/** * Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ RED.sidebar.context = (function() { var content; var sections; var localCache = {}; var nodeSection; // var subflowSection; var flowSection; var globalSection; var currentNode; var currentFlow; function init() { content = $("
").css({"position":"relative","height":"100%"}); content.className = "sidebar-context" // var toolbar = $('').appendTo(content); var footerToolbar = $('
'+ // ' ' + '
'); var stackContainer = $("
",{class:"sidebar-context-stack"}).appendTo(content); sections = RED.stack.create({ container: stackContainer }); nodeSection = sections.add({ title: RED._("sidebar.context.node"), collapsible: true, // onexpand: function() { // updateNode(currentNode,true); // } }); nodeSection.expand(); nodeSection.content.css({height:"100%"}); nodeSection.timestamp = $('').appendTo(nodeSection.content); var table = $('
').appendTo(nodeSection.content); nodeSection.table = $('').appendTo(table); var bg = $('
').appendTo(nodeSection.header); $('') .appendTo(bg) .click(function(evt) { evt.stopPropagation(); evt.preventDefault(); updateNode(currentNode, true); }) // subflowSection = sections.add({ // title: "Subflow", // collapsible: true // }); // subflowSection.expand(); // subflowSection.content.css({height:"100%"}); // bg = $('
').appendTo(subflowSection.header); // $('') // .appendTo(bg) // .click(function(evt) { // evt.stopPropagation(); // evt.preventDefault(); // }) // // subflowSection.container.hide(); flowSection = sections.add({ title: RED._("sidebar.context.flow"), collapsible: true }); flowSection.expand(); flowSection.content.css({height:"100%"}); flowSection.timestamp = $('').appendTo(flowSection.content); var table = $('
').appendTo(flowSection.content); flowSection.table = $('').appendTo(table); bg = $('
').appendTo(flowSection.header); $('') .appendTo(bg) .click(function(evt) { evt.stopPropagation(); evt.preventDefault(); updateFlow(currentFlow); }) globalSection = sections.add({ title: RED._("sidebar.context.global"), collapsible: true }); globalSection.expand(); globalSection.content.css({height:"100%"}); globalSection.timestamp = $('').appendTo(globalSection.content); var table = $('
').appendTo(globalSection.content); globalSection.table = $('').appendTo(table); bg = $('
').appendTo(globalSection.header); $('') .appendTo(bg) .click(function(evt) { evt.stopPropagation(); evt.preventDefault(); updateEntry(globalSection,"context/global","global"); }) RED.actions.add("core:show-context-tab",show); RED.sidebar.addTab({ id: "context", label: RED._("sidebar.context.label"), name: RED._("sidebar.context.name"), iconClass: "fa fa-database", content: content, toolbar: footerToolbar, // pinned: true, enableOnEdit: true }); // var toggleLiveButton = $("#sidebar-context-toggle-live"); // toggleLiveButton.click(function(evt) { // evt.preventDefault(); // if ($(this).hasClass("selected")) { // $(this).removeClass("selected"); // $(this).find("i").removeClass("fa-pause"); // $(this).find("i").addClass("fa-play"); // } else { // $(this).addClass("selected"); // $(this).find("i").removeClass("fa-play"); // $(this).find("i").addClass("fa-pause"); // } // }); // RED.popover.tooltip(toggleLiveButton, function() { // if (toggleLiveButton.hasClass("selected")) { // return "Pause live updates" // } else { // return "Start live updates" // } // }); RED.events.on("view:selection-changed", function(event) { var selectedNode = event.nodes && event.nodes.length === 1 && event.nodes[0]; updateNode(selectedNode); }) RED.events.on("workspace:change", function(event) { updateFlow(RED.nodes.workspace(event.workspace)); }) updateEntry(globalSection,"context/global","global"); } function updateNode(node,force) { currentNode = node; if (force) { if (node) { updateEntry(nodeSection,"context/node/"+node.id,node.id); // if (/^subflow:/.test(node.type)) { // subflowSection.container.show(); // updateEntry(subflowSection,"context/flow/"+node.id,node.id); // } else { // subflowSection.container.hide(); // } } else { // subflowSection.container.hide(); updateEntry(nodeSection) } } else { $(nodeSection.table).empty(); if (node) { $('').appendTo(nodeSection.table).i18n(); } else { $('').appendTo(nodeSection.table).i18n(); } nodeSection.timestamp.html(" "); } } function updateFlow(flow) { currentFlow = flow; if (flow) { updateEntry(flowSection,"context/flow/"+flow.id,flow.id); } else { updateEntry(flowSection) } } function refreshEntry(section,baseUrl,id) { var contextStores = RED.settings.context.stores; var container = section.table; $.getJSON(baseUrl, function(data) { $(container).empty(); var sortedData = {}; for (var store in data) { if (data.hasOwnProperty(store)) { for (var key in data[store]) { if (data[store].hasOwnProperty(key)) { if (!sortedData.hasOwnProperty(key)) { sortedData[key] = []; } data[store][key].store = store; sortedData[key].push(data[store][key]) } } } } var keys = Object.keys(sortedData); keys.sort(); var l = keys.length; for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { sortedData[keys[i]].forEach(function(v) { var k = keys[i]; var l2 = sortedData[k].length; var propRow = $('').appendTo(container); var obj = $(propRow.children()[0]); obj.text(k); var tools = $('').appendTo(obj); var refreshItem = $('').appendTo(tools).click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); $.getJSON(baseUrl+"/"+k+"?store="+v.store, function(data) { $(propRow.children()[1]).empty(); var payload = data.msg; var format = data.format; payload = RED.utils.decodeObject(payload,format); RED.utils.createObjectElement(payload, { typeHint: data.format, sourceId: id+"."+k }).appendTo(propRow.children()[1]); }) }); var payload = v.msg; var format = v.format; payload = RED.utils.decodeObject(payload,format); RED.utils.createObjectElement(payload, { typeHint: v.format, sourceId: id+"."+k }).appendTo(propRow.children()[1]); if (contextStores.length > 1) { $("",{class:"sidebar-context-property-storename"}).text(v.store).appendTo($(propRow.children()[0])) } }); } if (l === 0) { $('').appendTo(container).i18n(); } $(section.timestamp).text(new Date().toLocaleString()); }); } function updateEntry(section,baseUrl,id) { var container = section.table; if (id) { refreshEntry(section,baseUrl,id); } else { $(container).empty(); $('').appendTo(container).i18n(); } } function show() { RED.sidebar.show("context"); } return { init: init } })();