#### 2.0.1: Maintenance Release Nodes - Function: Ensure default module export is exposed in Function node #### 2.0.0: Milestone Release **Migration from 1.x** - Node-RED now requires Node.js 12.x or later. - The following nodes have had significant dependency updates. Unless stated, they should be fully backward compatible. - RBE: Relabelled as 'filter' to make it more discoverable and made part of the core palette, rather than as a separate module. - Tail: This node has been removed from the default palette. You can reinstall it from node-red-node-tail - HTTP Request: Reimplemented with a different underlying module. We have tried to maintain 100% functional compatibility, but it is possible some edge cases remain. - JSON: The schema validation option no longer supports JSON-Schema draft-04 - HTML: Its underlying module has had a major version update. Should be fully backward compatible. - `functionExternalModules` is now enabled by default for new installs. If you have an existing settings file that contains this setting, you will need to set it to `true` yourself. The external modules will now get installed in your Node-RED user directory, (`~/.node-red`) rather than in a subdirectory. This means all dependencies will be listed in your top-level `package.json`. If you have existing external modules, they will get reinstalled to the new location when you first run Node-RED 2.0. Runtime - Fix missing dependencies (#3052, #2057) @kazuhitoyokoi - Ensure node.types is defined if node html file missing - Fix reporting of type_already_registered error - Move install location of external modules (#3064) @knolleary Editor - Update translations (#3063) @kazuhitoyokoi - Add a slight fade to tab labels that overflow - Show config node details when selected in outliner - Fix layout of info outliner for subflow entries Nodes - Delay: let `msg.flush` specify how many messages to flush from node (#3059) @dceejay - Function: external modules is now enabled by default (#3065) @knolleary - Function: external modules now supports both ES6 and CJS modules (#3065) @knolleary - WebSocket: add option for client node to send automatic pings (#3056) @knolleary ##### 2.0.0-beta.2: Beta Release Runtime - Add `node-red admin init` (via `node-red-admin@2.1.0`) - Move to GH Actions rather than Travis for build (#3042) @knolleary Editor - Include hasUser=false config nodes when exporting whole flow (#3048) - Emit nodes:change for any updated config node when node deleted/added - Fix padding of compact notification Closes #3045 - Ensure any html in changelog is escaped before displaying - Add support for Map/Set property types on Debug (#3040) @knolleary - Add 'theme' to default settings file - Add RED.view.annotations api (#3032) @knolleary - Update monaco editor to V0.25.2 (#3031) @Steve-Mcl - Lower tray zIndex when overlay tray being opened Fixes #3019 - Reduce z-Index of Function expand buttons to prevent overlap Part of #3019 - Ensure RED.clipboard.import displays the right library Fixes #3021 - Batch messages sent over comms to prevent flooding (#3025) @knolleary - Allow RED.popover.panel to specify a closeButton to ignore click events on - Use browser default language for initial page load - Add css var for node font color - Fix label padding of toggleButton - Give sidebar open tab a bit more room for its label - Various Monaco updates (#3015) @Steve-Mcl - Log readOnly on startup (#3024) @sammachin - Translation updates (#3020 #3022) @HiroyasuNishiyama @kazuhitoyokoi Nodes - HTTP Request: Fix proxy handling (#3044) @hardillb - HTTP Request: Handle basic auth with @ in username (#3017) @hardillb - Add Japanese translation for file-in node (#3037 #3039) @kazuhitoyokoi - File In: Add option for file-in node to include all properties (default off) (#3035) @dceejay - Exec: add windowsHide option to hide windows under Windows (#3026) @natcl - Support loading external module sub path Fixes #3023 ##### 2.0.0-beta.1: Beta Release Runtime - [MAJOR] Set minimum node version to 12. - [MAJOR] Fix flowfile name to flows.json in settings (#2951) @dceejay - [MAJOR] Update to latest i18n in editor and runtime (#2940) @knolleary - [MAJOR] Deprecate usage of httpRoot (#2953) @knolleary - Add pre/postInstall hooks to npm install handling (#2936) @knolleary - Add engine-strict flag to npm install args (#2965) @nileio - Restructure default settings.js to be more organised (#3012) @knolleary - Ensure httpServerOptions gets applied to ALL the express apps - Allow RED.settings.set to replace string property with object property - Update debug tests to handle compact comms format - Updates to encode/decode message when passed over debug comms link - Remove all input event listeners on a node once it is closed - Move hooks to util package - Rework hooks structure to be a linkedlist - Update dependencies (#2922) @knolleary Editor - [MAJOR] Change node id generation to give fixed length values without '.' (#2987) @knolleary - [MAJOR] Add Monaco code editor (#2971) @Steve-Mcl - Update to latest Monaco (#3007) @Steve-Mcl - Update Node-RED Function typings in Monaco (#3008) @Steve-Mcl - Add css named variables for certain key colours (#2994) @knolleary - Improve contrast of export dialog JSON font color - Switch editableList buttons from to