{ "common": { "label": { "payload": "Payload", "topic": "Topic", "name": "Name", "username": "Username", "password": "Password", "property": "Property", "selectNodes": "Select nodes...", "expand": "Expand" }, "status": { "connected": "connected", "not-connected": "not connected", "disconnected": "disconnected", "connecting": "connecting", "error": "error", "ok": "OK" }, "notification": { "error": "Error: __message__", "errors": { "not-deployed": "node not deployed", "no-response": "no response from server", "unexpected": "unexpected error (__status__) __message__" } }, "errors": { "nooverride": "Warning: msg properties can no longer override set node properties. See bit.ly/nr-override-msg-props" } }, "inject": { "inject": "inject", "repeat": "repeat = __repeat__", "crontab": "crontab = __crontab__", "stopped": "stopped", "failed": "Inject failed: __error__", "label": { "properties": "Properties", "repeat": "Repeat", "flow": "flow context", "global": "global context", "str": "string", "num": "number", "bool": "boolean", "json": "object", "bin": "buffer", "date": "timestamp", "env": "env variable", "object": "object", "string": "string", "boolean": "boolean", "number": "number", "Array": "array", "invalid": "Invalid JSON Object" }, "timestamp": "timestamp", "none": "none", "interval": "interval", "interval-time": "interval between times", "time": "at a specific time", "seconds": "seconds", "minutes": "minutes", "hours": "hours", "between": "between", "previous": "previous value", "at": "at", "and": "and", "every": "every", "days": [ "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday" ], "on": "on", "onstart": "Inject once after", "onceDelay": "seconds, then", "success": "Successfully injected: __label__", "errors": { "failed": "inject failed, see log for details", "toolong": "Interval too large", "invalid-expr": "Invalid JSONata expression: __error__" } }, "catch": { "catch": "catch: all", "catchNodes": "catch: __number__", "catchUncaught": "catch: uncaught", "label": { "source": "Catch errors from", "selectAll": "select all", "uncaught": "Ignore errors handled by other Catch nodes" }, "scope": { "all": "all nodes", "selected": "selected nodes" } }, "status": { "status": "status: all", "statusNodes": "status: __number__", "label": { "source": "Report status from", "sortByType": "sort by type" }, "scope": { "all": "all nodes", "selected": "selected nodes" } }, "complete": { "completeNodes": "complete: __number__" }, "debug": { "output": "Output", "status": "status", "none": "None", "invalid-exp": "Invalid JSONata expression: __error__", "msgprop": "message property", "msgobj": "complete msg object", "autostatus": "automatic", "to": "To", "debtab": "debug tab", "tabcon": "debug tab and console", "toSidebar": "debug window", "toConsole": "system console", "toStatus": "node status (32 characters)", "severity": "Level", "notification": { "activated": "Successfully activated: __label__", "deactivated": "Successfully deactivated: __label__" }, "sidebar": { "label": "debug", "name": "Debug messages", "filterAll": "all nodes", "filterSelected": "selected nodes", "filterCurrent": "current flow", "debugNodes": "Debug nodes", "clearLog": "Clear log", "filterLog": "Filter log", "openWindow": "Open in new window", "copyPath": "Copy path", "copyPayload": "Copy value", "pinPath": "Pin open" }, "messageMenu": { "collapseAll": "Collapse all paths", "clearPinned": "Clear pinned paths", "filterNode": "Filter this node", "clearFilter": "Clear filter" } }, "link": { "linkIn": "link in", "linkOut": "link out" }, "tls": { "tls": "TLS configuration", "label": { "use-local-files": "Use key and certificates from local files", "upload": "Upload", "cert": "Certificate", "key": "Private Key", "passphrase": "Passphrase", "ca": "CA Certificate", "verify-server-cert":"Verify server certificate", "servername": "Server