/** * Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ RED.panels = (function() { function createPanel(options) { var container = options.container || $("#"+options.id); var children = container.children(); if (children.length !== 2) { throw new Error("Container must have exactly two children"); } var vertical = (!options.dir || options.dir === "vertical"); container.addClass("red-ui-panels"); if (!vertical) { container.addClass("red-ui-panels-horizontal"); } var separator = $('
').insertAfter(children[0]); var startPosition; var panelSizes = []; var modifiedSizes = false; var panelRatio; separator.draggable({ axis: vertical?"y":"x", containment: container, scroll: false, start:function(event,ui) { startPosition = vertical?ui.position.top:ui.position.left; panelSizes = [ vertical?$(children[0]).height():$(children[0]).width(), vertical?$(children[1]).height():$(children[1]).width() ]; }, drag: function(event,ui) { var size = vertical?container.height():container.width(); var delta = (vertical?ui.position.top:ui.position.left)-startPosition; var newSizes = [panelSizes[0]+delta,panelSizes[1]-delta]; if (vertical) { $(children[0]).height(newSizes[0]); $(children[1]).height(newSizes[1]); ui.position.top -= delta; } else { $(children[0]).width(newSizes[0]); $(children[1]).width(newSizes[1]); ui.position.left -= delta; } if (options.resize) { options.resize(newSizes[0],newSizes[1]); } panelRatio = newSizes[0]/size; }, stop:function(event,ui) { modifiedSizes = true; } }); return { resize: function(size) { var panelSizes = [$(children[0]).height(),$(children[1]).height()]; if (vertical) { container.height(size); } else { container.width(size); } if (modifiedSizes) { var topPanelSize = panelRatio*size; var bottomPanelSize = size - topPanelSize - 48; panelSizes = [topPanelSize,bottomPanelSize]; if (vertical) { $(children[0]).height(panelSizes[0]); $(children[1]).height(panelSizes[1]); } else { $(children[0]).width(panelSizes[0]); $(children[1]).width(panelSizes[1]); } } if (options.resize) { options.resize(panelSizes[0],panelSizes[1]); } } } } return { create: createPanel } })();