToggleColorOptions": "Kliknutím přepnete možnosti barev (rgb/hsl/hex)."
"vs/editor/contrib/comment/browser/comment": {
"comment.block": "Přepnout komentář k bloku",
"comment.line": "Přepnout řádkový komentář",
"comment.line.add": "Přidat řádkový komentář",
@ -613,14 +647,21 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"miToggleBlockComment": "Přepnout komentář k &&bloku",
"miToggleLineComment": "&&Přepnout řádkový komentář"
"vs/editor/contrib/contextmenu/contextmenu": {
"vs/editor/contrib/contextmenu/browser/contextmenu": {
"action.showContextMenu.label": "Zobrazit místní nabídku editoru"
"vs/editor/contrib/cursorUndo/cursorUndo": {
"vs/editor/contrib/cursorUndo/browser/cursorUndo": {
"cursor.redo": "Provést znovu akci kurzoru",
"cursor.undo": "Vrátit zpět akci kurzoru"
"vs/editor/contrib/find/findController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/editorState/browser/keybindingCancellation": {
"cancellableOperation": "Určuje, jestli editor spouští operaci, která se dá zrušit, např. Náhled na odkazy"
"vs/editor/contrib/find/browser/findController": {
"actions.find.isRegexOverride": "Přepíše příznak „Use Regular Expression“.\r\nPříznak se neuloží do budoucna.\r\n0: Nedělat nic\r\n1: True\r\n2: False",
"actions.find.matchCaseOverride": "Přepíše příznak „Math Case“.\r\nPříznak se neuloží do budoucna.\r\n0: Nedělat nic\r\n1: True\r\n2: False",
"actions.find.preserveCaseOverride": "Přepíše příznak „Preserve Case“.\r\nPříznak se neuloží do budoucna.\r\n0: Nedělat nic\r\n1: True\r\n2: False",
"actions.find.wholeWordOverride": "Přepíše příznak „Match Whole Word“.\r\nPříznak se neuloží do budoucna.\r\n0: Nedělat nic\r\n1: True\r\n2: False",
"findNextMatchAction": "Najít další",
"findPreviousMatchAction": "Najít předchozí",
"miFind": "&&Najít",
@ -628,10 +669,11 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"nextSelectionMatchFindAction": "Najít další výběr",
"previousSelectionMatchFindAction": "Najít předchozí výběr",
"startFindAction": "Najít",
"startFindWithArgsAction": "Najít s argumenty",
"startFindWithSelectionAction": "Najít s výběrem",
"startReplace": "Nahradit"
"vs/editor/contrib/find/findWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/find/browser/findWidget": {
"ariaSearchNoResult": "Nalezeno: {0} pro: {1}",
"ariaSearchNoResultEmpty": "Nalezeno: {0}",
"ariaSearchNoResultWithLineNum": "Nalezeno: {0} pro: {1} v: {2}",
@ -659,7 +701,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"placeholder.replace": "Nahradit",
"title.matchesCountLimit": "Zvýrazněno je pouze několik prvních výsledků ({0}), ale všechny operace hledání fungují na celém textu."
"vs/editor/contrib/folding/folding": {
"vs/editor/contrib/folding/browser/folding": {
"editorGutter.foldingControlForeground": "Barva ovládacího prvku pro sbalení v mezeře u okraje editoru",
"foldAction.label": "Sbalit",
"foldAllAction.label": "Sbalit vše",
@ -669,9 +711,10 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"foldBackgroundBackground": "Barva pozadí za sbalenými rozsahy. Barva nesmí být neprůhledná, aby se nepřekryly dekorace pod tím.",
"foldLevelAction.label": "Sbalit úroveň {0}",
"foldRecursivelyAction.label": "Sbalit rekurzivně",
"gotoNextFold.label": "Přejít na další část",
"gotoNextFold.label": "Přejít na další rozsah sbalení",
"gotoParentFold.label": "Přejít na nadřazenou část",
"gotoPreviousFold.label": "Přejít na předchozí část",
"gotoPreviousFold.label": "Přejít na předchozí rozsah sbalení",
"maximum fold ranges": "Počet posunutelných oblastí je omezen na maximálně {0}. Zvyšte možnost konfigurace [„Maximální počet posunutelných oblastí“](command:workbench.action.openSettings?[\"editor.foldingMaximumRegions\"]) a povolte jich tak více.",
"toggleFoldAction.label": "Přepnout sbalení",
"unFoldRecursivelyAction.label": "Rozbalit rekurzivně",
"unfoldAction.label": "Rozbalit",
@ -679,26 +722,26 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"unfoldAllExcept.label": "Rozbalit všechny oblasti kromě vybraných",
"unfoldAllMarkerRegions.label": "Rozbalit všechny oblasti"
"vs/editor/contrib/folding/foldingDecorations": {
"vs/editor/contrib/folding/browser/foldingDecorations": {
"foldingCollapsedIcon": "Ikona pro sbalené rozsahy v okraji piktogramu editoru",
"foldingExpandedIcon": "Ikona pro rozbalené rozsahy v okraji piktogramu editoru"
"vs/editor/contrib/fontZoom/fontZoom": {
"vs/editor/contrib/fontZoom/browser/fontZoom": {
"EditorFontZoomIn.label": "Zvětšení písma editoru",
"EditorFontZoomOut.label": "Zmenšení písma editoru",
"EditorFontZoomReset.label": "Obnovení velikosti písma editoru"
"vs/editor/contrib/format/format": {
"vs/editor/contrib/format/browser/format": {
"hint11": "Byla provedena 1 úprava formátování na řádku {0}.",
"hint1n": "Byla provedena 1 úprava formátování mezi řádky {0} a {1}.",
"hintn1": "Byl proveden tento počet úprav formátování na řádku {1}: {0}.",
"hintnn": "Byla proveden tento počet úprav formátování mezi řádky {1} a {2}: {0}."
"vs/editor/contrib/format/formatActions": {
"vs/editor/contrib/format/browser/formatActions": {
"formatDocument.label": "Formátovat dokument",
"formatSelection.label": "Formátovat výběr"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoError/gotoError": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoError/browser/gotoError": {
"markerAction.next.label": "Přejít na další problém (chyba, upozornění, informace)",
"markerAction.nextInFiles.label": "Přejít na další problém v souborech (chyba, upozornění, informace)",
"markerAction.previous.label": "Přejít na předchozí problém (chyba, upozornění, informace)",
@ -708,7 +751,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"nextMarkerIcon": "Ikona pro přechod na další značku",
"previousMarkerIcon": "Ikona pro přechod na předchozí značku"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoError/gotoErrorWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoError/browser/gotoErrorWidget": {
"Error": "Chyba",
"Hint": "Tip",
"Info": "Informace",
@ -724,7 +767,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"marker aria": "{0} v {1} ",
"problems": "Problémy: {0} z {1}"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/goToCommands": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/goToCommands": {
"actions.goToDecl.label": "Přejít k definici",
"actions.goToDeclToSide.label": "Otevřít definici na boku",
"actions.goToDeclaration.label": "Přejít na deklaraci",
@ -761,25 +804,25 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"references.noGeneric": "Nenalezeny žádné odkazy",
"typedef.title": "Definice typů"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/link/goToDefinitionAtPosition": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/link/goToDefinitionAtPosition": {
"multipleResults": "Kliknutím zobrazíte definice ({0})."
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/peek/referencesController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/peek/referencesController": {
"labelLoading": "Načítání...",
"metaTitle.N": "{0} ({1})",
"referenceSearchVisible": "Určuje, jestli je náhled odkazu viditelný, třeba Náhled na odkazy nebo Náhled definice."
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/peek/referencesTree": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/peek/referencesTree": {
"referenceCount": "Počet odkazů: {0}",
"referencesCount": "Odkazy: {0}",
"treeAriaLabel": "Odkazy"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/peek/referencesWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/peek/referencesWidget": {
"missingPreviewMessage": "není k dispozici žádný náhled",
"noResults": "Žádné výsledky",
"peekView.alternateTitle": "Odkazy"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/referencesModel": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/referencesModel": {
"aria.fileReferences.1": "1 symbol v: {0}, úplná cesta: {1}",
"aria.fileReferences.N": "Symboly (celkem {0}) v: {1}, úplná cesta: {2}",
"aria.oneReference": "symbol v {0} na řádku {1} ve sloupci {2}",
@ -789,26 +832,26 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"aria.result.n1": "V {1} byl nalezen tento počet symbolů: {0}.",
"aria.result.nm": "V {1} souborech byl nalezen tento počet symbolů: {0}."
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/symbolNavigation": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/symbolNavigation": {
"hasSymbols": "Určuje, jestli existují umístění symbolů, která se dají procházet pouze pomocí klávesnice.",
"location": "Symbol {0} z {1}",
"location.kb": "Symbol {0} z {1}, {2} pro další"
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/hover": {
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/browser/hover": {
"showDefinitionPreviewHover": "Zobrazit náhled definice při umístění ukazatele myši",
"showHover": "Zobrazit informace po umístění ukazatele myši"
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/markdownHoverParticipant": {
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/browser/markdownHoverParticipant": {
"modesContentHover.loading": "Načítání...",
"too many characters": "U dlouhých řádků je tokenizace z důvodu výkonu vynechána. Toto je možné nakonfigurovat prostřednictvím nastavení editor.maxTokenizationLineLength."
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/markerHoverParticipant": {
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/browser/markerHoverParticipant": {
"checkingForQuickFixes": "Zjišťují se rychlé opravy...",
"noQuickFixes": "K dispozici nejsou žádné rychlé opravy.",
"quick fixes": "Rychlá oprava...",
"view problem": "Zobrazit problém"
"vs/editor/contrib/indentation/indentation": {
"vs/editor/contrib/indentation/browser/indentation": {
"configuredTabSize": "Nakonfigurovaná velikost tabulátoru",
"detectIndentation": "Zjistit odsazení z obsahu",
"editor.reindentlines": "Znovu odsadit řádky",
@ -819,24 +862,32 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"indentationToTabs": "Převést odsazení na tabulátory",
"selectTabWidth": "Vybrat velikost tabulátoru pro aktuální soubor"
"vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/ghostTextController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/inlayHints/browser/inlayHintsHover": {
"hint.cmd": "Provést příkaz",
"hint.dbl": "Poklikáním vložíte",
"hint.def": "Přejít na definici ({0})",
"hint.defAndCommand": "Přejít na definici ({0}), kliknutím pravým tlačítkem myši zobrazíte další informace.",
"links.navigate.kb.alt": "alt + kliknutí",
"links.navigate.kb.alt.mac": "option + kliknutí",
"links.navigate.kb.meta": "ctrl + kliknutí",
"links.navigate.kb.meta.mac": "cmd + kliknutí"
"vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/browser/ghostTextController": {
"action.inlineSuggest.showNext": "Zobrazit další vložený návrh",
"action.inlineSuggest.showPrevious": "Zobrazit předchozí vložený návrh",
"action.inlineSuggest.trigger": "Aktivovat vložený návrh",
"inlineSuggestionHasIndentation": "Určuje, jestli vložený návrh začíná prázdným znakem.",
"inlineSuggestionHasIndentationLessThanTabSize": "Určuje, zda vložený návrh začíná mezerou, která je menší, než jaká by byla vložena tabulátorem",
"inlineSuggestionVisible": "Určuje, jestli je vložený návrh viditelný."
"vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/inlineCompletionsHoverParticipant": {
"acceptInlineSuggestion": "Přijmout",
"inlineSuggestionFollows": "Návrh:",
"showNextInlineSuggestion": "Další",
"showPreviousInlineSuggestion": "Předchozí"
"vs/editor/contrib/inPlaceReplace/inPlaceReplace": {
"vs/editor/contrib/inPlaceReplace/browser/inPlaceReplace": {
"InPlaceReplaceAction.next.label": "Nahradit další hodnotou",
"InPlaceReplaceAction.previous.label": "Nahradit předchozí hodnotou"
"vs/editor/contrib/linesOperations/linesOperations": {
"vs/editor/contrib/lineSelection/browser/lineSelection": {
"expandLineSelection": "Rozbalit výběr řádku"
"vs/editor/contrib/linesOperations/browser/linesOperations": {
"duplicateSelection": "Duplikovat výběr",
"editor.transformToLowercase": "Převést na malá písmena",
"editor.transformToSnakecase": "Převést na slova oddělená podtržítkem",
@ -848,6 +899,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"lines.delete": "Odstranit řádek",
"lines.deleteAllLeft": "Odstranit vše nalevo",
"lines.deleteAllRight": "Odstranit vše napravo",
"lines.deleteDuplicates": "Odstranit duplicitní řádky",
"lines.indent": "Odsadit řádek",
"lines.insertAfter": "Vložit řádek pod",
"lines.insertBefore": "Vložit řádek nad",
@ -864,11 +916,11 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"miMoveLinesDown": "Přesunout řádek &&dolů",
"miMoveLinesUp": "Přesunout řádek &&nahoru"
"vs/editor/contrib/linkedEditing/linkedEditing": {
"vs/editor/contrib/linkedEditing/browser/linkedEditing": {
"editorLinkedEditingBackground": "Barva pozadí při automatickém přejmenovávání při psaní v editoru",
"linkedEditing.label": "Zahájit propojené úpravy"
"vs/editor/contrib/links/links": {
"vs/editor/contrib/links/browser/links": {
"invalid.url": "Tento odkaz se nepovedlo otevřít, protože není správně vytvořen: {0}.",
"label": "Otevřít odkaz",
"links.navigate.executeCmd": "Provést příkaz",
@ -880,11 +932,11 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"missing.url": "Tento odkaz se nepovedlo otevřít, protože chybí jeho cíl.",
"tooltip.explanation": "Provést příkaz {0}"
"vs/editor/contrib/message/messageController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/message/browser/messageController": {
"editor.readonly": "Nelze upravovat v editoru jen pro čtení.",
"messageVisible": "Určuje, jestli editor v tuto chvíli zobrazuje vloženou zprávu."
"vs/editor/contrib/multicursor/multicursor": {
"vs/editor/contrib/multicursor/browser/multicursor": {
"addSelectionToNextFindMatch": "Přidat výběr k další nalezené shodě",
"addSelectionToPreviousFindMatch": "Přidat výběr k předchozí nalezené shodě",
"changeAll.label": "Změnit všechny výskyty",
@ -905,15 +957,16 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"mutlicursor.insertBelow": "Přidat kurzor pod",
"selectAllOccurrencesOfFindMatch": "Vybrat všechny výskyty nalezené shody"
"vs/editor/contrib/parameterHints/parameterHints": {
"vs/editor/contrib/parameterHints/browser/parameterHints": {
"parameterHints.trigger.label": "Aktivovat tipy k parametrům"
"vs/editor/contrib/parameterHints/parameterHintsWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/parameterHints/browser/parameterHintsWidget": {
"editorHoverWidgetHighlightForeground": "Barva popředí aktivní položky v upozornění na parametr",
"hint": "{0}, tip",
"parameterHintsNextIcon": "Ikona pro zobrazení další nápovědy k parametru",
"parameterHintsPreviousIcon": "Ikona pro zobrazení předchozí nápovědy k parametru"
"vs/editor/contrib/peekView/peekView": {
"vs/editor/contrib/peekView/browser/peekView": {
"inReferenceSearchEditor": "Určuje, jestli je aktuální editor kódu vložený do náhledu.",
"label.close": "Zavřít",
"peekViewBorder": "Barva ohraničení a šipky zobrazení náhledu",
@ -931,14 +984,14 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"peekViewTitleForeground": "Barva názvu zobrazení náhledu",
"peekViewTitleInfoForeground": "Barva informací o názvu zobrazení náhledu"
"vs/editor/contrib/quickAccess/gotoLineQuickAccess": {
"vs/editor/contrib/quickAccess/browser/gotoLineQuickAccess": {
"cannotRunGotoLine": "Pokud chcete přejít na řádek, otevřete nejdříve textový editor.",
"gotoLineColumnLabel": "Přejít na řádek {0} a znak {1}",
"gotoLineLabel": "Přejít na řádek {0}",
"gotoLineLabelEmpty": "Aktuální řádek: {0}, znak: {1}. Zadejte číslo řádku, na který chcete přejít.",
"gotoLineLabelEmptyWithLimit": "Aktuální řádek: {0}, znak: {1}. Zadejte číslo řádku mezi 1 a {2}, na který chcete přejít."
"vs/editor/contrib/quickAccess/gotoSymbolQuickAccess": {
"vs/editor/contrib/quickAccess/browser/gotoSymbolQuickAccess": {
"_constructor": "konstruktory ({0})",
"array": "pole hodnot ({0})",
"boolean": "logické hodnoty ({0})",
@ -972,7 +1025,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"typeParameter": "parametry typu ({0})",
"variable": "proměnné ({0})"
"vs/editor/contrib/rename/rename": {
"vs/editor/contrib/rename/browser/rename": {
"aria": "Úspěšné přejmenování {0} na {1}. Souhrn: {2}",
"enablePreview": "Povolit nebo zakázat možnost zobrazení náhledu změn před přejmenováním",
"label": "Přejmenovává se {0}.",
@ -983,23 +1036,23 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"rename.label": "Přejmenovat symbol",
"resolveRenameLocationFailed": "Při vyhodnocování umístění pro přejmenování došlo k neznámé chybě."
"vs/editor/contrib/rename/renameInputField": {
"vs/editor/contrib/rename/browser/renameInputField": {
"label": "{0} pro přejmenování, {1} pro náhled",
"renameAriaLabel": "Umožňuje přejmenovat vstup. Zadejte nový název a potvrďte ho stisknutím klávesy Enter.",
"renameInputVisible": "Určuje, jestli je viditelný widget vstupu pro přejmenování."
"vs/editor/contrib/smartSelect/smartSelect": {
"vs/editor/contrib/smartSelect/browser/smartSelect": {
"miSmartSelectGrow": "&&Rozbalit výběr",
"miSmartSelectShrink": "&&Zmenšit výběr",
"smartSelect.expand": "Rozbalit výběr",
"smartSelect.shrink": "Zmenšit výběr"
"vs/editor/contrib/snippet/snippetController2": {
"vs/editor/contrib/snippet/browser/snippetController2": {
"hasNextTabstop": "Určuje, jestli je v režimu fragmentu kódu další zarážka tabulátoru.",
"hasPrevTabstop": "Určuje, jestli je v režimu fragmentu kódu předchozí zarážka tabulátoru.",
"inSnippetMode": "Určuje, jestli je editor aktuálně v režimu fragmentu kódu."
"vs/editor/contrib/snippet/snippetVariables": {
"vs/editor/contrib/snippet/browser/snippetVariables": {
"April": "Duben",
"AprilShort": "Dub",
"August": "Srpen",
@ -1039,17 +1092,16 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"Wednesday": "Středa",
"WednesdayShort": "St"
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggest": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggest": {
"acceptSuggestionOnEnter": "Určuje, jestli se při stisknutí klávesy Enter vkládají návrhy.",
"suggestWidgetDetailsVisible": "Určuje, jestli jsou viditelné podrobnosti návrhů.",
"suggestWidgetMultipleSuggestions": "Určuje, jestli existuje více návrhů, ze kterých se dá vybírat.",
"suggestWidgetVisible": "Určuje, jestli jsou viditelné návrhy.",
"suggestionCanResolve": "Určuje, jestli aktuální návrh podporuje řešení dalších podrobností.",
"suggestionHasInsertAndReplaceRange": "Určuje, jestli aktuální návrh má chování vkládání a nahrazování.",
"suggestionInsertMode": "Určuje, jestli je výchozím chováním vkládání, nebo nahrazování.",
"suggestionMakesTextEdit": "Určuje, jestli vložení aktuálního návrhu způsobí změnu, nebo jestli už je všechno napsané."
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestController": {
"accept.insert": "Vložit",
"accept.replace": "Nahradit",
"aria.alert.snippet": "Přijetím {0} došlo k dalším {1} úpravám.",
@ -1058,7 +1110,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"suggest.reset.label": "Obnovit velikost widgetu návrhů",
"suggest.trigger.label": "Aktivovat návrh"
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestWidget": {
"ariaCurrenttSuggestionReadDetails": "{0}, dokumenty: {1}",
"editorSuggestWidgetBackground": "Barva pozadí widgetu návrhů",
"editorSuggestWidgetBorder": "Barva ohraničení widgetu návrhů",
@ -1068,22 +1120,26 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"editorSuggestWidgetSelectedBackground": "Barva pozadí vybrané položky ve widgetu návrhů",
"editorSuggestWidgetSelectedForeground": "Barva popředí vybrané položky ve widgetu návrhů",
"editorSuggestWidgetSelectedIconForeground": "Barva popředí ikony vybrané položky ve widgetu návrhů",
"editorSuggestWidgetStatusForeground": "Barva popředí stavu widgetu návrhů",
"label.desc": "{0}, {1}",
"label.detail": "{0}{1}",
"label.full": "{0},{1} {2}",
"suggest": "Návrh",
"suggestWidget.loading": "Načítání...",
"suggestWidget.noSuggestions": "Žádné návrhy"
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestWidgetDetails": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestWidgetDetails": {
"details.close": "Zavřít",
"loading": "Načítání..."
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestWidgetRenderer": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestWidgetRenderer": {
"readMore": "Další informace",
"suggestMoreInfoIcon": "Ikona pro další informace ve widgetu pro návrhy"
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestWidgetStatus": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestWidgetStatus": {
"ddd": "{0} ({1})"
"vs/editor/contrib/symbolIcons/symbolIcons": {
"vs/editor/contrib/symbolIcons/browser/symbolIcons": {
"symbolIcon.arrayForeground": "Barva popředí pro symboly array. Tyto symboly se zobrazují ve widgetu osnovy, popisu cesty a návrhů.",
"symbolIcon.booleanForeground": "Barva popředí pro symboly boolean. Tyto symboly se zobrazují ve widgetu osnovy, popisu cesty a návrhů.",
"symbolIcon.classForeground": "Barva popředí pro symboly class. Tyto symboly se zobrazují ve widgetu osnovy, popisu cesty a návrhů.",
@ -1118,22 +1174,47 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"symbolIcon.unitForeground": "Barva popředí pro symboly unit. Tyto symboly se zobrazují ve widgetu osnovy, popisu cesty a návrhů.",
"symbolIcon.variableForeground": "Barva popředí pro symboly variable. Tyto symboly se zobrazují ve widgetu osnovy, popisu cesty a návrhů."
"vs/editor/contrib/toggleTabFocusMode/toggleTabFocusMode": {
"vs/editor/contrib/toggleTabFocusMode/browser/toggleTabFocusMode": {
"toggle.tabMovesFocus": "Přepnout přesunutí fokusu pomocí klávesy Tab",
"toggle.tabMovesFocus.off": "Stisknutím klávesy Tab se teď vloží znak tabulátoru.",
"toggle.tabMovesFocus.on": "Stisknutím klávesy Tab se teď přesune fokus na další prvek, který může mít fokus."
"vs/editor/contrib/tokenization/tokenization": {
"vs/editor/contrib/tokenization/browser/tokenization": {
"forceRetokenize": "Vývojář: vynutit retokenizaci"
"vs/editor/contrib/unusualLineTerminators/unusualLineTerminators": {
"vs/editor/contrib/unicodeHighlighter/browser/unicodeHighlighter": {
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingInComments": "Zakázat zvýrazňování znaků v komentářích",
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingInStrings": "Zakázat zvýrazňování znaků v řetězcích",
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfAmbiguousCharacters": "Zakázat zvýraznění nejednoznačných znaků",
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfInvisibleCharacters": "Zakázat zvýraznění neviditelných znaků",
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfNonBasicAsciiCharacters": "Zakázat zvýraznění nestandardních znaků ASCII",
"action.unicodeHighlight.showExcludeOptions": "Zobrazit možnosti vyloučení",
"unicodeHighlight.adjustSettings": "Upravit nastavení",
"unicodeHighlight.allowCommonCharactersInLanguage": "Povolte znaky Unicode, které jsou v jazyce {0} častější.",
"unicodeHighlight.characterIsAmbiguous": "Znak {0} může být zaměněn se znakem {1}, který je ve zdrojovém kódu běžnější.",
"unicodeHighlight.characterIsInvisible": "Znak {0} není viditelný.",
"unicodeHighlight.characterIsNonBasicAscii": "Znak {0} není základní znak ASCII.",
"unicodeHighlight.configureUnicodeHighlightOptions": "Konfigurovat možnosti zvýraznění Unicode",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingInComments.shortLabel": "Zakázat zvýraznění v komentářích",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingInStrings.shortLabel": "Zakázat zvýraznění v řetězcích",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfAmbiguousCharacters.shortLabel": "Zakázat nejednoznačné zvýraznění",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfInvisibleCharacters.shortLabel": "Zakázat neviditelné zvýraznění",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfNonBasicAsciiCharacters.shortLabel": "Zakázat zvýraznění jiné než ASCII",
"unicodeHighlight.excludeCharFromBeingHighlighted": "Vyloučit {0} ze zvýrazňování",
"unicodeHighlight.excludeInvisibleCharFromBeingHighlighted": "Vyloučit {0} (neviditelný znak) ze zvýraznění",
"unicodeHighlighting.thisDocumentHasManyAmbiguousUnicodeCharacters": "Tento dokument obsahuje mnoho nejednoznačných znaků Unicode.",
"unicodeHighlighting.thisDocumentHasManyInvisibleUnicodeCharacters": "Tento dokument obsahuje mnoho neviditelných znaků Unicode.",
"unicodeHighlighting.thisDocumentHasManyNonBasicAsciiUnicodeCharacters": "Tento dokument obsahuje mnoho nezákladních znaků Unicode ASCII.",
"warningIcon": "Ikona zobrazovaná s upozorňující zprávou v editoru rozšíření"
"vs/editor/contrib/unusualLineTerminators/browser/unusualLineTerminators": {
"unusualLineTerminators.detail": "Soubor {0} obsahuje minimálně jeden neobvyklý ukončovací znak řádku, jako je oddělovač řádků (LS) nebo oddělovač odstavců (PS). \r\n\r\nDoporučujeme je odebrat ze souboru. Lze to nakonfigurovat prostřednictvím nastavení editor.unusualLineTerminators.",
"unusualLineTerminators.fix": "Odstranit neobvyklé ukončovací znaky řádku",
"unusualLineTerminators.ignore": "Ignorovat",
"unusualLineTerminators.message": "Zjištěny neobvyklé ukončovací znaky řádku",
"unusualLineTerminators.title": "Neobvyklé ukončovací znaky řádku"
"vs/editor/contrib/wordHighlighter/wordHighlighter": {
"vs/editor/contrib/wordHighlighter/browser/wordHighlighter": {
"overviewRulerWordHighlightForeground": "Barva značky přehledového pravítka pro zvýraznění symbolů. Barva nesmí být neprůhledná, aby se nepřekryly dekorace pod tím.",
"overviewRulerWordHighlightStrongForeground": "Barva značky přehledového pravítka pro zvýraznění symbolů s oprávněním k zápisu. Barva nesmí být neprůhledná, aby se nepřekryly dekorace pod tím.",
"wordHighlight": "Barva pozadí symbolu při čtení, například při čtení proměnné. Barva nesmí být neprůhledná, aby se nepřekryly dekorace pod tím.",
@ -1144,7 +1225,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"wordHighlightStrong": "Barva pozadí symbolu při zápisu, například při zápisu proměnné. Barva nesmí být neprůhledná, aby se nepřekryly dekorace pod tím.",
"wordHighlightStrongBorder": "Barva ohraničení symbolu při zápisu, například při zápisu do proměnné"
"vs/editor/contrib/wordOperations/wordOperations": {
"vs/editor/contrib/wordOperations/browser/wordOperations": {
"deleteInsideWord": "Odstranit slovo"
"vs/platform/actions/browser/menuEntryActionViewItem": {
@ -1164,7 +1245,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"vs/platform/contextkey/common/contextkeys": {
"inputFocus": "Určuje, jestli je fokus klávesnice uvnitř vstupního pole.",
"isIOS": "Určuje, jestli je operačním systémem iOS.",
"isIOS": "Určuje, jestli je operačním systémem iOS",
"isLinux": "Určuje, jestli je operačním systémem Linux.",
"isMac": "Určuje, jestli je operačním systémem macOS.",
"isMacNative": "Určuje, jestli je operačním systémem macOS na platformě bez prohlížeče.",
@ -1183,13 +1264,16 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"sizeTB": "{0} TB",
"unknownError": "Neznámá chyba"
"vs/platform/history/browser/contextScopedHistoryWidget": {
"suggestWidgetVisible": "Určuje, jestli jsou viditelné návrhy."
"vs/platform/keybinding/common/abstractKeybindingService": {
"first.chord": "({0}) byla stisknuta. Čekání na druhou klávesu...",
"missing.chord": "Kombinace kláves ({0}, {1}) není příkaz."
"vs/platform/list/browser/listService": {
"Fast Scroll Sensitivity": "Multiplikátor rychlosti posouvání při stisknutí klávesy Alt.",
"Mouse Wheel Scroll Sensitivity": "Multiplikátor, který se má použít pro hodnoty deltaX a deltaY událostí posouvání kolečka myši.",
"Fast Scroll Sensitivity": "Multiplikátor rychlosti posouvání při podržené klávese Alt",
"Mouse Wheel Scroll Sensitivity": "Multiplikátor, který se má použít pro hodnoty deltaX a deltaY událostí posouvání kolečka myši",
"automatic keyboard navigation setting": "Určuje, jestli se automaticky spustí navigace pomocí klávesnice v seznamech a stromech, když začnete psát. Pokud je nastaveno na false, navigace pomocí klávesnice se spustí pouze při provedení příkazu list.toggleKeyboardNavigation, ke kterému lze přiřadit klávesovou zkratku.",
"expand mode": "Určuje, jak se stromové složky rozbalují, když se klikne na jejich název. Poznámka: Některé stromy a seznamy můžou toto nastavení ignorovat, pokud se nedá použít.",
"horizontalScrolling setting": "Určuje, jestli seznamy a stromy podporují vodorovné posouvání na pracovní ploše. Upozornění: Povolení tohoto nastavení má vliv na výkon.",
@ -1254,8 +1338,14 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"diffDiagonalFill": "Barva diagonální výplně editoru rozdílů. Diagonální výplň se používá v zobrazeních se zobrazením rozdílů vedle sebe.",
"diffEditorBorder": "Barva ohraničení mezi dvěma textovými editory",
"diffEditorInserted": "Barva pozadí textu, který byl vložen. Barva nesmí být neprůhledná, aby se nepřekryly dekorace pod tím.",
"diffEditorInsertedLineGutter": "Barva pozadí okraje, na který byly přidány řádky.",
"diffEditorInsertedLines": "Barva pozadí řádků, které byly vloženy. Barva nesmí být neprůhledná, aby neskrývala podkladové dekorace.",
"diffEditorInsertedOutline": "Barva obrysu pro text, který byl vložen",
"diffEditorOverviewInserted": "Popředí rozdílového přehledového pravítka pro vložený obsah.",
"diffEditorOverviewRemoved": "Popředí rozdílového přehledového pravítka pro odebraný obsah.",
"diffEditorRemoved": "Barva pozadí textu, který byl odebrán. Barva nesmí být neprůhledná, aby se nepřekryly dekorace pod tím.",
"diffEditorRemovedLineGutter": "Barva pozadí okraje, ze kterého byly odebrány řádky.",
"diffEditorRemovedLines": "Barva pozadí řádků, které byly odebrány. Barva nesmí být neprůhledná, aby neskrývala podkladové dekorace.",
"diffEditorRemovedOutline": "Barva obrysu pro text, který byl odebrán",
"dropdownBackground": "Pozadí rozevíracího seznamu",
"dropdownBorder": "Ohraničení rozevíracího seznamu",
@ -1272,7 +1362,11 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"editorInfo.background": "Barva pozadí textu informace v editoru. Barva nesmí být neprůhledná, aby se nepřekryly dekorace pod informací.",
"editorInfo.foreground": "Barva popředí podtržení informací vlnovkou v editoru",
"editorInlayHintBackground": "Barva pozadí vložených tipů",
"editorInlayHintBackgroundParameter": "Barva pozadí vložených tipů pro parametry",
"editorInlayHintBackgroundTypes": "Barva pozadí vložených tipů pro typy",
"editorInlayHintForeground": "Barva popředí vložených tipů",
"editorInlayHintForegroundParameter": "Barva popředí vložených tipů pro parametry",
"editorInlayHintForegroundTypes": "Barva popředí vložených tipů pro typy",
"editorLightBulbAutoFixForeground": "Barva použitá pro ikonu žárovky s nabídkou akcí automatických oprav",
"editorLightBulbForeground": "Barva použitá pro ikonu žárovky s nabídkou akcí",
"editorSelectionBackground": "Barva výběru editoru",
@ -1305,8 +1399,9 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"inputBoxBackground": "Pozadí vstupního pole",
"inputBoxBorder": "Ohraničení vstupního pole",
"inputBoxForeground": "Popředí vstupního pole",
"inputOption.activeBackground": "Barva pozadí aktivovaných možností ve vstupních polích",
"inputOption.activeBackground": "Barva pozadí možností ve vstupních polích při přechodu myší.",
"inputOption.activeForeground": "Barva popředí aktivovaných možností ve vstupních polích",
"inputOption.hoverBackground": "Barva pozadí aktivovaných možností ve vstupních polích",
"inputPlaceholderForeground": "Barva popředí vstupního pole pro zástupný text",
"inputValidationErrorBackground": "Barva pozadí ověřování vstupu pro závažnost na úrovni chyb",
"inputValidationErrorBorder": "Barva ohraničení ověřování vstupu pro závažnost na úrovni chyb",
@ -1362,7 +1457,9 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"minimapBackground": "Barva pozadí minimapy",
"minimapError": "Barva značky minimapy pro chyby",
"minimapFindMatchHighlight": "Barva značky minimapy pro nalezené shody",
"minimapForegroundOpacity": "Neprůhlednost elementů popředí vykreslených v minimapě. Například „#000000c0“ vykreslí elementy s neprůhledností 75 %.",
"minimapSelectionHighlight": "Barva značky minimapy pro výběr editoru",
"minimapSelectionOccurrenceHighlight": "Barva značky minimapy pro opakování výběru editoru.",
"minimapSliderActiveBackground": "Barva pozadí posuvníku minimapy při kliknutí na něj",
"minimapSliderBackground": "Barva pozadí posuvníku minimapy",
"minimapSliderHoverBackground": "Barva pozadí posuvníku minimapy při umístění ukazatele myši",
@ -1398,6 +1495,8 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"snippetTabstopHighlightBackground": "Barva pozadí zvýraznění zarážky tabulátoru fragmentu kódu",
"snippetTabstopHighlightBorder": "Barva ohraničení zvýraznění zarážky tabulátoru fragmentu kódu",
"statusBarBackground": "Barva pozadí stavového řádku s informacemi zobrazenými v editoru při umístění ukazatele myši",
"tableColumnsBorder": "Barva ohraničení tabulky mezi sloupci",
"tableOddRowsBackgroundColor": "Barva pozadí pro liché řádky tabulky",
"textBlockQuoteBackground": "Barva pozadí pro blokové citace v textu",
"textBlockQuoteBorder": "Barva ohraničení pro blokové citace v textu",
"textCodeBlockBackground": "Barva pozadí pro bloky kódu v textu",
@ -1413,8 +1512,8 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"widgetShadow": "Barva stínu widgetů, například pro hledání/nahrazení v rámci editoru"
"vs/platform/theme/common/iconRegistry": {
"iconDefintion.fontCharacter": "Znak písma přidružený k definici ikony",
"iconDefintion.fontId": "ID písma, které se má použít. Pokud není nastaveno, použije se písmo definované jako první.",
"iconDefinition.fontCharacter": "Znak písma přidružený k definici ikony",
"iconDefinition.fontId": "ID písma, které se má použít. Pokud není nastaveno, použije se písmo definované jako první.",
"nextChangeIcon": "Ikona pro přechod na další umístění v editoru",
"previousChangeIcon": "Ikona pro přechod na předchozí umístění v editoru",
"widgetClose": "Ikona pro akci zavření ve widgetech"
@ -1432,6 +1531,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"cannotWorkspaceUndoDueToInMeantimeUndoRedo": "Akci {0} se nepovedlo vrátit zpět u všech souborů, protože mezitím proběhla jiná operace vrácení zpět nebo opětovného provedení.",
"cannotWorkspaceUndoDueToInProgressUndoRedo": "Akci {0} se nepovedlo vrátit zpět u všech souborů, protože už běží jiná operace vrácení zpět nebo opětovného provedení pro tyto soubory: {1}.",
"confirmDifferentSource": "Chcete vrátit akci {0}?",
"confirmDifferentSource.no": "Ne",
"confirmDifferentSource.yes": "Ano",
"confirmWorkspace": "Chcete vrátit zpět akci {0} u všech souborů?",
"externalRemoval": "Na disku byly zavřeny a upraveny následující soubory: {0}.",
@ -1439,7 +1539,12 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"nok": "Vrátit tento soubor zpět",
"ok": "Vrátit zpět tento počet souborů: {0}"
"vs/platform/workspaces/common/workspaces": {
"vs/platform/workspace/common/workspace": {
"codeWorkspace": "Pracovní prostor Code"
"vs/platform/workspace/common/workspaceTrust": {
"trusted": "Důvěryhodný",
"untrusted": "Omezený režim"
@ -1,18 +1,16 @@
this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Locale = {language: 'de', data: {
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language: 'de',
data: {
"vs/base/browser/ui/actionbar/actionViewItems": {
"titleLabel": "{0} ({1})"
"vs/base/browser/ui/findinput/findInput": {
"defaultLabel": "Eingabe"
"vs/base/browser/ui/findinput/findInputCheckboxes": {
"caseDescription": "Groß-/Kleinschreibung beachten",
"regexDescription": "Regulären Ausdruck verwenden",
"wordsDescription": "Nur ganzes Wort suchen"
"vs/base/browser/ui/findinput/replaceInput": {
"defaultLabel": "Eingabe",
"label.preserveCaseCheckbox": "Groß-/Kleinschreibung beibehalten"
"label.preserveCaseToggle": "Groß-/Kleinschreibung beibehalten"
"vs/base/browser/ui/iconLabel/iconLabelHover": {
"iconLabel.loading": "Wird geladen..."
@ -20,14 +18,12 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"vs/base/browser/ui/inputbox/inputBox": {
"alertErrorMessage": "Fehler: {0}",
"alertInfoMessage": "Info: {0}",
"alertWarningMessage": "Warnung: {0}"
"alertWarningMessage": "Warnung: {0}",
"history.inputbox.hint": "für Verlauf"
"vs/base/browser/ui/keybindingLabel/keybindingLabel": {
"unbound": "Ungebunden"
"vs/base/browser/ui/menu/menu": {
"titleLabel": "{0} ({1})"
"vs/base/browser/ui/tree/abstractTree": {
"clear": "Löschen",
"disable filter on type": "Typfilter deaktivieren",
@ -50,6 +46,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"cmdKey.long": "Befehl",
"ctrlKey": "STRG",
"ctrlKey.long": "Steuern",
"optKey.long": "Option",
"shiftKey": "UMSCHALTTASTE",
"shiftKey.long": "UMSCHALTTASTE",
"superKey": "Super",
@ -72,16 +69,13 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"vs/base/parts/quickinput/browser/quickInputList": {
"quickInput": "Schnelleingabe"
"vs/editor/browser/controller/coreCommands": {
"removedCursor": "Sekundäre Cursor entfernt",
"stickydesc": "Auch bei längeren Zeilen am Ende bleiben"
"vs/editor/browser/controller/textAreaHandler": {
"accessibilityOffAriaLabel": "Auf den Editor kann derzeit nicht zugegriffen werden. Drücken Sie {0}, um die Optionen anzuzeigen.",
"editor": "Editor"
"vs/editor/browser/core/keybindingCancellation": {
"cancellableOperation": "Gibt an, ob der Editor einen abbrechbaren Vorgang ausführt, z. B. \"Verweisvorschau\"."
"vs/editor/browser/coreCommands": {
"removedCursor": "Sekundäre Cursor entfernt",
"stickydesc": "Auch bei längeren Zeilen am Ende bleiben"
"vs/editor/browser/editorExtensions": {
"miRedo": "&&Wiederholen",
@ -117,12 +111,15 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"unchangedLine": "{0}: unveränderte Zeile {1}"
"vs/editor/browser/widget/inlineDiffMargin": {
"diff.clipboard.copyChangedLineContent.label": "Geänderte Zeile ({0}) kopieren",
"diff.clipboard.copyChangedLinesContent.label": "Geänderte Zeilen kopieren",
"diff.clipboard.copyChangedLinesContent.single.label": "Geänderte Zeile kopieren",
"diff.clipboard.copyDeletedLineContent.label": "Gelöschte Zeile kopieren ({0})",
"diff.clipboard.copyDeletedLinesContent.label": "Gelöschte Zeilen kopieren",
"diff.clipboard.copyDeletedLinesContent.single.label": "Gelöschte Zeile kopieren",
"diff.inline.revertChange.label": "Diese Änderung rückgängig machen"
"vs/editor/common/config/commonEditorConfig": {
"vs/editor/common/config/editorConfigurationSchema": {
"codeLens": "Steuert, ob der Editor CodeLens anzeigt.",
"detectIndentation": "Steuert, ob \"#editor.tabSize#\" und \"#editor.insertSpaces#\" automatisch erkannt werden, wenn eine Datei basierend auf dem Dateiinhalt geöffnet wird.",
"editorConfigurationTitle": "Editor",
@ -130,8 +127,13 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"insertSpaces": "Fügt beim Drücken der TAB-Taste Leerzeichen ein. Diese Einstellung wird basierend auf dem Inhalt der Datei überschrieben, wenn \"#editor.detectIndentation#\" aktiviert ist.",
"largeFileOptimizations": "Spezielle Behandlung für große Dateien zum Deaktivieren bestimmter speicherintensiver Funktionen.",
"maxComputationTime": "Timeout in Millisekunden, nach dem die Diff-Berechnung abgebrochen wird. Bei 0 wird kein Timeout verwendet.",
"maxFileSize": "Maximale Dateigröße in MB, für die Diffs berechnet werden sollen. Verwenden Sie 0, um keinen Grenzwert zu setzen.",
"maxTokenizationLineLength": "Zeilen, die diese Länge überschreiten, werden aus Leistungsgründen nicht tokenisiert",
"renderIndicators": "Steuert, ob der Diff-Editor die Indikatoren \"+\" und \"-\" für hinzugefügte/entfernte Änderungen anzeigt.",
"schema.brackets": "Definiert die Klammersymbole, die den Einzug vergrößern oder verkleinern.",
"schema.closeBracket": "Das schließende Klammerzeichen oder die Zeichenfolgensequenz.",
"schema.colorizedBracketPairs": "Definiert die Klammerpaare, die durch ihre Schachtelungsebene farbig formatiert werden, wenn die Farbgebung für das Klammerpaar aktiviert ist.",
"schema.openBracket": "Das öffnende Klammerzeichen oder die Zeichenfolgensequenz.",
"semanticHighlighting.configuredByTheme": "Die semantische Hervorhebung wird durch die Einstellung \"semanticHighlighting\" des aktuellen Farbdesigns konfiguriert.",
"semanticHighlighting.enabled": "Steuert, ob die semantische Hervorhebung für die Sprachen angezeigt wird, die sie unterstützen.",
"semanticHighlighting.false": "Die semantische Hervorhebung ist für alle Farbdesigns deaktiviert.",
@ -169,11 +171,12 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"autoClosingQuotes": "Steuert, ob der Editor Anführungszeichen automatisch schließen soll, nachdem der Benutzer ein öffnendes Anführungszeichen hinzugefügt hat.",
"autoIndent": "Legt fest, ob der Editor den Einzug automatisch anpassen soll, wenn Benutzer Zeilen eingeben, einfügen, verschieben oder einrücken",
"autoSurround": "Steuert, ob der Editor die Auswahl beim Eingeben von Anführungszeichen oder Klammern automatisch umschließt.",
"bracketPairColorization.enabled": "Steuert, ob die Farbgebung für das Klammerpaar aktiviert ist. Verwenden Sie „workbench.colorCustomizations“, um die Hervorhebungsfarben der Klammer außer Kraft zu setzen.",
"bracketPairColorization.enabled": "Steuert, ob die Farbgebung für das Klammerpaar aktiviert ist oder nicht. Verwenden Sie #workbench.colorCustomizations#, um die Hervorhebungsfarben der Klammer außer Kraft zu setzen.",
"bracketPairColorization.independentColorPoolPerBracketType": "Steuert, ob jeder Klammertyp über einen eigenen unabhängigen Farbpool verfügt.",
"codeActions": "Aktiviert das Glühbirnensymbol für Codeaktionen im Editor.",
"codeLens": "Steuert, ob der Editor CodeLens anzeigt.",
"codeLensFontFamily": "Steuert die Schriftfamilie für CodeLens.",
"codeLensFontSize": "Steuert den Schriftgrad in Pixeln für CodeLens. Bei Festlegung auf \"0\" werden 90 % von \"#editor.fontSize#\" verwendet.",
"codeLensFontSize": "Steuert den Schriftgrad in Pixeln für CodeLens. Bei Festlegung auf „0“ werden 90 % von „#editor.fontSize#“ verwendet.",
"colorDecorators": "Steuert, ob der Editor die Inline-Farbdecorators und die Farbauswahl rendern soll.",
"columnSelection": "Zulassen, dass die Auswahl per Maus und Tasten die Spaltenauswahl durchführt.",
"comments.ignoreEmptyLines": "Steuert, ob leere Zeilen bei Umschalt-, Hinzufügungs- oder Entfernungsaktionen für Zeilenkommentare ignoriert werden sollen.",
@ -219,6 +222,17 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"editor.gotoLocation.multiple.goto": "Wechseln Sie zum primären Ergebnis, und aktivieren Sie die Navigation ohne Vorschau zu anderen Ergebnissen.",
"editor.gotoLocation.multiple.gotoAndPeek": "Zum Hauptergebnis gehen und Vorschauansicht anzeigen",
"editor.gotoLocation.multiple.peek": "Vorschauansicht der Ergebnisse anzeigen (Standardeinstellung)",
"editor.guides.bracketPairs": "Steuert, ob Führungslinien für Klammerpaare aktiviert sind oder nicht.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairs.active": "Aktiviert Klammernpaarführungslinien nur für das aktive Klammerpaar.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairs.false": "Deaktiviert Klammernpaarführungslinien.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairs.true": "Aktiviert Klammernpaarführungslinien.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairsHorizontal": "Steuert, ob horizontale Führungslinien für Klammernpaare aktiviert sind oder nicht.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairsHorizontal.active": "Aktiviert horizontale Führungslinien nur für das aktive Klammerpaar.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairsHorizontal.false": "Deaktiviert horizontale Führungslinien für Klammernpaare.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairsHorizontal.true": "Aktiviert horizontale Führungslinien als Ergänzung zu vertikalen Klammernpaarführungslinien.",
"editor.guides.highlightActiveBracketPair": "Steuert, ob der Editor das aktive Klammerpaar hervorheben soll.",
"editor.guides.highlightActiveIndentation": "Steuert, ob der Editor die aktive Einzugsführungslinie hevorheben soll.",
"editor.guides.indentation": "Steuert, ob der Editor Einzugsführungslinien rendern soll.",
"editor.suggest.showClasss": "Wenn aktiviert, zeigt IntelliSense \"class\"-Vorschläge an.",
"editor.suggest.showColors": "Wenn aktiviert, zeigt IntelliSense \"color\"-Vorschläge an.",
"editor.suggest.showConstants": "Wenn aktiviert, zeigt IntelliSense \"constant\"-Vorschläge an.",
@ -260,6 +274,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"folding": "Steuert, ob Codefaltung im Editor aktiviert ist.",
"foldingHighlight": "Steuert, ob der Editor eingefaltete Bereiche hervorheben soll.",
"foldingImportsByDefault": "Steuert, ob der Editor Importbereiche automatisch reduziert.",
"foldingMaximumRegions": "Die maximale Anzahl von faltbaren Regionen. Eine Erhöhung dieses Werts kann dazu führen, dass der Editor weniger reaktionsfähig wird, wenn die aktuelle Quelle eine große Anzahl von faltbaren Regionen aufweist.",
"foldingStrategy": "Steuert die Strategie für die Berechnung von Faltbereichen.",
"foldingStrategy.auto": "Verwenden Sie eine sprachspezifische Faltstrategie, falls verfügbar. Andernfalls wird eine einzugsbasierte verwendet.",
"foldingStrategy.indentation": "Einzugsbasierte Faltstrategie verwenden.",
@ -274,18 +289,15 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"formatOnType": "Steuert, ob der Editor die Zeile nach der Eingabe automatisch formatieren soll.",
"glyphMargin": "Steuert, ob der Editor den vertikalen Glyphenrand rendert. Der Glyphenrand wird hauptsächlich zum Debuggen verwendet.",
"hideCursorInOverviewRuler": "Steuert, ob der Cursor im Übersichtslineal ausgeblendet werden soll.",
"highlightActiveIndentGuide": "Steuert, ob der Editor die aktive Einzugsführungslinie hevorheben soll.",
"hover.above": "Zeigen Sie den Mauszeiger lieber über der Linie an, wenn Platz vorhanden ist.",
"hover.delay": "Steuert die Verzögerung in Millisekunden, nach der die Hovermarkierung angezeigt wird.",
"hover.enabled": "Steuert, ob die Hovermarkierung angezeigt wird.",
"hover.sticky": "Steuert, ob die Hovermarkierung sichtbar bleiben soll, wenn der Mauszeiger darüber bewegt wird.",
"inlayHints.enable": "Aktiviert die Inlay-Hinweise im Editor.",
"inlayHints.fontFamily": "Steuert die Schriftfamilie für Inlay-Hinweise im Editor. Wenn der Wert „leer“ festgelegt wird, wird die „#editor.fontFamily#“ verwendet.",
"inlayHints.fontSize": "Steuert den Schriftgrad für Inlay-Hinweise im Editor. Wenn der Wert „0“ festgelegt wird, werden 90% von „#editor.fontSize#“ verwendet.",
"inlayHints.fontSize": "Steuert den Schriftgrad von Inlayhinweisen im Editor. Ein Standardwert von 90 % der \"#editor.fontSize#\" wird verwendet, wenn der konfigurierte Wert kleiner als „5“ oder größer als der Schriftgrad des Editors ist.",
"inline": "Schnelle Vorschläge werden als inaktiver Text angezeigt",
"inlineSuggest.enabled": "Steuert, ob Inline-Vorschläge automatisch im Editor angezeigt werden.",
"inlineSuggest.mode": "Steuert, welcher Modus zum Rendern der Inline-Vorschau verwendet werden soll.",
"inlineSuggest.mode.prefix": "Nur einen Inline-Vorschlag rendern, wenn der Ersatztext ein Präfix des Einfügetexts ist.",
"inlineSuggest.mode.subword": "Nur einen Inline-Vorschlag rendern, wenn der Ersatztext ein Unterwort des Einfügetexts ist.",
"inlineSuggest.mode.subwordSmart": "Rendern Sie einen Inline-Vorschlag nur, wenn der Ersatztext ein untergeordnetes Wort des Einfügetexts ist. Das Unterwort muss nach dem Cursor beginnen.",
"letterSpacing": "Legt den Abstand der Buchstaben in Pixeln fest.",
"lineHeight": "Steuert die Zeilenhöhe. \r\n – Verwenden Sie 0, um die Zeilenhöhe automatisch anhand des Schriftgrads zu berechnen.\r\n – Werte zwischen 0 und 8 werden als Multiplikator mit dem Schriftgrad verwendet.\r\n – Werte größer oder gleich 8 werden als effektive Werte verwendet.",
"lineNumbers": "Steuert die Anzeige von Zeilennummern.",
@ -316,6 +328,8 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"multiCursorPaste.full": "Jeder Cursor fügt den vollständigen Text ein.",
"multiCursorPaste.spread": "Jeder Cursor fügt eine Textzeile ein.",
"occurrencesHighlight": "Steuert, ob der Editor das Vorkommen semantischer Symbole hervorheben soll.",
"off": "Schnelle Vorschläge sind deaktiviert",
"on": "Schnelle Vorschläge werden im Vorschlagswidget angezeigt",
"overviewRulerBorder": "Steuert, ob um das Übersichtslineal ein Rahmen gezeichnet werden soll.",
"padding.bottom": "Steuert den Abstand zwischen dem unteren Rand des Editors und der letzten Zeile.",
"padding.top": "Steuert den Abstand zwischen dem oberen Rand des Editors und der ersten Zeile.",
@ -333,7 +347,6 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"renameOnTypeDeprecate": "Veraltet. Verwenden Sie stattdessen \"editor.linkedEditing\".",
"renderControlCharacters": "Steuert, ob der Editor Steuerzeichen rendern soll.",
"renderFinalNewline": "Letzte Zeilennummer rendern, wenn die Datei mit einem Zeilenumbruch endet.",
"renderIndentGuides": "Steuert, ob der Editor Einzugsführungslinien rendern soll.",
"renderLineHighlight": "Steuert, wie der Editor die aktuelle Zeilenhervorhebung rendern soll.",
"renderLineHighlight.all": "Hebt den Bundsteg und die aktuelle Zeile hervor.",
"renderLineHighlightOnlyWhenFocus": "Steuert, ob der Editor die aktuelle Zeilenhervorhebung nur dann rendern soll, wenn der Fokus auf dem Editor liegt.",
@ -368,11 +381,11 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"showFoldingControls.mouseover": "Steuerelemente für die Codefaltung nur anzeigen, wenn sich die Maus über dem Bundsteg befindet.",
"showUnused": "Steuert das Ausblenden von nicht verwendetem Code.",
"smoothScrolling": "Legt fest, ob der Editor Bildläufe animiert ausführt.",
"snippetSuggestions": "Steuert, ob Codeausschnitte mit anderen Vorschlägen angezeigt und wie diese sortiert werden.",
"snippetSuggestions.bottom": "Snippet Vorschläge unter anderen Vorschlägen anzeigen.",
"snippetSuggestions.inline": "Zeige Snippet Vorschläge mit anderen Vorschlägen.",
"snippetSuggestions.none": "Keine Ausschnittvorschläge anzeigen.",
"snippetSuggestions.top": "Zeige Snippet Vorschläge über den anderen Vorschlägen.",
"snippetSuggestions": "Steuert, ob Codeschnipsel mit anderen Vorschlägen angezeigt und wie diese sortiert werden.",
"snippetSuggestions.bottom": "Schnipselvorschläge unter anderen Vorschlägen anzeigen.",
"snippetSuggestions.inline": "Zeige Schnipselvorschläge mit anderen Vorschlägen.",
"snippetSuggestions.none": "Keine Schnipselvorschläge anzeigen.",
"snippetSuggestions.top": "Zeige Schnipselvorschläge über den anderen Vorschlägen.",
"stickyTabStops": "Emuliert das Auswahlverhalten von Tabstoppzeichen, wenn Leerzeichen für den Einzug verwendet werden. Die Auswahl wird an Tabstopps ausgerichtet.",
"suggest.filterGraceful": "Steuert, ob Filter- und Suchvorschläge geringfügige Tippfehler berücksichtigen.",
"suggest.insertMode": "Legt fest, ob Wörter beim Akzeptieren von Vervollständigungen überschrieben werden. Beachten Sie, dass dies von Erweiterungen abhängt, die für dieses Features aktiviert sind.",
@ -381,15 +394,11 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"suggest.localityBonus": "Steuert, ob bei der Sortierung Wörter priorisiert werden, die in der Nähe des Cursors stehen.",
"suggest.maxVisibleSuggestions.dep": "Diese Einstellung ist veraltet. Die Größe des Vorschlagswidgets kann jetzt geändert werden.",
"suggest.preview": "Steuert, ob das Ergebnis des Vorschlags im Editor in der Vorschau angezeigt werden soll.",
"suggest.previewMode": "Steuert, welcher Modus zum Rendern der Vorschlagsvorschau verwendet werden soll.",
"suggest.previewMode.prefix": "Rendern Sie einen Vorschlag nur, wenn der Ersatztext ein Präfix des Einfügetexts ist.",
"suggest.previewMode.subword": "Rendern Sie einen Vorschlag nur, wenn der Ersatztext ein Unterwort des Einfügetexts ist.",
"suggest.previewMode.subwordSmart": "Rendern Sie einen Vorschlag nur, wenn der Ersatztext ein Unterwort oder ein Präfix des Einfügetexts ist.",
"suggest.shareSuggestSelections": "Steuert, ob gespeicherte Vorschlagauswahlen in verschiedenen Arbeitsbereichen und Fenstern gemeinsam verwendet werden (dafür ist \"#editor.suggestSelection#\" erforderlich).",
"suggest.showIcons": "Steuert, ob Symbole in Vorschlägen ein- oder ausgeblendet werden.",
"suggest.showInlineDetails": "Steuert, ob Vorschlagsdetails inline mit der Bezeichnung oder nur im Detailwidget angezeigt werden.",
"suggest.showStatusBar": "Steuert die Sichtbarkeit der Statusleiste unten im Vorschlagswidget.",
"suggest.snippetsPreventQuickSuggestions": "Steuert, ob ein aktiver Ausschnitt verhindert, dass der Bereich \"Schnelle Vorschläge\" angezeigt wird.",
"suggest.snippetsPreventQuickSuggestions": "Steuert, ob ein aktiver Schnipsel verhindert, dass der Bereich \"Schnelle Vorschläge\" angezeigt wird.",
"suggestFontSize": "Schriftgröße für das vorgeschlagene Widget. Bei Festlegung auf 0 wird der Wert von \"#editor.fontSize#\" verwendet.",
"suggestLineHeight": "Zeilenhöhe für das vorgeschlagene Widget. Bei Festlegung auf 0 wird der Wert von \"#editor.lineHeight#\" verwendet. Der Mindestwert ist 8.",
"suggestOnTriggerCharacters": "Steuert, ob Vorschläge automatisch angezeigt werden sollen, wenn Triggerzeichen eingegeben werden.",
@ -400,8 +409,15 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"tabCompletion": "Tab-Vervollständigungen aktivieren.",
"tabCompletion.off": "Tab-Vervollständigungen deaktivieren.",
"tabCompletion.on": "Die Tab-Vervollständigung fügt den passendsten Vorschlag ein, wenn auf Tab gedrückt wird.",
"tabCompletion.onlySnippets": "Codeausschnitte per Tab vervollständigen, wenn die Präfixe übereinstimmen. Funktioniert am besten, wenn \"quickSuggestions\" deaktiviert sind.",
"tabCompletion.onlySnippets": "Codeschnipsel per Tab vervollständigen, wenn die Präfixe übereinstimmen. Funktioniert am besten, wenn \"quickSuggestions\" deaktiviert sind.",
"unfoldOnClickAfterEndOfLine": "Steuert, ob eine Zeile aufgefaltet wird, wenn nach einer gefalteten Zeile auf den leeren Inhalt geklickt wird.",
"unicodeHighlight.allowedCharacters": "Definiert zulässige Zeichen, die nicht hervorgehoben werden.",
"unicodeHighlight.allowedLocales": "Unicodezeichen, die in zulässigen Gebietsschemas üblich sind, werden nicht hervorgehoben.",
"unicodeHighlight.ambiguousCharacters": "Legt fest, ob Zeichen hervorgehoben werden, die mit einfachen ASCII-Zeichen verwechselt werden können, mit Ausnahme derjenigen, die im aktuellen Gebietsschema des Benutzers üblich sind.",
"unicodeHighlight.includeComments": "Legt fest, ob Zeichen in Kommentaren auch mit Unicode-Hervorhebung versehen werden sollen.",
"unicodeHighlight.includeStrings": "Legt fest, ob Zeichen in Zeichenfolgen auch mit Unicode-Hervorhebung versehen werden sollen.",
"unicodeHighlight.invisibleCharacters": "Legt fest, ob Zeichen, die nur als Platzhalter dienen oder überhaupt keine Breite haben, hervorgehoben werden.",
"unicodeHighlight.nonBasicASCII": "Legt fest, ob alle nicht einfachen ASCII-Zeichen hervorgehoben werden. Nur Zeichen zwischen U+0020 und U+007E, Tabulator, Zeilenvorschub und Wagenrücklauf gelten als einfache ASCII-Zeichen.",
"unusualLineTerminators": "Entfernen Sie unübliche Zeilenabschlusszeichen, die Probleme verursachen können.",
"unusualLineTerminators.auto": "Ungewöhnliche Zeilenabschlusszeichen werden automatisch entfernt.",
"unusualLineTerminators.off": "Ungewöhnliche Zeilenabschlusszeichen werden ignoriert.",
@ -423,6 +439,59 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"wrappingStrategy.advanced": "Delegiert die Berechnung von Umbruchpunkten an den Browser. Dies ist ein langsamer Algorithmus, der bei großen Dateien Code Freezes verursachen kann, aber in allen Fällen korrekt funktioniert.",
"wrappingStrategy.simple": "Es wird angenommen, dass alle Zeichen gleich breit sind. Dies ist ein schneller Algorithmus, der für Festbreitenschriftarten und bestimmte Alphabete (wie dem lateinischen), bei denen die Glyphen gleich breit sind, korrekt funktioniert."
"vs/editor/common/core/editorColorRegistry": {
"caret": "Farbe des Cursors im Editor.",
"deprecatedEditorActiveLineNumber": "Die ID ist veraltet. Verwenden Sie stattdessen \"editorLineNumber.activeForeground\".",
"editorActiveIndentGuide": "Farbe der Führungslinien für Einzüge im aktiven Editor.",
"editorActiveLineNumber": "Zeilennummernfarbe der aktiven Editorzeile.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground1": "Vordergrundfarbe der Klammern (1). Erfordert die Aktivierung der Farbgebung des Klammerpaars.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground2": "Vordergrundfarbe der Klammern (2). Erfordert die Aktivierung der Farbgebung des Klammerpaars.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground3": "Vordergrundfarbe der Klammern (3). Erfordert die Aktivierung der Farbgebung des Klammerpaars.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground4": "Vordergrundfarbe der Klammern (4). Erfordert die Aktivierung der Farbgebung des Klammerpaars.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground5": "Vordergrundfarbe der Klammern (5). Erfordert die Aktivierung der Farbgebung des Klammerpaars.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground6": "Vordergrundfarbe der Klammern (6). Erfordert die Aktivierung der Farbgebung des Klammerpaars.",
"editorBracketHighlightUnexpectedBracketForeground": "Vordergrundfarbe der unerwarteten Klammern.",
"editorBracketMatchBackground": "Hintergrundfarbe für zusammengehörige Klammern",
"editorBracketMatchBorder": "Farbe für zusammengehörige Klammern",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground1": "Hintergrundfarbe der aktiven Klammerpaar-Hilfslinien (1). Erfordert das Aktivieren von Klammerpaar-Hilfslinien.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground2": "Hintergrundfarbe der aktiven Klammerpaar-Hilfslinien (2). Erfordert das Aktivieren von Klammerpaar-Hilfslinien.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground3": "Hintergrundfarbe der aktiven Klammerpaar-Hilfslinien (3). Erfordert das Aktivieren von Klammerpaar-Hilfslinien.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground4": "Hintergrundfarbe der aktiven Klammerpaar-Hilfslinien (4). Erfordert das Aktivieren von Klammerpaar-Hilfslinien.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground5": "Hintergrundfarbe der aktiven Klammerpaar-Hilfslinien (5). Erfordert das Aktivieren von Klammerpaar-Hilfslinien.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground6": "Hintergrundfarbe der aktiven Klammerpaar-Hilfslinien (6). Erfordert das Aktivieren von Klammerpaar-Hilfslinien.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background1": "Hintergrundfarbe der inaktiven Klammerpaar-Hilfslinien (1). Erfordert das Aktivieren von Klammerpaar-Hilfslinien.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background2": "Hintergrundfarbe der inaktiven Klammerpaar-Hilfslinien (2). Erfordert das Aktivieren von Klammerpaar-Hilfslinien.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background3": "Hintergrundfarbe der inaktiven Klammerpaar-Hilfslinien (3). Erfordert das Aktivieren von Klammerpaar-Hilfslinien.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background4": "Hintergrundfarbe der inaktiven Klammerpaar-Hilfslinien (4). Erfordert das Aktivieren von Klammerpaar-Hilfslinien.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background5": "Hintergrundfarbe der inaktiven Klammerpaar-Hilfslinien (5). Erfordert das Aktivieren von Klammerpaar-Hilfslinien.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background6": "Hintergrundfarbe der inaktiven Klammerpaar-Hilfslinien (6). Erfordert das Aktivieren von Klammerpaar-Hilfslinien.",
"editorCodeLensForeground": "Vordergrundfarbe der CodeLens-Links im Editor",
"editorCursorBackground": "Hintergrundfarbe vom Editor-Cursor. Erlaubt die Anpassung der Farbe von einem Zeichen, welches von einem Block-Cursor überdeckt wird.",
"editorGhostTextBackground": "Hintergrundfarbe des Ghost-Texts im Editor.",
"editorGhostTextBorder": "Rahmenfarbe des Ghost-Texts im Editor.",
"editorGhostTextForeground": "Vordergrundfarbe des Ghost-Texts im Editor.",
"editorGutter": "Hintergrundfarbe der Editorleiste. Die Leiste enthält die Glyphenränder und die Zeilennummern.",
"editorIndentGuides": "Farbe der Führungslinien für Einzüge im Editor.",
"editorLineNumbers": "Zeilennummernfarbe im Editor.",
"editorOverviewRulerBackground": "Hintergrundfarbe des Übersichtslineals im Editor. Wird nur verwendet, wenn die Minimap aktiviert ist und auf der rechten Seite des Editors platziert wird.",
"editorOverviewRulerBorder": "Farbe des Rahmens für das Übersicht-Lineal.",
"editorRuler": "Farbe des Editor-Lineals.",
"editorUnicodeHighlight.background": "Hintergrundfarbe, die zum Hervorheben von Unicode-Zeichen verwendet wird.",
"editorUnicodeHighlight.border": "Rahmenfarbe, die zum Hervorheben von Unicode-Zeichen verwendet wird.",
"editorWhitespaces": "Farbe der Leerzeichen im Editor.",
"lineHighlight": "Hintergrundfarbe zur Hervorhebung der Zeile an der Cursorposition.",
"lineHighlightBorderBox": "Hintergrundfarbe für den Rahmen um die Zeile an der Cursorposition.",
"overviewRuleError": "Übersichtslineal-Markierungsfarbe für Fehler.",
"overviewRuleInfo": "Übersichtslineal-Markierungsfarbe für Informationen.",
"overviewRuleWarning": "Übersichtslineal-Markierungsfarbe für Warnungen.",
"overviewRulerRangeHighlight": "Übersichtslinealmarkerfarbe für das Hervorheben von Bereichen. Die Farbe darf nicht deckend sein, weil sie sonst die zugrunde liegenden Dekorationen verdeckt.",
"rangeHighlight": "Hintergrundfarbe der markierten Bereiche, wie z.B. Quick Open oder die Suche. Die Farbe darf nicht deckend sein, weil sie sonst die zugrunde liegenden Dekorationen verdeckt.",
"rangeHighlightBorder": "Hintergrundfarbe für den Rahmen um hervorgehobene Bereiche.",
"symbolHighlight": "Hintergrundfarbe des hervorgehobenen Symbols, z. B. \"Gehe zu Definition\" oder \"Gehe zu nächster/vorheriger\". Die Farbe darf nicht undurchsichtig sein, um zugrunde liegende Dekorationen nicht zu verbergen.",
"symbolHighlightBorder": "Hintergrundfarbe des Rahmens um hervorgehobene Symbole",
"unnecessaryCodeBorder": "Rahmenfarbe unnötigen (nicht genutzten) Quellcodes im Editor.",
"unnecessaryCodeOpacity": "Deckkraft des unnötigen (nicht genutzten) Quellcodes im Editor. \"#000000c0\" rendert z.B. den Code mit einer Deckkraft von 75%. Verwenden Sie für Designs mit hohem Kontrast das Farbdesign \"editorUnnecessaryCode.border\", um unnötigen Code zu unterstreichen statt ihn abzublenden."
"vs/editor/common/editorContextKeys": {
"editorColumnSelection": "Gibt an, ob \"editor.columnSelection\" aktiviert ist.",
"editorFocus": "Gibt an, ob der Editor oder ein Editor-Widget den Fokus besitzt (z. B. ob der Fokus sich im Suchwidget befindet).",
@ -455,12 +524,12 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"inDiffEditor": "Gibt an, ob der Kontext ein Diff-Editor ist.",
"textInputFocus": "Gibt an, ob ein Editor oder eine Rich-Text-Eingabe den Fokus besitzt (Cursor blinkt)."
"vs/editor/common/languages/modesRegistry": {
"plainText.alias": "Nur-Text"
"vs/editor/common/model/editStack": {
"edit": "Eingabe"
"vs/editor/common/modes/modesRegistry": {
"plainText.alias": "Nur-Text"
"vs/editor/common/standaloneStrings": {
"accessibilityHelpMessage": "Drücken Sie ALT + F1, um die Barrierefreiheitsoptionen aufzurufen.",
"auto_off": "Der Editor ist so konfiguriert, dass er nie auf die Verwendung mit Sprachausgabe hin optimiert wird. Dies ist zu diesem Zeitpunkt nicht der Fall.",
@ -497,45 +566,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"tabFocusModeOnMsgNoKb": "Durch Drücken der TAB-TASTE im aktuellen Editor wird der Fokus in das nächste Element verschoben, das den Fokus erhalten kann. Der {0}-Befehl kann zurzeit nicht durch eine Tastenzuordnung ausgelöst werden.",
"toggleHighContrast": "Zu Design mit hohem Kontrast umschalten"
"vs/editor/common/view/editorColorRegistry": {
"caret": "Farbe des Cursors im Editor.",
"deprecatedEditorActiveLineNumber": "Die ID ist veraltet. Verwenden Sie stattdessen \"editorLineNumber.activeForeground\".",
"editorActiveIndentGuide": "Farbe der Führungslinien für Einzüge im aktiven Editor.",
"editorActiveLineNumber": "Zeilennummernfarbe der aktiven Editorzeile.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground1": "Vordergrundfarbe der Klammern (1). Erfordert die Aktivierung der Farbgebung des Klammerpaars.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground2": "Vordergrundfarbe der Klammern (2). Erfordert die Aktivierung der Farbgebung des Klammerpaars.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground3": "Vordergrundfarbe der Klammern (3). Erfordert die Aktivierung der Farbgebung des Klammerpaars.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground4": "Vordergrundfarbe der Klammern (4). Erfordert die Aktivierung der Farbgebung des Klammerpaars.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground5": "Vordergrundfarbe der Klammern (5). Erfordert die Aktivierung der Farbgebung des Klammerpaars.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground6": "Vordergrundfarbe der Klammern (6). Erfordert die Aktivierung der Farbgebung des Klammerpaars.",
"editorBracketHighlightUnexpectedBracketForeground": "Vordergrundfarbe der unerwarteten Klammern.",
"editorBracketMatchBackground": "Hintergrundfarbe für zusammengehörige Klammern",
"editorBracketMatchBorder": "Farbe für zusammengehörige Klammern",
"editorCodeLensForeground": "Vordergrundfarbe der CodeLens-Links im Editor",
"editorCursorBackground": "Hintergrundfarbe vom Editor-Cursor. Erlaubt die Anpassung der Farbe von einem Zeichen, welches von einem Block-Cursor überdeckt wird.",
"editorGhostTextBorder": "Rahmenfarbe des Ghost-Texts im Editor.",
"editorGhostTextForeground": "Vordergrundfarbe des Ghost-Texts im Editor.",
"editorGutter": "Hintergrundfarbe der Editorleiste. Die Leiste enthält die Glyphenränder und die Zeilennummern.",
"editorIndentGuides": "Farbe der Führungslinien für Einzüge im Editor.",
"editorLineNumbers": "Zeilennummernfarbe im Editor.",
"editorOverviewRulerBackground": "Hintergrundfarbe des Übersichtslineals im Editor. Wird nur verwendet, wenn die Minimap aktiviert ist und auf der rechten Seite des Editors platziert wird.",
"editorOverviewRulerBorder": "Farbe des Rahmens für das Übersicht-Lineal.",
"editorRuler": "Farbe des Editor-Lineals.",
"editorWhitespaces": "Farbe der Leerzeichen im Editor.",
"lineHighlight": "Hintergrundfarbe zur Hervorhebung der Zeile an der Cursorposition.",
"lineHighlightBorderBox": "Hintergrundfarbe für den Rahmen um die Zeile an der Cursorposition.",
"overviewRuleError": "Übersichtslineal-Markierungsfarbe für Fehler.",
"overviewRuleInfo": "Übersichtslineal-Markierungsfarbe für Informationen.",
"overviewRuleWarning": "Übersichtslineal-Markierungsfarbe für Warnungen.",
"overviewRulerRangeHighlight": "Übersichtslinealmarkerfarbe für das Hervorheben von Bereichen. Die Farbe darf nicht deckend sein, weil sie sonst die zugrunde liegenden Dekorationen verdeckt.",
"rangeHighlight": "Hintergrundfarbe der markierten Bereiche, wie z.B. Quick Open oder die Suche. Die Farbe darf nicht deckend sein, weil sie sonst die zugrunde liegenden Dekorationen verdeckt.",
"rangeHighlightBorder": "Hintergrundfarbe für den Rahmen um hervorgehobene Bereiche.",
"symbolHighlight": "Hintergrundfarbe des hervorgehobenen Symbols, z. B. \"Gehe zu Definition\" oder \"Gehe zu nächster/vorheriger\". Die Farbe darf nicht undurchsichtig sein, um zugrunde liegende Dekorationen nicht zu verbergen.",
"symbolHighlightBorder": "Hintergrundfarbe des Rahmens um hervorgehobene Symbole",
"unnecessaryCodeBorder": "Rahmenfarbe unnötigen (nicht genutzten) Quellcodes im Editor.",
"unnecessaryCodeOpacity": "Deckkraft des unnötigen (nicht genutzten) Quellcodes im Editor. \"#000000c0\" rendert z.B. den Code mit einer Deckkraft von 75%. Verwenden Sie für Designs mit hohem Kontrast das Farbdesign \"editorUnnecessaryCode.border\", um unnötigen Code zu unterstreichen statt ihn abzublenden."
"vs/editor/contrib/anchorSelect/anchorSelect": {
"vs/editor/contrib/anchorSelect/browser/anchorSelect": {
"anchorSet": "Anker festgelegt bei \"{0}:{1}\"",
"cancelSelectionAnchor": "Auswahlanker abbrechen",
"goToSelectionAnchor": "Zu Auswahlanker wechseln",
@ -543,20 +574,20 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"selectionAnchor": "Auswahlanker",
"setSelectionAnchor": "Auswahlanker festlegen"
"vs/editor/contrib/bracketMatching/bracketMatching": {
"vs/editor/contrib/bracketMatching/browser/bracketMatching": {
"miGoToBracket": "Gehe zu &&Klammer",
"overviewRulerBracketMatchForeground": "Übersichtslineal-Markierungsfarbe für zusammengehörige Klammern.",
"smartSelect.jumpBracket": "Gehe zu Klammer",
"smartSelect.selectToBracket": "Auswählen bis Klammer"
"vs/editor/contrib/caretOperations/caretOperations": {
"vs/editor/contrib/caretOperations/browser/caretOperations": {
"caret.moveLeft": "Ausgewählten Text nach links verschieben",
"caret.moveRight": "Ausgewählten Text nach rechts verschieben"
"vs/editor/contrib/caretOperations/transpose": {
"vs/editor/contrib/caretOperations/browser/transpose": {
"transposeLetters.label": "Buchstaben austauschen"
"vs/editor/contrib/clipboard/clipboard": {
"vs/editor/contrib/clipboard/browser/clipboard": {
"actions.clipboard.copyLabel": "Kopieren",
"actions.clipboard.copyWithSyntaxHighlightingLabel": "Mit Syntaxhervorhebung kopieren",
"actions.clipboard.cutLabel": "Ausschneiden",
@ -566,7 +597,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"miCut": "&&Ausschneiden",
"miPaste": "&&Einfügen"
"vs/editor/contrib/codeAction/codeActionCommands": {
"vs/editor/contrib/codeAction/browser/codeActionCommands": {
"applyCodeActionFailed": "Beim Anwenden der Code-Aktion ist ein unbekannter Fehler aufgetreten",
"args.schema.apply": "Legt fest, wann die zurückgegebenen Aktionen angewendet werden",
"args.schema.apply.first": "Die erste zurückgegebene Codeaktion immer anwenden",
@ -597,15 +628,18 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"refactor.label": "Refactoring durchführen...",
"source.label": "Quellaktion..."
"vs/editor/contrib/codeAction/lightBulbWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/codeAction/browser/lightBulbWidget": {
"codeAction": "Codeaktionen anzeigen",
"codeActionWithKb": "Codeaktionen anzeigen ({0})",
"preferredcodeActionWithKb": "Zeigt Codeaktionen an. Bevorzugte Schnellkorrektur verfügbar ({0})"
"vs/editor/contrib/codelens/codelensController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/codelens/browser/codelensController": {
"showLensOnLine": "CodeLens-Befehle für aktuelle Zeile anzeigen"
"vs/editor/contrib/comment/comment": {
"vs/editor/contrib/colorPicker/browser/colorPickerWidget": {
"clickToToggleColorOptions": "Zum Umschalten zwischen Farboptionen (rgb/hsl/hex) klicken"
"vs/editor/contrib/comment/browser/comment": {
"comment.block": "Blockkommentar umschalten",
"comment.line": "Zeilenkommentar umschalten",
"comment.line.add": "Zeilenkommentar hinzufügen",
@ -613,14 +647,21 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"miToggleBlockComment": "&&Blockkommentar umschalten",
"miToggleLineComment": "Zeilenkommen&&tar umschalten"
"vs/editor/contrib/contextmenu/contextmenu": {
"vs/editor/contrib/contextmenu/browser/contextmenu": {
"action.showContextMenu.label": "Editor-Kontextmenü anzeigen"
"vs/editor/contrib/cursorUndo/cursorUndo": {
"vs/editor/contrib/cursorUndo/browser/cursorUndo": {
"cursor.redo": "Wiederholen mit Cursor",
"cursor.undo": "Mit Cursor rückgängig machen"
"vs/editor/contrib/find/findController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/editorState/browser/keybindingCancellation": {
"cancellableOperation": "Gibt an, ob der Editor einen abbrechbaren Vorgang ausführt, z. B. \"Verweisvorschau\"."
"vs/editor/contrib/find/browser/findController": {
"actions.find.isRegexOverride": "Überschreibt das Flag „Use Regular Expression“.\r\nDas Flag wird für die Zukunft nicht gespeichert.\r\n0: Nichts unternehmen\r\n1: TRUE\r\n2: FALSE",
"actions.find.matchCaseOverride": "Überschreibt das Flag „Math Case“.\r\nDas Flag wird für die Zukunft nicht gespeichert.\r\n0: Nichts unternehmen\r\n1: TRUE\r\n2: FALSE",
"actions.find.preserveCaseOverride": "Überschreibt das Flag „Preserve Case“.\r\nDas Flag wird für die Zukunft nicht gespeichert.\r\n0: Nichts unternehmen\r\n1: TRUE\r\n2: FALSE",
"actions.find.wholeWordOverride": "Überschreibt das Flag „Match Whole Word“.\r\nDas Flag wird für die Zukunft nicht gespeichert.\r\n0: Nichts unternehmen\r\n1: TRUE\r\n2: FALSE",
"findNextMatchAction": "Weitersuchen",
"findPreviousMatchAction": "Vorheriges Element suchen",
"miFind": "&&Suchen",
@ -628,10 +669,11 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"nextSelectionMatchFindAction": "Nächste Auswahl suchen",
"previousSelectionMatchFindAction": "Vorherige Auswahl suchen",
"startFindAction": "Suchen",
"startFindWithArgsAction": "Mit Argumenten suchen",
"startFindWithSelectionAction": "Mit Auswahl suchen",
"startReplace": "Ersetzen"
"vs/editor/contrib/find/findWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/find/browser/findWidget": {
"ariaSearchNoResult": "{0} für \"{1}\" gefunden",
"ariaSearchNoResultEmpty": "{0} gefunden",
"ariaSearchNoResultWithLineNum": "{0} für \"{1}\" gefunden, bei {2}",
@ -659,7 +701,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"placeholder.replace": "Ersetzen",
"title.matchesCountLimit": "Nur die ersten {0} Ergebnisse wurden hervorgehoben, aber alle Suchoperationen werden auf dem gesamten Text durchgeführt."
"vs/editor/contrib/folding/folding": {
"vs/editor/contrib/folding/browser/folding": {
"editorGutter.foldingControlForeground": "Farbe des Faltsteuerelements im Editor-Bundsteg.",
"foldAction.label": "Falten",
"foldAllAction.label": "Alle falten",
@ -669,9 +711,10 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"foldBackgroundBackground": "Hintergrundfarbe hinter gefalteten Bereichen. Die Farbe darf nicht deckend sein, sodass zugrunde liegende Dekorationen nicht ausgeblendet werden.",
"foldLevelAction.label": "Faltebene {0}",
"foldRecursivelyAction.label": "Rekursiv falten",
"gotoNextFold.label": "Zur nächsten Reduzierung wechseln",
"gotoNextFold.label": "Zum nächsten Faltbereich wechseln",
"gotoParentFold.label": "Zur übergeordneten Reduzierung wechseln",
"gotoPreviousFold.label": "Zur vorherigen Reduzierung wechseln",
"gotoPreviousFold.label": "Zum vorherigen Faltbereich wechseln",
"maximum fold ranges": "Die Anzahl der faltbaren Regionen ist auf maximal {0} beschränkt. Erhöhen Sie die Konfigurationsoption [“Maximale faltbare Regionen“](command:workbench.action.openSettings?[“editor.foldingMaximumRegions“]) um weitere zu ermöglichen.",
"toggleFoldAction.label": "Einklappung umschalten",
"unFoldRecursivelyAction.label": "Faltung rekursiv aufheben",
"unfoldAction.label": "Auffalten",
@ -679,26 +722,26 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"unfoldAllExcept.label": "Alle Regionen mit Ausnahme der ausgewählten auffalten",
"unfoldAllMarkerRegions.label": "Alle Regionen auffalten"
"vs/editor/contrib/folding/foldingDecorations": {
"vs/editor/contrib/folding/browser/foldingDecorations": {
"foldingCollapsedIcon": "Symbol für zugeklappte Bereiche im Editor-Glyphenrand.",
"foldingExpandedIcon": "Symbol für aufgeklappte Bereiche im Editor-Glyphenrand."
"vs/editor/contrib/fontZoom/fontZoom": {
"vs/editor/contrib/fontZoom/browser/fontZoom": {
"EditorFontZoomIn.label": "Editorschriftart vergrößern",
"EditorFontZoomOut.label": "Editorschriftart verkleinern",
"EditorFontZoomReset.label": "Editor Schriftart Vergrößerung zurücksetzen"
"vs/editor/contrib/format/format": {
"vs/editor/contrib/format/browser/format": {
"hint11": "1 Formatierung in Zeile {0} vorgenommen",
"hint1n": "1 Formatierung zwischen Zeilen {0} und {1} vorgenommen",
"hintn1": "{0} Formatierungen in Zeile {1} vorgenommen",
"hintnn": "{0} Formatierungen zwischen Zeilen {1} und {2} vorgenommen"
"vs/editor/contrib/format/formatActions": {
"vs/editor/contrib/format/browser/formatActions": {
"formatDocument.label": "Dokument formatieren",
"formatSelection.label": "Auswahl formatieren"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoError/gotoError": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoError/browser/gotoError": {
"markerAction.next.label": "Gehe zu nächstem Problem (Fehler, Warnung, Information)",
"markerAction.nextInFiles.label": "Gehe zu dem nächsten Problem in den Dateien (Fehler, Warnung, Info)",
"markerAction.previous.label": "Gehe zu vorigem Problem (Fehler, Warnung, Information)",
@ -708,7 +751,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"nextMarkerIcon": "Symbol für den Marker zum Wechseln zum nächsten Element.",
"previousMarkerIcon": "Symbol für den Marker zum Wechseln zum vorherigen Element."
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoError/gotoErrorWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoError/browser/gotoErrorWidget": {
"Error": "Fehler",
"Hint": "Hinweis",
"Info": "Info",
@ -724,7 +767,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"marker aria": "{0} bei {1}. ",
"problems": "{0} von {1} Problemen"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/goToCommands": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/goToCommands": {
"actions.goToDecl.label": "Gehe zu Definition",
"actions.goToDeclToSide.label": "Definition an der Seite öffnen",
"actions.goToDeclaration.label": "Zur Deklaration wechseln",
@ -747,7 +790,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"goToTypeDefinition.generic.noResults": "Keine Typendefinition gefunden",
"goToTypeDefinition.noResultWord": "Keine Typendefinition gefunden für \"{0}\"",
"impl.title": "Implementierungen",
"label.generic": "Gehe zu beliebigem Symbol",
"label.generic": "Zum beliebigem Symbol wechseln",
"miGotoDeclaration": "Gehe zu &&Deklaration",
"miGotoDefinition": "Gehe &&zu Definition",
"miGotoImplementation": "Gehe zu &&Implementierungen",
@ -761,25 +804,25 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"references.noGeneric": "Keine Referenzen gefunden",
"typedef.title": "Typdefinitionen"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/link/goToDefinitionAtPosition": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/link/goToDefinitionAtPosition": {
"multipleResults": "Klicken Sie, um {0} Definitionen anzuzeigen."
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/peek/referencesController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/peek/referencesController": {
"labelLoading": "Wird geladen...",
"metaTitle.N": "{0} ({1})",
"referenceSearchVisible": "Gibt an, ob die Verweisvorschau sichtbar ist, z. B. \"Verweisvorschau\" oder \"Definition einsehen\"."
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/peek/referencesTree": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/peek/referencesTree": {
"referenceCount": "{0} Verweis",
"referencesCount": "{0} Verweise",
"treeAriaLabel": "Verweise"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/peek/referencesWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/peek/referencesWidget": {
"missingPreviewMessage": "Keine Vorschau verfügbar.",
"noResults": "Keine Ergebnisse",
"peekView.alternateTitle": "Verweise"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/referencesModel": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/referencesModel": {
"aria.fileReferences.1": "1 Symbol in {0}, vollständiger Pfad {1}",
"aria.fileReferences.N": "{0} Symbole in {1}, vollständiger Pfad {2}",
"aria.oneReference": "Symbol in {0} in Zeile {1}, Spalte {2}",
@ -789,26 +832,26 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"aria.result.n1": "{0} Symbole in {1} gefunden",
"aria.result.nm": "{0} Symbole in {1} Dateien gefunden"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/symbolNavigation": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/symbolNavigation": {
"hasSymbols": "Gibt an, ob Symbolpositionen vorliegen, bei denen die Navigation nur über die Tastatur möglich ist.",
"location": "Symbol {0} von {1}",
"location.kb": "Symbol {0} von {1}, {2} für nächstes"
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/hover": {
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/browser/hover": {
"showDefinitionPreviewHover": "Definitionsvorschauhover anzeigen",
"showHover": "Hovern anzeigen"
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/markdownHoverParticipant": {
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/browser/markdownHoverParticipant": {
"modesContentHover.loading": "Wird geladen...",
"too many characters": "Die Tokenisierung wird bei langen Zeilen aus Leistungsgründen übersprungen. Dies kann über „editor.maxTokenizationLineLength“ konfiguriert werden."
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/markerHoverParticipant": {
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/browser/markerHoverParticipant": {
"checkingForQuickFixes": "Es wird nach Schnellkorrekturen gesucht...",
"noQuickFixes": "Keine Schnellkorrekturen verfügbar",
"quick fixes": "Schnelle Problembehebung ...",
"view problem": "Problem anzeigen"
"vs/editor/contrib/indentation/indentation": {
"vs/editor/contrib/indentation/browser/indentation": {
"configuredTabSize": "Konfigurierte Tabulatorgröße",
"detectIndentation": "Einzug aus Inhalt erkennen",
"editor.reindentlines": "Neuen Einzug für Zeilen festlegen",
@ -819,24 +862,32 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"indentationToTabs": "Einzug in Tabstopps konvertieren",
"selectTabWidth": "Tabulatorgröße für aktuelle Datei auswählen"
"vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/ghostTextController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/inlayHints/browser/inlayHintsHover": {
"hint.cmd": "Befehl ausführen",
"hint.dbl": "Zum Einfügen doppelklicken",
"hint.def": "Gehe zu Definition ({0})",
"hint.defAndCommand": "Wechseln Sie zu Definition ({0}), klicken Sie mit der rechten Maustaste, um weitere Informationen zu finden.",
"links.navigate.kb.alt": "ALT + Klicken",
"links.navigate.kb.alt.mac": "OPTION + Klicken",
"links.navigate.kb.meta": "STRG + Klicken",
"links.navigate.kb.meta.mac": "BEFEHL + Klicken"
"vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/browser/ghostTextController": {
"action.inlineSuggest.showNext": "Nächsten Inline-Vorschlag anzeigen",
"action.inlineSuggest.showPrevious": "Vorherigen Inline-Vorschlag anzeigen",
"action.inlineSuggest.trigger": "Inline-Vorschlag auslösen",
"inlineSuggestionHasIndentation": "Gibt an, ob der Inline-Vorschlag mit Leerzeichen beginnt.",
"inlineSuggestionHasIndentationLessThanTabSize": "Ob der Inline-Vorschlag mit Leerzeichen beginnt, das kleiner ist als das, was durch die Tabulatortaste eingefügt werden würde",
"inlineSuggestionVisible": "Gibt an, ob ein Inline-Vorschlag sichtbar ist."
"vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/inlineCompletionsHoverParticipant": {
"acceptInlineSuggestion": "Annehmen",
"inlineSuggestionFollows": "Vorschlag:",
"showNextInlineSuggestion": "Weiter",
"showPreviousInlineSuggestion": "Zurück"
"vs/editor/contrib/inPlaceReplace/inPlaceReplace": {
"vs/editor/contrib/inPlaceReplace/browser/inPlaceReplace": {
"InPlaceReplaceAction.next.label": "Durch nächsten Wert ersetzen",
"InPlaceReplaceAction.previous.label": "Durch vorherigen Wert ersetzen"
"vs/editor/contrib/linesOperations/linesOperations": {
"vs/editor/contrib/lineSelection/browser/lineSelection": {
"expandLineSelection": "Zeilenauswahl erweitern"
"vs/editor/contrib/linesOperations/browser/linesOperations": {
"duplicateSelection": "Auswahl duplizieren",
"editor.transformToLowercase": "In Kleinbuchstaben umwandeln",
"editor.transformToSnakecase": "In Snake Case umwandeln",
@ -848,6 +899,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"lines.delete": "Zeile löschen",
"lines.deleteAllLeft": "Alle übrigen löschen",
"lines.deleteAllRight": "Alle rechts löschen",
"lines.deleteDuplicates": "Doppelte Zeilen löschen",
"lines.indent": "Zeileneinzug",
"lines.insertAfter": "Zeile unten einfügen",
"lines.insertBefore": "Zeile oben einfügen",
@ -864,11 +916,11 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"miMoveLinesDown": "Zeile nach &&unten verschieben",
"miMoveLinesUp": "Zeile nach oben &&verschieben"
"vs/editor/contrib/linkedEditing/linkedEditing": {
"vs/editor/contrib/linkedEditing/browser/linkedEditing": {
"editorLinkedEditingBackground": "Hintergrundfarbe, wenn der Editor automatisch nach Typ umbenennt.",
"linkedEditing.label": "Verknüpfte Bearbeitung starten"
"vs/editor/contrib/links/links": {
"vs/editor/contrib/links/browser/links": {
"invalid.url": "Fehler beim Öffnen dieses Links, weil er nicht wohlgeformt ist: {0}",
"label": "Link öffnen",
"links.navigate.executeCmd": "Befehl ausführen",
@ -880,11 +932,11 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"missing.url": "Fehler beim Öffnen dieses Links, weil das Ziel fehlt.",
"tooltip.explanation": "Führen Sie den Befehl \"{0}\" aus."
"vs/editor/contrib/message/messageController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/message/browser/messageController": {
"editor.readonly": "Ein Bearbeiten ist im schreibgeschützten Editor nicht möglich",
"messageVisible": "Gibt an, ob der Editor zurzeit eine Inlinenachricht anzeigt."
"vs/editor/contrib/multicursor/multicursor": {
"vs/editor/contrib/multicursor/browser/multicursor": {
"addSelectionToNextFindMatch": "Auswahl zur nächsten Übereinstimmungssuche hinzufügen",
"addSelectionToPreviousFindMatch": "Letzte Auswahl zu vorheriger Übereinstimmungssuche hinzufügen",
"changeAll.label": "Alle Vorkommen ändern",
@ -905,15 +957,16 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"mutlicursor.insertBelow": "Cursor unterhalb hinzufügen",
"selectAllOccurrencesOfFindMatch": "Alle Vorkommen auswählen und Übereinstimmung suchen"
"vs/editor/contrib/parameterHints/parameterHints": {
"vs/editor/contrib/parameterHints/browser/parameterHints": {
"parameterHints.trigger.label": "Parameterhinweise auslösen"
"vs/editor/contrib/parameterHints/parameterHintsWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/parameterHints/browser/parameterHintsWidget": {
"editorHoverWidgetHighlightForeground": "Vordergrundfarbe des aktiven Elements im Parameterhinweis.",
"hint": "{0}, Hinweis",
"parameterHintsNextIcon": "Symbol für die Anzeige des nächsten Parameterhinweises.",
"parameterHintsPreviousIcon": "Symbol für die Anzeige des vorherigen Parameterhinweises."
"vs/editor/contrib/peekView/peekView": {
"vs/editor/contrib/peekView/browser/peekView": {
"inReferenceSearchEditor": "Gibt an, ob der aktuelle Code-Editor in der Vorschau eingebettet ist.",
"label.close": "Schließen",
"peekViewBorder": "Farbe der Peek-Ansichtsränder und des Pfeils.",
@ -931,14 +984,14 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"peekViewTitleForeground": "Farbe des Titels in der Peek-Ansicht.",
"peekViewTitleInfoForeground": "Farbe der Titelinformationen in der Peek-Ansicht."
"vs/editor/contrib/quickAccess/gotoLineQuickAccess": {
"vs/editor/contrib/quickAccess/browser/gotoLineQuickAccess": {
"cannotRunGotoLine": "Öffnen Sie zuerst einen Text-Editor, um zu einer Zeile zu wechseln.",
"gotoLineColumnLabel": "Wechseln Sie zu Zeile {0} und Zeichen {1}.",
"gotoLineLabel": "Zu Zeile {0} wechseln.",
"gotoLineLabelEmpty": "Aktuelle Zeile: {0}, Zeichen: {1}. Geben Sie eine Zeilennummer ein, zu der Sie navigieren möchten.",
"gotoLineLabelEmptyWithLimit": "Aktuelle Zeile: {0}, Zeichen: {1}. Geben Sie eine Zeilennummer zwischen 1 und {2} ein, zu der Sie navigieren möchten."
"vs/editor/contrib/quickAccess/gotoSymbolQuickAccess": {
"vs/editor/contrib/quickAccess/browser/gotoSymbolQuickAccess": {
"_constructor": "Konstruktoren ({0})",
"array": "Arrays ({0})",
"boolean": "Boolesche Werte ({0})",
@ -972,7 +1025,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"typeParameter": "Typparameter ({0})",
"variable": "Variablen ({0})"
"vs/editor/contrib/rename/rename": {
"vs/editor/contrib/rename/browser/rename": {
"aria": "\"{0}\" erfolgreich in \"{1}\" umbenannt. Zusammenfassung: {2}",
"enablePreview": "Möglichkeit aktivieren/deaktivieren, Änderungen vor dem Umbenennen als Vorschau anzeigen zu lassen",
"label": "\"{0}\" wird umbenannt.",
@ -983,23 +1036,23 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"rename.label": "Symbol umbenennen",
"resolveRenameLocationFailed": "Ein unbekannter Fehler ist beim Auflösen der Umbenennung eines Ortes aufgetreten."
"vs/editor/contrib/rename/renameInputField": {
"vs/editor/contrib/rename/browser/renameInputField": {
"label": "{0} zur Umbenennung, {1} zur Vorschau",
"renameAriaLabel": "Benennen Sie die Eingabe um. Geben Sie einen neuen Namen ein, und drücken Sie die EINGABETASTE, um den Commit auszuführen.",
"renameInputVisible": "Gibt an, ob das Widget zum Umbenennen der Eingabe sichtbar ist."
"vs/editor/contrib/smartSelect/smartSelect": {
"vs/editor/contrib/smartSelect/browser/smartSelect": {
"miSmartSelectGrow": "Auswahl &&erweitern",
"miSmartSelectShrink": "Au&&swahl verkleinern",
"smartSelect.expand": "Auswahl aufklappen",
"smartSelect.shrink": "Markierung verkleinern"
"vs/editor/contrib/snippet/snippetController2": {
"hasNextTabstop": "Gibt an, ob ein nächster Tabstopp im Ausschnittmodus vorhanden ist.",
"hasPrevTabstop": "Gibt an, ob ein vorheriger Tabstopp im Ausschnittmodus vorhanden ist.",
"inSnippetMode": "Gibt an, ob der Editor sich zurzeit im Ausschnittmodus befindet."
"vs/editor/contrib/snippet/browser/snippetController2": {
"hasNextTabstop": "Gibt an, ob ein nächster Tabstopp im Schnipselmodus vorhanden ist.",
"hasPrevTabstop": "Gibt an, ob ein vorheriger Tabstopp im Schnipselmodus vorhanden ist.",
"inSnippetMode": "Gibt an, ob der Editor sich zurzeit im Schnipselmodus befindet."
"vs/editor/contrib/snippet/snippetVariables": {
"vs/editor/contrib/snippet/browser/snippetVariables": {
"April": "April",
"AprilShort": "Apr",
"August": "August",
@ -1039,17 +1092,16 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"Wednesday": "Mittwoch",
"WednesdayShort": "Mi"
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggest": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggest": {
"acceptSuggestionOnEnter": "Gibt an, ob Vorschläge durch Drücken der EINGABETASTE eingefügt werden.",
"suggestWidgetDetailsVisible": "Gibt an, ob Vorschlagsdetails sichtbar sind.",
"suggestWidgetMultipleSuggestions": "Gibt an, ob mehrere Vorschläge zur Auswahl stehen.",
"suggestWidgetVisible": "Gibt an, ob Vorschläge sichtbar sind.",
"suggestionCanResolve": "Gibt an, ob der aktuelle Vorschlag die Auflösung weiterer Details unterstützt.",
"suggestionHasInsertAndReplaceRange": "Gibt an, ob der aktuelle Vorschlag Verhalten zum Einfügen und Ersetzen aufweist.",
"suggestionInsertMode": "Gibt an, ob Einfügen oder Ersetzen als Standardverhalten verwendet wird.",
"suggestionMakesTextEdit": "Gibt an, ob das Einfügen des aktuellen Vorschlags zu einer Änderung führt oder ob bereits alles eingegeben wurde."
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestController": {
"accept.insert": "Einfügen",
"accept.replace": "Ersetzen",
"aria.alert.snippet": "Das Akzeptieren von \"{0}\" ergab {1} zusätzliche Bearbeitungen.",
@ -1058,7 +1110,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"suggest.reset.label": "Größe des Vorschlagswidgets zurücksetzen",
"suggest.trigger.label": "Vorschlag auslösen"
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestWidget": {
"ariaCurrenttSuggestionReadDetails": "{0}, Dokumente: {1}",
"editorSuggestWidgetBackground": "Hintergrundfarbe des Vorschlagswidgets.",
"editorSuggestWidgetBorder": "Rahmenfarbe des Vorschlagswidgets.",
@ -1068,22 +1120,26 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"editorSuggestWidgetSelectedBackground": "Hintergrundfarbe des ausgewählten Eintrags im Vorschlagswidget.",
"editorSuggestWidgetSelectedForeground": "Die Vordergrundfarbe des ausgewählten Eintrags im Vorschlagswidget.",
"editorSuggestWidgetSelectedIconForeground": "Die Vordergrundfarbe des Symbols des ausgewählten Eintrags im Vorschlagswidget.",
"editorSuggestWidgetStatusForeground": "Vordergrundfarbe des Status des Vorschlagswidgets.",
"label.desc": "{0}, {1}",
"label.detail": "{0}{1}",
"label.full": "{0}{1}, {2}",
"suggest": "Vorschlagen",
"suggestWidget.loading": "Wird geladen...",
"suggestWidget.noSuggestions": "Keine Vorschläge."
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestWidgetDetails": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestWidgetDetails": {
"details.close": "Schließen",
"loading": "Wird geladen..."
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestWidgetRenderer": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestWidgetRenderer": {
"readMore": "Weitere Informationen",
"suggestMoreInfoIcon": "Symbol für weitere Informationen im Vorschlags-Widget."
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestWidgetStatus": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestWidgetStatus": {
"ddd": "{0} ({1})"
"vs/editor/contrib/symbolIcons/symbolIcons": {
"vs/editor/contrib/symbolIcons/browser/symbolIcons": {
"symbolIcon.arrayForeground": "Die Vordergrundfarbe für Arraysymbole. Diese Symbole werden in den Widgets für Gliederung, Breadcrumbs und Vorschläge angezeigt.",
"symbolIcon.booleanForeground": "Die Vordergrundfarbe für boolesche Symbole. Diese Symbole werden in den Widgets für Gliederung, Breadcrumbs und Vorschläge angezeigt.",
"symbolIcon.classForeground": "Die Vordergrundfarbe für Klassensymbole. Diese Symbole werden in den Widgets für Gliederung, Breadcrumbs und Vorschläge angezeigt.",
@ -1110,7 +1166,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"symbolIcon.packageForeground": "Die Vordergrundfarbe für Paketsymbole. Diese Symbole werden in den Widgets für Gliederung, Breadcrumbs und Vorschläge angezeigt.",
"symbolIcon.propertyForeground": "Die Vordergrundfarbe für Eigenschaftensymbole. Diese Symbole werden in den Widgets für Gliederung, Breadcrumbs und Vorschläge angezeigt.",
"symbolIcon.referenceForeground": "Die Vordergrundfarbe für Referenzsymbole. Diese Symbole werden in den Widgets für Gliederung, Breadcrumbs und Vorschläge angezeigt.",
"symbolIcon.snippetForeground": "Die Vordergrundfarbe für Codeausschnittsymbole. Diese Symbole werden in den Widgets für Gliederung, Breadcrumbs und Vorschläge angezeigt.",
"symbolIcon.snippetForeground": "Die Vordergrundfarbe für Codeschnipselsymbole. Diese Symbole werden in den Widgets für Gliederung, Breadcrumbs und Vorschläge angezeigt.",
"symbolIcon.stringForeground": "Die Vordergrundfarbe für Zeichenfolgensymbole. Diese Symbole werden in den Widgets für Gliederung, Breadcrumbs und Vorschläge angezeigt.",
"symbolIcon.structForeground": "Die Vordergrundfarbe für Struktursymbole. Diese Symbole werden in den Widgets für Gliederung, Breadcrumbs und Vorschläge angezeigt.",
"symbolIcon.textForeground": "Die Vordergrundfarbe für Textsymbole. Diese Symbole werden in den Widgets für Gliederung, Breadcrumbs und Vorschläge angezeigt.",
@ -1118,22 +1174,47 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"symbolIcon.unitForeground": "Die Vordergrundfarbe für Einheitensymbole. Diese Symbole werden in den Widgets für Gliederung, Breadcrumbs und Vorschläge angezeigt.",
"symbolIcon.variableForeground": "Die Vordergrundfarbe für variable Symbole. Diese Symbole werden in den Widgets für Gliederung, Breadcrumbs und Vorschläge angezeigt."