Name" }, "placeholder": { "cert":"path to certificate (PEM format)", "key":"path to private key (PEM format)", "ca":"path to CA certificate (PEM format)", "passphrase":"private key passphrase (optional)", "servername":"for use with SNI" }, "error": { "missing-file": "No certificate/key file provided" } }, "exec": { "exec": "exec", "spawn": "spawn", "label": { "command": "Command", "append": "Append", "timeout": "Timeout", "timeoutplace": "optional", "return": "Output", "seconds": "seconds", "stdout": "stdout", "stderr": "stderr", "retcode": "return code" }, "placeholder": { "extraparams": "extra input parameters" }, "opt": { "exec": "when the command is complete - exec mode", "spawn": "while the command is running - spawn mode" }, "oldrc": "Use old style output (compatibility mode)" }, "function": { "function": "", "label": { "function": "Function", "initialize": "Setup", "finalize": "Close", "outputs": "Outputs" }, "text": { "initialize": "// Code added here will be run once\n// whenever the node is deployed.\n", "finalize": "// Code added here will be run when the\n// node is being stopped or re-deployed.\n" }, "error": { "inputListener":"Cannot add listener to 'input' event within Function", "non-message-returned":"Function tried to send a message of type __type__" } }, "template": { "template": "template", "label": { "template": "Template", "property": "Property", "format": "Syntax Highlight", "syntax": "Format", "output": "Output as", "mustache": "Mustache template", "plain": "Plain text", "json": "Parsed JSON", "yaml": "Parsed YAML", "none": "none" }, "templatevalue": "This is the payload: {{payload}} !" }, "delay": { "action": "Action", "for": "For", "delaymsg": "Delay each message", "delayfixed": "Fixed delay", "delayvarmsg": "Override delay with msg.delay", "randomdelay": "Random delay", "limitrate": "Rate Limit", "limitall": "All messages", "limittopic": "For each msg.topic", "fairqueue": "Send each topic in turn", "timedqueue": "Send all topics", "milisecs": "Milliseconds", "secs": "Seconds", "sec": "Second", "mins": "Minutes", "min": "Minute", "hours": "Hours", "hour": "Hour", "days": "Days", "day": "Day", "between": "Between", "and": "&", "rate": "Rate", "msgper": "msg(s) per", "dropmsg": "drop intermediate messages", "label": { "delay": "delay", "variable": "variable", "limit": "limit", "limitTopic": "limit topic", "random": "random", "units" : { "second": { "plural" : "Seconds", "singular": "Second" }, "minute": { "plural" : "Minutes", "singular": "Minute" }, "hour": { "plural" : "Hours", "singular": "Hour" }, "day": { "plural" : "Days", "singular": "Day" } } }, "error": { "buffer": "buffer exceeded 1000 messages", "buffer1": "buffer exceeded 10000 messages" } }, "trigger": { "send": "Send", "then": "then", "then-send": "then send", "output": { "string": "the string", "number": "the number", "existing": "the existing msg object", "original": "the original msg object", "latest": "the latest msg object", "nothing": "nothing" }, "wait-reset": "wait to be reset", "wait-for": "wait for", "wait-loop": "resend it every", "for": "Handling", "bytopics": "each", "alltopics": "all messages", "duration": { "ms": "Milliseconds", "s": "Seconds", "m": "Minutes", "h": "Hours" }, "extend": " extend delay if new message arrives", "second": " send second message to separate output", "label": { "trigger": "trigger", "trigger-block": "trigger & block", "trigger-loop": "resend every", "reset": "Reset the trigger if:", "resetMessage":"msg.reset is set", "resetPayload":"msg.payload equals", "resetprompt": "optional" } }, "comment": { "comment": "comment" }, "unknown": { "label": { "unknown": "unknown" }, "tip": "
This node is a type unknown to your installation of Node-RED.
If you deploy with the node in this state, it's configuration will be preserved, but the flow will not start until the missing type is installed.
