/** * Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ module.exports = function(RED) { "use strict"; let reconnectTime = RED.settings.socketReconnectTime || 10000; let socketTimeout = RED.settings.socketTimeout || null; const msgQueueSize = RED.settings.tcpMsgQueueSize || 1000; const Denque = require('denque'); const net = require('net'); const tls = require('tls'); let connectionPool = {}; function normalizeConnectArgs(listArgs) { const args = net._normalizeArgs(listArgs); const options = args[0]; const cb = args[1]; // If args[0] was options, then normalize dealt with it. // If args[0] is port, or args[0], args[1] is host, port, we need to // find the options and merge them in, normalize's options has only // the host/port/path args that it knows about, not the tls options. // This means that options.host overrides a host arg. if (listArgs[1] !== null && typeof listArgs[1] === 'object') { ObjectAssign(options, listArgs[1]); } else if (listArgs[2] !== null && typeof listArgs[2] === 'object') { ObjectAssign(options, listArgs[2]); } return cb ? [options, cb] : [options]; } function getAllowUnauthorized() { const allowUnauthorized = process.env.NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED === '0'; if (allowUnauthorized) { process.emitWarning( 'Setting the NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED ' + 'environment variable to \'0\' makes TLS connections ' + 'and HTTPS requests insecure by disabling ' + 'certificate verification.'); } return allowUnauthorized; } /** * Enqueue `item` in `queue` * @param {Denque} queue - Queue * @param {*} item - Item to enqueue * @private * @returns {Denque} `queue` */ const enqueue = (queue, item) => { // drop msgs from front of queue if size is going to be exceeded if (queue.length === msgQueueSize) { queue.shift(); } queue.push(item); return queue; }; /** * Shifts item off front of queue * @param {Deque} queue - Queue * @private * @returns {*} Item previously at front of queue */ const dequeue = queue => queue.shift(); function TcpIn(n) { RED.nodes.createNode(this,n); this.host = n.host; this.port = n.port * 1; this.topic = n.topic; this.stream = (!n.datamode||n.datamode=='stream'); /* stream,single*/ this.datatype = n.datatype||'buffer'; /* buffer,utf8,base64 */ this.newline = (n.newline||"").replace("\\n","\n").replace("\\r","\r"); this.base64 = n.base64; this.server = (typeof n.server == 'boolean')?n.server:(n.server == "server"); this.closing = false; this.connected = false; var node = this; var count = 0; if (n.tls) { var tlsNode = RED.nodes.getNode(n.tls); } if (!node.server) { var buffer = null; var client; var reconnectTimeout; var end = false; var setupTcpClient = function() { node.log(RED._("tcpin.status.connecting",{host:node.host,port:node.port})); node.status({fill:"grey",shape:"dot",text:"common.status.connecting"}); var id = RED.util.generateId(); var connOpts = {host: node.host}; if (n.tls) { var connOpts = tlsNode.addTLSOptions({host: node.host}); client = tls.connect(node.port, connOpts, function() { buffer = (node.datatype == 'buffer') ? Buffer.alloc(0) : ""; node.connected = true; node.log(RED._("status.connected", {host: node.host, port: node.port})); node.status({fill:"green",shape:"dot",text:"common.status.connected",_session:{type:"tcp",id:id}}); }); } else { client = net.connect(node.port, node.host, function() { buffer = (node.datatype == 'buffer') ? Buffer.alloc(0) : ""; node.connected = true; node.log(RED._("tcpin.status.connected",{host:node.host,port:node.port})); node.status({fill:"green",shape:"dot",text:"common.status.connected",_session:{type:"tcp",id:id}}); }); } client.setKeepAlive(true, 120000); connectionPool[id] = client; client.on('data', function (data) { if (node.datatype != 'buffer') { data = data.toString(node.datatype); } if (node.stream) { var msg; if ((node.datatype) === "utf8" && node.newline !== "") { buffer = buffer+data; var parts = buffer.split(node.newline); for (var i = 0; i 0)) { var msg = {topic:node.topic, payload:buffer}; msg._session = {type:"tcp",id:id}; if (buffer.length !