"vs/editor/contrib/toggleTabFocusMode/toggleTabFocusMode": {
"vs/editor/contrib/toggleTabFocusMode/browser/toggleTabFocusMode": {
"toggle.tabMovesFocus": "TAB-Umschalttaste verschiebt Fokus",
"toggle.tabMovesFocus.off": "Beim Drücken von Tab wird jetzt das Tabulator-Zeichen eingefügt",
"toggle.tabMovesFocus.on": "Beim Drücken auf Tab wird der Fokus jetzt auf das nächste fokussierbare Element verschoben"
"vs/editor/contrib/tokenization/tokenization": {
"vs/editor/contrib/tokenization/browser/tokenization": {
"forceRetokenize": "Entwickler: Force Retokenize"
"vs/editor/contrib/unusualLineTerminators/unusualLineTerminators": {
"vs/editor/contrib/unicodeHighlighter/browser/unicodeHighlighter": {
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingInComments": "Deaktivieren der Hervorhebung von Zeichen in Kommentaren",
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingInStrings": "Deaktivieren der Hervorhebung von Zeichen in Zeichenfolgen",
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfAmbiguousCharacters": "Deaktivieren der Hervorhebung von mehrdeutigen Zeichen",
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfInvisibleCharacters": "Deaktivieren der Hervorhebung unsichtbarer Zeichen",
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfNonBasicAsciiCharacters": "Deaktivieren der Hervorhebung von nicht einfachen ASCII-Zeichen",
"action.unicodeHighlight.showExcludeOptions": "Ausschlussoptionen anzeigen",
"unicodeHighlight.adjustSettings": "Einstellungen anpassen",
"unicodeHighlight.allowCommonCharactersInLanguage": "Unicodezeichen zulassen, die in der Sprache „{0}“ häufiger vorkommen.",
"unicodeHighlight.characterIsAmbiguous": "Das Zeichen {0} kann mit dem Zeichen {1} verwechselt werden, was im Quellcode häufiger vorkommt.",
"unicodeHighlight.characterIsInvisible": "Das Zeichen {0} ist nicht sichtbar.",
"unicodeHighlight.characterIsNonBasicAscii": "Das Zeichen {0} ist kein einfaches ASCII-Zeichen.",
"unicodeHighlight.configureUnicodeHighlightOptions": "Konfigurieren der Optionen für die Unicode-Hervorhebung",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingInComments.shortLabel": "Hervorhebung in Kommentaren deaktivieren",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingInStrings.shortLabel": "Hervorhebung in Zeichenfolgen deaktivieren",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfAmbiguousCharacters.shortLabel": "Mehrdeutige Hervorhebung deaktivieren",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfInvisibleCharacters.shortLabel": "Unsichtbare Hervorhebung deaktivieren",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfNonBasicAsciiCharacters.shortLabel": "Nicht-ASCII-Hervorhebung deaktivieren",
"unicodeHighlight.excludeCharFromBeingHighlighted": "{0} nicht hervorheben",
"unicodeHighlight.excludeInvisibleCharFromBeingHighlighted": "{0} (unsichtbares Zeichen) von der Hervorhebung ausschließen",
"unicodeHighlighting.thisDocumentHasManyAmbiguousUnicodeCharacters": "Dieses Dokument enthält viele mehrdeutige Unicode-Zeichen.",
"unicodeHighlighting.thisDocumentHasManyInvisibleUnicodeCharacters": "Dieses Dokument enthält viele unsichtbare Unicode-Zeichen.",
"unicodeHighlighting.thisDocumentHasManyNonBasicAsciiUnicodeCharacters": "Dieses Dokument enthält viele nicht einfache ASCII-Unicode-Zeichen.",
"warningIcon": "Symbol, das mit einer Warnmeldung im Erweiterungs-Editor angezeigt wird."
"vs/editor/contrib/unusualLineTerminators/browser/unusualLineTerminators": {
"unusualLineTerminators.detail": "Die Datei \"{0}\" enthält mindestens ein ungewöhnliches Zeilenabschlusszeichen, z. B. Zeilentrennzeichen (LS) oder Absatztrennzeichen (PS).\r\n\r\nEs wird empfohlen, sie aus der Datei zu entfernen. Dies kann über \"editor.unusualLineTerminators\" konfiguriert werden.",
"unusualLineTerminators.fix": "Entfernen ungewöhnlicher Zeilenabschlusszeichen",
"unusualLineTerminators.ignore": "Ignorieren",
"unusualLineTerminators.message": "Ungewöhnliche Zeilentrennzeichen erkannt",
"unusualLineTerminators.title": "Ungewöhnliche Zeilentrennzeichen"
"vs/editor/contrib/wordHighlighter/wordHighlighter": {
"vs/editor/contrib/wordHighlighter/browser/wordHighlighter": {
"overviewRulerWordHighlightForeground": "Übersichtslinealmarkerfarbd für das Hervorheben von Symbolen. Die Farbe darf nicht deckend sein, weil sie sonst die zugrunde liegenden Dekorationen verdeckt.",
"overviewRulerWordHighlightStrongForeground": "Übersichtslinealmarkerfarbe für Symbolhervorhebungen bei Schreibzugriff. Die Farbe darf nicht deckend sein, weil sie sonst die zugrunde liegenden Dekorationen verdeckt.",
"wordHighlight": "Hintergrundfarbe eines Symbols beim Lesezugriff, z.B. beim Lesen einer Variablen. Die Farbe darf nicht deckend sein, damit sie nicht die zugrunde liegenden Dekorationen verdeckt.",
@ -1144,7 +1225,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"wordHighlightStrong": "Hintergrundfarbe eines Symbols bei Schreibzugriff, z.B. beim Schreiben in eine Variable. Die Farbe darf nicht deckend sein, weil sie sonst die zugrunde liegenden Dekorationen verdeckt.",
"wordHighlightStrongBorder": "Randfarbe eines Symbols beim Schreibzugriff, wie etwa beim Schreiben einer Variablen."
"vs/editor/contrib/wordOperations/wordOperations": {
"vs/editor/contrib/wordOperations/browser/wordOperations": {
"deleteInsideWord": "Wort löschen"
"vs/platform/actions/browser/menuEntryActionViewItem": {
@ -1154,7 +1235,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"config.property.duplicate": "{0}\" kann nicht registriert werden. Diese Eigenschaft ist bereits registriert.",
"config.property.empty": "Eine leere Eigenschaft kann nicht registriert werden.",
"config.property.languageDefault": "\"{0}\" kann nicht registriert werden. Stimmt mit dem Eigenschaftsmuster \"\\\\[.*\\\\]$\" zum Beschreiben sprachspezifischer Editor-Einstellungen überein. Verwenden Sie den Beitrag \"configurationDefaults\".",
"defaultLanguageConfiguration.description": "Hiermit wird die Außerkraftsetzung von Einstellungen für die Sprache \"{0}\" konfiguriert.",
"defaultLanguageConfiguration.description": "Konfigurieren Sie Einstellungen, die für die \\\"{0}\\\" Sprache überschrieben werden sollen.",
"defaultLanguageConfigurationOverrides.title": "Außerkraftsetzungen für die Standardsprachkonfiguration",
"overrideSettings.defaultDescription": "Zu überschreibende Editor-Einstellungen für eine Sprache konfigurieren.",
"overrideSettings.errorMessage": "Diese Einstellung unterstützt keine sprachspezifische Konfiguration."
@ -1164,7 +1245,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"vs/platform/contextkey/common/contextkeys": {
"inputFocus": "Gibt an, ob sich der Tastaturfokus in einem Eingabefeld befindet.",
"isIOS": "Gibt an, ob IOS als Betriebssystem verwendet wird.",
"isIOS": "Gibt an, ob iOS als Betriebssystem verwendet wird.",
"isLinux": "Gibt an, ob Linux als Betriebssystem verwendet wird.",
"isMac": "Gibt an, ob macOS als Betriebssystem verwendet wird.",
"isMacNative": "Gibt an, ob macOS auf einer Nicht-Browser-Plattform als Betriebssystem verwendet wird.",
@ -1183,13 +1264,16 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"sizeTB": "{0} TB",
"unknownError": "Unbekannter Fehler"
"vs/platform/history/browser/contextScopedHistoryWidget": {
"suggestWidgetVisible": "Gibt an, ob Vorschläge sichtbar sind."
"vs/platform/keybinding/common/abstractKeybindingService": {
"first.chord": "({0}) wurde gedrückt. Es wird auf die zweite Taste in der Kombination gewartet...",
"missing.chord": "Die Tastenkombination ({0}, {1}) ist kein Befehl."
"vs/platform/list/browser/listService": {
"Fast Scroll Sensitivity": "Multiplikator für Bildlaufgeschwindigkeit, wenn die ALT-TASTE gedrückt wird.",
"Mouse Wheel Scroll Sensitivity": "Ein Multiplikator, der für die Mausrad-Bildlaufereignisse „deltaX“ und „deltaY“ verwendet werden soll.",
"Fast Scroll Sensitivity": "Multiplikator für Scrollgeschwindigkeit bei Drücken von ALT.",
"Mouse Wheel Scroll Sensitivity": "Ein Multiplikator, der für die Mausrad-Bildlaufereignisse \"deltaX\" und \"deltaY\" verwendet werden soll.",
"automatic keyboard navigation setting": "Legt fest, ob die Tastaturnavigation in Listen und Strukturen automatisch durch Eingaben ausgelöst wird. Wenn der Wert auf \"false\" festgelegt ist, wird die Tastaturnavigation nur ausgelöst, wenn der Befehl \"list.toggleKeyboardNavigation\" ausgeführt wird. Diesem Befehl können Sie eine Tastenkombination zuweisen.",
"expand mode": "Steuert, wie Strukturordner beim Klicken auf die Ordnernamen erweitert werden. Beachten Sie, dass einige Strukturen und Listen diese Einstellung ggf. ignorieren, wenn sie nicht zutrifft.",
"horizontalScrolling setting": "Steuert, ob Listen und Strukturen ein horizontales Scrollen in der Workbench unterstützen. Warnung: Das Aktivieren dieser Einstellung kann sich auf die Leistung auswirken.",
@ -1254,8 +1338,14 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"diffDiagonalFill": "Farbe der diagonalen Füllung des Vergleichs-Editors. Die diagonale Füllung wird in Ansichten mit parallelem Vergleich verwendet.",
"diffEditorBorder": "Die Rahmenfarbe zwischen zwei Text-Editoren.",
"diffEditorInserted": "Hintergrundfarbe für eingefügten Text. Die Farbe darf nicht deckend sein, weil sie sonst die zugrunde liegenden Dekorationen verdeckt.",
"diffEditorInsertedLineGutter": "Hintergrundfarbe für den Rand, an dem Zeilen eingefügt wurden.",
"diffEditorInsertedLines": "Hintergrundfarbe für eingefügte Linien. Die Farbe darf nicht deckend sein, um zugrunde liegende Dekorationen nicht auszublenden.",
"diffEditorInsertedOutline": "Konturfarbe für eingefügten Text.",
"diffEditorOverviewInserted": "Vordergrund des Diff-Übersichtslineals für eingefügten Inhalt.",
"diffEditorOverviewRemoved": "Vordergrund des Diff-Übersichtslineals für entfernten Inhalt.",
"diffEditorRemoved": "Hintergrundfarbe für Text, der entfernt wurde. Die Farbe darf nicht deckend sein, weil sie sonst die zugrunde liegenden Dekorationen verdeckt.",
"diffEditorRemovedLineGutter": "Hintergrundfarbe für den Rand, an dem die Linien entfernt wurden.",
"diffEditorRemovedLines": "Hintergrundfarbe für Linien, die entfernt wurden. Die Farbe darf nicht deckend sein, um zugrunde liegende Dekorationen nicht auszublenden.",
"diffEditorRemovedOutline": "Konturfarbe für entfernten Text.",
"dropdownBackground": "Hintergrund für Dropdown.",
"dropdownBorder": "Rahmen für Dropdown.",
@ -1272,7 +1362,11 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"editorInfo.background": "Hintergrundfarbe für Infotext im Editor. Die Farbe darf nicht deckend sein, weil sie sonst die zugrunde liegenden Dekorationen verdeckt.",
"editorInfo.foreground": "Vordergrundfarbe von Informationsunterstreichungen im Editor.",
"editorInlayHintBackground": "Hintergrundfarbe für Inlinehinweise",
"editorInlayHintBackgroundParameter": "Hintergrundfarbe von Inlinehinweisen für Parameter",
"editorInlayHintBackgroundTypes": "Hintergrundfarbe von Inlinehinweisen für Typen",
"editorInlayHintForeground": "Vordergrundfarbe für Inlinehinweise",
"editorInlayHintForegroundParameter": "Vordergrundfarbe von Inlinehinweisen für Parameter",
"editorInlayHintForegroundTypes": "Vordergrundfarbe von Inlinehinweisen für Typen",
"editorLightBulbAutoFixForeground": "Die für das Aktionssymbol \"Automatische Glühbirnenkorrektur\" verwendete Farbe.",
"editorLightBulbForeground": "Die für das Aktionssymbol \"Glühbirne\" verwendete Farbe.",
"editorSelectionBackground": "Farbe der Editor-Auswahl.",
@ -1305,8 +1399,9 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"inputBoxBackground": "Hintergrund für Eingabefeld.",
"inputBoxBorder": "Rahmen für Eingabefeld.",
"inputBoxForeground": "Vordergrund für Eingabefeld.",
"inputOption.activeBackground": "Hintergrundfarbe für aktivierte Optionen in Eingabefeldern.",
"inputOption.activeBackground": "Hintergrundfarbe beim Daraufzeigen für Optionen in Eingabefeldern.",
"inputOption.activeForeground": "Vordergrundfarbe für aktivierte Optionen in Eingabefeldern.",
"inputOption.hoverBackground": "Hintergrundfarbe für aktivierte Optionen in Eingabefeldern.",
"inputPlaceholderForeground": "Eingabefeld-Vordergrundfarbe für Platzhaltertext.",
"inputValidationErrorBackground": "Hintergrundfarbe bei der Eingabevalidierung für den Schweregrad des Fehlers.",
"inputValidationErrorBorder": "Rahmenfarbe bei der Eingabevalidierung für den Schweregrad des Fehlers.",
@ -1362,7 +1457,9 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"minimapBackground": "Hintergrundfarbe der Minimap.",
"minimapError": "Minimapmarkerfarbe für Fehler",
"minimapFindMatchHighlight": "Minimap-Markerfarbe für gefundene Übereinstimmungen.",
"minimapForegroundOpacity": "Deckkraft von Vordergrundelementen, die in der Minimap gerendert werden. Beispiel: „#000000c0“ wird die Elemente mit einer Deckkraft von 75 % rendern.",
"minimapSelectionHighlight": "Minimap-Markerfarbe für die Editorauswahl.",
"minimapSelectionOccurrenceHighlight": "Minimap-Markerfarbe für wiederholte Editorauswahlen.",
"minimapSliderActiveBackground": "Hintergrundfarbe des Minimap-Schiebereglers, wenn darauf geklickt wird.",
"minimapSliderBackground": "Hintergrundfarbe des Minimap-Schiebereglers.",
"minimapSliderHoverBackground": "Hintergrundfarbe des Minimap-Schiebereglers beim Daraufzeigen.",
@ -1393,11 +1490,13 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"searchEditor.editorFindMatchBorder": "Rahmenfarbe der Abfrageübereinstimmungen des Such-Editors",
"searchEditor.queryMatch": "Farbe der Abfrageübereinstimmungen des Such-Editors",
"selectionBackground": "Hintergrundfarbe der Textauswahl in der Workbench (z.B. für Eingabefelder oder Textbereiche). Diese Farbe gilt nicht für die Auswahl im Editor.",
"snippetFinalTabstopHighlightBackground": "Hervorhebungs-Hintergrundfarbe des letzten Tabstopps eines Codeausschnitts.",
"snippetFinalTabstopHighlightBorder": "Rahmenfarbe zur Hervorhebung des letzten Tabstopps eines Codeausschnitts.",
"snippetTabstopHighlightBackground": "Hervorhebungs-Hintergrundfarbe eines Codeausschnitt-Tabstopps.",
"snippetTabstopHighlightBorder": "Hervorhebungs-Rahmenfarbe eines Codeausschnitt-Tabstopps.",
"snippetFinalTabstopHighlightBackground": "Hervorhebungs-Hintergrundfarbe des letzten Tabstopps eines Codeschnipsels.",
"snippetFinalTabstopHighlightBorder": "Rahmenfarbe zur Hervorhebung des letzten Tabstopps eines Codeschnipsels.",
"snippetTabstopHighlightBackground": "Hervorhebungs-Hintergrundfarbe eines Codeschnipsel-Tabstopps.",
"snippetTabstopHighlightBorder": "Hervorhebungs-Rahmenfarbe eines Codeschnipsel-Tabstopps.",
"statusBarBackground": "Hintergrundfarbe der Hoverstatusleiste des Editors.",
"tableColumnsBorder": "Tabellenrahmenfarbe zwischen Spalten.",
"tableOddRowsBackgroundColor": "Hintergrundfarbe für ungerade Tabellenzeilen.",
"textBlockQuoteBackground": "Hintergrundfarbe für Blockzitate im Text.",
"textBlockQuoteBorder": "Rahmenfarbe für blockquote-Elemente im Text.",
"textCodeBlockBackground": "Hintergrundfarbe für Codeblöcke im Text.",
@ -1413,8 +1512,8 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"widgetShadow": "Schattenfarbe von Widgets wie zum Beispiel Suchen/Ersetzen innerhalb des Editors."
"vs/platform/theme/common/iconRegistry": {
"iconDefintion.fontCharacter": "Das der Symboldefinition zugeordnete Schriftzeichen.",
"iconDefintion.fontId": "Die ID der zu verwendenden Schriftart. Sofern nicht festgelegt, wird die zuerst definierte Schriftart verwendet.",
"iconDefinition.fontCharacter": "Das der Symboldefinition zugeordnete Schriftzeichen.",
"iconDefinition.fontId": "Die ID der zu verwendenden Schriftart. Sofern nicht festgelegt, wird die zuerst definierte Schriftart verwendet.",
"nextChangeIcon": "Symbol für den Wechsel zur nächsten Editor-Position.",
"previousChangeIcon": "Symbol für den Wechsel zur vorherigen Editor-Position.",
"widgetClose": "Symbol für Aktion zum Schließen in Widgets"
@ -1432,6 +1531,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"cannotWorkspaceUndoDueToInMeantimeUndoRedo": "\"{0}\" konnte nicht für alle Dateien rückgängig gemacht werden, weil in der Zwischenzeit bereits ein Vorgang zum Rückgängigmachen oder Wiederholen durchgeführt wurde.",
"cannotWorkspaceUndoDueToInProgressUndoRedo": "\"{0}\" konnte nicht für alle Dateien rückgängig gemacht werden, weil bereits ein Vorgang zum Rückgängigmachen oder Wiederholen für \"{1}\" durchgeführt wird.",
"confirmDifferentSource": "Möchten Sie \"{0}\" rückgängig machen?",
"confirmDifferentSource.no": "Nein",
"confirmDifferentSource.yes": "Ja",
"confirmWorkspace": "Möchten Sie \"{0}\" für alle Dateien rückgängig machen?",
"externalRemoval": "Die folgenden Dateien wurden geschlossen und auf dem Datenträger geändert: {0}.",
@ -1439,7 +1539,12 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"nok": "Datei rückgängig machen",
"ok": "In {0} Dateien rückgängig machen"
"vs/platform/workspaces/common/workspaces": {
"vs/platform/workspace/common/workspace": {
"codeWorkspace": "Codearbeitsbereich"
"vs/platform/workspace/common/workspaceTrust": {
"trusted": "Vertrauenswürdig",
"untrusted": "Eingeschränkter Modus"
@ -1,18 +1,16 @@
this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Locale = {language: 'es', data: {
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"vs/base/browser/ui/actionbar/actionViewItems": {
"titleLabel": "{0} ({1})"
"vs/base/browser/ui/findinput/findInput": {
"defaultLabel": "entrada"
"vs/base/browser/ui/findinput/findInputCheckboxes": {
"caseDescription": "Coincidir mayúsculas y minúsculas",
"regexDescription": "Usar expresión regular",
"wordsDescription": "Solo palabras completas"
"vs/base/browser/ui/findinput/replaceInput": {
"defaultLabel": "entrada",
"label.preserveCaseCheckbox": "Conservar may/min"
"label.preserveCaseToggle": "Conservar may/min"
"vs/base/browser/ui/iconLabel/iconLabelHover": {
"iconLabel.loading": "Cargando..."
@ -20,14 +18,12 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"vs/base/browser/ui/inputbox/inputBox": {
"alertErrorMessage": "Error: {0}",
"alertInfoMessage": "Información: {0}",
"alertWarningMessage": "Advertencia: {0}"
"alertWarningMessage": "Advertencia: {0}",
"history.inputbox.hint": "para el historial"
"vs/base/browser/ui/keybindingLabel/keybindingLabel": {
"unbound": "Sin enlazar"
"vs/base/browser/ui/menu/menu": {
"titleLabel": "{0} ({1})"
"vs/base/browser/ui/tree/abstractTree": {
"clear": "Borrar",
"disable filter on type": "Desactivar filtro en tipo",
@ -50,6 +46,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"cmdKey.long": "Comando",
"ctrlKey": "Ctrl",
"ctrlKey.long": "Control",
"optKey.long": "Opción",
"shiftKey": "Mayús",
"shiftKey.long": "Mayús",
"superKey": "Super",
@ -72,16 +69,13 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"vs/base/parts/quickinput/browser/quickInputList": {
"quickInput": "Entrada rápida"
"vs/editor/browser/controller/coreCommands": {
"removedCursor": "Cursores secundarios quitados",
"stickydesc": "Anclar al final incluso cuando se vayan a líneas más largas"
"vs/editor/browser/controller/textAreaHandler": {
"accessibilityOffAriaLabel": "El editor no es accesible en este momento. Pulse {0} para ver las opciones.",
"editor": "editor"
"vs/editor/browser/core/keybindingCancellation": {
"cancellableOperation": "Indica si el editor ejecuta una operación que se puede cancelar como, por ejemplo, \"Inspeccionar referencias\""
"vs/editor/browser/coreCommands": {
"removedCursor": "Cursores secundarios quitados",
"stickydesc": "Anclar al final incluso cuando se vayan a líneas más largas"
"vs/editor/browser/editorExtensions": {
"miRedo": "&&Rehacer",
@ -117,12 +111,15 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"unchangedLine": "{0} línea sin cambios {1}"
"vs/editor/browser/widget/inlineDiffMargin": {
"diff.clipboard.copyChangedLineContent.label": "Copiar línea cambiada ({0})",
"diff.clipboard.copyChangedLinesContent.label": "Copiar líneas cambiadas",
"diff.clipboard.copyChangedLinesContent.single.label": "Copiar línea cambiada",
"diff.clipboard.copyDeletedLineContent.label": "Copiar la línea eliminada ({0})",
"diff.clipboard.copyDeletedLinesContent.label": "Copiar líneas eliminadas",
"diff.clipboard.copyDeletedLinesContent.single.label": "Copiar línea eliminada",
"diff.inline.revertChange.label": "Revertir este cambio"
"vs/editor/common/config/commonEditorConfig": {
"vs/editor/common/config/editorConfigurationSchema": {
"codeLens": "Controla si el editor muestra CodeLens.",
"detectIndentation": "Controla si \"#editor.tabSize#\" y \"#editor.insertSpaces#\" se detectarán automáticamente al abrir un archivo en función del contenido de este.",
"editorConfigurationTitle": "Editor",
@ -130,8 +127,13 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"insertSpaces": "Insertar espacios al presionar \"TAB\". Este valor se invalida en función del contenido del archivo cuando \"#editor.detectIndentation#\" está activado. ",
"largeFileOptimizations": "Manejo especial para archivos grandes para desactivar ciertas funciones de memoria intensiva.",
"maxComputationTime": "Tiempo de espera en milisegundos después del cual se cancela el cálculo de diferencias. Utilice 0 para no usar tiempo de espera.",
"maxFileSize": "Tamaño máximo de archivo en MB para el que calcular diferencias. Use 0 para no limitar.",
"maxTokenizationLineLength": "Las lineas por encima de esta longitud no se tokenizarán por razones de rendimiento.",
"renderIndicators": "Controla si el editor de diferencias muestra los indicadores +/- para los cambios agregados o quitados.",
"schema.brackets": "Define los corchetes que aumentan o reducen la sangría.",
"schema.closeBracket": "Secuencia de cadena o corchete de cierre.",
"schema.colorizedBracketPairs": "Define los pares de corchetes coloreados por su nivel de anidamiento si está habilitada la coloración de par de corchetes.",
"schema.openBracket": "Secuencia de cadena o corchete de apertura.",
"semanticHighlighting.configuredByTheme": "El resaltado semántico está configurado con el valor \"semanticHighlighting\" del tema de color actual.",
"semanticHighlighting.enabled": "Controla si se muestra semanticHighlighting para los idiomas que lo admiten.",
"semanticHighlighting.false": "El resaltado semántico está deshabilitado para todos los temas de color.",
@ -169,7 +171,8 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"autoClosingQuotes": "Controla si el editor debe cerrar automáticamente las comillas después de que el usuario agrega uma comilla de apertura.",
"autoIndent": "Controla si el editor debe ajustar automáticamente la sangría mientras los usuarios escriben, pegan, mueven o sangran líneas.",
"autoSurround": "Controla si el editor debe rodear automáticamente las selecciones al escribir comillas o corchetes.",
"bracketPairColorization.enabled": "Controla si está habilitada o no la coloración de pares de corchetes. Use \"Workbench. colorCustomizations\" para invalidar los colores de resaltado de corchete.",
"bracketPairColorization.enabled": "Controla si está habilitada o no la coloración de pares de corchetes. Use `#workbench.colorCustomizations#` para invalidar los colores de resaltado de corchete.",
"bracketPairColorization.independentColorPoolPerBracketType": "Controla si cada tipo de corchete tiene su propio grupo de colores independiente.",
"codeActions": "Habilita la bombilla de acción de código en el editor.",
"codeLens": "Controla si el editor muestra CodeLens.",
"codeLensFontFamily": "Controla la familia de fuentes para CodeLens.",
@ -219,6 +222,17 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"editor.gotoLocation.multiple.goto": "Vaya al resultado principal y habilite la navegación sin peek para otros",
"editor.gotoLocation.multiple.gotoAndPeek": "Ir al resultado principal y mostrar una vista de inspección",
"editor.gotoLocation.multiple.peek": "Mostrar vista de inspección de los resultados (predeterminado)",
"editor.guides.bracketPairs": "Controla si están habilitadas las guías de pares de corchetes.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairs.active": "Habilita guías de par de corchetes solo para el par de corchetes activo.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairs.false": "Deshabilita las guías de par de corchetes.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairs.true": "Habilita guías de par de corchetes.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairsHorizontal": "Controla si están habilitadas las guías de pares de corchetes horizontales.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairsHorizontal.active": "Habilita guías horizontales solo para el par de corchetes activo.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairsHorizontal.false": "Deshabilita las guías de par de corchetes horizontales.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairsHorizontal.true": "Habilita guías horizontales como adición a guías de par de corchetes verticales.",
"editor.guides.highlightActiveBracketPair": "Controla si el editor debe resaltar el par de corchetes activo.",
"editor.guides.highlightActiveIndentation": "Controla si el editor debe resaltar la guía de sangría activa.",
"editor.guides.indentation": "Controla si el editor debe representar guías de sangría.",
"editor.suggest.showClasss": "Cuando está habilitado, IntelliSense muestra sugerencias de tipo \"class\".",
"editor.suggest.showColors": "Cuando está habilitado, IntelliSense muestra sugerencias de \"color\".",
"editor.suggest.showConstants": "Cuando está habilitado, IntelliSense muestra sugerencias de tipo \"constant\".",
@ -260,6 +274,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"folding": "Controla si el editor tiene el plegado de código habilitado.",
"foldingHighlight": "Controla si el editor debe destacar los rangos plegados.",
"foldingImportsByDefault": "Permite controlar si el editor contrae automáticamente los rangos de importación.",
"foldingMaximumRegions": "Número máximo de regiones plegables. Si aumenta este valor, es posible que el editor tenga menos capacidad de respuesta cuando el origen actual tiene un gran número de regiones plegables.",
"foldingStrategy": "Controla la estrategia para calcular rangos de plegado.",
"foldingStrategy.auto": "Utilice una estrategia de plegado específica del idioma, si está disponible, de lo contrario la basada en sangría.",
"foldingStrategy.indentation": "Utilice la estrategia de plegado basada en sangría.",
@ -274,18 +289,15 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"formatOnType": "Controla si el editor debe dar formato a la línea automáticamente después de escribirla.",
"glyphMargin": "Controla si el editor debe representar el margen de glifo vertical. El margen de glifo se usa, principalmente, para depuración.",
"hideCursorInOverviewRuler": "Controla si el cursor debe ocultarse en la regla de información general.",
"highlightActiveIndentGuide": "Controla si el editor debe resaltar la guía de sangría activa.",
"hover.above": "Preferir mostrar los desplazamientos por encima de la línea, si hay espacio.",
"hover.delay": "Controla el retardo en milisegundos después del cual se muestra la información al mantener el puntero sobre un elemento.",
"hover.enabled": "Controla si se muestra la información al mantener el puntero sobre un elemento.",
"hover.sticky": "Controla si la información que aparece al mantener el puntero sobre un elemento permanece visible al mover el mouse sobre este.",
"inlayHints.enable": "Habilita las sugerencias de incrustación en el editor.",
"inlayHints.fontFamily": "Controla la familia de fuentes de sugerencias de incrustación en el editor. Cuando se establece en vacío, se usa \"#editor.fontFamily#\".",
"inlayHints.fontSize": "Controla el tamaño de la fuente de las sugerencias de incrustación en el editor. Cuando se establece en \"0\", se utiliza el 90% de \"#editor.fontSize#\".",
"inlayHints.fontSize": "Controla el tamaño de fuente de las sugerencias de incrustación en el editor. Se usa un valor predeterminado del 90 % de \"#editor.fontSize#\" cuando el valor configurado es menor que \"5\" o mayor que el tamaño de fuente del editor.",
"inline": "Las sugerencias rápidas se muestran como texto fantasma",
"inlineSuggest.enabled": "Controla si se deben mostrar automáticamente las sugerencias alineadas en el editor.",
"inlineSuggest.mode": "Controla el modo que se va a usar para representar sugerencias alineadas.",
"inlineSuggest.mode.prefix": "Representar solo una sugerencia alineada si el texto de reemplazo es un prefijo del texto de inserción.",
"inlineSuggest.mode.subword": "Representar solo una sugerencia alineada si el texto de reemplazo es una subpalabra del texto de inserción.",
"inlineSuggest.mode.subwordSmart": "Solo representa una sugerencia alineada si el texto de reemplazo es una subpalabra del texto de inserción, pero la subpalabra debe iniciarse después del cursor.",
"letterSpacing": "Controla el espacio entre letras en píxeles.",
"lineHeight": "Controla el alto de línea. \r\n - Use 0 para calcular automáticamente el alto de línea a partir del tamaño de la fuente.\r\n - Los valores entre 0 y 8 se usarán como multiplicador con el tamaño de fuente.\r\n - Los valores mayores o igual que 8 se usarán como valores efectivos.",
"lineNumbers": "Controla la visualización de los números de línea.",
@ -316,6 +328,8 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"multiCursorPaste.full": "Cada cursor pega el texto completo.",
"multiCursorPaste.spread": "Cada cursor pega una única línea del texto.",
"occurrencesHighlight": "Controla si el editor debe resaltar las apariciones de símbolos semánticos.",
"off": "Las sugerencias rápidas están deshabilitadas",
"on": "Las sugerencias rápidas se muestran dentro del widget de sugerencias",
"overviewRulerBorder": "Controla si debe dibujarse un borde alrededor de la regla de información general.",
"padding.bottom": "Controla el espacio entre el borde inferior del editor y la última línea.",
"padding.top": "Controla la cantidad de espacio entre el borde superior del editor y la primera línea.",
@ -333,7 +347,6 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"renameOnTypeDeprecate": "En desuso. Utilice \"editor.linkedEditing\" en su lugar.",
"renderControlCharacters": "Controla si el editor debe representar caracteres de control.",
"renderFinalNewline": "Representar el número de la última línea cuando el archivo termina con un salto de línea.",
"renderIndentGuides": "Controla si el editor debe representar guías de sangría.",
"renderLineHighlight": "Controla cómo debe representar el editor el resaltado de línea actual.",
"renderLineHighlight.all": "Resalta el medianil y la línea actual.",
"renderLineHighlightOnlyWhenFocus": "Controla si el editor debe representar el resaltado de la línea actual solo cuando el editor está enfocado.",
@ -381,10 +394,6 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"suggest.localityBonus": "Controla si la ordenación mejora las palabras que aparecen cerca del cursor.",
"suggest.maxVisibleSuggestions.dep": "La configuración está en desuso. Ahora puede cambiarse el tamaño del widget de sugerencias.",
"suggest.preview": "Controla si se puede obtener una vista previa del resultado de la sugerencia en el editor.",
"suggest.previewMode": "Controla el modo que se va a usar para representar la vista previa de sugerencias.",
"suggest.previewMode.prefix": "Representar solo una vista previa si el texto de reemplazo es un prefijo del texto de inserción.",
"suggest.previewMode.subword": "Representar solo una vista previa si el texto de reemplazo es una subpalabra del texto de inserción.",
"suggest.previewMode.subwordSmart": "Representa una vista previa si el texto de reemplazo es una subpalabra de la inserción de texto o si es un prefijo del texto de inserción.",
"suggest.shareSuggestSelections": "Controla si las selecciones de sugerencias recordadas se comparten entre múltiples áreas de trabajo y ventanas (necesita \"#editor.suggestSelection#\").",
"suggest.showIcons": "Controla si mostrar u ocultar iconos en sugerencias.",
"suggest.showInlineDetails": "Controla si los detalles de sugerencia se muestran incorporados con la etiqueta o solo en el widget de detalles.",
@ -402,6 +411,13 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"tabCompletion.on": "La pestaña se completará insertando la mejor sugerencia de coincidencia encontrada al presionar la pestaña",
"tabCompletion.onlySnippets": "La pestaña se completa con fragmentos de código cuando su prefijo coincide. Funciona mejor cuando las 'quickSuggestions' no están habilitadas.",
"unfoldOnClickAfterEndOfLine": "Controla si al hacer clic en el contenido vacío después de una línea plegada se desplegará la línea.",
"unicodeHighlight.allowedCharacters": "Define los caracteres permitidos que no se resaltan.",
"unicodeHighlight.allowedLocales": "Los caracteres Unicode que son comunes en las configuraciones regionales permitidas no se resaltan.",
"unicodeHighlight.ambiguousCharacters": "Controla si se resaltan caracteres que se pueden confundir con caracteres ASCII básicos, excepto los que son comunes en la configuración regional del usuario actual.",
"unicodeHighlight.includeComments": "Controla si los caracteres de los comentarios también deben estar sujetos al resaltado Unicode.",
"unicodeHighlight.includeStrings": "Controla si los caracteres de las cadenas también deben estar sujetos al resaltado Unicode.",
"unicodeHighlight.invisibleCharacters": "Controla si se resaltan los caracteres que solo reservan espacio o que no tienen ancho.",
"unicodeHighlight.nonBasicASCII": "Controla si se resaltan todos los caracteres ASCII no básicos. Solo los caracteres entre U+0020 y U+007E, tabulación, avance de línea y retorno de carro se consideran ASCII básicos.",
"unusualLineTerminators": "Quite los terminadores de línea inusuales que podrían provocar problemas.",
"unusualLineTerminators.auto": "Los terminadores de línea no habituales se quitan automáticamente.",
"unusualLineTerminators.off": "Los terminadores de línea no habituales se omiten.",
@ -423,6 +439,59 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"wrappingStrategy.advanced": "Delega el cálculo de puntos de ajuste en el explorador. Es un algoritmo lento, que podría causar bloqueos para archivos grandes, pero funciona correctamente en todos los casos.",
"wrappingStrategy.simple": "Se supone que todos los caracteres son del mismo ancho. Este es un algoritmo rápido que funciona correctamente para fuentes monoespaciales y ciertos scripts (como caracteres latinos) donde los glifos tienen el mismo ancho."
"vs/editor/common/core/editorColorRegistry": {
"caret": "Color del cursor del editor.",
"deprecatedEditorActiveLineNumber": "ID es obsoleto. Usar en lugar 'editorLineNumber.activeForeground'. ",
"editorActiveIndentGuide": "Color de las guías de sangría activas del editor.",
"editorActiveLineNumber": "Color del número de línea activa en el editor",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground1": "Color de primer plano de los corchetes (1). Requiere que se habilite la coloración del par de corchetes.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground2": "Color de primer plano de los corchetes (2). Requiere que se habilite la coloración del par de corchetes.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground3": "Color de primer plano de los corchetes (3). Requiere que se habilite la coloración del par de corchetes.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground4": "Color de primer plano de los corchetes (4). Requiere que se habilite la coloración del par de corchetes.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground5": "Color de primer plano de los corchetes (5). Requiere que se habilite la coloración del par de corchetes.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground6": "Color de primer plano de los corchetes (6). Requiere que se habilite la coloración del par de corchetes.",
"editorBracketHighlightUnexpectedBracketForeground": "Color de primer plano de corchetes inesperados.",
"editorBracketMatchBackground": "Color de fondo tras corchetes coincidentes",
"editorBracketMatchBorder": "Color de bloques con corchetes coincidentes",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground1": "Color de fondo de las guías de pares de corchetes activos (1). Requiere habilitar guías de par de corchetes.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground2": "Color de fondo de las guías de par de corchetes activos (2). Requiere habilitar guías de par de corchetes.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground3": "Color de fondo de las guías de pares de corchetes activos (3). Requiere habilitar guías de par de corchetes.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground4": "Color de fondo de las guías de par de corchetes activos (4). Requiere habilitar guías de par de corchetes.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground5": "Color de fondo de las guías de par de corchetes activos (5). Requiere habilitar guías de par de corchetes.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground6": "Color de fondo de las guías de par de corchetes activos (6). Requiere habilitar guías de par de corchetes.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background1": "Color de fondo de las guías de par de corchetes inactivos (1). Requiere habilitar guías de par de corchetes.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background2": "Color de fondo de las guías de par de corchetes inactivos (2). Requiere habilitar guías de par de corchetes.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background3": "Color de fondo de las guías de par de corchetes inactivos (3). Requiere habilitar guías de par de corchetes.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background4": "Color de fondo de las guías de par de corchetes inactivos (4). Requiere habilitar guías de par de corchetes.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background5": "Color de fondo de las guías de par de corchetes inactivos (5). Requiere habilitar guías de par de corchetes.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background6": "Color de fondo de las guías de par de corchetes inactivos (6). Requiere habilitar guías de par de corchetes.",
"editorCodeLensForeground": "Color principal de lentes de código en el editor",
"editorCursorBackground": "Color de fondo del cursor de edición. Permite personalizar el color del caracter solapado por el bloque del cursor.",
"editorGhostTextBackground": "Color de fondo del texto fantasma en el editor.",
"editorGhostTextBorder": "Color del borde del texto fantasma en el editor.",
"editorGhostTextForeground": "Color de primer plano del texto fantasma en el editor.",
"editorGutter": "Color de fondo del margen del editor. Este espacio contiene los márgenes de glifos y los números de línea.",
"editorIndentGuides": "Color de las guías de sangría del editor.",
"editorLineNumbers": "Color de números de línea del editor.",
"editorOverviewRulerBackground": "Color de fondo de la regla de información general del editor. Solo se usa cuando el minimapa está habilitado y está ubicado en el lado derecho del editor.",
"editorOverviewRulerBorder": "Color del borde de la regla de visión general.",
"editorRuler": "Color de las reglas del editor",
"editorUnicodeHighlight.background": "Color de borde usado para resaltar caracteres unicode.",
"editorUnicodeHighlight.border": "Color de borde usado para resaltar caracteres Unicode.",
"editorWhitespaces": "Color de los caracteres de espacio en blanco del editor.",
"lineHighlight": "Color de fondo para la línea resaltada en la posición del cursor.",
"lineHighlightBorderBox": "Color de fondo del borde alrededor de la línea en la posición del cursor.",
"overviewRuleError": "Color de marcador de regla de información general para errores. ",
"overviewRuleInfo": "Color de marcador de regla de información general para mensajes informativos. ",
"overviewRuleWarning": "Color de marcador de regla de información general para advertencias.",
"overviewRulerRangeHighlight": "Color de marcador de regla general para los destacados de rango. El color no debe ser opaco para no ocultar las decoraciones subyacentes.",
"rangeHighlight": "Color de fondo de rangos resaltados, como en abrir rápido y encontrar características. El color no debe ser opaco para no ocultar decoraciones subyacentes.",
"rangeHighlightBorder": "Color de fondo del borde alrededor de los intervalos resaltados.",
"symbolHighlight": "Color de fondo del símbolo destacado, como Ir a definición o Ir al siguiente/anterior símbolo. El color no debe ser opaco para no ocultar la decoración subyacente.",
"symbolHighlightBorder": "Color de fondo del borde alrededor de los símbolos resaltados.",
"unnecessaryCodeBorder": "Color del borde de código fuente innecesario (sin usar) en el editor.",
"unnecessaryCodeOpacity": "Opacidad de código fuente innecesario (sin usar) en el editor. Por ejemplo, \"#000000c0\" representará el código con un 75 % de opacidad. Para temas de alto contraste, utilice el color del tema 'editorUnnecessaryCode.border' para resaltar el código innecesario en vez de atenuarlo."
"vs/editor/common/editorContextKeys": {
"editorColumnSelection": "Si \"editor.columnSelection\" se ha habilitado",
"editorFocus": "Si el editor o un widget del editor tiene el foco (por ejemplo, el foco está en el widget de búsqueda)",
@ -455,12 +524,12 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"inDiffEditor": "Si el contexto es un editor de diferencias",
"textInputFocus": "Si un editor o una entrada de texto enriquecido tienen el foco (el cursor parpadea)"
"vs/editor/common/languages/modesRegistry": {
"plainText.alias": "Texto sin formato"
"vs/editor/common/model/editStack": {
"edit": "Escribiendo"
"vs/editor/common/modes/modesRegistry": {
"plainText.alias": "Texto sin formato"
"vs/editor/common/standaloneStrings": {
"accessibilityHelpMessage": "Presione Alt+F1 para ver las opciones de accesibilidad.",
"auto_off": "El editor está configurado para que no se optimice nunca su uso con un lector de pantalla, que en este momento no es el caso.",
@ -497,45 +566,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"tabFocusModeOnMsgNoKb": "Al presionar TAB en el editor actual, el foco se mueve al siguiente elemento activable. El comando {0} no se puede desencadenar actualmente mediante un enlace de teclado.",
"toggleHighContrast": "Alternar tema de contraste alto"
"vs/editor/common/view/editorColorRegistry": {
"caret": "Color del cursor del editor.",
"deprecatedEditorActiveLineNumber": "ID es obsoleto. Usar en lugar 'editorLineNumber.activeForeground'. ",
"editorActiveIndentGuide": "Color de las guías de sangría activas del editor.",
"editorActiveLineNumber": "Color del número de línea activa en el editor",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground1": "Color de primer plano de los corchetes (1). Requiere que se habilite la coloración del par de corchetes.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground2": "Color de primer plano de los corchetes (2). Requiere que se habilite la coloración del par de corchetes.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground3": "Color de primer plano de los corchetes (3). Requiere que se habilite la coloración del par de corchetes.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground4": "Color de primer plano de los corchetes (4). Requiere que se habilite la coloración del par de corchetes.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground5": "Color de primer plano de los corchetes (5). Requiere que se habilite la coloración del par de corchetes.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground6": "Color de primer plano de los corchetes (6). Requiere que se habilite la coloración del par de corchetes.",
"editorBracketHighlightUnexpectedBracketForeground": "Color de primer plano de corchetes inesperados.",
"editorBracketMatchBackground": "Color de fondo tras corchetes coincidentes",
"editorBracketMatchBorder": "Color de bloques con corchetes coincidentes",
"editorCodeLensForeground": "Color principal de lentes de código en el editor",
"editorCursorBackground": "Color de fondo del cursor de edición. Permite personalizar el color del caracter solapado por el bloque del cursor.",
"editorGhostTextBorder": "Color del borde del texto fantasma en el editor.",
"editorGhostTextForeground": "Color de primer plano del texto fantasma en el editor.",
"editorGutter": "Color de fondo del margen del editor. Este espacio contiene los márgenes de glifos y los números de línea.",
"editorIndentGuides": "Color de las guías de sangría del editor.",
"editorLineNumbers": "Color de números de línea del editor.",
"editorOverviewRulerBackground": "Color de fondo de la regla de información general del editor. Solo se usa cuando el minimapa está habilitado y está ubicado en el lado derecho del editor.",
"editorOverviewRulerBorder": "Color del borde de la regla de visión general.",
"editorRuler": "Color de las reglas del editor",
"editorWhitespaces": "Color de los caracteres de espacio en blanco del editor.",
"lineHighlight": "Color de fondo para la línea resaltada en la posición del cursor.",
"lineHighlightBorderBox": "Color de fondo del borde alrededor de la línea en la posición del cursor.",
"overviewRuleError": "Color de marcador de regla de información general para errores. ",
"overviewRuleInfo": "Color de marcador de regla de información general para mensajes informativos. ",
"overviewRuleWarning": "Color de marcador de regla de información general para advertencias.",
"overviewRulerRangeHighlight": "Color de marcador de regla general para los destacados de rango. El color no debe ser opaco para no ocultar las decoraciones subyacentes.",
"rangeHighlight": "Color de fondo de rangos resaltados, como en abrir rápido y encontrar características. El color no debe ser opaco para no ocultar decoraciones subyacentes.",
"rangeHighlightBorder": "Color de fondo del borde alrededor de los intervalos resaltados.",
"symbolHighlight": "Color de fondo del símbolo destacado, como Ir a definición o Ir al siguiente/anterior símbolo. El color no debe ser opaco para no ocultar la decoración subyacente.",
"symbolHighlightBorder": "Color de fondo del borde alrededor de los símbolos resaltados.",
"unnecessaryCodeBorder": "Color del borde de código fuente innecesario (sin usar) en el editor.",
"unnecessaryCodeOpacity": "Opacidad de código fuente innecesario (sin usar) en el editor. Por ejemplo, \"#000000c0\" representará el código con un 75 % de opacidad. Para temas de alto contraste, utilice el color del tema 'editorUnnecessaryCode.border' para resaltar el código innecesario en vez de atenuarlo."
"vs/editor/contrib/anchorSelect/anchorSelect": {
"vs/editor/contrib/anchorSelect/browser/anchorSelect": {
"anchorSet": "Delimitador establecido en {0}:{1}",
"cancelSelectionAnchor": "Cancelar el delimitador de la selección",
"goToSelectionAnchor": "Ir al delimitador de la selección",
@ -543,20 +574,20 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"selectionAnchor": "Delimitador de la selección",
"setSelectionAnchor": "Establecer el delimitador de la selección"
"vs/editor/contrib/bracketMatching/bracketMatching": {
"vs/editor/contrib/bracketMatching/browser/bracketMatching": {
"miGoToBracket": "Ir al &&corchete",
"overviewRulerBracketMatchForeground": "Resumen color de marcador de regla para corchetes.",
"smartSelect.jumpBracket": "Ir al corchete",
"smartSelect.selectToBracket": "Seleccionar para corchete"
"vs/editor/contrib/caretOperations/caretOperations": {
"vs/editor/contrib/caretOperations/browser/caretOperations": {
"caret.moveLeft": "Mover el texto seleccionado a la izquierda",
"caret.moveRight": "Mover el texto seleccionado a la derecha"
"vs/editor/contrib/caretOperations/transpose": {
"vs/editor/contrib/caretOperations/browser/transpose": {
"transposeLetters.label": "Transponer letras"
"vs/editor/contrib/clipboard/clipboard": {
"vs/editor/contrib/clipboard/browser/clipboard": {
"actions.clipboard.copyLabel": "Copiar",
"actions.clipboard.copyWithSyntaxHighlightingLabel": "Copiar con resaltado de sintaxis",
"actions.clipboard.cutLabel": "Cortar",
@ -566,7 +597,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"miCut": "Cor&&tar",
"miPaste": "&&Pegar"
"vs/editor/contrib/codeAction/codeActionCommands": {
"vs/editor/contrib/codeAction/browser/codeActionCommands": {
"applyCodeActionFailed": "Se ha producido un error desconocido al aplicar la acción de código",
"args.schema.apply": "Controla cuándo se aplican las acciones devueltas.",
"args.schema.apply.first": "Aplicar siempre la primera acción de código devuelto.",
@ -587,25 +618,28 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"editor.action.refactor.noneMessage.preferred": "No hay ninguna refactorización favorita disponible.",
"editor.action.refactor.noneMessage.preferred.kind": "No hay refactorizaciones preferidas de \"{0}\" disponibles",
"editor.action.source.noneMessage": "No hay acciones de origen disponibles",
"editor.action.source.noneMessage.kind": "No hay ninguna acción de origen para \"{0}\" disponible.",
"editor.action.source.noneMessage.preferred": "No hay ninguna acción de origen favorita disponible.",
"editor.action.source.noneMessage.kind": "No hay ninguna acción de código fuente para \"{0}\" disponible.",
"editor.action.source.noneMessage.preferred": "No hay ninguna acción de código fuente favorita disponible.",
"editor.action.source.noneMessage.preferred.kind": "No hay acciones de origen preferidas para \"{0}\" disponibles",
"fixAll.label": "Corregir todo",
"fixAll.noneMessage": "No está disponible la acción de corregir todo",
"organizeImports.label": "Organizar Importaciones",
"quickfix.trigger.label": "Corrección Rápida",
"refactor.label": "Refactorizar...",
"source.label": "Acción de Origen..."
"source.label": "Acción de código fuente..."
"vs/editor/contrib/codeAction/lightBulbWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/codeAction/browser/lightBulbWidget": {
"codeAction": "Mostrar acciones de código",
"codeActionWithKb": "Mostrar acciones de código ({0})",
"preferredcodeActionWithKb": "Mostrar acciones de código. Corrección rápida preferida disponible ({0})"
"vs/editor/contrib/codelens/codelensController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/codelens/browser/codelensController": {
"showLensOnLine": "Mostrar comandos de lente de código para la línea actual"
"vs/editor/contrib/comment/comment": {
"vs/editor/contrib/colorPicker/browser/colorPickerWidget": {
"clickToToggleColorOptions": "Haga clic para alternar las opciones de color (rgb/hsl/hex)"
"vs/editor/contrib/comment/browser/comment": {
"comment.block": "Alternar comentario de bloque",
"comment.line": "Alternar comentario de línea",
"comment.line.add": "Agregar comentario de línea",
@ -613,14 +647,21 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"miToggleBlockComment": "Alternar &&bloque de comentario",
"miToggleLineComment": "&&Alternar comentario de línea"
"vs/editor/contrib/contextmenu/contextmenu": {
"vs/editor/contrib/contextmenu/browser/contextmenu": {
"action.showContextMenu.label": "Mostrar menú contextual del editor"
"vs/editor/contrib/cursorUndo/cursorUndo": {
"vs/editor/contrib/cursorUndo/browser/cursorUndo": {
"cursor.redo": "Cursor Rehacer",
"cursor.undo": "Cursor Deshacer"
"vs/editor/contrib/find/findController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/editorState/browser/keybindingCancellation": {
"cancellableOperation": "Indica si el editor ejecuta una operación que se puede cancelar como, por ejemplo, \"Inspeccionar referencias\""
"vs/editor/contrib/find/browser/findController": {
"actions.find.isRegexOverride": "Invalida la marca \"Usar expresión regular\".\r\nLa marca no se guardará para el futuro.\r\n0: No hacer nada\r\n1: True\r\n2: False",
"actions.find.matchCaseOverride": "Invalida la marca \"Caso matemático\".\r\nLa marca no se guardará para el futuro.\r\n0: No hacer nada\r\n1: True\r\n2: False",
"actions.find.preserveCaseOverride": "Invalida la marca \"Conservar mayúsculas y minúsculas.\r\nLa marca no se guardará para el futuro.\r\n0: No hacer nada\r\n1: True\r\n2: False",
"actions.find.wholeWordOverride": "Invalida la marca \"Hacer coincidir palabra completa”.\r\nLa marca no se guardará para el futuro.\r\n0: No hacer nada\r\n1: True\r\n2: False",
"findNextMatchAction": "Buscar siguiente",
"findPreviousMatchAction": "Buscar anterior",
"miFind": "&&Buscar",
@ -628,10 +669,11 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"nextSelectionMatchFindAction": "Buscar selección siguiente",
"previousSelectionMatchFindAction": "Buscar selección anterior",
"startFindAction": "Buscar",
"startFindWithArgsAction": "Búsqueda con argumentos",
"startFindWithSelectionAction": "Buscar con selección",
"startReplace": "Reemplazar"
"vs/editor/contrib/find/findWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/find/browser/findWidget": {
"ariaSearchNoResult": "{0} encontrado para \"{1}\"",
"ariaSearchNoResultEmpty": "Encontrados: {0}",
"ariaSearchNoResultWithLineNum": "{0} encontrado para \"{1}\", en {2}",
@ -659,7 +701,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"placeholder.replace": "Reemplazar",
"title.matchesCountLimit": "Sólo los primeros {0} resultados son resaltados, pero todas las operaciones de búsqueda trabajan en todo el texto."
"vs/editor/contrib/folding/folding": {
"vs/editor/contrib/folding/browser/folding": {
"editorGutter.foldingControlForeground": "Color del control plegable en el medianil del editor.",
"foldAction.label": "Plegar",
"foldAllAction.label": "Plegar todo",
@ -669,9 +711,10 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"foldBackgroundBackground": "Color de fondo detrás de los rangos plegados. El color no debe ser opaco para no ocultar las decoraciones subyacentes.",
"foldLevelAction.label": "Nivel de plegamiento {0}",
"foldRecursivelyAction.label": "Plegar de forma recursiva",
"gotoNextFold.label": "Ir al plegado siguiente",
"gotoNextFold.label": "Ir al rango de plegado siguiente",
"gotoParentFold.label": "Ir al plegado primario",
"gotoPreviousFold.label": "Ir al plegado anterior",
"gotoPreviousFold.label": "Ir al rango de plegado anterior",
"maximum fold ranges": "El número de regiones que se pueden plegar está limitado a un máximo de {0}. Aumente la opción de configuración ['Plegamiento de regiones máximas'](command:workbench.action.openSettings?[\" editor.foldingMaximumRegions\"]) para habilitar más.",
"toggleFoldAction.label": "Alternar plegado",
"unFoldRecursivelyAction.label": "Desplegar de forma recursiva",
"unfoldAction.label": "Desplegar",
@ -679,26 +722,26 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"unfoldAllExcept.label": "Desplegar todas las regiones excepto las seleccionadas",
"unfoldAllMarkerRegions.label": "Desplegar Todas las Regiones"
"vs/editor/contrib/folding/foldingDecorations": {
"vs/editor/contrib/folding/browser/foldingDecorations": {
"foldingCollapsedIcon": "Icono de rangos contraídos en el margen de glifo del editor.",
"foldingExpandedIcon": "Icono de rangos expandidos en el margen de glifo del editor."
"vs/editor/contrib/fontZoom/fontZoom": {
"vs/editor/contrib/fontZoom/browser/fontZoom": {
"EditorFontZoomIn.label": "Acercarse a la tipografía del editor",
"EditorFontZoomOut.label": "Alejarse de la tipografía del editor",
"EditorFontZoomReset.label": "Restablecer alejamiento de la tipografía del editor"
"vs/editor/contrib/format/format": {
"vs/editor/contrib/format/browser/format": {
"hint11": "1 edición de formato en la línea {0}",
"hint1n": "1 edición de formato entre las líneas {0} y {1}",
"hintn1": "{0} ediciones de formato en la línea {1}",
"hintnn": "{0} ediciones de formato entre las líneas {1} y {2}"
"vs/editor/contrib/format/formatActions": {
"vs/editor/contrib/format/browser/formatActions": {
"formatDocument.label": "Dar formato al documento",
"formatSelection.label": "Dar formato a la selección"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoError/gotoError": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoError/browser/gotoError": {
"markerAction.next.label": "Ir al siguiente problema (Error, Advertencia, Información)",
"markerAction.nextInFiles.label": "Ir al siguiente problema en Archivos (Error, Advertencia, Información)",
"markerAction.previous.label": "Ir al problema anterior (Error, Advertencia, Información)",
@ -708,7 +751,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"nextMarkerIcon": "Icono para ir al marcador siguiente.",
"previousMarkerIcon": "Icono para ir al marcador anterior."
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoError/gotoErrorWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoError/browser/gotoErrorWidget": {
"Error": "Error",
"Hint": "Sugerencia",
"Info": "Información",
@ -724,7 +767,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"marker aria": "{0} en {1}. ",
"problems": "{0} de {1} problemas"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/goToCommands": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/goToCommands": {
"actions.goToDecl.label": "Ir a definición",
"actions.goToDeclToSide.label": "Abrir definición en el lateral",
"actions.goToDeclaration.label": "Ir a Definición",
@ -748,10 +791,10 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"goToTypeDefinition.noResultWord": "No se encontró ninguna definición de tipo para \"{0}\"",
"impl.title": "Implementaciones",
"label.generic": "Ir a cualquier símbolo",
"miGotoDeclaration": "Ir a &&Declaración",
"miGotoDeclaration": "Ir a &&declaración",
"miGotoDefinition": "Ir a &&definición",
"miGotoImplementation": "Ir a &&Implementaciones",
"miGotoReference": "Ir a &&Referencias",
"miGotoImplementation": "Ir a &&implementaciones",
"miGotoReference": "Ir a &&referencias",
"miGotoTypeDefinition": "Ir a la definición de &&tipo",
"noResultWord": "No se encontró ninguna definición para \"{0}\"",
"peek.submenu": "Ver",
@ -761,25 +804,25 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"references.noGeneric": "No se encontraron referencias",
"typedef.title": "Definiciones de tipo"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/link/goToDefinitionAtPosition": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/link/goToDefinitionAtPosition": {
"multipleResults": "Haga clic para mostrar {0} definiciones."
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/peek/referencesController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/peek/referencesController": {
"labelLoading": "Cargando...",
"metaTitle.N": "{0} ({1})",
"referenceSearchVisible": "Indica si está visible la inspección de referencias, como \"Inspección de referencias\" o \"Ver la definición sin salir\"."
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/peek/referencesTree": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/peek/referencesTree": {
"referenceCount": "{0} referencia",
"referencesCount": "{0} referencias",
"treeAriaLabel": "Referencias"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/peek/referencesWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/peek/referencesWidget": {
"missingPreviewMessage": "vista previa no disponible",
"noResults": "No hay resultados",
"peekView.alternateTitle": "Referencias"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/referencesModel": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/referencesModel": {
"aria.fileReferences.1": "1 símbolo en {0}, ruta de acceso completa {1}",
"aria.fileReferences.N": "{0} símbolos en {1}, ruta de acceso completa {2}",
"aria.oneReference": "símbolo en {0} linea {1} en la columna {2}",
@ -789,26 +832,26 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"aria.result.n1": "Encontró {0} símbolos en {1}",
"aria.result.nm": "Encontró {0} símbolos en {1} archivos"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/symbolNavigation": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/symbolNavigation": {
"hasSymbols": "Indica si hay ubicaciones de símbolos a las que se pueda navegar solo con el teclado.",
"location": "Símbolo {0} de {1}",
"location.kb": "Símbolo {0} de {1}, {2} para el siguiente"
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/hover": {
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/browser/hover": {
"showDefinitionPreviewHover": "Mostrar vista previa de la definición que aparece al mover el puntero",
"showHover": "Mostrar al mantener el puntero"
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/markdownHoverParticipant": {
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/browser/markdownHoverParticipant": {
"modesContentHover.loading": "Cargando...",
"too many characters": "Por motivos de rendimiento, la tokenización se omite con filas largas. Esta opción se puede configurar con \"editor.maxTokenizationLineLength\"."
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/markerHoverParticipant": {
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/browser/markerHoverParticipant": {
"checkingForQuickFixes": "Buscando correcciones rápidas...",
"noQuickFixes": "No hay correcciones rápidas disponibles",
"quick fixes": "Corrección Rápida",
"view problem": "Ver el problema"
"vs/editor/contrib/indentation/indentation": {
"vs/editor/contrib/indentation/browser/indentation": {
"configuredTabSize": "Tamaño de tabulación configurado",
"detectIndentation": "Detectar sangría del contenido",
"editor.reindentlines": "Volver a aplicar sangría a líneas",
@ -819,24 +862,32 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"indentationToTabs": "Convertir sangría en tabulaciones",
"selectTabWidth": "Seleccionar tamaño de tabulación para el archivo actual"
"vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/ghostTextController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/inlayHints/browser/inlayHintsHover": {
"hint.cmd": "Ejecutar comando",
"hint.dbl": "Haga doble clic para insertar",
"hint.def": "Ir a Definición ({0})",
"hint.defAndCommand": "Ir a Definición ({0}), haga clic con el botón derecho para obtener más información",
"links.navigate.kb.alt": "alt + clic",
"links.navigate.kb.alt.mac": "opción + clic",
"links.navigate.kb.meta": "ctrl + clic",
"links.navigate.kb.meta.mac": "cmd + clic"
"vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/browser/ghostTextController": {
"action.inlineSuggest.showNext": "Mostrar sugerencia alineada siguiente",
"action.inlineSuggest.showPrevious": "Mostrar sugerencia alineada anterior",
"action.inlineSuggest.trigger": "Desencadenar sugerencia alineada",
"inlineSuggestionHasIndentation": "Si la sugerencia alineada comienza con un espacio en blanco",
"inlineSuggestionHasIndentationLessThanTabSize": "Si la sugerencia insertada comienza con un espacio en blanco menor que lo que se insertaría mediante tabulación",
"inlineSuggestionVisible": "Si una sugerencia alineada está visible"
"vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/inlineCompletionsHoverParticipant": {
"acceptInlineSuggestion": "Aceptar",
"inlineSuggestionFollows": "Sugerencia:",
"showNextInlineSuggestion": "Siguiente",
"showPreviousInlineSuggestion": "Anterior"
"vs/editor/contrib/inPlaceReplace/inPlaceReplace": {
"vs/editor/contrib/inPlaceReplace/browser/inPlaceReplace": {
"InPlaceReplaceAction.next.label": "Reemplazar con el valor siguiente",
"InPlaceReplaceAction.previous.label": "Reemplazar con el valor anterior"
"vs/editor/contrib/linesOperations/linesOperations": {
"vs/editor/contrib/lineSelection/browser/lineSelection": {
"expandLineSelection": "Expandir selección de línea"
"vs/editor/contrib/linesOperations/browser/linesOperations": {
"duplicateSelection": "Selección duplicada",
"editor.transformToLowercase": "Transformar a minúsculas",
"editor.transformToSnakecase": "Transformar en Snake Case",
@ -848,6 +899,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"lines.delete": "Eliminar línea",
"lines.deleteAllLeft": "Eliminar todo a la izquierda",
"lines.deleteAllRight": "Eliminar todo lo que está a la derecha",
"lines.deleteDuplicates": "Eliminar líneas duplicadas",
"lines.indent": "Sangría de línea",
"lines.insertAfter": "Insertar línea debajo",
"lines.insertBefore": "Insertar línea arriba",
@ -864,11 +916,11 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"miMoveLinesDown": "Mover &&línea abajo",
"miMoveLinesUp": "Mo&&ver línea arriba"
"vs/editor/contrib/linkedEditing/linkedEditing": {
"vs/editor/contrib/linkedEditing/browser/linkedEditing": {
"editorLinkedEditingBackground": "Color de fondo cuando el editor cambia el nombre automáticamente al escribir.",
"linkedEditing.label": "Iniciar edición vinculada"
"vs/editor/contrib/links/links": {
"vs/editor/contrib/links/browser/links": {
"invalid.url": "No se pudo abrir este vínculo porque no tiene un formato correcto: {0}",
"label": "Abrir vínculo",
"links.navigate.executeCmd": "Ejecutar comando",
@ -880,11 +932,11 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"missing.url": "No se pudo abrir este vínculo porque falta el destino.",
"tooltip.explanation": "Ejecutar el comando {0}"
"vs/editor/contrib/message/messageController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/message/browser/messageController": {
"editor.readonly": "No se puede editar en un editor de sólo lectura",
"messageVisible": "Indica si el editor muestra actualmente un mensaje insertado"
"vs/editor/contrib/multicursor/multicursor": {
"vs/editor/contrib/multicursor/browser/multicursor": {
"addSelectionToNextFindMatch": "Agregar selección hasta la siguiente coincidencia de búsqueda",
"addSelectionToPreviousFindMatch": "Agregar selección hasta la anterior coincidencia de búsqueda",
"changeAll.label": "Cambiar todas las ocurrencias",
@ -905,15 +957,16 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"mutlicursor.insertBelow": "Agregar cursor debajo",
"selectAllOccurrencesOfFindMatch": "Seleccionar todas las repeticiones de coincidencia de búsqueda"
"vs/editor/contrib/parameterHints/parameterHints": {
"vs/editor/contrib/parameterHints/browser/parameterHints": {
"parameterHints.trigger.label": "Sugerencias para parámetros Trigger"
"vs/editor/contrib/parameterHints/parameterHintsWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/parameterHints/browser/parameterHintsWidget": {
"editorHoverWidgetHighlightForeground": "Color de primer plano del elemento activo en la sugerencia de parámetro.",
"hint": "{0}, sugerencia",
"parameterHintsNextIcon": "Icono para mostrar la sugerencia de parámetro siguiente.",
"parameterHintsPreviousIcon": "Icono para mostrar la sugerencia de parámetro anterior."
"vs/editor/contrib/peekView/peekView": {
"vs/editor/contrib/peekView/browser/peekView": {
"inReferenceSearchEditor": "Indica si el editor de código actual está incrustado en la inspección.",
"label.close": "Cerrar",
"peekViewBorder": "Color de los bordes y la flecha de la vista de inspección.",
@ -931,14 +984,14 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"peekViewTitleForeground": "Color del título de la vista de inpección.",
"peekViewTitleInfoForeground": "Color de la información del título de la vista de inspección."
"vs/editor/contrib/quickAccess/gotoLineQuickAccess": {
"vs/editor/contrib/quickAccess/browser/gotoLineQuickAccess": {
"cannotRunGotoLine": "Abra primero un editor de texto para ir a una línea.",
"gotoLineColumnLabel": "Vaya a la línea {0} y al carácter {1}.",
"gotoLineLabel": "Ir a la línea {0}.",
"gotoLineLabelEmpty": "Línea actual: {0}, Carácter: {1}. Escriba un número de línea al que navegar.",
"gotoLineLabelEmptyWithLimit": "Línea actual: {0}, Carácter: {1}. Escriba un número de línea entre 1 y {2} a los que navegar."
"vs/editor/contrib/quickAccess/gotoSymbolQuickAccess": {
"vs/editor/contrib/quickAccess/browser/gotoSymbolQuickAccess": {
"_constructor": "constructores ({0})",
"array": "matrices ({0})",
"boolean": "booleanos ({0})",
@ -972,7 +1025,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"typeParameter": "parámetros de tipo ({0})",
"variable": "variables ({0})"
"vs/editor/contrib/rename/rename": {
"vs/editor/contrib/rename/browser/rename": {
"aria": "Nombre cambiado correctamente de '{0}' a '{1}'. Resumen: {2}",
"enablePreview": "Activar/desactivar la capacidad de previsualizar los cambios antes de cambiar el nombre",
"label": "Cambiando el nombre de \"{0}\"",
@ -983,23 +1036,23 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"rename.label": "Cambiar el nombre del símbolo",
"resolveRenameLocationFailed": "Error desconocido al resolver el cambio de nombre de la ubicación"
"vs/editor/contrib/rename/renameInputField": {
"vs/editor/contrib/rename/browser/renameInputField": {
"label": "{0} para cambiar de nombre, {1} para obtener una vista previa",
"renameAriaLabel": "Cambie el nombre de la entrada. Escriba el nuevo nombre y presione Entrar para confirmar.",
"renameInputVisible": "Indica si el widget de cambio de nombre de entrada está visible."
"vs/editor/contrib/smartSelect/smartSelect": {
"vs/editor/contrib/smartSelect/browser/smartSelect": {
"miSmartSelectGrow": "&&Expandir selección",
"miSmartSelectShrink": "&&Reducir selección",
"smartSelect.expand": "Expandir selección",
"smartSelect.shrink": "Reducir la selección"
"vs/editor/contrib/snippet/snippetController2": {
"vs/editor/contrib/snippet/browser/snippetController2": {
"hasNextTabstop": "Indica si hay una tabulación siguiente cuando se está en modo de fragmentos de código.",
"hasPrevTabstop": "Si hay una tabulación anterior cuando se está en modo de fragmentos de código.",
"inSnippetMode": "Indica si el editor actual está en modo de fragmentos de código."
"vs/editor/contrib/snippet/snippetVariables": {
"vs/editor/contrib/snippet/browser/snippetVariables": {
"April": "Abril",
"AprilShort": "Abr",
"August": "Agosto",
@ -1039,17 +1092,16 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"Wednesday": "Miércoles",
"WednesdayShort": "Mié"
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggest": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggest": {
"acceptSuggestionOnEnter": "Indica si se insertan sugerencias al presionar Entrar.",
"suggestWidgetDetailsVisible": "Indica si los detalles de las sugerencias están visibles.",
"suggestWidgetMultipleSuggestions": "Indica si hay varias sugerencias para elegir.",
"suggestWidgetVisible": "Indica si las sugerencias están visibles.",
"suggestionCanResolve": "Indica si la sugerencia actual admite la resolución de más detalles.",
"suggestionHasInsertAndReplaceRange": "Indica si la sugerencia actual tiene el comportamiento de inserción y reemplazo.",
"suggestionInsertMode": "Indica si el comportamiento predeterminado es insertar o reemplazar.",
"suggestionMakesTextEdit": "Indica si la inserción de la sugerencia actual genera un cambio o si ya se ha escrito todo."
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestController": {
"accept.insert": "Insertar",
"accept.replace": "Reemplazar",
"aria.alert.snippet": "Aceptando \"{0}\" ediciones adicionales de {1} realizadas",
@ -1058,7 +1110,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"suggest.reset.label": "Restablecer tamaño del widget de sugerencias",
"suggest.trigger.label": "Sugerencias para Trigger"
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestWidget": {
"ariaCurrenttSuggestionReadDetails": "{0}, documentos: {1}",
"editorSuggestWidgetBackground": "Color de fondo del widget sugerido.",
"editorSuggestWidgetBorder": "Color de borde del widget sugerido.",
@ -1068,22 +1120,26 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"editorSuggestWidgetSelectedBackground": "Color de fondo de la entrada seleccionada del widget sugerido.",
"editorSuggestWidgetSelectedForeground": "Color de primer plano de le entrada seleccionada del widget de sugerencias.",
"editorSuggestWidgetSelectedIconForeground": "Color de primer plano del icono de la entrada seleccionada en el widget de sugerencias.",
"editorSuggestWidgetStatusForeground": "Color de primer plano del estado del widget sugerido.",
"label.desc": "{0}, {1}",
"label.detail": "{0}{1}",
"label.full": "{0}{1}, {2}",
"suggest": "Sugerir",
"suggestWidget.loading": "Cargando...",
"suggestWidget.noSuggestions": "No hay sugerencias."
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestWidgetDetails": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestWidgetDetails": {
"details.close": "Cerrar",
"loading": "Cargando..."
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestWidgetRenderer": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestWidgetRenderer": {
"readMore": "Leer más",
"suggestMoreInfoIcon": "Icono para obtener más información en el widget de sugerencias."
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestWidgetStatus": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestWidgetStatus": {
"ddd": "{0} ({1})"
"vs/editor/contrib/symbolIcons/symbolIcons": {
"vs/editor/contrib/symbolIcons/browser/symbolIcons": {
"symbolIcon.arrayForeground": "Color de primer plano de los símbolos de matriz. Estos símbolos aparecen en el contorno, la ruta de navegación y el widget de sugerencias.",
"symbolIcon.booleanForeground": "Color de primer plano de los símbolos booleanos. Estos símbolos aparecen en el contorno, la ruta de navegación y el widget de sugerencias.",
"symbolIcon.classForeground": "Color de primer plano de los símbolos de clase. Estos símbolos aparecen en el contorno, la ruta de navegación y el widget de sugerencias.",
@ -1118,22 +1174,47 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"symbolIcon.unitForeground": "Color de primer plano de los símbolos de unidad. Estos símbolos aparecen en el contorno, la ruta de navegación y el widget de sugerencias.",
"symbolIcon.variableForeground": "Color de primer plano de los símbolos variables. Estos símbolos aparecen en el contorno, la ruta de navegación y el widget de sugerencias."
"vs/editor/contrib/toggleTabFocusMode/toggleTabFocusMode": {
"vs/editor/contrib/toggleTabFocusMode/browser/toggleTabFocusMode": {
"toggle.tabMovesFocus": "Alternar tecla de tabulación para mover el punto de atención",
"toggle.tabMovesFocus.off": "Presionando la pestaña ahora insertará el carácter de tabulación",
"toggle.tabMovesFocus.on": "Presionando la pestaña ahora moverá el foco al siguiente elemento enfocable."
"vs/editor/contrib/tokenization/tokenization": {
"vs/editor/contrib/tokenization/browser/tokenization": {
"forceRetokenize": "Desarrollador: forzar nueva aplicación de token"
"vs/editor/contrib/unusualLineTerminators/unusualLineTerminators": {
"vs/editor/contrib/unicodeHighlighter/browser/unicodeHighlighter": {
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingInComments": "Deshabilitar resaltado de caracteres en comentarios",
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingInStrings": "Deshabilitar resaltado de caracteres en cadenas",
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfAmbiguousCharacters": "Deshabilitar el resaltado de caracteres ambiguos",
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfInvisibleCharacters": "Deshabilitar el resaltado de caracteres invisibles",
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfNonBasicAsciiCharacters": "Deshabilitar el resaltado de caracteres ASCII no básicos",
"action.unicodeHighlight.showExcludeOptions": "Mostrar opciones de exclusión",
"unicodeHighlight.adjustSettings": "Ajustar la configuración",
"unicodeHighlight.allowCommonCharactersInLanguage": "Permite caracteres Unicode más comunes en el idioma \"{0}\".",
"unicodeHighlight.characterIsAmbiguous": "El carácter {0} podría confundirse con el carácter {1}, que es más común en el código fuente.",
"unicodeHighlight.characterIsInvisible": "El carácter {0} es invisible.",
"unicodeHighlight.characterIsNonBasicAscii": "El carácter {0} no es un carácter ASCII básico.",
"unicodeHighlight.configureUnicodeHighlightOptions": "Configurar opciones de resaltado Unicode",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingInComments.shortLabel": "Deshabilitar resaltado en comentarios",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingInStrings.shortLabel": "Deshabilitar resaltado en cadenas",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfAmbiguousCharacters.shortLabel": "Deshabilitar resaltado ambiguo",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfInvisibleCharacters.shortLabel": "Deshabilitar resaltado invisible",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfNonBasicAsciiCharacters.shortLabel": "Deshabilitar resaltado que no es ASCII",
"unicodeHighlight.excludeCharFromBeingHighlighted": "Excluir {0} de ser resaltado",
"unicodeHighlight.excludeInvisibleCharFromBeingHighlighted": "Excluir {0} (carácter invisible) de que se resalte",
"unicodeHighlighting.thisDocumentHasManyAmbiguousUnicodeCharacters": "Este documento contiene muchos caracteres Unicode ambiguos",
"unicodeHighlighting.thisDocumentHasManyInvisibleUnicodeCharacters": "Este documento contiene muchos caracteres Unicode invisibles",
"unicodeHighlighting.thisDocumentHasManyNonBasicAsciiUnicodeCharacters": "Este documento contiene muchos caracteres Unicode ASCII no básicos",
"warningIcon": "Icono que se muestra con un mensaje de advertencia en el editor de extensiones."
"vs/editor/contrib/unusualLineTerminators/browser/unusualLineTerminators": {
"unusualLineTerminators.detail": "Este archivo \"{0}\" contiene uno o más caracteres de terminación de línea inusuales, como el separador de línea (LS) o el separador de párrafo (PS).\r\n\r\nSe recomienda eliminarlos del archivo. Esto puede configurarse mediante \"editor.unusualLineTerminators\".",
"unusualLineTerminators.fix": "Quitar terminadores de línea inusuales",
"unusualLineTerminators.ignore": "Omitir",
"unusualLineTerminators.message": "Se han detectado terminadores de línea inusuales",
"unusualLineTerminators.title": "Terminadores de línea inusuales"
"vs/editor/contrib/wordHighlighter/wordHighlighter": {
"vs/editor/contrib/wordHighlighter/browser/wordHighlighter": {
"overviewRulerWordHighlightForeground": "Color del marcador de regla general para destacados de símbolos. El color no debe ser opaco para no ocultar decoraciones subyacentes.",
"overviewRulerWordHighlightStrongForeground": "Color de marcador de regla general para destacados de símbolos de acceso de escritura. El color no debe ser opaco para no ocultar las decoraciones subyacentes.",
"wordHighlight": "Color de fondo de un símbolo durante el acceso de lectura, como la lectura de una variable. El color no debe ser opaco para no ocultar decoraciones subyacentes.",
@ -1144,7 +1225,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"wordHighlightStrong": "Color de fondo de un símbolo durante el acceso de escritura, como escribir en una variable. El color no debe ser opaco para no ocultar las decoraciones subyacentes.",
"wordHighlightStrongBorder": "Color de fondo de un símbolo durante el acceso de escritura; por ejemplo, cuando se escribe una variable."
"vs/editor/contrib/wordOperations/wordOperations": {
"vs/editor/contrib/wordOperations/browser/wordOperations": {
"deleteInsideWord": "Eliminar palabra"
"vs/platform/actions/browser/menuEntryActionViewItem": {
@ -1154,7 +1235,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"config.property.duplicate": "No se puede registrar \"{0}\". Esta propiedad ya está registrada.",
"config.property.empty": "No se puede registrar una propiedad vacía.",
"config.property.languageDefault": "No se puede registrar \"{0}\". Coincide con el patrón de propiedad '\\\\[.*\\\\]$' para describir la configuración del editor específica del lenguaje. Utilice la contribución \"configurationDefaults\".",
"defaultLanguageConfiguration.description": "Establece los valores de configuración que se reemplazarán para el lenguaje {0}.",
"defaultLanguageConfiguration.description": "Configure los valores que se invalidarán para el idioma {0}.",
"defaultLanguageConfigurationOverrides.title": "La configuración del lenguaje predeterminada se reemplaza",
"overrideSettings.defaultDescription": "Establecer los valores de configuración que se reemplazarán para un lenguaje.",
"overrideSettings.errorMessage": "Esta configuración no admite la configuración por idioma."
@ -1183,13 +1264,16 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"sizeTB": "{0} TB",
"unknownError": "Error desconocido"
"vs/platform/history/browser/contextScopedHistoryWidget": {
"suggestWidgetVisible": "Indica si las sugerencias están visibles."
"vs/platform/keybinding/common/abstractKeybindingService": {
"first.chord": "Se presionó ({0}). Esperando la siguiente tecla...",
"missing.chord": "La combinación de claves ({0}, {1}) no es un comando."
"vs/platform/list/browser/listService": {
"Fast Scroll Sensitivity": "Multiplicador de la velocidad de desplazamiento al presionar Alt.",
"Mouse Wheel Scroll Sensitivity": "Se usará un multiplicador en los eventos de desplazamiento de la rueda del mouse deltaX y deltaY.",
"Fast Scroll Sensitivity": "Multiplicador de la velocidad de desplazamiento al presionar \"Alt\".",
"Mouse Wheel Scroll Sensitivity": "Se usará un multiplicador en los eventos de desplazamiento de la rueda del mouse \"deltaX\" y \"deltaY\". ",
"automatic keyboard navigation setting": "Controla si la navegación del teclado en listas y árboles se activa automáticamente simplemente escribiendo. Si se establece en \"false\", la navegación con el teclado solo se activa al ejecutar el comando \"list.toggleKeyboardNavigation\", para el cual puede asignar un método abreviado de teclado.",
"expand mode": "Controla cómo se expanden las carpetas de árbol al hacer clic en sus nombres. Tenga en cuenta que algunos árboles y listas pueden optar por omitir esta configuración si no es aplicable.",
"horizontalScrolling setting": "Controla si las listas y los árboles admiten el desplazamiento horizontal en el área de trabajo. Advertencia: La activación de esta configuración repercute en el rendimiento.",
@ -1254,8 +1338,14 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"diffDiagonalFill": "Color de relleno diagonal del editor de diferencias. El relleno diagonal se usa en las vistas de diferencias en paralelo.",
"diffEditorBorder": "Color del borde entre ambos editores de texto.",
"diffEditorInserted": "Color de fondo para el texto que se insertó. El color no debe ser opaco para no ocultar las decoraciones subyacentes.",
"diffEditorInsertedLineGutter": "Color de fondo del margen donde se insertaron las líneas.",
"diffEditorInsertedLines": "Color de fondo de las líneas insertadas. El color no debe ser opaco para no ocultar las decoraciones subyacentes.",
"diffEditorInsertedOutline": "Color de contorno para el texto insertado.",
"diffEditorOverviewInserted": "Primer plano de la regla de información general de diferencias para el contenido insertado.",
"diffEditorOverviewRemoved": "Primer plano de la regla de información general de diferencias para el contenido quitado.",
"diffEditorRemoved": "Color de fondo para el texto que se eliminó. El color no debe ser opaco para no ocultar decoraciones subyacentes.",
"diffEditorRemovedLineGutter": "Color de fondo del margen donde se quitaron las líneas.",
"diffEditorRemovedLines": "Color de fondo de las líneas que se quitaron. El color no debe ser opaco para no ocultar las decoraciones subyacentes.",
"diffEditorRemovedOutline": "Color de contorno para el texto quitado.",
"dropdownBackground": "Fondo de lista desplegable.",
"dropdownBorder": "Borde de lista desplegable.",
@ -1272,7 +1362,11 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"editorInfo.background": "Color de fondo del texto de información del editor. El color no debe ser opaco para no ocultar las decoraciones subyacentes.",
"editorInfo.foreground": "Color de primer plano de los subrayados ondulados informativos en el editor.",
"editorInlayHintBackground": "Color de fondo de las sugerencias insertadas",
"editorInlayHintBackgroundParameter": "Color de fondo de las sugerencias insertadas para los parámetros",
"editorInlayHintBackgroundTypes": "Color de fondo de las sugerencias insertadas para los tipos de letra",
"editorInlayHintForeground": "Color de primer plano de las sugerencias insertadas",
"editorInlayHintForegroundParameter": "Color de primer plano de las sugerencias insertadas para los parámetros",
"editorInlayHintForegroundTypes": "Color de primer plano de las sugerencias insertadas para los tipos de letra",
"editorLightBulbAutoFixForeground": "El color utilizado para el icono de la bombilla de acciones de corrección automática.",
"editorLightBulbForeground": "El color utilizado para el icono de bombilla de acciones.",
"editorSelectionBackground": "Color de la selección del editor.",
@ -1305,8 +1399,9 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"inputBoxBackground": "Fondo de cuadro de entrada.",
"inputBoxBorder": "Borde de cuadro de entrada.",
"inputBoxForeground": "Primer plano de cuadro de entrada.",
"inputOption.activeBackground": "Color de fondo de las opciones activadas en los campos de entrada.",
"inputOption.activeBackground": "Color de fondo al pasar por encima de las opciones en los campos de entrada.",
"inputOption.activeForeground": "Color de primer plano de las opciones activadas en los campos de entrada.",
"inputOption.hoverBackground": "Color de fondo de las opciones activadas en los campos de entrada.",
"inputPlaceholderForeground": "Color de primer plano para el marcador de posición de texto",
"inputValidationErrorBackground": "Color de fondo de validación de entrada para gravedad de error.",
"inputValidationErrorBorder": "Color de borde de valdación de entrada para gravedad de error.",
@ -1362,7 +1457,9 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"minimapBackground": "Color de fondo del minimapa.",
"minimapError": "Color del marcador de minimapa para errores.",
"minimapFindMatchHighlight": "Color de marcador de minimapa para coincidencias de búsqueda.",
"minimapForegroundOpacity": "Opacidad de los elementos de primer plano representados en el minimapa. Por ejemplo, \"#000000c0\" representará los elementos con 75% de opacidad.",
"minimapSelectionHighlight": "Color del marcador de minimapa para la selección del editor.",
"minimapSelectionOccurrenceHighlight": "Color de marcador de minimapa para las selecciones del editor que se repiten.",
"minimapSliderActiveBackground": "Color de fondo del deslizador de minimapa al hacer clic en él.",
"minimapSliderBackground": "Color de fondo del deslizador del minimapa.",
"minimapSliderHoverBackground": "Color de fondo del deslizador del minimapa al pasar el puntero.",
@ -1398,6 +1495,8 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"snippetTabstopHighlightBackground": "Resaltado del color de fondo para una ficha de un fragmento de código.",
"snippetTabstopHighlightBorder": "Resaltado del color del borde para una ficha de un fragmento de código.",
"statusBarBackground": "Color de fondo de la barra de estado al mantener el puntero en el editor.",
"tableColumnsBorder": "Color de borde de la tabla entre columnas.",
"tableOddRowsBackgroundColor": "Color de fondo para las filas de tabla impares.",
"textBlockQuoteBackground": "Color de fondo para los bloques en texto.",
"textBlockQuoteBorder": "Color de borde para los bloques en texto.",
"textCodeBlockBackground": "Color de fondo para los bloques de código en el texto.",
@ -1413,8 +1512,8 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"widgetShadow": "Color de sombra de los widgets dentro del editor, como buscar/reemplazar"
"vs/platform/theme/common/iconRegistry": {
"iconDefintion.fontCharacter": "Carácter de fuente asociado a la definición del icono.",
"iconDefintion.fontId": "Identificador de la fuente que se va a usar. Si no se establece, se usa la fuente definida en primer lugar.",
"iconDefinition.fontCharacter": "Carácter de fuente asociado a la definición del icono.",
"iconDefinition.fontId": "Identificador de la fuente que se va a usar. Si no se establece, se usa la fuente definida en primer lugar.",
"nextChangeIcon": "Icono para ir a la ubicación del editor siguiente.",
"previousChangeIcon": "Icono para ir a la ubicación del editor anterior.",
"widgetClose": "Icono de la acción de cierre en los widgets."
@ -1432,6 +1531,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"cannotWorkspaceUndoDueToInMeantimeUndoRedo": "No se pudo deshacer \"{0}\" en todos los archivos porque se produjo una operación de deshacer o rehacer mientras tanto",
"cannotWorkspaceUndoDueToInProgressUndoRedo": "No se pudo deshacer \"{0}\" en todos los archivos porque ya hay una operación de deshacer o rehacer en ejecución en {1}",
"confirmDifferentSource": "¿Quiere deshacer \"{0}\"?",
"confirmDifferentSource.no": "No",
"confirmDifferentSource.yes": "Sí",
"confirmWorkspace": "¿Desea deshacer \"{0}\" en todos los archivos?",
"externalRemoval": "Se han cerrado los siguientes archivos y se han modificado en el disco: {0}.",
@ -1439,7 +1539,12 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"nok": "Deshacer este archivo",
"ok": "Deshacer en {0} archivos"
"vs/platform/workspaces/common/workspaces": {
"vs/platform/workspace/common/workspace": {
"codeWorkspace": "Área de trabajo de código"
"vs/platform/workspace/common/workspaceTrust": {
"trusted": "De confianza",
"untrusted": "Modo restringido"
@ -1,18 +1,16 @@
this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Locale = {language: 'fr', data: {
window.MonacoEnvironment = window.MonacoEnvironment || {};
window.MonacoEnvironment.Locale = window.MonacoLocale = {
language: 'fr',
data: {
"vs/base/browser/ui/actionbar/actionViewItems": {
"titleLabel": "{0} ({1})"
"vs/base/browser/ui/findinput/findInput": {
"defaultLabel": "entrée"
"vs/base/browser/ui/findinput/findInputCheckboxes": {
"caseDescription": "Respecter la casse",
"regexDescription": "Utiliser une expression régulière",
"wordsDescription": "Mot entier"
"vs/base/browser/ui/findinput/replaceInput": {
"defaultLabel": "entrée",
"label.preserveCaseCheckbox": "Préserver la casse"
"label.preserveCaseToggle": "Préserver la casse"
"vs/base/browser/ui/iconLabel/iconLabelHover": {
"iconLabel.loading": "Chargement..."
@ -20,14 +18,12 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"vs/base/browser/ui/inputbox/inputBox": {
"alertErrorMessage": "Erreur : {0}",
"alertInfoMessage": "Info : {0}",
"alertWarningMessage": "Avertissement : {0}"
"alertWarningMessage": "Avertissement : {0}",
"history.inputbox.hint": "pour l’historique"
"vs/base/browser/ui/keybindingLabel/keybindingLabel": {
"unbound": "Indépendant"
"vs/base/browser/ui/menu/menu": {
"titleLabel": "{0} ({1})"
"vs/base/browser/ui/tree/abstractTree": {
"clear": "Effacer",
"disable filter on type": "Désactiver le filtre sur le type",
@ -50,6 +46,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"cmdKey.long": "Commande",
"ctrlKey": "Ctrl",
"ctrlKey.long": "Contrôle",
"optKey.long": "Option",
"shiftKey": "Maj",
"shiftKey.long": "Maj",
"superKey": "Super",
@ -72,16 +69,13 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"vs/base/parts/quickinput/browser/quickInputList": {
"quickInput": "Entrée rapide"
"vs/editor/browser/controller/coreCommands": {
"removedCursor": "Curseurs secondaires supprimés",
"stickydesc": "Aligner par rapport à la fin même en cas de passage à des lignes plus longues"
"vs/editor/browser/controller/textAreaHandler": {
"accessibilityOffAriaLabel": "L'éditeur n'est pas accessible pour le moment. Appuyez sur {0} pour voir les options.",
"editor": "éditeur"
"vs/editor/browser/core/keybindingCancellation": {
"cancellableOperation": "Indique si l'éditeur exécute une opération annulable, par exemple 'Avoir un aperçu des références'"
"vs/editor/browser/coreCommands": {
"removedCursor": "Curseurs secondaires supprimés",
"stickydesc": "Aligner par rapport à la fin même en cas de passage à des lignes plus longues"
"vs/editor/browser/editorExtensions": {
"miRedo": "&&Rétablir",
@ -117,12 +111,15 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"unchangedLine": "{0} ligne inchangée {1}"
"vs/editor/browser/widget/inlineDiffMargin": {
"diff.clipboard.copyChangedLineContent.label": "Copier la ligne modifiée ({0})",
"diff.clipboard.copyChangedLinesContent.label": "Copier les lignes modifiées",
"diff.clipboard.copyChangedLinesContent.single.label": "Copier la ligne modifiée",
"diff.clipboard.copyDeletedLineContent.label": "Copier la ligne supprimée ({0})",
"diff.clipboard.copyDeletedLinesContent.label": "Copier les lignes supprimées",
"diff.clipboard.copyDeletedLinesContent.single.label": "Copier la ligne supprimée",
"diff.inline.revertChange.label": "Annuler la modification"
"vs/editor/common/config/commonEditorConfig": {
"vs/editor/common/config/editorConfigurationSchema": {
"codeLens": "Contrôle si l'éditeur affiche CodeLens.",
"detectIndentation": "Contrôle si '#editor.tabSize#' et '#editor.insertSpaces#' sont automatiquement détectés lors de l’ouverture d’un fichier en fonction de son contenu.",
"editorConfigurationTitle": "Éditeur",
@ -130,8 +127,13 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"insertSpaces": "Espaces insérés quand vous appuyez sur la touche Tab. Ce paramètre est remplacé en fonction du contenu du fichier quand '#editor.detectIndentation#' est activé.",
"largeFileOptimizations": "Traitement spécial des fichiers volumineux pour désactiver certaines fonctionnalités utilisant beaucoup de mémoire.",
"maxComputationTime": "Délai d'expiration en millisecondes avant annulation du calcul de diff. Utilisez 0 pour supprimer le délai d'expiration.",
"maxFileSize": "Taille de fichier maximale en Mo pour laquelle calculer les différences. Utilisez 0 pour ne pas avoir de limite.",
"maxTokenizationLineLength": "Les lignes plus longues que cette valeur ne sont pas tokenisées pour des raisons de performances",
"renderIndicators": "Contrôle si l'éditeur de différences affiche les indicateurs +/- pour les changements ajoutés/supprimés .",
"schema.brackets": "Définit les symboles de type crochet qui augmentent ou diminuent le retrait.",
"schema.closeBracket": "Séquence de chaînes ou de caractères de crochets fermants.",
"schema.colorizedBracketPairs": "Définit les paires de crochets qui sont colorisées par leur niveau d’imbrication si la colorisation des paires de crochets est activée.",
"schema.openBracket": "Séquence de chaînes ou de caractères de crochets ouvrants.",
"semanticHighlighting.configuredByTheme": "La coloration sémantique est configurée par le paramètre 'semanticHighlighting' du thème de couleur actuel.",
"semanticHighlighting.enabled": "Contrôle si semanticHighlighting est affiché pour les langages qui le prennent en charge.",
"semanticHighlighting.false": "Coloration sémantique désactivée pour tous les thèmes de couleur.",
@ -169,7 +171,8 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"autoClosingQuotes": "Contrôle si l’éditeur doit fermer automatiquement les guillemets après que l’utilisateur ajoute un guillemet ouvrant.",
"autoIndent": "Contrôle si l'éditeur doit ajuster automatiquement le retrait quand les utilisateurs tapent, collent, déplacent ou mettent en retrait des lignes.",
"autoSurround": "Contrôle si l'éditeur doit automatiquement entourer les sélections quand l'utilisateur tape des guillemets ou des crochets.",
"bracketPairColorization.enabled": "Contrôle si la coloration de la paire de crochets est activée ou non. Utilisez « workbench.colorCustomizations » pour remplacer les couleurs de surbrillance de crochets.",
"bracketPairColorization.enabled": "Contrôle si la coloration de la paire de crochets est activée ou non. Utilisez « workbench.colorCustomizations » pour remplacer les couleurs de surbrillance de crochets.",
"bracketPairColorization.independentColorPoolPerBracketType": "Contrôle si chaque type de crochet possède son propre pool de couleurs indépendant.",
"codeActions": "Active l’ampoule d’action de code dans l’éditeur.",
"codeLens": "Contrôle si l'éditeur affiche CodeLens.",
"codeLensFontFamily": "Contrôle la famille de polices pour CodeLens.",
@ -219,6 +222,17 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"editor.gotoLocation.multiple.goto": "Accéder au résultat principal et activer l'accès sans aperçu pour les autres",
"editor.gotoLocation.multiple.gotoAndPeek": "Accéder au résultat principal et montrer un aperçu",
"editor.gotoLocation.multiple.peek": "Montrer l'aperçu des résultats (par défaut)",
"editor.guides.bracketPairs": "Contrôle si les guides de la paire de crochets sont activés ou non.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairs.active": "Active les repères de paire de crochets uniquement pour la paire de crochets actifs.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairs.false": "Désactive les repères de paire de crochets.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairs.true": "Désactive les repères de paire de crochets.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairsHorizontal": "Contrôle si les guides de la paire de crochets horizontaux sont activés ou non.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairsHorizontal.active": "Active les repères horizontaux uniquement pour la paire de crochets actifs.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairsHorizontal.false": "Désactive les repères de paire de crochets horizontaux.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairsHorizontal.true": "Active les repères horizontaux en plus des repères de paire de crochets verticaux.",
"editor.guides.highlightActiveBracketPair": "Contrôle si l’éditeur doit mettre en surbrillance la paire de crochets actifs.",
"editor.guides.highlightActiveIndentation": "Contrôle si l’éditeur doit mettre en surbrillance le guide de mise en retrait actif.",
"editor.guides.indentation": "Contrôle si l’éditeur doit afficher les guides de mise en retrait.",
"editor.suggest.showClasss": "Si activé, IntelliSense montre des suggestions de type 'class'.",
"editor.suggest.showColors": "Si activé, IntelliSense montre des suggestions de type 'color'.",
"editor.suggest.showConstants": "Si activé, IntelliSense montre des suggestions de type 'constant'.",
@ -260,6 +274,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"folding": "Contrôle si l'éditeur a le pliage de code activé.",
"foldingHighlight": "Contrôle si l'éditeur doit mettre en évidence les plages pliées.",
"foldingImportsByDefault": "Contrôle si l’éditeur réduit automatiquement les plages d’importation.",
"foldingMaximumRegions": "Nombre maximal de régions pliables. L’augmentation de cette valeur peut réduire la réactivité de l’éditeur lorsque la source actuelle comprend un grand nombre de régions pliables.",
"foldingStrategy": "Contrôle la stratégie de calcul des plages de pliage.",
"foldingStrategy.auto": "Utilisez une stratégie de pliage propre à la langue, si disponible, sinon utilisez la stratégie basée sur le retrait.",
"foldingStrategy.indentation": "Utilisez la stratégie de pliage basée sur le retrait.",
@ -274,18 +289,15 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"formatOnType": "Contrôle si l’éditeur doit mettre automatiquement en forme la ligne après la saisie.",
"glyphMargin": "Contrôle si l'éditeur doit afficher la marge de glyphes verticale. La marge de glyphes sert principalement au débogage.",
"hideCursorInOverviewRuler": "Contrôle si le curseur doit être masqué dans la règle de la vue d’ensemble.",
"highlightActiveIndentGuide": "Contrôle si l’éditeur doit mettre en surbrillance le guide de mise en retrait actif.",
"hover.above": "Préférez afficher les points au-dessus de la ligne, s’il y a de l’espace.",
"hover.delay": "Contrôle le délai en millisecondes, après lequel le survol est affiché.",
"hover.enabled": "Contrôle si le pointage est affiché.",
"hover.sticky": "Contrôle si le pointage doit rester visible quand la souris est déplacée au-dessus.",
"inlayHints.enable": "Active les indicateurs inlay dans l’éditeur.",
"inlayHints.fontFamily": "Contrôle la famille de polices des indicateurs d’inlay dans l’éditeur. Lorsqu’il est défini sur vide, '#editor.fontFamily#' est utilisé.",
"inlayHints.fontSize": "Contrôle la taille de police des indicateurs inlay dans l’éditeur. Quand la valeur est définie sur `0`, 90 % de `#editor.fontSize#` est utilisé.",
"inlayHints.fontSize": "Contrôle la taille de police des indicateurs d’inlay dans l’éditeur. La valeur par défaut de 90 % de « #editor.fontSize# » est utilisée lorsque la valeur configurée est inférieure à « 5 » ou supérieure à la taille de police de l’éditeur.",
"inline": "Les suggestions rapides s’affichent sous forme de texte fantôme",
"inlineSuggest.enabled": "Contrôle si les suggestions en ligne doivent être affichées automatiquement dans l’éditeur.",
"inlineSuggest.mode": "Contrôle le mode à utiliser pour le rendu des suggestions incluses.",
"inlineSuggest.mode.prefix": "Affichez uniquement une suggestion inlined si le texte de remplacement est un préfixe du texte d’insertion.",
"inlineSuggest.mode.subword": "Affichez uniquement une suggestion inlined si le texte de remplacement est un sous-mot du texte d’insertion.",
"inlineSuggest.mode.subwordSmart": "Affichez uniquement une suggestion inlined si le texte de remplacement est un sous-mot du texte d’insertion, mais que le sous-mot doit commencer après le curseur.",
"letterSpacing": "Contrôle l'espacement des lettres en pixels.",
"lineHeight": "Contrôle la hauteur de ligne. \r\n - Utilisez 0 pour calculer automatiquement la hauteur de ligne à partir de la taille de police.\r\n : les valeurs comprises entre 0 et 8 sont utilisées comme multiplicateur avec la taille de police.\r\n : les valeurs supérieures ou égales à 8 seront utilisées comme valeurs effectives.",
"lineNumbers": "Contrôle l'affichage des numéros de ligne.",
@ -309,13 +321,15 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"mouseWheelScrollSensitivity": "Un multiplicateur à utiliser sur les `deltaX` et `deltaY` des événements de défilement de roulette de souris.",
"mouseWheelZoom": "Faire un zoom sur la police de l'éditeur quand l'utilisateur fait tourner la roulette de la souris tout en maintenant la touche 'Ctrl' enfoncée.",
"multiCursorMergeOverlapping": "Fusionnez plusieurs curseurs quand ils se chevauchent.",
"multiCursorModifier": "Le modificateur à utiliser pour ajouter plusieurs curseurs avec la souris. Les gestes de souris Atteindre la définition et Ouvrir le lien s'adapteront tels qu’ils n’entrent pas en conflit avec le modificateur multicursor. [Lire la suite] (https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/codebasics#_multicursor-modifier).",
"multiCursorModifier": "The modifier to be used to add multiple cursors with the mouse. The Go to Definition and Open Link mouse gestures will adapt such that they do not conflict with the multicursor modifier. [Read more](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/codebasics#_multicursor-modifier).",
"multiCursorModifier.alt": "Mappe vers 'Alt' dans Windows et Linux, et vers 'Option' dans macOS.",
"multiCursorModifier.ctrlCmd": "Mappe vers 'Contrôle' dans Windows et Linux, et vers 'Commande' dans macOS.",
"multiCursorPaste": "Contrôle le collage quand le nombre de lignes du texte collé correspond au nombre de curseurs.",
"multiCursorPaste.full": "Chaque curseur colle le texte en entier.",
"multiCursorPaste.spread": "Chaque curseur colle une seule ligne de texte.",
"occurrencesHighlight": "Contrôle si l'éditeur doit mettre en surbrillance les occurrences de symboles sémantiques.",
"off": "Les suggestions rapides sont désactivées",
"on": "Des suggestions rapides s’affichent dans le widget de suggestion",
"overviewRulerBorder": "Contrôle si une bordure doit être dessinée autour de la règle de la vue d'ensemble.",
"padding.bottom": "Contrôle la quantité d'espace entre le bord inférieur de l'éditeur et la dernière ligne.",
"padding.top": "Contrôle la quantité d’espace entre le bord supérieur de l’éditeur et la première ligne.",
@ -333,7 +347,6 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"renameOnTypeDeprecate": "Déprécié. Utilisez 'editor.linkedEditing' à la place.",
"renderControlCharacters": "Contrôle si l’éditeur doit afficher les caractères de contrôle.",
"renderFinalNewline": "Affichez le dernier numéro de ligne quand le fichier se termine par un saut de ligne.",
"renderIndentGuides": "Contrôle si l’éditeur doit afficher les guides de mise en retrait.",
"renderLineHighlight": "Contrôle la façon dont l’éditeur doit afficher la mise en surbrillance de la ligne actuelle.",
"renderLineHighlight.all": "Met en surbrillance la gouttière et la ligne actuelle.",
"renderLineHighlightOnlyWhenFocus": "Contrôle si l'éditeur doit afficher la mise en surbrillance de la ligne actuelle uniquement quand il a le focus.",
@ -381,10 +394,6 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"suggest.localityBonus": "Contrôle si le tri favorise les mots qui apparaissent à proximité du curseur.",
"suggest.maxVisibleSuggestions.dep": "Ce paramètre est déprécié. Le widget de suggestion peut désormais être redimensionné.",
"suggest.preview": "Contrôle si la sortie de la suggestion doit être affichée en aperçu dans l’éditeur.",
"suggest.previewMode": "Contrôle le mode à utiliser pour le rendu de l’aperçu de suggestion.",
"suggest.previewMode.prefix": "Affichez un aperçu uniquement si le texte de remplacement est un préfixe du texte d’insertion.",
"suggest.previewMode.subword": "Affichez un aperçu uniquement si le texte de remplacement est un sous-mot du texte d’insertion.",
"suggest.previewMode.subwordSmart": "Afficher un aperçu si le texte de remplacement est un sous-mot du texte d’insertion ou s’il s’agit d’un préfixe du texte d’insertion.",
"suggest.shareSuggestSelections": "Contrôle si les sélections de suggestion mémorisées sont partagées entre plusieurs espaces de travail et fenêtres (nécessite '#editor.suggestSelection#').",
"suggest.showIcons": "Contrôle s'il faut montrer ou masquer les icônes dans les suggestions.",
"suggest.showInlineDetails": "Détermine si les détails du widget de suggestion sont inclus dans l'étiquette ou uniquement dans le widget de détails",
@ -402,6 +411,13 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"tabCompletion.on": "La complétion par tabulation insérera la meilleure suggestion lorsque vous appuyez sur tab.",
"tabCompletion.onlySnippets": "Compléter les extraits de code par tabulation lorsque leur préfixe correspond. Fonctionne mieux quand les 'quickSuggestions' ne sont pas activées.",
"unfoldOnClickAfterEndOfLine": "Contrôle si le fait de cliquer sur le contenu vide après une ligne pliée déplie la ligne.",
"unicodeHighlight.allowedCharacters": "Définit les caractères autorisés qui ne sont pas mis en surbrillance.",
"unicodeHighlight.allowedLocales": "Les caractères Unicode communs aux paramètres régionaux autorisés ne sont pas mis en surbrillance.",
"unicodeHighlight.ambiguousCharacters": "Contrôle si les caractères mis en surbrillance peuvent être déconcertés avec des caractères ASCII de base, à l’exception de ceux qui sont courants dans les paramètres régionaux utilisateur actuels.",
"unicodeHighlight.includeComments": "Contrôle si les caractères des commentaires doivent également faire l’objet d’une mise en surbrillance Unicode.",
"unicodeHighlight.includeStrings": "Contrôle si les caractères des commentaires doivent également faire l’objet d’une mise en surbrillance Unicode.",
"unicodeHighlight.invisibleCharacters": "Contrôle si les caractères qui réservent de l’espace ou qui n’ont pas de largeur sont mis en surbrillance.",
"unicodeHighlight.nonBasicASCII": "Contrôle si tous les caractères ASCII non basiques sont mis en surbrillance. Seuls les caractères compris entre U+0020 et U+007E, tabulation, saut de ligne et retour chariot sont considérés comme des ASCII de base.",
"unusualLineTerminators": "Supprimez les marques de fin de ligne inhabituelles susceptibles de causer des problèmes.",
"unusualLineTerminators.auto": "Les marques de fin de ligne inhabituelles sont automatiquement supprimées.",
"unusualLineTerminators.off": "Les marques de fin de ligne inhabituelles sont ignorées.",
@ -423,6 +439,59 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"wrappingStrategy.advanced": "Délègue le calcul des points de wrapping au navigateur. Il s'agit d'un algorithme lent qui peut provoquer le gel des grands fichiers, mais qui fonctionne correctement dans tous les cas.",
"wrappingStrategy.simple": "Suppose que tous les caractères ont la même largeur. Il s'agit d'un algorithme rapide qui fonctionne correctement pour les polices à espacement fixe et certains scripts (comme les caractères latins) où les glyphes ont la même largeur."