See the Info side bar for more help
" }, "mqtt": { "label": { "broker": "Server", "example": "e.g. localhost", "output": "Output", "qos": "QoS", "retain": "Retain", "clientid": "Client ID", "port": "Port", "keepalive": "Keep alive time (s)", "cleansession": "Use clean session", "use-tls": "Enable secure (SSL/TLS) connection", "tls-config":"TLS Configuration", "verify-server-cert":"Verify server certificate", "compatmode": "Use legacy MQTT 3.1 support" }, "sections-label":{ "birth-message": "Message sent on connection (birth message)", "will-message":"Message sent on an unexpected disconnection (will message)", "close-message":"Message sent before disconnecting (close message)" }, "tabs-label": { "connection": "Connection", "security": "Security", "messages": "Messages" }, "placeholder": { "clientid": "Leave blank for auto generated", "clientid-nonclean":"Must be set for non-clean sessions", "will-topic": "Leave blank to disable will message", "birth-topic": "Leave blank to disable birth message", "close-topic": "Leave blank to disable close message" }, "state": { "connected": "Connected to broker: __broker__", "disconnected": "Disconnected from broker: __broker__", "connect-failed": "Connection failed to broker: __broker__" }, "retain": "Retain", "output": { "buffer": "a Buffer", "string": "a String", "base64": "a Base64 encoded string", "auto": "auto-detect (string or buffer)", "json": "a parsed JSON object" }, "true": "true", "false": "false", "tip": "Tip: Leave topic, qos or retain blank if you want to set them via msg properties.", "errors": { "not-defined": "topic not defined", "missing-config": "missing broker configuration", "invalid-topic": "Invalid topic specified", "nonclean-missingclientid": "No client ID set, using clean session", "invalid-json-string": "Invalid JSON string", "invalid-json-parse": "Failed to parse JSON string" } }, "httpin": { "label": { "method": "Method", "url": "URL", "doc": "Docs", "return": "Return", "upload": "Accept file uploads?", "status": "Status code", "headers": "Headers", "other": "other", "paytoqs" : "Append msg.payload as query string parameters", "utf8String": "UTF8 string", "binaryBuffer": "binary buffer", "jsonObject": "parsed JSON object", "authType": "Type", "bearerToken": "Token" }, "setby": "- set by msg.method -", "basicauth": "Use authentication", "use-tls": "Enable secure (SSL/TLS) connection", "tls-config":"TLS Configuration", "basic": "basic authentication", "digest": "digest authentication", "bearer": "bearer authentication", "use-proxy": "Use proxy", "persist": "Enable connection keep-alive", "proxy-config": "Proxy Configuration", "use-proxyauth": "Use proxy authentication", "noproxy-hosts": "Ignore hosts", "utf8": "a UTF-8 string", "binary": "a binary buffer", "json": "a parsed JSON object", "tip": { "in": "The url will be relative to ", "res": "The messages sent to this node must originate from an http input node", "req": "Tip: If the JSON parse fails the fetched string is returned as-is." }, "httpreq": "http request", "errors": { "not-created": "Cannot create http-in node when httpNodeRoot set to false", "missing-path": "missing path", "no-response": "No response object", "json-error": "JSON parse error", "no-url": "No url specified", "deprecated-call":"Deprecated call to __method__", "invalid-transport":"non-http transport requested", "timeout-isnan": "Timeout value is not a valid number, ignoring", "timeout-isnegative": "Timeout value is negative, ignoring", "invalid-payload": "Invalid payload" }, "status": { "requesting": "requesting" } }, "websocket": { "label": { "type": "Type", "path": "Path", "url": "URL" }, "listenon": "Listen on", "connectto": "Connect to", "sendrec": "Send/Receive", "payload": "payload", "message": "entire message", "tip": { "path1": "By default,payload
will contain the data to be sent over, or received from a websocket. The listener can be configured to send or receive the entire message object as a JSON formatted string.",
"path2": "This path will be relative to __path__
"url1": "URL should use ws:// or wss:// scheme and point to an existing websocket listener.",
"url2": "By default, payload
will contain the data to be sent over, or received from a websocket. The client can be configured to send or receive the entire message object as a JSON formatted string."
"status": {
"connected": "connected __count__",
"connected_plural": "connected __count__"
"errors": {
"connect-error": "An error occurred on the ws connection: ",
"send-error": "An error occurred while sending: ",
"missing-conf": "Missing server configuration",
"duplicate-path": "Cannot have two WebSocket listeners on the same path: __path__"
"watch": {
"watch": "watch",
"label": {
"files": "File(s)",
"recursive": "Watch sub-directories recursively"
"placeholder": {
"files": "Comma-separated list of files and/or directories"
"tip": "On Windows you must use double back-slashes \\\\ in any directory names."
