/** * Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ const jsonClone = require("rfdc")(); var Flow = require('./Flow'); var typeRegistry = require("@node-red/registry"); var deprecated = typeRegistry.deprecated; var context = require("../nodes/context") var credentials = require("../nodes/credentials"); var flowUtil = require("./util"); var log; const events = require("@node-red/util").events; var redUtil = require("@node-red/util").util; var storage = null; var settings = null; var activeConfig = null; var activeFlowConfig = null; var activeFlows = {}; var started = false; var state = 'stop' var credentialsPendingReset = false; var activeNodesToFlow = {}; var typeEventRegistered = false; function init(runtime) { if (started) { throw new Error("Cannot init without a stop"); } settings = runtime.settings; storage = runtime.storage; log = runtime.log; started = false; state = 'stop'; if (!typeEventRegistered) { events.on('type-registered',function(type) { if (activeFlowConfig && activeFlowConfig.missingTypes.length > 0) { var i = activeFlowConfig.missingTypes.indexOf(type); if (i != -1) { log.info(log._("nodes.flows.registered-missing", {type:type})); activeFlowConfig.missingTypes.splice(i,1); if (activeFlowConfig.missingTypes.length === 0 && started) { events.emit("runtime-event",{id:"runtime-state",retain: true}); start(); } } } }); typeEventRegistered = true; } Flow.init(runtime); flowUtil.init(runtime); } function loadFlows() { var config; return storage.getFlows().then(function(_config) { config = _config; log.debug("loaded flow revision: "+config.rev); return credentials.load(config.credentials).then(function() { events.emit("runtime-event",{id:"runtime-state",retain:true}); return config; }); }).catch(function(err) { if (err.code === "credentials_load_failed" && !storage.projects) { // project disabled, credential load failed credentialsPendingReset = true; log.warn(log._("nodes.flows.error",{message:err.toString()})); events.emit("runtime-event",{id:"runtime-state",payload:{type:"warning",error:err.code,text:"notification.warnings.credentials_load_failed_reset"},retain:true}); return config; } else { activeConfig = null; events.emit("runtime-event",{id:"runtime-state",payload:{type:"warning",error:err.code,project:err.project,text:"notification.warnings."+err.code},retain:true}); if (err.code === "project_not_found") { log.warn(log._("storage.localfilesystem.projects.project-not-found",{project:err.project})); } else { log.warn(log._("nodes.flows.error",{message:err.toString()})); } throw err; } }); } function load(forceStart) { if (forceStart && settings.safeMode) { // This is a force reload from the API - disable safeMode delete settings.safeMode; } return setFlows(null,null,"load",false,forceStart); } /* * _config - new node array configuration * _credentials - new credentials configuration (optional) * type - full/nodes/flows/load (default full) * muteLog - don't emit the standard log messages (used for individual flow api) */ function setFlows(_config,_credentials,type,muteLog,forceStart,user) { if (typeof _credentials === "string") { type = _credentials; _credentials = null; } type = type||"full"; if (settings.safeMode) { if (type !== "load") { // If in safeMode, the flows are stopped. We cannot do a modified nodes/flows // type deploy as nothing is running. Can only do a "load" or "full" deploy. // The "load" case is already handled in `load()` to distinguish between // startup-load and api-request-load. type = "full"; delete settings.safeMode; } } var configSavePromise = null; var config = null; var diff; var newFlowConfig; var isLoad = false; if (type === "load") { isLoad = true; configSavePromise = loadFlows().then(function(_config) { config = jsonClone(_config.flows); newFlowConfig = flowUtil.parseConfig(jsonClone(config)); type = "full"; return _config.rev; }); } else { // Clone the provided config so it can be manipulated config = jsonClone(_config); // Parse the configuration newFlowConfig = flowUtil.parseConfig(jsonClone(config)); // Generate a diff to identify what has changed diff = flowUtil.diffConfigs(activeFlowConfig,newFlowConfig); // Now the flows have been compared, remove any credentials from newFlowConfig // so they don't cause false-positive diffs the next time a flow is deployed for (var id in newFlowConfig.allNodes) { if (newFlowConfig.allNodes.hasOwnProperty(id)) { delete newFlowConfig.allNodes[id].credentials; } } var credsDirty; if (_credentials) { if (_credentials['$']) { // this is a set of encrypted credentials - pass to load to decrypt // the complete set configSavePromise = credentials.load(_credentials); } else { credentials.clean(config); // A full set of credentials have been provided. Use those instead let credentialSavePromises = []; for (let id in _credentials) { if (_credentials.hasOwnProperty(id)) { credentialSavePromises.push(credentials.add(id,_credentials[id])); } } configSavePromise = Promise.all(credentialSavePromises); credsDirty = true; } } else { // Allow the credential store to remove anything no longer needed credentials.clean(config); // Remember whether credentials need saving or not var credsDirty = credentials.dirty(); configSavePromise = Promise.resolve(); } // Get the latest credentials and ask storage to save them (if needed) // as well as the new flow configuration. configSavePromise = configSavePromise.then(function() { return credentials.export() }).then(function(creds) { var saveConfig = { flows: config, credentialsDirty:credsDirty, credentials: creds } return storage.saveFlows(saveConfig, user); }); } return configSavePromise.then(flowRevision => { if (!isLoad) { log.debug("saved flow revision: "+flowRevision); } activeConfig = { flows:config, rev:flowRevision }; activeFlowConfig = newFlowConfig; if (forceStart || started) { // Flows are running (or should be) // Stop the active flows (according to deploy type and the diff) return stop(type,diff,muteLog,true).then(() => { // Once stopped, allow context to remove anything no longer needed return context.clean(activeFlowConfig) }).then(() => { if (!isLoad) { log.info(log._("nodes.flows.updated-flows")); } // Start the active flows start(type,diff,muteLog,true).then(() => { events.emit("runtime-event",{id:"runtime-deploy",payload:{revision:flowRevision},retain: true}); }); // Return the new revision asynchronously to the actual start return flowRevision; }).catch(function(err) { }) } else { if (!isLoad) { log.info(log._("nodes.flows.updated-flows")); } events.emit("runtime-event",{id:"runtime-deploy",payload:{revision:flowRevision},retain: true}); return flowRevision; } }); } function getNode(id) { var node; if (activeNodesToFlow[id] && activeFlows[activeNodesToFlow[id]]) { return activeFlows[activeNodesToFlow[id]].getNode(id,true); } for (var flowId in activeFlows) { if (activeFlows.hasOwnProperty(flowId)) { node = activeFlows[flowId].getNode(id,true); if (node) { return node; } } } return null; } function eachNode(cb) { for (var id in activeFlowConfig.allNodes) { if (activeFlowConfig.allNodes.hasOwnProperty(id)) { cb(activeFlowConfig.allNodes[id]); } } } function getFlows() { return activeConfig; } async function start(type,diff,muteLog,isDeploy) { type = type || "full"; if (diff && diff.globalConfigChanged) { type = 'full' } started = true; state = 'start' var i; // If there are missing types, report them, emit the necessary runtime event and return if (activeFlowConfig.missingTypes.length > 0) { log.info(log._("nodes.flows.missing-types")); var knownUnknowns = 0; for (i=0;i 0) { log.info(log._("nodes.flows.missing-type-install-1")); log.info(" npm install "); log.info(log._("nodes.flows.missing-type-install-2")); log.info(" "+settings.userDir); } events.emit("runtime-event",{id:"runtime-state",payload:{state: 'stop', error:"missing-types", type:"warning",text:"notification.warnings.missing-types",types:activeFlowConfig.missingTypes},retain:true}); return; } try { await typeRegistry.checkFlowDependencies(activeConfig.flows); } catch(err) { log.info("Failed to load external modules required by this flow:"); const missingModules = []; for (i=0;i { if (activeFlows.hasOwnProperty(id)) { var flowStateChanged = diff && (diff.flowChanged.indexOf(id) !