"vs/editor/common/core/editorColorRegistry": {
"caret": "Couleur du curseur de l'éditeur.",
"deprecatedEditorActiveLineNumber": "L’ID est déprécié. Utilisez à la place 'editorLineNumber.activeForeground'.",
"editorActiveIndentGuide": "Couleur des guides d'indentation de l'éditeur actif",
"editorActiveLineNumber": "Couleur des numéros de lignes actives de l'éditeur",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground1": "Couleur de premier plan des crochets (1). Nécessite l’activation de la coloration de la paire de crochets.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground2": "Couleur de premier plan des crochets (2). Nécessite l’activation de la coloration de la paire de crochets.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground3": "Couleur de premier plan des crochets (3). Nécessite l’activation de la coloration de la paire de crochets.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground4": "Couleur de premier plan des crochets (4). Nécessite l’activation de la coloration de la paire de crochets.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground5": "Couleur de premier plan des crochets (5). Nécessite l’activation de la coloration de la paire de crochets.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground6": "Couleur de premier plan des crochets (6). Nécessite l’activation de la coloration de la paire de crochets.",
"editorBracketHighlightUnexpectedBracketForeground": "Couleur de premier plan des parenthèses inattendues",
"editorBracketMatchBackground": "Couleur d'arrière-plan pour les accolades associées",
"editorBracketMatchBorder": "Couleur pour le contour des accolades associées",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground1": "Couleur d’arrière-plan des repères de paire de crochets actifs (1). Nécessite l’activation des repères de paire de crochets.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground2": "Couleur d’arrière-plan des repères de paire de crochets actifs (2). Nécessite l’activation des repères de paire de crochets.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground3": "Couleur d’arrière-plan des repères de paire de crochets actifs (3). Nécessite l’activation des repères de paire de crochets.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground4": "Couleur d’arrière-plan des repères de paire de crochets actifs (4). Nécessite l’activation des repères de paire de crochets.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground5": "Couleur d’arrière-plan des repères de paire de crochets actifs (5). Nécessite l’activation des repères de paire de crochets.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground6": "Couleur d’arrière-plan des repères de paire de crochets actifs (6). Nécessite l’activation des repères de paire de crochets.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background1": "Couleur d’arrière-plan des repères de paire de crochets inactifs (1). Nécessite l’activation des repères de paire de crochets.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background2": "Couleur d’arrière-plan des repères de paire de crochets inactifs (2). Nécessite l’activation des repères de paire de crochets.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background3": "Couleur d’arrière-plan des repères de paire de crochets inactifs (3). Nécessite l’activation des repères de paire de crochets.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background4": "Couleur d’arrière-plan des repères de paire de crochets inactifs (4). Nécessite l’activation des repères de paire de crochets.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background5": "Couleur d’arrière-plan des repères de paire de crochets inactifs (5). Nécessite l’activation des repères de paire de crochets.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background6": "Couleur d’arrière-plan des repères de paire de crochets inactifs (6). Nécessite l’activation des repères de paire de crochets.",
"editorCodeLensForeground": "Couleur pour les indicateurs CodeLens",
"editorCursorBackground": "La couleur de fond du curseur de l'éditeur. Permet de personnaliser la couleur d'un caractère survolé par un curseur de bloc.",
"editorGhostTextBackground": "Couleur de l’arrière-plan du texte fantôme dans l’éditeur",
"editorGhostTextBorder": "Couleur de bordure du texte fantôme dans l’éditeur.",
"editorGhostTextForeground": "Couleur de premier plan du texte fantôme dans l’éditeur.",
"editorGutter": "Couleur de fond pour la bordure de l'éditeur. La bordure contient les marges pour les symboles et les numéros de ligne.",
"editorIndentGuides": "Couleur des repères de retrait de l'éditeur.",
"editorLineNumbers": "Couleur des numéros de ligne de l'éditeur.",
"editorOverviewRulerBackground": "Couleur d'arrière-plan de la règle d'aperçu de l'éditeur. Utilisée uniquement quand la minimap est activée et placée sur le côté droit de l'éditeur.",
"editorOverviewRulerBorder": "Couleur de la bordure de la règle d'aperçu.",
"editorRuler": "Couleur des règles de l'éditeur",
"editorUnicodeHighlight.background": "Couleur de fond utilisée pour mettre en évidence les caractères unicode",
"editorUnicodeHighlight.border": "Couleur de bordure utilisée pour mettre en surbrillance les caractères Unicode",
"editorWhitespaces": "Couleur des espaces blancs dans l'éditeur.",
"lineHighlight": "Couleur d'arrière-plan de la mise en surbrillance de la ligne à la position du curseur.",
"lineHighlightBorderBox": "Couleur d'arrière-plan de la bordure autour de la ligne à la position du curseur.",
"overviewRuleError": "Couleur du marqueur de la règle d'aperçu pour les erreurs.",
"overviewRuleInfo": "Couleur du marqueur de la règle d'aperçu pour les informations.",
"overviewRuleWarning": "Couleur du marqueur de la règle d'aperçu pour les avertissements.",
"overviewRulerRangeHighlight": "Couleur de marqueur de la règle d'aperçu pour la mise en surbrillance des plages. La couleur ne doit pas être opaque pour ne pas masquer les ornements sous-jacents.",
"rangeHighlight": "Couleur d'arrière-plan des plages mises en surbrillance, comme par les fonctionnalités de recherche et Quick Open. La couleur ne doit pas être opaque pour ne pas masquer les ornements sous-jacents.",
"rangeHighlightBorder": "Couleur d'arrière-plan de la bordure autour des plages mises en surbrillance.",
"symbolHighlight": "Couleur d'arrière-plan du symbole mis en surbrillance, comme le symbole Atteindre la définition ou Suivant/Précédent. La couleur ne doit pas être opaque pour ne pas masquer les décorations sous-jacentes.",
"symbolHighlightBorder": "Couleur d'arrière-plan de la bordure autour des symboles mis en surbrillance.",
"unnecessaryCodeBorder": "Couleur de bordure du code source inutile (non utilisé) dans l'éditeur.",
"unnecessaryCodeOpacity": "Opacité du code source inutile (non utilisé) dans l'éditeur. Par exemple, '#000000c0' affiche le code avec une opacité de 75 %. Pour les thèmes à fort contraste, utilisez la couleur de thème 'editorUnnecessaryCode.border' pour souligner le code inutile au lieu d'utiliser la transparence."
"vs/editor/common/editorContextKeys": {
"editorColumnSelection": "Indique si 'editor.columnSelection' est activé",
"editorFocus": "Indique si l'éditeur ou un widget de l'éditeur a le focus (par exemple, le focus se trouve sur le widget de recherche)",
@ -455,12 +524,12 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"inDiffEditor": "Indique si le contexte est celui d'un éditeur de différences",
"textInputFocus": "Indique si un éditeur ou une entrée de texte mis en forme a le focus (le curseur clignote)"
"vs/editor/common/languages/modesRegistry": {
"plainText.alias": "Texte brut"
"vs/editor/common/model/editStack": {
"edit": "Frappe en cours"
"vs/editor/common/modes/modesRegistry": {
"plainText.alias": "Texte brut"
"vs/editor/common/standaloneStrings": {
"accessibilityHelpMessage": "Appuyez sur Alt+F1 pour voir les options d'accessibilité.",
"auto_off": "L'éditeur est configuré pour ne jamais être optimisé en cas d'utilisation avec un lecteur d'écran, ce qui n'est pas le cas pour le moment.",
@ -497,45 +566,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"tabFocusModeOnMsgNoKb": "Appuyez sur Tab dans l'éditeur pour déplacer le focus vers le prochain élément pouvant être désigné comme élément actif. La commande {0} ne peut pas être déclenchée par une combinaison de touches.",
"toggleHighContrast": "Activer/désactiver le thème à contraste élevé"
"vs/editor/common/view/editorColorRegistry": {
"caret": "Couleur du curseur de l'éditeur.",
"deprecatedEditorActiveLineNumber": "L’ID est déprécié. Utilisez à la place 'editorLineNumber.activeForeground'.",
"editorActiveIndentGuide": "Couleur des guides d'indentation de l'éditeur actif",
"editorActiveLineNumber": "Couleur des numéros de lignes actives de l'éditeur",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground1": "Couleur de premier plan des crochets (1). Nécessite l’activation de la coloration de la paire de crochets.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground2": "Couleur de premier plan des crochets (2). Nécessite l’activation de la coloration de la paire de crochets.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground3": "Couleur de premier plan des crochets (3). Nécessite l’activation de la coloration de la paire de crochets.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground4": "Couleur de premier plan des crochets (4). Nécessite l’activation de la coloration de la paire de crochets.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground5": "Couleur de premier plan des crochets (5). Nécessite l’activation de la coloration de la paire de crochets.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground6": "Couleur de premier plan des crochets (6). Nécessite l’activation de la coloration de la paire de crochets.",
"editorBracketHighlightUnexpectedBracketForeground": "Couleur de premier plan des parenthèses inattendues",
"editorBracketMatchBackground": "Couleur d'arrière-plan pour les accolades associées",
"editorBracketMatchBorder": "Couleur pour le contour des accolades associées",
"editorCodeLensForeground": "Couleur pour les indicateurs CodeLens",
"editorCursorBackground": "La couleur de fond du curseur de l'éditeur. Permet de personnaliser la couleur d'un caractère survolé par un curseur de bloc.",
"editorGhostTextBorder": "Couleur de bordure du texte fantôme dans l’éditeur.",
"editorGhostTextForeground": "Couleur de premier plan du texte fantôme dans l’éditeur.",
"editorGutter": "Couleur de fond pour la bordure de l'éditeur. La bordure contient les marges pour les symboles et les numéros de ligne.",
"editorIndentGuides": "Couleur des repères de retrait de l'éditeur.",
"editorLineNumbers": "Couleur des numéros de ligne de l'éditeur.",
"editorOverviewRulerBackground": "Couleur d'arrière-plan de la règle d'aperçu de l'éditeur. Utilisée uniquement quand la minimap est activée et placée sur le côté droit de l'éditeur.",
"editorOverviewRulerBorder": "Couleur de la bordure de la règle d'aperçu.",
"editorRuler": "Couleur des règles de l'éditeur",
"editorWhitespaces": "Couleur des espaces blancs dans l'éditeur.",
"lineHighlight": "Couleur d'arrière-plan de la mise en surbrillance de la ligne à la position du curseur.",
"lineHighlightBorderBox": "Couleur d'arrière-plan de la bordure autour de la ligne à la position du curseur.",
"overviewRuleError": "Couleur du marqueur de la règle d'aperçu pour les erreurs.",
"overviewRuleInfo": "Couleur du marqueur de la règle d'aperçu pour les informations.",
"overviewRuleWarning": "Couleur du marqueur de la règle d'aperçu pour les avertissements.",
"overviewRulerRangeHighlight": "Couleur de marqueur de la règle d'aperçu pour la mise en surbrillance des plages. La couleur ne doit pas être opaque pour ne pas masquer les ornements sous-jacents.",
"rangeHighlight": "Couleur d'arrière-plan des plages mises en surbrillance, comme par les fonctionnalités de recherche et Quick Open. La couleur ne doit pas être opaque pour ne pas masquer les ornements sous-jacents.",
"rangeHighlightBorder": "Couleur d'arrière-plan de la bordure autour des plages mises en surbrillance.",
"symbolHighlight": "Couleur d'arrière-plan du symbole mis en surbrillance, comme le symbole Atteindre la définition ou Suivant/Précédent. La couleur ne doit pas être opaque pour ne pas masquer les décorations sous-jacentes.",
"symbolHighlightBorder": "Couleur d'arrière-plan de la bordure autour des symboles mis en surbrillance.",
"unnecessaryCodeBorder": "Couleur de bordure du code source inutile (non utilisé) dans l'éditeur.",
"unnecessaryCodeOpacity": "Opacité du code source inutile (non utilisé) dans l'éditeur. Par exemple, '#000000c0' affiche le code avec une opacité de 75 %. Pour les thèmes à fort contraste, utilisez la couleur de thème 'editorUnnecessaryCode.border' pour souligner le code inutile au lieu d'utiliser la transparence."
"vs/editor/contrib/anchorSelect/anchorSelect": {
"vs/editor/contrib/anchorSelect/browser/anchorSelect": {
"anchorSet": "Ancre définie sur {0}:{1}",
"cancelSelectionAnchor": "Annuler l'ancre de sélection",
"goToSelectionAnchor": "Atteindre l'ancre de sélection",
@ -543,20 +574,20 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"selectionAnchor": "Ancre de sélection",
"setSelectionAnchor": "Définir l'ancre de sélection"
"vs/editor/contrib/bracketMatching/bracketMatching": {
"vs/editor/contrib/bracketMatching/browser/bracketMatching": {
"miGoToBracket": "Accéder au &&crochet",
"overviewRulerBracketMatchForeground": "Couleur du marqueur de la règle d'aperçu pour rechercher des parenthèses.",
"smartSelect.jumpBracket": "Atteindre le crochet",
"smartSelect.selectToBracket": "Sélectionner jusqu'au crochet"
"vs/editor/contrib/caretOperations/caretOperations": {
"vs/editor/contrib/caretOperations/browser/caretOperations": {
"caret.moveLeft": "Déplacer le texte sélectionné à gauche",
"caret.moveRight": "Déplacer le texte sélectionné à droite"
"vs/editor/contrib/caretOperations/transpose": {
"vs/editor/contrib/caretOperations/browser/transpose": {
"transposeLetters.label": "Transposer les lettres"
"vs/editor/contrib/clipboard/clipboard": {
"vs/editor/contrib/clipboard/browser/clipboard": {
"actions.clipboard.copyLabel": "Copier",
"actions.clipboard.copyWithSyntaxHighlightingLabel": "Copier avec la coloration syntaxique",
"actions.clipboard.cutLabel": "Couper",
@ -566,7 +597,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"miCut": "Co&&uper",
"miPaste": "Co&&ller"
"vs/editor/contrib/codeAction/codeActionCommands": {
"vs/editor/contrib/codeAction/browser/codeActionCommands": {
"applyCodeActionFailed": "Une erreur inconnue s'est produite à l'application de l'action du code",
"args.schema.apply": "Contrôle quand les actions retournées sont appliquées.",
"args.schema.apply.first": "Appliquez toujours la première action de code retournée.",
@ -597,15 +628,18 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"refactor.label": "Remanier...",
"source.label": "Action de la source"
"vs/editor/contrib/codeAction/lightBulbWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/codeAction/browser/lightBulbWidget": {
"codeAction": "Afficher les actions de code",
"codeActionWithKb": "Afficher les actions de code ({0})",
"preferredcodeActionWithKb": "Afficher les actions de code. Correctif rapide disponible par défaut ({0})"
"vs/editor/contrib/codelens/codelensController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/codelens/browser/codelensController": {
"showLensOnLine": "Afficher les commandes Code Lens de la ligne actuelle"
"vs/editor/contrib/comment/comment": {
"vs/editor/contrib/colorPicker/browser/colorPickerWidget": {
"clickToToggleColorOptions": "Cliquez pour activer/désactiver les options de couleur (rgb/hsl/hexadécimal)."
"vs/editor/contrib/comment/browser/comment": {
"comment.block": "Activer/désactiver le commentaire de bloc",
"comment.line": "Activer/désactiver le commentaire de ligne",
"comment.line.add": "Ajouter le commentaire de ligne",
@ -613,14 +647,21 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"miToggleBlockComment": "Afficher/masquer le commentaire de &&bloc",
"miToggleLineComment": "Afficher/masquer le commen&&taire de ligne"
"vs/editor/contrib/contextmenu/contextmenu": {
"vs/editor/contrib/contextmenu/browser/contextmenu": {
"action.showContextMenu.label": "Afficher le menu contextuel de l'éditeur"
"vs/editor/contrib/cursorUndo/cursorUndo": {
"vs/editor/contrib/cursorUndo/browser/cursorUndo": {
"cursor.redo": "Restauration du curseur",
"cursor.undo": "Annulation du curseur"
"vs/editor/contrib/find/findController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/editorState/browser/keybindingCancellation": {
"cancellableOperation": "Indique si l'éditeur exécute une opération annulable, par exemple 'Avoir un aperçu des références'"
"vs/editor/contrib/find/browser/findController": {
"actions.find.isRegexOverride": "Remplace l’indicateur « Utiliser une expression régulière ».\r\nL’indicateur ne sera pas enregistré à l’avenir.\r\n0 : Ne rien faire\r\n1 : Vrai\r\n2 : Faux",
"actions.find.matchCaseOverride": "Remplace l’indicateur « Cas mathématiques ».\r\nL’indicateur ne sera pas enregistré à l’avenir.\r\n0 : Ne rien faire\r\n1 : Vrai\r\n2 : Faux",
"actions.find.preserveCaseOverride": "Remplace l’indicateur « Preserve Case ».\r\nL’indicateur ne sera pas enregistré à l’avenir.\r\n0 : Ne rien faire\r\n1 : Vrai\r\n2 : Faux",
"actions.find.wholeWordOverride": "Remplace l’indicateur « Match Whole Word ».\r\nL’indicateur ne sera pas enregistré à l’avenir.\r\n0 : Ne rien faire\r\n1 : Vrai\r\n2 : Faux",
"findNextMatchAction": "Rechercher suivant",
"findPreviousMatchAction": "Rechercher précédent",
"miFind": "&&Rechercher",
@ -628,10 +669,11 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"nextSelectionMatchFindAction": "Sélection suivante",
"previousSelectionMatchFindAction": "Sélection précédente",
"startFindAction": "Rechercher",
"startFindWithArgsAction": "Trouver avec des arguments",
"startFindWithSelectionAction": "Rechercher dans la sélection",
"startReplace": "Remplacer"
"vs/editor/contrib/find/findWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/find/browser/findWidget": {
"ariaSearchNoResult": "{0} trouvé pour '{1}'",
"ariaSearchNoResultEmpty": "{0} trouvé(s)",
"ariaSearchNoResultWithLineNum": "{0} trouvé pour '{1}', sur {2}",
@ -659,7 +701,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"placeholder.replace": "Remplacer",
"title.matchesCountLimit": "Seuls les {0} premiers résultats sont mis en évidence, mais toutes les opérations de recherche fonctionnent sur l’ensemble du texte."
"vs/editor/contrib/folding/folding": {
"vs/editor/contrib/folding/browser/folding": {
"editorGutter.foldingControlForeground": "Couleur du contrôle de pliage dans la marge de l'éditeur.",
"foldAction.label": "Plier",
"foldAllAction.label": "Plier tout",
@ -669,9 +711,10 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"foldBackgroundBackground": "Couleur d'arrière-plan des gammes pliées. La couleur ne doit pas être opaque pour ne pas cacher les décorations sous-jacentes.",
"foldLevelAction.label": "Niveau de pliage {0}",
"foldRecursivelyAction.label": "Plier de manière récursive",
"gotoNextFold.label": "Atteindre le pli suivant",
"gotoNextFold.label": "Accéder à la plage de pliage suivante",
"gotoParentFold.label": "Atteindre le pli parent",
"gotoPreviousFold.label": "Atteindre le pli précédent",
"gotoPreviousFold.label": "Accéder à la plage de pliage précédente",
"maximum fold ranges": "Le nombre de régions pliables est limité à un maximum de {0}. Augmentez l’option de configuration ['Folding Maximum Regions'](command:workbench.action.openSettings?[\"editor.foldingMaximumRegions\"]) pour en activer d’autres.",
"toggleFoldAction.label": "Activer/désactiver le pliage",
"unFoldRecursivelyAction.label": "Déplier de manière récursive",
"unfoldAction.label": "Déplier",
@ -679,26 +722,26 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"unfoldAllExcept.label": "Déplier toutes les régions sauf celles sélectionnées",
"unfoldAllMarkerRegions.label": "Déplier toutes les régions"
"vs/editor/contrib/folding/foldingDecorations": {
"vs/editor/contrib/folding/browser/foldingDecorations": {
"foldingCollapsedIcon": "Icône des plages réduites dans la marge de glyphes de l'éditeur.",
"foldingExpandedIcon": "Icône des plages développées dans la marge de glyphes de l'éditeur."
"vs/editor/contrib/fontZoom/fontZoom": {
"vs/editor/contrib/fontZoom/browser/fontZoom": {
"EditorFontZoomIn.label": "Agrandissement de l'éditeur de polices de caractères",
"EditorFontZoomOut.label": "Rétrécissement de l'éditeur de polices de caractères",
"EditorFontZoomReset.label": "Remise à niveau du zoom de l'éditeur de polices de caractères"
"vs/editor/contrib/format/format": {
"vs/editor/contrib/format/browser/format": {
"hint11": "1 modification de format effectuée à la ligne {0}",
"hint1n": "1 modification de format effectuée entre les lignes {0} et {1}",
"hintn1": "{0} modifications de format effectuées à la ligne {1}",
"hintnn": "{0} modifications de format effectuées entre les lignes {1} et {2}"
"vs/editor/contrib/format/formatActions": {
"vs/editor/contrib/format/browser/formatActions": {
"formatDocument.label": "Mettre le document en forme",
"formatSelection.label": "Mettre la sélection en forme"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoError/gotoError": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoError/browser/gotoError": {
"markerAction.next.label": "Aller au problème suivant (Erreur, Avertissement, Info)",
"markerAction.nextInFiles.label": "Aller au problème suivant dans Fichiers (Erreur, Avertissement, Info)",
"markerAction.previous.label": "Aller au problème précédent (Erreur, Avertissement, Info)",
@ -708,7 +751,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"nextMarkerIcon": "Icône du prochain marqueur goto.",
"previousMarkerIcon": "Icône du précédent marqueur goto."
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoError/gotoErrorWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoError/browser/gotoErrorWidget": {
"Error": "Erreur",
"Hint": "Conseil",
"Info": "Info",
@ -724,7 +767,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"marker aria": "{0} à {1}. ",
"problems": "{0} problèmes sur {1}"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/goToCommands": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/goToCommands": {
"actions.goToDecl.label": "Atteindre la définition",
"actions.goToDeclToSide.label": "Ouvrir la définition sur le côté",
"actions.goToDeclaration.label": "Accéder à la déclaration",
@ -761,25 +804,25 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"references.noGeneric": "Aucune référence",
"typedef.title": "Définitions de type"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/link/goToDefinitionAtPosition": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/link/goToDefinitionAtPosition": {
"multipleResults": "Cliquez pour afficher {0} définitions."
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/peek/referencesController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/peek/referencesController": {
"labelLoading": "Chargement en cours...",
"metaTitle.N": "{0} ({1})",
"referenceSearchVisible": "Indique si l'aperçu des références est visible, par exemple via 'Avoir un aperçu des références' ou 'Faire un peek de la définition'"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/peek/referencesTree": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/peek/referencesTree": {
"referenceCount": "{0} référence",
"referencesCount": "{0} références",
"treeAriaLabel": "Références"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/peek/referencesWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/peek/referencesWidget": {
"missingPreviewMessage": "aperçu non disponible",
"noResults": "Aucun résultat",
"peekView.alternateTitle": "Références"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/referencesModel": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/referencesModel": {
"aria.fileReferences.1": "1 symbole dans {0}, chemin complet {1}",
"aria.fileReferences.N": "{0} symboles dans {1}, chemin complet {2}",
"aria.oneReference": "symbole dans {0} sur la ligne {1}, colonne {2}",
@ -789,26 +832,26 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"aria.result.n1": "{0} symboles dans {1}",
"aria.result.nm": "{0} symboles dans {1} fichiers"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/symbolNavigation": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/symbolNavigation": {
"hasSymbols": "Indique s'il existe des emplacements de symboles que vous pouvez parcourir à l'aide du clavier uniquement.",
"location": "Symbole {0} sur {1}",
"location.kb": "Symbole {0} sur {1}, {2} pour le suivant"
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/hover": {
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/browser/hover": {
"showDefinitionPreviewHover": "Afficher le pointeur de l'aperçu de définition",
"showHover": "Afficher par pointage"
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/markdownHoverParticipant": {
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/browser/markdownHoverParticipant": {
"modesContentHover.loading": "Chargement en cours...",
"too many characters": "La tokenisation des lignes longues est ignorée pour des raisons de performances. Cela peut être configurée via 'editor.maxTokenizationLineLength'."
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/markerHoverParticipant": {
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/browser/markerHoverParticipant": {
"checkingForQuickFixes": "Recherche de correctifs rapides...",
"noQuickFixes": "Aucune solution disponible dans l'immédiat",
"quick fixes": "Correction rapide...",
"view problem": "Voir le problème"
"vs/editor/contrib/indentation/indentation": {
"vs/editor/contrib/indentation/browser/indentation": {
"configuredTabSize": "Taille des tabulations configurée",
"detectIndentation": "Détecter la mise en retrait à partir du contenu",
"editor.reindentlines": "Remettre en retrait les lignes",
@ -819,24 +862,32 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"indentationToTabs": "Convertir les retraits en tabulations",
"selectTabWidth": "Sélectionner la taille des tabulations pour le fichier actuel"
"vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/ghostTextController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/inlayHints/browser/inlayHintsHover": {
"hint.cmd": "Exécuter la commande",
"hint.dbl": "Double-cliquer pour insérer",
"hint.def": "Accéder à Définition ({0})",
"hint.defAndCommand": "Accédez à Définition ({0}), cliquez avec le bouton droit pour en savoir plus.",
"links.navigate.kb.alt": "alt + clic",
"links.navigate.kb.alt.mac": "option + clic",
"links.navigate.kb.meta": "ctrl + clic",
"links.navigate.kb.meta.mac": "cmd + clic"
"vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/browser/ghostTextController": {
"action.inlineSuggest.showNext": "Afficher la suggestion en ligne suivante",
"action.inlineSuggest.showPrevious": "Afficher la suggestion en ligne précédente",
"action.inlineSuggest.trigger": "Déclencher la suggestion en ligne",
"inlineSuggestionHasIndentation": "Indique si la suggestion en ligne commence par un espace blanc",
"inlineSuggestionHasIndentationLessThanTabSize": "Indique si la suggestion incluse commence par un espace blanc inférieur à ce qui serait inséré par l’onglet.",
"inlineSuggestionVisible": "Indique si une suggestion en ligne est visible"
"vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/inlineCompletionsHoverParticipant": {
"acceptInlineSuggestion": "Accepter",
"inlineSuggestionFollows": "Suggestion :",
"showNextInlineSuggestion": "Suivant",
"showPreviousInlineSuggestion": "Précédent"
"vs/editor/contrib/inPlaceReplace/inPlaceReplace": {
"vs/editor/contrib/inPlaceReplace/browser/inPlaceReplace": {
"InPlaceReplaceAction.next.label": "Remplacer par la valeur suivante",
"InPlaceReplaceAction.previous.label": "Remplacer par la valeur précédente"
"vs/editor/contrib/linesOperations/linesOperations": {
"vs/editor/contrib/lineSelection/browser/lineSelection": {
"expandLineSelection": "Développer la sélection de ligne"
"vs/editor/contrib/linesOperations/browser/linesOperations": {
"duplicateSelection": "Dupliquer la sélection",
"editor.transformToLowercase": "Transformer en minuscule",
"editor.transformToSnakecase": "Transformer en snake case",
@ -848,6 +899,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"lines.delete": "Supprimer la ligne",
"lines.deleteAllLeft": "Supprimer tout ce qui est à gauche",
"lines.deleteAllRight": "Supprimer tout ce qui est à droite",
"lines.deleteDuplicates": "Supprimer les lignes dupliquées",
"lines.indent": "Mettre en retrait la ligne",
"lines.insertAfter": "Insérer une ligne sous",
"lines.insertBefore": "Insérer une ligne au-dessus",
@ -864,11 +916,11 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"miMoveLinesDown": "Déplacer la &&ligne vers le bas",
"miMoveLinesUp": "Déplacer la ligne &&vers le haut"
"vs/editor/contrib/linkedEditing/linkedEditing": {
"vs/editor/contrib/linkedEditing/browser/linkedEditing": {
"editorLinkedEditingBackground": "Couleur d'arrière-plan quand l'éditeur renomme automatiquement le type.",
"linkedEditing.label": "Démarrer la modification liée"
"vs/editor/contrib/links/links": {
"vs/editor/contrib/links/browser/links": {
"invalid.url": "Échec de l'ouverture de ce lien, car il n'est pas bien formé : {0}",
"label": "Ouvrir le lien",
"links.navigate.executeCmd": "Exécuter la commande",
@ -880,11 +932,11 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"missing.url": "Échec de l'ouverture de ce lien, car sa cible est manquante.",
"tooltip.explanation": "Exécuter la commande {0}"
"vs/editor/contrib/message/messageController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/message/browser/messageController": {
"editor.readonly": "Impossible de modifier dans l’éditeur en lecture seule",
"messageVisible": "Indique si l'éditeur affiche un message inline"
"vs/editor/contrib/multicursor/multicursor": {
"vs/editor/contrib/multicursor/browser/multicursor": {
"addSelectionToNextFindMatch": "Ajouter la sélection à la correspondance de recherche suivante",
"addSelectionToPreviousFindMatch": "Ajouter la sélection à la correspondance de recherche précédente",
"changeAll.label": "Modifier toutes les occurrences",
@ -905,15 +957,16 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"mutlicursor.insertBelow": "Ajouter un curseur en dessous",
"selectAllOccurrencesOfFindMatch": "Sélectionner toutes les occurrences des correspondances de la recherche"
"vs/editor/contrib/parameterHints/parameterHints": {
"vs/editor/contrib/parameterHints/browser/parameterHints": {
"parameterHints.trigger.label": "Indicateurs des paramètres Trigger"
"vs/editor/contrib/parameterHints/parameterHintsWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/parameterHints/browser/parameterHintsWidget": {
"editorHoverWidgetHighlightForeground": "Couleur de premier plan de l’élément actif dans l’indicateur de paramètre.",
"hint": "{0}, conseil",
"parameterHintsNextIcon": "Icône d'affichage du prochain conseil de paramètre.",
"parameterHintsPreviousIcon": "Icône d'affichage du précédent conseil de paramètre."
"vs/editor/contrib/peekView/peekView": {
"vs/editor/contrib/peekView/browser/peekView": {
"inReferenceSearchEditor": "Indique si l'éditeur de code actuel est intégré à l'aperçu",
"label.close": "Fermer",
"peekViewBorder": "Couleur des bordures et de la flèche de l'affichage d'aperçu.",
@ -931,14 +984,14 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"peekViewTitleForeground": "Couleur du titre de l'affichage d'aperçu.",
"peekViewTitleInfoForeground": "Couleur des informations sur le titre de l'affichage d'aperçu."
"vs/editor/contrib/quickAccess/gotoLineQuickAccess": {
"vs/editor/contrib/quickAccess/browser/gotoLineQuickAccess": {
"cannotRunGotoLine": "Ouvrez d'abord un éditeur de texte pour accéder à une ligne.",
"gotoLineColumnLabel": "Atteindre la ligne {0} et le caractère {1}.",
"gotoLineLabel": "Accédez à la ligne {0}.",
"gotoLineLabelEmpty": "Ligne actuelle : {0}, caractère : {1}. Tapez un numéro de ligne auquel accéder.",
"gotoLineLabelEmptyWithLimit": "Ligne actuelle : {0}, caractère : {1}. Tapez un numéro de ligne entre 1 et {2} auquel accéder."
"vs/editor/contrib/quickAccess/gotoSymbolQuickAccess": {
"vs/editor/contrib/quickAccess/browser/gotoSymbolQuickAccess": {
"_constructor": "constructeurs ({0})",
"array": "tableaux ({0})",
"boolean": "booléens ({0})",
@ -972,7 +1025,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"typeParameter": "paramètres de type ({0})",
"variable": "variables ({0})"
"vs/editor/contrib/rename/rename": {
"vs/editor/contrib/rename/browser/rename": {
"aria": "'{0}' renommé en '{1}'. Récapitulatif : {2}",
"enablePreview": "Activer/désactiver la possibilité d'afficher un aperçu des changements avant le renommage",
"label": "Renommage de '{0}'",
@ -983,23 +1036,23 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"rename.label": "Renommer le symbole",
"resolveRenameLocationFailed": "Une erreur inconnue s'est produite lors de la résolution de l'emplacement de renommage"
"vs/editor/contrib/rename/renameInputField": {
"vs/editor/contrib/rename/browser/renameInputField": {
"label": "{0} pour renommer, {1} pour afficher un aperçu",
"renameAriaLabel": "Renommez l'entrée. Tapez le nouveau nom et appuyez sur Entrée pour valider.",
"renameInputVisible": "Indique si le widget de renommage d'entrée est visible"
"vs/editor/contrib/smartSelect/smartSelect": {
"vs/editor/contrib/smartSelect/browser/smartSelect": {
"miSmartSelectGrow": "Dév&&elopper la sélection",
"miSmartSelectShrink": "&&Réduire la sélection",
"smartSelect.expand": "Étendre la sélection",
"smartSelect.shrink": "Réduire la sélection"
"vs/editor/contrib/snippet/snippetController2": {
"vs/editor/contrib/snippet/browser/snippetController2": {
"hasNextTabstop": "Indique s'il existe un taquet de tabulation suivant en mode extrait",
"hasPrevTabstop": "Indique s'il existe un taquet de tabulation précédent en mode extrait",
"inSnippetMode": "Indique si l'éditeur est actualisé en mode extrait"
"vs/editor/contrib/snippet/snippetVariables": {
"vs/editor/contrib/snippet/browser/snippetVariables": {
"April": "Avril",
"AprilShort": "Avr",
"August": "Août",
@ -1039,17 +1092,16 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"Wednesday": "Mercredi",
"WednesdayShort": "Mer"
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggest": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggest": {
"acceptSuggestionOnEnter": "Indique si les suggestions sont insérées quand vous appuyez sur Entrée",
"suggestWidgetDetailsVisible": "Indique si les détails des suggestions sont visibles",
"suggestWidgetMultipleSuggestions": "Indique s'il existe plusieurs suggestions au choix",
"suggestWidgetVisible": "Indique si les suggestions sont visibles",
"suggestionCanResolve": "Indique si la suggestion actuelle prend en charge la résolution des détails supplémentaires",
"suggestionHasInsertAndReplaceRange": "Indique si la suggestion actuelle a un comportement d'insertion et de remplacement",
"suggestionInsertMode": "Indique si le comportement par défaut consiste à insérer ou à remplacer",
"suggestionMakesTextEdit": "Indique si l'insertion de la suggestion actuelle entraîne un changement ou si tout a déjà été tapé"
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestController": {
"accept.insert": "Insérer",
"accept.replace": "Remplacer",
"aria.alert.snippet": "L'acceptation de '{0}' a entraîné {1} modifications supplémentaires",
@ -1058,7 +1110,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"suggest.reset.label": "Réinitialiser la taille du widget de suggestion",
"suggest.trigger.label": "Suggestions pour Trigger"
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestWidget": {
"ariaCurrenttSuggestionReadDetails": "{0}, documents : {1}",
"editorSuggestWidgetBackground": "Couleur d'arrière-plan du widget de suggestion.",
"editorSuggestWidgetBorder": "Couleur de bordure du widget de suggestion.",
@ -1068,22 +1120,26 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"editorSuggestWidgetSelectedBackground": "Couleur d'arrière-plan de l'entrée sélectionnée dans le widget de suggestion.",
"editorSuggestWidgetSelectedForeground": "Couleur de premier plan de l’entrée sélectionnée dans le widget de suggestion.",
"editorSuggestWidgetSelectedIconForeground": "Couleur de premier plan de l’icône de l’entrée sélectionnée dans le widget de suggestion.",
"editorSuggestWidgetStatusForeground": "Couleur de premier plan du statut du widget de suggestion.",
"label.desc": "{0}, {1}",
"label.detail": "{0}{1}",
"label.full": "({0}, {1}) {2}",
"suggest": "Suggérer",
"suggestWidget.loading": "Chargement en cours...",
"suggestWidget.noSuggestions": "Pas de suggestions."
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestWidgetDetails": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestWidgetDetails": {
"details.close": "Fermer",
"loading": "Chargement en cours..."
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestWidgetRenderer": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestWidgetRenderer": {
"readMore": "Lire la suite",
"suggestMoreInfoIcon": "Icône d'affichage d'informations supplémentaires dans le widget de suggestion."
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestWidgetStatus": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestWidgetStatus": {
"ddd": "{0} ({1})"
"vs/editor/contrib/symbolIcons/symbolIcons": {
"vs/editor/contrib/symbolIcons/browser/symbolIcons": {
"symbolIcon.arrayForeground": "Couleur de premier plan des symboles de tableau. Ces symboles apparaissent dans le plan, la barre de navigation et le widget de suggestion.",
"symbolIcon.booleanForeground": "Couleur de premier plan des symboles booléens. Ces symboles apparaissent dans le plan, la barre de navigation et le widget de suggestion.",
"symbolIcon.classForeground": "Couleur de premier plan des symboles de classe. Ces symboles apparaissent dans le plan, la barre de navigation et le widget de suggestion.",
@ -1118,22 +1174,47 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"symbolIcon.unitForeground": "Couleur de premier plan des symboles d'unité. Ces symboles apparaissent dans le plan, la barre de navigation et le widget de suggestion.",
"symbolIcon.variableForeground": "Couleur de premier plan des symboles de variable. Ces symboles apparaissent dans le plan, la barre de navigation et le widget de suggestion."
"vs/editor/contrib/toggleTabFocusMode/toggleTabFocusMode": {
"vs/editor/contrib/toggleTabFocusMode/browser/toggleTabFocusMode": {
"toggle.tabMovesFocus": "Activer/désactiver l'utilisation de la touche Tab pour déplacer le focus",
"toggle.tabMovesFocus.off": "Appuyer sur Tab insérera le caractère de tabulation",
"toggle.tabMovesFocus.on": "Appuyer sur Tab déplacera le focus vers le prochain élément pouvant être désigné comme élément actif"
"vs/editor/contrib/tokenization/tokenization": {
"vs/editor/contrib/tokenization/browser/tokenization": {
"forceRetokenize": "Développeur : forcer la retokenisation"
"vs/editor/contrib/unusualLineTerminators/unusualLineTerminators": {
"vs/editor/contrib/unicodeHighlighter/browser/unicodeHighlighter": {
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingInComments": "Désactiver la mise en surbrillance des caractères dans les commentaires",
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingInStrings": "Désactiver la mise en surbrillance des caractères dans les chaînes",
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfAmbiguousCharacters": "Désactiver la mise en surbrillance des caractères ambigus",
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfInvisibleCharacters": "Désactiver la mise en surbrillance des caractères invisibles",
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfNonBasicAsciiCharacters": "Désactiver la mise en surbrillance des caractères ASCII non de base",
"action.unicodeHighlight.showExcludeOptions": "Afficher les options d’exclusion",
"unicodeHighlight.adjustSettings": "Ajuster les paramètres",
"unicodeHighlight.allowCommonCharactersInLanguage": "Autoriser les caractères Unicode plus courants dans le langage \"{0}\"",
"unicodeHighlight.characterIsAmbiguous": "Le caractère {0} peut être confus avec le caractère {1}, ce qui est plus courant dans le code source.",
"unicodeHighlight.characterIsInvisible": "Le caractère {0} est invisible.",
"unicodeHighlight.characterIsNonBasicAscii": "Le caractère {0} n’est pas un caractère ASCII de base.",
"unicodeHighlight.configureUnicodeHighlightOptions": "Configurer les options de surlignage Unicode",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingInComments.shortLabel": "Désactiver la mise en surbrillance dans les commentaires",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingInStrings.shortLabel": "Désactiver la mise en surbrillance dans les chaînes",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfAmbiguousCharacters.shortLabel": "Désactiver la mise en surbrillance ambiguë",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfInvisibleCharacters.shortLabel": "Désactiver le surlignage invisible",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfNonBasicAsciiCharacters.shortLabel": "Désactiver la mise en surbrillance non ASCII",
"unicodeHighlight.excludeCharFromBeingHighlighted": "Exclure {0} de la mise en surbrillance",
"unicodeHighlight.excludeInvisibleCharFromBeingHighlighted": "Exclure la mise en surbrillance des {0} (caractère invisible)",
"unicodeHighlighting.thisDocumentHasManyAmbiguousUnicodeCharacters": "Ce document contient de nombreux caractères Unicode ambigus.",
"unicodeHighlighting.thisDocumentHasManyInvisibleUnicodeCharacters": "Ce document contient de nombreux caractères Unicode invisibles.",
"unicodeHighlighting.thisDocumentHasManyNonBasicAsciiUnicodeCharacters": "Ce document contient de nombreux caractères Unicode ASCII non basiques.",
"warningIcon": "Icône affichée avec un message d'avertissement dans l'éditeur d'extensions."
"vs/editor/contrib/unusualLineTerminators/browser/unusualLineTerminators": {
"unusualLineTerminators.detail": "Le fichier « {0} »contient un ou plusieurs caractères de fin de ligne inhabituels, par exemple le séparateur de ligne (LS) ou le séparateur de paragraphe (PS).\r\n\r\nIl est recommandé de les supprimer du fichier. Vous pouvez configurer ce comportement par le biais de `editor.unusualLineTerminators`.",
"unusualLineTerminators.fix": "Supprimer les marques de fin de ligne inhabituelles",
"unusualLineTerminators.ignore": "Ignorer",
"unusualLineTerminators.message": "Marques de fin de ligne inhabituelles détectées",
"unusualLineTerminators.title": "Marques de fin de ligne inhabituelles"
"vs/editor/contrib/wordHighlighter/wordHighlighter": {
"vs/editor/contrib/wordHighlighter/browser/wordHighlighter": {
"overviewRulerWordHighlightForeground": "Couleur de marqueur de la règle d'aperçu pour la mise en surbrillance des symboles. La couleur ne doit pas être opaque pour ne pas masquer les ornements sous-jacents.",
"overviewRulerWordHighlightStrongForeground": "Couleur de marqueur de la règle d'aperçu pour la mise en surbrillance des symboles d'accès en écriture. La couleur ne doit pas être opaque pour ne pas masquer les ornements sous-jacents.",
"wordHighlight": "Couleur d'arrière-plan d'un symbole pendant l'accès en lecture, comme la lecture d'une variable. La couleur ne doit pas être opaque pour ne pas masquer les ornements sous-jacents.",
@ -1144,7 +1225,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"wordHighlightStrong": "Couleur d'arrière-plan d'un symbole pendant l'accès en écriture, comme l'écriture d'une variable. La couleur ne doit pas être opaque pour ne pas masquer les ornements sous-jacents.",
"wordHighlightStrongBorder": "Couleur de bordure d'un symbole durant l'accès en écriture, par exemple l'écriture dans une variable."
"vs/editor/contrib/wordOperations/wordOperations": {
"vs/editor/contrib/wordOperations/browser/wordOperations": {
"deleteInsideWord": "Supprimer le mot"
"vs/platform/actions/browser/menuEntryActionViewItem": {
@ -1183,13 +1264,16 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"sizeTB": "{0} To",
"unknownError": "Erreur inconnue"
"vs/platform/history/browser/contextScopedHistoryWidget": {
"suggestWidgetVisible": "Indique si les suggestions sont visibles"
"vs/platform/keybinding/common/abstractKeybindingService": {
"first.chord": "Touche ({0}) utilisée. En attente d'une seconde touche...",
"missing.chord": "La combinaison de touches ({0}, {1}) n’est pas une commande."
"vs/platform/list/browser/listService": {
"Fast Scroll Sensitivity": "Multiplicateur de vitesse de défilement quand vous appuyez sur Alt.",
"Mouse Wheel Scroll Sensitivity": "Un multiplicateur à utiliser sur les deltaX et deltaY des événements de défilement de roulette de souris.",
"Fast Scroll Sensitivity": "Multiplicateur de vitesse de défilement quand vous appuyez sur 'Alt'.",
"Mouse Wheel Scroll Sensitivity": "Un multiplicateur à utiliser sur les `deltaX` et `deltaY` des événements de défilement de roulette de souris.",
"automatic keyboard navigation setting": "Contrôle si la navigation au clavier dans les listes et les arborescences est automatiquement déclenchée simplement par la frappe. Si défini sur 'false', la navigation au clavier est seulement déclenchée avec l'exécution de la commande 'list.toggleKeyboardNavigation', à laquelle vous pouvez attribuer un raccourci clavier.",
"expand mode": "Contrôle la façon dont les dossiers de l'arborescence sont développés quand vous cliquez sur les noms de dossiers. Notez que certaines arborescences et listes peuvent choisir d'ignorer ce paramètre, s'il est non applicable.",
"horizontalScrolling setting": "Contrôle si les listes et les arborescences prennent en charge le défilement horizontal dans le banc d'essai. Avertissement : L'activation de ce paramètre a un impact sur les performances.",
@ -1254,8 +1338,14 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"diffDiagonalFill": "Couleur du remplissage diagonal de l'éditeur de différences. Le remplissage diagonal est utilisé dans les vues de différences côte à côte.",
"diffEditorBorder": "Couleur de bordure entre les deux éditeurs de texte.",
"diffEditorInserted": "Couleur d'arrière-plan du texte inséré. La couleur ne doit pas être opaque pour ne pas masquer les ornements sous-jacents.",
"diffEditorInsertedLineGutter": "Couleur d’arrière-plan de la marge où les lignes ont été insérées",
"diffEditorInsertedLines": "Couleur d'arrière-plan des lignes insérées. La couleur ne doit pas être opaque pour ne pas masquer les ornements sous-jacents.",
"diffEditorInsertedOutline": "Couleur de contour du texte inséré.",
"diffEditorOverviewInserted": "Premier plan de la règle de vue d’ensemble des différences pour le contenu inséré",
"diffEditorOverviewRemoved": "Premier plan de la règle de vue d’ensemble des différences pour le contenu supprimé",
"diffEditorRemoved": "Couleur d'arrière-plan du texte supprimé. La couleur ne doit pas être opaque pour ne pas masquer les ornements sous-jacents.",
"diffEditorRemovedLineGutter": "Couleur d’arrière-plan de la marge où les lignes ont été supprimées",
"diffEditorRemovedLines": "Couleur d'arrière-plan des lignes supprimées. La couleur ne doit pas être opaque pour ne pas masquer les ornements sous-jacents.",
"diffEditorRemovedOutline": "Couleur de contour du texte supprimé.",
"dropdownBackground": "Arrière-plan de la liste déroulante.",
"dropdownBorder": "Bordure de la liste déroulante.",
@ -1272,7 +1362,11 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"editorInfo.background": "Couleur d'arrière-plan du texte d'information dans l'éditeur. La couleur ne doit pas être opaque pour ne pas masquer les décorations sous-jacentes.",
"editorInfo.foreground": "Couleur de premier plan de la ligne ondulée marquant les informations dans l'éditeur.",
"editorInlayHintBackground": "Couleur d'arrière-plan des indicateurs inline",
"editorInlayHintBackgroundParameter": "Couleur d'arrière-plan des indicateurs inline pour les paramètres",
"editorInlayHintBackgroundTypes": "Couleur d'arrière-plan des indicateurs inline pour les types",
"editorInlayHintForeground": "Couleur de premier plan des indicateurs inline",
"editorInlayHintForegroundParameter": "Couleur de premier plan des indicateurs inline pour les paramètres",
"editorInlayHintForegroundTypes": "Couleur de premier plan des indicateurs inline pour les types",
"editorLightBulbAutoFixForeground": "Couleur utilisée pour l'icône d'ampoule suggérant des actions de correction automatique.",
"editorLightBulbForeground": "Couleur utilisée pour l'icône d'ampoule suggérant des actions.",
"editorSelectionBackground": "Couleur de la sélection de l'éditeur.",
@ -1305,8 +1399,9 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"inputBoxBackground": "Arrière-plan de la zone d'entrée.",
"inputBoxBorder": "Bordure de la zone d'entrée.",
"inputBoxForeground": "Premier plan de la zone d'entrée.",
"inputOption.activeBackground": "Couleur d'arrière-plan des options activées dans les champs d'entrée.",
"inputOption.activeBackground": "Couleur de pointage d’arrière-plan des options dans les champs d’entrée.",
"inputOption.activeForeground": "Couleur de premier plan des options activées dans les champs d'entrée.",
"inputOption.hoverBackground": "Couleur d'arrière-plan des options activées dans les champs d'entrée.",
"inputPlaceholderForeground": "Couleur de premier plan de la zone d'entrée pour le texte d'espace réservé.",
"inputValidationErrorBackground": "Couleur d'arrière-plan de la validation d'entrée pour la gravité de l'erreur.",
"inputValidationErrorBorder": "Couleur de bordure de la validation d'entrée pour la gravité de l'erreur. ",
@ -1362,7 +1457,9 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"minimapBackground": "Couleur d'arrière-plan du minimap.",
"minimapError": "Couleur de marqueur de minimap pour les erreurs.",
"minimapFindMatchHighlight": "Couleur de marqueur de la minimap pour les correspondances.",
"minimapForegroundOpacity": "Opacité des éléments de premier plan rendus dans la minimap. Par exemple, « #000000c0 » affiche les éléments avec une opacité de 75 %.",
"minimapSelectionHighlight": "Couleur de marqueur du minimap pour la sélection de l'éditeur.",
"minimapSelectionOccurrenceHighlight": "Couleur de marqueur minimap pour les sélections répétées de l’éditeur.",
"minimapSliderActiveBackground": "Couleur d'arrière-plan du curseur de minimap pendant un clic.",
"minimapSliderBackground": "Couleur d'arrière-plan du curseur de minimap.",
"minimapSliderHoverBackground": "Couleur d'arrière-plan du curseur de minimap pendant le survol.",
@ -1398,6 +1495,8 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"snippetTabstopHighlightBackground": "Couleur d’arrière-plan de mise en surbrillance d’un extrait tabstop.",
"snippetTabstopHighlightBorder": "Couleur de bordure de mise en surbrillance d’un extrait tabstop.",
"statusBarBackground": "Couleur d'arrière-plan de la barre d'état du pointage de l'éditeur.",
"tableColumnsBorder": "Couleur de la bordure du tableau entre les colonnes.",
"tableOddRowsBackgroundColor": "Couleur d'arrière-plan pour les lignes de tableau impaires.",
"textBlockQuoteBackground": "Couleur d'arrière-plan des citations dans le texte.",
"textBlockQuoteBorder": "Couleur de bordure des citations dans le texte.",
"textCodeBlockBackground": "Couleur d'arrière-plan des blocs de code dans le texte.",
@ -1413,8 +1512,8 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"widgetShadow": "Couleur de l'ombre des widgets, comme rechercher/remplacer, au sein de l'éditeur."
"vs/platform/theme/common/iconRegistry": {
"iconDefintion.fontCharacter": "Caractère de police associé à la définition d'icône.",
"iconDefintion.fontId": "ID de la police à utiliser. Si aucune valeur n'est définie, la police définie en premier est utilisée.",
"iconDefinition.fontCharacter": "Caractère de police associé à la définition d'icône.",
"iconDefinition.fontId": "ID de la police à utiliser. Si aucune valeur n'est définie, la police définie en premier est utilisée.",
"nextChangeIcon": "Icône d'accès à l'emplacement suivant de l'éditeur.",
"previousChangeIcon": "Icône d'accès à l'emplacement précédent de l'éditeur.",
"widgetClose": "Icône de l'action de fermeture dans les widgets."
@ -1432,6 +1531,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"cannotWorkspaceUndoDueToInMeantimeUndoRedo": "Impossible d'annuler '{0}' dans tous les fichiers, car une opération d'annulation ou de rétablissement s'est produite dans l'intervalle",
"cannotWorkspaceUndoDueToInProgressUndoRedo": "Impossible d'annuler '{0}' dans tous les fichiers, car une opération d'annulation ou de rétablissement est déjà en cours d'exécution sur {1}",
"confirmDifferentSource": "Voulez-vous annuler '{0}' ?",
"confirmDifferentSource.no": "Non",
"confirmDifferentSource.yes": "Oui",
"confirmWorkspace": "Souhaitez-vous annuler '{0}' dans tous les fichiers ?",
"externalRemoval": "Les fichiers suivants ont été fermés et modifiés sur le disque : {0}.",
@ -1439,7 +1539,12 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"nok": "Annuler ce fichier",
"ok": "Annuler dans {0} fichiers"
"vs/platform/workspaces/common/workspaces": {
"vs/platform/workspace/common/workspace": {
"codeWorkspace": "Espace de travail de code"
"vs/platform/workspace/common/workspaceTrust": {
"trusted": "De confiance",
"untrusted": "Mode restreint"
@ -1,18 +1,16 @@
this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Locale = {language: 'it', data: {
window.MonacoEnvironment = window.MonacoEnvironment || {};
window.MonacoEnvironment.Locale = window.MonacoLocale = {
language: 'it',
data: {
"vs/base/browser/ui/actionbar/actionViewItems": {
"titleLabel": "{0} ({1})"
"vs/base/browser/ui/findinput/findInput": {
"defaultLabel": "input"
"vs/base/browser/ui/findinput/findInputCheckboxes": {
"caseDescription": "Maiuscole/minuscole",
"regexDescription": "Usa espressione regolare",
"wordsDescription": "Parola intera"
"vs/base/browser/ui/findinput/replaceInput": {
"defaultLabel": "input",
"label.preserveCaseCheckbox": "Mantieni maiuscole/minuscole"
"label.preserveCaseToggle": "Mantieni maiuscole/minuscole"
"vs/base/browser/ui/iconLabel/iconLabelHover": {
"iconLabel.loading": "Caricamento..."
@ -20,14 +18,12 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"vs/base/browser/ui/inputbox/inputBox": {
"alertErrorMessage": "Errore: {0}",
"alertInfoMessage": "Info: {0}",
"alertWarningMessage": "Avviso: {0}"
"alertWarningMessage": "Avviso: {0}",
"history.inputbox.hint": "per la cronologia"
"vs/base/browser/ui/keybindingLabel/keybindingLabel": {
"unbound": "Non associato"
"vs/base/browser/ui/menu/menu": {
"titleLabel": "{0} ({1})"
"vs/base/browser/ui/tree/abstractTree": {
"clear": "Cancella",
"disable filter on type": "Disabilita filtro sul tipo",
@ -50,6 +46,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"cmdKey.long": "Comando",
"ctrlKey": "CTRL",
"ctrlKey.long": "CTRL",
"optKey.long": "Opzione",
"shiftKey": "MAIUSC",
"shiftKey.long": "MAIUSC",
"superKey": "Super",
@ -72,16 +69,13 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"vs/base/parts/quickinput/browser/quickInputList": {
"quickInput": "Input rapido"
"vs/editor/browser/controller/coreCommands": {
"removedCursor": "Cursori secondari rimossi",
"stickydesc": "Si attiene alla fine anche quando si passa a righe più lunghe"
"vs/editor/browser/controller/textAreaHandler": {
"accessibilityOffAriaLabel": "L'editor non è accessibile in questo momento. Premere {0} per le opzioni.",
"editor": "editor"
"vs/editor/browser/core/keybindingCancellation": {
"cancellableOperation": "Indica se l'editor esegue un'operazione annullabile, ad esempio 'Anteprima riferimenti'"
"vs/editor/browser/coreCommands": {
"removedCursor": "Cursori secondari rimossi",
"stickydesc": "Si attiene alla fine anche quando si passa a righe più lunghe"
"vs/editor/browser/editorExtensions": {
"miRedo": "&&Ripeti",
@ -117,12 +111,15 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"unchangedLine": "{0} riga non modificata {1}"
"vs/editor/browser/widget/inlineDiffMargin": {
"diff.clipboard.copyChangedLineContent.label": "Copia riga modificata ({0})",
"diff.clipboard.copyChangedLinesContent.label": "Copia righe modificate",
"diff.clipboard.copyChangedLinesContent.single.label": "Copia riga modificata",
"diff.clipboard.copyDeletedLineContent.label": "Copia la riga eliminata ({0})",
"diff.clipboard.copyDeletedLinesContent.label": "Copia le righe eliminate",
"diff.clipboard.copyDeletedLinesContent.single.label": "Copia la riga eliminata",
"diff.inline.revertChange.label": "Ripristina questa modifica"
"vs/editor/common/config/commonEditorConfig": {
"vs/editor/common/config/editorConfigurationSchema": {
"codeLens": "Controlla se l'editor visualizza CodeLens.",
"detectIndentation": "Controlla se `#editor.tabSize#` e `#editor.insertSpaces#` verranno rilevati automaticamente quando un file viene aperto in base al contenuto del file.",
"editorConfigurationTitle": "Editor",
@ -130,8 +127,13 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"insertSpaces": "Inserisce spazi quando viene premuto TAB. Quando `#editor.detectIndentation#` è attivo, questa impostazione viene sostituita in base al contenuto del file.",
"largeFileOptimizations": "Gestione speciale dei file di grandi dimensioni per disabilitare alcune funzionalità che fanno un uso intensivo della memoria.",
"maxComputationTime": "Timeout in millisecondi dopo il quale il calcolo delle differenze viene annullato. Usare 0 per indicare nessun timeout.",
"maxFileSize": "Dimensioni massime del file in MB per cui calcolare le differenze. Usare 0 per nessun limite.",
"maxTokenizationLineLength": "Per motivi di prestazioni le righe di lunghezza superiore non verranno tokenizzate",
"renderIndicators": "Controlla se l'editor diff mostra gli indicatori +/- per le modifiche aggiunte/rimosse.",
"schema.brackets": "Definisce i simboli di parentesi quadra che aumentano o riducono il rientro.",
"schema.closeBracket": "Sequenza di stringa o carattere parentesi quadra di chiusura.",
"schema.colorizedBracketPairs": "Definisce le coppie di bracket colorate in base al livello di annidamento se è abilitata la colorazione delle coppie di bracket.",
"schema.openBracket": "Sequenza di stringa o carattere parentesi quadra di apertura.",
"semanticHighlighting.configuredByTheme": "La configurazione dell'evidenziazione semantica è gestita tramite l'impostazione `semanticHighlighting` del tema colori corrente.",
"semanticHighlighting.enabled": "Controlla se l'evidenziazione semanticHighlighting è visualizzata per i linguaggi che la supportano.",
"semanticHighlighting.false": "L'evidenziazione semantica è disabilitata per tutti i temi colore.",
@ -169,11 +171,12 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"autoClosingQuotes": "Controlla se l'editor deve chiudere automaticamente le citazioni dopo che sono state aperte.",
"autoIndent": "Controlla se l'editor deve regolare automaticamente il rientro quando gli utenti digitano, incollano, spostano le righe o applicano il rientro.",
"autoSurround": "Controlla se l'editor deve racchiudere automaticamente le selezioni quando si digitano virgolette o parentesi quadre.",
"bracketPairColorization.enabled": "Controlla se la colorazione delle coppie di parentesi quadre è abilitata. Usare 'workbench.colorCustomizations' per eseguire l'override dei colori di evidenziazione delle parentesi quadre.",
"bracketPairColorization.enabled": "Controlla se la colorazione delle coppie di parentesi è abilitata. Usare '#workbench.colorCustomizations#' per eseguire l'override dei colori di evidenziazione delle parentesi.",
"bracketPairColorization.independentColorPoolPerBracketType": "Controlla se ogni tipo di parentesi ha un pool di colori indipendente.",
"codeActions": "Abilita la lampadina delle azioni codice nell'editor.",
"codeLens": "Controlla se l'editor visualizza CodeLens.",
"codeLensFontFamily": "Controlla la famiglia di caratteri per CodeLens.",
"codeLensFontSize": "Controlla le dimensioni del carattere in pixel per CodeLens. Quando è impostata su `0`, viene usato il 90% del valore di `#editor.fontSize#`.",
"codeLensFontSize": "Controlla le dimensioni del carattere in pixel per CodeLens. Quando è impostata su '0', viene usato il 90% del valore di '#editor.fontSize#'.",
"colorDecorators": "Controlla se l'editor deve eseguire il rendering della selezione colori e degli elementi Decorator di tipo colore inline.",
"columnSelection": "Abilita l'uso di mouse e tasti per la selezione delle colonne.",
"comments.ignoreEmptyLines": "Controlla se ignorare le righe vuote con le opzioni per attivare/disattivare, aggiungere o rimuovere relative ai commenti di riga.",
@ -219,6 +222,17 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"editor.gotoLocation.multiple.goto": "Passa al risultato principale e abilita l'esplorazione senza anteprima per gli altri",
"editor.gotoLocation.multiple.gotoAndPeek": "Passa al risultato principale e mostra una visualizzazione rapida",
"editor.gotoLocation.multiple.peek": "Mostra la visualizzazione rapida dei risultati (impostazione predefinita)",
"editor.guides.bracketPairs": "Controlla se le guide delle coppie di parentesi sono abilitate o meno.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairs.active": "Abilita le guide delle coppie di parentesi solo per la coppia di parentesi attive.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairs.false": "Disabilita le guide per coppie di parentesi quadre.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairs.true": "Abilita le guide per coppie di parentesi quadre.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairsHorizontal": "Controlla se le guide orizzontali delle coppie di parentesi sono abilitate o meno.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairsHorizontal.active": "Abilita le guide orizzontali solo per la coppia di parentesi attive.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairsHorizontal.false": "Disabilita le guide per coppie di parentesi orizzontali.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairsHorizontal.true": "Abilita le guide orizzontali come aggiunta alle guide per coppie di parentesi verticali.",
"editor.guides.highlightActiveBracketPair": "Controlla se l'editor debba evidenziare la coppia di parentesi attive.",
"editor.guides.highlightActiveIndentation": "Controlla se l'editor deve evidenziare la guida con rientro attiva.",
"editor.guides.indentation": "Controlla se l'editor deve eseguire il rendering delle guide con rientro.",
"editor.suggest.showClasss": "Se è abilitata, IntelliSense mostra i suggerimenti relativi a `class`.",
"editor.suggest.showColors": "Se è abilitata, IntelliSense mostra i suggerimenti relativi a `color`.",
"editor.suggest.showConstants": "Se è abilitata, IntelliSense mostra i suggerimenti relativi a `constant`.",
@ -260,6 +274,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"folding": "Controlla se per l'editor è abilitata la riduzione del codice.",
"foldingHighlight": "Controlla se l'editor deve evidenziare gli intervalli con riduzione del codice.",
"foldingImportsByDefault": "Controlla se l'editor comprime automaticamente gli intervalli di importazione.",
"foldingMaximumRegions": "Numero massimo di aree riducibili. Se si aumenta questo valore, l'editor potrebbe diventare meno reattivo quando l'origine corrente contiene un numero elevato di aree riducibili.",
"foldingStrategy": "Controlla la strategia per il calcolo degli intervalli di riduzione.",
"foldingStrategy.auto": "Usa una strategia di riduzione specifica della lingua, se disponibile; altrimenti ne usa una basata sui rientri.",
"foldingStrategy.indentation": "Usa la strategia di riduzione basata sui rientri.",
@ -274,18 +289,15 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"formatOnType": "Controlla se l'editor deve formattare automaticamente la riga dopo la digitazione.",
"glyphMargin": "Controlla se l'editor deve eseguire il rendering del margine verticale del glifo. Il margine del glifo viene usato principalmente per il debug.",
"hideCursorInOverviewRuler": "Controlla se il cursore deve essere nascosto nel righello delle annotazioni.",
"highlightActiveIndentGuide": "Controlla se l'editor deve evidenziare la guida con rientro attiva.",
"hover.above": "Preferisci la visualizzazione al passaggio del mouse sopra la riga, se c'è spazio.",
"hover.delay": "Controlla il ritardo in millisecondi dopo il quale viene mostrato il passaggio del mouse.",
"hover.enabled": "Controlla se mostrare l'area sensibile al passaggio del mouse.",
"hover.sticky": "Controlla se l'area sensibile al passaggio del mouse deve rimanere visibile quando vi si passa sopra con il puntatore del mouse.",
"inlayHints.enable": "Abilita i suggerimenti incorporati nell'Editor.",
"inlayHints.fontFamily": "Controlla la famiglia di caratteri dei suggerimenti incorporati nell'Editor. Se impostato su vuoto, viene usato '#editor.fontFamily#'.",
"inlayHints.fontSize": "Controlla le dimensioni del carattere dei suggerimenti incorporati nell'Editor. Quando è impostato su `0`, viene usato il 90% del valore di `#editor.fontSize#`.",
"inlayHints.fontSize": "Controlla le dimensioni del carattere dei suggerimenti incorporati nell'editor. Viene usato il valore predefinito 90% di `#editor.fontSize#` quando il valore configurato è minore di `5` o maggiore delle dimensioni del carattere dell'editor.",
"inline": "I suggerimenti rapidi vengono visualizzati come testo fantasma",
"inlineSuggest.enabled": "Controlla se visualizzare automaticamente i suggerimenti inline nell'Editor.",
"inlineSuggest.mode": "Verificare la modalità da utilizzare per eseguire il rendering dei suggerimenti inline.",
"inlineSuggest.mode.prefix": "Eseguire il rendering di un suggerimento inline solo se il testo di sostituzione è un prefisso del testo di inserimento.",
"inlineSuggest.mode.subword": "Eseguire il rendering di un suggerimento inline solo se il testo di sostituzione è una parola secondaria del testo di inserimento.",
"inlineSuggest.mode.subwordSmart": "Esegue il rendering di un suggerimento inline solo se il testo di sostituzione è una sottoparola del testo di inserimento, ma la sottoparola deve iniziare dopo il cursore.",
"letterSpacing": "Controlla la spaziatura tra le lettere in pixel.",
"lineHeight": "Controlla l'altezza della riga. \r\n - Usare 0 per calcolare automaticamente l'altezza della riga dalle dimensioni del carattere.\r\n - I valori compresi tra 0 e 8 verranno usati come moltiplicatore con le dimensioni del carattere.\r\n - I valori maggiori o uguali a 8 verranno usati come valori effettivi.",
"lineNumbers": "Controlla la visualizzazione dei numeri di riga.",
@ -316,6 +328,8 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"multiCursorPaste.full": "Ogni cursore incolla il testo completo.",
"multiCursorPaste.spread": "Ogni cursore incolla una singola riga del testo.",
"occurrencesHighlight": "Controlla se l'editor deve evidenziare le occorrenze di simboli semantici.",
"off": "I suggerimenti rapidi sono disabilitati",
"on": "I suggerimenti rapidi vengono visualizzati all'interno del widget dei suggerimenti",
"overviewRulerBorder": "Controlla se deve essere disegnato un bordo intorno al righello delle annotazioni.",
"padding.bottom": "Controlla la quantità di spazio tra il bordo inferiore dell'editor e l'ultima riga.",
"padding.top": "Controlla la quantità di spazio tra il bordo superiore dell'editor e la prima riga.",
@ -333,7 +347,6 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"renameOnTypeDeprecate": "Deprecata. In alternativa, usare `editor.linkedEditing`.",
"renderControlCharacters": "Controlla se l'editor deve eseguire il rendering dei caratteri di controllo.",
"renderFinalNewline": "Esegue il rendering dell'ultimo numero di riga quando il file termina con un carattere di nuova riga.",
"renderIndentGuides": "Controlla se l'editor deve eseguire il rendering delle guide con rientro.",
"renderLineHighlight": "Controlla in che modo l'editor deve eseguire il rendering dell'evidenziazione di riga corrente.",
"renderLineHighlight.all": "Mette in evidenza sia la barra di navigazione sia la riga corrente.",
"renderLineHighlightOnlyWhenFocus": "Controlla se l'editor deve eseguire il rendering dell'evidenziazione della riga corrente solo quando l'editor ha lo stato attivo.",
@ -381,10 +394,6 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"suggest.localityBonus": "Controlla se l'ordinamento privilegia le parole che appaiono più vicine al cursore.",
"suggest.maxVisibleSuggestions.dep": "Questa impostazione è deprecata. Il widget dei suggerimenti può ora essere ridimensionato.",
"suggest.preview": "Controlla se visualizzare in anteprima il risultato del suggerimento nell'Editor.",
"suggest.previewMode": "Verificare la modalità da utilizzare per eseguire il rendering dell'anteprima del suggerimento.",
"suggest.previewMode.prefix": "Eseguire il rendering di un’anteprima solo se il testo di sostituzione è un prefisso del testo di inserimento.",
"suggest.previewMode.subword": "Eseguire il rendering di un’anteprima solo se il testo di sostituzione è una parola secondaria del testo di inserimento.",
"suggest.previewMode.subwordSmart": "Eseguire il rendering di un'anteprima se il testo di sostituzione è una sottoparola del testo di inserimento o se è un prefisso del testo di inserimento.",
"suggest.shareSuggestSelections": "Controlla se condividere le selezioni dei suggerimenti memorizzati tra aree di lavoro e finestre (richiede `#editor.suggestSelection#`).",
"suggest.showIcons": "Controlla se mostrare o nascondere le icone nei suggerimenti.",
"suggest.showInlineDetails": "Controlla se i dettagli del suggerimento vengono visualizzati inline con l'etichetta o solo nel widget dei dettagli",
@ -402,6 +411,13 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"tabCompletion.on": "La funzionalità di completamento con tasto TAB inserirà il migliore suggerimento alla pressione del tasto TAB.",
"tabCompletion.onlySnippets": "Completa i frammenti con il tasto TAB quando i rispettivi prefissi corrispondono. Funziona in modo ottimale quando 'quickSuggestions' non è abilitato.",
"unfoldOnClickAfterEndOfLine": "Controlla se, facendo clic sul contenuto vuoto dopo una riga ridotta, la riga viene espansa.",
"unicodeHighlight.allowedCharacters": "Definisce i caratteri consentiti che non vengono evidenziati.",
"unicodeHighlight.allowedLocales": "I caratteri Unicode comuni nelle impostazioni locali consentite non vengono evidenziati.",
"unicodeHighlight.ambiguousCharacters": "Controlla se i caratteri che possono essere confusi con i caratteri ASCII di base sono evidenziati, ad eccezione di quelli comuni nelle impostazioni locali dell'utente corrente.",
"unicodeHighlight.includeComments": "Controlla se anche i caratteri nei commenti debbano essere soggetti a evidenziazione Unicode.",
"unicodeHighlight.includeStrings": "Controlla se anche i caratteri nelle stringhe devono essere soggetti all'evidenziazione unicode.",
"unicodeHighlight.invisibleCharacters": "Controlla se i caratteri che riservano spazio o non hanno larghezza sono evidenziati.",
"unicodeHighlight.nonBasicASCII": "Controlla se tutti i caratteri ASCII non di base sono evidenziati. Solo i caratteri compresi tra U+0020 e U+007E, tabulazione, avanzamento riga e ritorno a capo sono considerati ASCII di base.",
"unusualLineTerminators": "Rimuovi caratteri di terminazione di riga insoliti che potrebbero causare problemi.",
"unusualLineTerminators.auto": "I caratteri di terminazione di riga insoliti vengono rimossi automaticamente.",
"unusualLineTerminators.off": "I caratteri di terminazione di riga insoliti vengono ignorati.",
@ -423,6 +439,59 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"wrappingStrategy.advanced": "Delega il calcolo dei punti di ritorno a capo al browser. Si tratta di un algoritmo lento che potrebbe causare blocchi con file di grandi dimensioni, ma funziona correttamente in tutti gli altri casi.",
"wrappingStrategy.simple": "Presuppone che la larghezza sia identica per tutti caratteri. Si tratta di un algoritmo veloce che funziona correttamente per i tipi di carattere a spaziatura fissa e determinati script (come i caratteri latini) in cui i glifi hanno larghezza identica."
"vs/editor/common/core/editorColorRegistry": {
"caret": "Colore del cursore dell'editor.",
"deprecatedEditorActiveLineNumber": "Id è deprecato. In alternativa usare 'editorLineNumber.activeForeground'.",
"editorActiveIndentGuide": "Colore delle guide di indentazione dell'editor attivo",
"editorActiveLineNumber": "Colore del numero di riga attivo dell'editor",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground1": "Colore primo piano delle parentesi quadre (1). Richiede l'abilitazione della colorazione delle coppie di parentesi quadre.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground2": "Colore primo piano delle parentesi quadre (2). Richiede l'abilitazione della colorazione delle coppie di parentesi quadre.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground3": "Colore primo piano delle parentesi quadre (3). Richiede l'abilitazione della colorazione delle coppie di parentesi quadre.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground4": "Colore primo piano delle parentesi quadre (4). Richiede l'abilitazione della colorazione delle coppie di parentesi quadre.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground5": "Colore primo piano delle parentesi quadre (5). Richiede l'abilitazione della colorazione delle coppie di parentesi quadre.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground6": "Colore primo piano delle parentesi quadre (6). Richiede l'abilitazione della colorazione delle coppie di parentesi quadre.",
"editorBracketHighlightUnexpectedBracketForeground": "Colore di primo piano delle parentesi impreviste.",
"editorBracketMatchBackground": "Colore di sfondo delle parentesi corrispondenti",
"editorBracketMatchBorder": "Colore delle caselle di parentesi corrispondenti",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground1": "Colore di sfondo delle guide per coppie di parentesi attive (1). Richiede l'abilitazione delle guide per coppie di parentesi.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground2": "Colore di sfondo delle guide per coppie di parentesi attive (2). Richiede l'abilitazione delle guide per coppie di parentesi.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground3": "Colore di sfondo delle guide per coppie di parentesi attive (3). Richiede l'abilitazione delle guide per coppie di parentesi.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground4": "Colore di sfondo delle guide per coppie di parentesi attive (4). Richiede l'abilitazione delle guide per coppie di parentesi.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground5": "Colore di sfondo delle guide per coppie di parentesi attive (5). Richiede l'abilitazione delle guide per coppie di parentesi.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground6": "Colore di sfondo delle guide per coppie di parentesi attive (6). Richiede l'abilitazione delle guide per coppie di parentesi.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background1": "Colore di sfondo delle guide per coppie di parentesi inattive (1). Richiede l'abilitazione delle guide per coppie di parentesi.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background2": "Colore di sfondo delle guide per coppie di parentesi inattive (2). Richiede l'abilitazione delle guide per coppie di parentesi.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background3": "Colore di sfondo delle guide per coppie di parentesi inattive (3). Richiede l'abilitazione delle guide per coppie di parentesi.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background4": "Colore di sfondo delle guide per coppie di parentesi inattive (4). Richiede l'abilitazione delle guide per coppie di parentesi.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background5": "Colore di sfondo delle guide per coppie di parentesi inattive (5). Richiede l'abilitazione delle guide per coppie di parentesi.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background6": "Colore di sfondo delle guide per coppie di parentesi inattive (6). Richiede l'abilitazione delle guide per coppie di parentesi.",
"editorCodeLensForeground": "Colore primo piano delle finestre di CodeLens dell'editor",
"editorCursorBackground": "Colore di sfondo del cursore editor. Permette di personalizzare il colore di un carattere quando sovrapposto da un blocco cursore.",
"editorGhostTextBackground": "Colore di sfondo del testo fantasma nell'editor.",
"editorGhostTextBorder": "Colore del bordo del testo fantasma nell'Editor.",
"editorGhostTextForeground": "Colore primo piano del testo fantasma nell'Editor.",
"editorGutter": "Colore di sfondo della barra di navigazione dell'editor. La barra contiene i margini di glifo e i numeri di riga.",
"editorIndentGuides": "Colore delle guide per i rientri dell'editor.",
"editorLineNumbers": "Colore dei numeri di riga dell'editor.",
"editorOverviewRulerBackground": "Colore di sfondo del righello delle annotazioni dell'editor. Viene usato solo quando la minimappa è abilitata e posizionata sul lato destro dell'editor.",
"editorOverviewRulerBorder": "Colore del bordo del righello delle annotazioni.",
"editorRuler": "Colore dei righelli dell'editor.",
"editorUnicodeHighlight.background": "Colore di sfondo usato per evidenziare i caratteri Unicode.",
"editorUnicodeHighlight.border": "Colore del bordo utilizzato per evidenziare i caratteri Unicode.",
"editorWhitespaces": "Colore dei caratteri di spazio vuoto nell'editor.",
"lineHighlight": "Colore di sfondo per l'evidenziazione della riga alla posizione del cursore.",
"lineHighlightBorderBox": "Colore di sfondo per il bordo intorno alla riga alla posizione del cursore.",
"overviewRuleError": "Colore del marcatore del righello delle annotazioni per gli errori.",
"overviewRuleInfo": "Colore del marcatore del righello delle annotazioni per i messaggi di tipo informativo.",
"overviewRuleWarning": "Colore del marcatore del righello delle annotazioni per gli avvisi.",
"overviewRulerRangeHighlight": "Colore del marcatore del righello delle annotazioni per le evidenziazioni degli intervalli. Il colore non deve essere opaco per evitare di nascondere le decorazioni sottostanti.",
"rangeHighlight": "Colore di sfondo degli intervalli evidenziati, ad esempio dalle funzionalità Quick Open e Trova. Il colore non deve essere opaco per evitare di nascondere le decorazioni sottostanti.",
"rangeHighlightBorder": "Colore di sfondo del bordo intorno agli intervalli selezionati.",
"symbolHighlight": "Colore di sfondo del simbolo evidenziato, ad esempio per passare alla definizione o al simbolo successivo/precedente. Il colore non deve essere opaco per evitare di nascondere le decorazioni sottostanti.",
"symbolHighlightBorder": "Colore di sfondo del bordo intorno ai simboli selezionati.",
"unnecessaryCodeBorder": "Colore del bordo del codice sorgente non necessario (non usato) nell'editor.",
"unnecessaryCodeOpacity": "Opacità del codice sorgente non necessario (non usato) nell'editor. Ad esempio, con \"#000000c0\" il rendering del codice verrà eseguito con il 75% di opacità. Per i temi a contrasto elevato, usare il colore del tema 'editorUnnecessaryCode.border' per sottolineare il codice non necessario invece di opacizzarlo."
"vs/editor/common/editorContextKeys": {
"editorColumnSelection": "Indica se `editor.columnSelection` è abilitato",
"editorFocus": "Indica se l'editor o un widget dell'editor ha lo stato attivo (ad esempio, lo stato attivo si trova nel widget di ricerca)",
@ -455,12 +524,12 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"inDiffEditor": "Indica se il contesto è un editor diff",
"textInputFocus": "Indica se un editor o un input RTF ha lo stato attivo (il cursore lampeggia)"
"vs/editor/common/languages/modesRegistry": {
"plainText.alias": "Testo normale"
"vs/editor/common/model/editStack": {
"edit": "Digitazione"
"vs/editor/common/modes/modesRegistry": {
"plainText.alias": "Testo normale"
"vs/editor/common/standaloneStrings": {
"accessibilityHelpMessage": "Premere ALT+F1 per le opzioni di accessibilità.",
"auto_off": "L'editor è configurato per non essere ottimizzato per l'utilizzo con un'utilità per la lettura dello schermo, che non viene usata in questo momento.",
@ -497,45 +566,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"tabFocusModeOnMsgNoKb": "Premere TAB nell'editor corrente per spostare lo stato attivo sull'elemento con stato attivabile successivo. Il comando {0} non può essere attualmente attivato con un tasto di scelta rapida.",
"toggleHighContrast": "Attiva/disattiva tema a contrasto elevato"
"vs/editor/common/view/editorColorRegistry": {
"caret": "Colore del cursore dell'editor.",
"deprecatedEditorActiveLineNumber": "Id è deprecato. In alternativa usare 'editorLineNumber.activeForeground'.",
"editorActiveIndentGuide": "Colore delle guide di indentazione dell'editor attivo",
"editorActiveLineNumber": "Colore del numero di riga attivo dell'editor",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground1": "Colore primo piano delle parentesi quadre (1). Richiede l'abilitazione della colorazione delle coppie di parentesi quadre.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground2": "Colore primo piano delle parentesi quadre (2). Richiede l'abilitazione della colorazione delle coppie di parentesi quadre.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground3": "Colore primo piano delle parentesi quadre (3). Richiede l'abilitazione della colorazione delle coppie di parentesi quadre.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground4": "Colore primo piano delle parentesi quadre (4). Richiede l'abilitazione della colorazione delle coppie di parentesi quadre.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground5": "Colore primo piano delle parentesi quadre (5). Richiede l'abilitazione della colorazione delle coppie di parentesi quadre.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground6": "Colore primo piano delle parentesi quadre (6). Richiede l'abilitazione della colorazione delle coppie di parentesi quadre.",
"editorBracketHighlightUnexpectedBracketForeground": "Colore di primo piano delle parentesi impreviste.",
"editorBracketMatchBackground": "Colore di sfondo delle parentesi corrispondenti",
"editorBracketMatchBorder": "Colore delle caselle di parentesi corrispondenti",
"editorCodeLensForeground": "Colore primo piano delle finestre di CodeLens dell'editor",
"editorCursorBackground": "Colore di sfondo del cursore editor. Permette di personalizzare il colore di un carattere quando sovrapposto da un blocco cursore.",
"editorGhostTextBorder": "Colore del bordo del testo fantasma nell'Editor.",
"editorGhostTextForeground": "Colore primo piano del testo fantasma nell'Editor.",
"editorGutter": "Colore di sfondo della barra di navigazione dell'editor. La barra contiene i margini di glifo e i numeri di riga.",
"editorIndentGuides": "Colore delle guide per i rientri dell'editor.",
"editorLineNumbers": "Colore dei numeri di riga dell'editor.",
"editorOverviewRulerBackground": "Colore di sfondo del righello delle annotazioni dell'editor. Viene usato solo quando la minimappa è abilitata e posizionata sul lato destro dell'editor.",
"editorOverviewRulerBorder": "Colore del bordo del righello delle annotazioni.",
"editorRuler": "Colore dei righelli dell'editor.",
"editorWhitespaces": "Colore dei caratteri di spazio vuoto nell'editor.",
"lineHighlight": "Colore di sfondo per l'evidenziazione della riga alla posizione del cursore.",
"lineHighlightBorderBox": "Colore di sfondo per il bordo intorno alla riga alla posizione del cursore.",
"overviewRuleError": "Colore del marcatore del righello delle annotazioni per gli errori.",
"overviewRuleInfo": "Colore del marcatore del righello delle annotazioni per i messaggi di tipo informativo.",
"overviewRuleWarning": "Colore del marcatore del righello delle annotazioni per gli avvisi.",
"overviewRulerRangeHighlight": "Colore del marcatore del righello delle annotazioni per le evidenziazioni degli intervalli. Il colore non deve essere opaco per evitare di nascondere le decorazioni sottostanti.",
"rangeHighlight": "Colore di sfondo degli intervalli evidenziati, ad esempio dalle funzionalità Quick Open e Trova. Il colore non deve essere opaco per evitare di nascondere le decorazioni sottostanti.",
"rangeHighlightBorder": "Colore di sfondo del bordo intorno agli intervalli selezionati.",
"symbolHighlight": "Colore di sfondo del simbolo evidenziato, ad esempio per passare alla definizione o al simbolo successivo/precedente. Il colore non deve essere opaco per evitare di nascondere le decorazioni sottostanti.",
"symbolHighlightBorder": "Colore di sfondo del bordo intorno ai simboli selezionati.",
"unnecessaryCodeBorder": "Colore del bordo del codice sorgente non necessario (non usato) nell'editor.",
"unnecessaryCodeOpacity": "Opacità del codice sorgente non necessario (non usato) nell'editor. Ad esempio, con \"#000000c0\" il rendering del codice verrà eseguito con il 75% di opacità. Per i temi a contrasto elevato, usare il colore del tema 'editorUnnecessaryCode.border' per sottolineare il codice non necessario invece di opacizzarlo."
"vs/editor/contrib/anchorSelect/anchorSelect": {
"vs/editor/contrib/anchorSelect/browser/anchorSelect": {
"anchorSet": "Ancoraggio impostato alla posizione {0}:{1}",
"cancelSelectionAnchor": "Annulla ancoraggio della selezione",
"goToSelectionAnchor": "Vai ad ancoraggio della selezione",
@ -543,20 +574,20 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"selectionAnchor": "Ancoraggio della selezione",
"setSelectionAnchor": "Imposta ancoraggio della selezione"
"vs/editor/contrib/bracketMatching/bracketMatching": {
"vs/editor/contrib/bracketMatching/browser/bracketMatching": {
"miGoToBracket": "Vai alla parentesi &&quadra",
"overviewRulerBracketMatchForeground": "Colore del marcatore del righello delle annotazioni per la corrispondenza delle parentesi.",
"smartSelect.jumpBracket": "Vai alla parentesi quadra",
"smartSelect.selectToBracket": "Seleziona fino alla parentesi"
"vs/editor/contrib/caretOperations/caretOperations": {
"vs/editor/contrib/caretOperations/browser/caretOperations": {
"caret.moveLeft": "Sposta testo selezionato a sinistra",
"caret.moveRight": "Sposta testo selezionato a destra"
"vs/editor/contrib/caretOperations/transpose": {
"vs/editor/contrib/caretOperations/browser/transpose": {
"transposeLetters.label": "Trasponi lettere"
"vs/editor/contrib/clipboard/clipboard": {
"vs/editor/contrib/clipboard/browser/clipboard": {
"actions.clipboard.copyLabel": "Copia",
"actions.clipboard.copyWithSyntaxHighlightingLabel": "Copia con evidenziazione sintassi",
"actions.clipboard.cutLabel": "Taglia",
@ -566,7 +597,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"miCut": "&&Taglia",
"miPaste": "&&Incolla"
"vs/editor/contrib/codeAction/codeActionCommands": {
"vs/editor/contrib/codeAction/browser/codeActionCommands": {
"applyCodeActionFailed": "Si è verificato un errore sconosciuto durante l'applicazione dell'azione del codice",
"args.schema.apply": "Controlla quando vengono applicate le azioni restituite.",
"args.schema.apply.first": "Applica sempre la prima azione codice restituita.",
@ -597,15 +628,18 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"refactor.label": "Effettua refactoring...",
"source.label": "Azione origine..."
"vs/editor/contrib/codeAction/lightBulbWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/codeAction/browser/lightBulbWidget": {
"codeAction": "Mostra Azioni codice",
"codeActionWithKb": "Mostra Azioni codice ({0})",
"preferredcodeActionWithKb": "Mostra azioni codice. Correzione rapida preferita disponibile ({0})"
"vs/editor/contrib/codelens/codelensController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/codelens/browser/codelensController": {
"showLensOnLine": "Mostra comandi di CodeLens per la riga corrente"
"vs/editor/contrib/comment/comment": {
"vs/editor/contrib/colorPicker/browser/colorPickerWidget": {
"clickToToggleColorOptions": "Fare clic per attivare/disattivare le opzioni di colore (rgb/hsl/hex)"
"vs/editor/contrib/comment/browser/comment": {
"comment.block": "Attiva/Disattiva commento per il blocco",
"comment.line": "Attiva/disattiva commento per la riga",
"comment.line.add": "Aggiungi commento per la riga",
@ -613,14 +647,21 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"miToggleBlockComment": "Attiva/Disattiva commento per il &&blocco",
"miToggleLineComment": "Attiva/Disattiva commento per la &&riga"
"vs/editor/contrib/contextmenu/contextmenu": {
"vs/editor/contrib/contextmenu/browser/contextmenu": {
"action.showContextMenu.label": "Mostra il menu di scelta rapida editor"
"vs/editor/contrib/cursorUndo/cursorUndo": {
"vs/editor/contrib/cursorUndo/browser/cursorUndo": {
"cursor.redo": "Cursore - Ripeti",
"cursor.undo": "Cursore - Annulla"
"vs/editor/contrib/find/findController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/editorState/browser/keybindingCancellation": {
"cancellableOperation": "Indica se l'editor esegue un'operazione annullabile, ad esempio 'Anteprima riferimenti'"
"vs/editor/contrib/find/browser/findController": {
"actions.find.isRegexOverride": "Esegue l'override del contrassegno \"Usa espressione regolare\".\r\nIl contrassegno non verrà salvato per il futuro.\r\n0: Non eseguire alcuna operazione\r\n1: Vero\r\n2: Falso",
"actions.find.matchCaseOverride": "Esegue l'override del contrassegno \"Fai corrispondere maiuscole/minuscole\".\r\nIl contrassegno non verrà salvato per il futuro.\r\n0: Non eseguire alcuna operazione\r\n1: Vero\r\n2: Falso",
"actions.find.preserveCaseOverride": "Esegue l'override del contrassegno \"Mantieni maiuscole/minuscole\".\r\nIl contrassegno non verrà salvato per il futuro.\r\n0: Non eseguire alcuna operazione\r\n1: Vero\r\n2: Falso",
"actions.find.wholeWordOverride": "Esegue l'override del contrassegno \"Corrispondenza parola intera\".\r\nIl contrassegno non verrà salvato per il futuro.\r\n0: Non eseguire alcuna operazione\r\n1: Vero\r\n2: Falso",
"findNextMatchAction": "Trova successivo",
"findPreviousMatchAction": "Trova precedente",
"miFind": "&&Trova",
@ -628,10 +669,11 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"nextSelectionMatchFindAction": "Trova selezione successiva",
"previousSelectionMatchFindAction": "Trova selezione precedente",
"startFindAction": "Trova",
"startFindWithArgsAction": "Trova con gli argomenti",
"startFindWithSelectionAction": "Trova con selezione",
"startReplace": "Sostituisci"
"vs/editor/contrib/find/findWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/find/browser/findWidget": {
"ariaSearchNoResult": "{0} trovati per '{1}'",
"ariaSearchNoResultEmpty": "{0} trovato",
"ariaSearchNoResultWithLineNum": "{0} trovati per '{1}' alla posizione {2}",
@ -659,7 +701,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"placeholder.replace": "Sostituisci",
"title.matchesCountLimit": "Solo i primi {0} risultati vengono evidenziati, ma tutte le operazioni di ricerca funzionano su tutto il testo."
"vs/editor/contrib/folding/folding": {
"vs/editor/contrib/folding/browser/folding": {
"editorGutter.foldingControlForeground": "Colore del controllo di riduzione nella barra di navigazione dell'editor.",
"foldAction.label": "Riduci",
"foldAllAction.label": "Riduci tutto",
@ -669,9 +711,10 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"foldBackgroundBackground": "Colore di sfondo degli intervalli con riduzione. Il colore non deve essere opaco per evitare di nascondere le decorazioni sottostanti.",
"foldLevelAction.label": "Livello riduzione {0}",
"foldRecursivelyAction.label": "Riduci in modo ricorsivo",
"gotoNextFold.label": "Vai alla cartella successiva",
"gotoNextFold.label": "Passa all'intervallo di riduzione successivo",
"gotoParentFold.label": "Vai alla cartella principale",
"gotoPreviousFold.label": "Vai alla cartella precedente",
"gotoPreviousFold.label": "Passa all'intervallo di riduzione precedente",
"maximum fold ranges": "Il numero di aree riducibili è limitato a un massimo di {0}. Aumentare l'opzione di configurazione ['Numero massimo di aree riducibili'](command:workbench.action.openSettings?[\" editor.foldingMaximumRegions\"]) per abilitarne altre.",
"toggleFoldAction.label": "Attiva/Disattiva riduzione",
"unFoldRecursivelyAction.label": "Espandi in modo ricorsivo",
"unfoldAction.label": "Espandi",
@ -679,26 +722,26 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"unfoldAllExcept.label": "Espandi tutte le regioni eccetto quelle selezionate",
"unfoldAllMarkerRegions.label": "Espandi tutte le regioni"
"vs/editor/contrib/folding/foldingDecorations": {
"vs/editor/contrib/folding/browser/foldingDecorations": {
"foldingCollapsedIcon": "Icona per gli intervalli compressi nel margine del glifo dell'editor.",
"foldingExpandedIcon": "Icona per gli intervalli espansi nel margine del glifo dell'editor."
"vs/editor/contrib/fontZoom/fontZoom": {
"vs/editor/contrib/fontZoom/browser/fontZoom": {
"EditorFontZoomIn.label": "Zoom avanti tipo di carattere editor",
"EditorFontZoomOut.label": "Zoom indietro tipo di carattere editor",
"EditorFontZoomReset.label": "Reimpostazione zoom tipo di carattere editor"
"vs/editor/contrib/format/format": {
"vs/editor/contrib/format/browser/format": {
"hint11": "È stata apportata 1 modifica di formattazione a riga {0}",
"hint1n": "È stata apportata 1 modifica di formattazione tra le righe {0} e {1}",
"hintn1": "Sono state apportate {0} modifiche di formattazione a riga {1}",
"hintnn": "Sono state apportate {0} modifiche di formattazione tra le righe {1} e {2}"
"vs/editor/contrib/format/formatActions": {
"vs/editor/contrib/format/browser/formatActions": {
"formatDocument.label": "Formatta documento",
"formatSelection.label": "Formatta selezione"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoError/gotoError": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoError/browser/gotoError": {
"markerAction.next.label": "Vai al problema successivo (Errore, Avviso, Informazioni)",
"markerAction.nextInFiles.label": "Vai al problema successivo nei file (Errore, Avviso, Informazioni)",
"markerAction.previous.label": "Vai al problema precedente (Errore, Avviso, Informazioni)",
@ -708,7 +751,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"nextMarkerIcon": "Icona per il marcatore Vai a successivo.",
"previousMarkerIcon": "Icona per il marcatore Vai a precedente."
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoError/gotoErrorWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoError/browser/gotoErrorWidget": {
"Error": "Errore",
"Hint": "Suggerimento",
"Info": "Info",
@ -724,7 +767,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"marker aria": "{0} a {1}. ",
"problems": "{0} di {1} problemi"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/goToCommands": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/goToCommands": {
"actions.goToDecl.label": "Vai alla definizione",
"actions.goToDeclToSide.label": "Apri definizione lateralmente",
"actions.goToDeclaration.label": "Vai a dichiarazione",
@ -761,25 +804,25 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"references.noGeneric": "Non sono stati trovati riferimenti",
"typedef.title": "Definizioni di tipo"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/link/goToDefinitionAtPosition": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/link/goToDefinitionAtPosition": {
"multipleResults": "Fare clic per visualizzare {0} definizioni."
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/peek/referencesController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/peek/referencesController": {
"labelLoading": "Caricamento...",
"metaTitle.N": "{0} ({1})",
"referenceSearchVisible": "Indica se l'anteprima riferimenti è visibile, come 'Visualizza in anteprima riferimenti' o 'Visualizza in anteprima la definizione'"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/peek/referencesTree": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/peek/referencesTree": {
"referenceCount": "{0} riferimento",
"referencesCount": "{0} riferimenti",
"treeAriaLabel": "Riferimenti"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/peek/referencesWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/peek/referencesWidget": {
"missingPreviewMessage": "anteprima non disponibile",
"noResults": "Nessun risultato",
"peekView.alternateTitle": "Riferimenti"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/referencesModel": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/referencesModel": {
"aria.fileReferences.1": "1 simbolo in {0}, percorso completo {1}",
"aria.fileReferences.N": "{0} simboli in {1}, percorso completo {2}",
"aria.oneReference": "simbolo in {0} alla riga {1} colonna {2}",
@ -789,26 +832,26 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"aria.result.n1": "Trovati {0} simboli in {1}",
"aria.result.nm": "Trovati {0} simboli in {1} file"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/symbolNavigation": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/symbolNavigation": {
"hasSymbols": "Indica se sono presenti posizioni dei simboli a cui è possibile passare solo tramite la tastiera.",
"location": "Simbolo {0} di {1}",
"location.kb": "Simbolo {0} di {1}, {2} per il successivo"
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/hover": {
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/browser/hover": {
"showDefinitionPreviewHover": "Mostra anteprima definizione al passaggio del mouse",
"showHover": "Visualizza passaggio del mouse"
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/markdownHoverParticipant": {
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/browser/markdownHoverParticipant": {
"modesContentHover.loading": "Caricamento...",
"too many characters": "Per motivi di prestazioni la tokenizzazione viene ignorata per le righe lunghe. È possibile effettuare questa configurazione tramite `editor.maxTokenizationLineLength`."
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/markerHoverParticipant": {
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/browser/markerHoverParticipant": {
"checkingForQuickFixes": "Verifica disponibilità correzioni rapide...",
"noQuickFixes": "Non sono disponibili correzioni rapide",
"quick fixes": "Correzione rapida...",
"view problem": "Visualizza problema"
"vs/editor/contrib/indentation/indentation": {
"vs/editor/contrib/indentation/browser/indentation": {
"configuredTabSize": "Dimensione tabulazione configurata",
"detectIndentation": "Rileva rientro dal contenuto",
"editor.reindentlines": "Imposta nuovo rientro per righe",
@ -819,24 +862,32 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"indentationToTabs": "Converti rientro in tabulazioni",
"selectTabWidth": "Seleziona dimensione tabulazione per il file corrente"
"vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/ghostTextController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/inlayHints/browser/inlayHintsHover": {
"hint.cmd": "Esegui il comando",
"hint.dbl": "Fai doppio clic per inserire",
"hint.def": "Vai alla definizione ({0})",
"hint.defAndCommand": "Vai alla definizione ({0}), fai clic con il pulsante destro del mouse per altre informazioni",
"links.navigate.kb.alt": "ALT+clic",
"links.navigate.kb.alt.mac": "Opzione+clic",
"links.navigate.kb.meta": "CTRL+clic",
"links.navigate.kb.meta.mac": "CMD+clic"
"vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/browser/ghostTextController": {
"action.inlineSuggest.showNext": "Mostrare suggerimento inline successivo",
"action.inlineSuggest.showPrevious": "Mostrare suggerimento inline precedente",
"action.inlineSuggest.trigger": "Trigger del suggerimento inline",
"inlineSuggestionHasIndentation": "Se il suggerimento in linea inizia con spazi vuoti",
"inlineSuggestionHasIndentationLessThanTabSize": "Indica se il suggerimento inline inizia con uno spazio vuoto minore di quello che verrebbe inserito dalla tabulazione",
"inlineSuggestionVisible": "Se è visibile un suggerimento inline"
"vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/inlineCompletionsHoverParticipant": {
"acceptInlineSuggestion": "Accettare",
"inlineSuggestionFollows": "Suggerimento:",
"showNextInlineSuggestion": "Avanti",
"showPreviousInlineSuggestion": "Indietro"
"vs/editor/contrib/inPlaceReplace/inPlaceReplace": {
"vs/editor/contrib/inPlaceReplace/browser/inPlaceReplace": {
"InPlaceReplaceAction.next.label": "Sostituisci con il valore successivo",
"InPlaceReplaceAction.previous.label": "Sostituisci con il valore precedente"
"vs/editor/contrib/linesOperations/linesOperations": {
"vs/editor/contrib/lineSelection/browser/lineSelection": {
"expandLineSelection": "Espandere selezione riga"
"vs/editor/contrib/linesOperations/browser/linesOperations": {
"duplicateSelection": "Duplica selezione",
"editor.transformToLowercase": "Converti in minuscolo",
"editor.transformToSnakecase": "Trasforma in snake case",
@ -848,6 +899,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"lines.delete": "Elimina riga",
"lines.deleteAllLeft": "Elimina tutto a sinistra",
"lines.deleteAllRight": "Elimina tutto a destra",
"lines.deleteDuplicates": "Elimina righe duplicate",
"lines.indent": "Imposta un rientro per la riga",
"lines.insertAfter": "Inserisci la riga sotto",
"lines.insertBefore": "Inserisci la riga sopra",
@ -864,11 +916,11 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"miMoveLinesDown": "Sposta la riga in &&basso",
"miMoveLinesUp": "Sposta la riga in &&alto"
"vs/editor/contrib/linkedEditing/linkedEditing": {
"vs/editor/contrib/linkedEditing/browser/linkedEditing": {
"editorLinkedEditingBackground": "Colore di sfondo quando l'editor viene rinominato automaticamente in base al tipo.",
"linkedEditing.label": "Avvia modifica collegata"
"vs/editor/contrib/links/links": {
"vs/editor/contrib/links/browser/links": {
"invalid.url": "Non è stato possibile aprire questo collegamento perché il formato non è valido: {0}",
"label": "Apri collegamento",
"links.navigate.executeCmd": "Esegui il comando",
@ -880,11 +932,11 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"missing.url": "Non è stato possibile aprire questo collegamento perché manca la destinazione.",
"tooltip.explanation": "Esegue il comando {0}"
"vs/editor/contrib/message/messageController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/message/browser/messageController": {
"editor.readonly": "Non è possibile modificare nell'editor di sola lettura",
"messageVisible": "Indica se l'editor visualizza attualmente un messaggio inline"
"vs/editor/contrib/multicursor/multicursor": {
"vs/editor/contrib/multicursor/browser/multicursor": {
"addSelectionToNextFindMatch": "Aggiungi selezione a risultato ricerca successivo",
"addSelectionToPreviousFindMatch": "Aggiungi selezione a risultato ricerca precedente",
"changeAll.label": "Cambia tutte le occorrenze",
@ -905,15 +957,16 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"mutlicursor.insertBelow": "Aggiungi cursore sotto",
"selectAllOccurrencesOfFindMatch": "Seleziona tutte le occorrenze del risultato ricerca"
"vs/editor/contrib/parameterHints/parameterHints": {
"vs/editor/contrib/parameterHints/browser/parameterHints": {
"parameterHints.trigger.label": "Attiva i suggerimenti per i parametri"
"vs/editor/contrib/parameterHints/parameterHintsWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/parameterHints/browser/parameterHintsWidget": {
"editorHoverWidgetHighlightForeground": "Colore di primo piano dell’articolo attivo nel suggerimento di parametro.",
"hint": "{0}, suggerimento",
"parameterHintsNextIcon": "Icona per visualizzare il suggerimento del parametro successivo.",
"parameterHintsPreviousIcon": "Icona per visualizzare il suggerimento del parametro precedente."
