Scott Yoshizawa
NLS Core nodes
NLS exec node
NLS function/temple/delay nodes
NLS function/template/delay/trigger/comment nodes
NLS io nodes (mqtt/httpin/websocket/watch/serial)
NLS messages.json for tcpin
NLS io nodes (tcpin & udp half)
NLS io nodes (udp)
NLS logic nodes (switch/change)
NLS logic (range) and parsers (csv&html) nodes
NLS parser nodes (json/xml)
NLS test case update for logic/parsers
NLS analysis and hardware nodes
NLS storage nodes (file/redisout/mongodb) and test
NLS storage node (tail)
NLS social nodes (feedparse/email/irc)
NLS socal node (twitter half change)
NLS social node (twitter) and core node (unknown)
2015-07-02 10:46:57 +01:00
Handle quotes in JSON inside CSV files in CSV node...
so they come out as real JSON rather than being stripped.
2015-01-09 20:32:05 +00:00
Dave C-J
Major Update to CSV node.
now handles lines, files, column names in first row, etc etc
2014-09-12 16:50:01 +01:00
Dave C-J
Update icon to fa icons for parser nodes and sentiment
2014-07-11 21:01:16 +01:00
Dave C-J
Add parser function nodes for XML, JSON and CSV.
Each is dual function - pass in (for example) and get out a js object, pass in a js object and get back out the xml string.
The CSV node must be configured with a column template that specifys the required property names for that column (csv->js), or the properties of the object that should be made into the csv (js->csv)
2014-04-29 17:01:30 +01:00