"tcpin": {
"label": {
"type": "Type",
"output": "Output",
"port": "port",
"host": "at host",
"payload": "payload(s)",
"delimited": "delimited by",
"close-connection": "Close connection after each message is sent?",
"decode-base64": "Decode Base64 message?",
"server": "Server",
"return": "Return",
"ms": "ms",
"chars": "chars"
"type": {
"listen": "Listen on",
"connect": "Connect to",
"reply": "Reply to TCP"
"output": {
"stream": "stream of",
"single": "single",
"buffer": "Buffer",
"string": "String",
"base64": "Base64 String"
"return": {
"timeout": "after a fixed timeout of",
"character": "when character received is",
"number": "a fixed number of chars",
"never": "never - keep connection open",
"immed": "immediately - don't wait for reply"
"status": {
"connecting": "connecting to __host__:__port__",
"connected": "connected to __host__:__port__",
"listening-port": "listening on port __port__",
"stopped-listening": "stopped listening on port",
"connection-from": "connection from __host__:__port__",
"connection-closed": "connection closed from __host__:__port__",
"connections": "__count__ connection",
"connections_plural": "__count__ connections"
"errors": {
"connection-lost": "connection lost to __host__:__port__",
"timeout": "timeout closed socket port __port__",
"cannot-listen": "unable to listen on port __port__, error: __error__",
"error": "error: __error__",
"socket-error": "socket error from __host__:__port__",
"no-host": "Host and/or port not set",
"connect-timeout": "connect timeout",
"connect-fail": "connect failed"
"udp": {
"label": {
"listen": "Listen for",
"onport": "on Port",
"using": "using",
"output": "Output",
"group": "Group",
"interface": "Local IF",
"send": "Send a",
"toport": "to port",
"address": "Address",
"decode-base64": "Decode Base64 encoded payload?"
"placeholder": {
"interface": "(optional) local interface or address to bind to",
"interfaceprompt": "(optional) local interface or address to bind to",
"address": "destination ip"
"udpmsgs": "udp messages",
"mcmsgs": "multicast messages",
"udpmsg": "udp message",
"bcmsg": "broadcast message",
"mcmsg": "multicast message",
"output": {
"buffer": "a Buffer",
"string": "a String",
"base64": "a Base64 encoded string"
"bind": {
"random": "bind to random local port",
"local": "bind to local port",
"target": "bind to target port"
"tip": {
"in": "Tip: Make sure your firewall will allow the data in.",
"out": "Tip: leave address and port blank if you want to set using msg.ip
and msg.port
"port": "Ports already in use: "
"status": {
"listener-at": "udp listener at __host__:__port__",
"mc-group": "udp multicast group __group__",
"listener-stopped": "udp listener stopped",
"output-stopped": "udp output stopped",
"mc-ready": "udp multicast ready: __iface__:__outport__ -> __host__:__port__",
"bc-ready": "udp broadcast ready: __outport__ -> __host__:__port__",
"ready": "udp ready: __outport__ -> __host__:__port__",
"ready-nolocal": "udp ready: __host__:__port__",
"re-use": "udp re-use socket: __outport__ -> __host__:__port__"
"errors": {
"access-error": "UDP access error, you may need root access for ports below 1024",
"error": "error: __error__",
"bad-mcaddress": "Bad Multicast Address",
"interface": "Must be ip address of the required interface",
"ip-notset": "udp: ip address not set",
"port-notset": "udp: port not set",
"port-invalid": "udp: port number not valid",
"alreadyused": "udp: port __port__ already in use",
"ifnotfound": "udp: interface __iface__ not found"
"switch": {
"switch": "switch",
"label": {
"property": "Property",
"rule": "rule",
"repair": "recreate message sequences"
"previous": "previous value",
"and": "and",
"checkall": "checking all rules",
"stopfirst": "stopping after first match",
"ignorecase": "ignore case",
"rules": {
"btwn": "is between",
"cont": "contains",
"regex": "matches regex",
"true": "is true",
"false": "is false",
"null": "is null",
"nnull": "is not null",
"istype": "is of type",
"empty": "is empty",
"nempty": "is not empty",
"head": "head",
"tail": "tail",
"index": "index between",
"exp": "JSONata exp",
"else": "otherwise",
"hask": "has key"
"errors": {
"invalid-expr": "Invalid JSONata expression: __error__",
"too-many": "too many pending messages in switch node"
"change": {
"label": {
"rules": "Rules",
"rule": "rule",
"set": "set __property__",
"change": "change __property__",
"delete": "delete __property__",
"move": "move __property__",
"changeCount": "change: __count__ rules",
"regex": "Use regular expressions"
"action": {
"set": "Set",
"change": "Change",
"delete": "Delete",
"move": "Move",
"to": "to",
"search": "Search for",
"replace": "Replace with"
"errors": {
"invalid-from": "Invalid 'from' property: __error__",
"invalid-json": "Invalid 'to' JSON property",
"invalid-expr": "Invalid JSONata expression: __error__"
"range": {
"range": "range",
"label": {
"action": "Action",
"inputrange": "Map the input range",
"resultrange": "to the target range",
"from": "from",
"to": "to",
"roundresult": "Round result to the nearest integer?"