"vs/editor/contrib/peekView/peekView": {
"vs/editor/contrib/peekView/browser/peekView": {
"inReferenceSearchEditor": "Indica se l'editor di codice corrente è incorporato nell'anteprima",
"label.close": "Chiudi",
"peekViewBorder": "Colore dei bordi e della freccia della visualizzazione rapida.",
@ -931,14 +984,14 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"peekViewTitleForeground": "Colore del titolo della visualizzazione rapida.",
"peekViewTitleInfoForeground": "Colore delle informazioni del titolo della visualizzazione rapida."
"vs/editor/contrib/quickAccess/gotoLineQuickAccess": {
"vs/editor/contrib/quickAccess/browser/gotoLineQuickAccess": {
"cannotRunGotoLine": "Aprire prima un editor di testo per passare a una riga.",
"gotoLineColumnLabel": "Vai a riga {0} e carattere {1}.",
"gotoLineLabel": "Vai alla riga {0}.",
"gotoLineLabelEmpty": "Riga corrente: {0}, Carattere: {1}. Digitare un numero di riga a cui passare.",
"gotoLineLabelEmptyWithLimit": "Riga corrente: {0}, carattere: {1}. Digitare un numero di riga a cui passare compreso tra 1 e {2}."
"vs/editor/contrib/quickAccess/gotoSymbolQuickAccess": {
"vs/editor/contrib/quickAccess/browser/gotoSymbolQuickAccess": {
"_constructor": "costruttori ({0})",
"array": "matrici ({0})",
"boolean": "valori booleani ({0})",
@ -972,7 +1025,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"typeParameter": "parametri di tipo ({0})",
"variable": "variabili ({0})"
"vs/editor/contrib/rename/rename": {
"vs/editor/contrib/rename/browser/rename": {
"aria": "Correttamente rinominato '{0}' in '{1}'. Sommario: {2}",
"enablePreview": "Abilita/Disabilita l'opzione per visualizzare le modifiche in anteprima prima della ridenominazione",
"label": "Ridenominazione di '{0}'",
@ -983,23 +1036,23 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"rename.label": "Rinomina simbolo",
"resolveRenameLocationFailed": "Si è verificato un errore sconosciuto durante la risoluzione del percorso di ridenominazione"
"vs/editor/contrib/rename/renameInputField": {
"vs/editor/contrib/rename/browser/renameInputField": {
"label": "{0} per rinominare, {1} per visualizzare in anteprima",
"renameAriaLabel": "Consente di rinominare l'input. Digitare il nuovo nome e premere INVIO per eseguire il commit.",
"renameInputVisible": "Indica se il widget di ridenominazione input è visibile"
"vs/editor/contrib/smartSelect/smartSelect": {
"vs/editor/contrib/smartSelect/browser/smartSelect": {
"miSmartSelectGrow": "Espan&&di selezione",
"miSmartSelectShrink": "&&Riduci selezione",
"smartSelect.expand": "Espandi selezione",
"smartSelect.shrink": "Riduci selezione"
"vs/editor/contrib/snippet/snippetController2": {
"vs/editor/contrib/snippet/browser/snippetController2": {
"hasNextTabstop": "Indica se è presente una tabulazione successiva in modalità frammenti",
"hasPrevTabstop": "Indica se è presente una tabulazione precedente in modalità frammenti",
"inSnippetMode": "Indica se l'editor è quello corrente nella modalità frammenti"
"vs/editor/contrib/snippet/snippetVariables": {
"vs/editor/contrib/snippet/browser/snippetVariables": {
"April": "Aprile",
"AprilShort": "Apr",
"August": "Agosto",
@ -1039,17 +1092,16 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"Wednesday": "Mercoledì",
"WednesdayShort": "Mer"
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggest": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggest": {
"acceptSuggestionOnEnter": "Indica se i suggerimenti vengono inseriti quando si preme INVIO",
"suggestWidgetDetailsVisible": "Indica se i dettagli dei suggerimenti sono visibili",
"suggestWidgetMultipleSuggestions": "Indica se sono presenti più suggerimenti da cui scegliere",
"suggestWidgetVisible": "Indica se i suggerimenti sono visibili",
"suggestionCanResolve": "Indica se il suggerimento corrente supporta la risoluzione di ulteriori dettagli",
"suggestionHasInsertAndReplaceRange": "Indica se il suggerimento corrente include il comportamento di inserimento e sostituzione",
"suggestionInsertMode": "Indica se il comportamento predefinito è quello di inserimento o sostituzione",
"suggestionMakesTextEdit": "Indica se l'inserimento del suggerimento corrente comporta una modifica oppure se completa già l'input"
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestController": {
"accept.insert": "Inserisci",
"accept.replace": "Sostituisci",
"aria.alert.snippet": "In seguito all'accettazione di '{0}' sono state apportate altre {1} modifiche",
@ -1058,7 +1110,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"suggest.reset.label": "Reimposta le dimensioni del widget dei suggerimenti",
"suggest.trigger.label": "Attiva suggerimento"
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestWidget": {
"ariaCurrenttSuggestionReadDetails": "{0}, documenti: {1}",
"editorSuggestWidgetBackground": "Colore di sfondo del widget dei suggerimenti.",
"editorSuggestWidgetBorder": "Colore del bordo del widget dei suggerimenti.",
@ -1068,22 +1120,26 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"editorSuggestWidgetSelectedBackground": "Colore di sfondo della voce selezionata del widget dei suggerimenti.",
"editorSuggestWidgetSelectedForeground": "Colore primo piano della voce selezionata del widget dei suggerimenti.",
"editorSuggestWidgetSelectedIconForeground": "Colore primo piano dell’icona della voce selezionata del widget dei suggerimenti.",
"editorSuggestWidgetStatusForeground": "Colore primo piano dello stato del widget dei suggerimenti.",
"label.desc": "{0}, {1}",
"label.detail": "{0} {1}",
"label.full": "({0},{1}) {2}",
"suggest": "Suggerisci",
"suggestWidget.loading": "Caricamento...",
"suggestWidget.noSuggestions": "Non ci sono suggerimenti."
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestWidgetDetails": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestWidgetDetails": {
"details.close": "Chiudi",
"loading": "Caricamento..."
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestWidgetRenderer": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestWidgetRenderer": {
"readMore": "Altre informazioni",
"suggestMoreInfoIcon": "Icona per visualizzare altre informazioni nel widget dei suggerimenti."
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestWidgetStatus": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestWidgetStatus": {
"ddd": "{0} ({1})"
"vs/editor/contrib/symbolIcons/symbolIcons": {
"vs/editor/contrib/symbolIcons/browser/symbolIcons": {
"symbolIcon.arrayForeground": "Colore primo piano per i simboli di matrice. Questi simboli vengono visualizzati nella struttura, nell'elemento di navigazione e nel widget dei suggerimenti.",
"symbolIcon.booleanForeground": "Colore primo piano per i simboli booleani. Questi simboli vengono visualizzati nella struttura, nell'elemento di navigazione e nel widget dei suggerimenti.",
"symbolIcon.classForeground": "Colore primo piano per i simboli di classe. Questi simboli vengono visualizzati nella struttura, nell'elemento di navigazione e nel widget dei suggerimenti.",
@ -1118,22 +1174,47 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"symbolIcon.unitForeground": "Colore primo piano per i simboli di unità. Questi simboli vengono visualizzati nella struttura, nell'elemento di navigazione e nel widget dei suggerimenti.",
"symbolIcon.variableForeground": "Colore primo piano per i simboli di variabile. Questi simboli vengono visualizzati nella struttura, nell'elemento di navigazione e nel widget dei suggerimenti."
"vs/editor/contrib/toggleTabFocusMode/toggleTabFocusMode": {
"vs/editor/contrib/toggleTabFocusMode/browser/toggleTabFocusMode": {
"toggle.tabMovesFocus": "Attiva/Disattiva l'uso di TAB per spostare lo stato attivo",
"toggle.tabMovesFocus.off": "Se si preme TAB, verrà inserito il carattere di tabulazione",
"toggle.tabMovesFocus.on": "Se si preme TAB, lo stato attivo verrà spostato sull'elemento con stato attivabile successivo."
"vs/editor/contrib/tokenization/tokenization": {
"vs/editor/contrib/tokenization/browser/tokenization": {
"forceRetokenize": "Sviluppatore: Forza retokenizzazione"
"vs/editor/contrib/unusualLineTerminators/unusualLineTerminators": {
"vs/editor/contrib/unicodeHighlighter/browser/unicodeHighlighter": {
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingInComments": "Disabilita l'evidenziazione dei caratteri nei commenti",
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingInStrings": "Disabilita l'evidenziazione dei caratteri nelle stringhe",
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfAmbiguousCharacters": "Disabilitare l'evidenziazione dei caratteri ambigui",
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfInvisibleCharacters": "Disabilitare l'evidenziazione dei caratteri invisibili",
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfNonBasicAsciiCharacters": "Disabilitare l'evidenziazione di caratteri ASCII non di base",
"action.unicodeHighlight.showExcludeOptions": "Mostrare opzioni di esclusione",
"unicodeHighlight.adjustSettings": "Modificare impostazioni",
"unicodeHighlight.allowCommonCharactersInLanguage": "Consentire i caratteri Unicode più comuni nel linguaggio \"{0}\".",
"unicodeHighlight.characterIsAmbiguous": "Il carattere {0} potrebbe essere confuso con il carattere {1}, che è più comune nel codice sorgente.",
"unicodeHighlight.characterIsInvisible": "Il carattere {0} è invisibile.",
"unicodeHighlight.characterIsNonBasicAscii": "Il carattere {0} non è un carattere ASCII di base.",
"unicodeHighlight.configureUnicodeHighlightOptions": "Configurare opzioni evidenziazione Unicode",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingInComments.shortLabel": "Disabilita evidenziazione nei commenti",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingInStrings.shortLabel": "Disabilita evidenziazione nelle stringhe",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfAmbiguousCharacters.shortLabel": "Disabilitare evidenziazione ambigua",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfInvisibleCharacters.shortLabel": "Disabilitare evidenziazione invisibile",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfNonBasicAsciiCharacters.shortLabel": "Disabilitare evidenziazione non ASCII",
"unicodeHighlight.excludeCharFromBeingHighlighted": "Escludere {0} dall’essere evidenziata",
"unicodeHighlight.excludeInvisibleCharFromBeingHighlighted": "Escludere {0} (carattere invisibile) dall'evidenziazione",
"unicodeHighlighting.thisDocumentHasManyAmbiguousUnicodeCharacters": "Il documento contiene molti caratteri Unicode ambigui",
"unicodeHighlighting.thisDocumentHasManyInvisibleUnicodeCharacters": "Questo documento contiene molti caratteri Unicode invisibili",
"unicodeHighlighting.thisDocumentHasManyNonBasicAsciiUnicodeCharacters": "Questo documento contiene molti caratteri Unicode ASCII non di base",
"warningIcon": "Icona visualizzata con un messaggio di avviso nell'editor delle estensioni."
"vs/editor/contrib/unusualLineTerminators/browser/unusualLineTerminators": {
"unusualLineTerminators.detail": "Il file \"\r\n\" contiene uno o più caratteri di terminazione di riga insoliti, ad esempio separatore di riga (LS) o separatore di paragrafo (PS).{0}\r\nÈ consigliabile rimuoverli dal file. È possibile configurare questa opzione tramite `editor.unusualLineTerminators`.",
"unusualLineTerminators.fix": "Rimuovi i caratteri di terminazione di riga insoliti",
"unusualLineTerminators.ignore": "Ignora",
"unusualLineTerminators.message": "Sono stati rilevati caratteri di terminazione di riga insoliti",
"unusualLineTerminators.title": "Caratteri di terminazione di riga insoliti"
"vs/editor/contrib/wordHighlighter/wordHighlighter": {
"vs/editor/contrib/wordHighlighter/browser/wordHighlighter": {
"overviewRulerWordHighlightForeground": "Colore del marcatore del righello delle annotazioni per le evidenziazioni dei simboli. Il colore non deve essere opaco per evitare di nascondere le decorazioni sottostanti.",
"overviewRulerWordHighlightStrongForeground": "Colore del marcatore del righello delle annotazioni per le evidenziazioni dei simboli di accesso in scrittura. Il colore non deve essere opaco per evitare di nascondere le decorazioni sottostanti.",
"wordHighlight": "Colore di sfondo di un simbolo durante l'accesso in lettura, ad esempio durante la lettura di una variabile. Il colore non deve essere opaco per evitare di nascondere le decorazioni sottostanti.",
@ -1144,7 +1225,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"wordHighlightStrong": "Colore di sfondo di un simbolo durante l'accesso in scrittura, ad esempio durante la scrittura in una variabile. Il colore non deve essere opaco per evitare di nascondere le decorazioni sottostanti.",
"wordHighlightStrongBorder": "Colore del bordo di un simbolo durante l'accesso in scrittura, ad esempio durante la scrittura in una variabile."
"vs/editor/contrib/wordOperations/wordOperations": {
"vs/editor/contrib/wordOperations/browser/wordOperations": {
"deleteInsideWord": "Elimina parola"
"vs/platform/actions/browser/menuEntryActionViewItem": {
@ -1183,13 +1264,16 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"sizeTB": "{0} TB",
"unknownError": "Errore sconosciuto"
"vs/platform/history/browser/contextScopedHistoryWidget": {
"suggestWidgetVisible": "Indica se i suggerimenti sono visibili"
"vs/platform/keybinding/common/abstractKeybindingService": {
"first.chord": "È stato premuto ({0}). In attesa del secondo tasto...",
"missing.chord": "La combinazione di tasti ({0}, {1}) non è un comando."
"vs/platform/list/browser/listService": {
"Fast Scroll Sensitivity": "Moltiplicatore della velocità di scorrimento quando si preme Alt.",
"Mouse Wheel Scroll Sensitivity": "Moltiplicatore da usare sui valori deltaX e deltaY degli eventi di scorrimento della rotellina del mouse.",
"Fast Scroll Sensitivity": "Moltiplicatore della velocità di scorrimento quando si preme `Alt`.",
"Mouse Wheel Scroll Sensitivity": "Moltiplicatore da usare sui valori `deltaX` e `deltaY` degli eventi di scorrimento della rotellina del mouse.",
"automatic keyboard navigation setting": "Controlla se gli spostamenti da tastiera per elenchi e alberi vengono attivati semplicemente premendo un tasto. Se è impostato su `false`, gli spostamenti da tastiera vengono attivati solo durante l'esecuzione del comando `list.toggleKeyboardNavigation`, al quale è possibile assegnare un tasto di scelta rapida.",
"expand mode": "Controlla l'espansione delle cartelle di alberi quando si fa clic sui nomi delle cartelle. Tenere presente che alcuni alberi ed elenchi potrebbero scegliere di ignorare questa impostazione se non è applicabile.",
"horizontalScrolling setting": "Controlla se elenchi e alberi supportano lo scorrimento orizzontale nell'area di lavoro. Avviso: l'attivazione di questa impostazione può influire sulle prestazioni.",
@ -1254,8 +1338,14 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"diffDiagonalFill": "Colore del riempimento diagonale dell'editor diff. Il riempimento diagonale viene usato nelle visualizzazioni diff affiancate.",
"diffEditorBorder": "Colore del bordo tra due editor di testo.",
"diffEditorInserted": "Colore di sfondo per il testo che è stato inserito. Il colore non deve essere opaco per evitare di nascondere le decorazioni sottostanti.",
"diffEditorInsertedLineGutter": "Colore di sfondo per il margine in cui sono state inserite le righe.",
"diffEditorInsertedLines": "Colore di sfondo per le righe che sono state inserite. Il colore non deve essere opaco per evitare di nascondere le decorazioni sottostanti.",
"diffEditorInsertedOutline": "Colore del contorno del testo che è stato inserito.",
"diffEditorOverviewInserted": "Primo piano del righello delle annotazioni delle differenze per il contenuto inserito.",
"diffEditorOverviewRemoved": "Primo piano del righello delle annotazioni delle differenze per il contenuto rimosso.",
"diffEditorRemoved": "Colore di sfondo per il testo che è stato rimosso. Il colore non deve essere opaco per evitare di nascondere le decorazioni sottostanti.",
"diffEditorRemovedLineGutter": "Colore di sfondo per il margine in cui sono state rimosse le righe.",
"diffEditorRemovedLines": "Colore di sfondo per le righe che sono state rimosse. Il colore non deve essere opaco per evitare di nascondere le decorazioni sottostanti.",
"diffEditorRemovedOutline": "Colore del contorno del testo che è stato rimosso.",
"dropdownBackground": "Sfondo dell'elenco a discesa.",
"dropdownBorder": "Bordo dell'elenco a discesa.",
@ -1272,7 +1362,11 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"editorInfo.background": "Colore di sfondo del testo delle informazioni nell'editor. Il colore non deve essere opaco per evitare di nascondere le decorazioni sottostanti.",
"editorInfo.foreground": "Colore primo piano degli indicatori di informazioni nell'editor.",
"editorInlayHintBackground": "Colore di sfondo dei suggerimenti inline",
"editorInlayHintBackgroundParameter": "Colore di sfondo dei suggerimenti inline per i parametri",
"editorInlayHintBackgroundTypes": "Colore di sfondo dei suggerimenti inline per i tipi",
"editorInlayHintForeground": "Colore primo piano dei suggerimenti inline",
"editorInlayHintForegroundParameter": "Colore primo piano dei suggerimenti inline per i parametri",
"editorInlayHintForegroundTypes": "Colore primo piano dei suggerimenti inline per i tipi",
"editorLightBulbAutoFixForeground": "Colore usato per l'icona delle azioni di correzione automatica con lampadina.",
"editorLightBulbForeground": "Colore usato per l'icona delle azioni con lampadina.",
"editorSelectionBackground": "Colore della selezione dell'editor.",
@ -1305,8 +1399,9 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"inputBoxBackground": "Sfondo della casella di input.",
"inputBoxBorder": "Bordo della casella di input.",
"inputBoxForeground": "Primo piano della casella di input.",
"inputOption.activeBackground": "Colore di sfondo di opzioni attivate nei campi di input.",
"inputOption.activeBackground": "Colore di sfondo al passaggio del mouse delle opzioni nei campi di input.",
"inputOption.activeForeground": "Colore primo piano di opzioni attivate nei campi di input.",
"inputOption.hoverBackground": "Colore di sfondo di opzioni attivate nei campi di input.",
"inputPlaceholderForeground": "Colore primo piano di casella di input per il testo segnaposto.",
"inputValidationErrorBackground": "Colore di sfondo di convalida dell'input di tipo Errore.",
"inputValidationErrorBorder": "Colore del bordo della convalida dell'input di tipo Errore.",
@ -1362,7 +1457,9 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"minimapBackground": "Colore di sfondo della minimappa.",
"minimapError": "Colore del marcatore della minimappa per gli errori.",
"minimapFindMatchHighlight": "Colore del marcatore della minimappa per la ricerca delle corrispondenze.",
"minimapForegroundOpacity": "Opacità degli elementi in primo piano di cui è stato eseguito il rendering nella minimappa. Ad esempio, con \"#000000c0\" il rendering degli elementi verrà eseguito con il 75% di opacità.",
"minimapSelectionHighlight": "Colore del marcatore della minimappa per la selezione dell'editor.",
"minimapSelectionOccurrenceHighlight": "Colore del marcatore della minimappa per le selezioni ripetute dell'editor.",
"minimapSliderActiveBackground": "Colore di sfondo del dispositivo di scorrimento della minimappa quando si fa clic con il mouse.",
"minimapSliderBackground": "Colore di sfondo del dispositivo di scorrimento della minimappa.",
"minimapSliderHoverBackground": "Colore di sfondo del dispositivo di scorrimento della minimappa al passaggio del mouse.",
@ -1398,6 +1495,8 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"snippetTabstopHighlightBackground": "Colore di sfondo dell'evidenziazione della tabulazione di un frammento.",
"snippetTabstopHighlightBorder": "Colore del bordo dell'evidenziazione della tabulazione di un frammento.",
"statusBarBackground": "Colore di sfondo della barra di stato sensibile al passaggio del mouse dell'editor.",
"tableColumnsBorder": "Colore del bordo della tabella tra le colonne.",
"tableOddRowsBackgroundColor": "Colore di sfondo per le righe di tabella dispari.",
"textBlockQuoteBackground": "Colore di sfondo per le citazioni nel testo.",
"textBlockQuoteBorder": "Colore del bordo per le citazioni nel testo.",
"textCodeBlockBackground": "Colore di sfondo per i blocchi di codice nel testo.",
@ -1413,8 +1512,8 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"widgetShadow": "Colore ombreggiatura dei widget, ad es. Trova/Sostituisci all'interno dell'editor."
"vs/platform/theme/common/iconRegistry": {
"iconDefintion.fontCharacter": "Tipo di carattere associato alla definizione di icona.",
"iconDefintion.fontId": "ID del tipo di carattere da usare. Se non è impostato, viene usato il tipo di carattere definito per primo.",
"iconDefinition.fontCharacter": "Tipo di carattere associato alla definizione di icona.",
"iconDefinition.fontId": "ID del tipo di carattere da usare. Se non è impostato, viene usato il tipo di carattere definito per primo.",
"nextChangeIcon": "Icona per la posizione di Vai a editor successivo.",
"previousChangeIcon": "Icona per la posizione di Vai a editor precedente.",
"widgetClose": "Icona dell'azione di chiusura nei widget."
@ -1432,6 +1531,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"cannotWorkspaceUndoDueToInMeantimeUndoRedo": "Non è stato possibile annullare '{0}' su tutti i file perché nel frattempo è stata eseguita un'operazione di annullamento o ripetizione",
"cannotWorkspaceUndoDueToInProgressUndoRedo": "Non è stato possibile annullare '{0}' su tutti i file perché è già in esecuzione un'operazione di annullamento o ripetizione su {1}",
"confirmDifferentSource": "Annullare '{0}'?",
"confirmDifferentSource.no": "No",
"confirmDifferentSource.yes": "Sì",
"confirmWorkspace": "Annullare '{0}' in tutti i file?",
"externalRemoval": "I file seguenti sono stati chiusi e modificati nel disco: {0}.",
@ -1439,7 +1539,12 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"nok": "Annulla questo file",
"ok": "Annulla in {0} file"
"vs/platform/workspaces/common/workspaces": {
"vs/platform/workspace/common/workspace": {
"codeWorkspace": "Area di lavoro del codice"
"vs/platform/workspace/common/workspaceTrust": {
"trusted": "Attendibile",
"untrusted": "Modalità con restrizioni"
@ -1,18 +1,16 @@
this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Locale = {language: 'ja', data: {
window.MonacoEnvironment = window.MonacoEnvironment || {};
window.MonacoEnvironment.Locale = window.MonacoLocale = {
language: 'ja',
data: {
"vs/base/browser/ui/actionbar/actionViewItems": {
"titleLabel": "{0} ({1})"
"vs/base/browser/ui/findinput/findInput": {
"defaultLabel": "入力"
"vs/base/browser/ui/findinput/findInputCheckboxes": {
"caseDescription": "大文字と小文字を区別する",
"regexDescription": "正規表現を使用する",
"wordsDescription": "単語単位で検索する"
"vs/base/browser/ui/findinput/replaceInput": {
"defaultLabel": "入力",
"label.preserveCaseCheckbox": "保持する"
"label.preserveCaseToggle": "保持する"
"vs/base/browser/ui/iconLabel/iconLabelHover": {
"iconLabel.loading": "読み込み中..."
@ -20,14 +18,12 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"vs/base/browser/ui/inputbox/inputBox": {
"alertErrorMessage": "エラー: {0}",
"alertInfoMessage": "情報: {0}",
"alertWarningMessage": "警告: {0}"
"alertWarningMessage": "警告: {0}",
"history.inputbox.hint": "履歴対象"
"vs/base/browser/ui/keybindingLabel/keybindingLabel": {
"unbound": "バインドなし"
"vs/base/browser/ui/menu/menu": {
"titleLabel": "{0} ({1})"
"vs/base/browser/ui/tree/abstractTree": {
"clear": "クリア",
"disable filter on type": "型のフィルターを無効にする",
@ -50,6 +46,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"cmdKey.long": "コマンド",
"ctrlKey": "Ctrl",
"ctrlKey.long": "Control",
"optKey.long": "オプション",
"shiftKey": "Shift",
"shiftKey.long": "Shift",
"superKey": "Super",
@ -72,16 +69,13 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"vs/base/parts/quickinput/browser/quickInputList": {
"quickInput": "クイック入力"
"vs/editor/browser/controller/coreCommands": {
"removedCursor": "セカンダリ カーソルが削除されました",
"stickydesc": "長い行に移動しても行末に位置します"
"vs/editor/browser/controller/textAreaHandler": {
"accessibilityOffAriaLabel": "この時点では、エディターにアクセスできません。オプションを表示するには、{0} を押します。",
"editor": "エディター"
"vs/editor/browser/core/keybindingCancellation": {
"cancellableOperation": "エディターで取り消し可能な操作 ('参照をここに表示' など) を実行するかどうか"
"vs/editor/browser/coreCommands": {
"removedCursor": "セカンダリ カーソルが削除されました",
"stickydesc": "長い行に移動しても行末に位置します"
"vs/editor/browser/editorExtensions": {
"miRedo": "やり直し(&&R)",
@ -117,12 +111,15 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"unchangedLine": "{0} 変更されていない行 {1}"
"vs/editor/browser/widget/inlineDiffMargin": {
"diff.clipboard.copyChangedLineContent.label": "変更された行のコピー ({0})",
"diff.clipboard.copyChangedLinesContent.label": "変更された行のコピー",
"diff.clipboard.copyChangedLinesContent.single.label": "変更された行のコピー",
"diff.clipboard.copyDeletedLineContent.label": "削除された行のコピー ({0})",
"diff.clipboard.copyDeletedLinesContent.label": "削除された行のコピー",
"diff.clipboard.copyDeletedLinesContent.single.label": "削除された行のコピー",
"diff.inline.revertChange.label": "この変更を元に戻す"
"vs/editor/common/config/commonEditorConfig": {
"vs/editor/common/config/editorConfigurationSchema": {
"codeLens": "エディターで CodeLens を表示するかどうかを制御します。",
"detectIndentation": "ファイルがファイルの内容に基づいて開かれる場合、`#editor.tabSize#` と `#editor.insertSpaces#` を自動的に検出するかどうかを制御します。",
"editorConfigurationTitle": "エディター",
@ -130,8 +127,13 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"insertSpaces": "`Tab` キーを押すとスペースが挿入されます。`#editor.detectIndentation#` がオンの場合、この設定はファイル コンテンツに基づいて上書きされます。",
"largeFileOptimizations": "大きなファイルでメモリが集中する特定の機能を無効にするための特別な処理。",
"maxComputationTime": "差分計算が取り消された後のタイムアウト (ミリ秒単位)。タイムアウトなしには 0 を使用します。",
"maxFileSize": "差分を計算する場合の最大ファイル サイズ (MB)。制限なしの場合は 0 を使用します。",
"maxTokenizationLineLength": "この長さを越える行は、パフォーマンス上の理由によりトークン化されません。",
"renderIndicators": "差分エディターが追加/削除された変更に +/- インジケーターを示すかどうかを制御します。",
"schema.brackets": "インデントを増減する角かっこを定義します。",
"schema.closeBracket": "右角かっこまたは文字列シーケンス。",
"schema.colorizedBracketPairs": "角かっこのペアの色付けが有効になっている場合、入れ子のレベルによって色付けされる角かっこのペアを定義します。",
"schema.openBracket": "左角かっこまたは文字列シーケンス。",
"semanticHighlighting.configuredByTheme": "セマンティックの強調表示は、現在の配色テーマの 'semanticHighlighting' 設定によって構成されています。",
"semanticHighlighting.enabled": "semanticHighlighting をサポートされる言語で表示するかどうかを制御します。",
"semanticHighlighting.false": "セマンティックの強調表示がすべての配色テーマについて無効になりました。",
@ -169,7 +171,8 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"autoClosingQuotes": "ユーザーが開始引用符を追加した後、エディター自動的に引用符を閉じるかどうかを制御します。",
"autoIndent": "ユーザーが行を入力、貼り付け、移動、またはインデントするときに、エディターでインデントを自動的に調整するかどうかを制御します。",
"autoSurround": "引用符または角かっこを入力するときに、エディターが選択範囲を自動的に囲むかどうかを制御します。",
"bracketPairColorization.enabled": "角かっこのペアの彩色を有効にするかどうかを制御します。角かっこの強調表示の色をオーバーライドするには、'workbench.colorCustomizations' を使用します。",
"bracketPairColorization.enabled": "角かっこのペアの彩色を有効にするかどうかを制御します。角かっこの強調表示の色をオーバーライドするには、'#workbench.colorCustomizations#' を使用します。",
"bracketPairColorization.independentColorPoolPerBracketType": "括弧の各種別が、個別のカラー プールを保持するかどうかを制御します。",
"codeActions": "エディターでコード アクションの電球を有効にします。",
"codeLens": "エディターで CodeLens を表示するかどうかを制御します。",
"codeLensFontFamily": "CodeLens のフォント ファミリを制御します。",
@ -219,6 +222,17 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"editor.gotoLocation.multiple.goto": "プライマリ結果に移動し、他のユーザーへのピークレス ナビゲーションを有効にします",
"editor.gotoLocation.multiple.gotoAndPeek": "主な結果に移動し、ピーク ビューを表示します",
"editor.gotoLocation.multiple.peek": "結果のピーク ビューを表示 (既定)",
"editor.guides.bracketPairs": "ブラケット ペアのガイドを有効にするかどうかを制御します。",
"editor.guides.bracketPairs.active": "アクティブなブラケット ペアに対してのみブラケット ペア ガイドを有効にします。",
"editor.guides.bracketPairs.false": "ブラケット ペア ガイドを無効にします。",
"editor.guides.bracketPairs.true": "ブラケット ペア ガイドを有効にする。",
"editor.guides.bracketPairsHorizontal": "水平方向のブラケット ペアのガイドを有効にするかどうかを制御します。",
"editor.guides.bracketPairsHorizontal.active": "アクティブなブラケット ペアに対してのみ、水平のガイドを有効にします。",
"editor.guides.bracketPairsHorizontal.false": "水平ブラケット ペア ガイドを無効にします。",
"editor.guides.bracketPairsHorizontal.true": "縦のブラケット ペアのガイドに加えて、同じく水平のガイドを有効にします。",
"editor.guides.highlightActiveBracketPair": "エディターでアクティブな角かっこのペアを強調表示するかどうかを制御します。",
"editor.guides.highlightActiveIndentation": "エディターでアクティブなインデントのガイドを強調表示するかどうかを制御します。",
"editor.guides.indentation": "エディターでインデント ガイドを表示するかどうかを制御します。",
"editor.suggest.showClasss": "有効にすると、IntelliSense に 'クラス' 候補が表示されます。",
"editor.suggest.showColors": "有効にすると、IntelliSense に `色` 候補が表示されます。",
"editor.suggest.showConstants": "有効にすると、IntelliSense に `定数` 候補が表示されます。",
@ -260,6 +274,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"folding": "エディターでコードの折りたたみを有効にするかどうかを制御します。",
"foldingHighlight": "エディターで折りたたまれた範囲を強調表示するかどうかをコントロールします。",
"foldingImportsByDefault": "エディターがインポート範囲を自動的に折りたたむかどうかを制御します。",
"foldingMaximumRegions": "折りたたみ可能な領域の最大数です。この値を大きくすると、現在のソースに多数の折りたたみ可能な領域がある場合にエディターの応答性が低下する可能性があります。",
"foldingStrategy": "折りたたみ範囲の計算方法を制御します。",
"foldingStrategy.auto": "利用可能な場合は言語固有の折りたたみ方法を使用し、利用可能ではない場合はインデントベースの方法を使用します。",
"foldingStrategy.indentation": "インデントベースの折りたたみ方法を使用します。",
@ -274,18 +289,15 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"formatOnType": "エディターで入力後に自動的に行のフォーマットを行うかどうかを制御します。",
"glyphMargin": "エディターで縦のグリフ余白が表示されるかどうかを制御します。ほとんどの場合、グリフ余白はデバッグに使用されます。",
"hideCursorInOverviewRuler": "概要ルーラーでカーソルを非表示にするかどうかを制御します。",
"highlightActiveIndentGuide": "エディターでアクティブなインデントのガイドを強調表示するかどうかを制御します。",
"hover.above": "スペースがある場合は、行の上にマウス カーソルを被せて表示する。",
"hover.delay": "ホバーを表示後の待ち時間 (ミリ秒) を制御します。",
"hover.enabled": "ホバーを表示するかどうかを制御します。",
"hover.sticky": "ホバーにマウスを移動したときに、ホバーを表示し続けるかどうかを制御します。",
"inlayHints.enable": "エディターでインレー ヒントを有効にします。",
"inlayHints.fontFamily": "エディターでインレー ヒントのフォント ファミリを制御します。空に設定すると、`#editor.fontFamily#` が使用されます。",
"inlayHints.fontSize": "エディターでインレー ヒントのフォント サイズを制御します。'0' に設定すると、`#editor.fontSize#` の 90% が使用されます。",
"inlayHints.fontSize": "エディター内のインレイ ヒントのフォント サイズを制御します。既定値の 90% の `#editor.fontSize#` は、構成された値が `5` より小さいか、エディター フォント サイズより大きい場合に使用されます。",
"inline": "クイック候補がゴースト テキストとして表示される",
"inlineSuggest.enabled": "エディターにインライン候補を自動的に表示するかどうかを制御します。",
"inlineSuggest.mode": "インライン候補をレンダリングするために使用するモードを制御します。",
"inlineSuggest.mode.prefix": "置換テキストが挿入テキストのプレフィックスである場合にのみインライン候補を表示します。",
"inlineSuggest.mode.subword": "置換テキストが挿入テキストのサブワードである場合にのみインライン候補をレンダリングします。",
"inlineSuggest.mode.subwordSmart": "置換テキストが挿入テキストのサブワードである場合にのみインライン候補をレンダリングしますが、サブワードはカーソルの後に開始する必要があります。",
"letterSpacing": "文字間隔 (ピクセル単位) を制御します。",
"lineHeight": "行の高さを制御します。\r\n - 0 を使用してフォント サイズから行の高さを自動的に計算します。\r\n - 0 から 8 までの値は、フォント サイズの乗数として使用されます。\r\n - 8 以上の値は有効値として使用されます。",
"lineNumbers": "行番号の表示を制御します。",
@ -309,13 +321,15 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"mouseWheelScrollSensitivity": "マウス ホイール スクロール イベントの `deltaX` と `deltaY` で使用される乗数。",
"mouseWheelZoom": "`Ctrl` キーを押しながらマウス ホイールを使用してエディターのフォントをズームします。",
"multiCursorMergeOverlapping": "複数のカーソルが重なっているときは、マージします。",
"multiCursorModifier": "マウスを使用して複数のカーソルを追加するときに使用する修飾キーです。「定義に移動」や「リンクを開く」のマウス操作は、マルチカーソルの修飾キーと競合しないように適用されます。[詳細](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/codebasics#_multicursor-modifier)",
"multiCursorModifier": "マウスを使用して複数のカーソルを追加するときに使用する修飾子です。「定義に移動」や「リンクを開く」のマウス ジェスチャーは、マルチカーソルの修飾子と競合しないように適用されます。[詳細](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/codebasics#_multicursor-modifier)。",
"multiCursorModifier.alt": "Windows および Linux 上の `Alt` キーと macOS 上の `Option` キーに割り当てます。",
"multiCursorModifier.ctrlCmd": "Windows および Linux 上の `Control` キーと macOS 上の `Command` キーに割り当てます。",
"multiCursorPaste": "貼り付けたテキストの行数がカーソル数と一致する場合の貼り付けを制御します。",
"multiCursorPaste.full": "各カーソルは全文を貼り付けます。",
"multiCursorPaste.spread": "カーソルごとにテキストを 1 行ずつ貼り付けます。",
"occurrencesHighlight": "エディターでセマンティック シンボルの出現箇所を強調表示するかどうかを制御します。",
"off": "クイック候補が無効になっています",
"on": "提案ウィジェット内にクイック候補が表示される",
"overviewRulerBorder": "概要ルーラーの周囲に境界線が描画されるかどうかを制御します。",
"padding.bottom": "エディターの下端と最後の行の間の余白の大きさを制御します。",
"padding.top": "エディターの上端と最初の行の間の余白の大きさを制御します。",
@ -333,7 +347,6 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"renameOnTypeDeprecate": "非推奨です。代わりに、`editor.linkedEditing` を使用してください。",
"renderControlCharacters": "エディターで制御文字を表示するかどうかを制御します。",
"renderFinalNewline": "ファイルの末尾が改行の場合は、最後の行番号を表示します。",
"renderIndentGuides": "エディターでインデント ガイドを表示するかどうかを制御します。",
"renderLineHighlight": "エディターが現在の行をどのように強調表示するかを制御します。",
"renderLineHighlight.all": "余白と現在の行を強調表示します。",
"renderLineHighlightOnlyWhenFocus": "エディターにフォーカスがある場合にのみ現在の行をエディターで強調表示する必要があるかどうかを制御します。",
@ -381,10 +394,6 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"suggest.localityBonus": "並べ替えがカーソル付近に表示される単語を優先するかどうかを制御します。",
"suggest.maxVisibleSuggestions.dep": "この設定は非推奨です。候補ウィジェットのサイズ変更ができるようになりました。",
"suggest.preview": "提案の結果をエディターでプレビューするかどうかを制御します。",
"suggest.previewMode": "候補のプレビューをレンダリングするために使用するモードを制御します。",
"suggest.previewMode.prefix": "置換テキストが挿入テキストのプレフィックスである場合にのみプレビューを表示します。",
"suggest.previewMode.subword": "置換テキストが挿入テキストのサブワードである場合にのみプレビューを表示します。",
"suggest.previewMode.subwordSmart": "置換テキストが挿入テキストのサブワードである場合か、または挿入テキストのプレフィックスである場合にのみプレビューをします。",
"suggest.shareSuggestSelections": "保存された候補セクションを複数のワークプレースとウィンドウで共有するかどうかを制御します (`#editor.suggestSelection#` が必要)。",
"suggest.showIcons": "提案のアイコンを表示するか、非表示にするかを制御します。",
"suggest.showInlineDetails": "候補の詳細をラベル付きのインラインで表示するか、詳細ウィジェットにのみ表示するかを制御します",
@ -402,6 +411,13 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"tabCompletion.on": "タブ補完は、tab キーを押したときに最適な候補を挿入します。",
"tabCompletion.onlySnippets": "プレフィックスが一致する場合に、タブでスニペットを補完します。'quickSuggestions' が無効な場合に最適です。",
"unfoldOnClickAfterEndOfLine": "折りたたまれた線の後の空のコンテンツをクリックすると線が展開されるかどうかを制御します。",
"unicodeHighlight.allowedCharacters": "強調表示されていない許可される文字を定義します。",
"unicodeHighlight.allowedLocales": "許可されているロケールで一般的な Unicode 文字が強調表示されていません。",
"unicodeHighlight.ambiguousCharacters": "現在のユーザー ロケールで一般的な文字を除き、基本的な ASCII 文字と混同される可能性のある文字を強調表示するかどうかを制御します。",
"unicodeHighlight.includeComments": "コメント内の文字を Unicode 強調表示の対象にするかどうかを制御します。",
"unicodeHighlight.includeStrings": "文字列内の文字を Unicode 強調表示の対象にするかどうかを制御します。",
"unicodeHighlight.invisibleCharacters": "スペースを予約するだけの文字または幅がまったくない文字を強調表示するかどうかを制御します。",
"unicodeHighlight.nonBasicASCII": "基本以外のすべての ASCII 文字を強調表示するかどうかを制御します。U+0020 から U+007Eの間の文字、Tab、改行コード、行頭復帰のみが基本 ASCII と見なされます。",
"unusualLineTerminators": "問題を起こす可能性がある、普通ではない行終端記号は削除してください。",
"unusualLineTerminators.auto": "通常とは異なる行の終端文字は自動的に削除される。",
"unusualLineTerminators.off": "通常とは異なる行の終端文字は無視される。",
@ -423,6 +439,59 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"wrappingStrategy.advanced": "折り返しポイントの計算をブラウザーにデリゲートします。これは、大きなファイルのフリーズを引き起こす可能性があるものの、すべてのケースで正しく動作する低速なアルゴリズムです。",
"wrappingStrategy.simple": "すべての文字の幅が同じであると仮定します。これは、モノスペース フォントや、グリフの幅が等しい特定のスクリプト (ラテン文字など) で正しく動作する高速アルゴリズムです。"
"vs/editor/common/core/editorColorRegistry": {
"caret": "エディターのカーソルの色。",
"deprecatedEditorActiveLineNumber": "id は使用しないでください。代わりに 'EditorLineNumber.activeForeground' を使用してください。",
"editorActiveIndentGuide": "アクティブなエディターのインデント ガイドの色。",
"editorActiveLineNumber": "エディターのアクティブ行番号の色",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground1": "角かっこ (1) の前景色。角かっこのペアの色付けを有効にする必要があります。",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground2": "角かっこ (2) の前景色。角かっこのペアの色付けを有効にする必要があります。",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground3": "角かっこ (3) の前景色。角かっこのペアの色付けを有効にする必要があります。",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground4": "角かっこ (4) の前景色。角かっこのペアの色付けを有効にする必要があります。",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground5": "角かっこ (5) の前景色。角かっこのペアの色付けを有効にする必要があります。",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground6": "角かっこ (6) の前景色。角かっこのペアの色付けを有効にする必要があります。",
"editorBracketHighlightUnexpectedBracketForeground": "予期しないブラケットの前景色。",
"editorBracketMatchBackground": "一致するかっこの背景色",
"editorBracketMatchBorder": "一致するかっこ内のボックスの色",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground1": "アクティブな角かっこのペア ガイドの背景色 (1)。角かっこのペア ガイドを有効にする必要があります。",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground2": "アクティブな角かっこのペア ガイドの背景色 (2)。角かっこのペア ガイドを有効にする必要があります。",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground3": "アクティブな角かっこのペア ガイドの背景色 (3)。角かっこのペア ガイドを有効にする必要があります。",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground4": "アクティブな角かっこのペア ガイドの背景色 (4)。角かっこのペア ガイドを有効にする必要があります。",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground5": "アクティブな角かっこのペア ガイドの背景色 (5)。角かっこのペア ガイドを有効にする必要があります。",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground6": "アクティブな角かっこのペア ガイドの背景色 (6)。角かっこのペア ガイドを有効にする必要があります。",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background1": "非アクティブな角かっこのペア ガイドの背景色 (1)。角かっこのペア ガイドを有効にする必要があります。",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background2": "非アクティブな角かっこのペア ガイドの背景色 (2)。角かっこのペア ガイドを有効にする必要があります。",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background3": "非アクティブな角かっこのペア ガイドの背景色 (3)。角かっこのペア ガイドを有効にする必要があります。",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background4": "非アクティブな角かっこのペア ガイドの背景色 (4)。角かっこのペア ガイドを有効にする必要があります。",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background5": "非アクティブな角かっこのペア ガイドの背景色 (5)。角かっこのペア ガイドを有効にする必要があります。",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background6": "非アクティブな角かっこのペア ガイドの背景色 (6)。角かっこのペア ガイドを有効にする必要があります。",
"editorCodeLensForeground": "CodeLens エディターの前景色。",
"editorCursorBackground": "選択された文字列の背景色です。選択された文字列の背景色をカスタマイズ出来ます。",
"editorGhostTextBackground": "エディターのゴースト テキストの背景色。",
"editorGhostTextBorder": "エディター内の透かし文字の境界線の色です。",
"editorGhostTextForeground": "エディターの透かし文字の前景色です。",
"editorGutter": "エディターの余白の背景色。余白にはグリフ マージンと行番号が含まれます。",
"editorIndentGuides": "エディター インデント ガイドの色。",
"editorLineNumbers": "エディターの行番号の色。",
"editorOverviewRulerBackground": "エディターの概要ルーラーの背景色です。ミニマップが有効で、エディターの右側に配置されている場合にのみ使用します。",
"editorOverviewRulerBorder": "概要ルーラーの境界色。",
"editorRuler": "エディター ルーラーの色。",
"editorUnicodeHighlight.background": "Unicode 文字を強調表示するために使用される背景色。",
"editorUnicodeHighlight.border": "Unicode 文字を強調表示するために使用される境界線の色。",
"editorWhitespaces": "エディターのスペース文字の色。",
"lineHighlight": "カーソル位置の行を強調表示する背景色。",
"lineHighlightBorderBox": "カーソル位置の行の境界線を強調表示する背景色。",
"overviewRuleError": "エラーを示す概要ルーラーのマーカー色。",
"overviewRuleInfo": "情報を示す概要ルーラーのマーカー色。",
"overviewRuleWarning": "警告を示す概要ルーラーのマーカー色。",
"overviewRulerRangeHighlight": "範囲強調表示のための概要ルーラー マーカーの色。この色は、基本装飾が非表示にならないよう不透明にすることはできません。",
"rangeHighlight": "(Quick Open や検出機能などにより) 強調表示されている範囲の色。この色は、基本装飾が非表示にならないよう不透明にすることはできません。",
"rangeHighlightBorder": "強調表示された範囲の境界線の背景色。",
"symbolHighlight": "強調表示された記号の背景色 (定義へ移動、次または前の記号へ移動など)。基になる装飾が覆われないようにするため、色を不透明にすることはできません。",
"symbolHighlightBorder": "強調表示された記号の周りの境界線の背景色。",
"unnecessaryCodeBorder": "エディターでの不要な (未使用の) ソース コードの罫線の色。",
"unnecessaryCodeOpacity": "エディター内の不要な (未使用の) ソース コードの不透明度。たとえば、\"#000000c0\" は不透明度 75% でコードを表示します。ハイ コントラストのテーマの場合、'editorUnnecessaryCode.border' テーマ色を使用して、不要なコードをフェードアウトするのではなく下線を付けます。"
"vs/editor/common/editorContextKeys": {
"editorColumnSelection": "`editor.columnSelection` が有効になっているかどうか",
"editorFocus": "エディターまたはエディター ウィジェットにフォーカスがある (例: 検索ウィジェットにフォーカスがある) かどうか",
@ -455,12 +524,12 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"inDiffEditor": "コンテキストが差分エディターであるかどうか",
"textInputFocus": "エディターまたはリッチ テキスト入力にフォーカスがある (カーソルが点滅している) かどうか"
"vs/editor/common/languages/modesRegistry": {
"plainText.alias": "プレーンテキスト"
"vs/editor/common/model/editStack": {
"edit": "入力しています"
"vs/editor/common/modes/modesRegistry": {
"plainText.alias": "プレーンテキスト"
"vs/editor/common/standaloneStrings": {
"accessibilityHelpMessage": "アクティビティ オプションを表示するには、Alt+F1 キーを押します。",
"auto_off": "エディターは、スクリーン リーダーで使用するよう最適化されないように構成されていますが、現時点でこの設定は当てはまりません。",
@ -497,45 +566,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"tabFocusModeOnMsgNoKb": "現在のエディターで Tab キーを押すと、次のフォーカス可能な要素にフォーカスを移動します。コマンド {0} は、キー バインドでは現在トリガーできません。",
"toggleHighContrast": "ハイ コントラスト テーマの切り替え"
"vs/editor/common/view/editorColorRegistry": {
"caret": "エディターのカーソルの色。",
"deprecatedEditorActiveLineNumber": "id は使用しないでください。代わりに 'EditorLineNumber.activeForeground' を使用してください。",
"editorActiveIndentGuide": "アクティブなエディターのインデント ガイドの色。",
"editorActiveLineNumber": "エディターのアクティブ行番号の色",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground1": "角かっこ (1) の前景色。角かっこのペアの色付けを有効にする必要があります。",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground2": "角かっこ (2) の前景色。角かっこのペアの色付けを有効にする必要があります。",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground3": "角かっこ (3) の前景色。角かっこのペアの色付けを有効にする必要があります。",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground4": "角かっこ (4) の前景色。角かっこのペアの色付けを有効にする必要があります。",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground5": "角かっこ (5) の前景色。角かっこのペアの色付けを有効にする必要があります。",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground6": "角かっこ (6) の前景色。角かっこのペアの色付けを有効にする必要があります。",
"editorBracketHighlightUnexpectedBracketForeground": "予期しないブラケットの前景色。",
"editorBracketMatchBackground": "一致するかっこの背景色",
"editorBracketMatchBorder": "一致するかっこ内のボックスの色",
"editorCodeLensForeground": "CodeLens エディターの前景色。",
"editorCursorBackground": "選択された文字列の背景色です。選択された文字列の背景色をカスタマイズ出来ます。",
"editorGhostTextBorder": "エディター内の透かし文字の境界線の色です。",
"editorGhostTextForeground": "エディターの透かし文字の前景色です。",
"editorGutter": "エディターの余白の背景色。余白にはグリフ マージンと行番号が含まれます。",
"editorIndentGuides": "エディター インデント ガイドの色。",
"editorLineNumbers": "エディターの行番号の色。",
"editorOverviewRulerBackground": "エディターの概要ルーラーの背景色です。ミニマップが有効で、エディターの右側に配置されている場合にのみ使用します。",
"editorOverviewRulerBorder": "概要ルーラーの境界色。",
"editorRuler": "エディター ルーラーの色。",
"editorWhitespaces": "エディターのスペース文字の色。",
"lineHighlight": "カーソル位置の行を強調表示する背景色。",
"lineHighlightBorderBox": "カーソル位置の行の境界線を強調表示する背景色。",
"overviewRuleError": "エラーを示す概要ルーラーのマーカー色。",
"overviewRuleInfo": "情報を示す概要ルーラーのマーカー色。",
"overviewRuleWarning": "警告を示す概要ルーラーのマーカー色。",
"overviewRulerRangeHighlight": "範囲強調表示のための概要ルーラー マーカーの色。この色は、基本装飾が非表示にならないよう不透明にすることはできません。",
"rangeHighlight": "(Quick Open や検出機能などにより) 強調表示されている範囲の色。この色は、基本装飾が非表示にならないよう不透明にすることはできません。",
"rangeHighlightBorder": "強調表示された範囲の境界線の背景色。",
"symbolHighlight": "強調表示された記号の背景色 (定義へ移動、次または前の記号へ移動など)。基になる装飾が覆われないようにするため、色を不透明にすることはできません。",
"symbolHighlightBorder": "強調表示された記号の周りの境界線の背景色。",
"unnecessaryCodeBorder": "エディターでの不要な (未使用の) ソース コードの罫線の色。",
"unnecessaryCodeOpacity": "エディター内の不要な (未使用の) ソース コードの不透明度。たとえば、\"#000000c0\" は不透明度 75% でコードを表示します。ハイ コントラストのテーマの場合、'editorUnnecessaryCode.border' テーマ色を使用して、不要なコードをフェードアウトするのではなく下線を付けます。"
"vs/editor/contrib/anchorSelect/anchorSelect": {
"vs/editor/contrib/anchorSelect/browser/anchorSelect": {
"anchorSet": "アンカーが {0}:{1} に設定されました",
"cancelSelectionAnchor": "選択アンカーの取り消し",
"goToSelectionAnchor": "選択アンカーへ移動",
@ -543,30 +574,30 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"selectionAnchor": "選択アンカー",
"setSelectionAnchor": "選択アンカーの設定"
"vs/editor/contrib/bracketMatching/bracketMatching": {
"vs/editor/contrib/bracketMatching/browser/bracketMatching": {
"miGoToBracket": "ブラケットに移動(&&B)",
"overviewRulerBracketMatchForeground": "一致するブラケットを示す概要ルーラーのマーカー色。",
"smartSelect.jumpBracket": "ブラケットへ移動",
"smartSelect.selectToBracket": "ブラケットに選択"
"vs/editor/contrib/caretOperations/caretOperations": {
"vs/editor/contrib/caretOperations/browser/caretOperations": {
"caret.moveLeft": "選択したテキストを左に移動",
"caret.moveRight": "選択したテキストを右に移動"
"vs/editor/contrib/caretOperations/transpose": {
"vs/editor/contrib/caretOperations/browser/transpose": {
"transposeLetters.label": "文字の入れ替え"
"vs/editor/contrib/clipboard/clipboard": {
"vs/editor/contrib/clipboard/browser/clipboard": {
"actions.clipboard.copyLabel": "コピー",
"actions.clipboard.copyWithSyntaxHighlightingLabel": "構文を強調表示してコピー",
"actions.clipboard.cutLabel": "切り取り",
"actions.clipboard.pasteLabel": "貼り付け",
"copy as": "名前を付けてコピー",
"copy as": "形式を指定してコピー",
"miCopy": "コピー(&&C)",
"miCut": "切り取り(&&T)",
"miPaste": "貼り付け(&&P)"
"vs/editor/contrib/codeAction/codeActionCommands": {
"vs/editor/contrib/codeAction/browser/codeActionCommands": {
"applyCodeActionFailed": "コード アクションの適用中に不明なエラーが発生しました",
"args.schema.apply": "返されたアクションが適用されるタイミングを制御します。",
"args.schema.apply.first": "最初に返されたコード アクションを常に適用します。",
@ -597,15 +628,18 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"refactor.label": "リファクター...",
"source.label": "ソース アクション..."
"vs/editor/contrib/codeAction/lightBulbWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/codeAction/browser/lightBulbWidget": {
"codeAction": "コード アクションの表示",
"codeActionWithKb": "コード アクションの表示 ({0})",
"preferredcodeActionWithKb": "コードアクションを表示します。使用可能な優先のクイック修正 ({0})"
"vs/editor/contrib/codelens/codelensController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/codelens/browser/codelensController": {
"showLensOnLine": "現在の行のコード レンズ コマンドを表示"
"vs/editor/contrib/comment/comment": {
"vs/editor/contrib/colorPicker/browser/colorPickerWidget": {
"clickToToggleColorOptions": "クリックして色オプションを切り替えます (rgb/hsl/hex)"
"vs/editor/contrib/comment/browser/comment": {
"comment.block": "ブロック コメントの切り替え",
"comment.line": "行コメントの切り替え",
"comment.line.add": "行コメントの追加",
@ -613,14 +647,21 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"miToggleBlockComment": "ブロック コメントの切り替え(&&B)",
"miToggleLineComment": "行コメントの切り替え(&&T)"
"vs/editor/contrib/contextmenu/contextmenu": {
"vs/editor/contrib/contextmenu/browser/contextmenu": {
"action.showContextMenu.label": "エディターのコンテキスト メニューの表示"
"vs/editor/contrib/cursorUndo/cursorUndo": {
"vs/editor/contrib/cursorUndo/browser/cursorUndo": {
"cursor.redo": "カーソルのやり直し",
"cursor.undo": "カーソルを元に戻す"
"vs/editor/contrib/find/findController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/editorState/browser/keybindingCancellation": {
"cancellableOperation": "エディターで取り消し可能な操作 ('参照をここに表示' など) を実行するかどうか"
"vs/editor/contrib/find/browser/findController": {
"actions.find.isRegexOverride": "\"正規表現を使用する\" フラグをオーバーライドします。\r\nフラグは今後保存されません。\r\n0: 何もしない\r\n1: True\r\n2: False",
"actions.find.matchCaseOverride": "\"数式ケース\" フラグをオーバーライドします。\r\nフラグは今後保存されません。\r\n0: 何もしない\r\n1: True\r\n2: False",
"actions.find.preserveCaseOverride": "\"ケースの保持\" フラグをオーバーライドします。\r\nフラグは今後保存されません。\r\n0: 何もしない\r\n1: True\r\n2: False",
"actions.find.wholeWordOverride": "\"単語単位で検索する\" フラグをオーバーライドします。\r\nフラグは今後保存されません。\r\n0: 何もしない\r\n1: True\r\n2: False",
"findNextMatchAction": "次を検索",
"findPreviousMatchAction": "前を検索",
"miFind": "検索(&&F)",
@ -628,10 +669,11 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"nextSelectionMatchFindAction": "次の選択項目を検索",
"previousSelectionMatchFindAction": "前の選択項目を検索",
"startFindAction": "検索",
"startFindWithArgsAction": "引数を使用した検索",
"startFindWithSelectionAction": "選択範囲で検索",
"startReplace": "置換"
"vs/editor/contrib/find/findWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/find/browser/findWidget": {
"ariaSearchNoResult": "{0} が '{1}' で見つかりました",
"ariaSearchNoResultEmpty": "{0} が見つかりました",
"ariaSearchNoResultWithLineNum": "{0} は '{1}' で {2} に見つかりました",
@ -659,7 +701,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"placeholder.replace": "置換",
"title.matchesCountLimit": "最初の {0} 件の結果だけが強調表示されますが、すべての検索操作はテキスト全体で機能します。"
"vs/editor/contrib/folding/folding": {
"vs/editor/contrib/folding/browser/folding": {
"editorGutter.foldingControlForeground": "エディターの余白にある折りたたみコントロールの色。",
"foldAction.label": "折りたたみ",
"foldAllAction.label": "すべて折りたたみ",
@ -669,9 +711,10 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"foldBackgroundBackground": "折り曲げる範囲の背景色。基の装飾を隠さないように、色は不透明であってはなりません。",
"foldLevelAction.label": "レベル {0} で折りたたむ",
"foldRecursivelyAction.label": "再帰的に折りたたむ",
"gotoNextFold.label": "次のフォールドに移動する",
"gotoNextFold.label": "次のフォールディング範囲に移動する",
"gotoParentFold.label": "親フォールドに移動する",
"gotoPreviousFold.label": "前のフォールドに移動する",
"gotoPreviousFold.label": "前のフォールディング範囲に移動する",
"maximum fold ranges": "折りたたみ可能な領域の数は、最大 {0} 個に制限されます。より多くを有効にするには、構成オプション ['Folding Maximum Regions'](command:workbench.action.openSettings?[\"editor.foldingMaximumRegions\"]) の値を大きくします。",
"toggleFoldAction.label": "折りたたみの切り替え",
"unFoldRecursivelyAction.label": "再帰的に展開する",
"unfoldAction.label": "展開",
@ -679,26 +722,26 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"unfoldAllExcept.label": "選択されたものを除くすべての領域を展開する",
"unfoldAllMarkerRegions.label": "すべての領域を展開"
"vs/editor/contrib/folding/foldingDecorations": {
"vs/editor/contrib/folding/browser/foldingDecorations": {
"foldingCollapsedIcon": "エディターのグリフ余白内の折りたたまれた範囲のアイコン。",
"foldingExpandedIcon": "エディターのグリフ余白内の展開された範囲のアイコン。"
"vs/editor/contrib/fontZoom/fontZoom": {
"vs/editor/contrib/fontZoom/browser/fontZoom": {
"EditorFontZoomIn.label": "エディターのフォントを拡大",
"EditorFontZoomOut.label": "エディターのフォントを縮小",
"EditorFontZoomReset.label": "エディターのフォントのズームをリセット"
"vs/editor/contrib/format/format": {
"vs/editor/contrib/format/browser/format": {
"hint11": "行 {0} で 1 つの書式設定を編集",
"hint1n": "行 {0} と {1} の間で 1 つの書式設定を編集",
"hintn1": "行 {1} で {0} 個の書式設定を編集",
"hintnn": "行 {1} と {2} の間で {0} 個の書式設定を編集"
"vs/editor/contrib/format/formatActions": {
"vs/editor/contrib/format/browser/formatActions": {
"formatDocument.label": "ドキュメントのフォーマット",
"formatSelection.label": "選択範囲のフォーマット"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoError/gotoError": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoError/browser/gotoError": {
"markerAction.next.label": "次の問題 (エラー、警告、情報) へ移動",
"markerAction.nextInFiles.label": "ファイル内の次の問題 (エラー、警告、情報) へ移動",
"markerAction.previous.label": "前の問題 (エラー、警告、情報) へ移動",
@ -708,7 +751,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"nextMarkerIcon": "次のマーカーへ移動するためのアイコン。",
"previousMarkerIcon": "前のマーカーへ移動するためのアイコン。"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoError/gotoErrorWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoError/browser/gotoErrorWidget": {
"Error": "エラー",
"Hint": "ヒント",
"Info": "情報",
@ -724,7 +767,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"marker aria": "{0} ({1})。",
"problems": "{1} 件中 {0} 件の問題"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/goToCommands": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/goToCommands": {
"actions.goToDecl.label": "定義へ移動",
"actions.goToDeclToSide.label": "定義を横に開く",
"actions.goToDeclaration.label": "宣言へ移動",
@ -747,7 +790,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"goToTypeDefinition.generic.noResults": "型定義が見つかりません",
"goToTypeDefinition.noResultWord": "'{0}' の型定義が見つかりません",
"impl.title": "実装",
"label.generic": "任意の記号へ移動",
"label.generic": "任意のシンボルへ移動",
"miGotoDeclaration": "宣言へ移動(&&D)",
"miGotoDefinition": "定義に移動(&&D)",
"miGotoImplementation": "実装箇所に移動(&&I)",
@ -755,31 +798,31 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"miGotoTypeDefinition": "型定義に移動(&&T)",
"noResultWord": "'{0}' の定義は見つかりません",
"peek.submenu": "ピーク",
"ref.title": "参照設定",
"ref.title": "参照",
"references.action.label": "参照をここに表示",
"references.no": "'{0}' の参照が見つかりません",
"references.noGeneric": "参照が見つかりません",
"typedef.title": "型定義"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/link/goToDefinitionAtPosition": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/link/goToDefinitionAtPosition": {
"multipleResults": "クリックして、{0} の定義を表示します。"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/peek/referencesController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/peek/referencesController": {
"labelLoading": "読み込んでいます...",
"metaTitle.N": "{0} ({1})",
"referenceSearchVisible": "参照のプレビューが表示されるかどうか ('参照のプレビュー' または '定義をここに表示' など)"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/peek/referencesTree": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/peek/referencesTree": {
"referenceCount": "{0} 個の参照",
"referencesCount": "{0} 個の参照",
"treeAriaLabel": "参照"
"treeAriaLabel": "参照設定"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/peek/referencesWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/peek/referencesWidget": {
"missingPreviewMessage": "プレビューを表示できません",
"noResults": "結果はありません。",
"peekView.alternateTitle": "参照設定"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/referencesModel": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/referencesModel": {
"aria.fileReferences.1": "{0} に 1 個のシンボル、完全なパス {1}",
"aria.fileReferences.N": "{1} に {0} 個のシンボル、完全なパス {2}",
"aria.oneReference": "列 {2} の {1} 行目に {0} つのシンボル",
@ -789,26 +832,26 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"aria.result.n1": "{1} に {0} 個のシンボルが見つかりました",
"aria.result.nm": "{1} 個のファイルに {0} 個のシンボルが見つかりました"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/symbolNavigation": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/symbolNavigation": {
"hasSymbols": "キーボードのみで移動できるシンボルの場所があるかどうか。",
"location": "シンボル {0}/{1}",
"location.kb": "{1} のシンボル {0}、次に {2}"
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/hover": {
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/browser/hover": {
"showDefinitionPreviewHover": "定義プレビューのホバーを表示する",
"showHover": "ホバーの表示"
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/markdownHoverParticipant": {
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/browser/markdownHoverParticipant": {
"modesContentHover.loading": "読み込んでいます...",
"too many characters": "パフォーマンス上の理由からトークン化はスキップされます。その長い行の長さは `editor.maxTokenizationLineLength` で構成できます。"
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/markerHoverParticipant": {
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/browser/markerHoverParticipant": {
"checkingForQuickFixes": "クイックフィックスを確認しています...",
"noQuickFixes": "利用できるクイックフィックスはありません",
"quick fixes": "クイック フィックス...",
"view problem": "問題の表示"
"vs/editor/contrib/indentation/indentation": {
"vs/editor/contrib/indentation/browser/indentation": {
"configuredTabSize": "構成されたタブのサイズ",
"detectIndentation": "内容からインデントを検出",
"editor.reindentlines": "行の再インデント",
@ -819,24 +862,32 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"indentationToTabs": "インデントをタブに変換",
"selectTabWidth": "現在のファイルのタブのサイズを選択"
"vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/ghostTextController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/inlayHints/browser/inlayHintsHover": {
"hint.cmd": "コマンドの実行",
"hint.dbl": "ダブル クリックして挿入する",
"hint.def": "定義に移動 ({0})",
"hint.defAndCommand": "[定義] ({0}) に移動し、右クリックして詳細を表示します",
"links.navigate.kb.alt": "alt キーを押しながらクリック",
"links.navigate.kb.alt.mac": "option キーを押しながらクリック",
"links.navigate.kb.meta": "ctrl キーを押しながら クリック",
"links.navigate.kb.meta.mac": "cmd キーを押しながらクリック"
"vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/browser/ghostTextController": {
"action.inlineSuggest.showNext": "次のインライン候補を表示する",
"action.inlineSuggest.showPrevious": "前のインライン候補を表示する",
"action.inlineSuggest.trigger": "インライン候補をトリガーする",
"inlineSuggestionHasIndentation": "インライン候補がスペースで始まるかどうか",
"inlineSuggestionHasIndentationLessThanTabSize": "インライン候補が、タブで挿入されるものよりも小さいスペースで始まるかどうか",
"inlineSuggestionVisible": "インライン候補を表示するかどうか"
"vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/inlineCompletionsHoverParticipant": {
"acceptInlineSuggestion": "同意する",
"inlineSuggestionFollows": "おすすめ:",
"showNextInlineSuggestion": "次へ",
"showPreviousInlineSuggestion": "前へ"
"vs/editor/contrib/inPlaceReplace/inPlaceReplace": {
"vs/editor/contrib/inPlaceReplace/browser/inPlaceReplace": {
"InPlaceReplaceAction.next.label": "次の値に置換",
"InPlaceReplaceAction.previous.label": "前の値に置換"
"vs/editor/contrib/linesOperations/linesOperations": {
"vs/editor/contrib/lineSelection/browser/lineSelection": {
"expandLineSelection": "線の選択を展開する"
"vs/editor/contrib/linesOperations/browser/linesOperations": {
"duplicateSelection": "選択範囲の複製",
"editor.transformToLowercase": "小文字に変換",
"editor.transformToSnakecase": "スネーク ケースに変換する",
@ -848,6 +899,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"lines.delete": "行の削除",
"lines.deleteAllLeft": "左側をすべて削除",
"lines.deleteAllRight": "右側をすべて削除",
"lines.deleteDuplicates": "重複する行を削除",
"lines.indent": "行のインデント",
"lines.insertAfter": "行を下に挿入",
"lines.insertBefore": "行を上に挿入",
@ -864,11 +916,11 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"miMoveLinesDown": "行を下へ移動(&&L)",
"miMoveLinesUp": "行を上へ移動(&&V)"
"vs/editor/contrib/linkedEditing/linkedEditing": {
"vs/editor/contrib/linkedEditing/browser/linkedEditing": {
"editorLinkedEditingBackground": "エディターが型の名前の自動変更を行うときの背景色です。",
"linkedEditing.label": "リンクされた編集の開始"
"vs/editor/contrib/links/links": {
"vs/editor/contrib/links/browser/links": {
"invalid.url": "このリンクは形式が正しくないため開くことができませんでした: {0}",
"label": "リンクを開く",
"links.navigate.executeCmd": "コマンドの実行",
@ -880,11 +932,11 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"missing.url": "このリンクはターゲットが存在しないため開くことができませんでした。",
"tooltip.explanation": "コマンド {0} の実行"
"vs/editor/contrib/message/messageController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/message/browser/messageController": {
"editor.readonly": "読み取り専用のエディターは編集できません",
"messageVisible": "エディターに現在インライン メッセージが表示されているかどうか"
"vs/editor/contrib/multicursor/multicursor": {
"vs/editor/contrib/multicursor/browser/multicursor": {
"addSelectionToNextFindMatch": "選択した項目を次の一致項目に追加",
"addSelectionToPreviousFindMatch": "選択項目を次の一致項目に追加",
"changeAll.label": "すべての出現箇所を変更",
@ -905,15 +957,16 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"mutlicursor.insertBelow": "カーソルを下に挿入",
"selectAllOccurrencesOfFindMatch": "一致するすべての出現箇所を選択します"
"vs/editor/contrib/parameterHints/parameterHints": {
"vs/editor/contrib/parameterHints/browser/parameterHints": {
"parameterHints.trigger.label": "パラメーター ヒントをトリガー"
"vs/editor/contrib/parameterHints/parameterHintsWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/parameterHints/browser/parameterHintsWidget": {
"editorHoverWidgetHighlightForeground": "パラメーター ヒント内のアクティブな項目の前景色。",
"hint": "{0}、ヒント",
"parameterHintsNextIcon": "次のパラメーター ヒントを表示するためのアイコン。",
"parameterHintsPreviousIcon": "前のパラメーター ヒントを表示するためのアイコン。"
"vs/editor/contrib/peekView/peekView": {
"vs/editor/contrib/peekView/browser/peekView": {
"inReferenceSearchEditor": "現在のコード エディターがプレビュー内に埋め込まれるかどうか",
"label.close": "閉じる",
"peekViewBorder": "ピーク ビューの境界と矢印の色。",
@ -931,14 +984,14 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"peekViewTitleForeground": "ピーク ビュー タイトルの色。",
"peekViewTitleInfoForeground": "ピーク ビューのタイトル情報の色。"
"vs/editor/contrib/quickAccess/gotoLineQuickAccess": {
"vs/editor/contrib/quickAccess/browser/gotoLineQuickAccess": {
"cannotRunGotoLine": "最初にテキスト エディターを開いて、行に移動します。",
"gotoLineColumnLabel": "行 {0}、文字 {1} に移動します。",
"gotoLineLabel": "{0} 行に移動します。",
"gotoLineLabelEmpty": "現在の行: {0}、文字: {1}。移動先の行番号を入力します。",
"gotoLineLabelEmptyWithLimit": "現在の行: {0}、文字: {1}。移動先となる、1 から {2} までの行番号を入力します。"
"vs/editor/contrib/quickAccess/gotoSymbolQuickAccess": {
"vs/editor/contrib/quickAccess/browser/gotoSymbolQuickAccess": {
"_constructor": "コンストラクター ({0})",
"array": "配列 ({0})",
"boolean": "ブール値 ({0})",
@ -972,7 +1025,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"typeParameter": "型パラメーター ({0})",
"variable": "変数 ({0})"
"vs/editor/contrib/rename/rename": {
"vs/editor/contrib/rename/browser/rename": {
"aria": "'{0}' から '{1}' への名前変更が正常に完了しました。概要: {2}",
"enablePreview": "名前を変更する前に変更をプレビューする機能を有効または無効にする",
"label": "'{0}' の名前の変更中",
@ -983,23 +1036,23 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"rename.label": "シンボルの名前変更",
"resolveRenameLocationFailed": "名前変更の場所を解決しようとして不明なエラーが発生しました"
"vs/editor/contrib/rename/renameInputField": {
"vs/editor/contrib/rename/browser/renameInputField": {
"label": "名前を変更するには {0}、プレビューするには {1}",
"renameAriaLabel": "名前変更入力。新しい名前を入力し、Enter キーを押してコミットしてください。",
"renameInputVisible": "名前の変更入力ウィジェットが表示されるかどうか"
"vs/editor/contrib/smartSelect/smartSelect": {
"vs/editor/contrib/smartSelect/browser/smartSelect": {
"miSmartSelectGrow": "選択範囲の展開(&&E)",
"miSmartSelectShrink": "選択範囲の縮小(&&S)",
"smartSelect.expand": "選択範囲を拡張",
"smartSelect.shrink": "選択範囲を縮小"
"vs/editor/contrib/snippet/snippetController2": {
"vs/editor/contrib/snippet/browser/snippetController2": {
"hasNextTabstop": "スニペット モードのときに、次のタブ位置があるかどうか",
"hasPrevTabstop": "スニペット モードのときに、前のタブ位置があるかどうか",
"inSnippetMode": "現在のエディターがスニペット モードであるかどうか"
"vs/editor/contrib/snippet/snippetVariables": {
"vs/editor/contrib/snippet/browser/snippetVariables": {
"April": "4 月",
"AprilShort": "4 月",
"August": "8 月",
@ -1039,17 +1092,16 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"Wednesday": "水曜日",
"WednesdayShort": "水"
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggest": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggest": {
"acceptSuggestionOnEnter": "Enter キーを押したときに候補を挿入するかどうか",
"suggestWidgetDetailsVisible": "候補の詳細が表示されるかどうか",
"suggestWidgetMultipleSuggestions": "選択する複数の候補があるかどうか",
"suggestWidgetVisible": "候補を表示するかどうか",
"suggestionCanResolve": "現在の候補からの詳細の解決をサポートするかどうか",
"suggestionHasInsertAndReplaceRange": "現在の候補に挿入と置換の動作があるかどうか",
"suggestionInsertMode": "既定の動作が挿入または置換であるかどうか",
"suggestionMakesTextEdit": "現在の候補を挿入したとき、変更を行うか、または既に入力した内容をすべて入力するかどうか"
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestController": {
"accept.insert": "挿入",
"accept.replace": "置換",
"aria.alert.snippet": "{1} が追加編集した '{0}' を受け入れる",
@ -1058,7 +1110,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"suggest.reset.label": "候補のウィジェットのサイズをリセット",
"suggest.trigger.label": "候補をトリガー"
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestWidget": {
"ariaCurrenttSuggestionReadDetails": "{0}、ドキュメント: {1}",
"editorSuggestWidgetBackground": "候補のウィジェットの背景色。",
"editorSuggestWidgetBorder": "候補ウィジェットの境界線色。",
@ -1068,22 +1120,26 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"editorSuggestWidgetSelectedBackground": "候補ウィジェット内で選択済みエントリの背景色。",
"editorSuggestWidgetSelectedForeground": "候補ウィジェット内で選択済み入力の前景色。",
"editorSuggestWidgetSelectedIconForeground": "候補ウィジェット内で選択済み入力のアイコン前景色。",
"editorSuggestWidgetStatusForeground": "ウィジェット状態の提案の前景色。",
"label.desc": "{0}、 {1}",
"label.detail": "{0}{1}",
"label.full": "({0},{1}) {2}",
"suggest": "提案",
"suggestWidget.loading": "読み込んでいます...",
"suggestWidget.noSuggestions": "候補はありません。"
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestWidgetDetails": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestWidgetDetails": {
"details.close": "閉じる",
"loading": "読み込んでいます..."
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestWidgetRenderer": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestWidgetRenderer": {
"readMore": "詳細を参照",
"suggestMoreInfoIcon": "提案ウィジェットの詳細情報のアイコン。"
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestWidgetStatus": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestWidgetStatus": {
"ddd": "{0} ({1})"
"vs/editor/contrib/symbolIcons/symbolIcons": {
"vs/editor/contrib/symbolIcons/browser/symbolIcons": {
"symbolIcon.arrayForeground": "配列記号の前景色。これらの記号は、アウトライン、階層リンク、および候補のウィジェットに表示されます。",
"symbolIcon.booleanForeground": "ブール値記号の前景色。これらの記号は、アウトライン、階層リンク、および候補のウィジェットに表示されます。",
"symbolIcon.classForeground": "クラス記号の前景色。これらの記号は、アウトライン、階層リンク、および候補のウィジェットに表示されます。",
@ -1118,22 +1174,47 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"symbolIcon.unitForeground": "単位記号の前景色。これらの記号は、アウトライン、階層リンク、および候補のウィジェットに表示されます。",
"symbolIcon.variableForeground": "変数記号の前景色。これらの記号は、アウトライン、階層リンク、および候補のウィジェットに表示されます。"
"vs/editor/contrib/toggleTabFocusMode/toggleTabFocusMode": {
"vs/editor/contrib/toggleTabFocusMode/browser/toggleTabFocusMode": {
"toggle.tabMovesFocus": "Tab キーを切り替えるとフォーカスが移動します",
"toggle.tabMovesFocus.off": "Tab キーを押すと、タブ文字が挿入されます",
"toggle.tabMovesFocus.on": "Tab キーを押すと、次のフォーカス可能な要素にフォーカスを移動します"
"vs/editor/contrib/tokenization/tokenization": {
"vs/editor/contrib/tokenization/browser/tokenization": {
"forceRetokenize": "開発者: トークン再作成の強制"
"vs/editor/contrib/unusualLineTerminators/unusualLineTerminators": {
"vs/editor/contrib/unicodeHighlighter/browser/unicodeHighlighter": {
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingInComments": "コメントの文字の強調表示を無効にする",
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingInStrings": "文字列の文字の強調表示を無効にする",
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfAmbiguousCharacters": "あいまいな文字の強調表示を無効にする",
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfInvisibleCharacters": "非表示の文字の強調表示を無効にする",
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfNonBasicAsciiCharacters": "基本以外の ASCII 文字の強調表示を無効にする",
"action.unicodeHighlight.showExcludeOptions": "除外オプションの表示",
"unicodeHighlight.adjustSettings": "設定の調整",
"unicodeHighlight.allowCommonCharactersInLanguage": "言語 \"{0}\" でより一般的な Unicode 文字を許可します。",
"unicodeHighlight.characterIsAmbiguous": "文字 {0}は、ソース コードでより一般的な文字{1}と混同される可能性があります。",
"unicodeHighlight.characterIsInvisible": "文字 {0}は非表示です。",
"unicodeHighlight.characterIsNonBasicAscii": "文字 {0} は基本的な ASCII 文字ではありません。",
"unicodeHighlight.configureUnicodeHighlightOptions": "Unicode の強調表示オプションを構成する",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingInComments.shortLabel": "コメントの強調表示を無効にする",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingInStrings.shortLabel": "文字列の強調表示を無効にする",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfAmbiguousCharacters.shortLabel": "多義性文字の強調表示を無効にする",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfInvisibleCharacters.shortLabel": "非表示文字の強調表示を無効にする",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfNonBasicAsciiCharacters.shortLabel": "非 ASCII 文字の強調表示を無効にする",
"unicodeHighlight.excludeCharFromBeingHighlighted": "強調表示から {0} を除外します",
"unicodeHighlight.excludeInvisibleCharFromBeingHighlighted": "{0} (非表示の文字) を強調表示から除外する",
"unicodeHighlighting.thisDocumentHasManyAmbiguousUnicodeCharacters": "このドキュメントには多義性を持つ Unicode 文字が多数含まれています",
"unicodeHighlighting.thisDocumentHasManyInvisibleUnicodeCharacters": "このドキュメントには非表示の Unicode 文字が多数含まれています",
"unicodeHighlighting.thisDocumentHasManyNonBasicAsciiUnicodeCharacters": "このドキュメントには、数多くの非基本 ASCII Unicode 文字が含まれています",
"warningIcon": "拡張機能のエディターで警告メッセージと共に表示されるアイコン。"
"vs/editor/contrib/unusualLineTerminators/browser/unusualLineTerminators": {
"unusualLineTerminators.detail": "このファイル '{0}' には、行区切り文字 (LS) や段落区切り記号 (PS) などの特殊な行の終端文字が 1 つ以上含まれています。\r\n\r\nそれらをファイルから削除することをお勧めします。これは 'editor.unusualLineTerminators' を使用して構成できます。",
"unusualLineTerminators.fix": "特殊な行の終端記号を削除する",
"unusualLineTerminators.ignore": "無視する",
"unusualLineTerminators.message": "普通ではない行終端記号が検出されました",
"unusualLineTerminators.title": "普通ではない行終端記号"
"vs/editor/contrib/wordHighlighter/wordHighlighter": {
"vs/editor/contrib/wordHighlighter/browser/wordHighlighter": {
"overviewRulerWordHighlightForeground": "シンボルによって強調表示される概要ルーラーのマーカーの色。マーカーの色は、基になる装飾を隠さないように不透明以外にします。",
"overviewRulerWordHighlightStrongForeground": "書き込みアクセス シンボルを強調表示する概要ルーラーのマーカー色。下にある装飾を隠さないために、色は不透過であってはなりません。",
"wordHighlight": "変数の読み取りなど、読み取りアクセス中のシンボルの背景色。下にある装飾を隠さないために、色は不透過であってはなりません。",
@ -1144,7 +1225,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"wordHighlightStrong": "変数への書き込みなど、書き込みアクセス中のシンボル背景色。下にある装飾を隠さないために、色は不透過であってはなりません。",
"wordHighlightStrongBorder": "変数への書き込みなど書き込みアクセス中のシンボルの境界線の色。"
"vs/editor/contrib/wordOperations/wordOperations": {
"vs/editor/contrib/wordOperations/browser/wordOperations": {
"deleteInsideWord": "単語の削除"
"vs/platform/actions/browser/menuEntryActionViewItem": {
@ -1154,7 +1235,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"config.property.duplicate": "'{0}' を登録できません。このプロパティは既に登録されています。",
"config.property.empty": "空のプロパティは登録できません",
"config.property.languageDefault": "'{0}' を登録できません。これは、言語固有のエディター設定を記述するプロパティ パターン '\\\\[.*\\\\]$' に一致しています。'configurationDefaults' コントリビューションを使用してください。",
"defaultLanguageConfiguration.description": "{0} 言語の場合にオーバーライドされる設定を構成します。",
"defaultLanguageConfiguration.description": "{0} 言語が優先される設定を構成します。",
"defaultLanguageConfigurationOverrides.title": "既定の言語構成のオーバーライド",
"overrideSettings.defaultDescription": "言語に対して上書きされるエディター設定を構成します。",
"overrideSettings.errorMessage": "この設定では、言語ごとの構成はサポートされていません。"
@ -1183,13 +1264,16 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"sizeTB": "{0}TB",
"unknownError": "不明なエラー"
"vs/platform/history/browser/contextScopedHistoryWidget": {
"suggestWidgetVisible": "候補を表示するかどうか"
"vs/platform/keybinding/common/abstractKeybindingService": {
"first.chord": "({0}) が渡されました。2 番目のキーを待っています...",
"missing.chord": "キーの組み合わせ ({0}、{1}) はコマンドではありません。"
"vs/platform/list/browser/listService": {
"Fast Scroll Sensitivity": "[Alt] を押すと、スクロール速度が倍増します。",
"Mouse Wheel Scroll Sensitivity": "マウス ホイール スクロール イベントの deltaX と deltaY で使用される乗数。",
"Fast Scroll Sensitivity": "`Alt` を押すと、スクロール速度が倍増します。",
"Mouse Wheel Scroll Sensitivity": "マウス ホイール スクロール イベントの `deltaX` と `deltaY` で使用される乗数。",
"automatic keyboard navigation setting": "リストやツリーでのキーボード ナビゲーションを、単に入力するだけで自動的にトリガーするかどうかを制御します。`false` に設定した場合、キーボード ナビゲーションは `list.toggleKeyboardNavigation` コマンドを実行したときにのみトリガーされます。これに対してキーボード ショートカットを割り当てることができます。",
"expand mode": "フォルダー名をクリックしたときにツリー フォルダーが展開される方法を制御します。適用できない場合、一部のツリーやリストではこの設定が無視されることがあります。",
"horizontalScrolling setting": "リストとツリーがワークベンチで水平スクロールをサポートするかどうかを制御します。警告: この設定をオンにすると、パフォーマンスに影響があります。",
@ -1254,8 +1338,14 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"diffDiagonalFill": "差分エディターの対角線の塗りつぶし色。対角線の塗りつぶしは、横に並べて比較するビューで使用されます。",
"diffEditorBorder": "2 つのテキスト エディターの間の境界線の色。",
"diffEditorInserted": "挿入されたテキストの背景色。この色は、基本装飾が非表示にならないよう不透明にすることはできません。",
"diffEditorInsertedLineGutter": "挿入された行の余白の背景色。",
"diffEditorInsertedLines": "挿入された行の背景色。この色は、基本装飾が非表示にならないよう不透明にすることはできません。",
"diffEditorInsertedOutline": "挿入されたテキストの輪郭の色。",
"diffEditorOverviewInserted": "挿入されたコンテンツについて、差分概要ルーラーを前面に置きます。",
"diffEditorOverviewRemoved": "削除されたコンテンツについて、差分概要ルーラーを前面に置きます。",
"diffEditorRemoved": "削除したテキストの背景色。この色は、基本装飾が非表示にならないよう不透明にすることはできません。",
"diffEditorRemovedLineGutter": "削除された行の余白の背景色。",
"diffEditorRemovedLines": "削除した行の背景色。この色は、基本装飾が非表示にならないよう不透明にすることはできません。",
"diffEditorRemovedOutline": "削除されたテキストの輪郭の色。",
"dropdownBackground": "ドロップダウンの背景。",
"dropdownBorder": "ドロップダウンの境界線。",
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"editorInfo.background": "エディター内の情報テキストの背景色。この色は、基本装飾が非表示にならないよう不透明にすることはできません。",
"editorInfo.foreground": "エディターで情報を示す波線の前景色。",
"editorInlayHintBackground": "インライン ヒントの背景色",
"editorInlayHintBackgroundParameter": "パラメーターのインライン ヒントの背景色",
"editorInlayHintBackgroundTypes": "種類のインライン ヒントの背景色",
"editorInlayHintForeground": "インライン ヒントの前景色",
"editorInlayHintForegroundParameter": "パラメーターのインライン ヒントの前景色",
"editorInlayHintForegroundTypes": "種類のインライン ヒントの前景色",
"editorLightBulbAutoFixForeground": "自動修正の電球アクション アイコンとして使用される色。",
"editorLightBulbForeground": "電球アクション アイコンに使用する色。",
"editorSelectionBackground": "エディターの選択範囲の色。",
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"inputBoxBackground": "入力ボックスの背景。",
"inputBoxBorder": "入力ボックスの境界線。",
"inputBoxForeground": "入力ボックスの前景。",
"inputOption.activeBackground": "入力フィールドでアクティブ化されたオプションの背景色。",
"inputOption.activeBackground": "入力フィールドのオプションの背景のホバー色。",
"inputOption.activeForeground": "入力フィールドでアクティブ化されたオプションの前景色。",
"inputOption.hoverBackground": "入力フィールドでアクティブ化されたオプションの背景色。",
"inputPlaceholderForeground": "入力ボックスのプレースホルダー テキストの前景色。",
"inputValidationErrorBackground": "エラーの重大度を示す入力検証の背景色。",
"inputValidationErrorBorder": "エラーの重大度を示す入力検証の境界線色。",
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"minimapBackground": "ミニマップの背景色。",
"minimapError": "エラーのミニマップ マーカーの色。",
"minimapFindMatchHighlight": "一致を検索するためのミニマップ マーカーの色。",
"minimapForegroundOpacity": "ミニマップにレンダリングされる前景要素の不透明度。たとえば、\"#000000c0\" では、75% の不透明度で要素をレンダリングします。",
"minimapSelectionHighlight": "エディターの選択範囲のミニマップ マーカーの色。",
"minimapSelectionOccurrenceHighlight": "エディターを繰り返し選択する範囲のミニマップ マーカーの色。",
"minimapSliderActiveBackground": "クリックしたときのミニマップ スライダーの背景色。",
"minimapSliderBackground": "ミニマップ スライダーの背景色。",
"minimapSliderHoverBackground": "ホバーリング時のミニマップ スライダーの背景色。",
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"snippetTabstopHighlightBackground": "スニペット tabstop の背景色を強調表示します。",
"snippetTabstopHighlightBorder": "スニペット tabstop の境界線の色を強調表示します。",
"statusBarBackground": "エディターのホバーのステータス バーの背景色。",
"tableColumnsBorder": "列間の表の境界線の色。",
"tableOddRowsBackgroundColor": "奇数テーブル行の背景色。",
"textBlockQuoteBackground": "テキスト内のブロック引用の背景色。",
"textBlockQuoteBorder": "テキスト内のブロック引用の境界線色。",
"textCodeBlockBackground": "テキスト内のコード ブロックの背景色。",
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"widgetShadow": "エディター内の検索/置換窓など、エディター ウィジェットの影の色。"
"vs/platform/theme/common/iconRegistry": {
"iconDefintion.fontCharacter": "アイコン定義に関連付けられたフォント文字。",
"iconDefintion.fontId": "使用するフォントの ID。設定されていない場合は、最初に定義されているフォントが使用されます。",
"iconDefinition.fontCharacter": "アイコン定義に関連付けられたフォント文字。",
"iconDefinition.fontId": "使用するフォントの ID。設定されていない場合は、最初に定義されているフォントが使用されます。",
"nextChangeIcon": "次のエディターの場所に移動するためのアイコン。",
"previousChangeIcon": "前のエディターの場所に移動するためのアイコン。",
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"cannotWorkspaceUndoDueToInMeantimeUndoRedo": "元に戻すまたはやり直し操作がその期間に実行中であったため、すべてのファイルに対して '{0}' を元に戻すことはできませんでした",
"cannotWorkspaceUndoDueToInProgressUndoRedo": "{1} で元に戻すまたはやり直し操作が既に実行されているため、すべてのファイルに対して '{0}' を元に戻すことはできませんでした",
"confirmDifferentSource": "'{0}' を元に戻しますか?",
"confirmDifferentSource.no": "いいえ",
"confirmDifferentSource.yes": "はい",
"confirmWorkspace": "すべてのファイルで '{0}' を元に戻しますか?",
"externalRemoval": "次のファイルが閉じられ、ディスク上で変更されました: {0}。",
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"vs/platform/workspace/common/workspaceTrust": {
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"label.preserveCaseToggle": "대/소문자 보존"
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"vs/base/browser/ui/inputbox/inputBox": {
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"vs/editor/browser/controller/coreCommands": {
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"stickydesc": "더 긴 줄로 이동하는 경우에도 끝에 고정"
"vs/editor/browser/controller/textAreaHandler": {
"accessibilityOffAriaLabel": "현재 편집기에 액세스할 수 없습니다. 옵션을 보려면 {0}을(를) 누릅니다.",
"editor": "편집기"
"vs/editor/browser/core/keybindingCancellation": {
"cancellableOperation": "편집기에서 취소 가능한 작업(예: '참조 피킹')을 실행하는지 여부"
"vs/editor/browser/coreCommands": {
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"stickydesc": "더 긴 줄로 이동하는 경우에도 끝에 고정"
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"diff.clipboard.copyChangedLineContent.label": "변경된 줄({0}) 복사",
"diff.clipboard.copyChangedLinesContent.label": "변경된 줄 복사",
"diff.clipboard.copyChangedLinesContent.single.label": "변경된 줄 복사",
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"diff.clipboard.copyDeletedLinesContent.label": "삭제된 줄 복사",
"diff.clipboard.copyDeletedLinesContent.single.label": "삭제된 줄 복사",
"diff.inline.revertChange.label": "이 변경 내용 되돌리기"
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"codeLens": "편집기에서 CodeLens를 표시할 것인지 여부를 제어합니다.",
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"insertSpaces": "'탭' 키를 누를 때 공백을 삽입합니다. `#editor.detectIndentation#`이 켜져 있는 경우 이 설정은 파일 콘텐츠에 따라 재정의됩니다.",
"largeFileOptimizations": "큰 파일에 대한 특수 처리로, 메모리를 많이 사용하는 특정 기능을 사용하지 않도록 설정합니다.",
"maxComputationTime": "diff 계산이 취소된 후 밀리초 단위로 시간을 제한합니다. 제한 시간이 없는 경우 0을 사용합니다.",
"maxFileSize": "차이를 계산할 최대 파일 크기(MB)입니다. 제한이 없으면 0을 사용합니다.",
"maxTokenizationLineLength": "이 길이를 초과하는 줄은 성능상의 이유로 토큰화되지 않습니다.",
"renderIndicators": "diff 편집기에서 추가/제거된 변경 내용에 대해 +/- 표시기를 표시하는지 여부를 제어합니다.",
"schema.brackets": "들여쓰기를 늘리거나 줄이는 대괄호 기호를 정의합니다.",
"schema.closeBracket": "닫는 대괄호 문자 또는 문자열 시퀀스입니다.",
"schema.colorizedBracketPairs": "대괄호 쌍 색 지정을 사용하는 경우 중첩 수준에 따라 색이 지정된 대괄호 쌍을 정의합니다.",
"schema.openBracket": "여는 대괄호 문자 또는 문자열 시퀀스입니다.",
"semanticHighlighting.configuredByTheme": "의미 체계 강조 표시는 현재 색 테마의 `semanticHighlighting` 설정에 따라 구성됩니다.",
"semanticHighlighting.enabled": "semanticHighlighting이 지원하는 언어에 대해 표시되는지 여부를 제어합니다.",
"semanticHighlighting.false": "모든 색 테마에 대해 의미 체계 강조 표시를 사용하지 않습니다.",
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"autoClosingQuotes": "사용자가 여는 따옴표를 추가한 후 편집기에서 따옴표를 자동으로 닫을지 여부를 제어합니다.",
"autoIndent": "사용자가 줄을 입력, 붙여넣기, 이동 또는 들여쓰기 할 때 편집기에서 들여쓰기를 자동으로 조정하도록 할지 여부를 제어합니다.",
"autoSurround": "따옴표 또는 대괄호 입력 시 편집기가 자동으로 선택 영역을 둘러쌀지 여부를 제어합니다.",
"bracketPairColorization.enabled": "대괄호 쌍 색 지정이 활성화되었는지 여부를 제어합니다. 대괄호 강조 색상을 재정의하려면 'workbench.colorCustomizations'를 사용하세요.",
"bracketPairColorization.enabled": "브래킷 쌍 색상화가 활성화되었는지 여부를 제어합니다. 브래킷 하이라이트 색상을 재정의하려면 `#workbench.colorCustomizations#`를 사용하세요.",
"bracketPairColorization.independentColorPoolPerBracketType": "각 대괄호 형식에 고유한 독립적인 색 풀이 있는지 여부를 제어합니다.",
"codeActions": "편집기에서 코드 동작 전구를 사용하도록 설정합니다.",
"codeLens": "편집기에서 CodeLens를 표시할 것인지 여부를 제어합니다.",
"codeLensFontFamily": "CodeLens의 글꼴 패밀리를 제어합니다.",
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"editor.gotoLocation.multiple.goto": "기본 결과로 이동하고 다른 항목에 대해 peek 없는 탐색을 사용하도록 설정",
"editor.gotoLocation.multiple.gotoAndPeek": "기본 결과로 이동하여 Peek 보기를 표시합니다.",
"editor.gotoLocation.multiple.peek": "결과 Peek 뷰 표시(기본)",
"editor.guides.bracketPairs": "대괄호 쌍 안내션의 사용 여부를 제어합니다.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairs.active": "활성 대괄호 쌍에 대해서만 대괄호 쌍 가이드를 사용하도록 설정합니다.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairs.false": "대괄호 쌍 가이드를 비활성화합니다.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairs.true": "대괄호 쌍 가이드를 사용하도록 설정합니다.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairsHorizontal": "가로 대괄호 쌍 안내선의 사용 여부를 제어합니다.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairsHorizontal.active": "활성 대괄호 쌍에 대해서만 수평 가이드를 사용하도록 설정합니다.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairsHorizontal.false": "수평 대괄호 쌍 가이드를 비활성화합니다.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairsHorizontal.true": "수직 대괄호 쌍 가이드에 추가하여 수평 가이드를 사용하도록 설정합니다.",
"editor.guides.highlightActiveBracketPair": "편집기가 활성 브래킷 쌍을 강조 표시해야 하는지 여부를 제어합니다.",
"editor.guides.highlightActiveIndentation": "편집기에서 활성 들여쓰기 가이드를 강조 표시할지 여부를 제어합니다.",
"editor.guides.indentation": "편집기에서 들여쓰기 가이드를 렌더링할지를 제어합니다.",
"editor.suggest.showClasss": "사용하도록 설정되면 IntelliSense에 '클래스' 제안이 표시됩니다.",
"editor.suggest.showColors": "사용하도록 설정되면 IntelliSense에 '색' 제안이 표시됩니다.",
"editor.suggest.showConstants": "사용하도록 설정되면 IntelliSense에 '상수' 제안이 표시됩니다.",
@ -260,6 +274,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"folding": "편집기에 코드 접기가 사용하도록 설정되는지 여부를 제어합니다.",
"foldingHighlight": "편집기에서 접힌 범위를 강조 표시할지 여부를 제어합니다.",
"foldingImportsByDefault": "편집기에서 가져오기 범위를 자동으로 축소할지 여부를 제어합니다.",
"foldingMaximumRegions": "폴더블 영역의 최대 수입니다. 현재 원본에 폴더블 영역이 많을 때 이 값을 늘리면 편집기의 반응이 떨어질 수 있습니다.",
"foldingStrategy": "접기 범위를 계산하기 위한 전략을 제어합니다.",
"foldingStrategy.auto": "사용 가능한 경우 언어별 접기 전략을 사용합니다. 그렇지 않은 경우 들여쓰기 기반 전략을 사용합니다.",
"foldingStrategy.indentation": "들여쓰기 기반 접기 전략을 사용합니다.",
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"formatOnType": "입력 후 편집기에서 자동으로 줄의 서식을 지정할지 여부를 제어합니다.",
"glyphMargin": "편집기에서 세로 문자 모양 여백을 렌더링할지 여부를 제어합니다. 문자 모양 여백은 주로 디버깅에 사용됩니다.",
"hideCursorInOverviewRuler": "커서가 개요 눈금자에서 가려져야 하는지 여부를 제어합니다.",
"highlightActiveIndentGuide": "편집기에서 활성 들여쓰기 가이드를 강조 표시할지 여부를 제어합니다.",
"hover.above": "공백이 있는 경우 선 위에 마우스를 가져가는 것을 표시하는 것을 선호합니다.",
"hover.delay": "호버가 표시되기 전까지의 지연 시간(밀리초)을 제어합니다.",
"hover.enabled": "호버 표시 여부를 제어합니다.",
"hover.sticky": "마우스를 해당 항목 위로 이동할 때 호버를 계속 표시할지 여부를 제어합니다.",
"inlayHints.enable": "편집기에서 인레이 힌트를 사용하도록 설정합니다.",
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"editorActiveLineNumber": "편집기 활성 영역 줄번호 색상",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground1": "대괄호의 전경색(1)입니다. 대괄호 쌍 색 지정을 사용하도록 설정해야 합니다.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground2": "대괄호의 전경색(2)입니다. 대괄호 쌍 색 지정을 사용하도록 설정해야 합니다.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground3": "대괄호의 전경색(3)입니다. 대괄호 쌍 색 지정을 사용하도록 설정해야 합니다.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground4": "대괄호의 전경색(4)입니다. 대괄호 쌍 색 지정을 사용하도록 설정해야 합니다.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground5": "대괄호의 전경색(5)입니다. 대괄호 쌍 색 지정을 사용하도록 설정해야 합니다.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground6": "대괄호의 전경색(6)입니다. 대괄호 쌍 색 지정을 사용하도록 설정해야 합니다.",
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"editorBracketMatchBorder": "일치하는 브래킷 박스의 색상",
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"editorCursorBackground": "편집기 커서의 배경색입니다. 블록 커서와 겹치는 글자의 색상을 사용자 정의할 수 있습니다.",
"editorGhostTextBorder": "편집기에서 고스트 텍스트의 테두리 색입니다.",
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"editorGutter": "편집기 거터의 배경색입니다. 거터에는 글리프 여백과 행 수가 있습니다.",
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"editorLineNumbers": "편집기 줄 번호 색입니다.",
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"editorRuler": "편집기 눈금의 색상입니다.",
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"rangeHighlight": "빠른 열기 및 찾기 기능 등을 통해 강조 표시된 영역의 배경색입니다. 기본 장식을 숨기지 않도록 색은 불투명하지 않아야 합니다.",
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"symbolHighlightBorder": "강조 표시된 기호 주위의 테두리 배경색입니다.",
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"overviewRulerBracketMatchForeground": "괄호에 해당하는 영역을 표시자에 채색하여 표시합니다.",
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"vs/editor/contrib/caretOperations/caretOperations": {
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"caret.moveLeft": "선택한 텍스트를 왼쪽으로 이동",
"caret.moveRight": "선택한 텍스트를 오른쪽으로 이동"
"vs/editor/contrib/caretOperations/transpose": {
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"args.schema.apply.first": "항상 반환된 첫 번째 코드 작업을 적용합니다.",
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"refactor.label": "리팩터링...",
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"vs/editor/contrib/codeAction/lightBulbWidget": {
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"vs/editor/contrib/find/browser/findController": {
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"actions.find.matchCaseOverride": "\"Math Case\" 플래그를 재정의합니다.\r\n플래그는 미래를 위해 저장되지 않습니다.\r\n0: 아무것도 하지 않음\r\n1: True\r\n2: False",
"actions.find.preserveCaseOverride": "\"케이스 보존\" 플래그를 재정의합니다.\r\n플래그는 미래를 위해 저장되지 않습니다.\r\n0: 아무것도 하지 않음\r\n1: True\r\n2: False",
"actions.find.wholeWordOverride": "\"전체 단어 일치\" 플래그를 재정의합니다.\r\n플래그는 미래를 위해 저장되지 않습니다.\r\n0: 아무것도 하지 않음\r\n1: True\r\n2: False",
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"editorGutter.foldingControlForeground": "편집기 여백의 접기 컨트롤 색입니다.",
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"vs/editor/contrib/folding/foldingDecorations": {
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"foldingExpandedIcon": "편집기 문자 모양 여백에서 확장된 범위의 아이콘입니다."
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"vs/editor/contrib/format/format": {
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"hint1n": "줄 {0}과(와) {1} 사이에서 1개 서식 편집을 수행했습니다.",
"hintn1": "줄 {1}에서 {0}개 서식 편집을 수행했습니다.",
"hintnn": "줄 {1}과(와) {2} 사이에서 {0}개 서식 편집을 수행했습니다."
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"nextMarkerIcon": "다음 마커로 이동의 아이콘입니다.",
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"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/goToCommands": {
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"goToTypeDefinition.generic.noResults": "형식 정의를 찾을 수 없습니다.",
"goToTypeDefinition.noResultWord": "'{0}'에 대한 형식 정의를 찾을 수 없습니다.",
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"label.generic": "임의의 기호로 이동",
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"references.noGeneric": "참조가 없습니다.",
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"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/link/goToDefinitionAtPosition": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/link/goToDefinitionAtPosition": {
"multipleResults": "{0}개 정의를 표시하려면 클릭하세요."
