/** * Copyright 2015, 2016 IBM Corp. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ RED.workspaces = (function() { var activeWorkspace = 0; var workspaceIndex = 0; function addWorkspace(ws,skipHistoryEntry) { if (ws) { workspace_tabs.addTab(ws); workspace_tabs.resize(); } else { var tabId = RED.nodes.id(); do { workspaceIndex += 1; } while($("#workspace-tabs a[title='"+RED._('workspace.defaultName',{number:workspaceIndex})+"']").size() !== 0); ws = {type:"tab",id:tabId,label:RED._('workspace.defaultName',{number:workspaceIndex})}; RED.nodes.addWorkspace(ws); workspace_tabs.addTab(ws); workspace_tabs.activateTab(tabId); if (!skipHistoryEntry) { RED.history.push({t:'add',workspaces:[ws],dirty:RED.nodes.dirty()}); RED.nodes.dirty(true); } } return ws; } function deleteWorkspace(ws) { if (workspace_tabs.count() == 1) { return; } removeWorkspace(ws); var historyEvent = RED.nodes.removeWorkspace(ws.id); historyEvent.t = 'delete'; historyEvent.dirty = RED.nodes.dirty(); historyEvent.workspaces = [ws]; RED.history.push(historyEvent); RED.nodes.dirty(true); RED.sidebar.config.refresh(); } function showRenameWorkspaceDialog(id) { var workspace = RED.nodes.workspace(id); RED.view.state(RED.state.EDITING); var trayOptions = { title: RED._("workspace.editFlow",{name:workspace.label}), buttons: [ { id: "node-dialog-delete", class: 'leftButton'+((workspace_tabs.count() == 1)?" disabled":""), text: RED._("common.label.delete"), //'', click: function() { deleteWorkspace(workspace); RED.tray.close(); } }, { id: "node-dialog-cancel", text: RED._("common.label.cancel"), click: function() { RED.tray.close(); } }, { id: "node-dialog-ok", class: "primary", text: RED._("common.label.done"), click: function() { var label = $( "#node-input-name" ).val(); if (workspace.label != label) { var changes = { label:workspace.label } var historyEvent = { t: "edit", changes:changes, node: workspace, dirty: RED.nodes.dirty() } workspace.changed = true; RED.history.push(historyEvent); workspace_tabs.renameTab(workspace.id,label); RED.nodes.dirty(true); RED.sidebar.config.refresh(); } RED.tray.close(); } } ], open: function(tray) { var trayBody = tray.find('.editor-tray-body'); var dialogForm = $('
').appendTo(trayBody); $('
'+ ''+ ''+ '
').appendTo(dialogForm); $('').prependTo(dialogForm); dialogForm.submit(function(e) { e.preventDefault();}); $("#node-input-name").val(workspace.label); RED.bidi.prepareInput($("#node-input-name")) dialogForm.i18n(); }, close: function() { if (RED.view.state() != RED.state.IMPORT_DRAGGING) { RED.view.state(RED.state.DEFAULT); } } } RED.tray.show(trayOptions); } var workspace_tabs; function createWorkspaceTabs(){ workspace_tabs = RED.tabs.create({ id: "workspace-tabs", onchange: function(tab) { var event = { old: activeWorkspace } activeWorkspace = tab.id; event.workspace = activeWorkspace; RED.events.emit("workspace:change",event); window.location.hash = 'flow/'+tab.id; RED.sidebar.config.refresh(); }, ondblclick: function(tab) { if (tab.type != "subflow") { showRenameWorkspaceDialog(tab.id); } else { RED.editor.editSubflow(RED.nodes.subflow(tab.id)); } }, onadd: function(tab) { RED.menu.setDisabled("menu-item-workspace-delete",workspace_tabs.count() == 1); }, onremove: function(tab) { RED.menu.setDisabled("menu-item-workspace-delete",workspace_tabs.count() == 1); }, onreorder: function(oldOrder, newOrder) { RED.history.push({t:'reorder',order:oldOrder,dirty:RED.nodes.dirty()}); RED.nodes.dirty(true); setWorkspaceOrder(newOrder); }, minimumActiveTabWidth: 150, scrollable: true, addButton: function() { addWorkspace(); } }); } function init() { createWorkspaceTabs(); RED.events.on("sidebar:resize",workspace_tabs.resize); RED.menu.setAction('menu-item-workspace-delete',function() { deleteWorkspace(RED.nodes.workspace(activeWorkspace)); }); $(window).resize(function() { workspace_tabs.resize(); }); } function removeWorkspace(ws) { if (!ws) { deleteWorkspace(RED.nodes.workspace(activeWorkspace)); } else { if (workspace_tabs.contains(ws.id)) { workspace_tabs.removeTab(ws.id); } } } function setWorkspaceOrder(order) { RED.nodes.setWorkspaceOrder(order.filter(function(id) { return RED.nodes.workspace(id) !== undefined; })); workspace_tabs.order(order); } return { init: init, add: addWorkspace, remove: removeWorkspace, order: setWorkspaceOrder, edit: function(id) { showRenameWorkspaceDialog(id||activeWorkspace); }, contains: function(id) { return workspace_tabs.contains(id); }, count: function() { return workspace_tabs.count(); }, active: function() { return activeWorkspace }, show: function(id) { if (!workspace_tabs.contains(id)) { var sf = RED.nodes.subflow(id); if (sf) { addWorkspace({type:"subflow",id:id,icon:"red/images/subflow_tab.png",label:sf.name, closeable: true}); } else { return; } } workspace_tabs.activateTab(id); }, refresh: function() { RED.nodes.eachWorkspace(function(ws) { workspace_tabs.renameTab(ws.id,ws.label); }) RED.nodes.eachSubflow(function(sf) { if (workspace_tabs.contains(sf.id)) { workspace_tabs.renameTab(sf.id,sf.name); } }); RED.sidebar.config.refresh(); }, resize: function() { workspace_tabs.resize(); } } })();