"placeholder": {
"min": "e.g. 0",
"maxin": "e.g. 99",
"maxout": "e.g. 255"
"scale": {
"payload": "Scale the message property",
"limit": "Scale and limit to the target range",
"wrap": "Scale and wrap within the target range"
"tip": "Tip: This node ONLY works with numbers.",
"errors": {
"notnumber": "Not a number"
"csv": {
"label": {
"columns": "Columns",
"separator": "Separator",
"c2o": "CSV to Object options",
"o2c": "Object to CSV options",
"input": "Input",
"skip-s": "Skip first",
"skip-e": "lines",
"firstrow": "first row contains column names",
"output": "Output",
"includerow": "include column name row",
"newline": "Newline",
"usestrings": "parse numerical values",
"include_empty_strings": "include empty strings",
"include_null_values": "include null values"
"placeholder": {
"columns": "comma-separated column names"
"separator": {
"comma": "comma",
"tab": "tab",
"space": "space",
"semicolon": "semicolon",
"colon": "colon",
"hashtag": "hashtag",
"other": "other..."
"output": {
"row": "a message per row",
"array": "a single message [array]"
"newline": {
"linux": "Linux (\\n)",
"mac": "Mac (\\r)",
"windows": "Windows (\\r\\n)"
"hdrout": {
"none": "never send column headers",
"all": "always send column headers",
"once": "send headers once, until msg.reset"
"errors": {
"csv_js": "This node only handles CSV strings or js objects.",
"obj_csv": "No columns template specified for object -> CSV.",
"bad_csv": "Malformed CSV data - output probably corrupt."
"html": {
"label": {
"select": "Selector",
"output": "Output",
"in": "in"
"output": {
"html": "the html content of the elements",
"text": "only the text content of the elements",
"attr": "an object of any attributes of the elements"
"format": {
"single": "as a single message containing an array",
"multi": "as multiple messages, one for each element"
"json": {
"errors": {
"dropped-object": "Ignored non-object payload",
"dropped": "Ignored unsupported payload type",
"dropped-error": "Failed to convert payload",
"schema-error": "JSON Schema error",
"schema-error-compile": "JSON Schema error: failed to compile schema"
"label": {
"o2j": "Object to JSON options",
"pretty": "Format JSON string",
"action": "Action",
"property": "Property",
"actions": {
"toggle": "Convert between JSON String & Object",
"str":"Always convert to JSON String",
"obj":"Always convert to JavaScript Object"
"yaml": {
"errors": {
"dropped-object": "Ignored non-object payload",
"dropped": "Ignored unsupported payload type",
"dropped-error": "Failed to convert payload"
"xml": {
"label": {
"represent": "Property name for XML tag attributes",
"prefix": "Property name for tag text content",
"advanced": "Advanced options",
"x2o": "XML to Object options"
"errors": {
"xml_js": "This node only handles xml strings or js objects."