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/peek/referencesController": {
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"labelLoading": "로드 중...",
"metaTitle.N": "{0}({1})",
"referenceSearchVisible": "'참조 피킹' 또는 '정의 피킹'과 같이 참조 피킹이 표시되는지 여부"
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"missingPreviewMessage": "미리 보기를 사용할 수 없음",
"noResults": "결과 없음",
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"aria.result.n1": "{1}에서 기호 {0}개를 찾았습니다.",
"aria.result.nm": "{1}개 파일에서 기호 {0}개를 찾았습니다."
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/symbolNavigation": {
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"vs/editor/contrib/hover/hover": {
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"vs/editor/contrib/hover/markdownHoverParticipant": {
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"modesContentHover.loading": "로드 중...",
"too many characters": "성능상의 이유로 긴 줄의 경우 토큰화를 건너뜁니다. 이 항목은 'editor.maxTokenizationLineLength'를 통해 구성할 수 있습니다."
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/markerHoverParticipant": {
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/browser/markerHoverParticipant": {
"checkingForQuickFixes": "빠른 수정을 확인하는 중...",
"noQuickFixes": "빠른 수정을 사용할 수 없음",
"quick fixes": "빠른 수정...",
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"editorSuggestWidgetStatusForeground": "제안 위젯 상태의 배경색입니다.",
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"suggestWidget.noSuggestions": "제안 항목이 없습니다."
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"symbolIcon.booleanForeground": "부울 기호의 전경색입니다. 이러한 기호는 개요, 이동 경로 및 제안 위젯에 나타납니다.",
"symbolIcon.classForeground": "클래스 기호의 전경색입니다. 이러한 기호는 개요, 이동 경로 및 제안 위젯에 나타납니다.",
@ -1118,22 +1174,47 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"symbolIcon.unitForeground": "단위 기호의 전경색입니다. 이러한 기호는 개요, 이동 경로 및 제안 위젯에 표시됩니다.",
"symbolIcon.variableForeground": "변수 기호의 전경색입니다. 이러한 기호는 개요, 이동 경로 및 제안 위젯에 표시됩니다."
"vs/editor/contrib/toggleTabFocusMode/toggleTabFocusMode": {
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"toggle.tabMovesFocus.off": "이제 <Tab> 키를 누르면 탭 문자가 삽입됩니다.",
"toggle.tabMovesFocus.on": "이제 <Tab> 키를 누르면 포커스가 다음 포커스 가능한 요소로 이동합니다."
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"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingInStrings.shortLabel": "문자열에서 강조 표시 사용 안 함",
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"warningIcon": "확장 편집기에 경고 메시지와 함께 표시되는 아이콘입니다."
"vs/editor/contrib/unusualLineTerminators/browser/unusualLineTerminators": {
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"unusualLineTerminators.ignore": "무시",
"unusualLineTerminators.message": "비정상적인 줄 종결자가 검색됨",
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"overviewRulerWordHighlightStrongForeground": "쓰기 액세스 기호에 대한 개요 눈금자 표식 색이 강조 표시됩니다. 기본 장식을 숨기지 않도록 색은 불투명하지 않아야 합니다.",
"wordHighlight": "변수 읽기와 같은 읽기 액세스 중 기호의 배경색입니다. 기본 장식을 숨기지 않도록 색은 불투명하지 않아야 합니다.",
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"wordHighlightStrong": "변수에 쓰기와 같은 쓰기 액세스 중 기호의 배경색입니다. 기본 장식을 숨기지 않도록 색은 불투명하지 않아야 합니다.",
"wordHighlightStrongBorder": "변수에 쓰기와 같은 쓰기 액세스 중 기호의 테두리 색입니다."
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"sizeTB": "{0}TB",
"unknownError": "알 수 없는 오류"
"vs/platform/history/browser/contextScopedHistoryWidget": {
"suggestWidgetVisible": "제안이 표시되는지 여부"
"vs/platform/keybinding/common/abstractKeybindingService": {
"first.chord": "({0})을(를) 눌렀습니다. 둘째 키는 잠시 기다렸다가 누르십시오...",
"missing.chord": "키 조합({0}, {1})은 명령이 아닙니다."
"vs/platform/list/browser/listService": {
"Fast Scroll Sensitivity": "Alt 키를 누를 때 스크롤 속도 승수입니다.",
"Mouse Wheel Scroll Sensitivity": "마우스 휠 스크롤 이벤트의 deltaX 및 deltaY에서 사용할 승수입니다.",
"Fast Scroll Sensitivity": "'Alt' 키를 누를 때 스크롤 속도 승수입니다.",
"Mouse Wheel Scroll Sensitivity": "마우스 휠 스크롤 이벤트의 `deltaX` 및 `deltaY`에서 사용할 승수입니다.",
"automatic keyboard navigation setting": "목록 및 트리에서 키보드 탐색이 입력만으로 자동 트리거되는지 여부를 제어합니다. 'false'로 설정하면 'list.toggleKeyboardNavigation' 명령을 실행할 때만 키보드 탐색이 트리거되어 바로 가기 키를 할당할 수 있습니다.",
"expand mode": "폴더 이름을 클릭할 때 트리 폴더가 확장되는 방법을 제어합니다. 일부 트리와 목록에서는 이 설정을 적용할 수 없는 경우 무시하도록 선택할 수 있습니다.",
"horizontalScrolling setting": "워크벤치에서 목록 및 트리의 가로 스크롤 여부를 제어합니다. 경고: 이 설정을 켜면 성능에 영향을 미칩니다.",
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"diffDiagonalFill": "diff 편집기의 대각선 채우기 색입니다. 대각선 채우기는 diff 나란히 보기에서 사용됩니다.",
"diffEditorBorder": "두 텍스트 편집기 사이의 테두리 색입니다.",
"diffEditorInserted": "삽입된 텍스트의 배경색입니다. 기본 장식을 숨기지 않도록 색은 불투명하지 않아야 합니다.",
"diffEditorInsertedLineGutter": "줄이 삽입된 여백의 배경색입니다.",
"diffEditorInsertedLines": "삽입된 줄의 배경색입니다. 기본 장식을 숨기지 않도록 색은 불투명하지 않아야 합니다.",
"diffEditorInsertedOutline": "삽입된 텍스트의 윤곽선 색입니다.",
"diffEditorOverviewInserted": "삽입된 콘텐츠에 대한 차등 개요 눈금자 전경입니다.",
"diffEditorOverviewRemoved": "제거된 콘텐츠에 대한 차등 개요 눈금자 전경입니다.",
"diffEditorRemoved": "제거된 텍스트 배경색입니다. 기본 장식을 숨기지 않도록 색은 불투명하지 않아야 합니다.",
"diffEditorRemovedLineGutter": "줄이 제거된 여백의 배경색입니다.",
"diffEditorRemovedLines": "제거된 줄의 배경색입니다. 색상은 기본 장식을 숨기지 않도록 불투명하지 않아야 합니다.",
"diffEditorRemovedOutline": "제거된 텍스트의 윤곽선 색입니다.",
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"editorInfo.background": "편집기에서 정보 텍스트의 배경색입니다. 기본 장식을 숨기지 않도록 색은 불투명하지 않아야 합니다.",
"editorInfo.foreground": "편집기 내 정보 표시선의 전경색입니다.",
"editorInlayHintBackground": "인라인 힌트의 배경색",
"editorInlayHintBackgroundParameter": "매개 변수에 대한 인라인 힌트의 배경색",
"editorInlayHintBackgroundTypes": "형식에 대한 인라인 힌트의 배경색",
"editorInlayHintForeground": "인라인 힌트의 전경색",
"editorInlayHintForegroundParameter": "매개 변수에 대한 인라인 힌트의 전경색",
"editorInlayHintForegroundTypes": "형식에 대한 인라인 힌트의 전경색",
"editorLightBulbAutoFixForeground": "전구 자동 수정 작업 아이콘에 사용되는 색상입니다.",
"editorLightBulbForeground": "전구 작업 아이콘에 사용되는 색상입니다.",
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"inputBoxBackground": "입력 상자 배경입니다.",
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"inputOption.activeBackground": "입력 필드에 있는 옵션의 배경 가리키기 색입니다.",
"inputOption.activeForeground": "입력 필드에서 활성화된 옵션의 전경색입니다.",
"inputOption.hoverBackground": "입력 필드에서 활성화된 옵션의 배경색입니다.",
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"iconDefintion.fontId": "사용할 글꼴의 ID입니다. 설정하지 않으면 첫 번째로 정의한 글꼴이 사용됩니다.",
"iconDefinition.fontCharacter": "아이콘 정의와 연결된 글꼴 문자입니다.",
"iconDefinition.fontId": "사용할 글꼴의 ID입니다. 설정하지 않으면 첫 번째로 정의한 글꼴이 사용됩니다.",
"nextChangeIcon": "다음 편집기 위치로 이동 아이콘입니다.",
"previousChangeIcon": "이전 편집기 위치로 이동 아이콘입니다.",
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"cannotWorkspaceUndoDueToInMeantimeUndoRedo": "그동안 실행 취소 또는 다시 실행 작업이 발생했기 때문에 모든 파일에서 '{0}'을(를) 실행 취소할 수 없습니다.",
"cannotWorkspaceUndoDueToInProgressUndoRedo": "{1}에서 실행 취소 또는 다시 실행 작업이 이미 실행 중이므로 모든 파일에서 '{0}'을(를) 실행 취소할 수 없습니다.",
"confirmDifferentSource": "'{0}'을(를) 실행 취소하시겠습니까?",
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"confirmDifferentSource.yes": "예",
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"nok": "이 파일 실행 취소",
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"wordsDescription": "Uwzględnij całe wyrazy"
"vs/base/browser/ui/findinput/replaceInput": {
"defaultLabel": "wejście",
"label.preserveCaseCheckbox": "Zachowaj wielkość liter"
"label.preserveCaseToggle": "Zachowaj wielkość liter"
"vs/base/browser/ui/iconLabel/iconLabelHover": {
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"vs/base/browser/ui/inputbox/inputBox": {
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"vs/base/parts/quickinput/browser/quickInputList": {
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"vs/editor/browser/controller/coreCommands": {
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"stickydesc": "Trzymaj się końca nawet podczas przechodzenia do dłuższych wierszy"
"vs/editor/browser/controller/textAreaHandler": {
"accessibilityOffAriaLabel": "Edytor nie jest w tej chwili dostępny. Naciśnij {0}, aby wyświetlić opcje.",
"editor": "edytor"
"vs/editor/browser/core/keybindingCancellation": {
"cancellableOperation": "Czy w edytorze jest uruchamiana operacja możliwa do anulowania, na przykład „Wgląd w odwołania”"
"vs/editor/browser/coreCommands": {
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"unchangedLine": "{0} niezmieniony wiersz {1}"
"vs/editor/browser/widget/inlineDiffMargin": {
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"diff.clipboard.copyChangedLinesContent.label": "Kopiuj zmienione wiersze",
"diff.clipboard.copyChangedLinesContent.single.label": "Kopiuj zmieniony wiersz",
"diff.clipboard.copyDeletedLineContent.label": "Kopiuj usunięty wiersz ({0})",
"diff.clipboard.copyDeletedLinesContent.label": "Kopiuj usunięte wiersze",
"diff.clipboard.copyDeletedLinesContent.single.label": "Kopiuj usunięty wiersz",
"diff.inline.revertChange.label": "Odwróć tę zmianę"
"vs/editor/common/config/commonEditorConfig": {
"vs/editor/common/config/editorConfigurationSchema": {
"codeLens": "Określa, czy w edytorze są wyświetlane wskaźniki CodeLens.",
"detectIndentation": "Określa, czy ustawienia „#editor.tabSize#” i „#editor.insertSpaces#” będą wykrywane automatycznie na podstawie zawartości pliku po otwarciu pliku.",
"editorConfigurationTitle": "Edytor",
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"insertSpaces": "Wstaw spacje po naciśnięciu klawisza „Tab”. To ustawienie jest przesłaniane na podstawie zawartości pliku, gdy opcja „#editor.detectIndentation#” jest włączona.",
"largeFileOptimizations": "Specjalna obsługa dużych plików w celu wyłączenia pewnych funkcji intensywnie korzystających z pamięci.",
"maxComputationTime": "Limit czasu (w milisekundach), po upływie którego obliczanie różnic jest anulowane. Użyj wartości 0, aby nie ustawiać limitu czasu.",
"maxFileSize": "Maksymalny rozmiar pliku w MB, dla którego mają być obliczane różnice. W przypadku braku limitu użyj wartości 0.",
"maxTokenizationLineLength": "Wiersze powyżej tej długości nie będą tokenizowane ze względu na wydajność",
"renderIndicators": "Określa, czy edytor różnic pokazuje wskaźniki +/- dla dodanych/usuniętych zmian.",
"schema.brackets": "Definiuje symbole nawiasów, które zwiększają lub zmniejszają wcięcie.",
"schema.closeBracket": "Znak nawiasu zamykającego lub sekwencja ciągu.",
"schema.colorizedBracketPairs": "Definiuje pary nawiasów, które są koloryzowane według ich poziomu zagnieżdżenia, jeśli opcja kolorowania par nawiasów jest włączona.",
"schema.openBracket": "Znak nawiasu otwierającego lub sekwencja ciągu.",
"semanticHighlighting.configuredByTheme": "Wyróżnianie semantyczne jest konfigurowane przez ustawienie „semanticHighlighting” bieżącego motywu kolorów.",
"semanticHighlighting.enabled": "Określa, czy element semanticHighlighting jest wyświetlany dla języków, które go obsługują.",
"semanticHighlighting.false": "Wyróżnianie semantyczne wyłączone dla wszystkich motywów kolorów.",
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"autoClosingQuotes": "Określa, czy edytor ma automatycznie zamykać cudzysłowy po dodaniu przez użytkownika cudzysłowu otwierającego.",
"autoIndent": "Określa, czy edytor powinien automatycznie dostosowywać wcięcie, gdy użytkownik wpisuje, wkleja, przenosi lub wcina wiersze.",
"autoSurround": "Określa, czy edytor ma automatycznie otaczać zaznaczenia podczas wpisywania cudzysłowów lub nawiasów.",
"bracketPairColorization.enabled": "Określa, czy kolorowanie par nawiasów jest włączone. Użyj ustawień „workbench.colorCustomizations”, aby zastąpić kolory wyróżnienia nawiasu.",
"bracketPairColorization.enabled": "Określa, czy kolorowanie par nawiasów jest włączone. Użyj ustawień „workbench.colorCustomizations“, aby zastąpić kolory wyróżnienia nawiasu.",
"bracketPairColorization.independentColorPoolPerBracketType": "Określa, czy każdy typ nawiasu ma własną niezależną pulę kolorów.",
"codeActions": "Włącza żarówkę akcji kodu w edytorze.",
"codeLens": "Określa, czy w edytorze są wyświetlane wskaźniki CodeLens.",
"codeLensFontFamily": "Określa rodziną czcionek dla funkcji CodeLens.",
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"editor.gotoLocation.multiple.goto": "Przejdź do wyniku podstawowego i włącz nawigację bez wglądu do innych",
"editor.gotoLocation.multiple.gotoAndPeek": "Przejdź do wyniku podstawowego i pokaż widok wglądu",
"editor.gotoLocation.multiple.peek": "Pokaż widok wglądu wyników (domyślnie)",
"editor.guides.bracketPairs": "Określa, czy włączone są prowadnice par nawiasów.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairs.active": "Włącza prowadnice par nawiasów tylko dla aktywnej pary nawiasów.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairs.false": "Wyłącza prowadnice par nawiasów.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairs.true": "Włącza prowadnice par nawiasów.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairsHorizontal": "Steruje, czy włączone są prowadnice pary poziomych nawiasów.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairsHorizontal.active": "Włącza prowadnice poziome tylko dla aktywnej pary nawiasów.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairsHorizontal.false": "Wyłącza prowadnice par nawiasów poziomych.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairsHorizontal.true": "Włącza prowadnice poziome jako dodatek do prowadnic par nawiasów pionowych.",
"editor.guides.highlightActiveBracketPair": "Określa, czy edytor powinien wyróżniać aktywną parę nawiasów.",
"editor.guides.highlightActiveIndentation": "Określa, czy edytor ma wyróżniać prowadnicę aktywnego wcięcia.",
"editor.guides.indentation": "Określa, czy edytor ma renderować prowadnice wcięcia.",
"editor.suggest.showClasss": "W przypadku włączenia tej opcji funkcja IntelliSense wyświetla sugestie „class”.",
"editor.suggest.showColors": "W przypadku włączenia tej opcji funkcja IntelliSense wyświetla sugestie „color”.",
"editor.suggest.showConstants": "W przypadku włączenia tej opcji funkcja IntelliSense wyświetla sugestie „constant”.",
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"folding": "Określa, czy w edytorze jest włączone składanie kodu.",
"foldingHighlight": "Określa, czy edytor ma wyróżniać złożone zakresy.",
"foldingImportsByDefault": "Kontroluje, czy edytor automatycznie zwija zakresy importu.",
"foldingMaximumRegions": "Maksymalna liczba regionów, które można składać. Zwiększenie tej wartości może spowodować, że edytor będzie mniej dynamiczny, gdy bieżące źródło ma dużą liczbę regionów z możliwością składania.",
"foldingStrategy": "Określa strategię obliczania zakresów składania.",
"foldingStrategy.auto": "Użyj strategii składania specyficznej dla języka, jeśli jest dostępna, w przeciwnym razie użyj strategii na podstawie wcięcia.",
"foldingStrategy.indentation": "Użyj strategii składania opartej na wcięciach.",
@ -274,18 +289,15 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"formatOnType": "Określa, czy edytor ma automatycznie formatować wiersz po wpisaniu.",
"glyphMargin": "Określa, czy edytor ma renderować pionowy margines symboli. Margines symboli jest najczęściej używany do debugowania.",
"hideCursorInOverviewRuler": "Określa, czy kursor ma być ukrywany na linijce przeglądu.",
"highlightActiveIndentGuide": "Określa, czy edytor ma wyróżniać prowadnicę aktywnego wcięcia.",
"hover.above": "Preferuj pokazywanie wskaźników myszy nad linią, jeśli jest miejsce.",
"hover.delay": "Określa opóźnienie w milisekundach, po którym jest wyświetlane aktywowanie.",
"hover.enabled": "Określa, czy aktywowanie ma być pokazywane.",
"hover.sticky": "Określa, czy aktywowanie powinno pozostać widoczne, gdy wskaźnik myszy zostanie nad nim przesunięty.",
"inlayHints.enable": "Włącza podpowiedzi śródwierszowe w edytorze.",
"inlayHints.fontFamily": "Kontroluje rodzinę czcionek w podpowiedziach dotyczących wkładek w edytorze. Po ustawieniu wartości pustej jest używany plik \"#editor.fontSize#\".",
"inlayHints.fontSize": "Kontroluje rozmiar czcionki w podpowiedziach śródwierszowych w edytorze. W przypadku ustawienia na wartość \"0\" używane jest 90% wartości \"#editor.fontSize#\".",
"inlayHints.fontSize": "Określa rozmiar czcionki dla wskazówek śródwierszowych w edytorze. Wartość domyślna wynosząca 90% wartości `#editor.fontSize#` jest używana, gdy skonfigurowana wartość jest mniejsza niż `5` lub większa niż rozmiar czcionki edytora.",
"inline": "Szybkie sugestie są wyświetlane jako tekst widmo",
"inlineSuggest.enabled": "Określa, czy automatycznie wyświetlać wbudowane sugestie w edytorze.",
"inlineSuggest.mode": "Określa, który tryb ma być używany do renderowania sugestii wbudowanych.",
"inlineSuggest.mode.prefix": "Renderuj tylko wbudowaną sugestię, jeśli tekst zastępujący jest prefiksem tekstu wstawiania.",
"inlineSuggest.mode.subword": "Renderuj tylko wbudowaną sugestię, jeśli tekst zastępujący jest słowem podrzędnym tekstu wstawiania.",
"inlineSuggest.mode.subwordSmart": "Renderuj tylko sugestię śródwierszową, jeśli tekst zastępujący jest słowem podrzędnym tekstu wstawiania, ale słowo podrzędne musi zaczynać się po kursorze.",
"letterSpacing": "Określa odstępy liter w pikselach.",
"lineHeight": "Kontroluje wysokość linii. \r\n — użyj wartości 0, aby automatycznie obliczyć wysokość linii na podstawie rozmiaru czcionki.\r\n — wartości w przedziale od 0 do 8 będą używane jako mnożnik z rozmiarem czcionki.\r\n — wartości większe lub równe 8 będą używane jako wartości rzeczywiste.",
"lineNumbers": "Steruje wyświetlaniem numerów wierszy.",
@ -309,13 +321,15 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"mouseWheelScrollSensitivity": "Mnożnik, który ma być używany w elementach „deltaX” i „deltaY” zdarzeń przewijania kółka myszy.",
"mouseWheelZoom": "Powiększ czcionkę edytora, gdy jest używane kółko myszy i przytrzymywany klawisz „Ctrl”.",
"multiCursorMergeOverlapping": "Scal wiele kursorów, gdy nakładają się na siebie.",
"multiCursorModifier": "Modyfikator używany do dodawania wielu kursorów za pomocą myszy. Gesty myszy Przejdź do definicji i Otwórz link dostosują się w taki sposób, aby nie powodowały konfliktu z modyfikatorem wielokursorowym. [Przeczytaj więcej](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/codebasics#_multicursor-modifier).",
"multiCursorModifier": "The modifier to be used to add multiple cursors with the mouse. The Go to Definition and Open Link mouse gestures will adapt such that they do not conflict with the multicursor modifier. [Read more](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/codebasics#_multicursor-modifier).",
"multiCursorModifier.alt": "Mapuje na klawisz „Alt” w systemach Windows i Linux oraz na klawisz „Option” w systemie macOS.",
"multiCursorModifier.ctrlCmd": "Mapuje na klawisz „Control” w systemach Windows i Linux oraz na klawisz „Command” w systemie macOS.",
"multiCursorPaste": "Steruje wklejaniem, gdy liczba wierszy wklejanego tekstu odpowiada liczbie kursora.",
"multiCursorPaste.full": "Każdy kursor wkleja pełny tekst.",
"multiCursorPaste.spread": "Każdy kursor wkleja pojedynczy wiersz tekstu.",
"occurrencesHighlight": "Określa, czy edytor powinien wyróżniać wystąpienia symboli semantycznych.",
"off": "Szybkie sugestie są wyłączone",
"on": "Szybkie sugestie są wyświetlane wewnątrz widżetu sugestii",
"overviewRulerBorder": "Określa, czy wokół linijki przeglądu ma być rysowane obramowanie.",
"padding.bottom": "Kontroluje ilość miejsca między dolną krawędzią edytora a ostatnim wierszem.",
"padding.top": "Kontroluje ilość miejsca między górną krawędzią edytora a pierwszym wierszem.",
@ -333,7 +347,6 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"renameOnTypeDeprecate": "Przestarzałe. Zamiast tego użyj elementu „editor.linkedEditing”.",
"renderControlCharacters": "Określa, czy edytor powinien renderować znaki kontrolne.",
"renderFinalNewline": "Renderuj numer ostatniego wiersza, gdy plik kończy się znakiem nowego wiersza.",
"renderIndentGuides": "Określa, czy edytor ma renderować prowadnice wcięcia.",
"renderLineHighlight": "Określa, w jaki sposób edytor powinien renderować wyróżnienie bieżącego wiersza.",
"renderLineHighlight.all": "Wyróżnia zarówno odstęp, jak i bieżący wiersz.",
"renderLineHighlightOnlyWhenFocus": "Określa, czy edytor powinien renderować wyróżnienie bieżącego wiersza tylko wtedy, gdy fokus znajduje się w edytorze.",
@ -381,10 +394,6 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"suggest.localityBonus": "Określa, czy sortowanie faworyzuje wyrazy, które pojawiają się w pobliżu kursora.",
"suggest.maxVisibleSuggestions.dep": "To ustawienie jest przestarzałe. Można teraz zmienić rozmiar widżetu sugestii.",
"suggest.preview": "Kontroluje, czy ma być dostępny podgląd wyników sugestii w edytorze.",
"suggest.previewMode": "Określa, który tryb ma być używany do renderowania podglądu sugestii.",
"suggest.previewMode.prefix": "Podgląd jest renderowany tylko wtedy, gdy prefiks jest podrzędny do tekstu wstawiania.",
"suggest.previewMode.subword": "Podgląd jest renderowany tylko wtedy, gdy tekst zamiany jest podrzędny do tekstu wstawiania.",
"suggest.previewMode.subwordSmart": "Renderuj podgląd, jeśli tekst zastępujący jest słowem podrzędnym tekstu wstawiania lub jeśli jest prefiksem tekstu wstawiania.",
"suggest.shareSuggestSelections": "Określa, czy zapamiętane wybory sugestii są współużytkowane przez wiele obszarów roboczych i okien (wymaga ustawienia „#editor.suggestSelection#”).",
"suggest.showIcons": "Określa, czy ikony mają być pokazywane, czy ukrywane w sugestiach.",
"suggest.showInlineDetails": "Określa, czy szczegóły sugestii mają być wyświetlane śródwierszowo z etykietą, czy tylko w widżecie szczegółów",
@ -402,6 +411,13 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"tabCompletion.on": "Zakończenie klawiszem Tab spowoduje wstawienie najlepiej pasującej sugestii po naciśnięciu klawisza Tab.",
"tabCompletion.onlySnippets": "Naciśnięcie klawisza Tab uzupełnia fragmenty kodu, gdy ich prefiks jest zgodny. Sprawdza się najlepiej, gdy sugestie „quickSuggestions” nie są włączone.",
"unfoldOnClickAfterEndOfLine": "Określa, czy kliknięcie pustej zawartości po złożonym wierszu spowoduje rozwinięcie wiersza.",
"unicodeHighlight.allowedCharacters": "Definiuje dozwolone znaki, które nie są wyróżniane.",
"unicodeHighlight.allowedLocales": "Znaki Unicode, które są wspólne w dozwolonych ustawieniach regionalnych, nie są wyróżniane.",
"unicodeHighlight.ambiguousCharacters": "Określa, czy są wyróżniane znaki, które można pomylić z podstawowymi znakami ASCII, z wyjątkiem tych, które są typowe w bieżących ustawieniach regionalnych użytkownika.",
"unicodeHighlight.includeComments": "Określa, czy znaki w komentarzach również powinny podlegać wyróżnianiu unicode.",
"unicodeHighlight.includeStrings": "Określa, czy znaki w ciągach również powinny podlegać wyróżnianiu Unicode.",
"unicodeHighlight.invisibleCharacters": "Określa, czy znaki, które tylko rezerwują miejsce lub nie mają żadnej szerokości, są wyróżniane.",
"unicodeHighlight.nonBasicASCII": "Określa, czy wszystkie znaki ASCII inne niż podstawowe są wyróżnione. Tylko znaki z zakresu od U+0020 do U+007E, tab, line-feed i carriage-return są traktowane jako podstawowe ASCII.",
"unusualLineTerminators": "Usuń nietypowe terminatory wierszy, które mogą powodować problemy.",
"unusualLineTerminators.auto": "Nietypowe terminatory wierszy są automatycznie usuwane.",
"unusualLineTerminators.off": "Nietypowe terminatory wiersza są ignorowane.",
@ -423,6 +439,59 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"wrappingStrategy.advanced": "Deleguje obliczenia punktów zawijania do przeglądarki. Jest to powolny algorytm, który może powodować zawieszanie się w przypadku dużych plików, ale działa poprawnie we wszystkich przypadkach.",
"wrappingStrategy.simple": "Zakłada, że wszystkie znaki mają tę samą szerokość. Jest to szybki algorytm, który działa poprawnie w przypadku czcionek o stałej szerokości i określonych skryptów (takich jak znaki alfabetu łacińskiego), w których symbole mają taką samą szerokość."
"vs/editor/common/core/editorColorRegistry": {
"caret": "Kolor kursora edytora.",
"deprecatedEditorActiveLineNumber": "Identyfikator jest przestarzały. Zamiast tego użyj właściwości „editorLineNumber.activeForeground”.",
"editorActiveIndentGuide": "Kolor aktywnych prowadnic wcięć edytora.",
"editorActiveLineNumber": "Kolor aktywnego numeru wiersza edytora",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground1": "Kolor pierwszego planu nawiasów (1). Wymaga włączenia kolorowania pary nawiasów.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground2": "Kolor pierwszego planu nawiasów (2). Wymaga włączenia kolorowania pary nawiasów.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground3": "Kolor pierwszego planu nawiasów (3). Wymaga włączenia kolorowania pary nawiasów.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground4": "Kolor pierwszego planu nawiasów (4). Wymaga włączenia kolorowania pary nawiasów.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground5": "Kolor pierwszego planu nawiasów (5). Wymaga włączenia kolorowania pary nawiasów.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground6": "Kolor pierwszego planu nawiasów (6). Wymaga włączenia kolorowania pary nawiasów.",
"editorBracketHighlightUnexpectedBracketForeground": "Kolor pierwszego planu nieoczekiwanych nawiasów kwadratowych.",
"editorBracketMatchBackground": "Kolor tła za pasującymi nawiasami",
"editorBracketMatchBorder": "Kolor pól pasujących nawiasów",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground1": "Kolor tła prowadnic par aktywnych nawiasów (1). Wymaga włączenia prowadnic par nawiasów.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground2": "Kolor tła prowadnic par aktywnych nawiasów (2). Wymaga włączenia prowadnic par nawiasów.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground3": "Kolor tła prowadnic par aktywnych nawiasów (3). Wymaga włączenia prowadnic par nawiasów.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground4": "Kolor tła prowadnic par aktywnych nawiasów (4). Wymaga włączenia prowadnic par nawiasów.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground5": "Kolor tła prowadnic par aktywnych nawiasów (5). Wymaga włączenia prowadnic par nawiasów.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground6": "Kolor tła prowadnic par aktywnych nawiasów (6). Wymaga włączenia prowadnic par nawiasów.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background1": "Kolor tła prowadnic par nieaktywnych nawiasów (1). Wymaga włączenia prowadnic par nawiasów.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background2": "Kolor tła prowadnic par nieaktywnych nawiasów (2). Wymaga włączenia prowadnic par nawiasów.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background3": "Kolor tła prowadnic par nieaktywnych nawiasów (3). Wymaga włączenia prowadnic par nawiasów.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background4": "Kolor tła prowadnic par nieaktywnych nawiasów (4). Wymaga włączenia prowadnic par nawiasów.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background5": "Kolor tła prowadnic par nieaktywnych nawiasów (5). Wymaga włączenia prowadnic par nawiasów.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background6": "Kolor tła prowadnic par nieaktywnych nawiasów (6). Wymaga włączenia prowadnic par nawiasów.",
"editorCodeLensForeground": "Kolor pierwszego planu wskaźników CodeLens edytora",
"editorCursorBackground": "Kolor tła kursora edytora. Umożliwia dostosowywanie koloru znaku, na który nakłada się kursor blokowy.",
"editorGhostTextBackground": "Kolor tła dla tekstu widma w edytorze.",
"editorGhostTextBorder": "Kolor obramowania tekstu widmo w edytorze.",
"editorGhostTextForeground": "Kolor pierwszego planu tekstu widma w edytorze.",
"editorGutter": "Kolor tła marginesu edytora. Margines zawiera marginesy symboli i numery wierszy.",
"editorIndentGuides": "Kolor prowadnic wcięć edytora.",
"editorLineNumbers": "Kolor numerów wierszy edytora.",
"editorOverviewRulerBackground": "Kolor tła linijki przeglądu edytora. Używany tylko wtedy, gdy minimapa jest włączona i umieszczona po prawej stronie edytora.",
"editorOverviewRulerBorder": "Kolor obramowania linijki przeglądu.",
"editorRuler": "Kolor linijek edytora.",
"editorUnicodeHighlight.background": "Kolor tła używany do wyróżniania znaków Unicode.",
"editorUnicodeHighlight.border": "Kolor obramowania używany do wyróżniania znaków Unicode.",
"editorWhitespaces": "Kolor białych znaków w edytorze.",
"lineHighlight": "Kolor tła dla wyróżnienia wiersza w pozycji kursora.",
"lineHighlightBorderBox": "Kolor tła dla obramowania wokół wiersza w pozycji kursora.",
"overviewRuleError": "Kolor znacznika linijki przeglądu dla błędów.",
"overviewRuleInfo": "Kolor znacznika linijki przeglądu dla informacji.",
"overviewRuleWarning": "Kolor znacznika linijki przeglądu dla ostrzeżeń.",
"overviewRulerRangeHighlight": "Kolor znacznika linijki przeglądu na potrzeby wyróżnień zakresów. Kolor nie może być nieprzezroczysty, aby nie ukrywać podstawowych dekoracji.",
"rangeHighlight": "Kolor tła wyróżnionych zakresów, na przykład przez funkcje szybkiego otwierania i znajdowania. Kolor nie może być nieprzezroczysty, aby nie ukrywać podstawowych dekoracji.",
"rangeHighlightBorder": "Kolor tła obramowania wokół wyróżnionych zakresów.",
"symbolHighlight": "Kolor tła wyróżnionego symbolu, na przykład dla przejścia do definicji lub do następnego/poprzedniego symbolu. Kolor nie może być nieprzezroczysty, aby nie ukrywać podstawowych dekoracji.",
"symbolHighlightBorder": "Kolor tła obramowania wokół wyróżnionych symboli.",
"unnecessaryCodeBorder": "Kolor obramowania niepotrzebnego (nieużywanego) kodu źródłowego w edytorze.",
"unnecessaryCodeOpacity": "Nieprzezroczystość niepotrzebnego (nieużywanego) kodu źródłowego w edytorze. Na przykład „#000000c0” spowoduje renderowanie kodu z nieprzezroczystością 75%. W przypadku motywów o dużym kontraście użyj koloru motywu „editorUnnecessaryCode.border”, aby podkreślić niepotrzebny kod zamiast powodować jego zaniknięcie."
"vs/editor/common/editorContextKeys": {
"editorColumnSelection": "Określa, czy jest włączona opcja `editor.columnSelection`",
"editorFocus": "Określa, czy edytor lub widżet edytora ma fokus (np. widżet znajdowania ma fokus)",
@ -455,12 +524,12 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"inDiffEditor": "Określa, czy kontekst jest edytorem różnicowym",
"textInputFocus": "Określa, czy edytor lub pole wejściowe tekstu sformatowanego ma fokus (kursor miga)"
"vs/editor/common/languages/modesRegistry": {
"plainText.alias": "Zwykły tekst"
"vs/editor/common/model/editStack": {
"edit": "Wpisywanie"
"vs/editor/common/modes/modesRegistry": {
"plainText.alias": "Zwykły tekst"
"vs/editor/common/standaloneStrings": {
"accessibilityHelpMessage": "Naciśnij klawisze Alt+F1, aby uzyskać opcje ułatwień dostępu.",
"auto_off": "Edytor jest skonfigurowany tak, aby nigdy nie był optymalizowany pod kątem użycia z czytnikiem zawartości ekranu, co nie ma miejsca w tej chwili.",
@ -497,45 +566,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"tabFocusModeOnMsgNoKb": "Naciśnięcie klawisza Tab w bieżącym edytorze spowoduje przeniesienie fokusu do następnego elementu, do którego można przenieść fokus. Polecenie {0} nie może być obecnie wyzwalane przez powiązanie klawiszy.",
"toggleHighContrast": "Przełącz motyw o dużym kontraście"
"vs/editor/common/view/editorColorRegistry": {
"caret": "Kolor kursora edytora.",
"deprecatedEditorActiveLineNumber": "Identyfikator jest przestarzały. Zamiast tego użyj właściwości „editorLineNumber.activeForeground”.",
"editorActiveIndentGuide": "Kolor aktywnych prowadnic wcięć edytora.",
"editorActiveLineNumber": "Kolor aktywnego numeru wiersza edytora",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground1": "Kolor pierwszego planu nawiasów (1). Wymaga włączenia kolorowania pary nawiasów.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground2": "Kolor pierwszego planu nawiasów (2). Wymaga włączenia kolorowania pary nawiasów.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground3": "Kolor pierwszego planu nawiasów (3). Wymaga włączenia kolorowania pary nawiasów.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground4": "Kolor pierwszego planu nawiasów (4). Wymaga włączenia kolorowania pary nawiasów.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground5": "Kolor pierwszego planu nawiasów (5). Wymaga włączenia kolorowania pary nawiasów.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground6": "Kolor pierwszego planu nawiasów (6). Wymaga włączenia kolorowania pary nawiasów.",
"editorBracketHighlightUnexpectedBracketForeground": "Kolor pierwszego planu nieoczekiwanych nawiasów kwadratowych.",
"editorBracketMatchBackground": "Kolor tła za pasującymi nawiasami",
"editorBracketMatchBorder": "Kolor pól pasujących nawiasów",
"editorCodeLensForeground": "Kolor pierwszego planu wskaźników CodeLens edytora",
"editorCursorBackground": "Kolor tła kursora edytora. Umożliwia dostosowywanie koloru znaku, na który nakłada się kursor blokowy.",
"editorGhostTextBorder": "Kolor obramowania tekstu widmo w edytorze.",
"editorGhostTextForeground": "Kolor pierwszego planu tekstu widma w edytorze.",
"editorGutter": "Kolor tła marginesu edytora. Margines zawiera marginesy symboli i numery wierszy.",
"editorIndentGuides": "Kolor prowadnic wcięć edytora.",
"editorLineNumbers": "Kolor numerów wierszy edytora.",
"editorOverviewRulerBackground": "Kolor tła linijki przeglądu edytora. Używany tylko wtedy, gdy minimapa jest włączona i umieszczona po prawej stronie edytora.",
"editorOverviewRulerBorder": "Kolor obramowania linijki przeglądu.",
"editorRuler": "Kolor linijek edytora.",
"editorWhitespaces": "Kolor białych znaków w edytorze.",
"lineHighlight": "Kolor tła dla wyróżnienia wiersza w pozycji kursora.",
"lineHighlightBorderBox": "Kolor tła dla obramowania wokół wiersza w pozycji kursora.",
"overviewRuleError": "Kolor znacznika linijki przeglądu dla błędów.",
"overviewRuleInfo": "Kolor znacznika linijki przeglądu dla informacji.",
"overviewRuleWarning": "Kolor znacznika linijki przeglądu dla ostrzeżeń.",
"overviewRulerRangeHighlight": "Kolor znacznika linijki przeglądu na potrzeby wyróżnień zakresów. Kolor nie może być nieprzezroczysty, aby nie ukrywać podstawowych dekoracji.",
"rangeHighlight": "Kolor tła wyróżnionych zakresów, na przykład przez funkcje szybkiego otwierania i znajdowania. Kolor nie może być nieprzezroczysty, aby nie ukrywać podstawowych dekoracji.",
"rangeHighlightBorder": "Kolor tła obramowania wokół wyróżnionych zakresów.",
"symbolHighlight": "Kolor tła wyróżnionego symbolu, na przykład dla przejścia do definicji lub do następnego/poprzedniego symbolu. Kolor nie może być nieprzezroczysty, aby nie ukrywać podstawowych dekoracji.",
"symbolHighlightBorder": "Kolor tła obramowania wokół wyróżnionych symboli.",
"unnecessaryCodeBorder": "Kolor obramowania niepotrzebnego (nieużywanego) kodu źródłowego w edytorze.",
"unnecessaryCodeOpacity": "Nieprzezroczystość niepotrzebnego (nieużywanego) kodu źródłowego w edytorze. Na przykład „#000000c0” spowoduje renderowanie kodu z nieprzezroczystością 75%. W przypadku motywów o dużym kontraście użyj koloru motywu „editorUnnecessaryCode.border”, aby podkreślić niepotrzebny kod zamiast powodować jego zaniknięcie."
"vs/editor/contrib/anchorSelect/anchorSelect": {
"vs/editor/contrib/anchorSelect/browser/anchorSelect": {
"anchorSet": "Zestaw zakotwiczenia w {0}: {1}",
"cancelSelectionAnchor": "Anuluj zakotwiczenie zaznaczenia",
"goToSelectionAnchor": "Przejdź do zakotwiczenia zaznaczenia",
@ -543,20 +574,20 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"selectionAnchor": "Zakotwiczenie zaznaczenia",
"setSelectionAnchor": "Ustaw zakotwiczenia zaznaczenia"
"vs/editor/contrib/bracketMatching/bracketMatching": {
"vs/editor/contrib/bracketMatching/browser/bracketMatching": {
"miGoToBracket": "Przejdź do &&nawiasu",
"overviewRulerBracketMatchForeground": "Kolor znacznika linijki przeglądu dla pasujących nawiasów.",
"smartSelect.jumpBracket": "Przejdź do nawiasu",
"smartSelect.selectToBracket": "Zaznacz do nawiasu"
"vs/editor/contrib/caretOperations/caretOperations": {
"vs/editor/contrib/caretOperations/browser/caretOperations": {
"caret.moveLeft": "Przenieś zaznaczony tekst w lewo",
"caret.moveRight": "Przesuń zaznaczony tekst w prawo"
"vs/editor/contrib/caretOperations/transpose": {
"vs/editor/contrib/caretOperations/browser/transpose": {
"transposeLetters.label": "Transponuj litery"
"vs/editor/contrib/clipboard/clipboard": {
"vs/editor/contrib/clipboard/browser/clipboard": {
"actions.clipboard.copyLabel": "Kopiuj",
"actions.clipboard.copyWithSyntaxHighlightingLabel": "Kopiuj z wyróżnieniem składni",
"actions.clipboard.cutLabel": "Wytnij",
@ -566,7 +597,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"miCut": "Wy&&tnij",
"miPaste": "&&Wklej"
"vs/editor/contrib/codeAction/codeActionCommands": {
"vs/editor/contrib/codeAction/browser/codeActionCommands": {
"applyCodeActionFailed": "Wystąpił nieznany błąd podczas stosowania akcji kodu",
"args.schema.apply": "Steruje stosowaniem zwracanych akcji.",
"args.schema.apply.first": "Zawsze stosuj pierwszą zwróconą akcję kodu.",
@ -597,15 +628,18 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"refactor.label": "Refaktoryzuj...",
"source.label": "Akcja źródłowa..."
"vs/editor/contrib/codeAction/lightBulbWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/codeAction/browser/lightBulbWidget": {
"codeAction": "Pokaż akcje kodu",
"codeActionWithKb": "Pokaż akcje kodu ({0})",
"preferredcodeActionWithKb": "Pokaż akcje kodu. Preferowana szybka poprawka jest dostępna ({0})"
"vs/editor/contrib/codelens/codelensController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/codelens/browser/codelensController": {
"showLensOnLine": "Pokaż polecenia CodeLens dla bieżącego wiersza"
"vs/editor/contrib/comment/comment": {
"vs/editor/contrib/colorPicker/browser/colorPickerWidget": {
"clickToToggleColorOptions": "Kliknij, aby przełączyć opcje kolorów (rgb/hsl/hex)"
"vs/editor/contrib/comment/browser/comment": {
"comment.block": "Przełącz komentarz blokowy",
"comment.line": "Przełącz komentarz wiersza",
"comment.line.add": "Dodaj komentarz wiersza",
@ -613,14 +647,21 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"miToggleBlockComment": "Przełącz komentarz &&blokowy",
"miToggleLineComment": "&&Przełącz komentarz wiersza"
"vs/editor/contrib/contextmenu/contextmenu": {
"vs/editor/contrib/contextmenu/browser/contextmenu": {
"action.showContextMenu.label": "Pokaż menu kontekstowe edytora"
"vs/editor/contrib/cursorUndo/cursorUndo": {
"vs/editor/contrib/cursorUndo/browser/cursorUndo": {
"cursor.redo": "Wykonaj ponownie kursor",
"cursor.undo": "Cofnij kursor"
"vs/editor/contrib/find/findController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/editorState/browser/keybindingCancellation": {
"cancellableOperation": "Czy w edytorze jest uruchamiana operacja możliwa do anulowania, na przykład „Wgląd w odwołania”"
"vs/editor/contrib/find/browser/findController": {
"actions.find.isRegexOverride": "Przesłania flagę „Use Regular Expression”.\r\nFlaga nie zostanie zapisana w przyszłości.\r\n0: Nic nie rób\r\n1. Prawda\r\n2. Fałsz",
"actions.find.matchCaseOverride": "Przesłania flagę „Math Case”.\r\nFlaga nie zostanie zapisana w przyszłości.\r\n0: Nic nie rób\r\n1. Prawda\r\n2. Fałsz",
"actions.find.preserveCaseOverride": "Przesłania flagę „Preserve Case”.\r\nFlaga nie zostanie zapisana w przyszłości.\r\n0: Nic nie rób\r\n1. Prawda\r\n2. Fałsz",
"actions.find.wholeWordOverride": "Przesłania flagę „Match Whole Word”.\r\nFlaga nie zostanie zapisana w przyszłości.\r\n0: Nic nie rób\r\n1. Prawda\r\n2. Fałsz",
"findNextMatchAction": "Znajdź następny",
"findPreviousMatchAction": "Znajdź poprzedni",
"miFind": "&&Znajdź",
@ -628,10 +669,11 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"nextSelectionMatchFindAction": "Znajdź następne zaznaczenie",
"previousSelectionMatchFindAction": "Znajdź poprzednie zaznaczenie",
"startFindAction": "Znajdź",
"startFindWithArgsAction": "Znajdź z argumentami",
"startFindWithSelectionAction": "Znajdź z zaznaczeniem",
"startReplace": "Zamień"
"vs/editor/contrib/find/findWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/find/browser/findWidget": {
"ariaSearchNoResult": "Znaleziono {0} dla „{1}”",
"ariaSearchNoResultEmpty": "znaleziono: {0}",
"ariaSearchNoResultWithLineNum": "znaleziono {0} dla „{1}” w {2}",
@ -659,7 +701,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"placeholder.replace": "Zamień",
"title.matchesCountLimit": "Tylko pierwsze wyniki ({0}) są wyróżnione, ale wszystkie operacje znajdowania działają na całym tekście."
"vs/editor/contrib/folding/folding": {
"vs/editor/contrib/folding/browser/folding": {
"editorGutter.foldingControlForeground": "Kolor kontrolki składania na marginesie edytora.",
"foldAction.label": "Złóż",
"foldAllAction.label": "Złóż wszystko",
@ -669,9 +711,10 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"foldBackgroundBackground": "Kolor tła za złożonym zakresami. Kolor nie może być nieprzezroczysty, aby nie ukrywać podstawowych dekoracji.",
"foldLevelAction.label": "Poziom składania {0}",
"foldRecursivelyAction.label": "Składaj cyklicznie",
"gotoNextFold.label": "Przejdź do następnego składania",
"gotoNextFold.label": "Przejdź do następnego zakresu składania",
"gotoParentFold.label": "Przeskocz do składania nadrzędnego",
"gotoPreviousFold.label": "Przejdź do poprzedniego składania",
"gotoPreviousFold.label": "Przejdź do poprzedniego zakresu składania",
"maximum fold ranges": "Liczba regionów składanych jest ograniczona do maksymalnie {0}. Zwiększ opcję konfiguracji [„Składane maksymalne regiony'](command:workbench.action.openSettings?[ „editor.foldingMaximumRegions”]) aby włączyć więcej.",
"toggleFoldAction.label": "Przełącz złożenie",
"unFoldRecursivelyAction.label": "Rozłóż rekursywnie",
"unfoldAction.label": "Rozłóż",
@ -679,26 +722,26 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"unfoldAllExcept.label": "Rozłóż wszystkie regiony z wyjątkiem wybranych",
"unfoldAllMarkerRegions.label": "Rozłóż wszystkie regiony"
"vs/editor/contrib/folding/foldingDecorations": {
"vs/editor/contrib/folding/browser/foldingDecorations": {
"foldingCollapsedIcon": "Ikona zwiniętych zakresów na marginesie symboli edytora.",
"foldingExpandedIcon": "Ikona dla rozwiniętych zakresów na marginesie symboli edytora."
"vs/editor/contrib/fontZoom/fontZoom": {
"vs/editor/contrib/fontZoom/browser/fontZoom": {
"EditorFontZoomIn.label": "Powiększenie czcionki edytora",
"EditorFontZoomOut.label": "Pomniejszenie czcionki edytora",
"EditorFontZoomReset.label": "Resetowanie powiększenia czcionki edytora"
"vs/editor/contrib/format/format": {
"vs/editor/contrib/format/browser/format": {
"hint11": "Wykonano 1 edycję formatowania w wierszu {0}",
"hint1n": "Wykonano 1 edycję formatowania między wierszami {0} i {1}",
"hintn1": "Wykonano edycje formatowania w liczbie {0} w wierszu {1}",
"hintnn": "Wykonano edycje formatowania w liczbie {0} między wierszami {1} i {2}"
"vs/editor/contrib/format/formatActions": {
"vs/editor/contrib/format/browser/formatActions": {
"formatDocument.label": "Formatuj dokument",
"formatSelection.label": "Formatuj zaznaczenie"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoError/gotoError": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoError/browser/gotoError": {
"markerAction.next.label": "Przejdź do następnego problemu (błąd, ostrzeżenie, informacje)",
"markerAction.nextInFiles.label": "Przejdź do następnego problemu w plikach (błąd, ostrzeżenie, informacje)",
"markerAction.previous.label": "Przejdź do poprzedniego problemu (błąd, ostrzeżenie, informacje)",
@ -708,7 +751,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"nextMarkerIcon": "Ikona do przechodzenia do następnego znacznika.",
"previousMarkerIcon": "Ikona do przechodzenia do poprzedniego znacznika."
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoError/gotoErrorWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoError/browser/gotoErrorWidget": {
"Error": "Błąd",
"Hint": "Wskazówka",
"Info": "Informacje",
@ -724,7 +767,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"marker aria": "{0} w {1}. ",
"problems": "{0} z {1} problemów"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/goToCommands": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/goToCommands": {
"actions.goToDecl.label": "Przejdź do definicji",
"actions.goToDeclToSide.label": "Otwórz definicję z boku",
"actions.goToDeclaration.label": "Przejdź do deklaracji",
@ -761,25 +804,25 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"references.noGeneric": "Nie znaleziono referencji",
"typedef.title": "Definicje typów"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/link/goToDefinitionAtPosition": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/link/goToDefinitionAtPosition": {
"multipleResults": "Kliknij, aby wyświetlić definicje ({0})."
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/peek/referencesController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/peek/referencesController": {
"labelLoading": "Trwa ładowanie...",
"metaTitle.N": "{0} ({1})",
"referenceSearchVisible": "Określa, czy jest widoczny podgląd odwołań, na przykład „Podejrzyj odwołania” lub „Podejrzyj definicję”"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/peek/referencesTree": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/peek/referencesTree": {
"referenceCount": "{0} odwołanie",
"referencesCount": "odwołania: {0}",
"treeAriaLabel": "Odwołania"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/peek/referencesWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/peek/referencesWidget": {
"missingPreviewMessage": "podgląd niedostępny",
"noResults": "Brak wyników",
"peekView.alternateTitle": "Odwołania"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/referencesModel": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/referencesModel": {
"aria.fileReferences.1": "1 symbol w {0}, pełna ścieżka {1}",
"aria.fileReferences.N": "Symbole w liczbie {0} w elemencie {1}, pełna ścieżka {2}",
"aria.oneReference": "symbol w elemencie {0} w wierszu {1} i kolumnie {2}",
@ -789,26 +832,26 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"aria.result.n1": "Znaleziono {0} symbole w {1}",
"aria.result.nm": "Znaleziono {0} symbole w {1} plikach"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/symbolNavigation": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/symbolNavigation": {
"hasSymbols": "Określa, czy istnieją lokalizacje symboli, do których można przechodzić tylko za pomocą klawiatury.",
"location": "Symbol {0} z {1}",
"location.kb": "Symbol {0} z {1}, {2} dla następnego"
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/hover": {
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/browser/hover": {
"showDefinitionPreviewHover": "Pokaż podgląd definicji po najechaniu kursorem",
"showHover": "Pokaż informacje po najechaniu kursorem"
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/markdownHoverParticipant": {
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/browser/markdownHoverParticipant": {
"modesContentHover.loading": "Trwa ładowanie...",
"too many characters": "Tokenizacja jest pomijana dla długich wierszy ze względu na wydajność. Można to skonfigurować za pośrednictwem elementu „editor.maxTokenizationLineLength”."
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/markerHoverParticipant": {
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/browser/markerHoverParticipant": {
"checkingForQuickFixes": "Sprawdzanie szybkich poprawek...",
"noQuickFixes": "Brak dostępnych szybkich poprawek",
"quick fixes": "Szybka poprawka...",
"view problem": "Wyświetl problem"
"vs/editor/contrib/indentation/indentation": {
"vs/editor/contrib/indentation/browser/indentation": {
"configuredTabSize": "Skonfigurowany rozmiar karty",
"detectIndentation": "Wykryj wcięcia na podstawie zawartości",
"editor.reindentlines": "Ponowne wcięcie wierszy",
@ -816,27 +859,35 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"indentUsingSpaces": "Wcięcie za pomocą spacji",
"indentUsingTabs": "Wcięcie za pomocą tabulatorów",
"indentationToSpaces": "Konwertuj wcięcia na spacje",
"indentationToTabs": "Konwertuj wcięcia na karty",
"indentationToTabs": "Konwertuj wcięcia na tabulatory",
"selectTabWidth": "Wybierz rozmiar tabulatora dla bieżącego pliku"
"vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/ghostTextController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/inlayHints/browser/inlayHintsHover": {
"hint.cmd": "Wykonaj polecenie",
"hint.dbl": "Kliknij dwukrotnie, aby wstawić",
"hint.def": "Przejdź do obszaru Definicja ({0})",
"hint.defAndCommand": "Przejdź do obszaru Definicja ({0}), kliknij prawym przyciskiem myszy, aby uzyskać więcej informacji",
"links.navigate.kb.alt": "ALT + kliknięcie",
"links.navigate.kb.alt.mac": "OPTION + kliknięcie",
"links.navigate.kb.meta": "CTRL + kliknięcie",
"links.navigate.kb.meta.mac": "CMD + kliknięcie"
"vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/browser/ghostTextController": {
"action.inlineSuggest.showNext": "Pokaż następną wbudowaną sugestię",
"action.inlineSuggest.showPrevious": "Pokaż poprzednią wbudowaną sugestię",
"action.inlineSuggest.trigger": "Wyzwól sugestię wbudowaną",
"inlineSuggestionHasIndentation": "Czy wbudowana sugestia zaczyna się od białych znaków",
"inlineSuggestionHasIndentationLessThanTabSize": "Czy wbudowana sugestia zaczyna się od białych znaków, która jest mniejsza niż to, co zostałoby wstawione przez tabulator",
"inlineSuggestionVisible": "Czy wbudowana sugestia jest widoczna"
"vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/inlineCompletionsHoverParticipant": {
"acceptInlineSuggestion": "Akceptuj",
"inlineSuggestionFollows": "Sugestia:",
"showNextInlineSuggestion": "Następne",
"showPreviousInlineSuggestion": "Poprzednie"
"vs/editor/contrib/inPlaceReplace/inPlaceReplace": {
"vs/editor/contrib/inPlaceReplace/browser/inPlaceReplace": {
"InPlaceReplaceAction.next.label": "Zamień na następną wartość",
"InPlaceReplaceAction.previous.label": "Zamień na poprzednią wartość"
"vs/editor/contrib/linesOperations/linesOperations": {
"vs/editor/contrib/lineSelection/browser/lineSelection": {
"expandLineSelection": "Rozwiń zaznaczenie linii"
"vs/editor/contrib/linesOperations/browser/linesOperations": {
"duplicateSelection": "Duplikuj zaznaczenie",
"editor.transformToLowercase": "Przekształć na małe litery",
"editor.transformToSnakecase": "Przekształć do pisowni z podkreśleniami zamiast spacji",
@ -848,6 +899,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"lines.delete": "Usuń wiersz",
"lines.deleteAllLeft": "Usuń wszystko z lewej",
"lines.deleteAllRight": "Usuń wszystko z prawej",
"lines.deleteDuplicates": "Usuń zduplikowane wiersze",
"lines.indent": "Wcięcie wiersza",
"lines.insertAfter": "Wstaw wiersz poniżej",
"lines.insertBefore": "Wstaw wiersz powyżej",
@ -864,27 +916,27 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"miMoveLinesDown": "Przenieś &&wiersz w dół",
"miMoveLinesUp": "&&Przenieś wiersz w górę"
"vs/editor/contrib/linkedEditing/linkedEditing": {
"vs/editor/contrib/linkedEditing/browser/linkedEditing": {
"editorLinkedEditingBackground": "Kolor tła, gdy edytor automatycznie zmienia nazwę na typ.",
"linkedEditing.label": "Rozpocznij edytowanie połączone"
"vs/editor/contrib/links/links": {
"vs/editor/contrib/links/browser/links": {
"invalid.url": "Nie można otworzyć tego linku, ponieważ nie jest on poprawnie sformułowany: {0}",
"label": "Otwórz link",
"links.navigate.executeCmd": "Wykonaj polecenie",
"links.navigate.follow": "Śledź link",
"links.navigate.kb.alt": "alt i kliknięcie",
"links.navigate.kb.alt.mac": "opcja i kliknięcie",
"links.navigate.kb.alt.mac": "option + kliknięcie",
"links.navigate.kb.meta": "ctrl + kliknięcie",
"links.navigate.kb.meta.mac": "polecenie i kliknięcie",
"links.navigate.kb.meta.mac": "cmd + kliknięcie",
"missing.url": "Nie można otworzyć tego linku, ponieważ brakuje jego elementu docelowego.",
"tooltip.explanation": "Wykonaj polecenie {0}"
"vs/editor/contrib/message/messageController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/message/browser/messageController": {
"editor.readonly": "Nie można edytować w edytorze tylko do odczytu",
"messageVisible": "Czy edytor aktualnie pokazuje komunikat osadzony"
"vs/editor/contrib/multicursor/multicursor": {
"vs/editor/contrib/multicursor/browser/multicursor": {
"addSelectionToNextFindMatch": "Dodaj zaznaczenie do następnego znalezionego dopasowania",
"addSelectionToPreviousFindMatch": "Dodaj zaznaczenie do poprzedniego dopasowania wyszukiwania",
"changeAll.label": "Zmień wszystkie wystąpienia",
@ -905,15 +957,16 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"mutlicursor.insertBelow": "Dodaj kursor poniżej",
"selectAllOccurrencesOfFindMatch": "Zaznacz wszystkie wystąpienia znalezionego dopasowania"
"vs/editor/contrib/parameterHints/parameterHints": {
"vs/editor/contrib/parameterHints/browser/parameterHints": {
"parameterHints.trigger.label": "Wyzwól wskazówki dotyczące parametrów"
"vs/editor/contrib/parameterHints/parameterHintsWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/parameterHints/browser/parameterHintsWidget": {
"editorHoverWidgetHighlightForeground": "Kolor pierwszego planu aktywnego elementu w podpowiedzi parametru.",
"hint": "{0}, wskazówka",
"parameterHintsNextIcon": "Ikona do pokazywania następnej wskazówki dotyczącą parametru.",
"parameterHintsPreviousIcon": "Ikona do pokazywania poprzedniej wskazówki dotyczącej parametru."
"vs/editor/contrib/peekView/peekView": {
"vs/editor/contrib/peekView/browser/peekView": {
"inReferenceSearchEditor": "Określa, czy bieżący edytor kodu jest osadzony w podglądzie",
"label.close": "Zamknij",
"peekViewBorder": "Kolor obramowań i strzałki widoku wglądu.",
@ -931,14 +984,14 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"peekViewTitleForeground": "Kolor tytułu widoku wglądu.",
"peekViewTitleInfoForeground": "Kolor informacji dotyczących tytułu widoku wglądu."
"vs/editor/contrib/quickAccess/gotoLineQuickAccess": {
"vs/editor/contrib/quickAccess/browser/gotoLineQuickAccess": {
"cannotRunGotoLine": "Aby przejść do wiersza, najpierw otwórz edytor tekstu.",
"gotoLineColumnLabel": "Przejdź do wiersza {0} i znaku {1}.",
"gotoLineLabel": "Przejdź do wiersza {0}.",
"gotoLineLabelEmpty": "Bieżący wiersz: {0}, znak: {1}. Wpisz numer wiersza, aby do niego przejść.",
"gotoLineLabelEmptyWithLimit": "Bieżący wiersz: {0}, znak: {1}. Wpisz numer wiersza z zakresu od 1 do {2}, aby do niego przejść."
"vs/editor/contrib/quickAccess/gotoSymbolQuickAccess": {
"vs/editor/contrib/quickAccess/browser/gotoSymbolQuickAccess": {
"_constructor": "konstruktory ({0})",
"array": "tablice ({0})",
"boolean": "wartości logiczne ({0})",
@ -972,7 +1025,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"typeParameter": "parametry typu ({0})",
"variable": "zmienne ({0})"
"vs/editor/contrib/rename/rename": {
"vs/editor/contrib/rename/browser/rename": {
"aria": "Pomyślnie zmieniono nazwę elementu „{0}” na „{1}”. Podsumowanie: {2}",
"enablePreview": "Włącz/wyłącz możliwość wyświetlania podglądu zmian przed zmianą nazwy",
"label": "Zmienianie nazwy elementu „{0}”",
@ -983,23 +1036,23 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"rename.label": "Zmień nazwę symbolu",
"resolveRenameLocationFailed": "Wystąpił nieznany błąd podczas rozpoznawania lokalizacji zmiany nazwy"
"vs/editor/contrib/rename/renameInputField": {
"vs/editor/contrib/rename/browser/renameInputField": {
"label": "{0}, aby zmienić nazwę, {1}, aby wyświetlić podgląd",
"renameAriaLabel": "Zmień nazwę danych wejściowych. Wpisz nową nazwę i naciśnij klawisz Enter, aby ją zatwierdzić.",
"renameInputVisible": "Określa, czy widżet danych wejściowych zmiany nazwy jest widoczny"
"vs/editor/contrib/smartSelect/smartSelect": {
"vs/editor/contrib/smartSelect/browser/smartSelect": {
"miSmartSelectGrow": "&&Rozwiń zaznaczenie",
"miSmartSelectShrink": "&&Zmniejsz zaznaczenie",
"smartSelect.expand": "Rozwiń zaznaczenie",
"smartSelect.shrink": "Zmniejsz zaznaczenie"
"vs/editor/contrib/snippet/snippetController2": {
"vs/editor/contrib/snippet/browser/snippetController2": {
"hasNextTabstop": "Określa, czy w trybie fragmentów kodu jest dostępny następny tabulator",
"hasPrevTabstop": "Określa, czy w trybie fragmentów kodu jest dostępny poprzedni tabulator",
"inSnippetMode": "Określa, czy edytor jest bieżący w trybie fragmentów kodu"
"vs/editor/contrib/snippet/snippetVariables": {
"vs/editor/contrib/snippet/browser/snippetVariables": {
"April": "Kwiecień",
"AprilShort": "Kwi",
"August": "Sierpień",
@ -1039,17 +1092,16 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"Wednesday": "Środa",
"WednesdayShort": "Śro"
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggest": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggest": {
"acceptSuggestionOnEnter": "Określa, czy sugestie są wstawiane po naciśnięciu klawisza Enter",
"suggestWidgetDetailsVisible": "Określa, czy szczegóły sugestii są widoczne",
"suggestWidgetMultipleSuggestions": "Określa, czy jest dostępnych wiele sugestii do wyboru",
"suggestWidgetVisible": "Określa, czy sugestie są widoczne",
"suggestionCanResolve": "Określa, czy bieżąca sugestia obsługuje rozpoznawanie dalszych szczegółów",
"suggestionHasInsertAndReplaceRange": "Określa, czy bieżąca sugestia ma zachowanie wstawiania i zamiany",
"suggestionInsertMode": "Określa, czy domyślne zachowanie to wstawienie, czy zamiana",
"suggestionMakesTextEdit": "Określa, czy wstawienie bieżącej sugestii jest tymczasowo wstrzymywane w zmianie, czy wszystko zostało już wpisane"
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestController": {
"accept.insert": "Wstaw",
"accept.replace": "Zamień",
"aria.alert.snippet": "Zaakceptowanie elementu „{0}” spowodowało powstanie {1} nowych edycji",
@ -1058,7 +1110,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"suggest.reset.label": "Resetuj rozmiar widżetu sugestii",
"suggest.trigger.label": "Wyzwól sugestie"
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestWidget": {
"ariaCurrenttSuggestionReadDetails": "{0}, dokumentacja: {1}",
"editorSuggestWidgetBackground": "Kolor tła widżetu sugestii.",
"editorSuggestWidgetBorder": "Kolor obramowania widżetu sugestii.",
@ -1068,22 +1120,26 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"editorSuggestWidgetSelectedBackground": "Kolor tła zaznaczonego wpisu w widżecie sugestii.",
"editorSuggestWidgetSelectedForeground": "Kolor pierwszego planu wybranego wpisu w widżecie sugestii.",
"editorSuggestWidgetSelectedIconForeground": "Kolor pierwszego planu ikony wybranego wpisu w widżecie sugestii.",
"editorSuggestWidgetStatusForeground": "Kolor pierwszego planu stanu widżetu sugestii.",
"label.desc": "{0}, {1}",
"label.detail": "{0}{1}",
"label.full": "{0}{1}, {2}",
"suggest": "Sugeruj",
"suggestWidget.loading": "Trwa ładowanie...",
"suggestWidget.noSuggestions": "Brak sugestii."
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestWidgetDetails": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestWidgetDetails": {
"details.close": "Zamknij",
"loading": "Trwa ładowanie..."
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestWidgetRenderer": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestWidgetRenderer": {
"readMore": "Przeczytaj więcej",
"suggestMoreInfoIcon": "Ikona do uzyskiwania dodatkowych informacji w widżecie sugestii."
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestWidgetStatus": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestWidgetStatus": {
"ddd": "{0} ({1})"
"vs/editor/contrib/symbolIcons/symbolIcons": {
"vs/editor/contrib/symbolIcons/browser/symbolIcons": {
"symbolIcon.arrayForeground": "Kolor pierwszego planu symboli tablic. Te symbole pojawiają się w konspekcie, linku do strony nadrzędnej i widgecie sugestii.",
"symbolIcon.booleanForeground": "Kolor pierwszego planu symboli wartości logicznych. Te symbole pojawiają się w konspekcie, linku do strony nadrzędnej i widgecie sugestii.",
"symbolIcon.classForeground": "Kolor pierwszego planu symboli klas. Te symbole pojawiają się w konspekcie, linku do strony nadrzędnej i widgecie sugestii.",
@ -1118,22 +1174,47 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"symbolIcon.unitForeground": "Kolor pierwszego planu dla symboli jednostek. Te symbole pojawiają się w konspekcie, nawigacji i widżecie sugestii.",
"symbolIcon.variableForeground": "Kolor pierwszego planu dla symboli zmiennych. Te symbole pojawiają się w konspekcie, nawigacji i widżecie sugestii."
"vs/editor/contrib/toggleTabFocusMode/toggleTabFocusMode": {
"vs/editor/contrib/toggleTabFocusMode/browser/toggleTabFocusMode": {
"toggle.tabMovesFocus": "Przełącz przenoszenie fokusu za pomocą klawisza Tab",
"toggle.tabMovesFocus.off": "Naciśnięcie klawisza Tab spowoduje teraz wstawienie znaku tabulacji",
"toggle.tabMovesFocus.on": "Naciśnięcie klawisza Tab spowoduje przeniesienie fokusu do następnego elementu, do którego można przenieść fokus"
"vs/editor/contrib/tokenization/tokenization": {
"vs/editor/contrib/tokenization/browser/tokenization": {
"forceRetokenize": "Deweloper: wymuś ponowną tokenizację"
"vs/editor/contrib/unusualLineTerminators/unusualLineTerminators": {
"vs/editor/contrib/unicodeHighlighter/browser/unicodeHighlighter": {
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingInComments": "Wyłącz wyróżnianie znaków w komentarzach",
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingInStrings": "Wyłącz wyróżnianie znaków w ciągach",
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfAmbiguousCharacters": "Wyłącz wyróżnianie niejednoznacznych znaków",
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfInvisibleCharacters": "Wyłącz wyróżnianie niewidocznych znaków",
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfNonBasicAsciiCharacters": "Wyłącz wyróżnianie znaków ASCII innych niż podstawowe",
"action.unicodeHighlight.showExcludeOptions": "Pokaż opcje wykluczania",
"unicodeHighlight.adjustSettings": "Dostosuj ustawienia",
"unicodeHighlight.allowCommonCharactersInLanguage": "Zezwalaj na znaki Unicode, które są bardziej typowe w języku „{0}\".",
"unicodeHighlight.characterIsAmbiguous": "Znak {0} można pomylić ze znakiem {1}, co jest częstsze w kodzie źródłowym.",
"unicodeHighlight.characterIsInvisible": "Znak {0} jest niewidoczny.",
"unicodeHighlight.characterIsNonBasicAscii": "Znak {0} nie jest podstawowym znakiem ASCII.",
"unicodeHighlight.configureUnicodeHighlightOptions": "Konfiguruj opcje wyróżniania Unicode",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingInComments.shortLabel": "Wyłącz wyróżnianie w komentarzach",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingInStrings.shortLabel": "Wyłącz wyróżnianie w ciągach",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfAmbiguousCharacters.shortLabel": "Wyłącz niejednoznaczne wyróżnienie",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfInvisibleCharacters.shortLabel": "Wyłącz niewidoczne wyróżnienie",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfNonBasicAsciiCharacters.shortLabel": "Wyłącz wyróżnienie inne niż ASCII",
"unicodeHighlight.excludeCharFromBeingHighlighted": "Wyklucz {0} z wyróżnienia",
"unicodeHighlight.excludeInvisibleCharFromBeingHighlighted": "Wyklucz {0} (niewidoczny znak) z wyróżnienia",
"unicodeHighlighting.thisDocumentHasManyAmbiguousUnicodeCharacters": "Ten dokument zawiera wiele niejednoznacznych znaków Unicode",
"unicodeHighlighting.thisDocumentHasManyInvisibleUnicodeCharacters": "Ten dokument zawiera wiele niewidocznych znaków Unicode",
"unicodeHighlighting.thisDocumentHasManyNonBasicAsciiUnicodeCharacters": "Ten dokument zawiera wiele niepodstawowych znaków ASCII unicode",
"warningIcon": "Ikona wyświetlana z komunikatem ostrzeżenia w edytorze rozszerzeń."
"vs/editor/contrib/unusualLineTerminators/browser/unusualLineTerminators": {
"unusualLineTerminators.detail": "Plik „{0}” zawiera co najmniej jeden nietypowy element końcowy wiersza, taki jak separator wierszy (LS) lub separator akapitów (PS).\r\n\r\nZaleca się usunięcie ich z pliku. Można to skonfigurować za pomocą elementu „editor.unusualLineTerminators”.",
"unusualLineTerminators.fix": "Usuń Nietypowe elementy końcowe wiersza",
"unusualLineTerminators.ignore": "Ignoruj",
"unusualLineTerminators.message": "Wykryto nietypowe elementy końcowe wiersza",
"unusualLineTerminators.title": "Nietypowe elementy końcowe wiersza"
"vs/editor/contrib/wordHighlighter/wordHighlighter": {
"vs/editor/contrib/wordHighlighter/browser/wordHighlighter": {
"overviewRulerWordHighlightForeground": "Kolor znacznika linijki przeglądu na potrzeby wyróżniania symboli. Kolor nie może być nieprzezroczysty, aby nie ukrywać podstawowych dekoracji.",
"overviewRulerWordHighlightStrongForeground": "Kolor znacznika linijki przeglądu na potrzeby wyróżniania symboli z dostępem do zapisu. Kolor nie może być nieprzezroczysty, aby nie ukrywać podstawowych dekoracji.",
"wordHighlight": "Kolor tła symbolu podczas dostępu do odczytu, na przykład odczytywania zmiennej. Kolor nie może być nieprzezroczysty, aby nie ukrywać podstawowych dekoracji.",
@ -1144,7 +1225,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"wordHighlightStrong": "Kolor tła symbolu podczas dostępu do zapisu, na przykład zapisywania do zmiennej. Kolor nie może być nieprzezroczysty, aby nie ukrywać podstawowych dekoracji.",
"wordHighlightStrongBorder": "Kolor obramowania symbolu podczas dostępu do zapisu, takiego jak w przypadku zapisywania do zmiennej."
"vs/editor/contrib/wordOperations/wordOperations": {
"vs/editor/contrib/wordOperations/browser/wordOperations": {
"deleteInsideWord": "Usuń słowo"
"vs/platform/actions/browser/menuEntryActionViewItem": {
@ -1183,13 +1264,16 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"sizeTB": "{0} TB",
"unknownError": "Nieznany błąd"
"vs/platform/history/browser/contextScopedHistoryWidget": {
"suggestWidgetVisible": "Określa, czy sugestie są widoczne"
"vs/platform/keybinding/common/abstractKeybindingService": {
"first.chord": "({0}) został naciśnięty. Oczekiwanie na drugi klawisz akordu...",
"missing.chord": "Kombinacja klawiszy ({0}, {1}) nie jest poleceniem."
"vs/platform/list/browser/listService": {
"Fast Scroll Sensitivity": "Mnożnik szybkości przewijania po naciśnięciu klawisza Alt.",
"Mouse Wheel Scroll Sensitivity": "Mnożnik do użycia w zdarzeniach przewijania deltaX i deltaY kółka myszy.",
"Fast Scroll Sensitivity": "Mnożnik szybkości przewijania podczas naciskania klawisza „Alt”.",
"Mouse Wheel Scroll Sensitivity": "Mnożnik, który ma być używany w elementach „deltaX” i „deltaY” zdarzeń przewijania kółka myszy.",
"automatic keyboard navigation setting": "Kontroluje, czy nawigacja za pomocą klawiatury w listach i drzewach jest automatycznie wyzwalana przez rozpoczęcie pisania. Jeśli ustawiono wartość „false”, nawigacja za pomocą klawiatury jest wyzwalana tylko przez wykonanie polecenia „list.toggleKeyboardNavigation”, do którego można przypisać skrót klawiaturowy.",
"expand mode": "Określa, w jaki sposób foldery drzewiaste są rozwijane po kliknięciu nazw folderów. Pamiętaj, że niektóre drzewa i listy mogą ignorować to ustawienie, jeśli nie ma zastosowania.",
"horizontalScrolling setting": "Kontroluje, czy listy i drzewa obsługują przewijanie w poziomie w środowisku roboczym. Ostrzeżenie: włączenie tego ustawienia wpływa na wydajność.",
@ -1254,8 +1338,14 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"diffDiagonalFill": "Kolor wypełnienia ukośnego w edytorze różnic. Wypełnienie ukośne jest używane w widokach wyświetlania różnic obok siebie.",
"diffEditorBorder": "Kolor obramowania między dwoma edytorami tekstu.",
"diffEditorInserted": "Kolor tła dla wstawionego tekstu. Kolor nie może być nieprzezroczysty, aby nie ukrywać dekoracji pod spodem.",
"diffEditorInsertedLineGutter": "Kolor tła marginesu, do którego wstawiono wiersze.",
"diffEditorInsertedLines": "Kolor tła wierszy, które zostały wstawione. Kolor musi być przezroczysty, aby nie ukrywać dekoracji pod spodem.",
"diffEditorInsertedOutline": "Kolor konturu tekstu, który został wstawiony.",
"diffEditorOverviewInserted": "Pierwszy plan linijki przeglądu różnic dla wstawionej zawartości.",
"diffEditorOverviewRemoved": "Pierwszy plan linijki przeglądu różnic dla usuniętej zawartości.",
"diffEditorRemoved": "Kolor tła dla usuniętego tekstu. Kolor nie może być nieprzezroczysty, aby nie ukrywać dekoracji pod spodem.",
"diffEditorRemovedLineGutter": "Kolor tła marginesu, z którego usunięto wiersze.",
"diffEditorRemovedLines": "Kolor tła wierszy, które zostały usunięte. Kolor musi być przezroczysty, aby nie ukrywać dekoracji pod spodem.",
"diffEditorRemovedOutline": "Kolor konturu tekstu, który został usunięty.",
"dropdownBackground": "Tło listy rozwijanej.",
"dropdownBorder": "Obramowanie listy rozwijanej.",
@ -1272,7 +1362,11 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"editorInfo.background": "Kolor tła dla tekstu informacyjnego w edytorze. Kolor nie może być nieprzezroczysty, aby nie ukrywać dekoracji pod spodem.",
"editorInfo.foreground": "Kolor pierwszego planu dla zygzaków informacji w edytorze.",
"editorInlayHintBackground": "Kolor tła podpowiedzi śródwierszowych",
"editorInlayHintBackgroundParameter": "Kolor tła wskazówek śródwierszowych dla parametrów",
"editorInlayHintBackgroundTypes": "Kolor tła wskazówek śródwierszowych",
"editorInlayHintForeground": "Kolor pierwszego planu podpowiedzi śródwierszowych",
"editorInlayHintForegroundParameter": "Kolor pierwszego planu wskazówek śródwierszowych dla parametrów",
"editorInlayHintForegroundTypes": "Kolor pierwszego planu wskazówek śródwierszowych",
"editorLightBulbAutoFixForeground": "Kolor używany dla ikony żarówki akcji automatycznej naprawy.",
"editorLightBulbForeground": "Kolor używany dla ikony żarówki akcji.",
"editorSelectionBackground": "Kolor zaznaczenia w edytorze.",
@ -1305,8 +1399,9 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"inputBoxBackground": "Tło pola wejściowego.",
"inputBoxBorder": "Obramowanie pola wejściowego.",
"inputBoxForeground": "Pierwszy plan pola wejściowego.",
"inputOption.activeBackground": "Kolor tła aktywowanych opcji w polach wejściowych.",
"inputOption.activeBackground": "Kolor tła hover opcji w danych wejściowych.",
"inputOption.activeForeground": "Kolor pierwszego planu aktywowanych opcji w polach wejściowych.",
"inputOption.hoverBackground": "Kolor tła aktywowanych opcji w polach wejściowych.",
"inputPlaceholderForeground": "Kolor pierwszego planu pola wejściowego dla tekstu zastępczego.",
"inputValidationErrorBackground": "Kolor tła walidacji danych wejściowych dla ważności błędu.",
"inputValidationErrorBorder": "Kolor obramowania walidacji danych wejściowych dla ważności błędu.",
@ -1362,7 +1457,9 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"minimapBackground": "Kolor tła minimapy.",
"minimapError": "Kolor znacznika minimapy dla błędów.",
"minimapFindMatchHighlight": "Kolor znacznika minimapy dla dopasowań wyszukiwania.",
"minimapForegroundOpacity": "Nieprzezroczystość elementów pierwszego planu renderowanych w minimapie. Na przykład „#000000c0” spowoduje renderowanie elementów z 75-procentową nieprzezroczystością.",
"minimapSelectionHighlight": "Kolor znacznika minimapy dla zaznaczenia w edytorze.",
"minimapSelectionOccurrenceHighlight": "Kolor znacznika minimapy dla powtarzających się zaznaczeń edytora.",
"minimapSliderActiveBackground": "Kolor tła suwaka minimapy po kliknięciu.",
"minimapSliderBackground": "Kolor tła suwaka minimapy.",
"minimapSliderHoverBackground": "Kolor tła suwaka minimapy podczas aktywowania.",
@ -1398,6 +1495,8 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"snippetTabstopHighlightBackground": "Kolor tła wyróżnienia dla pozycji tabulatora we fragmencie.",
"snippetTabstopHighlightBorder": "Kolor obramowania wyróżnienia dla pozycji tabulatora we fragmencie.",
"statusBarBackground": "Kolor tła paska stanu informacji wyświetlonych w edytorze po najechaniu kursorem.",
"tableColumnsBorder": "Kolor obramowania tabeli między kolumnami.",
"tableOddRowsBackgroundColor": "Kolor tła dla nieparzystych wierszy tabeli.",
"textBlockQuoteBackground": "Kolor tła dla cytatów blokowych w tekście.",
"textBlockQuoteBorder": "Kolor obramowania dla cytatów blokowych w tekście.",
"textCodeBlockBackground": "Kolor tła bloków kodu w tekście.",
@ -1413,8 +1512,8 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"widgetShadow": "Kolor cienia widżetów takich jak znajdź/zamień wewnątrz edytora."
"vs/platform/theme/common/iconRegistry": {
"iconDefintion.fontCharacter": "Znak czcionki skojarzony z definicją ikony.",
"iconDefintion.fontId": "Identyfikator czcionki do użycia. Jeśli nie ustawiono, jest używana czcionka zdefiniowana jako pierwsza.",
"iconDefinition.fontCharacter": "Znak czcionki skojarzony z definicją ikony.",
"iconDefinition.fontId": "Identyfikator czcionki do użycia. Jeśli nie ustawiono, jest używana czcionka zdefiniowana jako pierwsza.",
"nextChangeIcon": "Ikona przechodzenia do następnej lokalizacji edytora.",
"previousChangeIcon": "Ikona przechodzenia do poprzedniej lokalizacji edytora.",
"widgetClose": "Ikona akcji zamknięcia w widżetach."
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"cannotWorkspaceUndoDueToInMeantimeUndoRedo": "Nie można cofnąć operacji „{0}” dla wszystkich plików, ponieważ w międzyczasie miała miejsce operacja cofania lub ponownego wykonania",
"cannotWorkspaceUndoDueToInProgressUndoRedo": "Nie można cofnąć operacji „{0}” dla wszystkich plików, ponieważ istnieje już operacja cofania lub ponownego uruchomienia dla plików {1}",
"confirmDifferentSource": "Czy chcesz cofnąć operację „{0}”?",
"confirmDifferentSource.no": "Nie",
"confirmDifferentSource.yes": "Tak",
"confirmWorkspace": "Czy chcesz cofnąć operację „{0}” dla wszystkich plików?",
"externalRemoval": "Następujące pliki zostały zamknięte i zmodyfikowane na dysku: {0}.",
@ -1439,7 +1539,12 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"nok": "Cofnij ten plik",
"ok": "Cofnij w {0} plikach"
"vs/platform/workspaces/common/workspaces": {
"vs/platform/workspace/common/workspace": {
"codeWorkspace": "Obszar roboczy programu Code"
"vs/platform/workspace/common/workspaceTrust": {
"trusted": "Zaufany",
"untrusted": "Ograniczony tryb"
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"vs/base/browser/ui/actionbar/actionViewItems": {
"titleLabel": "{0} ({1})"
"vs/base/browser/ui/findinput/findInput": {
"defaultLabel": "entrada"
"vs/base/browser/ui/findinput/findInputCheckboxes": {
"caseDescription": "Diferenciar Maiúsculas de Minúsculas",
"regexDescription": "Usar Expressão Regular",
"wordsDescription": "Coincidir Palavra Inteira"
"vs/base/browser/ui/findinput/replaceInput": {
"defaultLabel": "entrada",
"label.preserveCaseCheckbox": "Preservar Maiúsculas e Minúsculas"
"label.preserveCaseToggle": "Preservar Maiúsculas e Minúsculas"
"vs/base/browser/ui/iconLabel/iconLabelHover": {
"iconLabel.loading": "Carregando..."
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"vs/base/browser/ui/inputbox/inputBox": {
"alertErrorMessage": "Erro: {0}",
"alertInfoMessage": "Informações: {0}",
"alertWarningMessage": "Aviso: {0}"
"alertWarningMessage": "Aviso: {0}",
"history.inputbox.hint": "para o histórico"
"vs/base/browser/ui/keybindingLabel/keybindingLabel": {
"unbound": "Não Associado"
"vs/base/browser/ui/menu/menu": {
"titleLabel": "{0} ({1})"
"vs/base/browser/ui/tree/abstractTree": {
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"shiftKey": "Shift",
"shiftKey.long": "Shift",
"superKey": "Super",
@ -72,16 +69,13 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"vs/base/parts/quickinput/browser/quickInputList": {
"quickInput": "Entrada Rápida"
"vs/editor/browser/controller/coreCommands": {
"removedCursor": "Cursores secundários removidos",
"stickydesc": "Passe para o fim mesmo quando passar para linhas mais longas"
"vs/editor/browser/controller/textAreaHandler": {
"accessibilityOffAriaLabel": "O editor não está acessível no momento. Pressione {0} para obter opções.",
"editor": "editor"
"vs/editor/browser/core/keybindingCancellation": {
"cancellableOperation": "Se o editor executa uma operação que pode ser cancelada, como 'Espiar Referências'"
"vs/editor/browser/coreCommands": {
"removedCursor": "Cursores secundários removidos",
"stickydesc": "Passe para o fim mesmo quando passar para linhas mais longas"
"vs/editor/browser/editorExtensions": {
"miRedo": "&&Refazer",
@ -117,12 +111,15 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"unchangedLine": "{0} linha não alterada {1}"
"vs/editor/browser/widget/inlineDiffMargin": {
"diff.clipboard.copyChangedLineContent.label": "Copiar a linha alterada ({0})",
"diff.clipboard.copyChangedLinesContent.label": "Copiar linhas alteradas",
"diff.clipboard.copyChangedLinesContent.single.label": "Copiar linha alterada",
"diff.clipboard.copyDeletedLineContent.label": "Copiar linha excluída ({0})",
"diff.clipboard.copyDeletedLinesContent.label": "Copiar linhas excluídas",
"diff.clipboard.copyDeletedLinesContent.single.label": "Copiar linha excluída",
"diff.inline.revertChange.label": "Reverter esta alteração"
"vs/editor/common/config/commonEditorConfig": {
"vs/editor/common/config/editorConfigurationSchema": {
"codeLens": "Controla se o editor mostra CodeLens.",
"detectIndentation": "Controla se `#editor.tabSize#` e `#editor.insertSpaces#` serão automaticamente detectados quando um arquivo for aberto com base no respectivo conteúdo.",
"editorConfigurationTitle": "Editor",
@ -130,8 +127,13 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"insertSpaces": "Inserir espaços ao pressionar `Tab`. Esta configuração é substituída com base no conteúdo do arquivo quando `#editor.detectIndentation#` está ativo.",
"largeFileOptimizations": "Tratamento especial para arquivos grandes para desabilitar determinados recursos de uso intensivo de memória.",
"maxComputationTime": "Tempo limite em milissegundos após o cancelamento da computação de comparação. Use 0 para nenhum tempo limite.",
"maxFileSize": "Tamanho máximo do arquivo em MB para calcular as diferenças. Use 0 para nenhum limite.",
"maxTokenizationLineLength": "Linhas acima desse comprimento não serão indexadas por motivos de desempenho",
"renderIndicators": "Controla se o editor de comparação mostra indicadores +/- para alterações adicionadas/removidas.",
"schema.brackets": "Define os símbolos de colchetes que aumentam ou diminuem o recuo.",
"schema.closeBracket": "A sequência de caracteres de colchete de fechamento ou a sequência de caracteres.",
"schema.colorizedBracketPairs": "Define os pares de colchetes que são coloridos por seu nível de aninhamento se a colorização de par de colchetes estiver habilitada.",
"schema.openBracket": "A cadeia de caracteres de colchetes de abertura ou sequência de cadeia de caracteres.",
"semanticHighlighting.configuredByTheme": "O realce de semântica é configurado pela configuração `semanticHighlighting` do tema de cor atual.",
"semanticHighlighting.enabled": "Controla se o semanticHighlighting é mostrado para as linguagens que dão suporte a ele.",
"semanticHighlighting.false": "Realce de semântica desabilitado para todos os temas de cor.",
@ -144,7 +146,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"wordBasedSuggestionsMode": "Controla em quais documentos as conclusões baseadas em palavras são computadas.",
"wordBasedSuggestionsMode.allDocuments": "Sugerir palavras de todos os documentos abertos.",
"wordBasedSuggestionsMode.currentDocument": "Sugerir palavras apenas do documento ativo.",
"wordBasedSuggestionsMode.matchingDocuments": "Sugerir palavras de todos os documentos abertos do mesmo idioma.",
"wordBasedSuggestionsMode.matchingDocuments": "Sugerir palavras de todos os documentos abertos da mesma linguagem.",
"wordWrap.inherit": "As linhas serão quebradas automaticamente de acordo com a configuração de `#editor.wordWrap#`.",
"wordWrap.off": "As linhas nunca serão quebradas.",
"wordWrap.on": "As linhas serão quebradas na largura do visor."
@ -170,10 +172,11 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"autoIndent": "Controla se o editor deve ajustar automaticamente o recuo quando os usuários digitam, colam, movem ou recuam linhas.",
"autoSurround": "Controla se o editor deve envolver as seleções automaticamente.",
"bracketPairColorization.enabled": "Controla se a colorização do par de colchetes está habilitada ou não. Use 'workbench.colorCustomizations' para substituir as cores de realce de colchetes.",
"bracketPairColorization.independentColorPoolPerBracketType": "Controla se cada tipo de colchete tem seu próprio pool de cores independente.",
"codeActions": "Habilita a lâmpada de ação do código no editor.",
"codeLens": "Controla se o editor mostra CodeLens.",
"codeLensFontFamily": "Controla a família de fontes do CodeLens.",
"codeLensFontSize": "Controla o tamanho da fonte do CodeLens em pixels. Quando esta configuração é definida como `0`, os 90% de `#editor.fontSize#` são usados.",
"codeLensFontSize": "Controla o tamanho da fonte do CodeLens em pixels. Quando esta configuração é definida como `0`, será usado 90% do `#editor.fontSize#`.",
"colorDecorators": "Controla se o editor deve renderizar o seletor de cor e os decoradores de cor embutidos.",
"columnSelection": "Permite que a seleção com o mouse e as teclas faça a seleção de coluna.",
"comments.ignoreEmptyLines": "Controla se linhas vazias devem ser ignoradas com as ações de alternância, adição ou remoção para comentários de linha.",
@ -219,6 +222,17 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"editor.gotoLocation.multiple.goto": "Ir para o resultado primário e habilitar a navegação sem espiada para outros",
"editor.gotoLocation.multiple.gotoAndPeek": "Ir para o resultado primário e mostrar uma exibição com espiada",
"editor.gotoLocation.multiple.peek": "Mostrar exibição com espiada dos resultados (padrão)",
"editor.guides.bracketPairs": "Controla se as guias de pares de colchetes estão habilitadas ou não.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairs.active": "Habilita guias de par de colchetes somente para o par de colchetes ativo.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairs.false": "Desabilita guias de par de colchetes.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairs.true": "Habilita guias de par de colchetes.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairsHorizontal": "Controla se as guias de par de colchetes horizontais estão habilitadas ou não.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairsHorizontal.active": "Habilita guias horizontais somente para o par de colchetes ativo.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairsHorizontal.false": "Desabilita guias de par de colchetes horizontais.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairsHorizontal.true": "Habilita guias horizontais como adição a guias de par de colchetes verticais.",
"editor.guides.highlightActiveBracketPair": "Controla se o editor deve destacar o par de colchetes ativo.",
"editor.guides.highlightActiveIndentation": "Controla se o editor deve realçar a guia de recuo ativo.",
"editor.guides.indentation": "Controla se o editor deve renderizar guias de recuo.",
"editor.suggest.showClasss": "Quando habilitado, o IntelliSense mostra sugestões de `class`.",
"editor.suggest.showColors": "Quando habilitado, o IntelliSense mostra sugestões de `color`.",
"editor.suggest.showConstants": "Quando habilitado, o IntelliSense mostra sugestões de `constant`.",
@ -260,8 +274,9 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"folding": "Controla se o editor tem a dobragem de código habilitada.",
"foldingHighlight": "Controla se o editor deve realçar intervalos dobrados.",
"foldingImportsByDefault": "Controla se o editor recolhe automaticamente os intervalos de importação.",
"foldingMaximumRegions": "O número máximo de regiões dobráveis. Aumentar esse valor pode fazer com que o editor se torne menos responsivo quando a fonte atual tiver um grande número de regiões dobráveis.",
"foldingStrategy": "Controla a estratégia para os intervalos de dobragem de computação.",
"foldingStrategy.auto": "Usar uma estratégia de dobragem específica a um idioma, se disponível, senão usar uma baseada em recuo.",
"foldingStrategy.auto": "Usar uma estratégia de dobragem específica a um linguagem, se disponível, senão usar uma baseada em recuo.",
"foldingStrategy.indentation": "Usar a estratégia de dobragem baseada em recuo.",
"fontFamily": "Controla a família de fontes.",
"fontFeatureSettings": "A propriedade 'font-feature-settings' explícita do CSS. Quando é necessário ativar/desativar ligaturas, é possível passar um booliano.",
@ -274,18 +289,15 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"formatOnType": "Controla se o editor deve formatar automaticamente a linha após a digitação.",
"glyphMargin": "Controla se o editor deve renderizar a margem vertical do glifo. A margem do glifo é usada principalmente para depuração.",
"hideCursorInOverviewRuler": "Controla se o cursor deve ser ocultado na régua de visão geral.",
"highlightActiveIndentGuide": "Controla se o editor deve realçar a guia de recuo ativo.",
"hover.above": "Prefira mostrar os focos acima da linha, se houver espaço.",
"hover.delay": "Controla o atraso em milissegundos após o qual o foco é exibido.",
"hover.enabled": "Controla se o foco é mostrado.",
"hover.sticky": "Controla se o foco deve permanecer visível quando o mouse é movido sobre ele.",
"inlayHints.enable": "Habilita as dicas embutidas no editor.",
"inlayHints.fontFamily": "Controla a família de fontes de dicas de incrustações no editor. Quando definido como vazio, o `#editor.fontFamily#` é usado.",
"inlayHints.fontSize": "Controla o tamanho da fonte das dicas embutidas no editor. Quando esta configuração é definida como `0`, os 90% do `#editor.fontSize#` são usados.",
"inlayHints.fontSize": "Controla o tamanho da fonte das dicas embutidas no editor. Um padrão de 90% do `#editor.fontSize#` é usado quando o valor configurado é menor que `5` ou maior que o tamanho da fonte do editor.",
"inline": "As Sugestões rápidas são mostradas como texto fantasma",
"inlineSuggest.enabled": "Controla se quer mostrar automaticamente sugestões em linha no editor.",
"inlineSuggest.mode": "Controla qual modo usar para renderizar a visualização da sugestão.",
"inlineSuggest.mode.prefix": "Só renderize uma sugestão embutida se o texto de substituição for um prefixo do texto de inserção.",
"inlineSuggest.mode.subword": "Só renderize uma sugestão embutida se o texto de substituição for uma subpalavra do texto de inserção.",
"inlineSuggest.mode.subwordSmart": "Somente renderize uma sugestão embutida se o texto de substituição for uma subpalavra do texto inserido, mas a subpalavra deve iniciar após o cursor.",
"letterSpacing": "Controla o espaçamento de letras em pixels.",
"lineHeight": "Controla a altura da linha. \r\n - Use 0 para calcular automaticamente a altura da linha do tamanho da fonte.\r\n - Os valores entre 0 e 8 serão usados como um multiplicador com o tamanho da fonte.\r\n - Valores maiores ou iguais a 8 serão usados como valores efetivos.",
"lineNumbers": "Controla a exibição de números de linha.",
@ -293,7 +305,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"lineNumbers.off": "Os números de linha não são renderizados.",
"lineNumbers.on": "Os números de linha são renderizados como um número absoluto.",
"lineNumbers.relative": "Os números de linha são renderizados como distância em linhas à posição do cursor.",
"linkedEditing": "Controla se o editor tem a edição vinculada habilitada. Dependendo do idioma, os símbolos relacionados, por exemplo, a marcas HTML, são atualizados durante a edição.",
"linkedEditing": "Controla se o editor tem a edição vinculada habilitada. Dependendo da linguagem, os símbolos relacionados, por exemplo, a marcas HTML, são atualizados durante a edição.",
"links": "Controla se o editor deve detectar links e torná-los clicáveis.",
"matchBrackets": "Realçar colchetes correspondentes.",
"minimap.enabled": "Controla se o minimapa é exibido.",
@ -309,13 +321,15 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"mouseWheelScrollSensitivity": "Um multiplicador a ser usado no `deltaX` e no `deltaY` dos eventos de rolagem do mouse.",
"mouseWheelZoom": "Aplicar zoom à fonte do editor ao usar o botão de rolagem do mouse e segurar `Ctrl`.",
"multiCursorMergeOverlapping": "Mesclar vários cursores quando eles estiverem sobrepostos.",
"multiCursorModifier": "O modificador a ser usado para adicionar vários cursores com o mouse. Os gestos do mouse Ir para Definição e Abrir Link se adaptarão para que eles não entrem em conflito com o modificador de multicursor. [Leia mais] (https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/codebasics#_multicursor-modifier).",
"multiCursorModifier": "The modifier to be used to add multiple cursors with the mouse. The Go to Definition and Open Link mouse gestures will adapt such that they do not conflict with the multicursor modifier. [Read more](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/codebasics#_multicursor-modifier).",
"multiCursorModifier.alt": "Mapeia para `Alt` no Windows e no Linux e para `Option` no macOS.",
"multiCursorModifier.ctrlCmd": "Mapeia para `Control` no Windows e no Linux e para `Command` no macOS.",
"multiCursorPaste": "Controla a colagem quando a contagem de linhas do texto colado corresponde à contagem do cursor.",
"multiCursorPaste.full": "Cada cursor cola o texto completo.",
"multiCursorPaste.spread": "Cada cursor cola uma única linha do texto.",
"occurrencesHighlight": "Controla se o editor deve realçar ocorrências de símbolo semântico.",
"off": "As Sugestões rápidas estão desabilitadas",
"on": "As Sugestões rápidas são mostradas dentro do widget de sugestão",
"overviewRulerBorder": "Controla se uma borda deve ser desenhada ao redor da régua de visão geral.",
"padding.bottom": "Controla a quantidade de espaço entre a borda inferior do editor e a última linha.",
"padding.top": "Controla a quantidade de espaço entre a borda superior do editor e a primeira linha.",
@ -333,7 +347,6 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"renameOnTypeDeprecate": "Preterido. Use `editor.linkedEditing`.",
"renderControlCharacters": "Controla se o editor deve renderizar caracteres de controle.",
"renderFinalNewline": "Renderizar o número da última linha quando o arquivo terminar com uma nova linha.",
"renderIndentGuides": "Controla se o editor deve renderizar guias de recuo.",
"renderLineHighlight": "Controla como o editor deve renderizar o realce da linha atual.",
"renderLineHighlight.all": "Realça a medianiz e a linha atual.",
"renderLineHighlightOnlyWhenFocus": "Controla se o editor deve renderizar o realce da linha atual somente quando está focalizado.",
@ -381,10 +394,6 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"suggest.localityBonus": "Controla se a classificação favorece palavras que aparecem próximas ao cursor.",
"suggest.maxVisibleSuggestions.dep": "Esta configuração foi preterida. Agora, o widget de sugestão pode ser redimensionado.",
"suggest.preview": "Controla se a visualização do resultado da sugestão é apresentada no editor.",
"suggest.previewMode": "Controla qual modo usar para renderizar a visualização da sugestão.",
"suggest.previewMode.prefix": "Só renderize uma prévia se o texto de substituição for um prefixo do texto de inserção.",
"suggest.previewMode.subword": "Só renderize uma prévia se o texto de substituição for uma subpalavra do texto de inserção.",
"suggest.previewMode.subwordSmart": "Renderize uma visualização se o texto de substituição for uma subpalavra do texto inserido ou se for um prefixo do texto inserido.",
"suggest.shareSuggestSelections": "Controla se as seleções de sugestão lembradas são compartilhadas entre vários workspaces e janelas (precisa de `#editor.suggestSelection#`).",
"suggest.showIcons": "Controla se os ícones em sugestões devem ser mostrados ou ocultados.",
"suggest.showInlineDetails": "Controla se os detalhes da sugestão são mostrados embutidos com o rótulo ou somente no widget de detalhes",
@ -402,6 +411,13 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"tabCompletion.on": "A conclusão da tabulação inserirá a melhor sugestão de correspondência quando você pressionar a tecla Tab.",
"tabCompletion.onlySnippets": "A conclusão da tabulação insere snippets quando o prefixo corresponde. Funciona melhor quando 'quickSuggestions' não está habilitado.",
"unfoldOnClickAfterEndOfLine": "Controla se clicar no conteúdo vazio depois de uma linha dobrada desdobrará a linha.",
"unicodeHighlight.allowedCharacters": "Define os caracteres permitidos que não estão sendo destacados.",
"unicodeHighlight.allowedLocales": "Caracteres unicode que são comuns em localidades permitidas não estão sendo destacados.",
"unicodeHighlight.ambiguousCharacters": "Controla se são realçados caracteres que podem ser confundidos com caracteres ASCII básicos, exceto aqueles que são comuns no local do usuário atual.",
"unicodeHighlight.includeComments": "Controla se os caracteres nos comentários também devem ser sujeitos a destaque unicode.",
"unicodeHighlight.includeStrings": "Controla se as cadeias de caracteres também devem estar sujeitas ao realce do unicode.",
"unicodeHighlight.invisibleCharacters": "Controla se os caracteres que apenas reservam espaço ou não têm largura alguma são destacados.",
"unicodeHighlight.nonBasicASCII": "Controla se todos os caracteres ASCII não-básicos são destacados. Somente caracteres entre U+0020 e U+007E, tabulação, alimentação de linha e retorno de carro são considerados ASCII básicos.",
"unusualLineTerminators": "Remover terminadores de linha incomuns que possam causar problemas.",
"unusualLineTerminators.auto": "Terminadores de linha incomuns são removidos automaticamente.",
"unusualLineTerminators.off": "Terminadores de linha incomuns são ignorados.",
@ -423,6 +439,59 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"wrappingStrategy.advanced": "Delega a computação do ponto de quebra de linha para o navegador. Este é um algoritmo lento, que pode causar congelamento para arquivos grandes, mas funciona corretamente em todos os casos.",
"wrappingStrategy.simple": "Assume que todos os caracteres têm a mesma largura. Este é um algoritmo rápido que funciona corretamente para fontes com espaçamento uniforme e determinados scripts (como caracteres latinos) em que os glifos têm a mesma largura."