== 0) { end = true; // only ask for fast re-connect if we actually got something node.send(msg); } buffer = null; } }); client.on('close', function() { delete connectionPool[id]; node.connected = false; node.status({fill:"red",shape:"ring",text:"common.status.disconnected",_session:{type:"tcp",id:id}}); if (!node.closing) { if (end) { // if we were asked to close then try to reconnect once very quick. end = false; reconnectTimeout = setTimeout(setupTcpClient, 20); } else { node.log(RED._("tcpin.errors.connection-lost",{host:node.host,port:node.port})); reconnectTimeout = setTimeout(setupTcpClient, reconnectTime); } } else { if (node.doneClose) { node.doneClose(); } } }); client.on('error', function(err) { node.log(err); }); } setupTcpClient(); this.on('close', function(done) { node.doneClose = done; this.closing = true; if (client) { client.destroy(); } clearTimeout(reconnectTimeout); if (!node.connected) { done(); } }); } else { let srv = net; let connOpts; if (n.tls) { srv = tls; connOpts = tlsNode.addTLSOptions({}); } var server = srv.createServer(connOpts, function (socket) { socket.setKeepAlive(true,120000); if (socketTimeout !== null) { socket.setTimeout(socketTimeout); } var id = RED.util.generateId(); var fromi; var fromp; connectionPool[id] = socket; count++; node.status({ text:RED._("tcpin.status.connections",{count:count}), event:"connect", ip:socket.remoteAddress, port:socket.remotePort, _session: {type:"tcp",id:id} }); var buffer = (node.datatype == 'buffer') ? Buffer.alloc(0) : ""; socket.on('data', function (data) { if (node.datatype != 'buffer') { data = data.toString(node.datatype); } if (node.stream) { var msg; if ((typeof data) === "string" && node.newline !== "") { buffer = buffer+data; var parts = buffer.split(node.newline); for (var i = 0; i 0) { var msg = {topic:node.topic, payload:buffer, ip:fromi, port:fromp}; msg._session = {type:"tcp",id:id}; node.send(msg); } buffer = null; } }); socket.on('timeout', function() { node.log(RED._("tcpin.errors.timeout",{port:node.port})); socket.end(); }); socket.on('close', function() { delete connectionPool[id]; count--; node.status({ text:RED._("tcpin.status.connections",{count:count}), event:"disconnect", ip:socket.remoteAddress, port:socket.remotePort, _session: {type:"tcp",id:id} }); }); socket.on('error',function(err) { node.log(err); }); }); server.on('error', function(err) { if (err) { node.error(RED._("tcpin.errors.cannot-listen",{port:node.port,error:err.toString()})); } }); server.listen(node.port, function(err) { if (err) { node.error(RED._("tcpin.errors.cannot-listen",{port:node.port,error:err.toString()})); } else { node.log(RED._("tcpin.status.listening-port",{port:node.port})); node.on('close', function() { for (var c in connectionPool) { if (connectionPool.hasOwnProperty(c)) { connectionPool[c].end(); connectionPool[c].unref(); } } node.closing = true; server.close(); node.log(RED._("tcpin.status.stopped-listening",{port:node.port})); }); } }); } } RED.nodes.registerType("tcp in",TcpIn); function TcpOut(n) { RED.nodes.createNode(this,n); this.host = n.host; this.port = n.port * 1; this.base64 = n.base64; this.doend = n.end || false; this.beserver = n.beserver; this.name = n.name; this.closing = false; this.connected = false; var node = this; if (n.tls) { var tlsNode = RED.nodes.getNode(n.tls); } if (!node.beserver || node.beserver == "client") { var reconnectTimeout; var client = null; var end = false; var setupTcpClient = function() { node.log(RED._("tcpin.status.connecting",{host:node.host,port:node.port})); node.status({fill:"grey",shape:"dot",text:"common.status.connecting"}); if (n.tls) { // connOpts = tlsNode.addTLSOptions(connOpts); // client = tls.connect(connOpts, function() { var connOpts = tlsNode.addTLSOptions({host: node.host}); client = tls.connect(node.port, connOpts, function() { // buffer = (node.datatype == 'buffer') ? Buffer.alloc(0) : ""; node.connected = true; node.log(RED._("status.connected", {host: node.host, port: node.port})); node.status({fill:"green",shape:"dot",text:"common.status.connected"}); }); } else { client = net.connect(node.port, node.host, function() { node.connected = true; node.log(RED._("tcpin.status.connected",{host:node.host,port:node.port})); node.status({fill:"green",shape:"dot",text:"common.status.connected"}); }); } client.setKeepAlive(true,120000); client.on('error', function (err) { node.log(RED._("tcpin.errors.error",{error:err.toString()})); }); client.on('end', function (err) { node.status({}); node.connected = false; }); client.on('close', function() { node.status({fill:"red",shape:"ring",text:"common.status.disconnected"}); node.connected = false; client.destroy(); if (!node.closing) { if (end) { end = false; reconnectTimeout = setTimeout(setupTcpClient,20); } else { node.log(RED._("tcpin.errors.connection-lost",{host:node.host,port:node.port})); reconnectTimeout = setTimeout(setupTcpClient,reconnectTime); } } else { if (node.doneClose) { node.doneClose(); } } }); } setupTcpClient(); node.on("input", function(msg, nodeSend, nodeDone) { if (node.connected && msg.payload != null) { if (Buffer.isBuffer(msg.payload)) { client.write(msg.payload); } else if (typeof msg.payload === "string" && node.base64) { client.write(Buffer.from(msg.payload,'base64')); } else { client.write(Buffer.from(""+msg.payload)); } if (node.doend === true) { end = true; if (client) { node.status({}); client.destroy(); } } } nodeDone(); }); node.on("close", function(done) { node.doneClose = done; this.closing = true; if (client) { client.destroy(); } clearTimeout(reconnectTimeout); if (!node.connected) { done(); } }); } else if (node.beserver == "reply") { node.on("input",function(msg, nodeSend, nodeDone) { if (msg._session && msg._session.type == "tcp") { var client = connectionPool[msg._session.id]; if (client) { if (Buffer.isBuffer(msg.payload)) { client.write(msg.payload); } else if (typeof msg.payload === "string" && node.base64) { client.write(Buffer.from(msg.payload,'base64')); } else { client.write(Buffer.from(""+msg.payload)); } } } else { for (var i in connectionPool) { if (Buffer.isBuffer(msg.payload)) { connectionPool[i].write(msg.payload); } else if (typeof msg.payload === "string" && node.base64) { connectionPool[i].write(Buffer.from(msg.payload,'base64')); } else { connectionPool[i].write(Buffer.from(""+msg.payload)); } } } nodeDone(); }); } else { var connectedSockets = []; node.status({text:RED._("tcpin.status.connections",{count:0})}); let srv = net; let connOpts; if (n.tls) { srv = tls; connOpts = tlsNode.addTLSOptions({}); } var server = srv.createServer(connOpts, function (socket) { socket.setKeepAlive(true,120000); if (socketTimeout !== null) { socket.setTimeout(socketTimeout); } node.log(RED._("tcpin.status.connection-from",{host:socket.remoteAddress, port:socket.remotePort})); socket.on('timeout', function() { node.log(RED._("tcpin.errors.timeout",{port:node.port})); socket.end(); }); socket.on('data', function(d) { // console.log("DATA",d) }); socket.on('close',function() { node.log(RED._("tcpin.status.connection-closed",{host:socket.remoteAddress, port:socket.remotePort})); connectedSockets.splice(connectedSockets.indexOf(socket),1); node.status({text:RED._("tcpin.status.connections",{count:connectedSockets.length})}); }); socket.on('error',function() { node.log(RED._("tcpin.errors.socket-error",{host:socket.remoteAddress, port:socket.remotePort})); connectedSockets.splice(connectedSockets.indexOf(socket),1); node.status({text:RED._("tcpin.status.connections",{count:connectedSockets.length})}); }); connectedSockets.push(socket); node.status({text:RED._("tcpin.status.connections",{count:connectedSockets.length})}); }); node.on("input", function(msg, nodeSend, nodeDone) { if (msg.payload != null) { var buffer; if (Buffer.isBuffer(msg.payload)) { buffer = msg.payload; } else if (typeof msg.payload === "string" && node.base64) { buffer = Buffer.from(msg.payload,'base64'); } else { buffer = Buffer.from(""+msg.payload); } for (var i = 0; i < connectedSockets.length; i += 1) { if (node.doend === true) { connectedSockets[i].end(buffer); } else { connectedSockets[i].write(buffer); } } } nodeDone(); }); server.on('error', function(err) { if (err) { node.error(RED._("tcpin.errors.cannot-listen",{port:node.port,error:err.toString()})); } }); server.listen(node.port, function(err) { if (err) { node.error(RED._("tcpin.errors.cannot-listen",{port:node.port,error:err.toString()})); } else { node.log(RED._("tcpin.status.listening-port",{port:node.port})); node.on('close', function() { for (var c in connectedSockets) { if (connectedSockets.hasOwnProperty(c)) { connectedSockets[c].end(); connectedSockets[c].unref(); } } server.close(); node.log(RED._("tcpin.status.stopped-listening",{port:node.port})); }); } }); } } RED.nodes.registerType("tcp out",TcpOut); function TcpGet(n) { RED.nodes.createNode(this,n); this.server = n.server; this.port = Number(n.port); this.out = n.out; this.ret = n.ret || "buffer"; this.newline = n.newline; this.splitc = n.splitc; if (n.tls) { var tlsNode = RED.nodes.getNode(n.tls); } if (this.out === "immed") { this.splitc = -1; this.out = "time"; } if (this.out !== "char") { this.splitc = Number(this.splitc); } else { if (this.splitc[0] == '\\') { this.splitc = parseInt(this.splitc.replace("\\n",0x0A).replace("\\r",0x0D).replace("\\t",0x09).replace("\\e",0x1B).replace("\\f",0x0C).replace("\\0",0x00)); } // jshint ignore:line if (typeof this.splitc == "string") { if (this.splitc.substr(0,2) == "0x") { this.splitc = parseInt(this.splitc); } else { this.splitc = this.splitc.charCodeAt(0); } } // jshint ignore:line } var node = this; var clients = {}; this.on("input", function(msg, nodeSend, nodeDone) { var i = 0; if ((!Buffer.isBuffer(msg.payload)) && (typeof msg.payload !== "string")) { msg.payload = msg.payload.toString(); } var host = node.server || msg.host; var port = node.port || msg.port; // Store client information independently // the clients object will have: // clients[id].client, clients[id].msg, clients[id].timeout var connection_id = host + ":" + port; if (connection_id !== node.last_id) { node.status({}); node.last_id = connection_id; } clients[connection_id] = clients[connection_id] || { msgQueue: new Denque(), connected: false, connecting: false }; enqueue(clients[connection_id].msgQueue, {msg:msg, nodeSend:nodeSend, nodeDone:nodeDone}); clients[connection_id].lastMsg = msg; if (!clients[connection_id].connecting && !clients[connection_id].connected) { var buf; if (this.out == "count") { if (this.splitc === 0) { buf = Buffer.alloc(1); } else { buf = Buffer.alloc(this.splitc); } } else { buf = Buffer.alloc(65536); } // set it to 64k... hopefully big enough for most TCP packets.... but only hopefully var connOpts = {host:host, port:port}; if (n.tls) { connOpts = tlsNode.addTLSOptions(connOpts); const allowUnauthorized = getAllowUnauthorized(); let options = { rejectUnauthorized: !allowUnauthorized, ciphers: tls.DEFAULT_CIPHERS, checkServerIdentity: tls.checkServerIdentity, minDHSize: 1024, ...connOpts }; if (!options.keepAlive) { options.singleUse = true; } const context = options.secureContext || tls.createSecureContext(options); clients[connection_id].client = new tls.TLSSocket(options.socket, { allowHalfOpen: options.allowHalfOpen, pipe: !!options.path, secureContext: context, isServer: false, requestCert: false, // true, rejectUnauthorized: false, // options.rejectUnauthorized !== false, session: options.session, ALPNProtocols: options.ALPNProtocols, requestOCSP: options.requestOCSP, enableTrace: options.enableTrace, pskCallback: options.pskCallback, highWaterMark: options.highWaterMark, onread: options.onread, signal: options.signal, }); } else { clients[connection_id].client = net.Socket(); } if (socketTimeout !== null) { clients[connection_id].client.setTimeout(socketTimeout);} if (host && port) { clients[connection_id].connecting = true; clients[connection_id].client.connect(connOpts, function() { //node.log(RED._("tcpin.errors.client-connected")); node.status({fill:"green",shape:"dot",text:"common.status.connected"}); if (clients[connection_id] && clients[connection_id].client) { clients[connection_id].connected = true; clients[connection_id].connecting = false; let event; while (event = dequeue(clients[connection_id].msgQueue)) { clients[connection_id].client.write(event.msg.payload); event.nodeDone(); } if (node.out === "time" && node.splitc < 0) { clients[connection_id].connected = clients[connection_id].connecting = false; clients[connection_id].client.end(); delete clients[connection_id]; node.status({}); } } }); } else { node.warn(RED._("tcpin.errors.no-host")); } var chunk = ""; clients[connection_id].client.on('data', function(data) { if (node.out === "sit") { // if we are staying connected just send the buffer if (clients[connection_id]) { const msg = clients[connection_id].lastMsg || {}; msg.payload = RED.util.cloneMessage(data); if (node.ret === "string") { try { if (node.newline && node.newline !