I use [EditorConfig](https://editorconfig.org/) to adjust my editor settings for indentation.
My settings should probably be best ignored, unless there is a desire to have a project wide .editorconfig
* started rework of translation to DE, added translation rules and dictionary
* reworks DE translation of JSONata /editor-client/locales/de/jsonata.json
* rework DE translation of editor-client
* moved /editor-client/locales/de/README.md to Wiki https://github.com/node-red/node-red/wiki/Design:-i18n-de
* Update README.md
* Update README.md
* Create README.md
* Create README.md
* fixed#2: "Sie müssen ..., um ... zu können"
* fixed#3
* fixed#4 and removed unnecessary spaces
* fixed#5
* fixed#6, added missing dots, removed unnecessary spaces
* fixed#7, #8, #9
* fixed#10, #11, #12, #13, #14, #15
* fixed#17, #18, 19
* fixed#19
* moved /editor-client/locales/de/dictionary.csv to https://github.com/heikokue/node-red-designs/blob/i18n-de/designs/i18n-de/dictionary.csv
* reworked DE translation of runtime
* fine-tuned DE translation of editor-client
* reworked DE translation of common nodes, fine-tuned editor-client
* reworked DE translation of all nodes, fine-tuned editor-client, intotips, jsonata & runtime
* small i18n fixes
- nodes modules can be installed/removed dynamically at runtime
- nodes can be enabled/disabled
- onpaletteadd/onpaletteremove api added to node definitions
- initial implementation of nr-cli
In case of emergency you can now find the previous flow file before you hit
deploy in a file called flow.previous . As indicated it is the flow that was
running prior to you hitting deploy...