"vs/editor/common/core/editorColorRegistry": {
"caret": "Cor do cursor do editor.",
"deprecatedEditorActiveLineNumber": "A ID foi preterida. Use 'editorLineNumber.activeForeground'.",
"editorActiveIndentGuide": "Cor dos guias de recuo do editor ativo.",
"editorActiveLineNumber": "Cor do número da linha ativa do editor",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground1": "Cor do primeiro plano dos colchetes (1). Requer a habilitação da colorização do par de colchetes.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground2": "Cor do primeiro plano dos colchetes (2). Requer a habilitação da colorização do par de colchetes.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground3": "Cor do primeiro plano dos colchetes (3). Requer a habilitação da colorização do par de colchetes.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground4": "Cor do primeiro plano dos colchetes (4). Requer a habilitação da colorização do par de colchetes.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground5": "Cor do primeiro plano dos colchetes (5). Requer a habilitação da colorização do par de colchetes.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground6": "Cor do primeiro plano dos colchetes (6). Requer a habilitação da colorização do par de colchetes.",
"editorBracketHighlightUnexpectedBracketForeground": "Cor do primeiro plano de colchetes inesperados.",
"editorBracketMatchBackground": "Cor da tela de fundo atrás dos colchetes correspondentes",
"editorBracketMatchBorder": "Cor das caixas de colchetes correspondentes",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground1": "Cor de fundo das guias do par de colchetes ativos (1). Requer a habilitação das guias do par de colchetes.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground2": "Cor de fundo das guias do par de colchetes ativos (2). Requer a habilitação das guias do par de colchetes.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground3": "Cor de fundo das guias do par de colchetes ativos (3). Requer a habilitação das guias do par de colchetes.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground4": "Cor de fundo das guias do par de colchetes ativos (4) Requer a habilitação das guias do par de colchetes.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground5": "Cor de fundo das guias do par de colchetes ativos (5). Requer a habilitação das guias do par de colchetes.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground6": "Cor de fundo das guias do par de colchetes ativos (6). Requer a habilitação das guias do par de colchetes.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background1": "Cor de fundo das guias do par de colchetes inativos (1). Requer a habilitação das guias do par de colchetes.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background2": "Cor de fundo das guias do par de colchetes inativos (2). Requer a habilitação das guias do par de colchetes.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background3": "Cor de fundo das guias do par de colchetes inativos (3). Requer a habilitação das guias do par de colchetes.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background4": "Cor de fundo das guias do par de colchetes inativos (4). Requer a habilitação das guias do par de colchetes.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background5": "Cor de fundo das guias do par de colchetes inativos (5). Requer a habilitação das guias do par de colchetes.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background6": "Cor de fundo das guias do par de colchetes inativos (6). Requer a habilitação das guias do par de colchetes.",
"editorCodeLensForeground": "Cor de primeiro plano do editor CodeLens",
"editorCursorBackground": "A cor da tela de fundo do cursor do editor. Permite personalizar a cor de um caractere sobreposto por um cursor de bloco.",
"editorGhostTextBackground": "Cor da tela de fundo do texto fantasma no editor.",
"editorGhostTextBorder": "Cor da borda de um texto fantasma no editor.",
"editorGhostTextForeground": "Cor de primeiro plano do texto fantasma no editor.",
"editorGutter": "Cor da tela de fundo da medianiz do editor. A medianiz contém as margens do glifo e os números das linhas.",
"editorIndentGuides": "Cor dos guias de recuo do editor.",
"editorLineNumbers": "Cor dos números de linha do editor.",
"editorOverviewRulerBackground": "Cor da tela de fundo da régua de visão geral do editor. Usado somente quando o minimapa está habilitado e colocado no lado direito do editor.",
"editorOverviewRulerBorder": "Cor da borda da régua de visão geral.",
"editorRuler": "Cor das réguas do editor.",
"editorUnicodeHighlight.background": "Cor da tela de fundo usada para realçar os caracteres unicode.",
"editorUnicodeHighlight.border": "A cor da borda usada para destacar caracteres unicode.",
"editorWhitespaces": "Cor dos caracteres de espaço em branco no editor.",
"lineHighlight": "Cor da tela de fundo para o realce da linha na posição do cursor.",
"lineHighlightBorderBox": "Cor da tela de fundo da borda ao redor da linha na posição do cursor.",
"overviewRuleError": "Cor do marcador da régua de visão geral para erros.",
"overviewRuleInfo": "Cor do marcador da régua de visão geral para informações.",
"overviewRuleWarning": "Cor do marcador da régua de visão geral para avisos.",
"overviewRulerRangeHighlight": "Cor do marcador da régua de visão geral para realces de intervalo. A cor não deve ser opaca para não ocultar decorações subjacentes.",
"rangeHighlight": "Cor da tela de fundo dos intervalos realçados, como os recursos para abrir e localizar rapidamente. A cor não deve ser opaca para não ocultar decorações subjacentes.",
"rangeHighlightBorder": "Cor da tela de fundo da borda ao redor dos intervalos realçados.",
"symbolHighlight": "Cor da tela de fundo do símbolo realçado, como para ir para definição ou para ir para o próximo símbolo/símbolo anterior. A cor não deve ser opaca para não ocultar decorações subjacentes.",
"symbolHighlightBorder": "Cor da tela de fundo da borda ao redor dos símbolos realçados.",
"unnecessaryCodeBorder": "A cor da borda do código-fonte não necessário (não usado) no editor.",
"unnecessaryCodeOpacity": "Opacidade do código-fonte não necessário (não usado) no editor. Por exemplo, \"#000000c0\" renderizará o código com 75% de opacidade. Para temas de alto contraste, use a cor do tema 'editorUnnecessaryCode.border' para sublinhar o código não necessário em vez de esmaecê-lo."
"vs/editor/common/editorContextKeys": {
"editorColumnSelection": "Se a opção `editor.columnSelection` está habilitada",
"editorFocus": "Se o editor ou um widget do editor tem o foco (por exemplo, o foco está no widget de localização)",
@ -447,7 +516,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"editorHasSignatureHelpProvider": "Se o editor tem um provedor de ajuda da assinatura",
"editorHasTypeDefinitionProvider": "Se o editor tem um provedor de definição de tipo",
"editorHoverVisible": "Se o foco do editor está visível",
"editorLangId": "O identificador de idioma do editor",
"editorLangId": "O identificador de linguagem do editor",
"editorReadonly": "Se o editor é somente leitura",
"editorTabMovesFocus": "Se `Tab` moverá o foco para fora do editor",
"editorTextFocus": "Se o texto do editor tem o foco (o cursor está piscando)",
@ -455,12 +524,12 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"inDiffEditor": "Se o contexto é um editor de comparação",
"textInputFocus": "Se um editor ou uma entrada de rich text tem o foco (o cursor está piscando)"
"vs/editor/common/languages/modesRegistry": {
"plainText.alias": "Texto sem Formatação"
"vs/editor/common/model/editStack": {
"edit": "Digitando"
"vs/editor/common/modes/modesRegistry": {
"plainText.alias": "Texto sem Formatação"
"vs/editor/common/standaloneStrings": {
"accessibilityHelpMessage": "Pressione Alt+F1 para obter Opções de Acessibilidade.",
"auto_off": "O editor está configurado para nunca ser otimizado para uso com um Leitor de Tela, o que não é o caso neste momento.",
@ -497,45 +566,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"tabFocusModeOnMsgNoKb": "Pressionar Tab no editor atual moverá o foco para o próximo elemento focalizável. No momento, o comando {0} não pode ser disparado por uma associação de teclas.",
"toggleHighContrast": "Ativar/Desativar Tema de Alto Contraste"
"vs/editor/common/view/editorColorRegistry": {
"caret": "Cor do cursor do editor.",
"deprecatedEditorActiveLineNumber": "A ID foi preterida. Use 'editorLineNumber.activeForeground'.",
"editorActiveIndentGuide": "Cor dos guias de recuo do editor ativo.",
"editorActiveLineNumber": "Cor do número da linha ativa do editor",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground1": "Cor do primeiro plano dos colchetes (1). Requer a habilitação da colorização do par de colchetes.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground2": "Cor do primeiro plano dos colchetes (2). Requer a habilitação da colorização do par de colchetes.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground3": "Cor do primeiro plano dos colchetes (3). Requer a habilitação da colorização do par de colchetes.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground4": "Cor do primeiro plano dos colchetes (4). Requer a habilitação da colorização do par de colchetes.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground5": "Cor do primeiro plano dos colchetes (5). Requer a habilitação da colorização do par de colchetes.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground6": "Cor do primeiro plano dos colchetes (6). Requer a habilitação da colorização do par de colchetes.",
"editorBracketHighlightUnexpectedBracketForeground": "Cor do primeiro plano de colchetes inesperados.",
"editorBracketMatchBackground": "Cor da tela de fundo atrás dos colchetes correspondentes",
"editorBracketMatchBorder": "Cor das caixas de colchetes correspondentes",
"editorCodeLensForeground": "Cor de primeiro plano do editor CodeLens",
"editorCursorBackground": "A cor da tela de fundo do cursor do editor. Permite personalizar a cor de um caractere sobreposto por um cursor de bloco.",
"editorGhostTextBorder": "Cor da borda de um texto fantasma no editor.",
"editorGhostTextForeground": "Cor de primeiro plano do texto fantasma no editor.",
"editorGutter": "Cor da tela de fundo da medianiz do editor. A medianiz contém as margens do glifo e os números das linhas.",
"editorIndentGuides": "Cor dos guias de recuo do editor.",
"editorLineNumbers": "Cor dos números de linha do editor.",
"editorOverviewRulerBackground": "Cor da tela de fundo da régua de visão geral do editor. Usado somente quando o minimapa está habilitado e colocado no lado direito do editor.",
"editorOverviewRulerBorder": "Cor da borda da régua de visão geral.",
"editorRuler": "Cor das réguas do editor.",
"editorWhitespaces": "Cor dos caracteres de espaço em branco no editor.",
"lineHighlight": "Cor da tela de fundo para o realce da linha na posição do cursor.",
"lineHighlightBorderBox": "Cor da tela de fundo da borda ao redor da linha na posição do cursor.",
"overviewRuleError": "Cor do marcador da régua de visão geral para erros.",
"overviewRuleInfo": "Cor do marcador da régua de visão geral para informações.",
"overviewRuleWarning": "Cor do marcador da régua de visão geral para avisos.",
"overviewRulerRangeHighlight": "Cor do marcador da régua de visão geral para realces de intervalo. A cor não deve ser opaca para não ocultar decorações subjacentes.",
"rangeHighlight": "Cor da tela de fundo dos intervalos realçados, como os recursos para abrir e localizar rapidamente. A cor não deve ser opaca para não ocultar decorações subjacentes.",
"rangeHighlightBorder": "Cor da tela de fundo da borda ao redor dos intervalos realçados.",
"symbolHighlight": "Cor da tela de fundo do símbolo realçado, como para ir para definição ou para ir para o próximo símbolo/símbolo anterior. A cor não deve ser opaca para não ocultar decorações subjacentes.",
"symbolHighlightBorder": "Cor da tela de fundo da borda ao redor dos símbolos realçados.",
"unnecessaryCodeBorder": "A cor da borda do código-fonte não necessário (não usado) no editor.",
"unnecessaryCodeOpacity": "Opacidade do código-fonte não necessário (não usado) no editor. Por exemplo, \"#000000c0\" renderizará o código com 75% de opacidade. Para temas de alto contraste, use a cor do tema 'editorUnnecessaryCode.border' para sublinhar o código não necessário em vez de esmaecê-lo."
"vs/editor/contrib/anchorSelect/anchorSelect": {
"vs/editor/contrib/anchorSelect/browser/anchorSelect": {
"anchorSet": "Conjunto de âncoras em {0}:{1}",
"cancelSelectionAnchor": "Cancelar Âncora de Seleção",
"goToSelectionAnchor": "Ir para a Âncora de Seleção",
@ -543,20 +574,20 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"selectionAnchor": "Âncora de Seleção",
"setSelectionAnchor": "Definir Âncora de Seleção"
"vs/editor/contrib/bracketMatching/bracketMatching": {
"vs/editor/contrib/bracketMatching/browser/bracketMatching": {
"miGoToBracket": "Ir para &&Colchetes",
"overviewRulerBracketMatchForeground": "Cor do marcador da régua de visão geral para os colchetes correspondentes.",
"smartSelect.jumpBracket": "Ir para Colchetes",
"smartSelect.selectToBracket": "Selecionar para Colchete"
"vs/editor/contrib/caretOperations/caretOperations": {
"vs/editor/contrib/caretOperations/browser/caretOperations": {
"caret.moveLeft": "Mover Texto Selecionado para a Esquerda",
"caret.moveRight": "Mover Texto Selecionado para a Direita"
"vs/editor/contrib/caretOperations/transpose": {
"vs/editor/contrib/caretOperations/browser/transpose": {
"transposeLetters.label": "Transpor Letras"
"vs/editor/contrib/clipboard/clipboard": {
"vs/editor/contrib/clipboard/browser/clipboard": {
"actions.clipboard.copyLabel": "Copiar",
"actions.clipboard.copyWithSyntaxHighlightingLabel": "Copiar com Realce de Sintaxe",
"actions.clipboard.cutLabel": "Recortar",
@ -566,7 +597,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"miCut": "Recor&&tar",
"miPaste": "&&Colar"
"vs/editor/contrib/codeAction/codeActionCommands": {
"vs/editor/contrib/codeAction/browser/codeActionCommands": {
"applyCodeActionFailed": "Ocorreu um erro desconhecido ao aplicar a ação de código",
"args.schema.apply": "Controla quando as ações retornadas são aplicadas.",
"args.schema.apply.first": "Sempre aplicar a primeira ação de código retornada.",
@ -597,15 +628,18 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"refactor.label": "Refatorar...",
"source.label": "Ação de Origem..."
"vs/editor/contrib/codeAction/lightBulbWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/codeAction/browser/lightBulbWidget": {
"codeAction": "Mostrar as Ações do Código",
"codeActionWithKb": "Mostrar as Ações do Código ({0})",
"preferredcodeActionWithKb": "Mostrar as Ações do Código. Correção Rápida Preferencial Disponível ({0})"
"vs/editor/contrib/codelens/codelensController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/codelens/browser/codelensController": {
"showLensOnLine": "Mostrar Comandos do CodeLens para a Linha Atual"
"vs/editor/contrib/comment/comment": {
"vs/editor/contrib/colorPicker/browser/colorPickerWidget": {
"clickToToggleColorOptions": "Clique para alterar as opções de cores (rgb/hsl/hex)"
"vs/editor/contrib/comment/browser/comment": {
"comment.block": "Ativar/Desativar Comentário de Bloco",
"comment.line": "Ativar/Desativar Comentário de Linha",
"comment.line.add": "Adicionar Comentário de Linha",
@ -613,14 +647,21 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"miToggleBlockComment": "Ativar/Desativar &&Comentário de Bloco",
"miToggleLineComment": "&&Ativar/Desativar o Comentário de Linha"
"vs/editor/contrib/contextmenu/contextmenu": {
"vs/editor/contrib/contextmenu/browser/contextmenu": {
"action.showContextMenu.label": "Mostrar Menu de Contexto do Editor"
"vs/editor/contrib/cursorUndo/cursorUndo": {
"vs/editor/contrib/cursorUndo/browser/cursorUndo": {
"cursor.redo": "Refazer Cursor",
"cursor.undo": "Desfazer Cursor"
"vs/editor/contrib/find/findController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/editorState/browser/keybindingCancellation": {
"cancellableOperation": "Se o editor executa uma operação que pode ser cancelada, como 'Espiar Referências'"
"vs/editor/contrib/find/browser/findController": {
"actions.find.isRegexOverride": "Substitui o sinalizador \"Usar Expressão Regular\".\r\nO sinalizador não será salvo no futuro.\r\n0: Não Fazer Nada\r\n1: Verdadeiro\r\n2: Falso",
"actions.find.matchCaseOverride": "Substitui o sinalizador \"Caso Matemático\".\r\nO sinalizador não será salvo no futuro.\r\n0: Não Fazer Nada\r\n1: Verdadeiro\r\n2: Falso",
"actions.find.preserveCaseOverride": "Substitui o sinalizador \"Preservar Caso\".\r\nO sinalizador não será salvo no futuro.\r\n0: Não Fazer Nada\r\n1: Verdadeiro\r\n2: Falso",
"actions.find.wholeWordOverride": "Substitui o sinalizador \"Corresponder a Palavra Inteira\".\r\nO sinalizador não será salvo no futuro.\r\n0: Não Fazer Nada\r\n1: Verdadeiro\r\n2: Falso",
"findNextMatchAction": "Localizar Próximo",
"findPreviousMatchAction": "Localizar Anterior",
"miFind": "&&Localizar",
@ -628,10 +669,11 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"nextSelectionMatchFindAction": "Localizar Próxima Seleção",
"previousSelectionMatchFindAction": "Localizar Seleção Anterior",
"startFindAction": "Localizar",
"startFindWithArgsAction": "Localizar com argumentos",
"startFindWithSelectionAction": "Localizar com Seleção",
"startReplace": "Substituir"
"vs/editor/contrib/find/findWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/find/browser/findWidget": {
"ariaSearchNoResult": "{0} encontrado para '{1}'",
"ariaSearchNoResultEmpty": "{0} encontrado",
"ariaSearchNoResultWithLineNum": "{0} encontrado para '{1}', em {2}",
@ -659,7 +701,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"placeholder.replace": "Substituir",
"title.matchesCountLimit": "Somente os primeiros {0} resultados serão realçados, mas todas as operações de localização funcionarão em todo o texto."
"vs/editor/contrib/folding/folding": {
"vs/editor/contrib/folding/browser/folding": {
"editorGutter.foldingControlForeground": "Cor do controle de dobragem na medianiz do editor.",
"foldAction.label": "Dobrar",
"foldAllAction.label": "Dobrar Tudo",
@ -669,9 +711,10 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"foldBackgroundBackground": "Cor da tela de fundo atrás dos intervalos dobrados. A cor não deve ser opaca para não ocultar decorações subjacentes.",
"foldLevelAction.label": "Nível de Dobra {0}",
"foldRecursivelyAction.label": "Dobrar Recursivamente",
"gotoNextFold.label": "Acessar Próxima Dobra",
"gotoNextFold.label": "Vá para o Próximo Intervalo Dobrável",
"gotoParentFold.label": "Acessar Dobra Pai",
"gotoPreviousFold.label": "Acessar Dobra Anterior",
"gotoPreviousFold.label": "Vá para o Intervalo Dobrável Anterior",
"maximum fold ranges": "O número de regiões dobráveis é limitado a um máximo de {0}. Aumente a opção de configuração ['Dobrando Regiões Máximas'](command:workbench.action.openSettings?[ \"editor.foldingMaximumRegions\"]) para habilitar mais.",
"toggleFoldAction.label": "Ativar/Desativar Dobra",
"unFoldRecursivelyAction.label": "Desdobrar Recursivamente",
"unfoldAction.label": "Desdobrar",
@ -679,26 +722,26 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"unfoldAllExcept.label": "Desdobrar Todas as Regiões Exceto as Selecionadas",
"unfoldAllMarkerRegions.label": "Desdobrar Todas as Regiões"
"vs/editor/contrib/folding/foldingDecorations": {
"vs/editor/contrib/folding/browser/foldingDecorations": {
"foldingCollapsedIcon": "Ícone de intervalos recolhidos na margem do glifo do editor.",
"foldingExpandedIcon": "Ícone de intervalos expandidos na margem do glifo do editor."
"vs/editor/contrib/fontZoom/fontZoom": {
"vs/editor/contrib/fontZoom/browser/fontZoom": {
"EditorFontZoomIn.label": "Ampliação da Fonte do Editor",
"EditorFontZoomOut.label": "Redução da Fonte do Editor",
"EditorFontZoomReset.label": "Redefinição de Zoom da Fonte do Editor"
"vs/editor/contrib/format/format": {
"vs/editor/contrib/format/browser/format": {
"hint11": "Foi feita 1 edição de formatação na linha {0}",
"hint1n": "Foi feita 1 edição de formatação entre as linhas {0} e {1}",
"hintn1": "Foram feitas {0} edições de formatação na linha {1}",
"hintnn": "Foram feitas {0} edições de formatação entre as linhas {1} e {2}"
"vs/editor/contrib/format/formatActions": {
"vs/editor/contrib/format/browser/formatActions": {
"formatDocument.label": "Formatar o Documento",
"formatSelection.label": "Formatar Seleção"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoError/gotoError": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoError/browser/gotoError": {
"markerAction.next.label": "Ir para o Próximo Problema (Erro, Aviso, Informações)",
"markerAction.nextInFiles.label": "Ir para o Próximo Problema em Arquivos (Erro, Aviso, Informações)",
"markerAction.previous.label": "Ir para o Problema Anterior (Erro, Aviso, Informações)",
@ -708,7 +751,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"nextMarkerIcon": "Ícone para acessar o próximo marcador.",
"previousMarkerIcon": "Ícone para acessar o marcador anterior."
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoError/gotoErrorWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoError/browser/gotoErrorWidget": {
"Error": "Erro",
"Hint": "Dica",
"Info": "Informações",
@ -724,7 +767,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"marker aria": "{0} em {1}.",
"problems": "{0} de {1} problemas"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/goToCommands": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/goToCommands": {
"actions.goToDecl.label": "Ir para Definição",
"actions.goToDeclToSide.label": "Abrir Definição ao Lado",
"actions.goToDeclaration.label": "Ir para Declaração",
@ -747,7 +790,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"goToTypeDefinition.generic.noResults": "Nenhuma definição de tipo encontrada",
"goToTypeDefinition.noResultWord": "Nenhuma definição de tipo encontrada para '{0}'",
"impl.title": "Implementações",
"label.generic": "Ir para Qualquer Símbolo",
"label.generic": "Ir para qualquer símbolo",
"miGotoDeclaration": "Ir para &&Declaração",
"miGotoDefinition": "Ir para &&Definição",
"miGotoImplementation": "Ir para &&Implementações",
@ -761,25 +804,25 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"references.noGeneric": "Nenhuma referência encontrada",
"typedef.title": "Definições de Tipo"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/link/goToDefinitionAtPosition": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/link/goToDefinitionAtPosition": {
"multipleResults": "Clicar para mostrar {0} definições."
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/peek/referencesController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/peek/referencesController": {
"labelLoading": "Carregando...",
"metaTitle.N": "{0} ({1})",
"referenceSearchVisible": "Se a espiada de referência está visível, como 'Espiar Referências' ou 'Espiar Definição'"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/peek/referencesTree": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/peek/referencesTree": {
"referenceCount": "{0} referência",
"referencesCount": "{0} referências",
"treeAriaLabel": "Referências"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/peek/referencesWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/peek/referencesWidget": {
"missingPreviewMessage": "nenhuma visualização disponível",
"noResults": "Nenhum resultado",
"peekView.alternateTitle": "Referências"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/referencesModel": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/referencesModel": {
"aria.fileReferences.1": "Um símbolo em {0}, caminho completo {1}",
"aria.fileReferences.N": "{0} símbolos em {1}, caminho completo {2}",
"aria.oneReference": "símbolo em {0} na linha {1} na coluna {2}",
@ -789,26 +832,26 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"aria.result.n1": "Foram encontrados {0} símbolos em {1}",
"aria.result.nm": "Foram encontrados {0} símbolos em {1} arquivos"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/symbolNavigation": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/symbolNavigation": {
"hasSymbols": "Se há locais de símbolo que podem ser navegados apenas por meio do teclado.",
"location": "Símbolo {0} de {1}",
"location.kb": "Símbolo {0} de {1}, {2} para o próximo"
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/hover": {
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/browser/hover": {
"showDefinitionPreviewHover": "Mostrar Foco de Visualização da Definição",
"showHover": "Mostrar Foco"
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/markdownHoverParticipant": {
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/browser/markdownHoverParticipant": {
"modesContentHover.loading": "Carregando...",
"too many characters": "A geração de tokens é ignorada por linhas longas por motivos de desempenho. Isso pode ser configurado por meio de 'editor.maxTokenizationLineLength'."
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/markerHoverParticipant": {
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/browser/markerHoverParticipant": {
"checkingForQuickFixes": "Verificando correções rápidas...",
"noQuickFixes": "Nenhuma correção rápida disponível",
"quick fixes": "Correção Rápida...",
"view problem": "Exibir o Problema"
"vs/editor/contrib/indentation/indentation": {
"vs/editor/contrib/indentation/browser/indentation": {
"configuredTabSize": "Tamanho de Tabulação Configurado",
"detectIndentation": "Detectar Recuo do Conteúdo",
"editor.reindentlines": "Rerecuar Linhas",
@ -819,24 +862,32 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"indentationToTabs": "Converter Recuo em Tabulações",
"selectTabWidth": "Selecionar o Tamanho da Tabulação para o Arquivo Atual"
"vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/ghostTextController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/inlayHints/browser/inlayHintsHover": {
"hint.cmd": "Executar comando",
"hint.dbl": "Clique duas vezes para inserir",
"hint.def": "Ir para Definição ({0})",
"hint.defAndCommand": "Ir para Definição ({0}), clique com o botão direito do mouse para mais",
"links.navigate.kb.alt": "alt + clique",
"links.navigate.kb.alt.mac": "option + clique",
"links.navigate.kb.meta": "ctrl + clique",
"links.navigate.kb.meta.mac": "cmd + clique"
"vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/browser/ghostTextController": {
"action.inlineSuggest.showNext": "Mostrar próxima sugestão em linha",
"action.inlineSuggest.showPrevious": "Mostrar sugestões em linha anteriores",
"action.inlineSuggest.trigger": "Disparar sugestão em linha",
"inlineSuggestionHasIndentation": "Se a sugestão em linha começa com o espaço em branco",
"inlineSuggestionHasIndentationLessThanTabSize": "Se a sugestão embutida começa com um espaço em branco menor do que o que seria inserido pela guia",
"inlineSuggestionVisible": "Se uma sugestão em linha é visível"
"vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/inlineCompletionsHoverParticipant": {
"acceptInlineSuggestion": "Aceitar",
"inlineSuggestionFollows": "Sugestão:",
"showNextInlineSuggestion": "Próximo",
"showPreviousInlineSuggestion": "Anterior"
"vs/editor/contrib/inPlaceReplace/inPlaceReplace": {
"vs/editor/contrib/inPlaceReplace/browser/inPlaceReplace": {
"InPlaceReplaceAction.next.label": "Substituir pelo Próximo Valor",
"InPlaceReplaceAction.previous.label": "Substituir pelo Valor Anterior"
"vs/editor/contrib/linesOperations/linesOperations": {
"vs/editor/contrib/lineSelection/browser/lineSelection": {
"expandLineSelection": "Expandir Seleção da Linha"
"vs/editor/contrib/linesOperations/browser/linesOperations": {
"duplicateSelection": "Duplicar Seleção",
"editor.transformToLowercase": "Transformar em Minúsculas",
"editor.transformToSnakecase": "Transformar em Snake Case",
@ -848,6 +899,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"lines.delete": "Excluir Linha",
"lines.deleteAllLeft": "Excluir Tudo à Esquerda",
"lines.deleteAllRight": "Excluir Todos os Direitos",
"lines.deleteDuplicates": "Excluir linhas duplicadas",
"lines.indent": "Recuar Linha",
"lines.insertAfter": "Inserir Linha Abaixo",
"lines.insertBefore": "Inserir Linha Acima",
@ -864,11 +916,11 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"miMoveLinesDown": "Mover &&Linha para Baixo",
"miMoveLinesUp": "Mo&&ver Linha para Cima"
"vs/editor/contrib/linkedEditing/linkedEditing": {
"vs/editor/contrib/linkedEditing/browser/linkedEditing": {
"editorLinkedEditingBackground": "Cor da tela de fundo quando o editor é renomeado automaticamente no tipo.",
"linkedEditing.label": "Iniciar a Edição Vinculada"
"vs/editor/contrib/links/links": {
"vs/editor/contrib/links/browser/links": {
"invalid.url": "Falha ao abrir este link porque ele não está bem formado: {0}",
"label": "Abrir o Link",
"links.navigate.executeCmd": "Executar comando",
@ -880,11 +932,11 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"missing.url": "Falha ao abrir este link porque seu destino está ausente.",
"tooltip.explanation": "Executar o comando {0}"
"vs/editor/contrib/message/messageController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/message/browser/messageController": {
"editor.readonly": "Não é possível editar no editor somente leitura",
"messageVisible": "Se o editor está mostrando uma mensagem embutida no momento"
"vs/editor/contrib/multicursor/multicursor": {
"vs/editor/contrib/multicursor/browser/multicursor": {
"addSelectionToNextFindMatch": "Adicionar Seleção à Próxima Correspondência de Localização",
"addSelectionToPreviousFindMatch": "Adicionar Seleção à Correspondência de Localização Anterior",
"changeAll.label": "Alterar Todas as Ocorrências",
@ -905,15 +957,16 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"mutlicursor.insertBelow": "Adicionar Cursor Abaixo",
"selectAllOccurrencesOfFindMatch": "Selecionar Todas as Ocorrências de Localizar Correspondência"
"vs/editor/contrib/parameterHints/parameterHints": {
"vs/editor/contrib/parameterHints/browser/parameterHints": {
"parameterHints.trigger.label": "Disparar Dicas de Parâmetro"
"vs/editor/contrib/parameterHints/parameterHintsWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/parameterHints/browser/parameterHintsWidget": {
"editorHoverWidgetHighlightForeground": "Cor de primeiro plano do item ativo na dica de parâmetro.",
"hint": "{0}, dica",
"parameterHintsNextIcon": "Ícone para mostrar a próxima dica de parâmetro.",
"parameterHintsPreviousIcon": "Ícone para mostrar a dica de parâmetro anterior."
"vs/editor/contrib/peekView/peekView": {
"vs/editor/contrib/peekView/browser/peekView": {
"inReferenceSearchEditor": "Se o editor de código atual está inserido dentro da espiada",
"label.close": "Fechar",
"peekViewBorder": "Cor da seta e das bordas do modo de exibição de espiada.",
@ -931,14 +984,14 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"peekViewTitleForeground": "Cor do título do modo de exibição de espiada.",
"peekViewTitleInfoForeground": "Cor das informações do título do modo de exibição de espiada."
"vs/editor/contrib/quickAccess/gotoLineQuickAccess": {
"vs/editor/contrib/quickAccess/browser/gotoLineQuickAccess": {
"cannotRunGotoLine": "Abrir um editor de texto antes de ir para uma linha.",
"gotoLineColumnLabel": "Acessar a linha {0} e o caractere {1}.",
"gotoLineLabel": "Ir para a linha {0}.",
"gotoLineLabelEmpty": "Linha atual: {0}, Caractere: {1}. Digite um número de linha ao qual navegar.",
"gotoLineLabelEmptyWithLimit": "Linha atual: {0}, Caractere: {1}. Digite um número de linha entre 1 e {2} ao qual navegar."
"vs/editor/contrib/quickAccess/gotoSymbolQuickAccess": {
"vs/editor/contrib/quickAccess/browser/gotoSymbolQuickAccess": {
"_constructor": "construtores ({0})",
"array": "matrizes ({0})",
"boolean": "valores boolianos ({0})",
@ -972,7 +1025,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"typeParameter": "parâmetros de tipo ({0})",
"variable": "variáveis ({0})"
"vs/editor/contrib/rename/rename": {
"vs/editor/contrib/rename/browser/rename": {
"aria": "'{0}' foi renomeado com êxito para '{1}'. Resumo: {2}",
"enablePreview": "Habilitar/desabilitar a capacidade de visualizar alterações antes de renomear",
"label": "Renomeando '{0}'",
@ -983,23 +1036,23 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"rename.label": "Renomear Símbolo",
"resolveRenameLocationFailed": "Ocorreu um erro desconhecido ao resolver a localização da renomeação"
"vs/editor/contrib/rename/renameInputField": {
"vs/editor/contrib/rename/browser/renameInputField": {
"label": "{0} para Renomear, {1} para Visualizar",
"renameAriaLabel": "Renomear entrada. Digite o novo nome e pressione Enter para confirmar.",
"renameInputVisible": "Se o widget de entrada de renomeação está visível"
"vs/editor/contrib/smartSelect/smartSelect": {
"vs/editor/contrib/smartSelect/browser/smartSelect": {
"miSmartSelectGrow": "&&Expandir a Seleção",
"miSmartSelectShrink": "&&Reduzir Seleção",
"smartSelect.expand": "Expandir Seleção",
"smartSelect.shrink": "Reduzir Seleção"
"vs/editor/contrib/snippet/snippetController2": {
"vs/editor/contrib/snippet/browser/snippetController2": {
"hasNextTabstop": "Se há uma próxima parada de tabulação durante o modo de snippet",
"hasPrevTabstop": "Se há uma parada de tabulação anterior durante o modo de snippet",
"inSnippetMode": "Se o editor atual está no modo de snippet"
"vs/editor/contrib/snippet/snippetVariables": {
"vs/editor/contrib/snippet/browser/snippetVariables": {
"April": "Abril",
"AprilShort": "Abr",
"August": "Agosto",
@ -1039,17 +1092,16 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"Wednesday": "Quarta-feira",
"WednesdayShort": "Qua"
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggest": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggest": {
"acceptSuggestionOnEnter": "Se sugestões são inseridas ao pressionar Enter",
"suggestWidgetDetailsVisible": "Se os detalhes da sugestão estão visíveis",
"suggestWidgetMultipleSuggestions": "Se há várias sugestões a serem escolhidas",
"suggestWidgetVisible": "Se a sugestão está visível",
"suggestionCanResolve": "Se a sugestão atual dá suporte para resolver mais detalhes",
"suggestionHasInsertAndReplaceRange": "Se a sugestão atual tem os comportamentos inserir e substituir",
"suggestionInsertMode": "Se o comportamento padrão é inserir ou substituir",
"suggestionMakesTextEdit": "Se a inserção da sugestão atual resulta em uma alteração ou em tudo já digitado"
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestController": {
"accept.insert": "Inserir",
"accept.replace": "Substituir",
"aria.alert.snippet": "Aceitar '{0}' fez {1} edições adicionais",
@ -1058,7 +1110,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"suggest.reset.label": "Redefinir oTamanho do Widget de Sugestão",
"suggest.trigger.label": "Disparar Sugestão"
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestWidget": {
"ariaCurrenttSuggestionReadDetails": "{0}, documentos: {1}",
"editorSuggestWidgetBackground": "Cor da tela de fundo do widget de sugestão.",
"editorSuggestWidgetBorder": "Cor da borda do widget de sugestão.",
@ -1068,22 +1120,26 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"editorSuggestWidgetSelectedBackground": "Cor da tela de fundo da entrada selecionada no widget de sugestão.",
"editorSuggestWidgetSelectedForeground": "Cor da tela de fundo da entrada selecionada no widget de sugestão.",
"editorSuggestWidgetSelectedIconForeground": "Cor de primeiro plano do ícone da entrada selecionada no widget de sugestão.",
"editorSuggestWidgetStatusForeground": "Cor de primeiro plano do status do widget de sugestão.",
"label.desc": "{0}, {1}",
"label.detail": "{0}{1}",
"label.full": "{0}{1}, {2}",
"suggest": "Sugerir",
"suggestWidget.loading": "Carregando...",
"suggestWidget.noSuggestions": "Nenhuma sugestão."
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestWidgetDetails": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestWidgetDetails": {
"details.close": "Fechar",
"loading": "Carregando..."
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestWidgetRenderer": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestWidgetRenderer": {
"readMore": "Leia Mais",
"suggestMoreInfoIcon": "Ícone para obter mais informações no widget de sugestão."
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestWidgetStatus": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestWidgetStatus": {
"ddd": "{0} ({1})"
"vs/editor/contrib/symbolIcons/symbolIcons": {
"vs/editor/contrib/symbolIcons/browser/symbolIcons": {
"symbolIcon.arrayForeground": "A cor de primeiro plano para símbolos de matriz. Esses símbolos aparecem na estrutura de tópicos, na trilha e no widget de sugestão.",
"symbolIcon.booleanForeground": "A cor de primeiro plano para símbolos boolianos. Esses símbolos aparecem na estrutura de tópicos, na trilha e no widget de sugestão.",
"symbolIcon.classForeground": "A cor de primeiro plano para símbolos de classe. Esses símbolos aparecem na estrutura de tópicos, na trilha e no widget de sugestão.",
@ -1118,22 +1174,47 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"symbolIcon.unitForeground": "A cor de primeiro plano para símbolos de unidade. Esses símbolos aparecem na estrutura de tópicos, na trilha e no widget de sugestão.",
"symbolIcon.variableForeground": "A cor de primeiro plano para símbolos de variáveis. Esses símbolos aparecem na estrutura de tópicos, na trilha e no widget de sugestão."
"vs/editor/contrib/toggleTabFocusMode/toggleTabFocusMode": {
"vs/editor/contrib/toggleTabFocusMode/browser/toggleTabFocusMode": {
"toggle.tabMovesFocus": "Ativar/Desativar a tecla Tab Move o Foco",
"toggle.tabMovesFocus.off": "Pressionar Tab inserirá o caractere de tabulação",
"toggle.tabMovesFocus.on": "Pressionar Tab moverá o foco para o próximo elemento focalizável"
"vs/editor/contrib/tokenization/tokenization": {
"vs/editor/contrib/tokenization/browser/tokenization": {
"forceRetokenize": "Desenvolvedor: Forçar Nova Geração de Tokens"
"vs/editor/contrib/unusualLineTerminators/unusualLineTerminators": {
"vs/editor/contrib/unicodeHighlighter/browser/unicodeHighlighter": {
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingInComments": "Desabilitar o realce de caracteres nos comentários",
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingInStrings": "Desabilitar realce em cadeias de caracteres",
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfAmbiguousCharacters": "Desabilitar realce de caracteres ambíguos",
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfInvisibleCharacters": "Desabilitar realce de caracteres invisíveis",
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfNonBasicAsciiCharacters": "Desabilitar realce de caracteres ASCII não básicos",
"action.unicodeHighlight.showExcludeOptions": "Mostrar Opções de Exclusão",
"unicodeHighlight.adjustSettings": "Ajustar configurações",
"unicodeHighlight.allowCommonCharactersInLanguage": "Permite os caracteres unicode mais comuns na linguagem \"{0}\".",
"unicodeHighlight.characterIsAmbiguous": "O caractere {0} poderia ser confundido com o caractere {1}, que é mais comum no código fonte.",
"unicodeHighlight.characterIsInvisible": "O caractere {0} é invisível.",
"unicodeHighlight.characterIsNonBasicAscii": "O caractere {0} não é um caractere ASCII básico.",
"unicodeHighlight.configureUnicodeHighlightOptions": "Configurar as opções de realce Unicode",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingInComments.shortLabel": "Desabilitar Realce Nos Comentários",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingInStrings.shortLabel": "Desabilitar Realce Nas Cadeias de Caracteres",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfAmbiguousCharacters.shortLabel": "Desabilitar Realce Ambíguo",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfInvisibleCharacters.shortLabel": "Desabilitar Realce Invisível",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfNonBasicAsciiCharacters.shortLabel": "Desabilitar o Realce Não ASCII",
"unicodeHighlight.excludeCharFromBeingHighlighted": "Excluir {0} de ser realçado",
"unicodeHighlight.excludeInvisibleCharFromBeingHighlighted": "Excluir {0} (caractere invisível) de ser destacado",
"unicodeHighlighting.thisDocumentHasManyAmbiguousUnicodeCharacters": "Este documento contém muitos caracteres unicode ambíguos",
"unicodeHighlighting.thisDocumentHasManyInvisibleUnicodeCharacters": "Este documento contém muitos caracteres unicode invisíveis",
"unicodeHighlighting.thisDocumentHasManyNonBasicAsciiUnicodeCharacters": "Este documento contém muitos caracteres unicode ASCII não básicos",
"warningIcon": "Ícone mostrado com uma mensagem de aviso no editor de extensões."
"vs/editor/contrib/unusualLineTerminators/browser/unusualLineTerminators": {
"unusualLineTerminators.detail": "O arquivo '{0}' contém um ou mais caracteres terminadores de linha incomuns, como Separador de Linha (LS) ou Separador de Parágrafo (PS).\r\n\r\nRecomenda-se removê-los do arquivo. Isto pode ser configurado através do `editor.unusualLineTerminators'.",
"unusualLineTerminators.fix": "Remover Terminadores de Linha Não Usuais",
"unusualLineTerminators.ignore": "Ignorar",
"unusualLineTerminators.message": "Terminadores de linha incomuns detectados",
"unusualLineTerminators.title": "Terminadores de Linha Incomuns"
"vs/editor/contrib/wordHighlighter/wordHighlighter": {
"vs/editor/contrib/wordHighlighter/browser/wordHighlighter": {
"overviewRulerWordHighlightForeground": "Cor do marcador de régua de visão geral para realces de símbolos. A cor não deve ser opaca para não ocultar decorações subjacentes.",
"overviewRulerWordHighlightStrongForeground": "Cor do marcador de régua de visão geral para realces de símbolos de acesso de gravação. A cor não deve ser opaca para não ocultar decorações subjacentes.",
"wordHighlight": "Cor da tela de fundo de um símbolo durante o acesso de leitura, como a leitura de uma variável. A cor não deve ser opaca para não ocultar decorações subjacentes.",
@ -1144,7 +1225,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"wordHighlightStrong": "Cor da tela de fundo de um símbolo durante o acesso de gravação, como gravar em uma variável. A cor não deve ser opaca para não ocultar decorações subjacentes.",
"wordHighlightStrongBorder": "Cor da borda de um símbolo durante o acesso de gravação, como gravar em uma variável."
"vs/editor/contrib/wordOperations/wordOperations": {
"vs/editor/contrib/wordOperations/browser/wordOperations": {
"deleteInsideWord": "Excluir Palavra"
"vs/platform/actions/browser/menuEntryActionViewItem": {
@ -1153,18 +1234,18 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"vs/platform/configuration/common/configurationRegistry": {
"config.property.duplicate": "Não é possível registrar '{0}'. Esta propriedade já está registrada.",
"config.property.empty": "Não é possível registrar uma propriedade vazia",
"config.property.languageDefault": "Não é possível registrar '{0}'. Isso corresponde ao padrão de propriedade '\\\\[.*\\\\]$' para descrever as configurações de editor específicas do idioma. Use a contribuição 'configurationDefaults'.",
"defaultLanguageConfiguration.description": "Definir configurações que serão substituídas para {0} idioma.",
"defaultLanguageConfigurationOverrides.title": "Substituições de Configuração de Idioma Padrão",
"overrideSettings.defaultDescription": "Definir configurações de editor a serem substituídas para um idioma.",
"overrideSettings.errorMessage": "Essa configuração não é compatível com a configuração por idioma."
"config.property.languageDefault": "Não é possível registrar '{0}'. Isso corresponde ao padrão de propriedade '\\\\[.*\\\\]$' para descrever as configurações de editor específicas da linguagem. Use a contribuição 'configurationDefaults'.",
"defaultLanguageConfiguration.description": "Definir configurações que serão substituídas pela {0} linguagem.",
"defaultLanguageConfigurationOverrides.title": "Substituições de Configuração de Linguagem Padrão",
"overrideSettings.defaultDescription": "Definir configurações de editor a serem substituídas para uma linguagem.",
"overrideSettings.errorMessage": "Essa configuração não é compatível com a configuração por linguagem."
"vs/platform/contextkey/browser/contextKeyService": {
"getContextKeyInfo": "Um comando que retorna informações sobre as chaves de contexto"
"vs/platform/contextkey/common/contextkeys": {
"inputFocus": "Se o foco do teclado está dentro de uma caixa de entrada",
"isIOS": "Se o sistema operacional é macOS",
"isIOS": "Se o sistema operacional for o macOS",
"isLinux": "Se o sistema operacional é Linux",
"isMac": "Se o sistema operacional é macOS",
"isMacNative": "Se o sistema operacional é macOS em uma plataforma que não é de navegador",
@ -1183,13 +1264,16 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"sizeTB": "{0} TB",
"unknownError": "Erro Desconhecido"
"vs/platform/history/browser/contextScopedHistoryWidget": {
"suggestWidgetVisible": "Se a sugestão está visível"
"vs/platform/keybinding/common/abstractKeybindingService": {
"first.chord": "({0}) foi pressionada. Aguardando a segunda tecla do acorde...",
"missing.chord": "A combinação de teclas ({0}, {1}) não é um comando."
"vs/platform/list/browser/listService": {
"Fast Scroll Sensitivity": "Multiplicador de velocidade de rolagem ao pressionar Alt.",
"Mouse Wheel Scroll Sensitivity": "Um multiplicador a ser usado no deltaX e deltaY dos eventos de rolagem da roda do mouse.",
"Fast Scroll Sensitivity": "Multiplicador de velocidade de rolagem ao pressionar `Alt`.",
"Mouse Wheel Scroll Sensitivity": "Um multiplicador a ser usado no `deltaX` e no `deltaY` dos eventos de rolagem do mouse.",
"automatic keyboard navigation setting": "Controla se a navegação pelo teclado em listas e árvores é disparada automaticamente ao digitar. Se definida como `false`, a navegação pelo teclado é disparada apenas ao executar o comando `list.toggleKeyboardNavigation`, ao qual você pode atribuir um atalho de teclado.",
"expand mode": "Controla como as pastas de árvore são expandidas ao clicar nos nomes das pastas. Observe que algumas árvores e listas poderão optar por ignorar essa configuração se ela não for aplicável.",
"horizontalScrolling setting": "Controla se as listas e árvores dão suporte à rolagem horizontal no workbench. Aviso: a ativação desta configuração tem uma implicação de desempenho.",
@ -1254,8 +1338,14 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"diffDiagonalFill": "Cor do preenchimento diagonal do editor de comparação. O preenchimento diagonal é usado em modos de exibição de comparação lado a lado.",
"diffEditorBorder": "Cor da borda entre os dois editores de texto.",
"diffEditorInserted": "Cor da tela de fundo do texto que foi inserido. A cor não deve ser opaca para não ocultar decorações subjacentes.",
"diffEditorInsertedLineGutter": "Cor de fundo para a margem onde as linhas foram inseridas.",
"diffEditorInsertedLines": "Cor de fundo para as linhas que foram inseridas. A cor não deve ser opaca para não esconder as decorações subjacentes.",
"diffEditorInsertedOutline": "A cor da estrutura de tópicos do texto que foi inserido.",
"diffEditorOverviewInserted": "Diferenciar o primeiro plano da régua de visão geral para o conteúdo inserido.",
"diffEditorOverviewRemoved": "Primeiro plano da régua de visão geral de diferenças para conteúdo removido.",
"diffEditorRemoved": "Cor da tela de fundo do texto que foi removido. A cor não deve ser opaca para não ocultar decorações subjacentes.",
"diffEditorRemovedLineGutter": "Cor de fundo para a margem onde as linhas foram removidas.",
"diffEditorRemovedLines": "Cor de fundo para linhas que foram removidas. A cor não deve ser opaca para não esconder as decorações subjacentes.",
"diffEditorRemovedOutline": "Cor da estrutura de tópicos do texto que foi removido.",
"dropdownBackground": "Tela de fundo suspensa.",
"dropdownBorder": "Borda suspensa.",
@ -1272,7 +1362,11 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"editorInfo.background": "A cor da tela de fundo do texto informativo no editor. A cor não pode ser opaca para não ocultar as decorações subjacentes.",
"editorInfo.foreground": "Cor de primeiro plano das linhas sinuosas de informações no editor.",
"editorInlayHintBackground": "Cor da tela de fundo das dicas embutidas",
"editorInlayHintBackgroundParameter": "Cor da tela de fundo das dicas embutidos para parâmetros",
"editorInlayHintBackgroundTypes": "Cor da tela de fundo das dicas embutidas para tipos",
"editorInlayHintForeground": "Cor de primeiro plano das dicas embutidas",
"editorInlayHintForegroundParameter": "Cor do primeiro plano das dicas embutidos para parâmetros",
"editorInlayHintForegroundTypes": "Cor do primeiro plano das dicas embutidas para tipos",
"editorLightBulbAutoFixForeground": "A cor usada para o ícone de ações de correção automática de lâmpada.",
"editorLightBulbForeground": "A cor usada para o ícone de ações de lâmpada.",
"editorSelectionBackground": "Cor da seleção do editor.",
@ -1305,8 +1399,9 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"inputBoxBackground": "Tela de fundo da caixa de entrada.",
"inputBoxBorder": "Borda da caixa de entrada.",
"inputBoxForeground": "Primeiro plano da caixa de entrada.",
"inputOption.activeBackground": "Cor da tela de fundo das opções ativadas nos campos de entrada.",
"inputOption.activeBackground": "A cor de fundo paira sobre as opções nos campos de entrada.",
"inputOption.activeForeground": "Cor de primeiro plano das opções ativadas nos campos de entrada.",
"inputOption.hoverBackground": "Cor da tela de fundo das opções ativadas nos campos de entrada.",
"inputPlaceholderForeground": "Cor de primeiro plano da caixa de entrada para o texto do espaço reservado.",
"inputValidationErrorBackground": "Cor da tela de fundo da validação de entrada para a severidade do erro.",
"inputValidationErrorBorder": "Cor da borda da validação de entrada para a severidade do erro.",
@ -1362,7 +1457,9 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"minimapBackground": "Cor da tela de fundo do minimapa.",
"minimapError": "Cor do marcador do minimapa para erros.",
"minimapFindMatchHighlight": "Cor do marcador do minimapa para localizar correspondências.",
"minimapForegroundOpacity": "Opacidade dos elementos em primeiro plano renderizados no minimapa. Por exemplo, \"#000000c0\" renderizará os elementos com 75% de opacidade.",
"minimapSelectionHighlight": "Cor do marcador do minimapa para a seleção de editor.",
"minimapSelectionOccurrenceHighlight": "Cor do marcador do minimapa para repetir as seleções do editor.",
"minimapSliderActiveBackground": "Cor da tela de fundo do controle deslizante do minimapa quando clicado.",
"minimapSliderBackground": "Cor da tela de fundo do controle deslizante do minimapa.",
"minimapSliderHoverBackground": "Cor da tela de fundo do controle deslizante do minimapa ao passar o mouse.",
@ -1398,6 +1495,8 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"snippetTabstopHighlightBackground": "Cor da tela de fundo de realce da parada de tabulação de um snippet.",
"snippetTabstopHighlightBorder": "Cor da borda de realce da parada de tabulação de um snippet.",
"statusBarBackground": "Cor da tela de fundo da barra de status de foco do editor.",
"tableColumnsBorder": "Cor da borda da tabela entre colunas.",
"tableOddRowsBackgroundColor": "Cor da tela de fundo para linhas de tabela ímpares.",
"textBlockQuoteBackground": "Cor da tela de fundo das citações em blocos no texto.",
"textBlockQuoteBorder": "Cor da borda das citações em blocos no texto.",
"textCodeBlockBackground": "Cor da tela de fundo dos blocos de código no texto.",
@ -1413,8 +1512,8 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"widgetShadow": "Cor da sombra de widgets, como localizar/substituir, dentro do editor."
"vs/platform/theme/common/iconRegistry": {
"iconDefintion.fontCharacter": "O caractere de fonte associado à definição do ícone.",
"iconDefintion.fontId": "A ID da fonte a ser usada. Se não estiver definida, a fonte definida primeiro será usada.",
"iconDefinition.fontCharacter": "O caractere de fonte associado à definição do ícone.",
"iconDefinition.fontId": "A ID da fonte a ser usada. Se não estiver definida, a fonte definida primeiro será usada.",
"nextChangeIcon": "Ícone para acessar o próximo local do editor.",
"previousChangeIcon": "Ícone para acessar o local anterior do editor.",
"widgetClose": "Ícone da ação fechar nos widgets."
@ -1432,6 +1531,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"cannotWorkspaceUndoDueToInMeantimeUndoRedo": "Não foi possível desfazer '{0}' em todos os arquivos porque uma operação de desfazer ou refazer ocorreu durante esse período",
"cannotWorkspaceUndoDueToInProgressUndoRedo": "Não foi possível desfazer '{0}' em todos os arquivos porque já há uma operação de desfazer ou refazer em execução em {1}",
"confirmDifferentSource": "Deseja desfazer '{0}'?",
"confirmDifferentSource.no": "Não",
"confirmDifferentSource.yes": "Sim",
"confirmWorkspace": "Deseja desfazer '{0}' em todos os arquivos?",
"externalRemoval": "Os seguintes arquivos foram fechados e modificados no disco: {0}.",
@ -1439,7 +1539,12 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"nok": "Desfazer este Arquivo",
"ok": "Desfazer em {0} Arquivos"
"vs/platform/workspaces/common/workspaces": {
"vs/platform/workspace/common/workspace": {
"codeWorkspace": "Workspace do Código"
"vs/platform/workspace/common/workspaceTrust": {
"trusted": "Confiável",
"untrusted": "Modo Restrito"
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,18 +1,16 @@
this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Locale = {language: 'ru', data: {
window.MonacoEnvironment = window.MonacoEnvironment || {};
window.MonacoEnvironment.Locale = window.MonacoLocale = {
language: 'ru',
data: {
"vs/base/browser/ui/actionbar/actionViewItems": {
"titleLabel": "{0} ({1})"
"vs/base/browser/ui/findinput/findInput": {
"defaultLabel": "входные данные"
"vs/base/browser/ui/findinput/findInputCheckboxes": {
"caseDescription": "С учетом регистра",
"regexDescription": "Использовать регулярное выражение",
"wordsDescription": "Слово целиком"
"vs/base/browser/ui/findinput/replaceInput": {
"defaultLabel": "входные данные",
"label.preserveCaseCheckbox": "Сохранить регистр"
"label.preserveCaseToggle": "Сохранить регистр"
"vs/base/browser/ui/iconLabel/iconLabelHover": {
"iconLabel.loading": "Загрузка…"
@ -20,14 +18,12 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"vs/base/browser/ui/inputbox/inputBox": {
"alertErrorMessage": "Ошибка: {0}",
"alertInfoMessage": "Информация: {0}",
"alertWarningMessage": "Предупреждение: {0}"
"alertWarningMessage": "Предупреждение: {0}",
"history.inputbox.hint": "для журнала"
"vs/base/browser/ui/keybindingLabel/keybindingLabel": {
"unbound": "свободный"
"vs/base/browser/ui/menu/menu": {
"titleLabel": "{0} ({1})"
"vs/base/browser/ui/tree/abstractTree": {
"clear": "Сброс",
"disable filter on type": "Отключить фильтр по типу",
@ -50,6 +46,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"cmdKey.long": "Команда",
"ctrlKey": "CTRL",
"ctrlKey.long": "CTRL",
"optKey.long": "Параметр",
"shiftKey": "SHIFT",
"shiftKey.long": "SHIFT",
"superKey": "Превосходно",
@ -72,16 +69,13 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"vs/base/parts/quickinput/browser/quickInputList": {
"quickInput": "Быстрый ввод"
"vs/editor/browser/controller/coreCommands": {
"removedCursor": "Дополнительные курсоры удалены.",
"stickydesc": "Размещать на конце даже для более длинных строк"
"vs/editor/browser/controller/textAreaHandler": {
"accessibilityOffAriaLabel": "Сейчас редактор недоступен. Нажмите {0} для отображения вариантов.",
"editor": "редактор"
"vs/editor/browser/core/keybindingCancellation": {
"cancellableOperation": "Выполняются ли в редакторе операции, допускающие отмену, например, \"Показать ссылки\""
"vs/editor/browser/coreCommands": {
"removedCursor": "Дополнительные курсоры удалены.",
"stickydesc": "Размещать на конце даже для более длинных строк"
"vs/editor/browser/editorExtensions": {
"miRedo": "&&Повторить",
@ -117,12 +111,15 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"unchangedLine": "{0} неизмененная строка {1}"
"vs/editor/browser/widget/inlineDiffMargin": {
"diff.clipboard.copyChangedLineContent.label": "Копировать измененную строку ({0})",
"diff.clipboard.copyChangedLinesContent.label": "Копировать измененные строки",
"diff.clipboard.copyChangedLinesContent.single.label": "Копировать измененную строку",
"diff.clipboard.copyDeletedLineContent.label": "Копировать удаленную строку ({0})",
"diff.clipboard.copyDeletedLinesContent.label": "Копировать удаленные строки",
"diff.clipboard.copyDeletedLinesContent.single.label": "Копировать удаленную строку",
"diff.inline.revertChange.label": "Отменить это изменение"
"vs/editor/common/config/commonEditorConfig": {
"vs/editor/common/config/editorConfigurationSchema": {
"codeLens": "Определяет, отображается ли CodeLens в редакторе.",
"detectIndentation": "Управляет тем, будут ли параметры \"#editor.tabSize#\" и \"#editor.insertSpaces#\" определяться автоматически при открытии файла на основе содержимого файла.",
"editorConfigurationTitle": "Редактор",
@ -130,8 +127,13 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"insertSpaces": "Вставлять пробелы при нажатии клавиши TAB. Этот параметр переопределяется на основе содержимого файла, если установлен параметр \"#editor.detectIndentation#\". ",
"largeFileOptimizations": "Специальная обработка для больших файлов с отключением некоторых функций, которые интенсивно используют память.",
"maxComputationTime": "Время ожидания в миллисекундах, по истечении которого вычисление несовпадений отменяется. Укажите значение 0, чтобы не использовать время ожидания.",
"maxFileSize": "Максимальный размер файла в МБ для вычисления различий. Используйте 0 без ограничений.",
"maxTokenizationLineLength": "Строки, длина которых превышает указанное значение, не будут размечены из соображений производительности",
"renderIndicators": "Определяет, должны ли в редакторе отображаться индикаторы +/- для добавленных или удаленных изменений.",
"schema.brackets": "Определяет символы скобок, увеличивающие или уменьшающие отступ.",
"schema.closeBracket": "Закрывающий символ скобки или строковая последовательность.",
"schema.colorizedBracketPairs": "Определяет пары скобок, цвет которых зависит от их уровня вложения, если включена опция выделения цветом.",
"schema.openBracket": "Открывающий символ скобки или строковая последовательность.",
"semanticHighlighting.configuredByTheme": "Семантическое выделение настраивается с помощью параметра \"semanticHighlighting\" текущей цветовой темы.",
"semanticHighlighting.enabled": "Определяет показ семантической подсветки для языков, поддерживающих ее.",
"semanticHighlighting.false": "Семантическое выделение отключено для всех цветовых тем.",
@ -169,11 +171,12 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"autoClosingQuotes": "Определяет, должен ли редактор автоматически закрывать кавычки, если пользователь добавил открывающую кавычку.",
"autoIndent": "Определяет, должен ли редактор автоматически изменять отступы, когда пользователи вводят, вставляют или перемещают текст или изменяют отступы строк.",
"autoSurround": "Определяет, должен ли редактор автоматически обрамлять выделения при вводе кавычек или квадратных скобок.",
"bracketPairColorization.enabled": "Активирует раскраску парных скобок. Переопределить цвета выделения скобок можно с помощью \"workbench.colorCustomizations\".",
"bracketPairColorization.enabled": "Активирует раскраску парных скобок. Переопределить цвета выделения скобок можно с помощью \\\"#workbench.colorCustomizations#\\\".",
"bracketPairColorization.independentColorPoolPerBracketType": "Определяет, имеет ли каждый тип скобок собственный независимый пул цветов.",
"codeActions": "Включает индикатор действия кода в редакторе.",
"codeLens": "Определяет, отображается ли CodeLens в редакторе.",
"codeLensFontFamily": "Управляет семейством шрифтов для CodeLens.",
"codeLensFontSize": "Определяет размер шрифта в пикселях для CodeLens. Если задано значение \"0\", то используется 90% от \"#editor.fontSize#\".",
"codeLensFontSize": "Определяет размер шрифта в пикселях для CodeLens. Если задано значение \"0\", то используется 90 % от размера \"#editor.fontSize#\".",
"colorDecorators": "Определяет, должны ли в редакторе отображаться внутренние декораторы цвета и средство выбора цвета.",
"columnSelection": "Включение того, что выбор с помощью клавиатуры и мыши приводит к выбору столбца.",
"comments.ignoreEmptyLines": "Определяет, должны ли пустые строки игнорироваться с помощью действий переключения, добавления или удаления для комментариев к строкам.",
@ -219,6 +222,17 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"editor.gotoLocation.multiple.goto": "Перейдите к основному результату и включите быструю навигацию для остальных",
"editor.gotoLocation.multiple.gotoAndPeek": "Перейти к основному результату и показать быстрый редактор",
"editor.gotoLocation.multiple.peek": "Показать предварительные результаты (по умолчанию)",
"editor.guides.bracketPairs": "Определяет, включены ли направляющие пар скобок.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairs.active": "Включение направляющих для пар скобок только для активной пары скобок.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairs.false": "Отключение направляющих для пар скобок.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairs.true": "Включение направляющих для пар скобок.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairsHorizontal": "Определяет, включены ли горизонтальные направляющие для скобок.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairsHorizontal.active": "Включение горизонтальных направляющих только для активной пары скобок.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairsHorizontal.false": "Отключение горизонтальных направляющих для пар скобок.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairsHorizontal.true": "Включение горизонтальных направляющих в дополнение к вертикальным направляющим для пар скобок.",
"editor.guides.highlightActiveBracketPair": "Управляет тем, должна ли выделяться активная пара квадратных скобок в редакторе.",
"editor.guides.highlightActiveIndentation": "Управляет тем, должна ли выделяться активная направляющая отступа в редакторе.",
"editor.guides.indentation": "Определяет, должны ли в редакторе отображаться направляющие отступа.",
"editor.suggest.showClasss": "Когда параметр включен, в IntelliSense отображаются предложения \"class\".",
"editor.suggest.showColors": "Когда параметр включен, в IntelliSense отображаются предложения \"color\".",
"editor.suggest.showConstants": "Когда параметр включен, в IntelliSense отображаются предложения \"constant\".",
@ -260,6 +274,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"folding": "Определяет, включено ли свертывание кода в редакторе.",
"foldingHighlight": "Определяет, должен ли редактор выделять сложенные диапазоны.",
"foldingImportsByDefault": "Определяет, будет ли редактор автоматически сворачивать диапазоны импорта.",
"foldingMaximumRegions": "Максимальное количество свертываемых регионов. Увеличение этого значения может привести к снижению скорости отклика редактора, если текущий источник содержит большое количество свертываемых регионов.",
"foldingStrategy": "Управляет стратегией для вычисления свертываемых диапазонов.",
"foldingStrategy.auto": "Используйте стратегию свертывания для конкретного языка, если она доступна, в противном случае используйте стратегию на основе отступов.",
"foldingStrategy.indentation": "Используйте стратегию свертывания на основе отступов.",
@ -274,18 +289,15 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"formatOnType": "Управляет параметром, определяющим, должен ли редактор автоматически форматировать строку после ввода.",
"glyphMargin": "Управляет отображением вертикальных полей глифа в редакторе. Поля глифа в основном используются для отладки.",
"hideCursorInOverviewRuler": "Управляет скрытием курсора в обзорной линейке.",
"highlightActiveIndentGuide": "Управляет тем, должна ли выделяться активная направляющая отступа в редакторе.",
"hover.above": "Предпочитать отображать наведение над строкой, если есть место.",
"hover.delay": "Определяет время задержки в миллисекундах перед отображением наведения.",
"hover.enabled": "Управляет тем, отображается ли наведение.",
"hover.sticky": "Управляет тем, должно ли наведение оставаться видимым при наведении на него курсора мыши.",
"inlayHints.enable": "Включает встроенные указания в редакторе.",
"inlayHints.fontFamily": "Определяет семейство шрифтов для указаний-вкладок в редакторе. Если никакое значение не задано, используется `#editor.fontFamily#`.",
"inlayHints.fontSize": "Определяет размер шрифта встроенных указаний в редакторе. Если задано значение \"0\", используется 90 % от \"#editor.fontSize#\".",
"inlayHints.fontSize": "Управляет размером шрифта вложенных указаний в редакторе. Значение по умолчанию 90% \"#editor.fontSize#\" используется, если заданное значение меньше \"5\" или больше размера шрифта редактора.",
"inline": "Экспресс-предложения отображаются как едва различимый текст",
"inlineSuggest.enabled": "Определяет, следует ли автоматически показывать встроенные предложения в редакторе.",
"inlineSuggest.mode": "Определяет, какой режим следует использовать для отрисовки встроенных предложений.",
"inlineSuggest.mode.prefix": "Отображать только встроенное предложение, если заменяемый текст является префиксом вставляемого текста.",
"inlineSuggest.mode.subword": "Отображать только встроенное предложение, если заменяемый текст является подсловом вставляемого текста.",
"inlineSuggest.mode.subwordSmart": "Отображать встроенное предложение только в том случае, если замещающий текст является подсловом вставляемого текста, но подслово должно начинаться после курсора.",
"letterSpacing": "Управляет интервалом между буквами в пикселях.",
"lineHeight": "Определяет высоту строки. \r\n– Используйте 0, чтобы автоматически вычислить высоту строки на основе размера шрифта.\r\n– Значения от 0 до 8 будут использоваться в качестве множителя для размера шрифта.\r\n– Значения больше или равные 8 будут использоваться в качестве действующих значений.",
"lineNumbers": "Управляет отображением номеров строк.",
@ -309,13 +321,15 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"mouseWheelScrollSensitivity": "Множитель, используемый для параметров deltaX и deltaY событий прокрутки колесика мыши.",
"mouseWheelZoom": "Изменение размера шрифта в редакторе при нажатой клавише CTRL и движении колесика мыши.",
"multiCursorMergeOverlapping": "Объединить несколько курсоров, когда они перекрываются.",
"multiCursorModifier": "Модификатор, который будет использоваться для добавления нескольких курсоров с помощью мыши. Жесты мыши \"Перейти к определению\" и \"Открыть ссылку\" будут изменены так, чтобы они не конфликтовали с несколькими курсорами. [Дополнительные сведения](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/codebasics#_multicursor-modifier). ",
"multiCursorModifier": "Модификатор, который будет использоваться для добавления нескольких курсоров с помощью мыши. Жесты мыши \"Перейти к определению\" и \"Открыть ссылку\" будут изменены так, чтобы они не конфликтовали модификатором нескольких курсоров. [Подробнее](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/codebasics#_multicursor-modifier).",
"multiCursorModifier.alt": "Соответствует клавише ALT в Windows и Linux и клавише OPTION в macOS.",
"multiCursorModifier.ctrlCmd": "Соответствует клавише CTRL в Windows и Linux и клавише COMMAND в macOS.",
"multiCursorPaste": "Управляет вставкой, когда число вставляемых строк соответствует числу курсоров.",
"multiCursorPaste.full": "Каждый курсор вставляет полный текст.",
"multiCursorPaste.spread": "Каждый курсор вставляет одну строку текста.",
"occurrencesHighlight": "Определяет, должен ли редактор выделять экземпляры семантических символов.",
"off": "Экспресс-предложения отключены",
"on": "Экспресс-предложения отображаются в мини-приложении рекомендаций",
"overviewRulerBorder": "Определяет, должна ли отображаться граница на обзорной линейке.",
"padding.bottom": "Задает пространство между нижним краем редактора и последней строкой.",
"padding.top": "Задает пространство между верхним краем редактора и первой строкой.",
@ -333,7 +347,6 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"renameOnTypeDeprecate": "Не рекомендуется; используйте вместо этого параметр \"editor.linkedEditing\".",
"renderControlCharacters": "Определяет, должны ли в редакторе отображаться управляющие символы.",
"renderFinalNewline": "Отображение номера последней строки, когда файл заканчивается новой строкой.",
"renderIndentGuides": "Определяет, должны ли в редакторе отображаться направляющие отступа.",
"renderLineHighlight": "Определяет, должен ли редактор выделять текущую строку.",
"renderLineHighlight.all": "Выделяет поле и текущую строку.",
"renderLineHighlightOnlyWhenFocus": "Определяет, должен ли редактор отрисовывать выделение текущей строки, только когда он находится в фокусе.",
@ -381,10 +394,6 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"suggest.localityBonus": "Определяет, следует ли учитывать при сортировке слова, расположенные рядом с курсором.",
"suggest.maxVisibleSuggestions.dep": "Этот параметр является нерекомендуемым. Теперь размер мини-приложения предложений можно изменить.",
"suggest.preview": "Определяет, следует ли просматривать результат предложения в редакторе.",
"suggest.previewMode": "Определяет, какой режим использовать для отображения предварительной версии предложений.",
"suggest.previewMode.prefix": "Подготавливать предварительный просмотр, только если заменяемый текст является префиксом вставляемого текста.",
"suggest.previewMode.subword": "Подготавливать предварительный просмотр, только если заменяемый текст является подсловом вставляемого текста.",
"suggest.previewMode.subwordSmart": "Выполнить предварительный просмотр, если замещающий текст является подсловом вставляемого текста или если это префикс вставляемого текста.",
"suggest.shareSuggestSelections": "Определяет, используются ли сохраненные варианты выбора предложений совместно несколькими рабочими областями и окнами (требуется \"#editor.suggestSelection#\").",
"suggest.showIcons": "Указывает, нужно ли отображать значки в предложениях.",
"suggest.showInlineDetails": "Определяет, отображаются ли сведения о предложении встроенным образом вместе с меткой или только в мини-приложении сведений.",
@ -402,6 +411,13 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"tabCompletion.on": "При использовании дополнения по TAB будет добавляться наилучшее предложение при нажатии клавиши TAB.",
"tabCompletion.onlySnippets": "Вставка дополнений по TAB при совпадении их префиксов. Функция работает оптимально, если параметр \"quickSuggestions\" отключен.",
"unfoldOnClickAfterEndOfLine": "Определяет, будет ли щелчок пустого содержимого после свернутой строки развертывать ее.",
"unicodeHighlight.allowedCharacters": "Определяет разрешенные символы, которые не выделяются.",
"unicodeHighlight.allowedLocales": "Символы Юникода, распространенные в разрешенных языках, не выделяются.",
"unicodeHighlight.ambiguousCharacters": "Управляет выделением символов, которые можно спутать с основными символами ASCII, кроме тех, которые являются общими в текущем языковом стандарте пользователя.",
"unicodeHighlight.includeComments": "Определяет, должны ли символы в комментариях также выделяться в Юникоде.",
"unicodeHighlight.includeStrings": "Определяет, должны ли символы в строках также выделяться в Юникоде.",
"unicodeHighlight.invisibleCharacters": "Определяет, выделяются ли символы, которые просто резервируют пространство или вообще не имеют ширины.",
"unicodeHighlight.nonBasicASCII": "Управляет выделением всех нестандартных символов ASCII. Базовыми ASCII считаются только символы между U+0020 и U+007E, табуляция, перевод строки и возврат каретки.",
"unusualLineTerminators": "Удалите необычные символы завершения строки, которые могут вызвать проблемы.",
"unusualLineTerminators.auto": "Необычные символы завершения строки автоматически удаляются.",
"unusualLineTerminators.off": "Необычные символы завершения строки игнорируются.",
@ -423,6 +439,59 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"wrappingStrategy.advanced": "Делегирует вычисление точек переноса браузеру. Это медленный алгоритм, который может привести к зависаниям при обработке больших файлов, но работает правильно во всех случаях.",
"wrappingStrategy.simple": "Предполагает, что все символы имеют одинаковую ширину. Это быстрый алгоритм, который работает правильно для моноширинных шрифтов и некоторых скриптов (например, латинских символов), где глифы имеют одинаковую ширину."
"vs/editor/common/core/editorColorRegistry": {
"caret": "Цвет курсора редактора.",
"deprecatedEditorActiveLineNumber": "Параметр 'Id' является устаревшим. Используйте вместо него параметр 'editorLineNumber.activeForeground'.",
"editorActiveIndentGuide": "Цвет активных направляющих для отступов редактора.",
"editorActiveLineNumber": "Цвет номера активной строки редактора",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground1": "Цвет переднего плана для скобок (1). Требуется включить раскраску парных скобок.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground2": "Цвет переднего плана для скобок (2). Требуется включить раскраску парных скобок.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground3": "Цвет переднего плана для скобок (3). Требуется включить раскраску парных скобок.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground4": "Цвет переднего плана для скобок (4). Требуется включить раскраску парных скобок.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground5": "Цвет переднего плана для скобок (5). Требуется включить раскраску парных скобок.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground6": "Цвет переднего плана для скобок (6). Требуется включить раскраску парных скобок.",
"editorBracketHighlightUnexpectedBracketForeground": "Цвет переднего плана непредвиденных скобок.",
"editorBracketMatchBackground": "Цвет фона парных скобок",
"editorBracketMatchBorder": "Цвет прямоугольников парных скобок",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground1": "Цвет фона активных направляющих пар скобок (1). Требуется включить направляющие пар скобок.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground2": "Цвет фона активных направляющих пар скобок (2). Требуется включить направляющие пар скобок.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground3": "Цвет фона активных направляющих пар скобок (3). Требуется включить направляющие пар скобок.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground4": "Цвет фона активных направляющих пар скобок (4). Требуется включить направляющие пар скобок.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground5": "Цвет фона активных направляющих пар скобок (5). Требуется включить направляющие пар скобок.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground6": "Цвет фона активных направляющих пар скобок (6). Требуется включить направляющие пар скобок.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background1": "Цвет фона неактивных направляющих пар скобок (1). Требуется включить направляющие пар скобок.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background2": "Цвет фона неактивных направляющих пар скобок (2). Требуется включить направляющие пар скобок.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background3": "Цвет фона неактивных направляющих пар скобок (3). Требуется включить направляющие пар скобок.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background4": "Цвет фона неактивных направляющих пар скобок (4). Требуется включить направляющие пар скобок.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background5": "Цвет фона неактивных направляющих пар скобок (5). Требуется включить направляющие пар скобок.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background6": "Цвет фона неактивных направляющих пар скобок (6). Требуется включить направляющие пар скобок.",
"editorCodeLensForeground": "Цвет переднего плана элемента CodeLens в редакторе",
"editorCursorBackground": "Цвет фона курсора редактора. Позволяет настраивать цвет символа, перекрываемого прямоугольным курсором.",
"editorGhostTextBackground": "Цвет фона для едва различимого текста в редакторе.",
"editorGhostTextBorder": "Цвет границы для едва различимого текста в редакторе.",
"editorGhostTextForeground": "Цвет переднего плана для едва различимого текста в редакторе.",
"editorGutter": "Цвет фона поля в редакторе. В поле размещаются отступы глифов и номера строк.",
"editorIndentGuides": "Цвет направляющих для отступов редактора.",
"editorLineNumbers": "Цвет номеров строк редактора.",
"editorOverviewRulerBackground": "Цвет фона обзорной линейки редактора. Используется, только если мини-карта включена и размещена в правой части редактора.",
"editorOverviewRulerBorder": "Цвет границы для линейки в окне просмотра.",
"editorRuler": "Цвет линейки редактора.",
"editorUnicodeHighlight.background": "Цвет фона, используемый для выделения символов Юникода.",
"editorUnicodeHighlight.border": "Цвет границы, используемый для выделения символов Юникода.",
"editorWhitespaces": "Цвет пробелов в редакторе.",
"lineHighlight": "Цвет фона для выделения строки в позиции курсора.",
"lineHighlightBorderBox": "Цвет фона границ вокруг строки в позиции курсора.",
"overviewRuleError": "Цвет метки линейки в окне просмотра для ошибок.",
"overviewRuleInfo": "Цвет метки линейки в окне просмотра для информационных сообщений.",
"overviewRuleWarning": "Цвет метки линейки в окне просмотра для предупреждений.",
"overviewRulerRangeHighlight": "Цвет маркера обзорной линейки для выделения диапазонов. Цвет не должен быть непрозрачным, чтобы не скрыть расположенные ниже элементы оформления.",
"rangeHighlight": "Цвет фона для выделенных диапазонов, например при использовании функций Quick Open или поиска. Цвет не должен быть непрозрачным, чтобы не скрыть расположенные ниже элементы оформления.",
"rangeHighlightBorder": "Цвет фона обводки выделения.",
"symbolHighlight": "Цвет фона выделенного символа, например, в функциях \"Перейти к определению\" или \"Перейти к следующему/предыдущему символу\". Цвет должен быть прозрачным, чтобы не скрывать оформление текста под ним.",
"symbolHighlightBorder": "Цвет фона для границы вокруг выделенных символов.",
"unnecessaryCodeBorder": "Цвет границы для ненужного (неиспользуемого) исходного кода в редакторе.",
"unnecessaryCodeOpacity": "Непрозрачность ненужного (неиспользуемого) исходного кода в редакторе. Например, \"#000000c0\" отображает код с непрозрачностью 75 %. В высококонтрастных темах для выделения ненужного кода вместо затенения используйте цвет темы \"editorUnnecessaryCode.border\"."
"vs/editor/common/editorContextKeys": {
"editorColumnSelection": "Включен ли параметр \"editor.columnSelection\"",
"editorFocus": "Находится ли фокус на редакторе или на мини-приложении редактора (например, фокус находится на мини-приложении поиска)",
@ -455,12 +524,12 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"inDiffEditor": "Является ли контекст редактором несовпадений",
"textInputFocus": "Находится ли фокус на редакторе или на поле ввода форматированного текста (курсор мигает)"
"vs/editor/common/languages/modesRegistry": {
"plainText.alias": "Простой текст"
"vs/editor/common/model/editStack": {
"edit": "Ввод"
"vs/editor/common/modes/modesRegistry": {
"plainText.alias": "Простой текст"
"vs/editor/common/standaloneStrings": {
"accessibilityHelpMessage": "Нажмите ALT+F1 для доступа к параметрам специальных возможностей.",
"auto_off": "Редактор настроен без оптимизации для использования средства чтения с экрана, что не подходит в данной ситуации.",
@ -497,45 +566,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"tabFocusModeOnMsgNoKb": "При нажатии клавиши TAB в текущем редакторе фокус ввода переместится на следующий элемент, способный его принять. Команду {0} сейчас невозможно выполнить с помощью настраиваемого сочетания клавиш.",
"toggleHighContrast": "Переключить высококонтрастную тему"
"vs/editor/common/view/editorColorRegistry": {
"caret": "Цвет курсора редактора.",
"deprecatedEditorActiveLineNumber": "Параметр 'Id' является устаревшим. Используйте вместо него параметр 'editorLineNumber.activeForeground'.",
"editorActiveIndentGuide": "Цвет активных направляющих для отступов редактора.",
"editorActiveLineNumber": "Цвет номера активной строки редактора",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground1": "Цвет переднего плана для скобок (1). Требуется включить раскраску парных скобок.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground2": "Цвет переднего плана для скобок (2). Требуется включить раскраску парных скобок.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground3": "Цвет переднего плана для скобок (3). Требуется включить раскраску парных скобок.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground4": "Цвет переднего плана для скобок (4). Требуется включить раскраску парных скобок.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground5": "Цвет переднего плана для скобок (5). Требуется включить раскраску парных скобок.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground6": "Цвет переднего плана для скобок (6). Требуется включить раскраску парных скобок.",
"editorBracketHighlightUnexpectedBracketForeground": "Цвет переднего плана непредвиденных скобок.",
"editorBracketMatchBackground": "Цвет фона парных скобок",
"editorBracketMatchBorder": "Цвет прямоугольников парных скобок",
"editorCodeLensForeground": "Цвет переднего плана элемента CodeLens в редакторе",
"editorCursorBackground": "Цвет фона курсора редактора. Позволяет настраивать цвет символа, перекрываемого прямоугольным курсором.",
"editorGhostTextBorder": "Цвет границы для едва различимого текста в редакторе.",
"editorGhostTextForeground": "Цвет переднего плана для едва различимого текста в редакторе.",
"editorGutter": "Цвет фона поля в редакторе. В поле размещаются отступы глифов и номера строк.",
"editorIndentGuides": "Цвет направляющих для отступов редактора.",
"editorLineNumbers": "Цвет номеров строк редактора.",
"editorOverviewRulerBackground": "Цвет фона обзорной линейки редактора. Используется, только если мини-карта включена и размещена в правой части редактора.",
"editorOverviewRulerBorder": "Цвет границы для линейки в окне просмотра.",
"editorRuler": "Цвет линейки редактора.",
"editorWhitespaces": "Цвет пробелов в редакторе.",
"lineHighlight": "Цвет фона для выделения строки в позиции курсора.",
"lineHighlightBorderBox": "Цвет фона границ вокруг строки в позиции курсора.",
"overviewRuleError": "Цвет метки линейки в окне просмотра для ошибок.",
"overviewRuleInfo": "Цвет метки линейки в окне просмотра для информационных сообщений.",
"overviewRuleWarning": "Цвет метки линейки в окне просмотра для предупреждений.",
"overviewRulerRangeHighlight": "Цвет маркера обзорной линейки для выделения диапазонов. Цвет не должен быть непрозрачным, чтобы не скрыть расположенные ниже элементы оформления.",
"rangeHighlight": "Цвет фона для выделенных диапазонов, например при использовании функций Quick Open или поиска. Цвет не должен быть непрозрачным, чтобы не скрыть расположенные ниже элементы оформления.",
"rangeHighlightBorder": "Цвет фона обводки выделения.",
"symbolHighlight": "Цвет фона выделенного символа, например, в функциях \"Перейти к определению\" или \"Перейти к следующему/предыдущему символу\". Цвет должен быть прозрачным, чтобы не скрывать оформление текста под ним.",
"symbolHighlightBorder": "Цвет фона для границы вокруг выделенных символов.",
"unnecessaryCodeBorder": "Цвет границы для ненужного (неиспользуемого) исходного кода в редакторе.",
"unnecessaryCodeOpacity": "Непрозрачность ненужного (неиспользуемого) исходного кода в редакторе. Например, \"#000000c0\" отображает код с непрозрачностью 75 %. В высококонтрастных темах для выделения ненужного кода вместо затенения используйте цвет темы \"editorUnnecessaryCode.border\"."
"vs/editor/contrib/anchorSelect/anchorSelect": {
"vs/editor/contrib/anchorSelect/browser/anchorSelect": {
"anchorSet": "Начальная точка установлена в {0}:{1}",
"cancelSelectionAnchor": "Отменить начальную точку выделения",
"goToSelectionAnchor": "Перейти к начальной точке выделения",
@ -543,20 +574,20 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"selectionAnchor": "Начальная точка выделения",
"setSelectionAnchor": "Установить начальную точку выделения"
"vs/editor/contrib/bracketMatching/bracketMatching": {
"vs/editor/contrib/bracketMatching/browser/bracketMatching": {
"miGoToBracket": "Перейти к &&скобке",
"overviewRulerBracketMatchForeground": "Цвет метки линейки в окне просмотра для пар скобок.",
"smartSelect.jumpBracket": "Перейти к скобке",
"smartSelect.selectToBracket": "Выбрать скобку"
"vs/editor/contrib/caretOperations/caretOperations": {
"vs/editor/contrib/caretOperations/browser/caretOperations": {
"caret.moveLeft": "Переместить выделенный текст влево",
"caret.moveRight": "Переместить выделенный текст вправо"
"vs/editor/contrib/caretOperations/transpose": {
"vs/editor/contrib/caretOperations/browser/transpose": {
"transposeLetters.label": "Транспортировать буквы"
"vs/editor/contrib/clipboard/clipboard": {
"vs/editor/contrib/clipboard/browser/clipboard": {
"actions.clipboard.copyLabel": "Копирование",
"actions.clipboard.copyWithSyntaxHighlightingLabel": "Копировать с выделением синтаксиса",
"actions.clipboard.cutLabel": "Вырезать",
@ -566,7 +597,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"miCut": "&&Вырезать",
"miPaste": "&&Вставить"
"vs/editor/contrib/codeAction/codeActionCommands": {
"vs/editor/contrib/codeAction/browser/codeActionCommands": {
"applyCodeActionFailed": "При применении действия кода произошла неизвестная ошибка",
"args.schema.apply": "Определяет, когда применяются возвращенные действия.",
"args.schema.apply.first": "Всегда применять первое возвращенное действие кода.",
@ -597,15 +628,18 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"refactor.label": "Рефакторинг...",
"source.label": "Действие с исходным кодом..."
"vs/editor/contrib/codeAction/lightBulbWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/codeAction/browser/lightBulbWidget": {
"codeAction": "Показать действия кода",
"codeActionWithKb": "Показать действия кода ({0})",
"preferredcodeActionWithKb": "Показать действия кода. Доступно предпочтительное быстрое исправление ({0})"
"vs/editor/contrib/codelens/codelensController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/codelens/browser/codelensController": {
"showLensOnLine": "Показать команды CodeLens для текущей строки"
"vs/editor/contrib/comment/comment": {
"vs/editor/contrib/colorPicker/browser/colorPickerWidget": {
"clickToToggleColorOptions": "Щелкните, чтобы переключить параметры цвета (RGB/HSL/HEX)"
"vs/editor/contrib/comment/browser/comment": {
"comment.block": "Закомментировать или раскомментировать блок",
"comment.line": "Закомментировать или раскомментировать строку",
"comment.line.add": "Закомментировать строку",
@ -613,14 +647,21 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"miToggleBlockComment": "Переключить комментарий &&блока",
"miToggleLineComment": "Переключить комментарий &&строки"
"vs/editor/contrib/contextmenu/contextmenu": {
"vs/editor/contrib/contextmenu/browser/contextmenu": {
"action.showContextMenu.label": "Показать контекстное меню редактора"
"vs/editor/contrib/cursorUndo/cursorUndo": {
"vs/editor/contrib/cursorUndo/browser/cursorUndo": {
"cursor.redo": "Повтор действия курсора",
"cursor.undo": "Отмена действия курсора"
"vs/editor/contrib/find/findController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/editorState/browser/keybindingCancellation": {
"cancellableOperation": "Выполняются ли в редакторе операции, допускающие отмену, например, \"Показать ссылки\""
"vs/editor/contrib/find/browser/findController": {
"actions.find.isRegexOverride": "Переопределяет флаг \"Использовать регулярное выражение\".\r\nЭтот флаг не будет сохранен на будущее.\r\n0: бездействие\r\n1: true\r\n2: false",
"actions.find.matchCaseOverride": "Переопределяет флаг \"Учитывать регистр\".\r\nЭтот флаг не будет сохранен на будущее.\r\n0: бездействие\r\n1: true\r\n2: false",
"actions.find.preserveCaseOverride": "Переопределяет флаг \"Сохранить регистр\".\r\nЭтот флаг не будет сохранен на будущее.\r\n0: бездействие\r\n1: true\r\n2: false",
"actions.find.wholeWordOverride": "Переопределяет флаг \"Слово целиком\".\r\nЭтот флаг не будет сохранен на будущее.\r\n0: бездействие\r\n1: true\r\n2: false",
"findNextMatchAction": "Найти далее",
"findPreviousMatchAction": "Найти ранее",
"miFind": "&&Найти",
@ -628,10 +669,11 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"nextSelectionMatchFindAction": "Найти следующее выделение",
"previousSelectionMatchFindAction": "Найти предыдущее выделение",
"startFindAction": "Найти",
"startFindWithArgsAction": "Найти с аргументами",
"startFindWithSelectionAction": "Найти в выбранном",
"startReplace": "Заменить"
"vs/editor/contrib/find/findWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/find/browser/findWidget": {
"ariaSearchNoResult": "{0} найден для \"{1}\"",
"ariaSearchNoResultEmpty": "{0} обнаружено",
"ariaSearchNoResultWithLineNum": "{0} найден для \"{1}\", в {2}",
@ -659,7 +701,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"placeholder.replace": "Заменить",
"title.matchesCountLimit": "Отображаются только первые {0} результатов, но все операции поиска выполняются со всем текстом."
"vs/editor/contrib/folding/folding": {
"vs/editor/contrib/folding/browser/folding": {
"editorGutter.foldingControlForeground": "Цвет элемента управления свертыванием во внутреннем поле редактора.",
"foldAction.label": "Свернуть",
"foldAllAction.label": "Свернуть все",
@ -669,9 +711,10 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"foldBackgroundBackground": "Цвет фона за свернутыми диапазонами. Этот цвет не должен быть непрозрачным, чтобы не скрывать расположенные ниже декоративные элементы.",
"foldLevelAction.label": "Уровень папки {0}",
"foldRecursivelyAction.label": "Свернуть рекурсивно",
"gotoNextFold.label": "Перейти к следующему свертыванию",
"gotoNextFold.label": "Перейти к следующему диапазону сложенных данных",
"gotoParentFold.label": "Перейти к родительскому свертыванию",
"gotoPreviousFold.label": "Перейти к предыдущему свертыванию",
"gotoPreviousFold.label": "Перейти к предыдущему диапазону сложенных данных",
"maximum fold ranges": "Количество свертываемых регионов ограничено максимальным значением {0}. Увеличьте параметр конфигурации [\"Свертывание максимального количества регионов\"](command:workbench.action.openSettings?[\" editor.foldingMaximumRegions\"]), чтобы разрешить больше.",
"toggleFoldAction.label": "Переключить свертывание",
"unFoldRecursivelyAction.label": "Развернуть рекурсивно",
"unfoldAction.label": "Развернуть",
@ -679,26 +722,26 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"unfoldAllExcept.label": "Развернуть все регионы, кроме выбранных",
"unfoldAllMarkerRegions.label": "Развернуть все регионы"
"vs/editor/contrib/folding/foldingDecorations": {
"vs/editor/contrib/folding/browser/foldingDecorations": {
"foldingCollapsedIcon": "Значок для свернутых диапазонов на поле глифов редактора.",
"foldingExpandedIcon": "Значок для развернутых диапазонов на поле глифов редактора."
"vs/editor/contrib/fontZoom/fontZoom": {
"vs/editor/contrib/fontZoom/browser/fontZoom": {
"EditorFontZoomIn.label": "Увеличить шрифт редактора",
"EditorFontZoomOut.label": "Уменьшить шрифт редактора",
"EditorFontZoomReset.label": "Сбросить масштаб шрифта редактора"
"vs/editor/contrib/format/format": {
"vs/editor/contrib/format/browser/format": {
"hint11": "Внесена одна правка форматирования в строке {0}.",
"hint1n": "Внесена одна правка форматирования между строками {0} и {1}.",
"hintn1": "Внесены правки форматирования ({0}) в строке {1}.",
"hintnn": "Внесены правки форматирования ({0}) между строками {1} и {2}."
"vs/editor/contrib/format/formatActions": {
"vs/editor/contrib/format/browser/formatActions": {
"formatDocument.label": "Форматировать документ",
"formatSelection.label": "Форматировать выделенный фрагмент"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoError/gotoError": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoError/browser/gotoError": {
"markerAction.next.label": "Перейти к Следующей Проблеме (Ошибке, Предупреждению, Информации)",
"markerAction.nextInFiles.label": "Перейти к следующей проблеме в файлах (ошибки, предупреждения, информационные сообщения)",
"markerAction.previous.label": "Перейти к Предыдущей Проблеме (Ошибке, Предупреждению, Информации)",
@ -708,7 +751,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"nextMarkerIcon": "Значок для перехода к следующему маркеру.",
"previousMarkerIcon": "Значок для перехода к предыдущему маркеру."
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoError/gotoErrorWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoError/browser/gotoErrorWidget": {
"Error": "Ошибка",
"Hint": "Указание",
"Info": "Информация",
@ -724,7 +767,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"marker aria": "{0} в {1}. ",
"problems": "Проблемы: {0} из {1}"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/goToCommands": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/goToCommands": {
"actions.goToDecl.label": "Перейти к определению",
"actions.goToDeclToSide.label": "Открыть определение сбоку",
"actions.goToDeclaration.label": "Перейти к объявлению",
@ -761,25 +804,25 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"references.noGeneric": "Ссылки не найдены",
"typedef.title": "Определения типов"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/link/goToDefinitionAtPosition": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/link/goToDefinitionAtPosition": {
"multipleResults": "Щелкните, чтобы отобразить определения ({0})."
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/peek/referencesController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/peek/referencesController": {
"labelLoading": "Загрузка...",
"metaTitle.N": "{0} ({1})",
"referenceSearchVisible": "Открыто ли окно просмотра ссылок, например, \"Ссылки для просмотра\" или \"Определение просмотра\""
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/peek/referencesTree": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/peek/referencesTree": {
"referenceCount": "{0} ссылка",
"referencesCount": "Ссылок: {0}",
"treeAriaLabel": "Ссылки"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/peek/referencesWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/peek/referencesWidget": {
"missingPreviewMessage": "предварительный просмотр недоступен",
"noResults": "Результаты отсутствуют",
"peekView.alternateTitle": "Ссылки"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/referencesModel": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/referencesModel": {
"aria.fileReferences.1": "1 символ в {0}, полный путь: {1}",
"aria.fileReferences.N": "{0} символов в {1}, полный путь: {2} ",
"aria.oneReference": "ссылка в {0} в строке {1} и символе {2}",
@ -789,26 +832,26 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"aria.result.n1": "Обнаружено {0} символов в {1}",
"aria.result.nm": "Обнаружено {0} символов в {1} файлах"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/symbolNavigation": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/symbolNavigation": {
"hasSymbols": "Существуют ли расположения символов, к которым можно перейти только с помощью клавиатуры",
"location": "Символ {0} из {1}",
"location.kb": "Символ {0} из {1}, {2} для следующего"
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/hover": {
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/browser/hover": {
"showDefinitionPreviewHover": "Отображать предварительный просмотр определения при наведении курсора мыши",
"showHover": "Показать при наведении"
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/markdownHoverParticipant": {
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/browser/markdownHoverParticipant": {
"modesContentHover.loading": "Загрузка...",
"too many characters": "Разметка пропускается для длинных строк из соображений производительности. Это можно настроить с помощью \"editor.maxTokenizationLineLength\"."
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/markerHoverParticipant": {
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/browser/markerHoverParticipant": {
"checkingForQuickFixes": "Проверка наличия исправлений...",
"noQuickFixes": "Исправления недоступны",
"quick fixes": "Быстрое исправление...",
"view problem": "Просмотреть проблему"
"vs/editor/contrib/indentation/indentation": {
"vs/editor/contrib/indentation/browser/indentation": {
"configuredTabSize": "Настроенный размер шага табуляции",
"detectIndentation": "Определение отступа от содержимого",
"editor.reindentlines": "Повторно расставить отступы строк",
@ -819,24 +862,32 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"indentationToTabs": "Преобразовать отступ в шаги табуляции",
"selectTabWidth": "Выбрать размер шага табуляции для текущего файла"
"vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/ghostTextController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/inlayHints/browser/inlayHintsHover": {
"hint.cmd": "Выполнить команду",
"hint.dbl": "Дважды щелкните, чтобы вставить",
"hint.def": "Перейти к определению ({0})",
"hint.defAndCommand": "Перейти к определению ({0}), щелкните правой кнопкой мыши для просмотра дополнительных сведений",
"links.navigate.kb.alt": "ALT + щелчок",
"links.navigate.kb.alt.mac": "OPTION + щелчок",
"links.navigate.kb.meta": "CTRL + щелчок",
"links.navigate.kb.meta.mac": "CMD + щелчок"
"vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/browser/ghostTextController": {
"action.inlineSuggest.showNext": "Показывать следующее встроенное предложение",
"action.inlineSuggest.showPrevious": "Показать предыдущее встроенное предложение",
"action.inlineSuggest.trigger": "Активировать встроенное предложение",
"inlineSuggestionHasIndentation": "Начинается ли встроенное предложение с пробела",
"inlineSuggestionHasIndentationLessThanTabSize": "Проверяет, не является ли пробел перед встроенной рекомендацией короче, чем текст, вставляемый клавишей TAB",
"inlineSuggestionVisible": "Отображается ли встроенное предложение"
"vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/inlineCompletionsHoverParticipant": {
"acceptInlineSuggestion": "Принять",
"inlineSuggestionFollows": "Предложение:",
"showNextInlineSuggestion": "Далее",
"showPreviousInlineSuggestion": "Назад"
"vs/editor/contrib/inPlaceReplace/inPlaceReplace": {
"vs/editor/contrib/inPlaceReplace/browser/inPlaceReplace": {
"InPlaceReplaceAction.next.label": "Заменить следующим значением",
"InPlaceReplaceAction.previous.label": "Заменить предыдущим значением"
"vs/editor/contrib/linesOperations/linesOperations": {
"vs/editor/contrib/lineSelection/browser/lineSelection": {
"expandLineSelection": "Развернуть выделение строки"
"vs/editor/contrib/linesOperations/browser/linesOperations": {
"duplicateSelection": "Дублировать выбранное",
"editor.transformToLowercase": "Преобразовать в нижний регистр",
"editor.transformToSnakecase": "Преобразовать в написание с подчеркиваниями",
@ -848,6 +899,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"lines.delete": "Удалить строку",
"lines.deleteAllLeft": "Удалить все слева",
"lines.deleteAllRight": "Удалить все справа",
"lines.deleteDuplicates": "Удалить дублирующиеся строки",
"lines.indent": "Увеличить отступ",
"lines.insertAfter": "Вставить строку ниже",
"lines.insertBefore": "Вставить строку выше",
@ -864,11 +916,11 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"miMoveLinesDown": "&&Переместить на строку ниже",
"miMoveLinesUp": "Переместить на с&&троку выше"
"vs/editor/contrib/linkedEditing/linkedEditing": {
"vs/editor/contrib/linkedEditing/browser/linkedEditing": {
"editorLinkedEditingBackground": "Цвет фона при автоматическом переименовании типа редактором.",
"linkedEditing.label": "Запустить связанное редактирование"
"vs/editor/contrib/links/links": {
"vs/editor/contrib/links/browser/links": {
"invalid.url": "Не удалось открыть ссылку, так как она имеет неправильный формат: {0}",
"label": "Открыть ссылку",
"links.navigate.executeCmd": "Выполнить команду",
@ -876,15 +928,15 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"links.navigate.kb.alt": "Кнопка ALT и щелчок левой кнопкой мыши",
"links.navigate.kb.alt.mac": "Кнопка OPTION и щелчок левой кнопкой мыши",
"links.navigate.kb.meta": "Кнопка CTRL и щелчок левой кнопкой мыши",
"links.navigate.kb.meta.mac": "Кнопка OPTION и щелчок левой кнопкой мыши",
"links.navigate.kb.meta.mac": "Кнопка CMD и щелчок левой кнопкой мыши",
"missing.url": "Не удалось открыть ссылку, у нее отсутствует целевой объект.",
"tooltip.explanation": "Выполнение команды {0}"
"vs/editor/contrib/message/messageController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/message/browser/messageController": {
"editor.readonly": "Не удается выполнить изменение в редакторе только для чтения",
"messageVisible": "Отображается ли сейчас в редакторе внутреннее сообщение"
"vs/editor/contrib/multicursor/multicursor": {
"vs/editor/contrib/multicursor/browser/multicursor": {
"addSelectionToNextFindMatch": "Добавить выделение в следующее найденное совпадение",
"addSelectionToPreviousFindMatch": "Добавить выделенный фрагмент в предыдущее найденное совпадение",
"changeAll.label": "Изменить все вхождения",
@ -905,15 +957,16 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"mutlicursor.insertBelow": "Добавить курсор ниже",
"selectAllOccurrencesOfFindMatch": "Выбрать все вхождения найденных совпадений"
"vs/editor/contrib/parameterHints/parameterHints": {
"vs/editor/contrib/parameterHints/browser/parameterHints": {
"parameterHints.trigger.label": "Переключить подсказки к параметрам"
"vs/editor/contrib/parameterHints/parameterHintsWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/parameterHints/browser/parameterHintsWidget": {
"editorHoverWidgetHighlightForeground": "Цвет переднего плана активного элемента в указании параметра.",
"hint": "{0}, указание",
"parameterHintsNextIcon": "Значок для отображения подсказки следующего параметра.",
"parameterHintsPreviousIcon": "Значок для отображения подсказки предыдущего параметра."
"vs/editor/contrib/peekView/peekView": {
"vs/editor/contrib/peekView/browser/peekView": {
"inReferenceSearchEditor": "Встроен ли текущий редактор кода в окно просмотра",
"label.close": "Закрыть",
"peekViewBorder": "Цвет границ быстрого редактора и массива.",
@ -931,14 +984,14 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"peekViewTitleForeground": "Цвет заголовка быстрого редактора.",
"peekViewTitleInfoForeground": "Цвет сведений о заголовке быстрого редактора."
"vs/editor/contrib/quickAccess/gotoLineQuickAccess": {
"vs/editor/contrib/quickAccess/browser/gotoLineQuickAccess": {
"cannotRunGotoLine": "Чтобы перейти к строке, сначала откройте текстовый редактор.",
"gotoLineColumnLabel": "Перейдите к строке {0} и столбцу {1}.",
"gotoLineLabel": "Перейти к строке {0}.",
"gotoLineLabelEmpty": "Текущая строка: {0}, символ: {1}. Введите номер строки для перехода.",
"gotoLineLabelEmptyWithLimit": "Текущая строка: {0}, символ: {1}. Введите номер строки между 1 и {2} для перехода."
"vs/editor/contrib/quickAccess/gotoSymbolQuickAccess": {
"vs/editor/contrib/quickAccess/browser/gotoSymbolQuickAccess": {
"_constructor": "конструкторы ({0})",
"array": "массивы ({0})",
"boolean": "логические значения ({0})",
@ -972,7 +1025,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"typeParameter": "параметры типа ({0})",
"variable": "переменные ({0})"
"vs/editor/contrib/rename/rename": {
"vs/editor/contrib/rename/browser/rename": {
"aria": "«{0}» успешно переименован в «{1}». Сводка: {2}",
"enablePreview": "Включить/отключить возможность предварительного просмотра изменений перед переименованием",
"label": "Переименование \"{0}\"",
@ -983,23 +1036,23 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"rename.label": "Переименовать символ",
"resolveRenameLocationFailed": "Произошла неизвестная ошибка при определении расположения после переименования"
"vs/editor/contrib/rename/renameInputField": {
"vs/editor/contrib/rename/browser/renameInputField": {
"label": "Нажмите {0} для переименования, {1} для просмотра.",
"renameAriaLabel": "Введите новое имя для входных данных и нажмите клавишу ВВОД для подтверждения.",
"renameInputVisible": "Отображается ли мини-приложение переименования входных данных"
"vs/editor/contrib/smartSelect/smartSelect": {
"vs/editor/contrib/smartSelect/browser/smartSelect": {
"miSmartSelectGrow": "&&Развернуть выделение",
"miSmartSelectShrink": "&&Сжать выделение",
"smartSelect.expand": "Развернуть выбранный фрагмент",
"smartSelect.shrink": "Уменьшить выделенный фрагмент"
"vs/editor/contrib/snippet/snippetController2": {
"vs/editor/contrib/snippet/browser/snippetController2": {
"hasNextTabstop": "Указывает, существует ли следующая позиция табуляции в режиме фрагментов",
"hasPrevTabstop": "Указывает, существует ли предыдущая позиция табуляции в режиме фрагментов",
"inSnippetMode": "Находится ли текущий редактор в режиме фрагментов"
"vs/editor/contrib/snippet/snippetVariables": {
"vs/editor/contrib/snippet/browser/snippetVariables": {
"April": "Апрель",
"AprilShort": "Апр",
"August": "Август",
@ -1039,17 +1092,16 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"Wednesday": "среда",
"WednesdayShort": "Ср"
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggest": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggest": {
"acceptSuggestionOnEnter": "Вставляются ли предложения при нажатии клавиши ВВОД",
"suggestWidgetDetailsVisible": "Отображаются ли сведения о предложениях",
"suggestWidgetMultipleSuggestions": "Существует ли несколько предложений для выбора",
"suggestWidgetVisible": "Отображаются ли предложения",
"suggestionCanResolve": "Поддерживает ли текущее предложение разрешение дополнительных сведений",
"suggestionHasInsertAndReplaceRange": "Есть ли у текущего предложения варианты поведения \"вставка\" и \"замена\"",
"suggestionInsertMode": "Является ли текущее поведение поведением \"вставка\" или \"замена\"",
"suggestionMakesTextEdit": "Приводит ли вставка текущего предложения к изменению или все уже было введено"
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestController": {
"accept.insert": "Вставить",
"accept.replace": "Заменить",
"aria.alert.snippet": "Принятие \"{0}\" привело к внесению дополнительных правок ({1})",
@ -1058,7 +1110,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"suggest.reset.label": "Сброс предложения размера мини-приложения",
"suggest.trigger.label": "Переключить предложение"
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestWidget": {
"ariaCurrenttSuggestionReadDetails": "{0}, документы: {1}",
"editorSuggestWidgetBackground": "Цвет фона виджета подсказок.",
"editorSuggestWidgetBorder": "Цвет границ виджета подсказок.",
@ -1068,22 +1120,26 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"editorSuggestWidgetSelectedBackground": "Фоновый цвет выбранной записи в мини-приложении предложений.",
"editorSuggestWidgetSelectedForeground": "Цвет переднего плана выбранной записи в мини-приложении предложений.",
"editorSuggestWidgetSelectedIconForeground": "Цвет переднего плана значка выбранной записи в мини-приложении предложений.",
"editorSuggestWidgetStatusForeground": "Цвет переднего плана для состояния рекомендации мини-приложения.",
"label.desc": "{0}, {1}",
"label.detail": "{0}{1}",
"label.full": "{0}{1}, {2}",
"suggest": "Предложить",
"suggestWidget.loading": "Загрузка...",
"suggestWidget.noSuggestions": "Предложения отсутствуют."