"file": {
"label": {
"filename": "Filename",
"action": "Action",
"addnewline": "Add newline (\\n) to each payload?",
"createdir": "Create directory if it doesn't exist?",
"outputas": "Output",
"breakchunks": "Break into chunks",
"breaklines": "Break into lines",
"filelabel": "file",
"sendError": "Send message on error (legacy mode)",
"encoding": "Encoding",
"deletelabel": "delete __file__",
"utf8String": "UTF8 string",
"binaryBuffer": "binary buffer"
"action": {
"append": "append to file",
"overwrite": "overwrite file",
"delete": "delete file"
"output": {
"utf8": "a single utf8 string",
"buffer": "a single Buffer object",
"lines": "a msg per line",
"stream": "a stream of Buffers"
"status": {
"wrotefile": "wrote to file: __file__",
"deletedfile": "deleted file: __file__",
"appendedfile": "appended to file: __file__"
"encoding": {
"none": "default",
"native": "Native",
"unicode": "Unicode",
"japanese": "Japanese",
"chinese": "Chinese",
"korean": "Korean",
"taiwan": "Taiwan/Hong Kong",
"windows": "Windows codepages",
"iso": "ISO codepages",
"ibm": "IBM codepages",
"mac": "Mac codepages",
"koi8": "KOI8 codepages",
"misc": "Miscellaneous"
"errors": {
"nofilename": "No filename specified",
"invaliddelete": "Warning: Invalid delete. Please use specific delete option in config dialog.",
"deletefail": "failed to delete file: __error__",
"writefail": "failed to write to file: __error__",
"appendfail": "failed to append to file: __error__",
"createfail": "failed to create file: __error__"
"tip": "Tip: The filename should be an absolute path, otherwise it will be relative to the working directory of the Node-RED process."
"split": {
"split": "split",
"intro":"Split msg.payload
based on type:",
"objectSend":"Send a message for each key/value pair",
"strBuff":"String / Buffer",
"splitUsing":"Split using",
"splitLength":"Fixed length of",
"stream":"Handle as a stream of messages",
"addname":" Copy key to "
"join": {
"join": "join",
"mode": {
"mode": "Mode",
"auto": "automatic",
"merge": "merge sequences",
"reduce": "reduce sequence",
"custom": "manual"
"combine": "Combine each",
"completeMessage": "complete message",
"create": "to create",
"type": {
"string": "a String",
"array": "an Array",
"buffer": "a Buffer",
"object": "a key/value Object",
"merged": "a merged Object"
"using": "using the value of",
"key": "as the key",
"joinedUsing": "joined using",
"send": "Send the message:",
"afterCount": "After a number of message parts",
"count": "count",
"subsequent": "and every subsequent message.",
"afterTimeout": "After a timeout following the first message",
"seconds": "seconds",
"complete": "After a message with the msg.complete
property set",
"tip": "This mode assumes this node is either paired with a split node or the received messages will have a properly configured msg.parts
"too-many": "too many pending messages in join node",
"merge": {
"topics-label": "Merged Topics",
"topics": "topics",
"topic": "topic",
"on-change": "Send merged message on arrival of a new topic"
"reduce": {
"exp": "Reduce exp",
"exp-value": "exp",
"init": "Initial value",
"right": "Evaluate in reverse order (last to first)",
"fixup": "Fix-up exp"
"errors": {
"invalid-expr": "Invalid JSONata expression: __error__",
"invalid-type": "Cannot join __error__ to buffer"
"sort" : {
"sort": "sort",
"target" : "Sort",
"seq" : "message sequence",
"key" : "Key",
"elem" : "element value",
"order" : "Order",
"ascending" : "ascending",
"descending" : "descending",
"as-number" : "as number",
"invalid-exp" : "Invalid JSONata expression in sort node: __message__",
"too-many" : "Too many pending messages in sort node",
"clear" : "clear pending message in sort node"
"batch" : {
"batch": "batch",
"mode": {
"label" : "Mode",
"num-msgs" : "Group by number of messages",
"interval" : "Group by time interval",
"concat" : "Concatenate sequences"
"count": {
"label" : "Number of messages",
"overlap" : "Overlap",
"count" : "count",
"invalid" : "Invalid count and overlap"
"interval": {
"label" : "Interval",
"seconds" : "seconds",
"empty" : "send empty message when no message arrives"
"concat": {
"topics-label": "Topics",
"topic" : "topic"
"too-many" : "too many pending messages in batch node",
"unexpected" : "unexpected mode",
"no-parts" : "no parts property in message"