/** * Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ /** * Local file-system based context storage * * Configuration options: * { * base: "context", // the base directory to use * // default: "context" * dir: "/path/to/storage", // the directory to create the base directory in * // default: settings.userDir * cache: true, // whether to cache contents in memory * // default: true * flushInterval: 30 // if cache is enabled, the minimum interval * // between writes to storage, in seconds. This * can be used to reduce wear on underlying storage. * default: 30 seconds * } * * * $HOME/.node-red/contexts * ├── global * │ └── global_context.json * ├── <id of Flow 1> * │ ├── flow_context.json * │ ├── <id of Node a>.json * │ └── <id of Node b>.json * └── <id of Flow 2> * ├── flow_context.json * ├── <id of Node x>.json * └── <id of Node y>.json */ var fs = require('fs-extra'); var path = require("path"); var util = require("@node-red/util").util; var log = require("@node-red/util").log; var safeJSONStringify = require("json-stringify-safe"); var MemoryStore = require("./memory"); function getStoragePath(storageBaseDir, scope) { if(scope.indexOf(":") === -1){ if(scope === "global"){ return path.join(storageBaseDir,"global",scope); }else{ // scope:flow return path.join(storageBaseDir,scope,"flow"); } }else{ // scope:local var ids = scope.split(":") return path.join(storageBaseDir,ids[1],ids[0]); } } function getBasePath(config) { var base = config.base || "context"; var storageBaseDir; if (!config.dir) { if(config.settings && config.settings.userDir){ storageBaseDir = path.join(config.settings.userDir, base); }else{ try { fs.statSync(path.join(process.env.NODE_RED_HOME,".config.json")); storageBaseDir = path.join(process.env.NODE_RED_HOME, base); } catch(err) { try { // Consider compatibility for older versions if (process.env.HOMEPATH) { fs.statSync(path.join(process.env.HOMEPATH,".node-red",".config.json")); storageBaseDir = path.join(process.env.HOMEPATH, ".node-red", base); } } catch(err) { } if (!storageBaseDir) { storageBaseDir = path.join(process.env.HOME || process.env.USERPROFILE || process.env.HOMEPATH || process.env.NODE_RED_HOME,".node-red", base); } } } }else{ storageBaseDir = path.join(config.dir, base); } return storageBaseDir; } function loadFile(storagePath){ return fs.pathExists(storagePath).then(function(exists){ if(exists === true){ return fs.readFile(storagePath, "utf8"); }else{ return Promise.resolve(undefined); } }); } function listFiles(storagePath) { var promises = []; return fs.readdir(storagePath).then(function(files) { files.forEach(function(file) { if (!/^\./.test(file)) { var fullPath = path.join(storagePath,file); var stats = fs.statSync(fullPath); if (stats.isDirectory()) { promises.push(fs.readdir(fullPath).then(function(subdirFiles) { var result = []; subdirFiles.forEach(subfile => { if (/\.json$/.test(subfile)) { result.push(path.join(file,subfile)) } }); return result; })) } } }); return Promise.all(promises); }).then(dirs => dirs.reduce((acc, val) => acc.concat(val), [])); } function stringify(value) { var hasCircular; var result = safeJSONStringify(value,null,4,function(k,v){hasCircular = true}) return { json: result, circular: hasCircular }; } function writeFileAtomic(storagePath, content) { // To protect against file corruption, write to a tmp file first and then // rename to the destination file let finalFile = storagePath + ".json"; let tmpFile = finalFile + "."+Date.now()+".tmp"; return fs.outputFile(tmpFile, content, "utf8").then(function() { return fs.rename(tmpFile,finalFile); }) } function LocalFileSystem(config){ this.config = config; this.storageBaseDir = getBasePath(this.config); this.writePromise = Promise.resolve(); if (config.hasOwnProperty('cache')?config.cache:true) { this.cache = MemoryStore({}); } this.pendingWrites = {}; this.knownCircularRefs = {}; if (config.hasOwnProperty('flushInterval')) { this.flushInterval = Math.max(0,config.flushInterval) * 1000; } else { this.flushInterval = 30000; } } LocalFileSystem.prototype.open = function(){ var self = this; if (this.cache) { var scopes = []; var promises = []; return listFiles(self.storageBaseDir).then(function(files) { files.forEach(function(file) { var parts = file.split(path.sep); if (parts[0] === 'global') { scopes.push("global"); } else if (parts[1] === 'flow.json') { scopes.push(parts[0]) } else { scopes.push(parts[1].substring(0,parts[1].length-5)+":"+parts[0]); } promises.push(loadFile(path.join(self.storageBaseDir,file))); }) return Promise.all(promises); }).then(function(res) { scopes.forEach(function(scope,i) { var data = res[i]?JSON.parse(res[i]):{}; Object.keys(data).forEach(function(key) { self.cache.set(scope,key,data[key]); }) }); }).catch(function(err){ if(err.code == 'ENOENT') { return fs.ensureDir(self.storageBaseDir); }else{ throw err; } }).then(function() { self._flushPendingWrites = function() { var scopes = Object.keys(self.pendingWrites); self.pendingWrites = {}; var promises = []; var newContext = self.cache._export(); scopes.forEach(function(scope) { var storagePath = getStoragePath(self.storageBaseDir,scope); var context = newContext[scope] || {}; var stringifiedContext = stringify(context); if (stringifiedContext.circular && !self.knownCircularRefs[scope]) { log.warn(log._("context.localfilesystem.error-circular",{scope:scope})); self.knownCircularRefs[scope] = true; } else { delete self.knownCircularRefs[scope]; } log.debug("Flushing localfilesystem context scope "+scope); promises.push(writeFileAtomic(storagePath, stringifiedContext.json)) }); delete self._pendingWriteTimeout; return Promise.all(promises); } }); } else { self._flushPendingWrites = function() { } return fs.ensureDir(self.storageBaseDir); } } LocalFileSystem.prototype.close = function(){ var self = this; if (this.cache && this._pendingWriteTimeout) { clearTimeout(this._pendingWriteTimeout); delete this._pendingWriteTimeout; this.flushInterval = 0; self.writePromise = self.writePromise.then(function(){ return self._flushPendingWrites.call(self).catch(function(err) { log.error(log._("context.localfilesystem.error-write",{message:err.toString()})); }); }); } return this.writePromise; } LocalFileSystem.prototype.get = function(scope, key, callback) { if (this.cache) { return this.cache.get(scope,key,callback); } if(typeof callback !== "function"){ throw new Error("File Store cache disabled - only asynchronous access supported"); } var storagePath = getStoragePath(this.storageBaseDir ,scope); loadFile(storagePath + ".json").then(function(data){ var value; if(data){ data = JSON.parse(data); if (!Array.isArray(key)) { try { value = util.getObjectProperty(data,key); } catch(err) { if (err.code === "INVALID_EXPR") { throw err; } value = undefined; } callback(null, value); } else { var results = [undefined]; for (var i=0;i<key.length;i++) { try { value = util.getObjectProperty(data,key[i]); } catch(err) { if (err.code === "INVALID_EXPR") { throw err; } value = undefined; } results.push(value) } callback.apply(null,results); } }else{ callback(null, undefined); } }).catch(function(err){ callback(err); }); }; LocalFileSystem.prototype.set = function(scope, key, value, callback) { var self = this; var storagePath = getStoragePath(this.storageBaseDir ,scope); if (this.cache) { this.cache.set(scope,key,value,callback); this.pendingWrites[scope] = true; if (this._pendingWriteTimeout) { // there's a pending write which will handle this return; } else { this._pendingWriteTimeout = setTimeout(function() { self.writePromise = self.writePromise.then(function(){ return self._flushPendingWrites.call(self).catch(function(err) { log.error(log._("context.localfilesystem.error-write",{message:err.toString()})); }); }); }, this.flushInterval); } } else if (callback && typeof callback !== 'function') { throw new Error("File Store cache disabled - only asynchronous access supported"); } else { self.writePromise = self.writePromise.then(function() { return loadFile(storagePath + ".json") }).then(function(data){ var obj = data ? JSON.parse(data) : {} if (!Array.isArray(key)) { key = [key]; value = [value]; } else if (!Array.isArray(value)) { // key is an array, but value is not - wrap it as an array value = [value]; } for (var i=0;i<key.length;i++) { var v = null; if (i<value.length) { v = value[i]; } util.setObjectProperty(obj,key[i],v); } var stringifiedContext = stringify(obj); if (stringifiedContext.circular && !self.knownCircularRefs[scope]) { log.warn(log._("context.localfilesystem.error-circular",{scope:scope})); self.knownCircularRefs[scope] = true; } else { delete self.knownCircularRefs[scope]; } return writeFileAtomic(storagePath, stringifiedContext.json); }).then(function(){ if(typeof callback === "function"){ callback(null); } }).catch(function(err){ if(typeof callback === "function"){ callback(err); } }); } }; LocalFileSystem.prototype.keys = function(scope, callback){ if (this.cache) { return this.cache.keys(scope,callback); } if(typeof callback !== "function"){ throw new Error("Callback must be a function"); } var storagePath = getStoragePath(this.storageBaseDir ,scope); loadFile(storagePath + ".json").then(function(data){ if(data){ callback(null, Object.keys(JSON.parse(data))); }else{ callback(null, []); } }).catch(function(err){ callback(err); }); }; LocalFileSystem.prototype.delete = function(scope){ var cachePromise; if (this.cache) { cachePromise = this.cache.delete(scope); } else { cachePromise = Promise.resolve(); } var that = this; delete this.pendingWrites[scope]; return cachePromise.then(function() { var storagePath = getStoragePath(that.storageBaseDir,scope); return fs.remove(storagePath + ".json"); }); } LocalFileSystem.prototype.clean = function(_activeNodes) { var activeNodes = {}; _activeNodes.forEach(function(node) { activeNodes[node] = true }); var self = this; var cachePromise; if (this.cache) { cachePromise = this.cache.clean(_activeNodes); } else { cachePromise = Promise.resolve(); } this.knownCircularRefs = {}; return cachePromise.then(() => listFiles(self.storageBaseDir)).then(function(files) { var promises = []; files.forEach(function(file) { var parts = file.split(path.sep); var removePromise; if (parts[0] === 'global') { // never clean global return; } else if (!activeNodes[parts[0]]) { // Flow removed - remove the whole dir removePromise = fs.remove(path.join(self.storageBaseDir,parts[0])); } else if (parts[1] !== 'flow.json' && !activeNodes[parts[1].substring(0,parts[1].length-5)]) { // Node removed - remove the context file removePromise = fs.remove(path.join(self.storageBaseDir,file)); } if (removePromise) { promises.push(removePromise); } }); return Promise.all(promises) }) } module.exports = function(config){ return new LocalFileSystem(config); };