== -1 || diff.added.indexOf(id) !== -1 || diff.removed.indexOf(id) !== -1); log.debug("red/nodes/flows.stop : stopping flow : "+id); promises.push(activeFlows[id].stop(flowStateChanged?null:stopList,removedList)); if (type === "full" || flowStateChanged || diff.removed.indexOf(id)!==-1) { delete activeFlows[id]; } } }); return Promise.all(promises).then(function() { for (let id in activeNodesToFlow) { if (activeNodesToFlow.hasOwnProperty(id)) { if (!activeFlows[activeNodesToFlow[id]]) { delete activeNodesToFlow[id]; } } } if (stopList) { stopList.forEach(function(id) { delete activeNodesToFlow[id]; }); } if (!muteLog) { if (type !== "full") { log.info(log._("nodes.flows.stopped-modified-"+type)); } else { log.info(log._("nodes.flows.stopped-flows")); } } events.emit("flows:stopped",{config: activeConfig, type: type, diff: diff}); events.emit("runtime-event",{ id:"runtime-state", payload:{ state: 'stop', deploy:isDeploy }, retain:true }); // Deprecated event events.emit("nodes-stopped"); }); } function checkTypeInUse(id) { var nodeInfo = typeRegistry.getNodeInfo(id); if (!nodeInfo) { throw new Error(log._("nodes.index.unrecognised-id", {id:id})); } else { var inUse = {}; var config = getFlows(); config.flows.forEach(function(n) { inUse[n.type] = (inUse[n.type]||0)+1; }); var nodesInUse = []; nodeInfo.types.forEach(function(t) { if (inUse[t]) { nodesInUse.push(t); } }); if (nodesInUse.length > 0) { var msg = nodesInUse.join(", "); var err = new Error(log._("nodes.index.type-in-use", {msg:msg})); err.code = "type_in_use"; throw err; } } } function updateMissingTypes() { var subflowInstanceRE = /^subflow:(.+)$/; activeFlowConfig.missingTypes = []; for (var id in activeFlowConfig.allNodes) { if (activeFlowConfig.allNodes.hasOwnProperty(id)) { var node = activeFlowConfig.allNodes[id]; if (node.type !== 'tab' && node.type !== 'subflow') { var subflowDetails = subflowInstanceRE.exec(node.type); if ( (subflowDetails && !activeFlowConfig.subflows[subflowDetails[1]]) || (!subflowDetails && !typeRegistry.get(node.type)) ) { if (activeFlowConfig.missingTypes.indexOf(node.type) === -1) { activeFlowConfig.missingTypes.push(node.type); } } } } } } async function addFlow(flow, user) { var i,node; if (!flow.hasOwnProperty('nodes')) { throw new Error('missing nodes property'); } flow.id = redUtil.generateId(); var tabNode = { type:'tab', label:flow.label, id:flow.id } if (flow.hasOwnProperty('info')) { tabNode.info = flow.info; } if (flow.hasOwnProperty('disabled')) { tabNode.disabled = flow.disabled; } if (flow.hasOwnProperty('env')) { tabNode.env = flow.env; } var nodes = [tabNode]; for (i=0;i 0) { nodeIds.forEach(function(nodeId) { var node = jsonClone(flow.groups[nodeId]); delete node.credentials; result.nodes.push(node) }) } } if (flow.nodes) { var nodeIds = Object.keys(flow.nodes); if (nodeIds.length > 0) { nodeIds.forEach(function(nodeId) { var node = jsonClone(flow.nodes[nodeId]); if (node.type === 'link out') { delete node.wires; } delete node.credentials; result.nodes.push(node) }) } } if (flow.configs) { var configIds = Object.keys(flow.configs); result.configs = configIds.map(function(configId) { const node = jsonClone(flow.configs[configId]); delete node.credentials; return node }) if (result.configs.length === 0) { delete result.configs; } } if (flow.subflows) { var subflowIds = Object.keys(flow.subflows); result.subflows = subflowIds.map(function(subflowId) { var subflow = jsonClone(flow.subflows[subflowId]); var nodeIds = Object.keys(subflow.nodes); subflow.nodes = nodeIds.map(function(id) { const node = jsonClone(subflow.nodes[id]) delete node.credentials return node }); if (subflow.groups) { var nodeIds = Object.keys(subflow.groups); if (nodeIds.length > 0) { nodeIds.forEach(function(nodeId) { var node = jsonClone(subflow.groups[nodeId]); delete node.credentials; subflow.nodes.push(node) }) } delete subflow.groups } if (subflow.configs) { var configIds = Object.keys(subflow.configs); subflow.configs = configIds.map(function(id) { const node = jsonClone(subflow.configs[id]) delete node.credentials return node }) } delete subflow.instances; return subflow; }); if (result.subflows.length === 0) { delete result.subflows; } } return result; } async function updateFlow(id,newFlow, user) { var label = id; if (id !