/** * Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ var util = require("util"); var EventEmitter = require("events").EventEmitter; var when = require("when"); var redUtil = require("../util"); var Log = require("../log"); var context = require("./context"); var flows = require("./flows"); function Node(n) { this.id = n.id; this.type = n.type; this.z = n.z; this._closeCallbacks = []; if (n.name) { this.name = n.name; } if (n._alias) { this._alias = n._alias; } this.updateWires(n.wires); } util.inherits(Node, EventEmitter); Node.prototype.updateWires = function(wires) { //console.log("UPDATE",this.id); this.wires = wires || []; delete this._wire; var wc = 0; this.wires.forEach(function(w) { wc+=w.length; }); this._wireCount = wc; if (wc === 0) { // With nothing wired to the node, no-op send this.send = function(msg) {} } else { this.send = Node.prototype.send; if (this.wires.length === 1 && this.wires[0].length === 1) { // Single wire, so we can shortcut the send when // a single message is sent this._wire = this.wires[0][0]; } } } Node.prototype.context = function() { if (!this._context) { this._context = context.get(this._alias||this.id,this.z); } return this._context; } Node.prototype._on = Node.prototype.on; Node.prototype.on = function(event, callback) { var node = this; if (event == "close") { this._closeCallbacks.push(callback); } else { this._on(event, callback); } }; Node.prototype.close = function(removed) { //console.log(this.type,this.id,removed); var promises = []; var node = this; for (var i=0;i<this._closeCallbacks.length;i++) { var callback = this._closeCallbacks[i]; if (callback.length > 0) { promises.push( when.promise(function(resolve) { var args = []; if (callback.length === 2) { args.push(!!removed); } args.push(resolve); callback.apply(node, args); }) ); } else { callback.call(node); } } if (promises.length > 0) { return when.settle(promises).then(function() { if (this._context) { context.delete(this._alias||this.id,this.z); } }); } else { if (this._context) { context.delete(this._alias||this.id,this.z); } return; } }; Node.prototype.send = function(msg) { var msgSent = false; var node; if (msg === null || typeof msg === "undefined") { return; } else if (!util.isArray(msg)) { if (this._wire) { // A single message and a single wire on output 0 // TODO: pre-load flows.get calls - cannot do in constructor // as not all nodes are defined at that point if (!msg._msgid) { msg._msgid = redUtil.generateId(); } this.metric("send",msg); node = flows.get(this._wire); /* istanbul ignore else */ if (node) { node.receive(msg); } return; } else { msg = [msg]; } } var numOutputs = this.wires.length; // Build a list of send events so that all cloning is done before // any calls to node.receive var sendEvents = []; var sentMessageId = null; // for each output of node eg. [msgs to output 0, msgs to output 1, ...] for (var i = 0; i < numOutputs; i++) { var wires = this.wires[i]; // wires leaving output i /* istanbul ignore else */ if (i < msg.length) { var msgs = msg[i]; // msgs going to output i if (msgs !== null && typeof msgs !== "undefined") { if (!util.isArray(msgs)) { msgs = [msgs]; } var k = 0; // for each recipent node of that output for (var j = 0; j < wires.length; j++) { node = flows.get(wires[j]); // node at end of wire j if (node) { // for each msg to send eg. [[m1, m2, ...], ...] for (k = 0; k < msgs.length; k++) { var m = msgs[k]; if (m !== null && m !== undefined) { /* istanbul ignore else */ if (!sentMessageId) { sentMessageId = m._msgid; } if (msgSent) { var clonedmsg = redUtil.cloneMessage(m); sendEvents.push({n:node,m:clonedmsg}); } else { sendEvents.push({n:node,m:m}); msgSent = true; } } } } } } } } /* istanbul ignore else */ if (!sentMessageId) { sentMessageId = redUtil.generateId(); } this.metric("send",{_msgid:sentMessageId}); for (i=0;i<sendEvents.length;i++) { var ev = sendEvents[i]; /* istanbul ignore else */ if (!ev.m._msgid) { ev.m._msgid = sentMessageId; } ev.n.receive(ev.m); } }; Node.prototype.receive = function(msg) { if (!msg) { msg = {}; } if (!msg._msgid) { msg._msgid = redUtil.generateId(); } this.metric("receive",msg); try { this.emit("input", msg); } catch(err) { this.error(err,msg); } }; function log_helper(self, level, msg) { var o = { level: level, id: self.id, type: self.type, msg: msg }; if (self.name) { o.name = self.name; } Log.log(o); } Node.prototype.log = function(msg) { log_helper(this, Log.INFO, msg); }; Node.prototype.warn = function(msg) { log_helper(this, Log.WARN, msg); }; Node.prototype.error = function(logMessage,msg) { if (typeof logMessage != 'boolean') { logMessage = logMessage || ""; } var handled = false; if (msg) { handled = flows.handleError(this,logMessage,msg); } if (!handled) { log_helper(this, Log.ERROR, logMessage); } }; Node.prototype.debug = function(msg) { log_helper(this, Log.DEBUG, msg); } Node.prototype.trace = function(msg) { log_helper(this, Log.TRACE, msg); } /** * If called with no args, returns whether metric collection is enabled */ Node.prototype.metric = function(eventname, msg, metricValue) { if (typeof eventname === "undefined") { return Log.metric(); } var metrics = {}; metrics.level = Log.METRIC; metrics.nodeid = this.id; metrics.event = "node."+this.type+"."+eventname; metrics.msgid = msg._msgid; metrics.value = metricValue; Log.log(metrics); } /** * status: { fill:"red|green", shape:"dot|ring", text:"blah" } */ Node.prototype.status = function(status) { flows.handleStatus(this,status); }; module.exports = Node;