/** * Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ RED.sidebar.help = (function() { var content; var toolbar; var helpSection; var panels; var panelRatio; var helpTopics = []; var treeList; var tocPanel; var helpIndex = {}; function resizeStack() { var h = $(content).parent().height() - toolbar.outerHeight(); panels.resize(h) } function init() { content = document.createElement("div"); content.className = "red-ui-sidebar-info" toolbar = $("
", {class:"red-ui-sidebar-header red-ui-info-toolbar"}).appendTo(content); $('').appendTo(toolbar) var showTOCButton = toolbar.find('#red-ui-sidebar-help-show-toc') RED.popover.tooltip(showTOCButton,RED._("sidebar.help.showTopics")); showTOCButton.on("click",function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if ($(this).hasClass('selected')) { hideTOC(); } else { showTOC(); } }); var stackContainer = $("
",{class:"red-ui-sidebar-help-stack"}).appendTo(content); tocPanel = $("
", {class: "red-ui-sidebar-help-toc"}).appendTo(stackContainer); var helpPanel = $("
").css({ "overflow-y": "scroll" }).appendTo(stackContainer); panels = RED.panels.create({ container: stackContainer }) panels.ratio(0.3); helpSearch = $('').appendTo(toolbar).searchBox({ style: "compact", delay: 100, change: function() { var val = $(this).val().toLowerCase(); if (val) { showTOC(); var c = treeList.treeList('filter',function(item) { if (item.depth === 0) { return true; } return (item.nodeType && item.nodeType.indexOf(val) > -1) || (item.subflowLabel && item.subflowLabel.indexOf(val) > -1) },true) } else { treeList.treeList('filter',null); var selected = treeList.treeList('selected'); if (selected.id) { treeList.treeList('show',selected.id); } } } }) helpSection = $("
",{class:"red-ui-help"}).css({ "padding":"6px", }).appendTo(helpPanel) $(''+RED._("sidebar.help.noHelp")+'').appendTo(helpSection); treeList = $("
").css({width: "100%"}).appendTo(tocPanel).treeList({data: []}) treeList.on('treelistselect', function(e,item) { if (item.nodeType) { showHelp(item.nodeType); } }) RED.sidebar.addTab({ id: "help", label: RED._("sidebar.help.label"), name: RED._("sidebar.help.name"), iconClass: "fa fa-book", action:"core:show-help-tab", content: content, pinned: true, enableOnEdit: true, onchange: function() { resizeStack() } }); $(window).on("resize", resizeStack); $(window).on("focus", resizeStack); RED.events.on('registry:node-type-added', queueRefresh); RED.events.on('registry:node-type-removed', queueRefresh); RED.events.on('subflows:change', refreshSubflow); RED.actions.add("core:show-help-tab",show); } var refreshTimer; function queueRefresh() { if (!refreshTimer) { refreshTimer = setTimeout(function() { refreshTimer = null; refreshHelpIndex(); },500); } } function refreshSubflow(sf) { var item = treeList.treeList('get',"node-type:subflow:"+sf.id); item.subflowLabel = sf._def.label().toLowerCase(); item.treeList.replaceElement(getNodeLabel({_def:sf._def,type:sf._def.label()})); } function hideTOC() { var tocButton = $('#red-ui-sidebar-help-show-toc') if (tocButton.hasClass('selected')) { tocButton.removeClass('selected'); panelRatio = panels.ratio(); tocPanel.css({"transition":"height 0.2s"}) panels.ratio(0) setTimeout(function() { tocPanel.css({"transition":""}) },250); } } function showTOC() { var tocButton = $('#red-ui-sidebar-help-show-toc') if (!tocButton.hasClass('selected')) { tocButton.addClass('selected'); tocPanel.css({"transition":"height 0.2s"}) panels.ratio(Math.max(0.3,Math.min(panelRatio,0.7))); setTimeout(function() { tocPanel.css({"transition":""}) var selected = treeList.treeList('selected'); if (selected.id) { treeList.treeList('show',selected); } },250); } } function refreshHelpIndex() { helpTopics = []; var modules = RED.nodes.registry.getModuleList(); var moduleNames = Object.keys(modules); moduleNames.sort(); var helpData = [{ label: RED._("sidebar.help.nodeHelp"), children: [], expanded: true }] var subflows = RED.nodes.registry.getNodeTypes().filter(function(t) {return /subflow/.test(t)}); if (subflows.length > 0) { helpData[0].children.push({ label: RED._("menu.label.subflows"), children: [] }) subflows.forEach(function(nodeType) { var sf = RED.nodes.getType(nodeType); helpData[0].children[0].children.push({ id:"node-type:"+nodeType, nodeType: nodeType, subflowLabel: sf.label().toLowerCase(), element: getNodeLabel({_def:sf,type:sf.label()}) }) }) } moduleNames.forEach(function(moduleName) { var module = modules[moduleName]; var nodeTypes = []; var setNames = Object.keys(module.sets); setNames.forEach(function(setName) { module.sets[setName].types.forEach(function(nodeType) { if ($("script[data-help-name='"+nodeType+"']").length) { nodeTypes.push({ id: "node-type:"+nodeType, nodeType: nodeType, element:getNodeLabel({_def:RED.nodes.getType(nodeType),type:nodeType}) }) } }) }) if (nodeTypes.length > 0) { nodeTypes.sort(function(A,B) { return A.nodeType.localeCompare(B.nodeType) }) helpData[0].children.push({ id: moduleName, icon: "fa fa-cube", label: moduleName, children: nodeTypes }) } }); treeList.treeList("data",helpData); } function getNodeLabel(n) { var div = $('
',{class:"red-ui-info-outline-item"}); RED.utils.createNodeIcon(n).appendTo(div); var contentDiv = $('
',{class:"red-ui-search-result-description"}).appendTo(div); $('
',{class:"red-ui-search-result-node-label red-ui-info-outline-item-label"}).text(n.name||n.type).appendTo(contentDiv); return div; } function showHelp(nodeType) { helpSection.empty(); var helpText; var title; var m = /^subflow(:(.+))?$/.exec(nodeType); if (m && m[2]) { var subflowNode = RED.nodes.subflow(m[2]); helpText = (RED.utils.renderMarkdown(subflowNode.info||"")||(''+RED._("sidebar.info.none")+'')); title = subflowNode.name || nodeType; } else { helpText = $("script[data-help-name='"+nodeType+"']").html()||(''+RED._("sidebar.info.none")+''); title = nodeType; } setInfoText(title, helpText, helpSection); var ratio = panels.ratio(); if (ratio > 0.7) { panels.ratio(0.7) } treeList.treeList("show","node-type:"+nodeType) treeList.treeList("select","node-type:"+nodeType, false); } function show(type) { RED.sidebar.show("help"); if (type) { hideTOC(); showHelp(type); } } // TODO: DRY - projects.js function addTargetToExternalLinks(el) { $(el).find("a").each(function(el) { var href = $(this).attr('href'); if (/^https?:/.test(href)) { $(this).attr('target','_blank'); } }); return el; } function setInfoText(title, infoText,target) { if (title) { $("

",{class:"red-ui-help-title"}).text(title).appendTo(target); } var info = addTargetToExternalLinks($('
')).appendTo(target); info.find(".red-ui-text-bidi-aware").contents().filter(function() { return this.nodeType === 3 && this.textContent.trim() !== "" }).wrap( "" ); var foldingHeader = "H3"; info.find(foldingHeader).wrapInner('') .find("a").prepend('').on("click", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var isExpanded = $(this).hasClass('expanded'); var el = $(this).parent().next(); while(el.length === 1 && el[0].nodeName !== foldingHeader) { el.toggle(!isExpanded); el = el.next(); } $(this).toggleClass('expanded',!isExpanded); }) target.parent().scrollTop(0); } function set(html,title) { $(helpSection).empty(); setInfoText(title,html,helpSection); hideTOC(); show(); } function refreshSelection(selection) { if (selection === undefined) { selection = RED.view.selection(); } if (selection.nodes) { if (selection.nodes.length == 1) { var node = selection.nodes[0]; if (node.type === "subflow" && node.direction) { // ignore subflow virtual ports } else if (node.type !== 'group'){ showHelp(node.type); } } } } RED.events.on("view:selection-changed",refreshSelection); return { init: init, show: show, set: set } })();