== 'global') { if (!activeFlowConfig.flows[id]) { var e = new Error(); e.code = 404; throw e; } label = activeFlowConfig.flows[id].label; } var newConfig = jsonClone(activeConfig.flows); var nodes; if (id === 'global') { // Remove all nodes whose z is not a known flow // When subflows can be owned by a flow, this logic will have to take // that into account newConfig = newConfig.filter(function(node) { return node.type === 'tab' || (node.hasOwnProperty('z') && activeFlowConfig.flows.hasOwnProperty(node.z)); }) // Add in the new config nodes nodes = newFlow.configs||[]; if (newFlow.subflows) { // Add in the new subflows newFlow.subflows.forEach(function(sf) { nodes = nodes.concat(sf.nodes||[]).concat(sf.configs||[]); delete sf.nodes; delete sf.configs; nodes.push(sf); }); } } else { newConfig = newConfig.filter(function(node) { return node.z !== id && node.id !== id; }); var tabNode = { type:'tab', label:newFlow.label, id:id } if (newFlow.hasOwnProperty('info')) { tabNode.info = newFlow.info; } if (newFlow.hasOwnProperty('disabled')) { tabNode.disabled = newFlow.disabled; } if (newFlow.hasOwnProperty('env')) { tabNode.env = newFlow.env; } if (newFlow.hasOwnProperty('credentials')) { tabNode.credentials = newFlow.credentials; } nodes = [tabNode].concat(newFlow.nodes||[]).concat(newFlow.configs||[]); nodes.forEach(function(n) { if (n.type !== 'tab') { n.z = id; } }); } newConfig = newConfig.concat(nodes); return setFlows(newConfig, null, 'flows', true, null, user).then(function() { log.info(log._("nodes.flows.updated-flow",{label:(label?label+" ":"")+"["+id+"]"})); }) } async function removeFlow(id, user) { if (id === 'global') { // TODO: nls + error code throw new Error('not allowed to remove global'); } var flow = activeFlowConfig.flows[id]; if (!flow) { var e = new Error(); e.code = 404; throw e; } var newConfig = jsonClone(activeConfig.flows); newConfig = newConfig.filter(function(node) { return node.z !== id && node.id !== id; }); return setFlows(newConfig, null, 'flows', true, null, user).then(function() { log.info(log._("nodes.flows.removed-flow",{label:(flow.label?flow.label+" ":"")+"["+flow.id+"]"})); }); } const flowAPI = { getNode: getNode, handleError: () => false, handleStatus: () => false, getSetting: k => flowUtil.getEnvVar(k), log: m => log.log(m) } module.exports = { init: init, /** * Load the current flow configuration from storage * @return a promise for the loading of the config */ load: load, loadFlows: load, get:getNode, eachNode: eachNode, /** * Gets the current flow configuration */ getFlows: getFlows, /** * Sets the current active config. * @param config the configuration to enable * @param type the type of deployment to do: full (default), nodes, flows, load * @return a promise for the saving/starting of the new flow */ setFlows: setFlows, /** * Starts the current flow configuration */ startFlows: start, /** * Stops the current flow configuration * @return a promise for the stopping of the flow */ stopFlows: stop, get started() { return started }, state: () => { return state }, // handleError: handleError, // handleStatus: handleStatus, checkTypeInUse: checkTypeInUse, addFlow: addFlow, getFlow: getFlow, updateFlow: updateFlow, removeFlow: removeFlow, disableFlow:null, enableFlow:null, isDeliveryModeAsync: function() { // If settings is null, this is likely being run by unit tests return !settings || !settings.runtimeSyncDelivery } };