== "" ) { chunk += msg.payload.toString(); let parts = chunk.split(node.newline); for (var p=0; p= node.splitc) { if (clients[connection_id]) { const msg = clients[connection_id].lastMsg || {}; msg.payload = Buffer.alloc(i); buf.copy(msg.payload,0,0,i); if (node.ret === "string") { try { msg.payload = msg.payload.toString(); } catch(e) { node.error("Failed to create string", msg); } } nodeSend(msg); if (clients[connection_id].client) { node.status({}); clients[connection_id].client.destroy(); delete clients[connection_id]; } i = 0; } } } // look for a char else { buf[i] = data[j]; i += 1; if (data[j] == node.splitc) { if (clients[connection_id]) { const msg = clients[connection_id].lastMsg || {}; msg.payload = Buffer.alloc(i); buf.copy(msg.payload,0,0,i); if (node.ret === "string") { try { msg.payload = msg.payload.toString(); } catch(e) { node.error("Failed to create string", msg); } } nodeSend(msg); if (clients[connection_id].client) { node.status({}); clients[connection_id].client.destroy(); delete clients[connection_id]; } i = 0; } } } } } }); clients[connection_id].client.on('end', function() { //console.log("END"); node.status({fill:"grey",shape:"ring",text:"common.status.disconnected"}); if (clients[connection_id] && clients[connection_id].client) { clients[connection_id].connected = clients[connection_id].connecting = false; clients[connection_id].client = null; } }); clients[connection_id].client.on('close', function() { //console.log("CLOSE"); if (clients[connection_id]) { clients[connection_id].connected = clients[connection_id].connecting = false; } var anyConnected = false; for (var client in clients) { if (clients[client].connected) { anyConnected = true; break; } } if (node.doneClose && !anyConnected) { clients = {}; node.doneClose(); } }); clients[connection_id].client.on('error', function() { //console.log("ERROR"); node.status({fill:"red",shape:"ring",text:"common.status.error"}); node.error(RED._("tcpin.errors.connect-fail") + " " + connection_id, msg); if (clients[connection_id] && clients[connection_id].client) { clients[connection_id].client.destroy(); delete clients[connection_id]; } }); clients[connection_id].client.on('timeout',function() { //console.log("TIMEOUT"); if (clients[connection_id]) { clients[connection_id].connected = clients[connection_id].connecting = false; node.status({fill:"grey",shape:"dot",text:"tcpin.errors.connect-timeout"}); //node.warn(RED._("tcpin.errors.connect-timeout")); if (clients[connection_id].client) { clients[connection_id].connecting = true; var connOpts = {host:host, port:port}; if (n.tls) { connOpts = tlsNode.addTLSOptions(connOpts); } clients[connection_id].client.connect(connOpts, function() { clients[connection_id].connected = true; clients[connection_id].connecting = false; node.status({fill:"green",shape:"dot",text:"common.status.connected"}); }); } } }); } else if (!clients[connection_id].connecting && clients[connection_id].connected) { if (clients[connection_id] && clients[connection_id].client) { let event = dequeue(clients[connection_id].msgQueue) clients[connection_id].client.write(event.msg.payload); event.nodeDone(); } } }); this.on("close", function(done) { node.doneClose = done; for (var cl in clients) { if (clients[cl].hasOwnProperty("client")) { clients[cl].client.destroy(); } } node.status({}); // this is probably not necessary and may be removed var anyConnected = false; for (var c in clients) { if (clients[c].connected) { anyConnected = true; break; } } if (!anyConnected) { clients = {}; } done(); }); } RED.nodes.registerType("tcp request",TcpGet); }