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestWidgetDetails": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestWidgetDetails": {
"details.close": "Закрыть",
"loading": "Загрузка..."
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestWidgetRenderer": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestWidgetRenderer": {
"readMore": "Подробнее",
"suggestMoreInfoIcon": "Значок для получения дополнительных сведений в мини-приложении предложений."
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestWidgetStatus": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestWidgetStatus": {
"ddd": "{0} ({1})"
"vs/editor/contrib/symbolIcons/symbolIcons": {
"vs/editor/contrib/symbolIcons/browser/symbolIcons": {
"symbolIcon.arrayForeground": "Цвет переднего плана для символов массива. Эти символы отображаются в структуре, элементе навигации и мини-приложении предложений.",
"symbolIcon.booleanForeground": "Цвет переднего плана для логических символов. Эти символы отображаются в структуре, элементе навигации и мини-приложении предложений.",
"symbolIcon.classForeground": "Цвет переднего плана для символов класса. Эти символы отображаются в структуре, элементе навигации и мини-приложении предложений.",
@ -1118,22 +1174,47 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"symbolIcon.unitForeground": "Цвет переднего плана для символов единиц. Эти символы отображаются в структуре, элементе навигации и мини-приложении предложений.",
"symbolIcon.variableForeground": "Цвет переднего плана для символов переменной. Эти символы отображаются в структуре, элементе навигации и мини-приложении предложений."
"vs/editor/contrib/toggleTabFocusMode/toggleTabFocusMode": {
"vs/editor/contrib/toggleTabFocusMode/browser/toggleTabFocusMode": {
"toggle.tabMovesFocus": "Переключение клавиши TAB перемещает фокус.",
"toggle.tabMovesFocus.off": "Теперь при нажатии клавиши TAB будет вставлен символ табуляции",
"toggle.tabMovesFocus.on": "При нажатии клавиши TAB фокус перейдет на следующий элемент, который может получить фокус"
"vs/editor/contrib/tokenization/tokenization": {
"vs/editor/contrib/tokenization/browser/tokenization": {
"forceRetokenize": "Разработчик: принудительная повторная установка токенов"
"vs/editor/contrib/unusualLineTerminators/unusualLineTerminators": {
"vs/editor/contrib/unicodeHighlighter/browser/unicodeHighlighter": {
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingInComments": "Отключить выделение символов в комментариях",
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingInStrings": "Отключить выделение символов в строках",
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfAmbiguousCharacters": "Отключить выделение неоднозначных символов",
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfInvisibleCharacters": "Отключить выделение невидимых символов",
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfNonBasicAsciiCharacters": "Отключить выделение нестандартных символов ASCII",
"action.unicodeHighlight.showExcludeOptions": "Показать параметры исключения",
"unicodeHighlight.adjustSettings": "Настройка параметров",
"unicodeHighlight.allowCommonCharactersInLanguage": "Разрешите символы Юникода, более распространенные в языке \"{0}\".",
"unicodeHighlight.characterIsAmbiguous": "Символ {0} можно спутать с символом {1}, который чаще встречается в исходном коде.",
"unicodeHighlight.characterIsInvisible": "Символ {0} невидим.",
"unicodeHighlight.characterIsNonBasicAscii": "Символ {0} не является базовым символом ASCII.",
"unicodeHighlight.configureUnicodeHighlightOptions": "Настройка параметров выделения Юникода",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingInComments.shortLabel": "Отключить выделение в комментариях",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingInStrings.shortLabel": "Отключить выделение в строках",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfAmbiguousCharacters.shortLabel": "Отключить неоднозначное выделение",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfInvisibleCharacters.shortLabel": "Отключить невидимое выделение",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfNonBasicAsciiCharacters.shortLabel": "Отключить выделение, отличное от ASCII",
"unicodeHighlight.excludeCharFromBeingHighlighted": "Исключить {0} из выделения",
"unicodeHighlight.excludeInvisibleCharFromBeingHighlighted": "Исключить {0} (невидимый символ) из выделения",
"unicodeHighlighting.thisDocumentHasManyAmbiguousUnicodeCharacters": "Этот документ содержит много неоднозначных символов Юникода",
"unicodeHighlighting.thisDocumentHasManyInvisibleUnicodeCharacters": "Этот документ содержит много невидимых символов Юникода",
"unicodeHighlighting.thisDocumentHasManyNonBasicAsciiUnicodeCharacters": "Этот документ содержит много нестандартных символов Юникода ASCII",
"warningIcon": "Значок, отображаемый с предупреждением в редакторе расширений."
"vs/editor/contrib/unusualLineTerminators/browser/unusualLineTerminators": {
"unusualLineTerminators.detail": "Файл \"{0}\" содержит один или несколько необычных символов завершения строки, таких как разделитель строк (LS) или разделитель абзацев (PS).\r\n\r\nРекомендуется удалить их из файла. Удаление этих символов можно настроить с помощью параметра \"editor.unusualLineTerminators\".",
"unusualLineTerminators.fix": "Удалить необычные символы завершения строки",
"unusualLineTerminators.ignore": "Пропустить",
"unusualLineTerminators.message": "Обнаружены необычные символы завершения строки",
"unusualLineTerminators.title": "Необычные символы завершения строки"
"vs/editor/contrib/wordHighlighter/wordHighlighter": {
"vs/editor/contrib/wordHighlighter/browser/wordHighlighter": {
"overviewRulerWordHighlightForeground": "Цвет маркера обзорной линейки для выделения символов. Этот цвет не должен быть непрозрачным, чтобы не скрывать расположенные ниже элементы оформления.",
"overviewRulerWordHighlightStrongForeground": "Цвет маркера обзорной линейки для выделения символов доступа на запись. Цвет не должен быть непрозрачным, чтобы не скрыть расположенные ниже элементы оформления.",
"wordHighlight": "Цвет фона символа при доступе на чтение, например, при чтении переменной. Цвет не должен быть непрозрачным, чтобы не скрыть расположенные ниже элементы оформления.",
@ -1144,7 +1225,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"wordHighlightStrong": "Цвет фона для символа во время доступа на запись, например при записи в переменную. Цвет не должен быть непрозрачным, чтобы не скрыть расположенные ниже элементы оформления.",
"wordHighlightStrongBorder": "Цвет границы символа при доступе на запись, например, при записи переменной. "
"vs/editor/contrib/wordOperations/wordOperations": {
"vs/editor/contrib/wordOperations/browser/wordOperations": {
"deleteInsideWord": "Удалить слово"
"vs/platform/actions/browser/menuEntryActionViewItem": {
@ -1183,6 +1264,9 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"sizeTB": "{0} ТБ",
"unknownError": "Неизвестная ошибка"
"vs/platform/history/browser/contextScopedHistoryWidget": {
"suggestWidgetVisible": "Отображаются ли предложения"
"vs/platform/keybinding/common/abstractKeybindingService": {
"first.chord": "Была нажата клавиша {0}. Ожидание нажатия второй клавиши сочетания...",
"missing.chord": "Сочетание клавиш ({0} и {1}) не является командой."
@ -1254,8 +1338,14 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"diffDiagonalFill": "Цвет диагональной заливки для редактора несовпадений. Диагональная заливка используется в размещаемых рядом представлениях несовпадений.",
"diffEditorBorder": "Цвет границы между двумя текстовыми редакторами.",
"diffEditorInserted": "Цвет фона для вставленного текста. Цвет не должен быть непрозрачным, чтобы не скрыть расположенные ниже элементы оформления.",
"diffEditorInsertedLineGutter": "Цвет фона для поля, где вставлены строки.",
"diffEditorInsertedLines": "Цвет фона для вставленных строк. Цвет не должен быть непрозрачным, чтобы не скрыть расположенные ниже элементы оформления.",
"diffEditorInsertedOutline": "Цвет контура для добавленных строк.",
"diffEditorOverviewInserted": "Передний план обзорной линейки различий для вставленного содержимого.",
"diffEditorOverviewRemoved": "Передний план обзорной линейки различий для удаленного содержимого.",
"diffEditorRemoved": "Цвет фона для удаленного текста. Цвет не должен быть непрозрачным, чтобы не скрыть расположенные ниже элементы оформления.",
"diffEditorRemovedLineGutter": "Цвет фона для поля, где удалены строки.",
"diffEditorRemovedLines": "Цвет фона для удаленных строк. Цвет не должен быть непрозрачным, чтобы не скрыть расположенные ниже элементы оформления.",
"diffEditorRemovedOutline": "Цвет контура для удаленных строк.",
"dropdownBackground": "Фон раскрывающегося списка.",
"dropdownBorder": "Граница раскрывающегося списка.",
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"editorInfo.background": "Цвет фона для текста информационного сообщения в редакторе. Цвет не должен быть непрозрачным, чтобы не скрыть расположенные ниже элементы оформления.",
"editorInfo.foreground": "Цвет волнистой линии для выделения информационных сообщений в редакторе.",
"editorInlayHintBackground": "Цвет фона встроенных указаний",
"editorInlayHintBackgroundParameter": "Цвет фона встроенных указаний для параметров",
"editorInlayHintBackgroundTypes": "Цвет фона встроенных указаний для шрифтов",
"editorInlayHintForeground": "Цвет переднего плана встроенных указаний",
"editorInlayHintForegroundParameter": "Цвет переднего плана встроенных указаний для параметров",
"editorInlayHintForegroundTypes": "Цвет переднего плана встроенных указаний для шрифтов",
"editorLightBulbAutoFixForeground": "Цвет, используемый для значка действий автоматического исправления в меню лампочки.",
"editorLightBulbForeground": "Цвет, используемый для значка действий в меню лампочки.",
"editorSelectionBackground": "Цвет выделения редактора.",
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"inputBoxBackground": "Фон поля ввода.",
"inputBoxBorder": "Граница поля ввода.",
"inputBoxForeground": "Передний план поля ввода.",
"inputOption.activeBackground": "Цвет фона активированных параметров в полях ввода.",
"inputOption.activeBackground": "Цвет фонового наведения параметров в полях ввода.",
"inputOption.activeForeground": "Цвет переднего плана активированных параметров в полях ввода.",
"inputOption.hoverBackground": "Цвет фона активированных параметров в полях ввода.",
"inputPlaceholderForeground": "Цвет фона поясняющего текста в элементе ввода.",
"inputValidationErrorBackground": "Фоновый цвет проверки ввода для уровня серьезности \"Ошибка\".",
"inputValidationErrorBorder": "Цвет границы проверки ввода для уровня серьезности \"Ошибка\".",
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"minimapBackground": "Цвет фона мини-карты.",
"minimapError": "Цвет маркера миникарты для ошибок.",
"minimapFindMatchHighlight": "Цвет маркера мини-карты для поиска совпадений.",
"minimapForegroundOpacity": "Прозрачность элементов переднего плана, отображаемая га мини-карте. Например, \"#000000c0\" отображает элементы с прозрачностью 75%.",
"minimapSelectionHighlight": "Цвет маркера мини-карты для выбора редактора.",
"minimapSelectionOccurrenceHighlight": "Цвет маркера мини-карты для повторяющихся выделений редактора.",
"minimapSliderActiveBackground": "Цвет фона ползунка мини-карты при его щелчке.",
"minimapSliderBackground": "Цвет фона ползунка мини-карты.",
"minimapSliderHoverBackground": "Цвет фона ползунка мини-карты при наведении на него указателя.",
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"snippetTabstopHighlightBackground": "Цвет фона выделения в позиции табуляции фрагмента.",
"snippetTabstopHighlightBorder": "Цвет границы выделения в позиции табуляции фрагмента.",
"statusBarBackground": "Цвет фона строки состояния при наведении в редакторе.",
"tableColumnsBorder": "Цвет границы таблицы между столбцами.",
"tableOddRowsBackgroundColor": "Цвет фона для нечетных строк таблицы.",
"textBlockQuoteBackground": "Цвет фона для блоков с цитатами в тексте.",
"textBlockQuoteBorder": "Цвет границ для блоков с цитатами в тексте.",
"textCodeBlockBackground": "Цвет фона для программного кода в тексте.",
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"widgetShadow": "Цвет тени мини-приложений редактора, таких как \"Найти/заменить\"."
"vs/platform/theme/common/iconRegistry": {
"iconDefintion.fontCharacter": "Символ шрифта, связанный с определением значка.",
"iconDefintion.fontId": "Идентификатор используемого шрифта. Если параметр не задан, используется шрифт, определенный первым.",
"iconDefinition.fontCharacter": "Символ шрифта, связанный с определением значка.",
"iconDefinition.fontId": "Идентификатор используемого шрифта. Если параметр не задан, используется шрифт, определенный первым.",
"nextChangeIcon": "Значок для перехода к следующему расположению в редакторе.",
"previousChangeIcon": "Значок для перехода к предыдущему расположению в редакторе.",
"widgetClose": "Значок для действия закрытия в мини-приложениях."
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"cannotWorkspaceUndoDueToInMeantimeUndoRedo": "Не удалось отменить действие \"{0}\" для всех файлов, так как уже выполнялась операция отмены или повтора действия",
"cannotWorkspaceUndoDueToInProgressUndoRedo": "Не удалось отменить действие \"{0}\" для всех файлов, так как в {1} уже выполняется операция отмены или повтора действия",
"confirmDifferentSource": "Вы хотите отменить \"{0}\"?",
"confirmDifferentSource.no": "Нет",
"confirmDifferentSource.yes": "Да",
"confirmWorkspace": "Вы хотите отменить \"{0}\" для всех файлов?",
"externalRemoval": "Следующие файлы были закрыты и изменены на диске: {0}.",
@ -1439,7 +1539,12 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"nok": "Отменить этот файл",
"ok": "Отменить действие в нескольких файлах ({0})"
"vs/platform/workspaces/common/workspaces": {
"vs/platform/workspace/common/workspace": {
"codeWorkspace": "Рабочая область кода"
"vs/platform/workspace/common/workspaceTrust": {
"trusted": "Доверенный",
"untrusted": "Ограниченный режим"
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"vs/base/browser/ui/actionbar/actionViewItems": {
"titleLabel": "{0} ({1})"
"vs/base/browser/ui/findinput/findInput": {
"defaultLabel": "giriş"
"vs/base/browser/ui/findinput/findInputCheckboxes": {
"caseDescription": "Büyük/Küçük Harf Eşleştir",
"regexDescription": "Normal İfade Kullan",
"wordsDescription": "Sözcüğün Tamamını Eşleştir"
"vs/base/browser/ui/findinput/replaceInput": {
"defaultLabel": "giriş",
"label.preserveCaseCheckbox": "Büyük/Küçük Harfi Koru"
"label.preserveCaseToggle": "Büyük/Küçük Harfi Koru"
"vs/base/browser/ui/iconLabel/iconLabelHover": {
"iconLabel.loading": "Yükleniyor..."
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"vs/base/browser/ui/inputbox/inputBox": {
"alertErrorMessage": "Hata: {0}",
"alertInfoMessage": "Bilgi: {0}",
"alertWarningMessage": "Uyarı: {0}"
"alertWarningMessage": "Uyarı: {0}",
"history.inputbox.hint": "geçmiş için"
"vs/base/browser/ui/keybindingLabel/keybindingLabel": {
"unbound": "Sınırsız"
"vs/base/browser/ui/menu/menu": {
"titleLabel": "{0} ({1})"
"vs/base/browser/ui/tree/abstractTree": {
"clear": "Temizle",
"disable filter on type": "Türe Göre Filtrelemeyi Devre Dışı Bırak",
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"cmdKey.long": "Command",
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"ctrlKey.long": "Control",
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"shiftKey.long": "Shift",
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"vs/base/parts/quickinput/browser/quickInputList": {
"quickInput": "Hızlı Giriş"
"vs/editor/browser/controller/coreCommands": {
"removedCursor": "İkincil imleçler kaldırıldı",
"stickydesc": "Daha uzun satırlara giderken bile sonda kal"
"vs/editor/browser/controller/textAreaHandler": {
"accessibilityOffAriaLabel": "Düzenleyiciye şu anda erişilemiyor. Seçenekler için {0} üzerine basın.",
"editor": "düzenleyici"
"vs/editor/browser/core/keybindingCancellation": {
"cancellableOperation": "Düzenleyicinin iptal edilebilir bir işlem (ör. 'Başvurulara Göz Atma' gibi) çalıştırıp çalıştırmayacağını belirtir"
"vs/editor/browser/coreCommands": {
"removedCursor": "İkincil imleçler kaldırıldı",
"stickydesc": "Daha uzun satırlara giderken bile sonda kal"
"vs/editor/browser/editorExtensions": {
"miRedo": "&&Yinele",
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"unchangedLine": "{0} değiştirilmemiş satır {1}"
"vs/editor/browser/widget/inlineDiffMargin": {
"diff.clipboard.copyChangedLineContent.label": "Değiştirilen satırı kopyala ({0})",
"diff.clipboard.copyChangedLinesContent.label": "Değiştirilen satırları kopyala",
"diff.clipboard.copyChangedLinesContent.single.label": "Değiştirilen satırı kopyala",
"diff.clipboard.copyDeletedLineContent.label": "Silinen satırı kopyala ({0})",
"diff.clipboard.copyDeletedLinesContent.label": "Silinen satırları kopyala",
"diff.clipboard.copyDeletedLinesContent.single.label": "Silinen satırı kopyala",
"diff.inline.revertChange.label": "Bu değişikliği geri al"
"vs/editor/common/config/commonEditorConfig": {
"vs/editor/common/config/editorConfigurationSchema": {
"codeLens": "Düzenleyicinin CodeLens'i gösterip göstermediğini denetler.",
"detectIndentation": "Dosya, içeriğine göre açıldığında `#editor.tabSize#` ve `#editor.insertSpaces#` değerlerinin otomatik algılanıp algılanmayacağını denetler.",
"editorConfigurationTitle": "Düzenleyici",
@ -130,8 +127,13 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"insertSpaces": "`Tab` tuşuna basıldığında boşluklar ekleyin. Bu ayar, `#editor.detectIndentation#` açık olduğunda dosya içeriğine göre geçersiz kılınır.",
"largeFileOptimizations": "Yoğun bellek kullanan belirli özellikleri devre dışı bırakmak için büyük dosyalara yönelik özel işlem.",
"maxComputationTime": "Milisaniye olarak zaman aşımı süresi. Bu süre sonrasında fark hesaplaması iptal edilir. Zaman aşımı olmaması için 0 kullanın.",
"maxFileSize": "Farkların hesaplanacağı MB cinsinden maksimum dosya boyutu. Sınırsız için 0 kullanın.",
"maxTokenizationLineLength": "Bundan daha uzun satırlar, performansla ilgili nedenlerle belirteçlere ayrılamaz",
"renderIndicators": "Fark düzenleyicisinin eklenmiş/kaldırılmış değişiklikler için +/- işaretleri gösterip göstermeyeceğini denetler.",
"schema.brackets": "Girintiyi artıran veya azaltan köşeli ayraç sembollerini tanımlar.",
"schema.closeBracket": "Kapatma ayracı karakteri veya dize dizisi.",
"schema.colorizedBracketPairs": "Köşeli ayraç çifti renklendirmesi etkinse, iç içe yerleştirme düzeyine göre renklendirilen köşeli ayraç çiftlerini tanımlar.",
"schema.openBracket": "Açma ayracı karakteri veya dize dizisi.",
"semanticHighlighting.configuredByTheme": "Anlamsal vurgulama, geçerli renk temasının `semanticHighlighting` ayarı tarafından yapılandırıldı.",
"semanticHighlighting.enabled": "Destekleyen diller için semanticHighlighting özelliğinin gösterilip gösterilmeyeceğini denetler.",
"semanticHighlighting.false": "Tüm renk temaları için anlamsal vurgulama devre dışı bırakıldı.",
@ -169,7 +171,8 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"autoClosingQuotes": "Kullanıcı bir açma tırnağı eklediğinde, düzenleyicinin tırnağı otomatik olarak kapatıp kapatmayacağını denetler.",
"autoIndent": "Kullanıcı satır yazarken, yapıştırırken, taşırken veya girintilerken düzenleyicinin girintiyi otomatik olarak ayarlayıp ayarlayamayacağını denetler.",
"autoSurround": "Düzenleyicinin, tırnak işaretleri veya parantezler yazarken seçimleri otomatik olarak çevreleyip çevrelemeyeceğini denetler.",
"bracketPairColorization.enabled": "Köşeli ayraç çifti renklendirmesinin etkinleştirilip etkinleştirilmeyeceğini denetler. Köşeli ayraç vurgu renklerini geçersiz kılmak için 'workbench.colorCustomizations' kullanın.",
"bracketPairColorization.enabled": "Köşeli ayraç çifti renklendirmesinin etkinleştirilip etkinleştirilmeyeceğini denetler. Köşeli ayraç vurgu renklerini geçersiz kılmak için '#workbench.colorCustomizations#' kullanın.",
"bracketPairColorization.independentColorPoolPerBracketType": "Her köşeli ayraç türünün kendi bağımsız renk havuzuna sahip olup olmadığını denetler.",
"codeActions": "Düzenleyicide kod eylemi ampulünü etkinleştirir.",
"codeLens": "Düzenleyicinin CodeLens'i gösterip göstermediğini denetler.",
"codeLensFontFamily": "CodeLens için yazı tipi ailesini denetler.",
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"editor.gotoLocation.multiple.goto": "Birincil sonuca git ve diğerlerinde göz atmasız gezintiyi etkinleştir",
"editor.gotoLocation.multiple.gotoAndPeek": "Birincil sonuca git ve göz atma görünümü göster",
"editor.gotoLocation.multiple.peek": "Sonuçların göz atma görünümünü göster (varsayılan)",
"editor.guides.bracketPairs": "Köşeli ayraç çifti kılavuzlarının etkinleştirilip etkinleştirilmediklerini denetler.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairs.active": "Yalnızca etkin köşeli ayraç çifti için köşeli ayraç çifti kılavuzlarını etkinleştirir.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairs.false": "Köşeli ayraç çifti kılavuzlarını devre dışı bırakır.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairs.true": "Köşeli ayraç çifti kılavuzlarını etkinleştirir.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairsHorizontal": "Yatay dirsek çifti kılavuzlarının etkinleştirilip etkinleştirilmediğini kontrol eder.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairsHorizontal.active": "Yalnızca etkin köşeli ayraç çifti için yatay kılavuzları etkinleştirir.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairsHorizontal.false": "Yatay köşeli ayraç çifti kılavuzlarını devre dışı bırakır.",
"editor.guides.bracketPairsHorizontal.true": "Dikey köşeli ayraç çifti kılavuzlarına ek olarak yatay kılavuzları etkinleştirir.",
"editor.guides.highlightActiveBracketPair": "Düzenleyicinin etkin köşeli ayraç çiftini vurgulayıp vurgulamayacağını kontrol eder.",
"editor.guides.highlightActiveIndentation": "Düzenleyicinin etkin girinti kılavuzunu vurgulayıp vurgulamayacağını denetler.",
"editor.guides.indentation": "Düzenleyicinin girinti kılavuzlarını işleyip işlemeyeceğini denetler.",
"editor.suggest.showClasss": "Etkinleştirildiğinde, IntelliSense 'class' önerilerini gösterir.",
"editor.suggest.showColors": "Etkinleştirildiğinde, IntelliSense 'color' önerilerini gösterir.",
"editor.suggest.showConstants": "Etkinleştirildiğinde, IntelliSense 'constant' önerilerini gösterir.",
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"folding": "Düzenleyicide kod katlamanın etkin olup olmayacağını denetler.",
"foldingHighlight": "Düzenleyicinin katlanmış aralıkları vurgulayıp vurgulamayacağını denetler.",
"foldingImportsByDefault": "Düzenleyicinin içeri aktarma aralıklarını otomatik olarak daraltıp daraltmayacağını denetler.",
"foldingMaximumRegions": "Maksimum katlanabilir bölge sayısı. Bu değeri artırmak, geçerli kaynakta çok sayıda katlanabilir bölge olduğunda düzenleyicinin daha az yanıt vermesine neden olabilir.",
"foldingStrategy": "Katlama aralıklarını hesaplama stratejisini denetler.",
"foldingStrategy.auto": "Varsa dile özgü bir katlama stratejisi; aksi takdirde girinti tabanlı bir katlama stratejisi kullan.",
"foldingStrategy.indentation": "Girinti tabanlı katlama stratejisini kullan.",
@ -274,18 +289,15 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"formatOnType": "Düzenleyicinin yazıldıktan sonra satırı otomatik olarak biçimlendirip biçimlendirmeyeceğini denetler.",
"glyphMargin": "Düzenleyicinin dikey karakter kenar boşluğunu işlemesi gerekip gerekmediğini denetler. Karakter kenar boşluğu çoğunlukla hata ayıklama için kullanılır.",
"hideCursorInOverviewRuler": "İmlecin genel bakış cetvelinde gizlenip gizlenmeyeceğini denetler.",
"highlightActiveIndentGuide": "Düzenleyicinin etkin girinti kılavuzunu vurgulayıp vurgulamayacağını denetler.",
"hover.above": "Boşluk varsa çizginin üzerinde vurgulamaları göstermeyi tercih edin.",
"hover.delay": "Sonrasında üzerinde gezinmenin gösterileceği milisaniye cinsinden gecikmeyi denetler.",
"hover.enabled": "Vurgulamanın gösterilip gösterilmeyeceğini denetler.",
"hover.sticky": "Fare ile üzerine gelindiğinde vurgulamanın görünür kalıp kalmayacağını denetler.",
"inlayHints.enable": "Düzenleyicideki dolgu ipuçlarını etkinleştirir.",
"inlayHints.fontFamily": "Düzenleyicideki dolgu ipuçlarının yazı tipi boyutunu denetler. Boş olarak ayarlandığında, ‘#editor.fontSize#’ değeri kullanılır.",
"inlayHints.fontSize": "Düzenleyicideki dolgu ipuçlarının yazı tipi boyutunu denetler. `0` olarak ayarlandığında, `#editor.fontSize#` değerinin %90'ı kullanılır.",
"inlayHints.fontSize": "Düzenleyicideki dolgu ipuçlarının yazı tipi boyutunu. Yapılandırılan değer `5`ten küçük veya düzenleyici yazı tipi boyutundan büyük olduğunda varsayılan olarak \"#editor.fontSize#\" değerinin %90'ı kullanılır.",
"inline": "Hızlı öneriler hayalet metin olarak görünür",
"inlineSuggest.enabled": "Satır içi önerilerin düzenleyicide otomatik olarak gösterilip gösterilmeyeceğini denetler.",
"inlineSuggest.mode": "Satır içi önerileri işlemek için hangi modun kullanılacağını denetler.",
"inlineSuggest.mode.prefix": "Satır içi bir öneriyi yalnızca değiştirme metni, ekleme metninin bir ön ekiyse işle.",
"inlineSuggest.mode.subword": "Satır içi bir öneriyi yalnızca değiştirme metni, ekleme metninin bir alt kelimesiyse işle.",
"inlineSuggest.mode.subwordSmart": "Satır içi bir öneriyi yalnızca değiştirme metni ekleme metninin bir alt kelimesi ise, ancak alt sözcüğün imleçten sonra başlaması gerekiyorsa işle.",
"letterSpacing": "Piksel cinsinden harf aralığını denetler.",
"lineHeight": "Satır yüksekliğini kontrol eder. \r\n - Satır yüksekliğini yazı tipi boyutundan otomatik olarak hesaplamak için 0 değerini kullanın.\r\n - 0 ile 8 arasındaki değerler, yazı tipi boyutuyla çarpan olarak kullanılır.\r\n - 8 ve daha büyük değerler etkin değerler olarak kullanılır.",
"lineNumbers": "Satır numaralarının görüntülenmesini denetler.",
@ -309,13 +321,15 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"mouseWheelScrollSensitivity": "Fare tekerleği kaydırma olaylarının 'deltaX' ve 'deltaY' değerleri üzerinde kullanılacak çarpan.",
"mouseWheelZoom": "`Ctrl` tuşuna basarken fare tekerleği kullanıldığında düzenleyicinin yazı tipini yakınlaştırın.",
"multiCursorMergeOverlapping": "Örtüşen birden çok imleci birleştirin.",
"multiCursorModifier": "Fareyle birden çok imleç eklemek için kullanılan değiştirici. Tanıma Git ve Bağlantıyı Aç fare hareketleri, çok imleçli değiştirici ile çakışmayacak şekilde uyarlanır. [Daha fazla bilgi](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/codebasics#_multicursor-modifier).",
"multiCursorModifier": "Fareyle birden çok imleç eklemek için kullanılacak değiştirici. Tanıma Git ve Bağlantıyı Aç fare hareketleri, çok imleçli değiştirici ile çakışmayacak şekilde uyarlanır. [Daha fazla bilgi](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/codebasics#_multicursor-modifier).",
"multiCursorModifier.alt": "Windows ve Linux'ta `Alt`, macOS'te `Option` tuşuna eşlenir.",
"multiCursorModifier.ctrlCmd": "Windows ve Linux'ta `Control`, macOS'te `Command` tuşuna eşlenir.",
"multiCursorPaste": "Yapıştırılan metnin satır sayısı imleç sayısıyla eşleştiğinde yapıştırmayı denetler.",
"multiCursorPaste.full": "Her imleç metnin tamamını yapıştırır.",
"multiCursorPaste.spread": "Her imleç metnin tek bir satırını yapıştırır.",
"occurrencesHighlight": "Düzenleyicinin anlamsal sembol oluşumlarını vurgulayıp vurgulamayacağını denetler.",
"off": "Hızlı öneriler devre dışı bırakıldı",
"on": "Hızlı öneriler, öner pencere öğesinin içinde görünür",
"overviewRulerBorder": "Genel bakış cetveli etrafına kenarlık çizilip çizilmeyeceğini denetler.",
"padding.bottom": "Düzenleyicinin alt kenarı ile son satır arasındaki boşluk miktarını denetler.",
"padding.top": "Düzenleyicinin üst kenarı ile ilk satır arasındaki boşluk miktarını denetler.",
@ -333,7 +347,6 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"renameOnTypeDeprecate": "Kullanım dışı, bunun yerine `editor.linkedEditing` kullanın.",
"renderControlCharacters": "Düzenleyicinin denetim karakterlerini işleyip işlemeyeceğini denetler.",
"renderFinalNewline": "Dosya yeni satır ile sona erdiğinde son satır numarasını işleyin.",
"renderIndentGuides": "Düzenleyicinin girinti kılavuzlarını işleyip işlemeyeceğini denetler.",
"renderLineHighlight": "Düzenleyicinin geçerli satır vurgulamasını nasıl işlemesi gerektiğini denetler.",
"renderLineHighlight.all": "Hem cilt payını hem de geçerli satırı vurgular.",
"renderLineHighlightOnlyWhenFocus": "Düzenleyicinin, geçerli satır vurgulamasını yalnızca düzenleyiciye odaklanıldığında işleyip işlemeyeceğini denetler.",
@ -381,10 +394,6 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"suggest.localityBonus": "Sıralamanın imlecin yakındaki sözcüklere öncelik verip vermeyeceğini denetler.",
"suggest.maxVisibleSuggestions.dep": "Bu ayar kullanım dışı bırakıldı. Öneri pencere öğesi artık yeniden boyutlandırılabilir.",
"suggest.preview": "Öneri sonucunun düzenleyicide önizlenip önizlenmeyeceğini denetler.",
"suggest.previewMode": "Önerilen önizlemeyi işlemek için hangi modun kullanılacağını denetler.",
"suggest.previewMode.prefix": "Önizlemeyi yalnızca değiştirme metni, ekleme metninin ön ekiyse işleyin.",
"suggest.previewMode.subword": "Önizlemeyi yalnızca değiştirme metni, ekleme metninin bir alt kelimesiyse işleyin.",
"suggest.previewMode.subwordSmart": "Değiştirme metni ekleme metninin bir alt kelimesi ise veya ekleme metninin bir ön eki ise, bir önizleme oluştur.",
"suggest.shareSuggestSelections": "Hatırlanan öneri seçimlerinin birden çok çalışma alanı ve pencere arasında paylaşılıp paylaşılmayacağını denetler (`#editor.suggestSelection#` gerekir).",
"suggest.showIcons": "Önerilerde simge gösterme veya gizlemeyi denetler.",
"suggest.showInlineDetails": "Öneri ayrıntılarının, etiketle satır içi olarak mı, yoksa yalnızca ayrıntılar pencere öğesinde mi gösterileceğini denetler",
@ -402,6 +411,13 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"tabCompletion.on": "Sekmeyle tamamlama, sekme tuşuna basıldığında en iyi eşleşen öneriyi ekler.",
"tabCompletion.onlySnippets": "Ön eki eşleştiğinde kod parçacığını sekmeyle tamamla. 'quickSuggestions' etkinleştirilmediğinde en iyi sonucu verir.",
"unfoldOnClickAfterEndOfLine": "Katlanmış bir satırdan sonraki boş içeriğe tıklamanın katlamayı açıp açmayacağını denetler.",
"unicodeHighlight.allowedCharacters": "Vurgulanmamış, izin verilmiş karakterleri tanımlar.",
"unicodeHighlight.allowedLocales": "İzin verilen yerel ayarlarda yaygın olan Unicode karakterler vurgulanmıyor.",
"unicodeHighlight.ambiguousCharacters": "Geçerli kullanıcı yerel ayarında yaygın olan karakterler dışında, temel ASCII karakterleriyle karıştırılabilecek karakterlerin vurgulanmış olup olmadığını kontrol eder.",
"unicodeHighlight.includeComments": "Yorumlardaki karakterlerin unicode vurgusuna da tabi olup olmamasını denetler.",
"unicodeHighlight.includeStrings": "Dizelerdeki karakterlerin unicode vurgusuna da tabi olup olmamasını denetler.",
"unicodeHighlight.invisibleCharacters": "Yalnızca boşluk tutan veya genişliği olmayan karakterlerin vurgulanmış olup olmadığını kontrol eder.",
"unicodeHighlight.nonBasicASCII": "Temel olmayan tüm ASCII karakterlerinin vurgulanmış olup olmadığını kontrol eder. Yalnızca U+0020 ile U+007E arasındaki karakterler, sekme, satır ilerletme ve satır başı karakterleri temel ASCII olarak kabul edilir.",
"unusualLineTerminators": "Soruna neden olabilecek olağan dışı satır sonlandırıcıları kaldır.",
"unusualLineTerminators.auto": "Olağan dışı satır sonlandırıcılar otomatik olarak kaldırılır.",
"unusualLineTerminators.off": "Olağan dışı satır sonlandırıcılar yoksayılır.",
@ -423,6 +439,59 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"wrappingStrategy.advanced": "Kaydırma noktaları hesaplamasını tarayıcıya devreder. Bu yavaş bir algoritmadır ve büyük dosyaların donmasına neden olabilir, ancak tüm durumlarda doğru şekilde çalışır.",
"wrappingStrategy.simple": "Tüm karakterlerin aynı genişlikte olduğunu varsayar. Bu, tek aralıklı yazı tiplerinde ve karakterlerin eşit genişlikte olduğu belirli betiklerde (Latince karakterler gibi) doğru şekilde çalışan hızlı bir algoritmadır."
"vs/editor/common/core/editorColorRegistry": {
"caret": "Düzenleyici imlecinin rengi.",
"deprecatedEditorActiveLineNumber": "Kimlik kullanım dışı. Bunun yerine 'editorLineNumber.activeForeground' kullanın.",
"editorActiveIndentGuide": "Etkin düzenleyici girinti kılavuzlarının rengi.",
"editorActiveLineNumber": "Düzenleyici etkin satır numarasının rengi",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground1": "Köşeli ayracın (1) ön plan rengi. Köşeli ayraç çifti renklendirmesinin etkinleştirilmesi gerekir.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground2": "Köşeli ayracın (2) ön plan rengi. Köşeli ayraç çifti renklendirmesinin etkinleştirilmesi gerekir.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground3": "Köşeli ayracın (3) ön plan rengi. Köşeli ayraç çifti renklendirmesinin etkinleştirilmesi gerekir.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground4": "Köşeli ayracın (4) ön plan rengi. Köşeli ayraç çifti renklendirmesinin etkinleştirilmesi gerekir.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground5": "Köşeli ayracın (5) ön plan rengi. Köşeli ayraç çifti renklendirmesinin etkinleştirilmesi gerekir.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground6": "Köşeli ayracın (6) ön plan rengi. Köşeli ayraç çifti renklendirmesinin etkinleştirilmesi gerekir.",
"editorBracketHighlightUnexpectedBracketForeground": "Beklenmeyen parantezlerin ön plan rengi.",
"editorBracketMatchBackground": "Eşleşen köşeli ayraçların arka plan rengi",
"editorBracketMatchBorder": "Eşleşen ayraçlar kutularının rengi",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground1": "Etkin köşeli ayraç çifti kılavuzlarının arka plan rengi (1). Köşeli ayraç çifti kılavuzlarının etkinleştirilmesini gerektirir.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground2": "Etkin köşeli ayraç çifti kılavuzlarının arka plan rengi (2). Köşeli ayraç çifti kılavuzlarının etkinleştirilmesini gerektirir.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground3": "Etkin köşeli ayraç çifti kılavuzlarının arka plan rengi (3). Köşeli ayraç çifti kılavuzlarının etkinleştirilmesini gerektirir.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground4": "Etkin köşeli ayraç çifti kılavuzlarının arka plan rengi (4). Köşeli ayraç çifti kılavuzlarının etkinleştirmesini gerektirir.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground5": "Etkin köşeli ayraç çifti kılavuzlarının arka plan rengi (5). Köşeli ayraç çifti kılavuzlarının etkinleştirilmesini gerektirir.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground6": "Etkin köşeli ayraç çifti kılavuzlarının arka plan rengi (6). Köşeli ayraç çifti kılavuzlarının etkinleştirilmesini gerektirir.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background1": "Etkin olmayan köşeli ayraç çifti kılavuzlarının arka plan rengi (1). Köşeli ayraç çifti kılavuzlarının etkinleştirilmesini gerektirir.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background2": "Etkin olmayan köşeli ayraç çifti kılavuzlarının arka plan rengi (2). Köşeli ayraç çifti kılavuzlarının etkinleştirilmesini gerektirir.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background3": "Etkin olmayan köşeli ayraç çifti kılavuzlarının arka plan rengi (3). Köşeli ayraç çifti kılavuzlarının etkinleştirilmesini gerektirir.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background4": "Etkin olmayan köşeli ayraç çifti kılavuzlarının arka plan rengi (4). Köşeli ayraç çifti kılavuzlarının etkinleştirilmesini gerektirir.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background5": "Etkin olmayan köşeli ayraç çifti kılavuzlarının arka plan rengi (5). Köşeli ayraç çifti kılavuzlarının etkinleştirilmesini gerektirir.",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background6": "Etkin olmayan köşeli ayraç çifti kılavuzlarının arka plan rengi (6). Köşeli ayraç çifti kılavuzlarının etkinleştirilmesini gerektirir.",
"editorCodeLensForeground": "Düzenleyici CodeLens'inin ön plan rengi",
"editorCursorBackground": "Düzenleyici imlecinin arka plan rengi. Bir blok imleç ile örtüşen bir karakterin rengini özelleştirmeye izin verir.",
"editorGhostTextBackground": "Düzenleyicideki soluk metnin arka plan rengi.",
"editorGhostTextBorder": "Düzenleyicideki soluk metnin kenarlık rengi.",
"editorGhostTextForeground": "Düzenleyicideki soluk metnin ön plan rengi.",
"editorGutter": "Düzenleyici cilt payının arka plan rengi. Cilt payı, karakter kenar boşluklarını ve satır numaralarını içerir.",
"editorIndentGuides": "Düzenleyici girinti kılavuzlarının rengi.",
"editorLineNumbers": "Düzenleyici satır numaralarının rengi.",
"editorOverviewRulerBackground": "Düzenleyiciye genel bakış cetvelinin arka plan rengi. Yalnızca mini harita etkinleştirilip düzenleyicinin sağ tarafına yerleştirildiğinde kullanılır.",
"editorOverviewRulerBorder": "Genel bakış cetveli kenarlığının rengi.",
"editorRuler": "Düzenleyici cetvellerinin rengi.",
"editorUnicodeHighlight.background": "Unicode karakterleri vurgulamak için kullanılan arka plan rengi.",
"editorUnicodeHighlight.border": "Unicode karakterleri vurgulamak için kullanılan kenarlık rengi.",
"editorWhitespaces": "Boşluk karakterlerinin düzenleyicideki rengi.",
"lineHighlight": "İmleç konumunda satırın vurgulanması için arka plan rengi.",
"lineHighlightBorderBox": "İmleç konumunda satırın çevresindeki kenarlığın arka plan rengi.",
"overviewRuleError": "Hatalar için genel bakış cetveli işaretleyici rengi.",
"overviewRuleInfo": "Bilgiler için genel bakış cetveli işaretleyici rengi.",
"overviewRuleWarning": "Uyarılar için genel bakış cetveli işaretleyici rengi.",
"overviewRulerRangeHighlight": "Aralık vurguları için genel bakış cetveli işaretleyici rengi. Alttaki süslemeleri gizlememek için rengin opak olmaması gerekir.",
"rangeHighlight": "Hızlı açma ve bulma özelliklerinde olduğu gibi vurgulanan aralıkların arka plan rengi. Alttaki süslemeleri gizlememesi için rengin opak olmaması gerekir.",
"rangeHighlightBorder": "Vurgulanan aralıkların çevresindeki kenarlığın arka plan rengi.",
"symbolHighlight": "Tanıma git veya sonraki/önceki sembol gibi işlevlerde vurgulanan simgenin arka plan rengi. Alttaki süslemeleri gizlememesi için rengin opak olmaması gerekir.",
"symbolHighlightBorder": "Vurgulanan sembollerin çevresindeki kenarlığın arka plan rengi.",
"unnecessaryCodeBorder": "Düzenleyicideki gereksiz (kullanılmayan) kaynak kodun kenarlık rengi.",
"unnecessaryCodeOpacity": "Düzenleyicideki gereksiz (kullanılmayan) kaynak kodun opaklığı. Örneğin \"#000000c0\", kodu %75 opaklık ile işler. Yüksek karşıtlıklı temalar için, gereksiz kodu soldurmak yerine altı çizili hale getirmek için 'editorUnnecessaryCode.Border' tema rengini kullanın."
"vs/editor/common/editorContextKeys": {
"editorColumnSelection": "`editor.columnSelection` öğesinin etkinleştirilip etkinleştirilmediğini belirtir",
"editorFocus": "Düzenleyicinin veya düzenleyici pencere öğesinin odağa sahip olup olmadığını (ör. odağın bulma pencere öğesinde olup olmadığını) belirtir",
@ -455,12 +524,12 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"inDiffEditor": "Bağlamın fark düzenleyicisi olup olmadığını belirtir",
"textInputFocus": "Düzenleyici veya zengin metin girişinin odağa sahip olup olmadığını (imlecin yanıp sönmesi) belirtir"
"vs/editor/common/languages/modesRegistry": {
"plainText.alias": "Düz Metin"
"vs/editor/common/model/editStack": {
"edit": "Yazılıyor"
"vs/editor/common/modes/modesRegistry": {
"plainText.alias": "Düz Metin"
"vs/editor/common/standaloneStrings": {
"accessibilityHelpMessage": "Erişilebilirlik Seçenekleri için Alt+F1 tuşlarına basın.",
"auto_off": "Düzenleyici, Ekran Okuyucu ile kullanım için hiçbir zaman iyileştirilmeyecek şekilde yapılandırıldı, ancak şu anda bunun tersi geçerlidir.",
@ -497,45 +566,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"tabFocusModeOnMsgNoKb": "Geçerli düzenleyicide Sekme tuşuna basmak, odağı bir sonraki odaklanılabilir öğeye taşır. {0} komutu şu anda bir tuş bağlaması tarafından tetiklenebilir durumda değil.",
"toggleHighContrast": "Yüksek Karşıtlık Temasını Aç/Kapat"
"vs/editor/common/view/editorColorRegistry": {
"caret": "Düzenleyici imlecinin rengi.",
"deprecatedEditorActiveLineNumber": "Kimlik kullanım dışı. Bunun yerine 'editorLineNumber.activeForeground' kullanın.",
"editorActiveIndentGuide": "Etkin düzenleyici girinti kılavuzlarının rengi.",
"editorActiveLineNumber": "Düzenleyici etkin satır numarasının rengi",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground1": "Köşeli ayracın (1) ön plan rengi. Köşeli ayraç çifti renklendirmesinin etkinleştirilmesi gerekir.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground2": "Köşeli ayracın (2) ön plan rengi. Köşeli ayraç çifti renklendirmesinin etkinleştirilmesi gerekir.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground3": "Köşeli ayracın (3) ön plan rengi. Köşeli ayraç çifti renklendirmesinin etkinleştirilmesi gerekir.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground4": "Köşeli ayracın (4) ön plan rengi. Köşeli ayraç çifti renklendirmesinin etkinleştirilmesi gerekir.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground5": "Köşeli ayracın (5) ön plan rengi. Köşeli ayraç çifti renklendirmesinin etkinleştirilmesi gerekir.",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground6": "Köşeli ayracın (6) ön plan rengi. Köşeli ayraç çifti renklendirmesinin etkinleştirilmesi gerekir.",
"editorBracketHighlightUnexpectedBracketForeground": "Beklenmeyen parantezlerin ön plan rengi.",
"editorBracketMatchBackground": "Eşleşen köşeli ayraçların arka plan rengi",
"editorBracketMatchBorder": "Eşleşen ayraçlar kutularının rengi",
"editorCodeLensForeground": "Düzenleyici CodeLens'inin ön plan rengi",
"editorCursorBackground": "Düzenleyici imlecinin arka plan rengi. Bir blok imleç ile örtüşen bir karakterin rengini özelleştirmeye izin verir.",
"editorGhostTextBorder": "Düzenleyicideki soluk metnin kenarlık rengi.",
"editorGhostTextForeground": "Düzenleyicideki soluk metnin ön plan rengi.",
"editorGutter": "Düzenleyici cilt payının arka plan rengi. Cilt payı, karakter kenar boşluklarını ve satır numaralarını içerir.",
"editorIndentGuides": "Düzenleyici girinti kılavuzlarının rengi.",
"editorLineNumbers": "Düzenleyici satır numaralarının rengi.",
"editorOverviewRulerBackground": "Düzenleyiciye genel bakış cetvelinin arka plan rengi. Yalnızca mini harita etkinleştirilip düzenleyicinin sağ tarafına yerleştirildiğinde kullanılır.",
"editorOverviewRulerBorder": "Genel bakış cetveli kenarlığının rengi.",
"editorRuler": "Düzenleyici cetvellerinin rengi.",
"editorWhitespaces": "Boşluk karakterlerinin düzenleyicideki rengi.",
"lineHighlight": "İmleç konumunda satırın vurgulanması için arka plan rengi.",
"lineHighlightBorderBox": "İmleç konumunda satırın çevresindeki kenarlığın arka plan rengi.",
"overviewRuleError": "Hatalar için genel bakış cetveli işaretleyici rengi.",
"overviewRuleInfo": "Bilgiler için genel bakış cetveli işaretleyici rengi.",
"overviewRuleWarning": "Uyarılar için genel bakış cetveli işaretleyici rengi.",
"overviewRulerRangeHighlight": "Aralık vurguları için genel bakış cetveli işaretleyici rengi. Alttaki süslemeleri gizlememek için rengin opak olmaması gerekir.",
"rangeHighlight": "Hızlı açma ve bulma özelliklerinde olduğu gibi vurgulanan aralıkların arka plan rengi. Alttaki süslemeleri gizlememesi için rengin opak olmaması gerekir.",
"rangeHighlightBorder": "Vurgulanan aralıkların çevresindeki kenarlığın arka plan rengi.",
"symbolHighlight": "Tanıma git veya sonraki/önceki sembol gibi işlevlerde vurgulanan simgenin arka plan rengi. Alttaki süslemeleri gizlememesi için rengin opak olmaması gerekir.",
"symbolHighlightBorder": "Vurgulanan sembollerin çevresindeki kenarlığın arka plan rengi.",
"unnecessaryCodeBorder": "Düzenleyicideki gereksiz (kullanılmayan) kaynak kodun kenarlık rengi.",
"unnecessaryCodeOpacity": "Düzenleyicideki gereksiz (kullanılmayan) kaynak kodun opaklığı. Örneğin \"#000000c0\", kodu %75 opaklık ile işler. Yüksek karşıtlıklı temalar için, gereksiz kodu soldurmak yerine altı çizili hale getirmek için 'editorUnnecessaryCode.Border' tema rengini kullanın."
"vs/editor/contrib/anchorSelect/anchorSelect": {
"vs/editor/contrib/anchorSelect/browser/anchorSelect": {
"anchorSet": "Bağlayıcı {0}:{1} konumuna kondu",
"cancelSelectionAnchor": "Seçim Bağlayıcısını İptal Et",
"goToSelectionAnchor": "Seçim Bağlayıcısına Git",
@ -543,20 +574,20 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"selectionAnchor": "Seçim Bağlayıcısı",
"setSelectionAnchor": "Seçim Bağlayıcısını Ayarla"
"vs/editor/contrib/bracketMatching/bracketMatching": {
"vs/editor/contrib/bracketMatching/browser/bracketMatching": {
"miGoToBracket": "&&Köşeli Ayraca Git",
"overviewRulerBracketMatchForeground": "Eşleşen köşeli ayraçlar için genel bakış cetveli işaretleyici rengi.",
"smartSelect.jumpBracket": "Köşeli Ayraca Git",
"smartSelect.selectToBracket": "Köşeli Ayraca Kadar Seç"
"vs/editor/contrib/caretOperations/caretOperations": {
"vs/editor/contrib/caretOperations/browser/caretOperations": {
"caret.moveLeft": "Seçili Metni Sola Taşı",
"caret.moveRight": "Seçili Metni Sağa Taşı"
"vs/editor/contrib/caretOperations/transpose": {
"vs/editor/contrib/caretOperations/browser/transpose": {
"transposeLetters.label": "Harflerin Sırasını Değiştir"
"vs/editor/contrib/clipboard/clipboard": {
"vs/editor/contrib/clipboard/browser/clipboard": {
"actions.clipboard.copyLabel": "Kopyala",
"actions.clipboard.copyWithSyntaxHighlightingLabel": "Söz Dizimi Vurgusu İle Kopyala",
"actions.clipboard.cutLabel": "Kes",
@ -566,7 +597,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"miCut": "&&Kes",
"miPaste": "&&Yapıştır"
"vs/editor/contrib/codeAction/codeActionCommands": {
"vs/editor/contrib/codeAction/browser/codeActionCommands": {
"applyCodeActionFailed": "Kod eylemi uygulanırken bilinmeyen bir hata oluştu",
"args.schema.apply": "Döndürülen eylemlerin ne zaman uygulanacağını denetler.",
"args.schema.apply.first": "İlk döndürülen kod eylemini her zaman uygula.",
@ -597,15 +628,18 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"refactor.label": "Yeniden düzenle...",
"source.label": "Kaynak Eylemi..."
"vs/editor/contrib/codeAction/lightBulbWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/codeAction/browser/lightBulbWidget": {
"codeAction": "Kod Eylemlerini Göster",
"codeActionWithKb": "Kod Eylemlerini Göster ({0})",
"preferredcodeActionWithKb": "Kod Eylemlerini Göster. Tercih Edilen Hızlı Düzeltme Mevcut ({0})"
"vs/editor/contrib/codelens/codelensController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/codelens/browser/codelensController": {
"showLensOnLine": "Geçerli Satır İçin CodeLens Komutlarını Göster"
"vs/editor/contrib/comment/comment": {
"vs/editor/contrib/colorPicker/browser/colorPickerWidget": {
"clickToToggleColorOptions": "Renk seçeneklerini değiştirmek için tıklayın (rgb/hsl/hex)"
"vs/editor/contrib/comment/browser/comment": {
"comment.block": "Blok Açıklamasını Aç/Kapat",
"comment.line": "Satır Açıklamasını Aç/Kapat",
"comment.line.add": "Satır Açıklaması Ekle",
@ -613,14 +647,21 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"miToggleBlockComment": "&&Blok Açıklamasını Aç/Kapat",
"miToggleLineComment": "&&Satır Açıklamasını Aç/Kapat"
"vs/editor/contrib/contextmenu/contextmenu": {
"vs/editor/contrib/contextmenu/browser/contextmenu": {
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"vs/editor/contrib/cursorUndo/cursorUndo": {
"vs/editor/contrib/cursorUndo/browser/cursorUndo": {
"cursor.redo": "İmleç Yineleme",
"cursor.undo": "İmleç Geri Alma"
"vs/editor/contrib/find/findController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/editorState/browser/keybindingCancellation": {
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"vs/editor/contrib/find/browser/findController": {
"actions.find.isRegexOverride": "\"Normal İfade Kullan\" bayrağını geçersiz kılar.\r\nBayrak gelecek için kaydedilmez.\r\n0: Hiçbir Şey Yapma\r\n1: True\r\n2: False",
"actions.find.matchCaseOverride": "\"Matematik Harfleri\" bayrağını geçersiz kılar.\r\nBayrak gelecek için kaydedilmez.\r\n0: Hiçbir Şey Yapma\r\n1: True\r\n2: Yanlış",
"actions.find.preserveCaseOverride": "\"Büyük/Küçük Harf Koru\" bayrağını geçersiz kılar.\r\nBayrak gelecek için kaydedilmez.\r\n0: Hiçbir Şey Yapma\r\n1: True\r\n2: Yanlış",
"actions.find.wholeWordOverride": "\"Tüm Sözcüğü Eşleştir\" bayrağını geçersiz kılar.\r\nBayrak gelecek için kaydedilmez.\r\n0: Hiçbir Şey Yapma\r\n1: True\r\n2: False",
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@ -628,10 +669,11 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
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"startFindWithSelectionAction": "Seçimle Bul",
"startReplace": "Değiştir"
"vs/editor/contrib/find/findWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/find/browser/findWidget": {
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"ariaSearchNoResultEmpty": "{0} bulundu",
"ariaSearchNoResultWithLineNum": "'{1}' için {2} konumunda {0} bulundu",
@ -659,7 +701,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"placeholder.replace": "Değiştir",
"title.matchesCountLimit": "Yalnızca ilk {0} sonuç vurgulanır, ancak tüm bulma işlemleri metnin tamamında sonuç verir."
"vs/editor/contrib/folding/folding": {
"vs/editor/contrib/folding/browser/folding": {
"editorGutter.foldingControlForeground": "Düzenleyici cilt payı içindeki katlama denetiminin rengi.",
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@ -669,9 +711,10 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
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"foldRecursivelyAction.label": "Özyinelemeli Katla",
"gotoNextFold.label": "Sonraki Katlamaya Git",
"gotoNextFold.label": "Sonraki Katlama Aralığına Git",
"gotoParentFold.label": "Üst Katlamaya Git",
"gotoPreviousFold.label": "Önceki Katlamaya Git",
"gotoPreviousFold.label": "Önceki Katlama Aralığına Git",
"maximum fold ranges": "Katlanabilir bölgelerin sayısı maksimum {0} ile sınırlıdır. Daha fazlasını etkinleştirmek için ['Maksimum Bölgeleri Katlama'](command:workbench.action.openSettings?[\" editor.foldingMaximumRegions\"]) yapılandırma seçeneğini kullanın.",
"toggleFoldAction.label": "Katlamayı Aç/Kapat",
"unFoldRecursivelyAction.label": "Katlamayı Özyinelemeli Olarak Kaldır",
"unfoldAction.label": "Katlamayı Kaldır",
@ -679,26 +722,26 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"unfoldAllExcept.label": "Seçili Bölgeler Hariç Tüm Bölgelerin Katlamasını Kaldır",
"unfoldAllMarkerRegions.label": "Tüm Bölgelerin Katlamasını Kaldır"
"vs/editor/contrib/folding/foldingDecorations": {
"vs/editor/contrib/folding/browser/foldingDecorations": {
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"foldingExpandedIcon": "Düzenleyici karakter dış boşluğundaki genişletilmiş aralıklar simgesi."
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"vs/editor/contrib/fontZoom/browser/fontZoom": {
"EditorFontZoomIn.label": "Düzenleyici Yazı Tipini Yakınlaştır",
"EditorFontZoomOut.label": "Düzenleyici Yazı Tipini Küçült",
"EditorFontZoomReset.label": "Düzenleyici Yazı Tipini Yakınlaştırmayı Sıfırla"
"vs/editor/contrib/format/format": {
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"hint1n": "{0}. ve {1}. satırlar arasında 1 biçimlendirme düzenlemesi yapıldı",
"hintn1": "{1}. satırda {0} biçimlendirme düzenlemesi yapıldı",
"hintnn": "{1}. ve {2}. satırlar arasında {0} biçimlendirme düzenlemesi yapıldı"
"vs/editor/contrib/format/formatActions": {
"vs/editor/contrib/format/browser/formatActions": {
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"formatSelection.label": "Biçim Seçimi"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoError/gotoError": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoError/browser/gotoError": {
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@ -708,7 +751,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
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"vs/editor/contrib/gotoError/gotoErrorWidget": {
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"Error": "Hata",
"Hint": "İpucu",
"Info": "Bilgi",
@ -724,7 +767,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"marker aria": "{0}, konum: {1}. ",
"problems": "{1}/{0} sorun"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/goToCommands": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/goToCommands": {
"actions.goToDecl.label": "Tanıma Git",
"actions.goToDeclToSide.label": "Tanımı Yan Tarafta Aç",
"actions.goToDeclaration.label": "Bildirime Git",
@ -761,25 +804,25 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"references.noGeneric": "Başvuru bulunamadı",
"typedef.title": "Tür Tanımları"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/link/goToDefinitionAtPosition": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/link/goToDefinitionAtPosition": {
"multipleResults": "{0} tanımı görüntülemek için tıklayın."
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/peek/referencesController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/peek/referencesController": {
"labelLoading": "Yükleniyor...",
"metaTitle.N": "{0} ({1})",
"referenceSearchVisible": "Başvuruya göz atmanın (ör. 'Başvurulara Göz Atma' veya 'Tanıma Göz Atma') görünür olup olmadığını belirtir"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/peek/referencesTree": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/peek/referencesTree": {
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"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/peek/referencesWidget": {
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"noResults": "Sonuç yok",
"peekView.alternateTitle": "Başvurular"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/referencesModel": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/referencesModel": {
"aria.fileReferences.1": "{0} içinde 1 sembol; tam yol {1}",
"aria.fileReferences.N": "{1} öğesinde {0} sembol; tam yol {2}",
"aria.oneReference": "{1}. satır {2}. sütundaki {0} sembolü",
@ -789,26 +832,26 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"aria.result.n1": "{1} içinde {0} sembol bulundu",
"aria.result.nm": "{1} dosyada {0} sembol bulundu"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/symbolNavigation": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/symbolNavigation": {
"hasSymbols": "Yalnızca klavye ile gezinilebilir sembol konumlarının olup olmadığını belirtir.",
"location": "Sembol {1} / {0}",
"location.kb": "Sembol {0}/{1}, sonraki için {2}"
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/hover": {
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/browser/hover": {
"showDefinitionPreviewHover": "Tanımın Önizleme Vurgulamasını Göster",
"showHover": "Vurgulamayı Göster"
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/markdownHoverParticipant": {
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/browser/markdownHoverParticipant": {
"modesContentHover.loading": "Yükleniyor...",
"too many characters": "Performans nedeniyle uzun satırlar için belirteç oluşturma atlandı. Bu `editor.maxTokenizationLineLength` ile yapılandırılabilir."
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/markerHoverParticipant": {
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/browser/markerHoverParticipant": {
"checkingForQuickFixes": "Hızlı düzeltmeler denetleniyor...",
"noQuickFixes": "Hızlı düzeltme yok",
"quick fixes": "Hızlı Düzeltme...",
"view problem": "Sorunu Göster"
"vs/editor/contrib/indentation/indentation": {
"vs/editor/contrib/indentation/browser/indentation": {
"configuredTabSize": "Yapılandırılan Sekme Boyutu",
"detectIndentation": "Girintiyi İçerikten Algıla",
"editor.reindentlines": "Satırları Yeniden Girintile",
@ -819,24 +862,32 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"indentationToTabs": "Girintiyi Sekmelere Dönüştür",
"selectTabWidth": "Geçerli Dosya için Sekme Boyutunu Seç"
"vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/ghostTextController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/inlayHints/browser/inlayHintsHover": {
"hint.cmd": "Komutu yürüt",
"hint.dbl": "Eklemek için çift tıklayın",
"hint.def": "Tanım’a Git ({0})",
"hint.defAndCommand": "Tanım'a ({0}) gidin, daha fazlası için sağ tıklayın",
"links.navigate.kb.alt": "alt + tıklama",
"links.navigate.kb.alt.mac": "seçenek + tıklama",
"links.navigate.kb.meta": "ctrl + tıklama",
"links.navigate.kb.meta.mac": "cmd + tıklama"
"vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/browser/ghostTextController": {
"action.inlineSuggest.showNext": "Sonraki Satır İçi Öneriyi Göster",
"action.inlineSuggest.showPrevious": "Önceki Satır İçi Öneriyi Göster",
"action.inlineSuggest.trigger": "Satır İçi Öneriyi Tetikle",
"inlineSuggestionHasIndentation": "Satır içi önerinin boşlukla başlayıp başlamadığını belirtir",
"inlineSuggestionHasIndentationLessThanTabSize": "Satır içi önerinin, sekme tarafından eklenecek olandan daha az olan boşlukla başlayıp başlamadığı",
"inlineSuggestionVisible": "Satır içi önerinin görünür olup olmadığını belirtir"
"vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/inlineCompletionsHoverParticipant": {
"acceptInlineSuggestion": "Kabul et",
"inlineSuggestionFollows": "Öneri:",
"showNextInlineSuggestion": "Sonraki",
"showPreviousInlineSuggestion": "Önceki"
"vs/editor/contrib/inPlaceReplace/inPlaceReplace": {
"vs/editor/contrib/inPlaceReplace/browser/inPlaceReplace": {
"InPlaceReplaceAction.next.label": "Sonraki Değerle Değiştir",
"InPlaceReplaceAction.previous.label": "Önceki Değerle Değiştir"
"vs/editor/contrib/linesOperations/linesOperations": {
"vs/editor/contrib/lineSelection/browser/lineSelection": {
"expandLineSelection": "Satır Seçimini Genişlet"
"vs/editor/contrib/linesOperations/browser/linesOperations": {
"duplicateSelection": "Seçimi Çoğalt",
"editor.transformToLowercase": "Küçük Harfe Dönüştür",
"editor.transformToSnakecase": "Snake Case'e Dönüştür",
@ -848,6 +899,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"lines.delete": "Satırı Sil",
"lines.deleteAllLeft": "Soldakilerin Tümünü Sil",
"lines.deleteAllRight": "Sağdakilerin Tümünü Sil",
"lines.deleteDuplicates": "Yinelenen Satırları Sil",
"lines.indent": "Satırı Girintile",
"lines.insertAfter": "Aşağıya Satır Ekle",
"lines.insertBefore": "Yukarıya Satır Ekle",
@ -864,11 +916,11 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"miMoveLinesDown": "Satırı &&Aşağı Taşı",
"miMoveLinesUp": "Satırı Y&&ukarı Taşı"
"vs/editor/contrib/linkedEditing/linkedEditing": {
"vs/editor/contrib/linkedEditing/browser/linkedEditing": {
"editorLinkedEditingBackground": "Düzenleyici yazma işlemi üzerine otomatik olarak yeniden adlandırdığındaki arka plan rengi.",
"linkedEditing.label": "Bağlı Düzenlemeyi Başlat"
"vs/editor/contrib/links/links": {
"vs/editor/contrib/links/browser/links": {
"invalid.url": "Düzgün biçimlendirilmediğinden bu bağlantı açılamadı: {0}",
"label": "Bağlantıyı Aç",
"links.navigate.executeCmd": "Komutu yürüt",
@ -880,11 +932,11 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"missing.url": "Hedefi eksik olduğu için bu bağlantı açılamadı.",
"tooltip.explanation": "{0} komutunu yürütün"
"vs/editor/contrib/message/messageController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/message/browser/messageController": {
"editor.readonly": "Salt okunur düzenleyicide düzenleme yapılamaz",
"messageVisible": "Düzenleyicinin şu anda bir satır içi ileti gösterip göstermediğini belirtir"
"vs/editor/contrib/multicursor/multicursor": {
"vs/editor/contrib/multicursor/browser/multicursor": {
"addSelectionToNextFindMatch": "Seçimi Sonraki Bulma Eşleşmesine Ekle",
"addSelectionToPreviousFindMatch": "Seçimi Önceki Bulma Eşleşmesine Ekle",
"changeAll.label": "Tüm Oluşumları Değiştirir",
@ -905,15 +957,16 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"mutlicursor.insertBelow": "Aşağıya İmleç Ekle",
"selectAllOccurrencesOfFindMatch": "Bulma Eşleşmesinin Tüm Oluşumlarını Seç"
"vs/editor/contrib/parameterHints/parameterHints": {
"vs/editor/contrib/parameterHints/browser/parameterHints": {
"parameterHints.trigger.label": "Parametre İpuçları Tetikle"
"vs/editor/contrib/parameterHints/parameterHintsWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/parameterHints/browser/parameterHintsWidget": {
"editorHoverWidgetHighlightForeground": "Parametre ipucundaki etkin öğenin ön plan rengi.",
"hint": "{0}, ipucu",
"parameterHintsNextIcon": "Sonraki parametre ipucunu göster simgesi.",
"parameterHintsPreviousIcon": "Önceki parametre ipucunu göster simgesi."
"vs/editor/contrib/peekView/peekView": {
"vs/editor/contrib/peekView/browser/peekView": {
"inReferenceSearchEditor": "Geçerli kod düzenleyicisinin göz atmaya eklenip eklenmediğini belirtir",
"label.close": "Kapat",
"peekViewBorder": "Göz atma görünümü kenarlıklarının ve okunun rengi.",
@ -931,14 +984,14 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"peekViewTitleForeground": "Göz atma görünümü başlığının rengi.",
"peekViewTitleInfoForeground": "Göz atma görünümü başlık bilgisinin rengi."
"vs/editor/contrib/quickAccess/gotoLineQuickAccess": {
"vs/editor/contrib/quickAccess/browser/gotoLineQuickAccess": {
"cannotRunGotoLine": "Bir satıra gitmek için önce bir metin düzenleyicisi açın.",
"gotoLineColumnLabel": "{0}. satır, {1}. karaktere gidin.",
"gotoLineLabel": "{0}. satıra git.",
"gotoLineLabelEmpty": "Geçerli Satır: {0}, Karakter: {1}. Gidilecek satır numarasını yazın.",
"gotoLineLabelEmptyWithLimit": "Geçerli Satır: {0}, Karakter: {1}. 1 ile {2} arasındaki gidilecek satır numarasını yazın."
"vs/editor/contrib/quickAccess/gotoSymbolQuickAccess": {
"vs/editor/contrib/quickAccess/browser/gotoSymbolQuickAccess": {
"_constructor": "yapıcılar ({0})",
"array": "diziler ({0})",
"boolean": "boole değerleri ({0})",
@ -972,7 +1025,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"typeParameter": "tür parametreleri ({0})",
"variable": "değişkenler ({0})"
"vs/editor/contrib/rename/rename": {
"vs/editor/contrib/rename/browser/rename": {
"aria": "'{0}', '{1}' olarak başarıyla yeniden adlandırıldı. Özel: {2}",
"enablePreview": "Yeniden adlandırmadan önce değişiklikleri önizleme olanağını etkinleştir/devre dışı bırak",
"label": "'{0}' yeniden adlandırılıyor",
@ -983,23 +1036,23 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"rename.label": "Sembolü Yeniden Adlandır",
"resolveRenameLocationFailed": "Yeniden adlandırma konumu çözümlenirken bilinmeyen bir hata oluştu"
"vs/editor/contrib/rename/renameInputField": {
"vs/editor/contrib/rename/browser/renameInputField": {
"label": "Yeniden adlandırmak için {0}, Önizlemek için {1} tuşlarına basın",
"renameAriaLabel": "Girişi yeniden adlandırın. Yeni adı yazın ve işlemek için Enter tuşuna basın.",
"renameInputVisible": "Yeniden adlandırma girişi pencere öğesinin görünür olup olmadığını belirtir"
"vs/editor/contrib/smartSelect/smartSelect": {
"vs/editor/contrib/smartSelect/browser/smartSelect": {
"miSmartSelectGrow": "&&Seçimi Genişlet",
"miSmartSelectShrink": "&&Seçimi Küçült",
"smartSelect.expand": "Seçimi Genişlet",
"smartSelect.shrink": "Seçimi Küçült"
"vs/editor/contrib/snippet/snippetController2": {
"vs/editor/contrib/snippet/browser/snippetController2": {
"hasNextTabstop": "Kod parçacığı modundayken sonraki sekme durağının olup olmadığını belirtir",
"hasPrevTabstop": "Kod parçacığı modundayken önceki sekme durağının olup olmadığını belirtir",
"inSnippetMode": "Düzenleyicinin şu anda parçacık modunda olup olmadığını belirtir"
"vs/editor/contrib/snippet/snippetVariables": {
"vs/editor/contrib/snippet/browser/snippetVariables": {
"April": "Nisan",
"AprilShort": "Nis",
"August": "Ağustos",
@ -1039,17 +1092,16 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"Wednesday": "Çarşamba",
"WednesdayShort": "Çar"
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggest": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggest": {
"acceptSuggestionOnEnter": "Enter tuşuna basıldığında önerilerin eklenip eklenmeyeceğini belirtir",
"suggestWidgetDetailsVisible": "Öneri ayrıntılarının görünür olup olmadığını belirtir",
"suggestWidgetMultipleSuggestions": "Seçebileceğiniz birden fazla öneri olup olmadığını belirtir",
"suggestWidgetVisible": "Önerinin görünür olup olmadığını belirtir",
"suggestionCanResolve": "Geçerli önerin daha fazla ayrıntı çözümlemeyi destekleyip desteklemediğini belirtir",
"suggestionHasInsertAndReplaceRange": "Geçerli önerinin ekleme ve değiştirme davranışına sahip olup olmadığını belirtir",
"suggestionInsertMode": "Varsayılan davranışın ekleme mi, değiştirme mi olduğunu belirtir",
"suggestionMakesTextEdit": "Geçerli öneriyi eklemenin değişikliğe neden olup olmadığını veya her şeyin önceden yazılıp yazılmadığını belirtir"
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestController": {
"accept.insert": "Ekle",
"accept.replace": "Değiştir",
"aria.alert.snippet": "'{0}' önerisinin kabul edilmesi {1} ek düzenleme yapılmasına neden oldu",
@ -1058,7 +1110,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"suggest.reset.label": "Önerilen Pencere Öğesi Boyutunu Sıfırla",
"suggest.trigger.label": "Öneri Tetikle"
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestWidget": {
"ariaCurrenttSuggestionReadDetails": "{0}, belgeler: {1}",
"editorSuggestWidgetBackground": "Öneri pencere öğesinin arka plan rengi.",
"editorSuggestWidgetBorder": "Öneri pencere öğesinin kenarlık rengi.",
@ -1068,22 +1120,26 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"editorSuggestWidgetSelectedBackground": "Öneri pencere öğesinde seçilen girişin arka plan rengi.",
"editorSuggestWidgetSelectedForeground": "Öneri pencere öğesinde seçilen girdinin ön plan rengi.",
"editorSuggestWidgetSelectedIconForeground": "Öneri pencere öğesinde seçilen girişin simge ön plan rengi.",
"editorSuggestWidgetStatusForeground": "Öneri pencere öğesi durumunun ön plan rengi.",
"label.desc": "{0}, {1}",
"label.detail": "{0}{1}",
"label.full": "({0},{1}) {2}",
"suggest": "Öner",
"suggestWidget.loading": "Yükleniyor...",
"suggestWidget.noSuggestions": "Öneri yok."
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestWidgetDetails": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestWidgetDetails": {
"details.close": "Kapat",
"loading": "Yükleniyor..."
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestWidgetRenderer": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestWidgetRenderer": {
"readMore": "Daha Fazla Bilgi Edinin",
"suggestMoreInfoIcon": "Öneri arabirim öğesindeki daha fazla bilgi simgesi."
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestWidgetStatus": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestWidgetStatus": {
"ddd": "{0} ({1})"
"vs/editor/contrib/symbolIcons/symbolIcons": {
"vs/editor/contrib/symbolIcons/browser/symbolIcons": {
"symbolIcon.arrayForeground": "Dizi sembolleri için ön plan rengi. Bu semboller ana hatta, içerik haritasında ve öneri pencere öğesinde görünür.",
"symbolIcon.booleanForeground": "Boolean sembolleri için ön plan rengi. Bu semboller ana hatta, içerik haritasında ve öneri pencere öğesinde görünür.",
"symbolIcon.classForeground": "Sınıf sembolleri için ön plan rengi. Bu semboller ana hatta, içerik haritasında ve öneri pencere öğesinde görünür.",
@ -1118,22 +1174,47 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"symbolIcon.unitForeground": "Birim sembolleri için ön plan rengi. Bu semboller ana hatta, içerik haritasında ve öneri pencere öğesinde görünür.",
"symbolIcon.variableForeground": "Değişken sembolleri için ön plan rengi. Bu semboller ana hatta, içerik haritasında ve öneri pencere öğesinde görünür."
"vs/editor/contrib/toggleTabFocusMode/toggleTabFocusMode": {
"vs/editor/contrib/toggleTabFocusMode/browser/toggleTabFocusMode": {
"toggle.tabMovesFocus": "Sekme Tuşuyla Odağı Taşımayı Aç/Kapat",
"toggle.tabMovesFocus.off": "Artık Sekme tuşuna basıldığında sekme karakteri eklenir",
"toggle.tabMovesFocus.on": "Tab tuşuna basıldığında odak bir sonraki odaklanılabilir öğeye taşınır"
"vs/editor/contrib/tokenization/tokenization": {
"vs/editor/contrib/tokenization/browser/tokenization": {
"forceRetokenize": "Geliştirici: Zorla Tekrar Belirteçlere Ayır"
"vs/editor/contrib/unusualLineTerminators/unusualLineTerminators": {
"vs/editor/contrib/unicodeHighlighter/browser/unicodeHighlighter": {
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingInComments": "Açıklamalardaki karakterlerin vurgulanmasını devre dışı bırak",
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingInStrings": "Dizelerdeki karakterlerin vurgulanmasını devre dışı bırak",
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfAmbiguousCharacters": "Belirsiz karakterlerin vurgusunu devre dışı bırak",
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfInvisibleCharacters": "Görünmez karakterlerin vurgusunu devre dışı bırak",
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfNonBasicAsciiCharacters": "Temel olmayan ASCII karakterlerin vurgusunu devre dışı bırak",
"action.unicodeHighlight.showExcludeOptions": "Hariç Tutma Seçeneklerini Göster",
"unicodeHighlight.adjustSettings": "Ayarları yapın",
"unicodeHighlight.allowCommonCharactersInLanguage": "“{0}” dilinde daya yaygın olan Unicode karakterlere izin ver.",
"unicodeHighlight.characterIsAmbiguous": "{0} karakteri, kaynak kodunda daha yaygın olan {1} karakteriyle karıştırılabiliyor.",
"unicodeHighlight.characterIsInvisible": "{0} karakteri görünmezdir.",
"unicodeHighlight.characterIsNonBasicAscii": "{0} karakteri, temel bir ASCII karakteri değildir.",
"unicodeHighlight.configureUnicodeHighlightOptions": "Unicode Vurgulama Seçeneklerini Yapılandır",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingInComments.shortLabel": "Açıklamalarda Vurgulamayı Devre Dışı Bırak",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingInStrings.shortLabel": "Dizelerde Vurgulamayı Devre Dışı Bırak",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfAmbiguousCharacters.shortLabel": "Belirsiz Vurgulamayı Devre Dışı Bırak",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfInvisibleCharacters.shortLabel": "Görünmez Vurgulamayı Devre Dışı Bırak",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfNonBasicAsciiCharacters.shortLabel": "ASCII Dışı Vurgulamayı Devre Dışı Bırak",
"unicodeHighlight.excludeCharFromBeingHighlighted": "{0} vurgulanmaktan hariç tut",
"unicodeHighlight.excludeInvisibleCharFromBeingHighlighted": "{0} (görünmez karakter) öğesinin vurgulanmasını hariç tut",
"unicodeHighlighting.thisDocumentHasManyAmbiguousUnicodeCharacters": "Bu belge birçok belirsiz unicode karakter içeriyor",
"unicodeHighlighting.thisDocumentHasManyInvisibleUnicodeCharacters": "Bu belge birçok görünmez unicode karakter içeriyor",
"unicodeHighlighting.thisDocumentHasManyNonBasicAsciiUnicodeCharacters": "Bu belge, çok sayıda temel olmayan ASCII unicode karakteri içeriyor",
"warningIcon": "Uzantılar düzenleyicisinde uyarı iletisiyle birlikte gösterilen simge."
"vs/editor/contrib/unusualLineTerminators/browser/unusualLineTerminators": {
"unusualLineTerminators.detail": "‘{0}’ dosyası, Satır Ayırıcı (LS) veya Paragraf Ayırıcı (PS) gibi bir veya daha fazla olağan dışı satır sonlandırıcı karakter içeriyor.\r\n\r\nBunların dosyadan kaldırılması önerilir. Bu, `editor.unusualLineTerminators` aracılığıyla yapılandırılabilir.",
"unusualLineTerminators.fix": "Olağan Dışı Satır Sonlandırıcıları Kaldır",
"unusualLineTerminators.ignore": "Yoksay",
"unusualLineTerminators.message": "Olağan dışı satır ayırıcılar algılandı",
"unusualLineTerminators.title": "Olağandışı Satır Ayırıcılar"
"vs/editor/contrib/wordHighlighter/wordHighlighter": {
"vs/editor/contrib/wordHighlighter/browser/wordHighlighter": {
"overviewRulerWordHighlightForeground": "Sembol vurguları için genel bakış cetveli işaretleyici rengi. Alttaki süslemeleri gizlememesi için rengin opak olmaması gerekir.",
"overviewRulerWordHighlightStrongForeground": "Yazma erişimi sembolü vurguları için genel bakış cetveli işaretleyici rengi. Alttaki süslemeleri gizlememesi için rengin opak olmaması gerekir.",
"wordHighlight": "Bir değişkeni okuma gibi bir okuma erişimi sırasında bir sembolün arka plan rengi. Alttaki süslemeleri gizlememesi için rengin opak olmaması gerekir.",
@ -1144,7 +1225,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"wordHighlightStrong": "Bir değişkene yazma gibi bir yazma erişimi sırasında sembolün arka plan rengi. Alttaki süslemeleri gizlememesi için rengin opak olmaması gerekir.",
"wordHighlightStrongBorder": "Bir değişkene yazma gibi bir yazma erişimi sırasında sembolün kenarlık rengi."
"vs/editor/contrib/wordOperations/wordOperations": {
"vs/editor/contrib/wordOperations/browser/wordOperations": {
"deleteInsideWord": "Sözcük Sil"
"vs/platform/actions/browser/menuEntryActionViewItem": {
@ -1183,13 +1264,16 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"sizeTB": "{0} TB",
"unknownError": "Bilinmeyen Hata"
"vs/platform/history/browser/contextScopedHistoryWidget": {
"suggestWidgetVisible": "Önerinin görünür olup olmadığını belirtir"
"vs/platform/keybinding/common/abstractKeybindingService": {
"first.chord": "({0}) basıldı. Akorun ikinci tuşu bekleniyor...",
"missing.chord": "({0}, {1}) tuş bileşimi bir komut değil."
"vs/platform/list/browser/listService": {
"Fast Scroll Sensitivity": "Alt tuşuna basılırken kaydırma hızı çarpanı.",
"Mouse Wheel Scroll Sensitivity": "Fare tekerleği kaydırma olaylarının deltaX ve deltaY değerleri üzerinde kullanılacak çarpan.",
"Fast Scroll Sensitivity": "`Alt` tuşuna basılırken kaydırma hızı çarpanı.",
"Mouse Wheel Scroll Sensitivity": "Fare tekerleği kaydırma olaylarının 'deltaX' ve 'deltaY' değerleri üzerinde kullanılacak çarpan.",
"automatic keyboard navigation setting": "Liste ve ağaçlarda klavye gezinmesinin otomatik tetiklenmesi için yazmaya başlamanın yeterli olup olmadığını denetler. `false` olarak ayarlanırsa klavye gezinmesi yalnızca bir klavye kısayolu atayabileceğiniz `list.toggleKeyboardNavigation` komutu yürütülürken tetiklenir.",
"expand mode": "Klasör adlarına tıklandığında ağaç klasörlerinin nasıl genişletileceğini denetler. Uygulanamıyorsa, bazı ağaçların ve listelerin bu ayarı yoksaymayı seçebileceğine dikkat edin.",
"horizontalScrolling setting": "Liste ve ağaçların workbench'te yatay kaydırmayı destekleyip desteklemeyeceğini denetler. Uyarı: Bu ayarı açmanın, performansa etkisi olur.",
@ -1254,8 +1338,14 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"diffDiagonalFill": "Fark düzenleyicisinin çapraz dolgusunun rengi. Çapraz dolgu yan yana fark görünümlerinde kullanılır.",
"diffEditorBorder": "İki metin düzenleyici arasındaki kenarlık rengi.",
"diffEditorInserted": "Eklenen metin için arka plan rengi. Alttaki süslemeleri gizlememesi için rengin opak olmaması gerekir.",
"diffEditorInsertedLineGutter": "Satırların eklenmiş olduğu kenar boşluğu için arka plan rengi.",
"diffEditorInsertedLines": "Eklenen satırlar için arka plan rengi. Alttaki süslemeleri gizlememesi için rengin opak olmaması gerekir.",
"diffEditorInsertedOutline": "Yerleştirilen metin için ana hat rengi.",
"diffEditorOverviewInserted": "Eklenen içerik için fark genel bakış cetveli ön planı.",
"diffEditorOverviewRemoved": "Kaldırılan içerik için fark genel bakış cetveli ön planı.",
"diffEditorRemoved": "Kaldırılan metin için arka plan rengi. Alttaki süslemeleri gizlememesi için rengin opak olmaması gerekir.",
"diffEditorRemovedLineGutter": "Satırların kaldırılmış olduğu kenar boşluğu için arka plan rengi.",
"diffEditorRemovedLines": "Kaldırılan satırlar için arka plan rengi. Alttaki süslemeleri gizlememesi için rengin opak olmaması gerekir.",
"diffEditorRemovedOutline": "Kaldırılan metin için ana hat rengi.",
"dropdownBackground": "Açılır liste arka planı.",
"dropdownBorder": "Açılır liste kenarlığı.",
@ -1272,7 +1362,11 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"editorInfo.background": "Düzenleyicide bilgi metninin arka plan rengi. Alttaki süslemeleri gizlememesi için rengin opak olmaması gerekir.",
"editorInfo.foreground": "Düzenleyicideki bilgi dalgalı çizgilerinin ön plan rengi.",
"editorInlayHintBackground": "Satır içi ipuçlarının arka plan rengi",
"editorInlayHintBackgroundParameter": "Parametreler için satır içi ipuçlarının arka plan rengi",
"editorInlayHintBackgroundTypes": "Türler için satır içi ipuçlarının arka plan rengi",
"editorInlayHintForeground": "Satır içi ipuçlarının ön plan rengi",
"editorInlayHintForegroundParameter": "Parametreler için satır içi ipuçlarının ön plan rengi",
"editorInlayHintForegroundTypes": "Türler için satır içi ipuçlarının ön plan rengi",
"editorLightBulbAutoFixForeground": "Ampul otomatik düzeltme eylemleri simgesi için kullanılan renk.",
"editorLightBulbForeground": "Ampul eylemleri simgesi için kullanılan renk.",
"editorSelectionBackground": "Düzenleyici seçiminin rengi.",
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"inputBoxBackground": "Giriş kutusu arka planı.",
"inputBoxBorder": "Giriş kutusu kenarlığı.",
"inputBoxForeground": "Giriş kutusu ön planı.",
"inputOption.activeBackground": "Giriş alanlarındaki etkinleştirilen seçeneklerin arka plan rengi.",
"inputOption.activeBackground": "Giriş alanlarındaki seçeneklerin arka plan vurgulama rengi.",
"inputOption.activeForeground": "Giriş alanlarında etkinleştirilmiş seçeneklerin ön plan rengi.",
"inputOption.hoverBackground": "Giriş alanlarındaki etkinleştirilen seçeneklerin arka plan rengi.",
"inputPlaceholderForeground": "Yer tutucu metnin giriş kutusu ön plan rengi.",
"inputValidationErrorBackground": "Hata önem derecesi için giriş doğrulama arka plan rengi.",
"inputValidationErrorBorder": "Hata önem derecesi için giriş doğrulama kenarlık rengi.",
@ -1362,7 +1457,9 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"minimapBackground": "Mini harita arka plan rengi.",
"minimapError": "Hatalar için mini harita işaretçi rengi.",
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"minimapForegroundOpacity": "Mini haritada işlenen ön plan öğelerinin opaklığı. Örneğin, \"#000000c0\" öğeleri %75 opaklıkla işler.",
"minimapSelectionHighlight": "Düzenleyici seçimi için mini harita işaretçi rengi.",
"minimapSelectionOccurrenceHighlight": "Düzenleyici seçimlerini yinelemek için mini harita işaretleyici rengi.",
"minimapSliderActiveBackground": "Tıklandığında mini harita kaydırıcı arka plan rengi.",
"minimapSliderBackground": "Mini harita kaydırıcı arka plan rengi.",
"minimapSliderHoverBackground": "Üzerinde gezinildiğinde mini harita kaydırıcı arka plan rengi.",
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"tableColumnsBorder": "Sütunlar arasındaki tablo kenarlık rengi.",
"tableOddRowsBackgroundColor": "Tek sayılı tablo satırları için arka plan rengi.",
"textBlockQuoteBackground": "Metindeki blok alıntılar için arka plan rengi.",
"textBlockQuoteBorder": "Metindeki blok alıntılar için kenarlık rengi.",
"textCodeBlockBackground": "Metindeki kod blokları için arka plan rengi.",
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"widgetShadow": "Düzenleyici içinde bulma/değiştirme gibi pencere öğelerinin gölge rengi."
"vs/platform/theme/common/iconRegistry": {
"iconDefintion.fontCharacter": "Simge tanımıyla ilişkilendirilen yazı tipi karakteri.",
"iconDefintion.fontId": "Kullanılacak yazı tipinin kimliği. Ayarlanmamışsa, ilk olarak tanımlanan yazı tipi kullanılır.",
"iconDefinition.fontCharacter": "Simge tanımıyla ilişkilendirilen yazı tipi karakteri.",
"iconDefinition.fontId": "Kullanılacak yazı tipinin kimliği. Ayarlanmamışsa, ilk olarak tanımlanan yazı tipi kullanılır.",
"nextChangeIcon": "Sonraki düzenleyici konumuna git simgesi.",
"previousChangeIcon": "Önceki düzenleyici konumuna git simgesi.",
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"cannotWorkspaceUndoDueToInMeantimeUndoRedo": "Aynı anda bir geri alma veya yineleme işlemi yapılmakta olduğundan '{0}' tüm dosyalarda geri alınamadı",
"cannotWorkspaceUndoDueToInProgressUndoRedo": "{1} üzerinde zaten çalışan bir geri alma veya yineleme işlemi olduğundan '{0}' tüm dosyalarda geri alınamadı",
"confirmDifferentSource": "'{0}' öğesini geri almak istiyor musunuz?",
"confirmDifferentSource.no": "Hayır",
"confirmDifferentSource.yes": "Evet",
"confirmWorkspace": "'{0}' işlemini tüm dosyalarda geri almak istiyor musunuz?",
"externalRemoval": "Şu dosyalar diskte kapatıldı ve değiştirildi: {0}.",
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"nok": "Bu Dosyayı Geri Al",
"ok": "{0} Dosyada Geri Al"
"vs/platform/workspaces/common/workspaces": {
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"vs/base/browser/ui/actionbar/actionViewItems": {
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"vs/base/browser/ui/findinput/findInputCheckboxes": {
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"regexDescription": "使用正则表达式",
"wordsDescription": "全字匹配"
"vs/base/browser/ui/findinput/replaceInput": {
"defaultLabel": "输入",
"label.preserveCaseCheckbox": "保留大小写"
"label.preserveCaseToggle": "保留大小写"
"vs/base/browser/ui/iconLabel/iconLabelHover": {
"iconLabel.loading": "正在加载…"
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"vs/base/browser/ui/inputbox/inputBox": {
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"alertInfoMessage": "信息: {0}",
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"alertWarningMessage": "警告: {0}",
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"vs/base/browser/ui/keybindingLabel/keybindingLabel": {
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"titleLabel": "{0} ({1})"
"vs/base/browser/ui/tree/abstractTree": {
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"shiftKey": "Shift",
"shiftKey.long": "Shift",
"superKey": "超键",
@ -72,16 +69,13 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"vs/base/parts/quickinput/browser/quickInputList": {
"quickInput": "快速输入"
"vs/editor/browser/controller/coreCommands": {
"removedCursor": "已删除辅助游标",
"stickydesc": "即使转到较长的行,也一直到末尾"
"vs/editor/browser/controller/textAreaHandler": {
"accessibilityOffAriaLabel": "现在无法访问编辑器。按 {0} 获取选项。",
"editor": "编辑器"
"vs/editor/browser/core/keybindingCancellation": {
"cancellableOperation": "编辑器是否运行可取消的操作,例如“预览引用”"
"vs/editor/browser/coreCommands": {
"removedCursor": "已删除辅助游标",
"stickydesc": "即使转到较长的行,也一直到末尾"
"vs/editor/browser/editorExtensions": {
"miRedo": "恢复(&&R)",
@ -117,12 +111,15 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"unchangedLine": "{0} 未更改的行 {1}"
"vs/editor/browser/widget/inlineDiffMargin": {
"diff.clipboard.copyChangedLineContent.label": "复制更改的行({0})",
"diff.clipboard.copyChangedLinesContent.label": "复制更改的行",
"diff.clipboard.copyChangedLinesContent.single.label": "复制更改的行",
"diff.clipboard.copyDeletedLineContent.label": "复制已删除的行({0})",
"diff.clipboard.copyDeletedLinesContent.label": "复制已删除的行",
"diff.clipboard.copyDeletedLinesContent.single.label": "复制已删除的行",
"diff.inline.revertChange.label": "还原此更改"
"vs/editor/common/config/commonEditorConfig": {
"vs/editor/common/config/editorConfigurationSchema": {
"codeLens": "控制是否在编辑器中显示 CodeLens。",
"detectIndentation": "控制是否在打开文件时,基于文件内容自动检测 `#editor.tabSize#` 和 `#editor.insertSpaces#`。",
"editorConfigurationTitle": "编辑器",
@ -130,8 +127,13 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"insertSpaces": "按 `Tab` 键时插入空格。该设置在 `#editor.detectIndentation#` 启用时根据文件内容可能会被覆盖。",
"largeFileOptimizations": "对大型文件进行特殊处理,禁用某些内存密集型功能。",
"maxComputationTime": "超时(以毫秒为单位),之后将取消差异计算。使用0表示没有超时。",
"maxFileSize": "要为其计算差异的最大文件大小(MB)。使用 0 表示无限制。",
"maxTokenizationLineLength": "由于性能原因,超过这个长度的行将不会被标记",
"renderIndicators": "控制差异编辑器是否为添加/删除的更改显示 +/- 指示符号。",
"schema.brackets": "定义增加和减少缩进的括号。",
"schema.closeBracket": "右方括号字符或字符串序列。",
"schema.colorizedBracketPairs": "如果启用方括号对着色,则按照其嵌套级别定义已着色的方括号对。",
"schema.openBracket": "左方括号字符或字符串序列。",
"semanticHighlighting.configuredByTheme": "语义突出显示是由当前颜色主题的 \"semanticHighlighting\" 设置配置的。",
"semanticHighlighting.enabled": "控制是否为支持它的语言显示语义突出显示。",
"semanticHighlighting.false": "对所有颜色主题禁用语义突出显示。",
@ -169,11 +171,12 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"autoClosingQuotes": "控制编辑器是否在左引号后自动插入右引号。",
"autoIndent": "控制编辑器是否应在用户键入、粘贴、移动或缩进行时自动调整缩进。",
"autoSurround": "控制在键入引号或方括号时,编辑器是否应自动将所选内容括起来。",
"bracketPairColorization.enabled": "控制是否启用括号对着色。使用 “workbench.colorCustomizations” 替代括号突出显示颜色。",
"bracketPairColorization.enabled": "控制是否已启用括号对着色。使用 `#workbench.colorCustomizations#` 替代括号高亮颜色。",
"bracketPairColorization.independentColorPoolPerBracketType": "控制每个方括号类型是否具有自己的独立颜色池。",
"codeActions": "在编辑器中启用代码操作小灯泡提示。",
"codeLens": "控制是否在编辑器中显示 CodeLens。",
"codeLensFontFamily": "控制 CodeLens 的字体系列。",
"codeLensFontSize": "控制 CodeLens 的字体大小(像素)。设置为 `0` 时,将使用 `#editor.fontSize#` 的 90%。",
"codeLensFontSize": "控制 CodeLens 的字号(以像素为单位)。设置为 `0` 时,将使用 90% 的 `#editor.fontSize#`。",
"colorDecorators": "控制编辑器是否显示内联颜色修饰器和颜色选取器。",
"columnSelection": "启用使用鼠标和键进行列选择。",
"comments.ignoreEmptyLines": "控制在对行注释执行切换、添加或删除操作时,是否应忽略空行。",
@ -219,6 +222,17 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"editor.gotoLocation.multiple.goto": "转到主结果,并对其他人启用防偷窥导航",
"editor.gotoLocation.multiple.gotoAndPeek": "转到主结果并显示预览视图",
"editor.gotoLocation.multiple.peek": "显示结果的预览视图 (默认值)",
"editor.guides.bracketPairs": "控制是否启用括号对指南。",
"editor.guides.bracketPairs.active": "仅为活动括号对启用括号对参考线。",
"editor.guides.bracketPairs.false": "禁用括号对参考线。",
"editor.guides.bracketPairs.true": "启用括号对参考线。",
"editor.guides.bracketPairsHorizontal": "控制是否启用水平括号对指南。",
"editor.guides.bracketPairsHorizontal.active": "仅为活动括号对启用水平参考线。",
"editor.guides.bracketPairsHorizontal.false": "禁用水平括号对参考线。",
"editor.guides.bracketPairsHorizontal.true": "启用水平参考线作为垂直括号对参考线的添加项。",
"editor.guides.highlightActiveBracketPair": "控制编辑器是否应突出显示活动的括号对。",
"editor.guides.highlightActiveIndentation": "控制是否突出显示编辑器中活动的缩进参考线。",
"editor.guides.indentation": "控制编辑器是否显示缩进参考线。",
"editor.suggest.showClasss": "启用后,IntelliSense 将显示“类”建议。",
"editor.suggest.showColors": "启用后,IntelliSense 将显示“颜色”建议。",
"editor.suggest.showConstants": "启用后,IntelliSense 将显示“常量”建议。",
@ -260,6 +274,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"folding": "控制编辑器是否启用了代码折叠。",
"foldingHighlight": "控制编辑器是否应突出显示折叠范围。",
"foldingImportsByDefault": "控制编辑器是否自动折叠导入范围。",
"foldingMaximumRegions": "可折叠区域的最大数量。如果当前源具有大量可折叠区域,那么增加此值可能会导致编辑器的响应速度变慢。",
"foldingStrategy": "控制计算折叠范围的策略。",
"foldingStrategy.auto": "使用特定于语言的折叠策略(如果可用),否则使用基于缩进的策略。",
"foldingStrategy.indentation": "使用基于缩进的折叠策略。",
@ -274,18 +289,15 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"formatOnType": "控制编辑器在键入一行后是否自动格式化该行。",
"glyphMargin": "控制编辑器是否应呈现垂直字形边距。字形边距最常用于调试。",
"hideCursorInOverviewRuler": "控制是否在概览标尺中隐藏光标。",
"highlightActiveIndentGuide": "控制是否突出显示编辑器中活动的缩进参考线。",
"hover.above": "如果有空间,首选在线条上方显示悬停。",
"hover.delay": "控制显示悬停提示前的等待时间 (毫秒)。",
"hover.enabled": "控制是否显示悬停提示。",
"hover.sticky": "控制当鼠标移动到悬停提示上时,其是否保持可见。",
"inlayHints.enable": "在编辑器中启用内联提示。",
"inlayHints.fontFamily": "在编辑器中控制内嵌提示的字体系列。设置为空时,使用 `#editor.fontFamily#`。",
"inlayHints.fontSize": "控制在编辑器中内联提示的字号。设置为 `0` 时,将使用 `#editor.fontSize#` 的 90%。",
"inlayHints.fontSize": "控制编辑器中内嵌提示的字号。当配置的值小于 `5` 或大于编辑器字号时,默认使用 90% 的 `#editor.fontSize#`。",
"inline": "快速建议显示为虚影文本",
"inlineSuggest.enabled": "控制是否在编辑器中自动显示内联建议。",
"inlineSuggest.mode": "控制使用何种模式呈现内联建议。",
"inlineSuggest.mode.prefix": "仅当替换文本是插入文本的前缀时才呈现内联建议。",
"inlineSuggest.mode.subword": "仅当替换文本是插入文本的字词时才呈现内联建议。",
"inlineSuggest.mode.subwordSmart": "只有当替换文本为插入文本的子字时才呈现内联建议,但子字必须在光标之后开始。",
"letterSpacing": "控制字母间距(像素)。",
"lineHeight": "控制行高。\r\n - 使用 0 根据字号自动计算行高。\r\n - 介于 0 和 8 之间的值将用作字号的乘数。\r\n - 大于或等于 8 的值将用作有效值。",
"lineNumbers": "控制行号的显示。",
@ -316,6 +328,8 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"multiCursorPaste.full": "每个光标粘贴全文。",
"multiCursorPaste.spread": "每个光标粘贴一行文本。",
"occurrencesHighlight": "控制编辑器是否突出显示语义符号的匹配项。",
"off": "已禁用快速建议",
"on": "快速建议显示在建议小组件内",
"overviewRulerBorder": "控制是否在概览标尺周围绘制边框。",
"padding.bottom": "控制编辑器的底边和最后一行之间的间距量。",
"padding.top": "控制编辑器的顶边和第一行之间的间距量。",
@ -333,7 +347,6 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"renameOnTypeDeprecate": "已弃用,请改用 \"editor.linkedEditing\"。",
"renderControlCharacters": "控制编辑器是否显示控制字符。",
"renderFinalNewline": "当文件以换行符结束时, 呈现最后一行的行号。",
"renderIndentGuides": "控制编辑器是否显示缩进参考线。",
"renderLineHighlight": "控制编辑器的当前行进行高亮显示的方式。",
"renderLineHighlight.all": "同时突出显示导航线和当前行。",
"renderLineHighlightOnlyWhenFocus": "控制编辑器是否仅在焦点在编辑器时突出显示当前行。",
@ -381,10 +394,6 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"suggest.localityBonus": "控制排序时是否首选光标附近的字词。",
"suggest.maxVisibleSuggestions.dep": "此设置已弃用。现在可以调整建议小组件的大小。",
"suggest.preview": "控制是否在编辑器中预览建议结果。",
"suggest.previewMode": "控制用于呈现建议预览的模式。",
"suggest.previewMode.prefix": "仅当替换文本是插入文本的前缀时才呈现预览。",
"suggest.previewMode.subword": "仅当替换文本是插入文本的子词时才呈现预览。",
"suggest.previewMode.subwordSmart": "如果替换文本为插入文本的子字或前缀,则呈现预览。",
"suggest.shareSuggestSelections": "控制是否在多个工作区和窗口间共享记忆的建议选项(需要 `#editor.suggestSelection#`)。",
"suggest.showIcons": "控制是否在建议中显示或隐藏图标。",
"suggest.showInlineDetails": "控制建议详细信息是随标签一起显示还是仅显示在详细信息小组件中",
@ -402,6 +411,13 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"tabCompletion.on": "在按下 Tab 键时进行 Tab 补全,将插入最佳匹配建议。",
"tabCompletion.onlySnippets": "在前缀匹配时进行 Tab 补全。在 \"quickSuggestions\" 未启用时体验最好。",
"unfoldOnClickAfterEndOfLine": "控制单击已折叠的行后面的空内容是否会展开该行。",
"unicodeHighlight.allowedCharacters": "定义未突出显示的允许字符。",
"unicodeHighlight.allowedLocales": "未突出显示在允许区域设置中常见的 Unicode 字符。",
"unicodeHighlight.ambiguousCharacters": "控制是否突出显示可能与基本 ASCII 字符混淆的字符,但当前用户区域设置中常见的字符除外。",
"unicodeHighlight.includeComments": "控制注释中的字符是否也应进行 Unicode 突出显示。",
"unicodeHighlight.includeStrings": "控制字符串中的字符是否也应进行 unicode 突出显示。",
"unicodeHighlight.invisibleCharacters": "控制是否突出显示仅保留空格或完全没有宽度的字符。",
"unicodeHighlight.nonBasicASCII": "控制是否突出显示所有非基本 ASCII 字符。只有介于 U+0020 到 U+007E 之间的字符、制表符、换行符和回车符才被视为基本 ASCII。",
"unusualLineTerminators": "删除可能导致问题的异常行终止符。",
"unusualLineTerminators.auto": "自动删除异常的行终止符。",
"unusualLineTerminators.off": "忽略异常的行终止符。",
@ -423,6 +439,59 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"wrappingStrategy.advanced": "将包装点计算委托给浏览器。这是一个缓慢算法,可能会导致大型文件被冻结,但它在所有情况下都正常工作。",
"wrappingStrategy.simple": "假定所有字符的宽度相同。这是一种快速算法,适用于等宽字体和某些字形宽度相等的文字(如拉丁字符)。"
"vs/editor/common/core/editorColorRegistry": {
"caret": "编辑器光标颜色。",
"deprecatedEditorActiveLineNumber": "\"Id\" 已被弃用,请改用 \"editorLineNumber.activeForeground\"。",
"editorActiveIndentGuide": "编辑器活动缩进参考线的颜色。",
"editorActiveLineNumber": "编辑器活动行号的颜色",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground1": "括号的前景色(1)。需要启用括号对着色。",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground2": "括号的前景色(2)。需要启用括号对着色。",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground3": "括号的前景色(3)。需要启用括号对着色。",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground4": "括号的前景色(4)。需要启用括号对着色。",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground5": "括号的前景色(5)。需要启用括号对着色。",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground6": "括号的前景色(6)。需要启用括号对着色。",
"editorBracketHighlightUnexpectedBracketForeground": "方括号出现意外的前景色。",
"editorBracketMatchBackground": "匹配括号的背景色",
"editorBracketMatchBorder": "匹配括号外框的颜色",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground1": "活动括号对指南的背景色(1)。需要启用括号对指南。",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground2": "活动括号对指南的背景色(2)。需要启用括号对指南。",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground3": "活动括号对指南的背景色(3)。需要启用括号对指南。",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground4": "活动括号对指南的背景色(4)。需要启用括号对指南。",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground5": "活动括号对指南的背景色(5)。需要启用括号对指南。",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground6": "活动括号对指南的背景色(6)。需要启用括号对指南。",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background1": "非活动括号对指南的背景色(1)。需要启用括号对指南。",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background2": "非活动括号对指南的背景色(2)。需要启用括号对指南。",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background3": "非活动括号对指南的背景色(3)。需要启用括号对指南。",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background4": "非活动括号对指南的背景色(4)。需要启用括号对指南。",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background5": "非活动括号对指南的背景色(5)。需要启用括号对指南。",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background6": "非活动括号对指南的背景色(6)。需要启用括号对指南。",
"editorCodeLensForeground": "编辑器 CodeLens 的前景色",
"editorCursorBackground": "编辑器光标的背景色。可以自定义块型光标覆盖字符的颜色。",
"editorGhostTextBackground": "编辑器中虚影文本的背景色。",
"editorGhostTextBorder": "编辑器中虚影文本的边框颜色。",
"editorGhostTextForeground": "编辑器中虚影文本的前景色。",
"editorGutter": "编辑器导航线的背景色。导航线包括边缘符号和行号。",
"editorIndentGuides": "编辑器缩进参考线的颜色。",
"editorLineNumbers": "编辑器行号的颜色。",
"editorOverviewRulerBackground": "编辑器概述标尺的背景色。仅当缩略图已启用且置于编辑器右侧时才使用。",
"editorOverviewRulerBorder": "概览标尺边框的颜色。",
"editorRuler": "编辑器标尺的颜色。",
"editorUnicodeHighlight.background": "用于突出显示 Unicode 字符的背景颜色。",
"editorUnicodeHighlight.border": "用于突出显示 Unicode 字符的边框颜色。",
"editorWhitespaces": "编辑器中空白字符的颜色。",
"lineHighlight": "光标所在行高亮内容的背景颜色。",
"lineHighlightBorderBox": "光标所在行四周边框的背景颜色。",
"overviewRuleError": "概览标尺中错误标记的颜色。",
"overviewRuleInfo": "概览标尺中信息标记的颜色。",
"overviewRuleWarning": "概览标尺中警告标记的颜色。",
"overviewRulerRangeHighlight": "用于突出显示范围的概述标尺标记颜色。颜色必须透明,以免隐藏下面的修饰效果。",
"rangeHighlight": "背景颜色的高亮范围,喜欢通过快速打开和查找功能。颜色不能不透明,以免隐藏底层装饰。",
"rangeHighlightBorder": "高亮区域边框的背景颜色。",
"symbolHighlight": "高亮显示符号的背景颜色,例如转到定义或转到下一个/上一个符号。颜色不能是不透明的,以免隐藏底层装饰。",
"symbolHighlightBorder": "高亮显示符号周围的边框的背景颜色。",
"unnecessaryCodeBorder": "编辑器中不必要(未使用)的源代码的边框颜色。",
"unnecessaryCodeOpacity": "非必须(未使用)代码的在编辑器中显示的不透明度。例如,\"#000000c0\" 将以 75% 的不透明度显示代码。对于高对比度主题,请使用 ”editorUnnecessaryCode.border“ 主题来为非必须代码添加下划线,以避免颜色淡化。"
"vs/editor/common/editorContextKeys": {
"editorColumnSelection": "是否已启用 \"editor.columnSelection\"",
"editorFocus": "编辑器或编辑器小组件是否具有焦点(例如焦点在“查找”小组件中)",
@ -455,12 +524,12 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"inDiffEditor": "上下文是否为差异编辑器",
"textInputFocus": "编辑器或 RTF 输入是否有焦点(光标是否闪烁)"
"vs/editor/common/languages/modesRegistry": {
"plainText.alias": "纯文本"
"vs/editor/common/model/editStack": {
"edit": "输入"
"vs/editor/common/modes/modesRegistry": {
"plainText.alias": "纯文本"
"vs/editor/common/standaloneStrings": {
"accessibilityHelpMessage": "按 Alt+F1 可打开辅助功能选项。",
"auto_off": "编辑器被配置为永远不进行优化以配合屏幕读取器的使用, 而当前不是这种情况。",
@ -497,45 +566,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"tabFocusModeOnMsgNoKb": "在当前编辑器中按 Tab 会将焦点移动到下一个可聚焦的元素。当前无法通过按键绑定触发命令 {0}。",
"toggleHighContrast": "切换高对比度主题"
"vs/editor/common/view/editorColorRegistry": {
"caret": "编辑器光标颜色。",
"deprecatedEditorActiveLineNumber": "\"Id\" 已被弃用,请改用 \"editorLineNumber.activeForeground\"。",
"editorActiveIndentGuide": "编辑器活动缩进参考线的颜色。",
"editorActiveLineNumber": "编辑器活动行号的颜色",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground1": "括号的前景色(1)。需要启用括号对着色。",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground2": "括号的前景色(2)。需要启用括号对着色。",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground3": "括号的前景色(3)。需要启用括号对着色。",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground4": "括号的前景色(4)。需要启用括号对着色。",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground5": "括号的前景色(5)。需要启用括号对着色。",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground6": "括号的前景色(6)。需要启用括号对着色。",
"editorBracketHighlightUnexpectedBracketForeground": "方括号出现意外的前景色。",
"editorBracketMatchBackground": "匹配括号的背景色",
"editorBracketMatchBorder": "匹配括号外框的颜色",
"editorCodeLensForeground": "编辑器 CodeLens 的前景色",
"editorCursorBackground": "编辑器光标的背景色。可以自定义块型光标覆盖字符的颜色。",
"editorGhostTextBorder": "编辑器中虚影文本的边框颜色。",
"editorGhostTextForeground": "编辑器中虚影文本的前景色。",
"editorGutter": "编辑器导航线的背景色。导航线包括边缘符号和行号。",
"editorIndentGuides": "编辑器缩进参考线的颜色。",
"editorLineNumbers": "编辑器行号的颜色。",
"editorOverviewRulerBackground": "编辑器概述标尺的背景色。仅当缩略图已启用且置于编辑器右侧时才使用。",
"editorOverviewRulerBorder": "概览标尺边框的颜色。",
"editorRuler": "编辑器标尺的颜色。",
"editorWhitespaces": "编辑器中空白字符的颜色。",
"lineHighlight": "光标所在行高亮内容的背景颜色。",
"lineHighlightBorderBox": "光标所在行四周边框的背景颜色。",
"overviewRuleError": "概览标尺中错误标记的颜色。",
"overviewRuleInfo": "概览标尺中信息标记的颜色。",
"overviewRuleWarning": "概览标尺中警告标记的颜色。",
"overviewRulerRangeHighlight": "用于突出显示范围的概述标尺标记颜色。颜色必须透明,以免隐藏下面的修饰效果。",
"rangeHighlight": "背景颜色的高亮范围,喜欢通过快速打开和查找功能。颜色不能不透明,以免隐藏底层装饰。",
"rangeHighlightBorder": "高亮区域边框的背景颜色。",
"symbolHighlight": "高亮显示符号的背景颜色,例如转到定义或转到下一个/上一个符号。颜色不能是不透明的,以免隐藏底层装饰。",
"symbolHighlightBorder": "高亮显示符号周围的边框的背景颜色。",
"unnecessaryCodeBorder": "编辑器中不必要(未使用)的源代码的边框颜色。",
"unnecessaryCodeOpacity": "非必须(未使用)代码的在编辑器中显示的不透明度。例如,\"#000000c0\" 将以 75% 的不透明度显示代码。对于高对比度主题,请使用 ”editorUnnecessaryCode.border“ 主题来为非必须代码添加下划线,以避免颜色淡化。"
"vs/editor/contrib/anchorSelect/anchorSelect": {
"vs/editor/contrib/anchorSelect/browser/anchorSelect": {
"anchorSet": "定位点设置为 {0}:{1}",
"cancelSelectionAnchor": "取消选择定位点",
"goToSelectionAnchor": "转到选择定位点",
@ -543,20 +574,20 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"selectionAnchor": "选择定位点",
"setSelectionAnchor": "设置选择定位点"
"vs/editor/contrib/bracketMatching/bracketMatching": {
"vs/editor/contrib/bracketMatching/browser/bracketMatching": {
"miGoToBracket": "转到括号(&&B)",
"overviewRulerBracketMatchForeground": "概览标尺上表示匹配括号的标记颜色。",
"smartSelect.jumpBracket": "转到括号",
"smartSelect.selectToBracket": "选择括号所有内容"
"vs/editor/contrib/caretOperations/caretOperations": {
"vs/editor/contrib/caretOperations/browser/caretOperations": {
"caret.moveLeft": "向左移动所选文本",
"caret.moveRight": "向右移动所选文本"
"vs/editor/contrib/caretOperations/transpose": {
"vs/editor/contrib/caretOperations/browser/transpose": {
"transposeLetters.label": "转置字母"
"vs/editor/contrib/clipboard/clipboard": {
"vs/editor/contrib/clipboard/browser/clipboard": {
"actions.clipboard.copyLabel": "复制",
"actions.clipboard.copyWithSyntaxHighlightingLabel": "复制并突出显示语法",
"actions.clipboard.cutLabel": "剪切",
@ -566,7 +597,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"miCut": "剪切(&&T)",
"miPaste": "粘贴(&&P)"
"vs/editor/contrib/codeAction/codeActionCommands": {
"vs/editor/contrib/codeAction/browser/codeActionCommands": {
"applyCodeActionFailed": "应用代码操作时发生未知错误",
"args.schema.apply": "控制何时应用返回的操作。",
"args.schema.apply.first": "始终应用第一个返回的代码操作。",
@ -597,15 +628,18 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"refactor.label": "重构...",
"source.label": "源代码操作..."
