/** * Copyright 2014,2015 IBM Corp. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ module.exports = function(RED) { "use strict"; function CSVNode(n) { RED.nodes.createNode(this,n); this.template = (n.temp || "").split(","); this.sep = (n.sep || ',').replace("\\t","\t").replace("\\n","\n").replace("\\r","\r"); this.quo = '"'; this.ret = (n.ret || "\n").replace("\\n","\n").replace("\\r","\r"); this.winflag = (this.ret === "\r\n"); this.lineend = "\n"; this.multi = n.multi || "one"; this.hdrin = n.hdrin || false; this.hdrout = n.hdrout || false; this.goodtmpl = true; var node = this; // pass in an array of column names to be trimed, de-quoted and retrimed var clean = function(col) { for (var t = 0; t < col.length; t++) { col[t] = col[t].trim(); // remove leading and trailing whitespace if (col[t].charAt(0) === '"' && col[t].charAt(col[t].length -1) === '"') { // remove leading and trailing quotes (if they exist) - and remove whitepace again. col[t] = col[t].substr(1,col[t].length -2).trim(); } } if ((col.length === 1) && (col[0] === "")) { node.goodtmpl = false; } else { node.goodtmpl = true; } return col; } node.template = clean(node.template); this.on("input", function(msg) { if (msg.hasOwnProperty("payload")) { if (typeof msg.payload == "object") { // convert object to CSV string try { var ou = ""; if (node.hdrout) { ou += node.template.join(node.sep) + node.ret; } if (!Array.isArray(msg.payload)) { msg.payload = [ msg.payload ]; } for (var s = 0; s < msg.payload.length; s++) { if ((Array.isArray(msg.payload[s])) || (typeof msg.payload[s] !== "object")) { if (typeof msg.payload[s] !== "object") { msg.payload = [ msg.payload ]; } for (var t = 0; t < msg.payload[s].length; t++) { if (msg.payload[s][t].toString().indexOf(node.quo) !== -1) { // add double quotes if any quotes msg.payload[s][t] = msg.payload[s][t].toString().replace(/"/g, '""'); msg.payload[s][t] = node.quo + msg.payload[s][t].toString() + node.quo; } else if (msg.payload[s][t].toString().indexOf(node.sep) !== -1) { // add quotes if any "commas" msg.payload[s][t] = node.quo + msg.payload[s][t].toString() + node.quo; } } ou += msg.payload[s].join(node.sep) + node.ret; } else { if (node.template[0] !== '') { for (var t=0; t < node.template.length; t++) { // aaargh - resorting to eval here - but fairly contained front and back. var p = RED.util.ensureString(eval("msg.payload[s]."+node.template[t])); if (p === "undefined") { p = ""; } if (p.indexOf(node.quo) !== -1) { // add double quotes if any quotes p = p.replace(/"/g, '""'); ou += node.quo + p + node.quo + node.sep; } else if (p.indexOf(node.sep) !== -1) { // add quotes if any "commas" ou += node.quo + p + node.quo + node.sep; } else { ou += p + node.sep; } // otherwise just add } ou = ou.slice(0,-1) + node.ret; // remove final "comma" and add "newline" } else { node.warn(RED._("csv.errors.obj_csv")); } } } msg.payload = ou; if (msg.payload !== '') { node.send(msg); } } catch(e) { node.error(e,msg); } } else if (typeof msg.payload == "string") { // convert CSV string to object try { var f = true; // flag to indicate if inside or outside a pair of quotes true = outside. var j = 0; // pointer into array of template items var k = [""]; // array of data for each of the template items var o = {}; // output object to build up var a = []; // output array is needed for multiline option var first = true; // is this the first line var line = msg.payload; var tmp = ""; // For now we are just going to assume that any \r or \n means an end of line... // got to be a weird csv that has singleton \r \n in it for another reason... // Now process the whole file/line for (var i = 0; i < line.length; i++) { if ((node.hdrin === true) && first) { // if the template is in the first line if ((line[i] === "\n")||(line[i] === "\r")) { // look for first line break node.template = clean(tmp.split(node.sep)); first = false; } else { tmp += line[i]; } } else { if (line[i] === node.quo) { // if it's a quote toggle inside or outside f = !f; if (line[i-1] === node.quo) { k[j] += '\"'; } // if it's a quotequote then it's actually a quote //if ((line[i-1] !== node.sep) && (line[i+1] !== node.sep)) { k[j] += line[i]; } } else if ((line[i] === node.sep) && f) { // if we are outside of quote (ie valid separator if (!node.goodtmpl) { node.template[j] = "col"+(j+1); } if ( node.template[j] && (node.template[j] !== "") && (k[j] !== "" ) ) { if ( (k[j].charAt(0) !== "+") && !isNaN(Number(k[j])) ) { k[j] = Number(k[j]); } o[node.template[j]] = k[j]; } j += 1; k[j] = ""; } else if (f && ((line[i] === "\n") || (line[i] === "\r"))) { // handle multiple lines //console.log(j,k,o,k[j]); if (!node.goodtmpl) { node.template[j] = "col"+(j+1); } if ( node.template[j] && (node.template[j] !== "") && (k[j] !== "") ) { if ( (k[j].charAt(0) !== "+") && !isNaN(Number(k[j])) ) { k[j] = Number(k[j]); } else { k[j].replace(/\r$/,''); } o[node.template[j]] = k[j]; } if (JSON.stringify(o) !== "{}") { // don't send empty objects if (node.multi === "one") { var newMessage = RED.util.cloneMessage(msg); newMessage.payload = o; node.send(newMessage); // either send } else { a.push(o); } // or add to the array } j = 0; k = [""]; o = {}; } else { // just add to the part of the message k[j] += line[i]; } } } // Finished so finalize and send anything left //console.log(j,k,o,k[j]); if (!node.goodtmpl) { node.template[j] = "col"+(j+1); } if ( node.template[j] && (node.template[j] !== "") && (k[j] !== "") ) { if ( (k[j].charAt(0) !== "+") && !isNaN(Number(k[j])) ) { k[j] = Number(k[j]); } else { k[j].replace(/\r$/,''); } o[node.template[j]] = k[j]; } if (JSON.stringify(o) !== "{}") { // don't send empty objects if (node.multi === "one") { var newMessage = RED.util.cloneMessage(msg); newMessage.payload = o; node.send(newMessage); // either send } else { a.push(o); } // or add to the aray } if (node.multi !== "one") { msg.payload = a; node.send(msg); // finally send the array } } catch(e) { node.error(e,msg); } } else { node.warn(RED._("csv.errors.csv_js")); } } else { node.send(msg); } // If no payload - just pass it on. }); } RED.nodes.registerType("csv",CSVNode); }