"vs/editor/contrib/codeAction/lightBulbWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/codeAction/browser/lightBulbWidget": {
"codeAction": "显示代码操作",
"codeActionWithKb": "显示代码操作({0})",
"preferredcodeActionWithKb": "显示代码操作。首选可用的快速修复({0})"
"vs/editor/contrib/codelens/codelensController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/codelens/browser/codelensController": {
"showLensOnLine": "显示当前行的 Code Lens 命令"
"vs/editor/contrib/comment/comment": {
"vs/editor/contrib/colorPicker/browser/colorPickerWidget": {
"clickToToggleColorOptions": "单击以切换颜色选项 (rgb/hsl/hex)"
"vs/editor/contrib/comment/browser/comment": {
"comment.block": "切换块注释",
"comment.line": "切换行注释",
"comment.line.add": "添加行注释",
@ -613,14 +647,21 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"miToggleBlockComment": "切换块注释(&&B)",
"miToggleLineComment": "切换行注释(&&T)"
"vs/editor/contrib/contextmenu/contextmenu": {
"vs/editor/contrib/contextmenu/browser/contextmenu": {
"action.showContextMenu.label": "显示编辑器上下文菜单"
"vs/editor/contrib/cursorUndo/cursorUndo": {
"vs/editor/contrib/cursorUndo/browser/cursorUndo": {
"cursor.redo": "光标重做",
"cursor.undo": "光标撤消"
"vs/editor/contrib/find/findController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/editorState/browser/keybindingCancellation": {
"cancellableOperation": "编辑器是否运行可取消的操作,例如“预览引用”"
"vs/editor/contrib/find/browser/findController": {
"actions.find.isRegexOverride": "重写“使用正则表达式”标记。\r\n将不会保留该标记供将来使用。\r\n0: 不执行任何操作\r\n1: True\r\n2: False",
"actions.find.matchCaseOverride": "重写“数学案例”标记。\r\n将不会保留该标记供将来使用。\r\n0: 不执行任何操作\r\n1: True\r\n2: False",
"actions.find.preserveCaseOverride": "重写“保留服务案例”标记。\r\n将不会保留该标记供将来使用。\r\n0: 不执行任何操作\r\n1: True\r\n2: False",
"actions.find.wholeWordOverride": "重写“匹配整个字词”标记。\r\n将不会保留该标记供将来使用。\r\n0: 不执行任何操作\r\n1: True\r\n2: False",
"findNextMatchAction": "查找下一个",
"findPreviousMatchAction": "查找上一个",
"miFind": "查找(&&F)",
@ -628,10 +669,11 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"nextSelectionMatchFindAction": "查找下一个选择",
"previousSelectionMatchFindAction": "查找上一个选择",
"startFindAction": "查找",
"startFindWithArgsAction": "使用参数查找",
"startFindWithSelectionAction": "查找选定内容",
"startReplace": "替换"
"vs/editor/contrib/find/findWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/find/browser/findWidget": {
"ariaSearchNoResult": "为“{1}”找到 {0}",
"ariaSearchNoResultEmpty": "找到 {0}",
"ariaSearchNoResultWithLineNum": "在 {2} 处找到“{1}”的 {0}",
@ -659,7 +701,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"placeholder.replace": "替换",
"title.matchesCountLimit": "仅高亮了前 {0} 个结果,但所有查找操作均针对全文。"
"vs/editor/contrib/folding/folding": {
"vs/editor/contrib/folding/browser/folding": {
"editorGutter.foldingControlForeground": "编辑器装订线中折叠控件的颜色。",
"foldAction.label": "折叠",
"foldAllAction.label": "全部折叠",
@ -669,9 +711,10 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"foldBackgroundBackground": "折叠范围后面的背景颜色。颜色必须设为透明,以免隐藏底层装饰。",
"foldLevelAction.label": "折叠级别 {0}",
"foldRecursivelyAction.label": "以递归方式折叠",
"gotoNextFold.label": "转到下一个折叠",
"gotoNextFold.label": "转到下一个折叠范围",
"gotoParentFold.label": "跳转到父级折叠",
"gotoPreviousFold.label": "转到上一个折叠",
"gotoPreviousFold.label": "转到上一个折叠范围",
"maximum fold ranges": "可折叠区域的数量限制为最多 {0} 个。增加配置选项[“最大折叠区域数”](command:workbench.action.openSettings?[\"editor.foldingMaximumRegions\"])以启用更多功能。",
"toggleFoldAction.label": "切换折叠",
"unFoldRecursivelyAction.label": "以递归方式展开",
"unfoldAction.label": "展开",
@ -679,26 +722,26 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"unfoldAllExcept.label": "展开除所选区域之外的所有区域",
"unfoldAllMarkerRegions.label": "展开所有区域"
"vs/editor/contrib/folding/foldingDecorations": {
"vs/editor/contrib/folding/browser/foldingDecorations": {
"foldingCollapsedIcon": "编辑器字形边距中已折叠的范围的图标。",
"foldingExpandedIcon": "编辑器字形边距中已展开的范围的图标。"
"vs/editor/contrib/fontZoom/fontZoom": {
"vs/editor/contrib/fontZoom/browser/fontZoom": {
"EditorFontZoomIn.label": "放大编辑器字体",
"EditorFontZoomOut.label": "缩小编辑器字体",
"EditorFontZoomReset.label": "重置编辑器字体大小"
"vs/editor/contrib/format/format": {
"vs/editor/contrib/format/browser/format": {
"hint11": "在第 {0} 行进行了 1 次格式编辑",
"hint1n": "第 {0} 行到第 {1} 行间进行了 1 次格式编辑",
"hintn1": "在第 {1} 行进行了 {0} 次格式编辑",
"hintnn": "第 {1} 行到第 {2} 行间进行了 {0} 次格式编辑"
"vs/editor/contrib/format/formatActions": {
"vs/editor/contrib/format/browser/formatActions": {
"formatDocument.label": "格式化文档",
"formatSelection.label": "格式化选定内容"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoError/gotoError": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoError/browser/gotoError": {
"markerAction.next.label": "转到下一个问题 (错误、警告、信息)",
"markerAction.nextInFiles.label": "转到文件中的下一个问题 (错误、警告、信息)",
"markerAction.previous.label": "转到上一个问题 (错误、警告、信息)",
@ -708,7 +751,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"nextMarkerIcon": "“转到下一个”标记的图标。",
"previousMarkerIcon": "“转到上一个”标记的图标。"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoError/gotoErrorWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoError/browser/gotoErrorWidget": {
"Error": "错误",
"Hint": "提示",
"Info": "信息",
@ -724,7 +767,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"marker aria": "{1} 中的 {0}",
"problems": "{0} 个问题(共 {1} 个)"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/goToCommands": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/goToCommands": {
"actions.goToDecl.label": "转到定义",
"actions.goToDeclToSide.label": "打开侧边的定义",
"actions.goToDeclaration.label": "转到声明",
@ -748,9 +791,9 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"goToTypeDefinition.noResultWord": "未找到“{0}”的类型定义",
"impl.title": "实现",
"label.generic": "转到任何符号",
"miGotoDeclaration": "转到\"声明\"(&&D)",
"miGotoDeclaration": "转到声明(&&D)",
"miGotoDefinition": "转到定义(&&D)",
"miGotoImplementation": "跳转到实现(&&I)",
"miGotoImplementation": "转到实现(&&I)",
"miGotoReference": "转到引用(&&R)",
"miGotoTypeDefinition": "转到类型定义(&&T)",
"noResultWord": "未找到“{0}”的任何定义",
@ -761,25 +804,25 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"references.noGeneric": "未找到引用",
"typedef.title": "类型定义"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/link/goToDefinitionAtPosition": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/link/goToDefinitionAtPosition": {
"multipleResults": "单击显示 {0} 个定义。"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/peek/referencesController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/peek/referencesController": {
"labelLoading": "正在加载...",
"metaTitle.N": "{0} ({1})",
"referenceSearchVisible": "引用速览是否可见,例如“速览引用”或“速览定义”"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/peek/referencesTree": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/peek/referencesTree": {
"referenceCount": "{0} 个引用",
"referencesCount": "{0} 个引用",
"treeAriaLabel": "引用"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/peek/referencesWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/peek/referencesWidget": {
"missingPreviewMessage": "无可用预览",
"noResults": "无结果",
"peekView.alternateTitle": "引用"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/referencesModel": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/referencesModel": {
"aria.fileReferences.1": "{0} 中有 1 个符号,完整路径: {1}",
"aria.fileReferences.N": "{1} 中有 {0} 个符号,完整路径: {2}",
"aria.oneReference": "在文件 {0} 的 {1} 行 {2} 列的符号",
@ -789,26 +832,26 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"aria.result.n1": "在 {1} 中找到 {0} 个符号",
"aria.result.nm": "在 {1} 个文件中找到 {0} 个符号"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/symbolNavigation": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/symbolNavigation": {
"hasSymbols": "是否存在只能通过键盘导航的符号位置。",
"location": "{1} 的符号 {0}",
"location.kb": "{1} 的符号 {0},下一个使用 {2}"
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/hover": {
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/browser/hover": {
"showDefinitionPreviewHover": "显示定义预览悬停",
"showHover": "显示悬停"
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/markdownHoverParticipant": {
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/browser/markdownHoverParticipant": {
"modesContentHover.loading": "正在加载...",
"too many characters": "出于性能原因,对长行跳过令牌化。这可以通过 “editor.maxTokenizationLineLength” 进行配置。"
"too many characters": "出于性能原因,未对长行进行解析。解析长度阈值可通过“editor.maxTokenizationLineLength”进行配置。"
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/markerHoverParticipant": {
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/browser/markerHoverParticipant": {
"checkingForQuickFixes": "正在检查快速修复...",
"noQuickFixes": "没有可用的快速修复",
"quick fixes": "快速修复...",
"view problem": "查看问题"
"vs/editor/contrib/indentation/indentation": {
"vs/editor/contrib/indentation/browser/indentation": {
"configuredTabSize": "已配置制表符大小",
"detectIndentation": "从内容中检测缩进方式",
"editor.reindentlines": "重新缩进行",
@ -819,24 +862,32 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"indentationToTabs": "将缩进转换为制表符",
"selectTabWidth": "选择当前文件的制表符大小"
"vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/ghostTextController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/inlayHints/browser/inlayHintsHover": {
"hint.cmd": "执行命令",
"hint.dbl": "双击以插入",
"hint.def": "转到定义({0})",
"hint.defAndCommand": "转到定义 ({0}),点击右键以查看详细信息",
"links.navigate.kb.alt": "alt + 点击",
"links.navigate.kb.alt.mac": "option + 点击",
"links.navigate.kb.meta": "ctrl + 点击",
"links.navigate.kb.meta.mac": "cmd + 点击"
"vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/browser/ghostTextController": {
"action.inlineSuggest.showNext": "显示下一个内联建议",
"action.inlineSuggest.showPrevious": "显示上一个内联建议",
"action.inlineSuggest.trigger": "触发内联建议",
"inlineSuggestionHasIndentation": "内联建议是否以空白开头",
"inlineSuggestionHasIndentationLessThanTabSize": "内联建议是否以小于选项卡插入内容的空格开头",
"inlineSuggestionVisible": "内联建议是否可见"
"vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/inlineCompletionsHoverParticipant": {
"acceptInlineSuggestion": "接受",
"inlineSuggestionFollows": "建议:",
"showNextInlineSuggestion": "下一个",
"showPreviousInlineSuggestion": "上一个"
"vs/editor/contrib/inPlaceReplace/inPlaceReplace": {
"vs/editor/contrib/inPlaceReplace/browser/inPlaceReplace": {
"InPlaceReplaceAction.next.label": "替换为下一个值",
"InPlaceReplaceAction.previous.label": "替换为上一个值"
"vs/editor/contrib/linesOperations/linesOperations": {
"vs/editor/contrib/lineSelection/browser/lineSelection": {
"expandLineSelection": "展开行选择"
"vs/editor/contrib/linesOperations/browser/linesOperations": {
"duplicateSelection": "重复选择",
"editor.transformToLowercase": "转换为小写",
"editor.transformToSnakecase": "转换为蛇形命名法",
@ -848,6 +899,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"lines.delete": "删除行",
"lines.deleteAllLeft": "删除左侧所有内容",
"lines.deleteAllRight": "删除右侧所有内容",
"lines.deleteDuplicates": "删除重复行",
"lines.indent": "行缩进",
"lines.insertAfter": "在下面插入行",
"lines.insertBefore": "在上面插入行",
@ -859,20 +911,20 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"lines.sortDescending": "按降序排列行",
"lines.trimTrailingWhitespace": "裁剪尾随空格",
"miCopyLinesDown": "向下复制一行(&&P)",
"miCopyLinesUp": "向上复制行(&&C)",
"miCopyLinesUp": "向上复制一行(&&C)",
"miDuplicateSelection": "重复选择(&&D)",
"miMoveLinesDown": "向下移动一行(&&L)",
"miMoveLinesUp": "向上移动一行(&&V)"
"vs/editor/contrib/linkedEditing/linkedEditing": {
"vs/editor/contrib/linkedEditing/browser/linkedEditing": {
"editorLinkedEditingBackground": "编辑器根据类型自动重命名时的背景色。",
"linkedEditing.label": "启动链接编辑"
"vs/editor/contrib/links/links": {
"vs/editor/contrib/links/browser/links": {
"invalid.url": "此链接格式不正确,无法打开: {0}",
"label": "打开链接",
"links.navigate.executeCmd": "执行命令",
"links.navigate.follow": "关注链接",
"links.navigate.follow": "打开链接",
"links.navigate.kb.alt": "alt + 单击",
"links.navigate.kb.alt.mac": "option + 单击",
"links.navigate.kb.meta": "ctrl + 单击",
@ -880,11 +932,11 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"missing.url": "此链接目标已丢失,无法打开。",
"tooltip.explanation": "执行命令 {0}"
"vs/editor/contrib/message/messageController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/message/browser/messageController": {
"editor.readonly": "无法在只读编辑器中编辑",
"messageVisible": "编辑器当前是否正在显示内联消息"
"vs/editor/contrib/multicursor/multicursor": {
"vs/editor/contrib/multicursor/browser/multicursor": {
"addSelectionToNextFindMatch": "将下一个查找匹配项添加到选择",
"addSelectionToPreviousFindMatch": "将选择内容添加到上一查找匹配项",
"changeAll.label": "更改所有匹配项",
@ -905,15 +957,16 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"mutlicursor.insertBelow": "在下面添加光标",
"selectAllOccurrencesOfFindMatch": "选择所有找到的查找匹配项"
"vs/editor/contrib/parameterHints/parameterHints": {
"vs/editor/contrib/parameterHints/browser/parameterHints": {
"parameterHints.trigger.label": "触发参数提示"
"vs/editor/contrib/parameterHints/parameterHintsWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/parameterHints/browser/parameterHintsWidget": {
"editorHoverWidgetHighlightForeground": "参数提示中活动项的前景色。",
"hint": "{0},提示",
"parameterHintsNextIcon": "“显示下一个参数”提示的图标。",
"parameterHintsPreviousIcon": "“显示上一个参数”提示的图标。"
"vs/editor/contrib/peekView/peekView": {
"vs/editor/contrib/peekView/browser/peekView": {
"inReferenceSearchEditor": "速览中是否嵌入了当前代码编辑器",
"label.close": "关闭",
"peekViewBorder": "速览视图边框和箭头颜色。",
@ -931,14 +984,14 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"peekViewTitleForeground": "速览视图标题颜色。",
"peekViewTitleInfoForeground": "速览视图标题信息颜色。"
"vs/editor/contrib/quickAccess/gotoLineQuickAccess": {
"vs/editor/contrib/quickAccess/browser/gotoLineQuickAccess": {
"cannotRunGotoLine": "先打开文本编辑器然后跳转到行。",
"gotoLineColumnLabel": "转到第 {0} 行第 {1} 个字符。",
"gotoLineLabel": "转到行 {0}。",
"gotoLineLabelEmpty": "当前行: {0},字符: {1}。 键入要导航到的行号。",
"gotoLineLabelEmptyWithLimit": "当前行: {0},字符: {1}。键入要导航到的行号(介于 1 至 {2} 之间)。"
"vs/editor/contrib/quickAccess/gotoSymbolQuickAccess": {
"vs/editor/contrib/quickAccess/browser/gotoSymbolQuickAccess": {
"_constructor": "构造函数 ({0})",
"array": "数组({0})",
"boolean": "布尔值({0})",
@ -972,7 +1025,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"typeParameter": "类型参数({0})",
"variable": "变量({0})"
"vs/editor/contrib/rename/rename": {
"vs/editor/contrib/rename/browser/rename": {
"aria": "成功将“{0}”重命名为“{1}”。摘要: {2}",
"enablePreview": "启用/禁用重命名之前预览更改的功能",
"label": "正在重命名“{0}”",
@ -983,23 +1036,23 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"rename.label": "重命名符号",
"resolveRenameLocationFailed": "解析重命名位置时发生未知错误"
"vs/editor/contrib/rename/renameInputField": {
"vs/editor/contrib/rename/browser/renameInputField": {
"label": "按 {0} 进行重命名,按 {1} 进行预览",
"renameAriaLabel": "重命名输入。键入新名称并按 \"Enter\" 提交。",
"renameInputVisible": "重命名输入小组件是否可见"
"vs/editor/contrib/smartSelect/smartSelect": {
"miSmartSelectGrow": "展开选定内容(&&E)",
"miSmartSelectShrink": "缩小选定范围(&&S)",
"vs/editor/contrib/smartSelect/browser/smartSelect": {
"miSmartSelectGrow": "扩大选区(&&E)",
"miSmartSelectShrink": "缩小选区(&&S)",
"smartSelect.expand": "展开选择",
"smartSelect.shrink": "收起选择"
"vs/editor/contrib/snippet/snippetController2": {
"vs/editor/contrib/snippet/browser/snippetController2": {
"hasNextTabstop": "在代码片段模式下时是否存在下一制表位",
"hasPrevTabstop": "在代码片段模式下时是否存在上一制表位",
"inSnippetMode": "编辑器目前是否在代码片段模式下"
"vs/editor/contrib/snippet/snippetVariables": {
"vs/editor/contrib/snippet/browser/snippetVariables": {
"April": "四月",
"AprilShort": "4月",
"August": "八月",
@ -1039,17 +1092,16 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"Wednesday": "星期三",
"WednesdayShort": "周三"
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggest": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggest": {
"acceptSuggestionOnEnter": "按 Enter 时是否会插入建议",
"suggestWidgetDetailsVisible": "建议详细信息是否可见",
"suggestWidgetMultipleSuggestions": "是否存在多条建议可供选择",
"suggestWidgetVisible": "建议是否可见",
"suggestionCanResolve": "当前建议是否支持解析更多详细信息",
"suggestionHasInsertAndReplaceRange": "当前建议是否具有插入和替换行为",
"suggestionInsertMode": "默认行为是否是插入或替换",
"suggestionMakesTextEdit": "插入当前建议是否会导致更改或导致已键入所有内容"
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestController": {
"accept.insert": "插入",
"accept.replace": "替换",
"aria.alert.snippet": "选择“{0}”后进行了其他 {1} 次编辑",
@ -1058,7 +1110,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"suggest.reset.label": "重置建议小组件大小",
"suggest.trigger.label": "触发建议"
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestWidget": {
"ariaCurrenttSuggestionReadDetails": "{0},文档: {1}",
"editorSuggestWidgetBackground": "建议小组件的背景色。",
"editorSuggestWidgetBorder": "建议小组件的边框颜色。",
@ -1068,22 +1120,26 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"editorSuggestWidgetSelectedBackground": "建议小组件中所选条目的背景色。",
"editorSuggestWidgetSelectedForeground": "建议小组件中所选条目的前景色。",
"editorSuggestWidgetSelectedIconForeground": "建议小组件中所选条目的图标前景色。",
"editorSuggestWidgetStatusForeground": "建议小组件状态的前景色。",
"label.desc": "{0},{1}",
"label.detail": "{0}{1}",
"label.full": "{0}{1},{2}",
"suggest": "建议",
"suggestWidget.loading": "正在加载...",
"suggestWidget.noSuggestions": "无建议。"
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestWidgetDetails": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestWidgetDetails": {
"details.close": "关闭",
"loading": "正在加载…"
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestWidgetRenderer": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestWidgetRenderer": {
"readMore": "了解详细信息",
"suggestMoreInfoIcon": "建议小组件中的详细信息的图标。"
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestWidgetStatus": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestWidgetStatus": {
"ddd": "{0} ({1})"
"vs/editor/contrib/symbolIcons/symbolIcons": {
"vs/editor/contrib/symbolIcons/browser/symbolIcons": {
"symbolIcon.arrayForeground": "数组符号的前景色。这些符号将显示在大纲、痕迹导航栏和建议小组件中。",
"symbolIcon.booleanForeground": "布尔符号的前景颜色。这些符号出现在大纲、痕迹导航栏和建议小部件中。",
"symbolIcon.classForeground": "类符号的前景颜色。这些符号出现在大纲、痕迹导航栏和建议小部件中。",
@ -1118,22 +1174,47 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"symbolIcon.unitForeground": "单位符号的前景颜色。这些符号出现在大纲、痕迹导航栏和建议小部件中。",
"symbolIcon.variableForeground": "变量符号的前景颜色。这些符号出现在大纲、痕迹导航栏和建议小部件中。"
"vs/editor/contrib/toggleTabFocusMode/toggleTabFocusMode": {
"vs/editor/contrib/toggleTabFocusMode/browser/toggleTabFocusMode": {
"toggle.tabMovesFocus": "切换 Tab 键移动焦点",
"toggle.tabMovesFocus.off": "Tab 键将插入制表符",
"toggle.tabMovesFocus.on": "Tab 键将移动到下一可聚焦的元素"
"vs/editor/contrib/tokenization/tokenization": {
"vs/editor/contrib/tokenization/browser/tokenization": {
"forceRetokenize": "开发人员: 强制重新进行标记"
"vs/editor/contrib/unusualLineTerminators/unusualLineTerminators": {
"vs/editor/contrib/unicodeHighlighter/browser/unicodeHighlighter": {
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingInComments": "禁用批注中字符的突出显示",
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingInStrings": "禁用字符串中字符的突出显示",
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfAmbiguousCharacters": "禁止突出显示歧义字符",
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfInvisibleCharacters": "禁止突出显示不可见字符",
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfNonBasicAsciiCharacters": "禁止突出显示非基本 ASCII 字符",
"action.unicodeHighlight.showExcludeOptions": "显示排除选项",
"unicodeHighlight.adjustSettings": "调整设置",
"unicodeHighlight.allowCommonCharactersInLanguage": "允许语言“{0}”中更常见的 unicode 字符。",
"unicodeHighlight.characterIsAmbiguous": "字符 {0} 可能会与字符 {1} 混淆,后者在源代码中更为常见。",
"unicodeHighlight.characterIsInvisible": "字符 {0} 不可见。",
"unicodeHighlight.characterIsNonBasicAscii": "字符 {0} 不是基本 ASCII 字符。",
"unicodeHighlight.configureUnicodeHighlightOptions": "配置 Unicode 突出显示选项",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingInComments.shortLabel": "禁用批注中的突出显示",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingInStrings.shortLabel": "禁用字符串中的突出显示",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfAmbiguousCharacters.shortLabel": "禁用不明确的突出显示",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfInvisibleCharacters.shortLabel": "禁用不可见突出显示",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfNonBasicAsciiCharacters.shortLabel": "禁用非 ASCII 突出显示",
"unicodeHighlight.excludeCharFromBeingHighlighted": "在突出显示内容中排除{0}",
"unicodeHighlight.excludeInvisibleCharFromBeingHighlighted": "不突出显示 {0} (不可见字符)",
"unicodeHighlighting.thisDocumentHasManyAmbiguousUnicodeCharacters": "本文档包含许多不明确的 unicode 字符",
"unicodeHighlighting.thisDocumentHasManyInvisibleUnicodeCharacters": "本文档包含许多不可见的 unicode 字符",
"unicodeHighlighting.thisDocumentHasManyNonBasicAsciiUnicodeCharacters": "本文档包含许多非基本 ASCII unicode 字符",
"warningIcon": "扩展编辑器中随警告消息一同显示的图标。"
"vs/editor/contrib/unusualLineTerminators/browser/unusualLineTerminators": {
"unusualLineTerminators.detail": "文件“{0}”包含一个或多个异常的行终止符,例如行分隔符(LS)或段落分隔符(PS)。\r\n\r\n建议从文件中删除它们。可通过“editor.unusualLineTerminators”进行配置。",
"unusualLineTerminators.fix": "删除异常行终止符",
"unusualLineTerminators.ignore": "忽略",
"unusualLineTerminators.message": "检测到异常行终止符",
"unusualLineTerminators.title": "异常行终止符"
"vs/editor/contrib/wordHighlighter/wordHighlighter": {
"vs/editor/contrib/wordHighlighter/browser/wordHighlighter": {
"overviewRulerWordHighlightForeground": "用于突出显示符号的概述标尺标记颜色。颜色必须透明,以免隐藏下面的修饰效果。",
"overviewRulerWordHighlightStrongForeground": "用于突出显示写权限符号的概述标尺标记颜色。颜色必须透明,以免隐藏下面的修饰效果。",
"wordHighlight": "读取访问期间符号的背景色,例如读取变量时。颜色必须透明,以免隐藏下面的修饰效果。",
@ -1144,7 +1225,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"wordHighlightStrong": "写入访问过程中符号的背景色,例如写入变量时。颜色必须透明,以免隐藏下面的修饰效果。",
"wordHighlightStrongBorder": "符号在进行写入访问操作时的边框颜色,例如写入变量。"
"vs/editor/contrib/wordOperations/wordOperations": {
"vs/editor/contrib/wordOperations/browser/wordOperations": {
"deleteInsideWord": "删除 Word"
"vs/platform/actions/browser/menuEntryActionViewItem": {
@ -1164,7 +1245,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"vs/platform/contextkey/common/contextkeys": {
"inputFocus": "键盘焦点是否在输入框中",
"isIOS": "操作系统是否为 IOS",
"isIOS": "操作系统是否为 iOS",
"isLinux": "操作系统是否为 Linux",
"isMac": "操作系统是否 macOS",
"isMacNative": "操作系统是否是非浏览器平台上的 macOS",
@ -1183,13 +1264,16 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"sizeTB": "{0} TB",
"unknownError": "未知错误"
"vs/platform/history/browser/contextScopedHistoryWidget": {
"suggestWidgetVisible": "建议是否可见"
"vs/platform/keybinding/common/abstractKeybindingService": {
"first.chord": "({0})已按下。正在等待按下第二个键...",
"missing.chord": "组合键({0},{1})不是命令。"
"vs/platform/list/browser/listService": {
"Fast Scroll Sensitivity": "按 Alt 时滚动速度乘数。",
"Mouse Wheel Scroll Sensitivity": "要在鼠标滚轮滚动事件的 deltaX 和 deltaY 上使用的乘数。",
"Fast Scroll Sensitivity": "按下\"Alt\"时滚动速度倍增。",
"Mouse Wheel Scroll Sensitivity": "对鼠标滚轮滚动事件的 `deltaX` 和 `deltaY` 乘上的系数。",
"automatic keyboard navigation setting": "控制列表和树中的键盘导航是否仅通过键入自动触发。如果设置为 `false` ,键盘导航只在执行 `list.toggleKeyboardNavigation` 命令时触发,您可以为该命令指定键盘快捷方式。",
"expand mode": "控制在单击文件夹名称时如何扩展树文件夹。请注意,如果不适用,某些树和列表可能会选择忽略此设置。",
"horizontalScrolling setting": "控制列表和树是否支持工作台中的水平滚动。警告: 打开此设置影响会影响性能。",
@ -1254,8 +1338,14 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"diffDiagonalFill": "差异编辑器的对角线填充颜色。对角线填充用于并排差异视图。",
"diffEditorBorder": "两个文本编辑器之间的边框颜色。",
"diffEditorInserted": "已插入的文本的背景色。颜色必须透明,以免隐藏下面的修饰效果。",
"diffEditorInsertedLineGutter": "插入行的边距的背景色。",
"diffEditorInsertedLines": "已插入的行的背景色。颜色必须透明,以免隐藏下面的修饰效果。",
"diffEditorInsertedOutline": "插入的文本的轮廓颜色。",
"diffEditorOverviewInserted": "插入内容的差异概述标尺前景。",
"diffEditorOverviewRemoved": "删除内容的差异概述标尺前景。",
"diffEditorRemoved": "已删除的文本的背景色。颜色必须透明,以免隐藏下面的修饰效果。",
"diffEditorRemovedLineGutter": "删除行的边距的背景色。",
"diffEditorRemovedLines": "已删除的行的背景色。颜色必须透明,以免隐藏下面的修饰效果。",
"diffEditorRemovedOutline": "被删除文本的轮廓颜色。",
"dropdownBackground": "下拉列表背景色。",
"dropdownBorder": "下拉列表边框。",
@ -1272,7 +1362,11 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"editorInfo.background": "编辑器中信息文本的背景色。颜色必须透明,以免隐藏下面的修饰效果。",
"editorInfo.foreground": "编辑器中信息波浪线的前景色。",
"editorInlayHintBackground": "内联提示的背景色",
"editorInlayHintBackgroundParameter": "参数内联提示的背景色",
"editorInlayHintBackgroundTypes": "类型内联提示的背景色",
"editorInlayHintForeground": "内联提示的前景色",
"editorInlayHintForegroundParameter": "参数内联提示的前景色",
"editorInlayHintForegroundTypes": "类型内联提示的前景色",
"editorLightBulbAutoFixForeground": "用于灯泡自动修复操作图标的颜色。",
"editorLightBulbForeground": "用于灯泡操作图标的颜色。",
"editorSelectionBackground": "编辑器所选内容的颜色。",
@ -1305,8 +1399,9 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"inputBoxBackground": "输入框背景色。",
"inputBoxBorder": "输入框边框。",
"inputBoxForeground": "输入框前景色。",
"inputOption.activeBackground": "输入字段中激活选项的背景颜色。",
"inputOption.activeBackground": "输入字段中选项的背景悬停颜色。",
"inputOption.activeForeground": "输入字段中已激活的选项的前景色。",
"inputOption.hoverBackground": "输入字段中激活选项的背景颜色。",
"inputPlaceholderForeground": "输入框中占位符的前景色。",
"inputValidationErrorBackground": "输入验证结果为错误级别时的背景色。",
"inputValidationErrorBorder": "严重性为错误时输入验证的边框颜色。",
@ -1362,7 +1457,9 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"minimapBackground": "迷你地图背景颜色。",
"minimapError": "用于错误的迷你地图标记颜色。",
"minimapFindMatchHighlight": "用于查找匹配项的迷你地图标记颜色。",
"minimapForegroundOpacity": "在缩略图中呈现的前景元素的不透明度。例如,\"#000000c0\" 将呈现不透明度为 75% 的元素。",
"minimapSelectionHighlight": "编辑器选区在迷你地图中对应的标记颜色。",
"minimapSelectionOccurrenceHighlight": "用于重复编辑器选择的缩略图标记颜色。",
"minimapSliderActiveBackground": "单击时,迷你地图滑块的背景颜色。",
"minimapSliderBackground": "迷你地图滑块背景颜色。",
"minimapSliderHoverBackground": "悬停时,迷你地图滑块的背景颜色。",
@ -1398,6 +1495,8 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"snippetTabstopHighlightBackground": "代码片段 Tab 位的高亮背景色。",
"snippetTabstopHighlightBorder": "代码片段 Tab 位的高亮边框颜色。",
"statusBarBackground": "编辑器悬停状态栏的背景色。",
"tableColumnsBorder": "列之间的表边框颜色。",
"tableOddRowsBackgroundColor": "奇数表行的背景色。",
"textBlockQuoteBackground": "文本中块引用的背景颜色。",
"textBlockQuoteBorder": "文本中块引用的边框颜色。",
"textCodeBlockBackground": "文本中代码块的背景颜色。",
@ -1413,8 +1512,8 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"widgetShadow": "编辑器内小组件(如查找/替换)的阴影颜色。"
"vs/platform/theme/common/iconRegistry": {
"iconDefintion.fontCharacter": "与图标定义关联的字体字符。",
"iconDefintion.fontId": "要使用的字体的 ID。如果未设置,则使用最先定义的字体。",
"iconDefinition.fontCharacter": "与图标定义关联的字体字符。",
"iconDefinition.fontId": "要使用的字体的 ID。如果未设置,则使用最先定义的字体。",
"nextChangeIcon": "“转到下一个编辑器位置”图标。",
"previousChangeIcon": "“转到上一个编辑器位置”图标。",
"widgetClose": "小组件中“关闭”操作的图标。"
@ -1432,6 +1531,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"cannotWorkspaceUndoDueToInMeantimeUndoRedo": "无法跨所有文件撤销“{0}”,因为同时发生了一项撤消或重做操作",
"cannotWorkspaceUndoDueToInProgressUndoRedo": "无法跨所有文件撤销“{0}”,因为 {1} 上已有一项撤消或重做操作正在运行",
"confirmDifferentSource": "是否要撤消“{0}”?",
"confirmDifferentSource.no": "否",
"confirmDifferentSource.yes": "是",
"confirmWorkspace": "是否要在所有文件中撤消“{0}”?",
"externalRemoval": "以下文件已关闭并且已在磁盘上修改: {0}。",
@ -1439,7 +1539,12 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"nok": "撤消此文件",
"ok": "在 {0} 个文件中撤消"
"vs/platform/workspaces/common/workspaces": {
"vs/platform/workspace/common/workspace": {
"codeWorkspace": "Code 工作区"
"vs/platform/workspace/common/workspaceTrust": {
"trusted": "受信任",
"untrusted": "受限模式"
@ -1,18 +1,16 @@
this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Locale = {language: 'zh-hant', data: {
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language: 'zh-hant',
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"vs/base/browser/ui/actionbar/actionViewItems": {
"titleLabel": "{0} ({1})"
"vs/base/browser/ui/findinput/findInput": {
"defaultLabel": "輸入"
"vs/base/browser/ui/findinput/findInputCheckboxes": {
"caseDescription": "大小寫須相符",
"regexDescription": "使用規則運算式",
"wordsDescription": "全字拼寫須相符"
"vs/base/browser/ui/findinput/replaceInput": {
"defaultLabel": "輸入",
"label.preserveCaseCheckbox": "保留案例"
"label.preserveCaseToggle": "保留案例"
"vs/base/browser/ui/iconLabel/iconLabelHover": {
"iconLabel.loading": "正在載入..."
@ -20,14 +18,12 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"vs/base/browser/ui/inputbox/inputBox": {
"alertErrorMessage": "錯誤: {0}",
"alertInfoMessage": "資訊: {0}",
"alertWarningMessage": "警告: {0}"
"alertWarningMessage": "警告: {0}",
"history.inputbox.hint": "歷程記錄"
"vs/base/browser/ui/keybindingLabel/keybindingLabel": {
"unbound": "未繫結"
"vs/base/browser/ui/menu/menu": {
"titleLabel": "{0} ({1})"
"vs/base/browser/ui/tree/abstractTree": {
"clear": "清除",
"disable filter on type": "在類型上停用篩選",
@ -50,6 +46,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"cmdKey.long": "命令",
"ctrlKey": "Ctrl",
"ctrlKey.long": "Control",
"optKey.long": "選項",
"shiftKey": "Shift",
"shiftKey.long": "Shift",
"superKey": "超級鍵",
@ -72,16 +69,13 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"vs/base/parts/quickinput/browser/quickInputList": {
"quickInput": "快速輸入"
"vs/editor/browser/controller/coreCommands": {
"removedCursor": "已移除次要資料指標",
"stickydesc": "即使行的長度過長,仍要堅持至結尾"
"vs/editor/browser/controller/textAreaHandler": {
"accessibilityOffAriaLabel": "目前無法存取此編輯器。請按 {0} 取得選項。",
"editor": "編輯器"
"vs/editor/browser/core/keybindingCancellation": {
"cancellableOperation": "編輯器是否執行可取消的作業,例如「預覽參考」"
"vs/editor/browser/coreCommands": {
"removedCursor": "已移除次要資料指標",
"stickydesc": "即使行的長度過長,仍要堅持至結尾"
"vs/editor/browser/editorExtensions": {
"miRedo": "取消復原(&&R)",
@ -117,12 +111,15 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"unchangedLine": "{0} 未變更行 {1}"
"vs/editor/browser/widget/inlineDiffMargin": {
"diff.clipboard.copyChangedLineContent.label": "複製變更的行 ({0})",
"diff.clipboard.copyChangedLinesContent.label": "複製變更的行",
"diff.clipboard.copyChangedLinesContent.single.label": "複製變更的行",
"diff.clipboard.copyDeletedLineContent.label": "複製已刪除的行 ({0})",
"diff.clipboard.copyDeletedLinesContent.label": "複製已刪除的行",
"diff.clipboard.copyDeletedLinesContent.single.label": "複製已刪除的行",
"diff.inline.revertChange.label": "還原此變更"
"vs/editor/common/config/commonEditorConfig": {
"vs/editor/common/config/editorConfigurationSchema": {
"codeLens": "控制編輯器是否顯示 codelens。",
"detectIndentation": "根據檔案內容,控制當檔案開啟時,是否自動偵測 `#editor.tabSize#` 和 `#editor.insertSpaces#`。",
"editorConfigurationTitle": "編輯器",
@ -130,8 +127,13 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"insertSpaces": "在按 `Tab` 時插入空格。當 `#editor.detectIndentation#` 開啟時,會根據檔案內容覆寫此設定。",
"largeFileOptimizations": "針對大型檔案停用部分高記憶體需求功能的特殊處理方式。",
"maxComputationTime": "取消 Diff 計算前的逾時限制 (毫秒)。若無逾時,請使用 0。",
"maxFileSize": "要計算差異的檔案大小上限 (MB)。使用 0 表示無限制。",
"maxTokenizationLineLength": "因效能的緣故,不會將超過此高度的行 Token 化",
"renderIndicators": "控制 Diff 編輯器是否要為新增/移除的變更顯示 +/- 標記。",
"schema.brackets": "定義增加或減少縮排的括弧符號。",
"schema.closeBracket": "右括弧字元或字串順序。",
"schema.colorizedBracketPairs": "定義當括弧配對著色已啟用時,由其巢狀層級著色的括弧配對。",
"schema.openBracket": "左括弧字元或字串順序。",
"semanticHighlighting.configuredByTheme": "語意醒目提示由目前之彩色佈景主題的 'semanticHighlighting' 設定所設定。",
"semanticHighlighting.enabled": "控制 semanticHighlighting 是否會為支援的語言顯示。",
"semanticHighlighting.false": "所有彩色主題皆已停用語意醒目提示。",
@ -169,11 +171,12 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"autoClosingQuotes": "控制編輯器是否應在使用者新增開始引號後,自動加上關閉引號。",
"autoIndent": "控制編輯器是否應在使用者鍵入、貼上、移動或縮排行時自動調整縮排。",
"autoSurround": "控制編輯器是否應在鍵入引號或括弧時自動包圍選取範圍。",
"bracketPairColorization.enabled": "控制是否啟用成對方括弧著色。使用 'workbench.colorCustomizations' 覆寫括弧亮顯顏色。",
"bracketPairColorization.enabled": "控制是否啟用成對方括弧著色。使用 `#workbench.colorCustomizations#` 覆寫括弧亮顯顏色。",
"bracketPairColorization.independentColorPoolPerBracketType": "控制每個括弧類型是否有自己的獨立色彩集區。",
"codeActions": "在編輯器中啟用程式碼動作燈泡。",
"codeLens": "控制編輯器是否顯示 codelens。",
"codeLensFontFamily": "控制 CodeLens 的字型家族。",
"codeLensFontSize": "控制 CodeLens 的字型大小 (像素)。設定為 `0` 時,會使用 90% 的 `#editor.fontSize#`。",
"codeLensFontSize": "控制 CodeLens 的字型大小 (像素)。設定為 `0` 時,會使用 90% 的 '#editor.fontSize#'。",
"colorDecorators": "控制編輯器是否應轉譯內嵌色彩裝飾項目與色彩選擇器。",
"columnSelection": "啟用即可以滑鼠與按鍵選取進行資料行選取。",
"comments.ignoreEmptyLines": "控制是否應以行註解的切換、新增或移除動作,忽略空白的行。",
@ -219,6 +222,17 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"editor.gotoLocation.multiple.goto": "前往主要結果,並對其他人啟用無預覽瀏覽",
"editor.gotoLocation.multiple.gotoAndPeek": "移至主要結果並顯示預覽檢視",
"editor.gotoLocation.multiple.peek": "顯示結果的預覽檢視 (預設)",
"editor.guides.bracketPairs": "控制是否啟用成對方括弧指南。",
"editor.guides.bracketPairs.active": "只啟用使用中括弧組的括弧配對輔助線。",
"editor.guides.bracketPairs.false": "停用括弧配對輔助線。",
"editor.guides.bracketPairs.true": "啟用括弧配對輔助線。",
"editor.guides.bracketPairsHorizontal": "控制是否啟用水平成對方括弧輔助線。",
"editor.guides.bracketPairsHorizontal.active": "只啟用使用中括弧配對的水平輔助線。",
"editor.guides.bracketPairsHorizontal.false": "停用水平括弧配對輔助線。",
"editor.guides.bracketPairsHorizontal.true": "啟用水平輔助線作為垂直括弧配對輔助線的新增功能。",
"editor.guides.highlightActiveBracketPair": "控制編輯器是否應醒目提示使用中的成對括弧。",
"editor.guides.highlightActiveIndentation": "控制編輯器是否應醒目提示使用中的縮排輔助線。",
"editor.guides.indentation": "控制編輯器是否應顯示縮排輔助線。",
"editor.suggest.showClasss": "啟用時,IntelliSense 顯示「類別」建議。",
"editor.suggest.showColors": "啟用時,IntelliSense 顯示「色彩」建議。",
"editor.suggest.showConstants": "啟用時,IntelliSense 顯示「常數」建議。",
@ -260,6 +274,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"folding": "控制編輯器是否啟用程式碼摺疊功能。",
"foldingHighlight": "控制編輯器是否應將折疊的範圍醒目提示。",
"foldingImportsByDefault": "控制編輯器是否會自動摺疊匯入範圍。",
"foldingMaximumRegions": "可摺疊區域的數目上限。增加此值可能會造成當目前的來源有大量可摺疊區域時,編輯器的回應速度變慢。",
"foldingStrategy": "控制計算資料夾範圍的策略。",
"foldingStrategy.auto": "使用語言特定摺疊策略 (如果可用),否則使用縮排式策略。",
"foldingStrategy.indentation": "使用縮排式摺疊策略。",
@ -274,18 +289,15 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"formatOnType": "控制編輯器是否應自動在鍵入後設定行的格式。",
"glyphMargin": "控制編輯器是否應轉譯垂直字符邊界。字符邊界最常用來進行偵錯。",
"hideCursorInOverviewRuler": "控制游標是否應隱藏在概觀尺規中。",
"highlightActiveIndentGuide": "控制編輯器是否應醒目提示使用中的縮排輔助線。",
"hover.above": "如果有空間,則偏好在行上方顯示游標。",
"hover.delay": "控制暫留顯示的延遲時間 (以毫秒為單位)。",
"hover.enabled": "控制是否顯示暫留。",
"hover.sticky": "控制當滑鼠移過時,是否應保持顯示暫留。",
"inlayHints.enable": "啟用編輯器中的內嵌提示。",
"inlayHints.fontFamily": "控制編輯器中,內嵌提示的字型家族。設定為空白時,會使用 `#editor.fontFamily#`。",
"inlayHints.fontSize": "控制編輯器中的內嵌提示字型大小。設定為 `0` 時,會使用 90% 的 `#editor.fontSize#`。",
"inlayHints.fontSize": "控制編輯器中內嵌提示的字型大小。當設定的值小於 '5' 或大於編輯器字型大小時,會使用 90% 的 '#editor.fontSize#' 預設值。",
"inline": "快速建議會顯示為浮水印文字",
"inlineSuggest.enabled": "控制是否要在編輯器中自動顯示內嵌建議。",
"inlineSuggest.mode": "控制要用於呈現內嵌建議的模式。",
"inlineSuggest.mode.prefix": "只有在取代文字是插入文字的前置詞時,才呈現內嵌建議。",
"inlineSuggest.mode.subword": "只有在取代文字是插入文字的部分字組時,才呈現內嵌建議。",
"inlineSuggest.mode.subwordSmart": "如果取代文字是插入文字的部分字組,但部分字組必須在游標之後開始時,只呈現內嵌建議。",
"letterSpacing": "控制字母間距 (像素)。",
"lineHeight": "控制行高。\r\n - 使用 0 從字型大小自動計算行高。\r\n - 使用介於 0 和 8 之間的值作為字型大小的乘數。\r\n - 大於或等於 8 的值將用來作為有效值。",
"lineNumbers": "控制行號的顯示。",
@ -316,6 +328,8 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"multiCursorPaste.full": "每個游標都會貼上全文。",
"multiCursorPaste.spread": "每個游標都會貼上一行文字。",
"occurrencesHighlight": "控制編輯器是否應醒目顯示出現的語意符號。",
"off": "已停用快速建議",
"on": "快速建議會顯示在建議小工具內",
"overviewRulerBorder": "控制是否應在概觀尺規周圍繪製框線。",
"padding.bottom": "控制編輯器下邊緣與最後一行之間的空格數。",
"padding.top": "控制編輯器上邊緣與第一行之間的空格數。",
@ -333,7 +347,6 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"renameOnTypeDeprecate": "已淘汰,請改用 `editor.linkedEditing`。",
"renderControlCharacters": "控制編輯器是否應顯示控制字元。",
"renderFinalNewline": "在檔案結尾為新行時,呈現最後一行的號碼。",
"renderIndentGuides": "控制編輯器是否應顯示縮排輔助線。",
"renderLineHighlight": "控制編輯器如何顯示目前行的醒目提示。",
"renderLineHighlight.all": "醒目提示裝訂邊和目前的行。",
"renderLineHighlightOnlyWhenFocus": "控制當聚焦於編輯器時,編輯器是否應僅轉譯目前行的醒目提示。",
@ -381,10 +394,6 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"suggest.localityBonus": "控制排序是否偏好游標附近的字組。",
"suggest.maxVisibleSuggestions.dep": "此設定已淘汰。建議小工具現可調整大小。",
"suggest.preview": "控制是否要在編輯器中預覽建議結果。",
"suggest.previewMode": "控制要用於呈現建議預覽的模式。",
"suggest.previewMode.prefix": "只有在取代文字是插入文字的前置詞時,才呈現預覽。",
"suggest.previewMode.subword": "只有在取代文字是插入文字的部分字組時,才呈現預覽。",
"suggest.previewMode.subwordSmart": "如果取代文字是插入文字的部分字組,或它是插入文字的前置詞,即呈現預覽。",
"suggest.shareSuggestSelections": "控制記錄的建議選取項目是否在多個工作區和視窗間共用 (需要 `#editor.suggestSelection#`)。",
"suggest.showIcons": "控制要在建議中顯示或隱藏圖示。",
"suggest.showInlineDetails": "控制建議詳細資料是以內嵌於標籤的方式顯示,還是只在詳細資料小工具中顯示",
@ -402,6 +411,13 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"tabCompletion.on": "按 Tab 時,Tab 完成會插入最符合的建議。",
"tabCompletion.onlySnippets": "在程式碼片段的首碼相符時使用 Tab 完成。未啟用 'quickSuggestions' 時效果最佳。",
"unfoldOnClickAfterEndOfLine": "控制按一下已折疊行後方的空白內容是否會展開行。",
"unicodeHighlight.allowedCharacters": "定義未醒目提示的允許字元。",
"unicodeHighlight.allowedLocales": "不會將允許地區設置中常見的 Unicode 字元強調顯示。",
"unicodeHighlight.ambiguousCharacters": "控制是否醒目提示與基本 ASCII 字元混淆的字元,但目前使用者地區設定中通用的字元除外。",
"unicodeHighlight.includeComments": "控制註解中的字元是否也應受到 Unicode 醒目提示。",
"unicodeHighlight.includeStrings": "控制字串中的字元是否也應受到 Unicode 醒目提示。",
"unicodeHighlight.invisibleCharacters": "控制是否只保留空格或完全沒有寬度之字元的醒目提示。",
"unicodeHighlight.nonBasicASCII": "控制是否醒目提示所有非基本的 ASCII 字元。只有介於 U+0020和 U+007E、tab、換行和歸位字元之間的字元會視為基本 ASCII。",
"unusualLineTerminators": "移除可能導致問題的異常行結束字元。",
"unusualLineTerminators.auto": "自動移除異常的行結束字元。",
"unusualLineTerminators.off": "忽略異常的行結束字元。",
@ -423,6 +439,59 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"wrappingStrategy.advanced": "將外圍點計算委派給瀏覽器。這是緩慢的演算法,如果檔案較大可能會導致凍結,但在所有情況下都正常運作。",
"wrappingStrategy.simple": "假設所有字元的寬度均相同。這是一種快速的演算法,適用於等寬字型,以及字符寬度相同的部分指令碼 (例如拉丁文字元)。"
"vs/editor/common/core/editorColorRegistry": {
"caret": "編輯器游標的色彩。",
"deprecatedEditorActiveLineNumber": "Id 已取代。請改用 'editorLineNumber.activeForeground' 。",
"editorActiveIndentGuide": "使用中編輯器縮排輔助線的色彩。",
"editorActiveLineNumber": "編輯器使用中行號的色彩",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground1": "括弧 (1) 的前景色彩。需要啟用成對方括弧著色。",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground2": "括弧 (2) 的前景色彩。需要啟用成對方括弧著色。",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground3": "括弧 (3) 的前景色彩。需要啟用成對方括弧著色。",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground4": "括弧 (4) 的前景色彩。需要啟用成對方括弧著色。",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground5": "括弧 (5) 的前景色彩。需要啟用成對方括弧著色。",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground6": "括弧 (6) 的前景色彩。需要啟用成對方括弧著色。",
"editorBracketHighlightUnexpectedBracketForeground": "未預期括弧的前景色彩。",
"editorBracketMatchBackground": "成對括號背景色彩",
"editorBracketMatchBorder": "成對括號邊框色彩",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground1": "使用中括弧配對輔助線 (1) 的背景色彩。需要啟用括弧配對輔助線。",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground2": "使用中括弧配對輔助線 (2) 的背景色彩。需要啟用括弧配對輔助線。",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground3": "使用中括弧配對輔助線 (3) 的背景色彩。需要啟用括弧配對輔助線。",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground4": "使用中括弧配對輔助線 (4) 的背景色彩。需要啟用括弧配對輔助線。",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground5": "使用中括弧配對輔助線 (5) 的背景色彩。需要啟用括弧配對輔助線。",
"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground6": "使用中括弧配對輔助線 (6) 的背景色彩。需要啟用括弧配對輔助線。",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background1": "非使用中括弧配對輔助線 (1) 的背景色彩。需要啟用括弧配對輔助線。",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background2": "非使用中括弧配對輔助線 (2) 的背景色彩。需要啟用括弧配對輔助線。",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background3": "非使用中括弧配對輔助線 (3) 的背景色彩。需要啟用括弧配對輔助線。",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background4": "非使用中括弧配對輔助線 (4) 的背景色彩。需要啟用括弧配對輔助線。",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background5": "非使用中括弧配對輔助線 (5) 的背景色彩。需要啟用括弧配對輔助線。",
"editorBracketPairGuide.background6": "非使用中括弧配對輔助線 (6) 的背景色彩。需要啟用括弧配對輔助線。",
"editorCodeLensForeground": "編輯器程式碼濾鏡的前景色彩",
"editorCursorBackground": "編輯器游標的背景色彩。允許自訂區塊游標重疊的字元色彩。",
"editorGhostTextBackground": "編輯器中浮水印文字的背景色彩。",
"editorGhostTextBorder": "編輯器中浮水印文字的邊框色彩。",
"editorGhostTextForeground": "編輯器中浮水印文字的前景色彩。",
"editorGutter": "編輯器邊框的背景顏色,包含行號與字形圖示的邊框.",
"editorIndentGuides": "編輯器縮排輔助線的色彩。",
"editorLineNumbers": "編輯器行號的色彩。",
"editorOverviewRulerBackground": "編輯器概觀尺規的背景色彩。僅在啟用縮圖並將其置於編輯器右側時使用。",
"editorOverviewRulerBorder": "預覽檢視編輯器尺規的邊框色彩.",
"editorRuler": "編輯器尺規的色彩",
"editorUnicodeHighlight.background": "用來醒目提示 Unicode 字元的背景色彩。",
"editorUnicodeHighlight.border": "用來醒目提示 Unicode 字元的框線色彩。",
"editorWhitespaces": "編輯器中空白字元的色彩。",
"lineHighlight": "目前游標位置行的反白顯示背景色彩。",
"lineHighlightBorderBox": "目前游標位置行之周圍框線的背景色彩。",
"overviewRuleError": "錯誤的概觀尺規標記色彩。",
"overviewRuleInfo": "資訊的概觀尺規標記色彩。",
"overviewRuleWarning": "警示的概觀尺規標記色彩。",
"overviewRulerRangeHighlight": "範圍醒目提示的概觀尺規標記色彩。其不得為不透明色彩,以免隱藏底層裝飾。",
"rangeHighlight": "醒目提示範圍的背景色彩,例如快速開啟並尋找功能。其不得為不透明色彩,以免隱藏底層裝飾。",
"rangeHighlightBorder": "反白顯示範圍周圍邊框的背景顏色。",
"symbolHighlight": "醒目提示符號的背景色彩,相似於前往下一個定義或前往下一個/上一個符號。色彩必須透明,以免隱藏底層裝飾。",
"symbolHighlightBorder": "醒目提示周圍的邊界背景色彩。",
"unnecessaryCodeBorder": "編輯器中不必要 (未使用) 原始程式碼的框線色彩。",
"unnecessaryCodeOpacity": "編輯器中不必要 (未使用) 原始程式碼的不透明度。例如 \"#000000c0” 會以 75% 的不透明度轉譯程式碼。針對高對比主題,使用 'editorUnnecessaryCode.border' 主題色彩可為不必要的程式碼加上底線,而不是將其變淡。"
"vs/editor/common/editorContextKeys": {
"editorColumnSelection": "'editor.columnSelection' 是否已啟用",
"editorFocus": "編輯器或編輯器小工具是否有焦點 (例如焦點位於 [尋找] 小工具中)",
@ -455,12 +524,12 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"inDiffEditor": "內容是否為 Diff 編輯器",
"textInputFocus": "編輯器或 RTF 輸入是否有焦點 (游標閃爍)"
"vs/editor/common/languages/modesRegistry": {
"plainText.alias": "純文字"
"vs/editor/common/model/editStack": {
"edit": "正在鍵入"
"vs/editor/common/modes/modesRegistry": {
"plainText.alias": "純文字"
"vs/editor/common/standaloneStrings": {
"accessibilityHelpMessage": "按 Alt+F1 可取得協助工具選項。",
"auto_off": "已將此編輯器設定為永遠不針對搭配螢幕助讀程式使用最佳化,但目前不是此情況。",
@ -497,45 +566,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"tabFocusModeOnMsgNoKb": "在目前的編輯器中按 Tab 鍵會將焦點移至下一個可設定焦點的元素。命令 {0} 目前無法由按鍵繫結關係觸發。",
"toggleHighContrast": "切換高對比佈景主題"
"vs/editor/common/view/editorColorRegistry": {
"caret": "編輯器游標的色彩。",
"deprecatedEditorActiveLineNumber": "Id 已取代。請改用 'editorLineNumber.activeForeground' 。",
"editorActiveIndentGuide": "使用中編輯器縮排輔助線的色彩。",
"editorActiveLineNumber": "編輯器使用中行號的色彩",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground1": "括弧 (1) 的前景色彩。需要啟用成對方括弧著色。",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground2": "括弧 (2) 的前景色彩。需要啟用成對方括弧著色。",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground3": "括弧 (3) 的前景色彩。需要啟用成對方括弧著色。",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground4": "括弧 (4) 的前景色彩。需要啟用成對方括弧著色。",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground5": "括弧 (5) 的前景色彩。需要啟用成對方括弧著色。",
"editorBracketHighlightForeground6": "括弧 (6) 的前景色彩。需要啟用成對方括弧著色。",
"editorBracketHighlightUnexpectedBracketForeground": "未預期括弧的前景色彩。",
"editorBracketMatchBackground": "成對括號背景色彩",
"editorBracketMatchBorder": "成對括號邊框色彩",
"editorCodeLensForeground": "編輯器程式碼濾鏡的前景色彩",
"editorCursorBackground": "編輯器游標的背景色彩。允許自訂區塊游標重疊的字元色彩。",
"editorGhostTextBorder": "編輯器中浮水印文字的邊框色彩。",
"editorGhostTextForeground": "編輯器中浮水印文字的前景色彩。",
"editorGutter": "編輯器邊框的背景顏色,包含行號與字形圖示的邊框.",
"editorIndentGuides": "編輯器縮排輔助線的色彩。",
"editorLineNumbers": "編輯器行號的色彩。",
"editorOverviewRulerBackground": "編輯器概觀尺規的背景色彩。僅在啟用縮圖並將其置於編輯器右側時使用。",
"editorOverviewRulerBorder": "預覽檢視編輯器尺規的邊框色彩.",
"editorRuler": "編輯器尺規的色彩",
"editorWhitespaces": "編輯器中空白字元的色彩。",
"lineHighlight": "目前游標位置行的反白顯示背景色彩。",
"lineHighlightBorderBox": "目前游標位置行之周圍框線的背景色彩。",
"overviewRuleError": "錯誤的概觀尺規標記色彩。",
"overviewRuleInfo": "資訊的概觀尺規標記色彩。",
"overviewRuleWarning": "警示的概觀尺規標記色彩。",
"overviewRulerRangeHighlight": "範圍醒目提示的概觀尺規標記色彩。其不得為不透明色彩,以免隱藏底層裝飾。",
"rangeHighlight": "醒目提示範圍的背景色彩,例如快速開啟並尋找功能。其不得為不透明色彩,以免隱藏底層裝飾。",
"rangeHighlightBorder": "反白顯示範圍周圍邊框的背景顏色。",
"symbolHighlight": "醒目提示符號的背景色彩,相似於前往下一個定義或前往下一個/上一個符號。色彩必須透明,以免隱藏底層裝飾。",
"symbolHighlightBorder": "醒目提示周圍的邊界背景色彩。",
"unnecessaryCodeBorder": "編輯器中不必要 (未使用) 原始程式碼的框線色彩。",
"unnecessaryCodeOpacity": "編輯器中不必要 (未使用) 原始程式碼的不透明度。例如 \"#000000c0” 會以 75% 的不透明度轉譯程式碼。針對高對比主題,使用 'editorUnnecessaryCode.border' 主題色彩可為不必要的程式碼加上底線,而不是將其變淡。"
"vs/editor/contrib/anchorSelect/anchorSelect": {
"vs/editor/contrib/anchorSelect/browser/anchorSelect": {
"anchorSet": "設定錨點為 {0}:{1}",
"cancelSelectionAnchor": "取消選取範圍錨點",
"goToSelectionAnchor": "前往選取範圍錨點",
@ -543,20 +574,20 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"selectionAnchor": "選取範圍錨點",
"setSelectionAnchor": "設定選取範圍錨點"
"vs/editor/contrib/bracketMatching/bracketMatching": {
"vs/editor/contrib/bracketMatching/browser/bracketMatching": {
"miGoToBracket": "前往括弧(&&B)",
"overviewRulerBracketMatchForeground": "成對括弧的概觀尺規標記色彩。",
"smartSelect.jumpBracket": "移至方括弧",
"smartSelect.selectToBracket": "選取至括弧"
"vs/editor/contrib/caretOperations/caretOperations": {
"vs/editor/contrib/caretOperations/browser/caretOperations": {
"caret.moveLeft": "將所選文字向左移動",
"caret.moveRight": "將所選文字向右移動"
"vs/editor/contrib/caretOperations/transpose": {
"vs/editor/contrib/caretOperations/browser/transpose": {
"transposeLetters.label": "調換字母"
"vs/editor/contrib/clipboard/clipboard": {
"vs/editor/contrib/clipboard/browser/clipboard": {
"actions.clipboard.copyLabel": "複製",
"actions.clipboard.copyWithSyntaxHighlightingLabel": "隨語法醒目提示複製",
"actions.clipboard.cutLabel": "剪下",
@ -566,7 +597,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"miCut": "剪下(&&T)",
"miPaste": "貼上(&&P)"
"vs/editor/contrib/codeAction/codeActionCommands": {
"vs/editor/contrib/codeAction/browser/codeActionCommands": {
"applyCodeActionFailed": "套用程式碼動作時發生未知的錯誤",
"args.schema.apply": "控制要套用傳回動作的時機。",
"args.schema.apply.first": "一律套用第一個傳回的程式碼動作。",
@ -597,15 +628,18 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"refactor.label": "重構...",
"source.label": "來源動作..."
"vs/editor/contrib/codeAction/lightBulbWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/codeAction/browser/lightBulbWidget": {
"codeAction": "顯示程式碼動作",
"codeActionWithKb": "顯示程式碼動作 ({0})",
"preferredcodeActionWithKb": "顯示程式碼動作。偏好的快速修正可用 ({0})"
"vs/editor/contrib/codelens/codelensController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/codelens/browser/codelensController": {
"showLensOnLine": "顯示目前行的 Code Lens 命令"
"vs/editor/contrib/comment/comment": {
"vs/editor/contrib/colorPicker/browser/colorPickerWidget": {
"clickToToggleColorOptions": "按一下以切換色彩選項 (rgb/hsl/hex)"
"vs/editor/contrib/comment/browser/comment": {
"comment.block": "切換區塊註解",
"comment.line": "切換行註解",
"comment.line.add": "加入行註解",
@ -613,14 +647,21 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"miToggleBlockComment": "切換區塊註解(&&B)",
"miToggleLineComment": "切換行註解(&&T)"
"vs/editor/contrib/contextmenu/contextmenu": {
"vs/editor/contrib/contextmenu/browser/contextmenu": {
"action.showContextMenu.label": "顯示編輯器內容功能表"
"vs/editor/contrib/cursorUndo/cursorUndo": {
"vs/editor/contrib/cursorUndo/browser/cursorUndo": {
"cursor.redo": "游標重做",
"cursor.undo": "游標復原"
"vs/editor/contrib/find/findController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/editorState/browser/keybindingCancellation": {
"cancellableOperation": "編輯器是否執行可取消的作業,例如「預覽參考」"
"vs/editor/contrib/find/browser/findController": {
"actions.find.isRegexOverride": "覆寫 \"Use Regular Expression\" 旗標。\r\n日後將不會儲存此旗標。\r\n0: 不執行任何動作\r\n1: True\r\n2: False",
"actions.find.matchCaseOverride": "覆寫 \"Math Case\" 旗標。\r\n日後將不會儲存此旗標。\r\n0: 不執行任何動作\r\n1: True\r\n2: False",
"actions.find.preserveCaseOverride": "覆寫 \"Preserve Case\" 旗標。\r\n日後將不會儲存此旗標。\r\n0: 不執行任何動作\r\n1: True\r\n2: False",
"actions.find.wholeWordOverride": "覆寫 \"Match Whole Word\" 旗標。\r\n日後將不會儲存此旗標。\r\n0: 不執行任何動作\r\n1: True\r\n2: False",
"findNextMatchAction": "尋找下一個",
"findPreviousMatchAction": "尋找上一個",
"miFind": "尋找(&&F)",
@ -628,10 +669,11 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"nextSelectionMatchFindAction": "尋找下一個選取項目",
"previousSelectionMatchFindAction": "尋找上一個選取項目",
"startFindAction": "尋找",
"startFindWithArgsAction": "使用引數尋找",
"startFindWithSelectionAction": "尋找選取項目",
"startReplace": "取代"
"vs/editor/contrib/find/findWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/find/browser/findWidget": {
"ariaSearchNoResult": "以 '{1}' 找到 {0}",
"ariaSearchNoResultEmpty": "找到 {0}",
"ariaSearchNoResultWithLineNum": "以 '{1}' 找到 {0},位於 {2}",
@ -659,7 +701,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"placeholder.replace": "取代",
"title.matchesCountLimit": "僅反白顯示前 {0} 筆結果,但所有尋找作業會在完整文字上執行。"
"vs/editor/contrib/folding/folding": {
"vs/editor/contrib/folding/browser/folding": {
"editorGutter.foldingControlForeground": "編輯器裝訂邊的摺疊控制項色彩。",
"foldAction.label": "摺疊",
"foldAllAction.label": "全部摺疊",
@ -669,9 +711,10 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"foldBackgroundBackground": "已摺疊範圍後的背景色彩。色彩不得處於不透明狀態,以免隱藏底層裝飾。",
"foldLevelAction.label": "摺疊層級 {0}",
"foldRecursivelyAction.label": "以遞迴方式摺疊",
"gotoNextFold.label": "移至下個摺疊",
"gotoNextFold.label": "移至下一個摺疊範圍",
"gotoParentFold.label": "移至父代摺疊",
"gotoPreviousFold.label": "移至上個摺疊",
"gotoPreviousFold.label": "移至上一個摺疊範圍",
"maximum fold ranges": "可摺疊區域的數目限制為上限 {0}。增加設定選項 ['Folding Maximum Regions'](command:workbench.action.openSettings?[\"editor.foldingMaximumRegions\"]) 以啟用更多數目。",
"toggleFoldAction.label": "切換摺疊",
"unFoldRecursivelyAction.label": "以遞迴方式展開",
"unfoldAction.label": "展開",
@ -679,26 +722,26 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"unfoldAllExcept.label": "展開所選區域以外的所有區域",
"unfoldAllMarkerRegions.label": "展開所有區域"
"vs/editor/contrib/folding/foldingDecorations": {
"vs/editor/contrib/folding/browser/foldingDecorations": {
"foldingCollapsedIcon": "編輯器字符邊界中 [摺疊的範圍] 的圖示。",
"foldingExpandedIcon": "編輯器字符邊界中 [展開的範圍] 的圖示。"
"vs/editor/contrib/fontZoom/fontZoom": {
"vs/editor/contrib/fontZoom/browser/fontZoom": {
"EditorFontZoomIn.label": "編輯器字體放大",
"EditorFontZoomOut.label": "編輯器字型縮小",
"EditorFontZoomReset.label": "編輯器字體重設縮放"
"vs/editor/contrib/format/format": {
"vs/editor/contrib/format/browser/format": {
"hint11": "在行 {0} 編輯了 1 項格式",
"hint1n": "在行 {0} 與行 {1} 之間編輯了 1 項格式",
"hintn1": "在行 {1} 編輯了 {0} 項格式",
"hintnn": "在行 {1} 與行 {2} 之間編輯了 {0} 項格式"
"vs/editor/contrib/format/formatActions": {
"vs/editor/contrib/format/browser/formatActions": {
"formatDocument.label": "格式化文件",
"formatSelection.label": "格式化選取範圍"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoError/gotoError": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoError/browser/gotoError": {
"markerAction.next.label": "移至下一個問題 (錯誤, 警告, 資訊)",
"markerAction.nextInFiles.label": "移至檔案裡面的下一個問題 (錯誤, 警告, 資訊)",
"markerAction.previous.label": "移至上一個問題 (錯誤, 警告, 資訊)",
@ -708,7 +751,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"nextMarkerIcon": "[前往下一個標記] 的圖示。",
"previousMarkerIcon": "[前往上一個標記] 的圖示。"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoError/gotoErrorWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoError/browser/gotoErrorWidget": {
"Error": "錯誤",
"Hint": "提示",
"Info": "資訊",
@ -724,7 +767,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"marker aria": "{0} 於 {1}。",
"problems": "{0} 個問題 (共 {1} 個)"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/goToCommands": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/goToCommands": {
"actions.goToDecl.label": "移至定義",
"actions.goToDeclToSide.label": "在一側開啟定義",
"actions.goToDeclaration.label": "移至宣告",
@ -747,7 +790,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"goToTypeDefinition.generic.noResults": "找不到任何類型定義",
"goToTypeDefinition.noResultWord": "找不到 '{0}' 的任何類型定義",
"impl.title": "實作",
"label.generic": "移至任何符號",
"label.generic": "前往任何符號",
"miGotoDeclaration": "前往宣告(&&D)",
"miGotoDefinition": "移至定義(&&D)",
"miGotoImplementation": "前往實作(&&I)",
@ -761,25 +804,25 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"references.noGeneric": "未找到參考",
"typedef.title": "類型定義"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/link/goToDefinitionAtPosition": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/link/goToDefinitionAtPosition": {
"multipleResults": "按一下以顯示 {0} 項定義。"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/peek/referencesController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/peek/referencesController": {
"labelLoading": "正在載入...",
"metaTitle.N": "{0} ({1})",
"referenceSearchVisible": "是否顯示參考瞄核,例如「瞄核參考」或「瞄核定義」"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/peek/referencesTree": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/peek/referencesTree": {
"referenceCount": "{0} 個參考",
"referencesCount": "{0} 個參考",
"treeAriaLabel": "參考"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/peek/referencesWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/peek/referencesWidget": {
"missingPreviewMessage": "無法預覽",
"noResults": "查無結果",
"peekView.alternateTitle": "參考"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/referencesModel": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/referencesModel": {
"aria.fileReferences.1": "1 個符號位於 {0}, 完整路徑 {1}",
"aria.fileReferences.N": "{0} 個符號位於 {1}, 完整路徑 {2}",
"aria.oneReference": "個符號位於 {0} 中的第 {1} 行第 {2} 欄",
@ -789,26 +832,26 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"aria.result.n1": "在 {1} 中找到 {0} 個符號",
"aria.result.nm": "在 {1} 個檔案中找到 {0} 個符號"
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/symbolNavigation": {
"vs/editor/contrib/gotoSymbol/browser/symbolNavigation": {
"hasSymbols": "是否有只能透過鍵盤瀏覽的符號位置。",
"location": "{1} 的符號 {0}",
"location.kb": "{1} 的符號 {0},{2} 為下一個"
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/hover": {
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/browser/hover": {
"showDefinitionPreviewHover": "顯示定義預覽懸停",
"showHover": "動態顯示"
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/markdownHoverParticipant": {
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/browser/markdownHoverParticipant": {
"modesContentHover.loading": "正在載入...",
"too many characters": "因效能的緣故,已跳過將長的行 Token 化。您可透過 `editor.maxTokenizationLineLength` 設定。"
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/markerHoverParticipant": {
"vs/editor/contrib/hover/browser/markerHoverParticipant": {
"checkingForQuickFixes": "正在檢查快速修正...",
"noQuickFixes": "沒有可用的快速修正",
"quick fixes": "快速修復...",
"view problem": "檢視問題"
"vs/editor/contrib/indentation/indentation": {
"vs/editor/contrib/indentation/browser/indentation": {
"configuredTabSize": "已設定的定位點大小",
"detectIndentation": "偵測內容中的縮排",
"editor.reindentlines": "重新將行縮排",
@ -819,24 +862,32 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"indentationToTabs": "將縮排轉換成定位點",
"selectTabWidth": "選取目前檔案的定位點大小"
"vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/ghostTextController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/inlayHints/browser/inlayHintsHover": {
"hint.cmd": "執行命令",
"hint.dbl": "按兩下以插入",
"hint.def": "移至定義 ({0})",
"hint.defAndCommand": "前往 [定義] ({0}),按一下滑鼠右鍵以了解更多",
"links.navigate.kb.alt": "alt + 按一下",
"links.navigate.kb.alt.mac": "選項 + 按一下",
"links.navigate.kb.meta": "ctrl + 按一下",
"links.navigate.kb.meta.mac": "cmd + 按一下"
"vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/browser/ghostTextController": {
"action.inlineSuggest.showNext": "顯示下一個內嵌建議",
"action.inlineSuggest.showPrevious": "顯示上一個內嵌建議",
"action.inlineSuggest.trigger": "觸發內嵌建議",
"inlineSuggestionHasIndentation": "內嵌建議是否以空白字元開頭",
"inlineSuggestionHasIndentationLessThanTabSize": "內嵌建議的開頭是否為空白,且比 Tab 能插入的字元要小",
"inlineSuggestionVisible": "是否顯示內嵌建議"
"vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/inlineCompletionsHoverParticipant": {
"acceptInlineSuggestion": "接受",
"inlineSuggestionFollows": "建議:",
"showNextInlineSuggestion": "下一步",
"showPreviousInlineSuggestion": "上一步"
"vs/editor/contrib/inPlaceReplace/inPlaceReplace": {
"vs/editor/contrib/inPlaceReplace/browser/inPlaceReplace": {
"InPlaceReplaceAction.next.label": "以下一個值取代",
"InPlaceReplaceAction.previous.label": "以上一個值取代"
"vs/editor/contrib/linesOperations/linesOperations": {
"vs/editor/contrib/lineSelection/browser/lineSelection": {
"expandLineSelection": "展開線條選取範圍"
"vs/editor/contrib/linesOperations/browser/linesOperations": {
"duplicateSelection": "重複選取項目",
"editor.transformToLowercase": "轉換到小寫",
"editor.transformToSnakecase": "轉換為底線連接字",
@ -848,6 +899,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"lines.delete": "刪除行",
"lines.deleteAllLeft": "左邊全部刪除",
"lines.deleteAllRight": "刪除所有右方項目",
"lines.deleteDuplicates": "刪除重複的行",
"lines.indent": "縮排行",
"lines.insertAfter": "在下方插入行",
"lines.insertBefore": "在上方插入行",
@ -864,11 +916,11 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"miMoveLinesDown": "下移一行(&&L)",
"miMoveLinesUp": "上移一行(&&V)"
"vs/editor/contrib/linkedEditing/linkedEditing": {
"vs/editor/contrib/linkedEditing/browser/linkedEditing": {
"editorLinkedEditingBackground": "當編輯器自動重新命名類型時的背景色彩。",
"linkedEditing.label": "開始連結的編輯"
"vs/editor/contrib/links/links": {
"vs/editor/contrib/links/browser/links": {
"invalid.url": "因為此連結的格式不正確,所以無法開啟: {0}",
"label": "開啟連結",
"links.navigate.executeCmd": "執行命令",
@ -880,11 +932,11 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"missing.url": "因為此連結目標遺失,所以無法開啟。",
"tooltip.explanation": "執行命令 {0}"
"vs/editor/contrib/message/messageController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/message/browser/messageController": {
"editor.readonly": "無法在唯讀編輯器中編輯",
"messageVisible": "編輯器目前是否正在顯示內嵌訊息"
"vs/editor/contrib/multicursor/multicursor": {
"vs/editor/contrib/multicursor/browser/multicursor": {
"addSelectionToNextFindMatch": "將選取項目加入下一個找到的相符項",
"addSelectionToPreviousFindMatch": "將選取項目加入前一個找到的相符項中",
"changeAll.label": "變更所有發生次數",
@ -905,15 +957,16 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"mutlicursor.insertBelow": "在下方加入游標",
"selectAllOccurrencesOfFindMatch": "選取所有找到的相符項目"
"vs/editor/contrib/parameterHints/parameterHints": {
"vs/editor/contrib/parameterHints/browser/parameterHints": {
"parameterHints.trigger.label": "觸發參數提示"
"vs/editor/contrib/parameterHints/parameterHintsWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/parameterHints/browser/parameterHintsWidget": {
"editorHoverWidgetHighlightForeground": "參數提示中使用中項目的前景色彩。",
"hint": "{0},提示",
"parameterHintsNextIcon": "[顯示下一個參數提示] 的圖示。",
"parameterHintsPreviousIcon": "[顯示上一個參數提示] 的圖示。"
"vs/editor/contrib/peekView/peekView": {
"vs/editor/contrib/peekView/browser/peekView": {
"inReferenceSearchEditor": "目前的程式碼編輯器是否內嵌於瞄核內",
"label.close": "關閉",
"peekViewBorder": "預覽檢視之框線與箭頭的色彩。",
@ -931,14 +984,14 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"peekViewTitleForeground": "預覽檢視標題的色彩。",
"peekViewTitleInfoForeground": "預覽檢視標題資訊的色彩。"
"vs/editor/contrib/quickAccess/gotoLineQuickAccess": {
"vs/editor/contrib/quickAccess/browser/gotoLineQuickAccess": {
"cannotRunGotoLine": "先開啟文字編輯器,前往某一行。",
"gotoLineColumnLabel": "前往第 {0} 行的第 {1} 個字元。",
"gotoLineLabel": "前往第 {0} 行。",
"gotoLineLabelEmpty": "目前行: {0},字元: {1}。請鍵入要導覽至的行號。",
"gotoLineLabelEmptyWithLimit": "目前行: {0},字元: {1}。請鍵入介於 1 到 {2} 之間行號,導覽至該行。"
"vs/editor/contrib/quickAccess/gotoSymbolQuickAccess": {
"vs/editor/contrib/quickAccess/browser/gotoSymbolQuickAccess": {
"_constructor": "建構函式 ({0})",
"array": "陣列 ({0})",
"boolean": "布林值 ({0})",
@ -972,7 +1025,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"typeParameter": "型別參數 ({0})",
"variable": "變數 ({0})"
"vs/editor/contrib/rename/rename": {
"vs/editor/contrib/rename/browser/rename": {
"aria": "已成功將 '{0}' 重新命名為 '{1}'。摘要: {2}",
"enablePreview": "啟用/停用重新命名前先預覽變更的功能",
"label": "正在為 '{0}' 重新命名",
@ -983,23 +1036,23 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"rename.label": "重新命名符號",
"resolveRenameLocationFailed": "解析重新命名位置時發生未知的錯誤"
"vs/editor/contrib/rename/renameInputField": {
"vs/editor/contrib/rename/browser/renameInputField": {
"label": "按 {0} 進行重新命名,按 {1} 進行預覽",
"renameAriaLabel": "為輸入重新命名。請鍵入新名稱,然後按 Enter 以認可。",
"renameInputVisible": "是否顯示重新命名輸入小工具"
"vs/editor/contrib/smartSelect/smartSelect": {
"vs/editor/contrib/smartSelect/browser/smartSelect": {
"miSmartSelectGrow": "展開選取範圍(&&E)",
"miSmartSelectShrink": "壓縮選取範圍(&&S)",
"smartSelect.expand": "展開選取項目",
"smartSelect.shrink": "縮小選取項目"
"vs/editor/contrib/snippet/snippetController2": {
"vs/editor/contrib/snippet/browser/snippetController2": {
"hasNextTabstop": "在程式碼片段模式中是否有下一個定位停駐點",
"hasPrevTabstop": "在程式碼片段模式中是否有上一個定位停駐點",
"inSnippetMode": "編輯器目前是否在程式碼片段模式中"
"vs/editor/contrib/snippet/snippetVariables": {
"vs/editor/contrib/snippet/browser/snippetVariables": {
"April": "四月",
"AprilShort": "4月",
"August": "八月",
@ -1039,17 +1092,16 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"Wednesday": "星期三",
"WednesdayShort": "週三"
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggest": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggest": {
"acceptSuggestionOnEnter": "是否在按下 Enter 時插入建議",
"suggestWidgetDetailsVisible": "是否顯示建議詳細資料",
"suggestWidgetMultipleSuggestions": "是否有多個建議可以挑選",
"suggestWidgetVisible": "是否顯示建議",
"suggestionCanResolve": "目前的建議是否支援解決更多詳細資料",
"suggestionHasInsertAndReplaceRange": "目前的建議是否有插入和取代行為",
"suggestionInsertMode": "預設行為是插入或取代",
"suggestionMakesTextEdit": "插入目前的建議會產生變更,或已鍵入所有項目"
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestController": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestController": {
"accept.insert": "插入",
"accept.replace": "取代",
"aria.alert.snippet": "接受 ‘{0}’ 進行了其他 {1} 項編輯",
@ -1058,7 +1110,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"suggest.reset.label": "重設建議小工具大小",
"suggest.trigger.label": "觸發建議"
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestWidget": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestWidget": {
"ariaCurrenttSuggestionReadDetails": "{0},文件: {1}",
"editorSuggestWidgetBackground": "建議小工具的背景色彩。",
"editorSuggestWidgetBorder": "建議小工具的邊界色彩。",
@ -1068,22 +1120,26 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"editorSuggestWidgetSelectedBackground": "建議小工具中所選項目的背景色彩。",
"editorSuggestWidgetSelectedForeground": "建議小工具中所選項目的前景色彩。",
"editorSuggestWidgetSelectedIconForeground": "建議小工具中所選項目的圖示前景色彩。",
"editorSuggestWidgetStatusForeground": "建議小工具狀態的前景色彩。",
"label.desc": "{0},{1}",
"label.detail": "{0}{1}",
"label.full": "{0}{1},{2}",
"suggest": "建議",
"suggestWidget.loading": "正在載入...",
"suggestWidget.noSuggestions": "無建議。"
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestWidgetDetails": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestWidgetDetails": {
"details.close": "關閉",
"loading": "正在載入..."
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestWidgetRenderer": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestWidgetRenderer": {
"readMore": "閱讀更多",
"suggestMoreInfoIcon": "建議小工具中 [更多詳細資訊] 的圖示。"
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestWidgetStatus": {
"vs/editor/contrib/suggest/browser/suggestWidgetStatus": {
"ddd": "{0} ({1})"
"vs/editor/contrib/symbolIcons/symbolIcons": {
"vs/editor/contrib/symbolIcons/browser/symbolIcons": {
"symbolIcon.arrayForeground": "陣列符號的前景色彩。這些符號會出現在大綱、階層連結和建議小工具中。",
"symbolIcon.booleanForeground": "布林值符號的前景色彩。這些符號會出現在大綱、階層連結和建議小工具中。",
"symbolIcon.classForeground": "類別符號的前景色彩。這些符號會出現在大綱、階層連結和建議小工具中。",
@ -1118,22 +1174,47 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"symbolIcon.unitForeground": "單位符號的前景色彩。這些符號會出現在大綱、階層連結和建議小工具中。",
"symbolIcon.variableForeground": "變數符號的前景色彩。這些符號會出現在大綱、階層連結和建議小工具中。"
"vs/editor/contrib/toggleTabFocusMode/toggleTabFocusMode": {
"vs/editor/contrib/toggleTabFocusMode/browser/toggleTabFocusMode": {
"toggle.tabMovesFocus": "切換 TAB 鍵移動焦點",
"toggle.tabMovesFocus.off": "按 Tab 現在會插入定位字元。",
"toggle.tabMovesFocus.on": "按 Tab 現在會將焦點移至下一個可設定焦點的元素。"
"vs/editor/contrib/tokenization/tokenization": {
"vs/editor/contrib/tokenization/browser/tokenization": {
"forceRetokenize": "開發人員: 強制重新置放"
"vs/editor/contrib/unusualLineTerminators/unusualLineTerminators": {
"vs/editor/contrib/unicodeHighlighter/browser/unicodeHighlighter": {
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingInComments": "停用註解中字元的醒目提示",
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingInStrings": "停用字串中字元的醒目提示",
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfAmbiguousCharacters": "停用不明確字元的醒目提示",
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfInvisibleCharacters": "停用隱藏字元的醒目提示",
"action.unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfNonBasicAsciiCharacters": "停用非基本 ASCII 字元的醒目提示",
"action.unicodeHighlight.showExcludeOptions": "顯示排除選項",
"unicodeHighlight.adjustSettings": "調整設定",
"unicodeHighlight.allowCommonCharactersInLanguage": "允許在語言「{0}」中較常用的 Unicode 字元。",
"unicodeHighlight.characterIsAmbiguous": "字元 {0} 可能與字元 {1} 混淆,這在原始程式碼中比較常見。",
"unicodeHighlight.characterIsInvisible": "字元 {0} 隱藏。",
"unicodeHighlight.characterIsNonBasicAscii": "字元 {0} 不是基本的 ASCII 字元。",
"unicodeHighlight.configureUnicodeHighlightOptions": "設定 Unicode 醒目提示選項",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingInComments.shortLabel": "停用註解中的醒目提示",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingInStrings.shortLabel": "停用字串中的醒目提示",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfAmbiguousCharacters.shortLabel": "停用不明確的醒目提示",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfInvisibleCharacters.shortLabel": "停用隱藏醒目提示",
"unicodeHighlight.disableHighlightingOfNonBasicAsciiCharacters.shortLabel": "停用非 ASCII 醒目提示",
"unicodeHighlight.excludeCharFromBeingHighlighted": "將 {0} 排除在已醒目提示",
"unicodeHighlight.excludeInvisibleCharFromBeingHighlighted": "排除 {0} (隱藏字元) 的反白顯示",
"unicodeHighlighting.thisDocumentHasManyAmbiguousUnicodeCharacters": "此文件包含許多不明確的 Unicode 字元",
"unicodeHighlighting.thisDocumentHasManyInvisibleUnicodeCharacters": "此文件包含許多隱藏的 Unicode 字元",
"unicodeHighlighting.thisDocumentHasManyNonBasicAsciiUnicodeCharacters": "此文件包含許多非基本 ASCII Unicode 字元",
"warningIcon": "延伸模組編輯器中顯示含有警告訊息的圖示。"
"vs/editor/contrib/unusualLineTerminators/browser/unusualLineTerminators": {
"unusualLineTerminators.detail": "檔案 '{0}' 包含一或多個異常的行結束字元,例如行分隔符號 (LS) 或段落分隔符號 (PS)。\r\n\r\n建議您將其從檔案中移除。這可以透過 `editor.unusualLineTerminators` 進行設定。",
"unusualLineTerminators.fix": "移除異常的行結束字元",
"unusualLineTerminators.ignore": "忽略",
"unusualLineTerminators.message": "偵測到異常的行結束字元",
"unusualLineTerminators.title": "異常的行結束字元"
"vs/editor/contrib/wordHighlighter/wordHighlighter": {
"vs/editor/contrib/wordHighlighter/browser/wordHighlighter": {
"overviewRulerWordHighlightForeground": "符號醒目提示的概觀尺規標記色彩。其不得為不透明色彩,以免隱藏底層裝飾。",
"overviewRulerWordHighlightStrongForeground": "寫入權限符號醒目提示的概觀尺規標記色彩。其不得為不透明色彩,以免隱藏底層裝飾。",
"wordHighlight": "讀取權限期間 (如讀取變數) 符號的背景色彩。其不得為不透明色彩,以免隱藏底層裝飾。",
@ -1144,7 +1225,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"wordHighlightStrong": "寫入權限期間 (如寫入變數) 符號的背景色彩。其不得為不透明色彩,以免隱藏底層裝飾。",
"wordHighlightStrongBorder": "寫入存取期間 (例如寫入變數時) 符號的邊框顏色。 "
"vs/editor/contrib/wordOperations/wordOperations": {
"vs/editor/contrib/wordOperations/browser/wordOperations": {
"deleteInsideWord": "刪除字組"
"vs/platform/actions/browser/menuEntryActionViewItem": {
@ -1164,7 +1245,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"vs/platform/contextkey/common/contextkeys": {
"inputFocus": "鍵盤焦點是否位於輸入方塊內",
"isIOS": "作業系統是否為 IOS",
"isIOS": "作業系統是否為 iOS",
"isLinux": "作業系統是否為 Linux",
"isMac": "作業系統是否為 macOS",
"isMacNative": "非瀏覽器平台上的作業系統是否為 macOS",
@ -1183,13 +1264,16 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"sizeTB": "{0}TB",
"unknownError": "未知的錯誤"
"vs/platform/history/browser/contextScopedHistoryWidget": {
"suggestWidgetVisible": "是否顯示建議"
"vs/platform/keybinding/common/abstractKeybindingService": {
"first.chord": "已按下 ({0})。等待第二個套索鍵...",
"missing.chord": "按鍵組合 ({0}, {1}) 不是命令。"
"vs/platform/list/browser/listService": {
"Fast Scroll Sensitivity": "按 Alt 時的捲動速度乘數。",
"Mouse Wheel Scroll Sensitivity": "要用於滑鼠滾輪捲動事件 deltaX 和 deltaY 的乘數。",
"Fast Scroll Sensitivity": "按下 `Alt` 時的捲動速度乘數。",
"Mouse Wheel Scroll Sensitivity": "要用於滑鼠滾輪捲動事件 `deltaX` 和 `deltaY` 的乘數。",
"automatic keyboard navigation setting": "控制是否只要鍵入即可自動觸發清單和樹狀結構中的鍵盤瀏覽。若設為 `false`,只有在執行 `list.toggleKeyboardNavigation` 命令時,才會觸發鍵盤瀏覽,您可為其指定鍵盤快速鍵。",
"expand mode": "控制當按下資料夾名稱時,樹狀目錄資料夾的展開方式。請注意,若不適用,某些樹狀目錄和清單可能會選擇忽略此設定。",
"horizontalScrolling setting": "控制在工作台中,清單與樹狀結構是否支援水平捲動。警告: 開啟此設定將會影響效能。",
@ -1254,8 +1338,14 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"diffDiagonalFill": "Diff 編輯器的斜紋填滿色彩。斜紋填滿用於並排 Diff 檢視。",
"diffEditorBorder": "兩個文字編輯器之間的框線色彩。",
"diffEditorInserted": "已插入文字的背景色彩。其不得為不透明色彩,以免隱藏底層裝飾。",
"diffEditorInsertedLineGutter": "插入程式行所在邊界的背景色彩。",
"diffEditorInsertedLines": "已插入程式行的背景色彩。其不得為不透明色彩,以免隱藏底層裝飾。",
"diffEditorInsertedOutline": "插入的文字外框色彩。",
"diffEditorOverviewInserted": "插入內容的差異概觀尺規前景。",
"diffEditorOverviewRemoved": "移除內容的差異概觀尺規前景。",
"diffEditorRemoved": "已移除文字的背景色彩。其不得為不透明色彩,以免隱藏底層裝飾。",
"diffEditorRemovedLineGutter": "移除程式行所在邊界的背景色彩。",
"diffEditorRemovedLines": "已移除程式行的背景色彩。其不得為不透明色彩,以免隱藏底層裝飾。",
"diffEditorRemovedOutline": "移除的文字外框色彩。",
"dropdownBackground": "下拉式清單的背景。",
"dropdownBorder": "下拉式清單的框線。",
@ -1272,7 +1362,11 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"editorInfo.background": "編輯器中資訊文字的背景色彩。其不得為不透明色彩,以免隱藏底層裝飾。",
"editorInfo.foreground": "編輯器內資訊提示線的前景色彩",
"editorInlayHintBackground": "內嵌提示的背景色彩",
"editorInlayHintBackgroundParameter": "參數內嵌提示的背景色彩",
"editorInlayHintBackgroundTypes": "類型內嵌提示的背景色彩",
"editorInlayHintForeground": "內嵌提示的前景色彩",
"editorInlayHintForegroundParameter": "參數內嵌提示的前景色彩",
"editorInlayHintForegroundTypes": "類型內嵌提示的前景色彩",
"editorLightBulbAutoFixForeground": "用於燈泡自動修正動作圖示的色彩。",
"editorLightBulbForeground": "用於燈泡動作圖示的色彩。",
"editorSelectionBackground": "編輯器選取範圍的色彩。",
@ -1305,8 +1399,9 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"inputBoxBackground": "輸入方塊的背景。",
"inputBoxBorder": "輸入方塊的框線。",
"inputBoxForeground": "輸入方塊的前景。",
"inputOption.activeBackground": "在輸入欄位中所啟動選項的背景色彩。",
"inputOption.activeBackground": "輸入欄位中選項的背景暫留色彩。",
"inputOption.activeForeground": "在輸入欄位中所啟動選項的前景色彩。",
"inputOption.hoverBackground": "在輸入欄位中所啟動選項的背景色彩。",
"inputPlaceholderForeground": "文字輸入替代字符的前景顏色。",
"inputValidationErrorBackground": "錯誤嚴重性的輸入驗證背景色彩。",
"inputValidationErrorBorder": "錯誤嚴重性的輸入驗證邊界色彩。",
@ -1362,7 +1457,9 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"minimapBackground": "縮圖背景色彩。",
"minimapError": "錯誤的縮圖標記色彩。",
"minimapFindMatchHighlight": "用於尋找相符項目的縮圖標記色彩。",
"minimapForegroundOpacity": "在縮圖中呈現的前景元素不透明度。例如,\"#000000c0\" 會以不透明度 75% 轉譯元素。",
"minimapSelectionHighlight": "編輯器選取範圍的迷你地圖標記色彩。",
"minimapSelectionOccurrenceHighlight": "重複編輯器選取項目的縮圖標記色彩。",
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"minimapSliderBackground": "縮圖滑桿背景色彩。",
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@ -1398,6 +1495,8 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"snippetTabstopHighlightBackground": "程式碼片段定位停駐點的反白顯示背景色彩。",
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"widgetShadow": "小工具的陰影色彩,例如編輯器中的尋找/取代。"
"vs/platform/theme/common/iconRegistry": {
"iconDefintion.fontCharacter": "與圖示定義建立關聯的字型字元。",
"iconDefintion.fontId": "要使用的字型識別碼。如未設定,就會使用最先定義的字型。",
"iconDefinition.fontCharacter": "與圖示定義建立關聯的字型字元。",
"iconDefinition.fontId": "要使用的字型識別碼。如未設定,就會使用最先定義的字型。",
"nextChangeIcon": "移至下一個編輯器位置的圖示。",
"previousChangeIcon": "移至上一個編輯器位置的圖示。",
"widgetClose": "小工具中關閉動作的圖示。"
@ -1432,6 +1531,7 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
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"cannotWorkspaceUndoDueToInProgressUndoRedo": "因為 {1} 中已經有正在執行的復原或重做作業,所以無法為所有檔案復原 '{0}'",
"confirmDifferentSource": "要復原 '{0}' 嗎?",
"confirmDifferentSource.no": "否",
"confirmDifferentSource.yes": "是",
"confirmWorkspace": "要復原所有檔案的 '{0}' 嗎?",
"externalRemoval": "已在磁碟上關閉並修改以下檔案: {0}。",
@ -1439,7 +1539,12 @@ this.MonacoEnvironment = this.MonacoEnvironment || {}; this.MonacoEnvironment.Lo
"nok": "復原此檔案",
"ok": "在 {0} 個檔案中復原"
"vs/platform/workspaces/common/workspaces": {
"vs/platform/workspace/common/workspace": {
"codeWorkspace": "Code 工作區"
"vs/platform/workspace/common/workspaceTrust": {
"trusted": "受信任",
"untrusted": "受限模式"
Normal file
Normal file
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Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
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