/** * Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ RED.clipboard = (function() { var dialog; var dialogContainer; var exportNodesDialog; var importNodesDialog; var disabled = false; var popover; var currentPopoverError; var activeTab; var libraryBrowser; var activeLibraries = {}; var pendingImportConfig; function downloadData(file, data) { if (window.navigator.msSaveBlob) { // IE11 workaround // IE does not support data uri scheme for downloading data var blob = new Blob([data], { type: "data:text/plain;charset=utf-8" }); navigator.msSaveBlob(blob, file); } else { var element = document.createElement('a'); element.setAttribute('href', 'data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(data)); element.setAttribute('download', file); element.style.display = 'none'; document.body.appendChild(element); element.click(); document.body.removeChild(element); } } function setupDialogs() { dialog = $('
') .appendTo("#red-ui-editor") .dialog({ modal: true, autoOpen: false, width: 700, resizable: false, classes: { "ui-dialog": "red-ui-editor-dialog", "ui-dialog-titlebar-close": "hide", "ui-widget-overlay": "red-ui-editor-dialog" }, buttons: [ { // red-ui-clipboard-dialog-cancel id: "red-ui-clipboard-dialog-cancel", text: RED._("common.label.cancel"), click: function() { $( this ).dialog( "close" ); } }, { // red-ui-clipboard-dialog-download id: "red-ui-clipboard-dialog-download", class: "primary", text: RED._("clipboard.download"), click: function() { var data = $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-export-text").val(); downloadData("flows.json", data); $( this ).dialog( "close" ); } }, { // red-ui-clipboard-dialog-export id: "red-ui-clipboard-dialog-export", class: "primary", text: RED._("clipboard.export.copy"), click: function() { if (activeTab === "red-ui-clipboard-dialog-export-tab-clipboard") { var flowData = $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-export-text").val(); // Close the dialog first otherwise FireFox won't focus the hidden // clipboard element in copyText $( this ).dialog( "close" ); copyText(flowData); RED.notify(RED._("clipboard.nodesExported"),{id:"clipboard"}); } else { var flowToExport = $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-export-text").val(); var selectedPath = activeLibraries[activeTab].getSelected(); if (!selectedPath.children) { selectedPath = selectedPath.parent; } var filename = $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-tab-library-name").val().trim(); var saveFlow = function() { $.ajax({ url:'library/'+selectedPath.library+'/'+selectedPath.type+'/'+selectedPath.path + filename, type: "POST", data: flowToExport, contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8" }).done(function() { $(dialog).dialog( "close" ); RED.notify(RED._("library.exportedToLibrary"),"success"); }).fail(function(xhr,textStatus,err) { if (xhr.status === 401) { RED.notify(RED._("library.saveFailed",{message:RED._("user.notAuthorized")}),"error"); } else { RED.notify(RED._("library.saveFailed",{message:xhr.responseText}),"error"); } }); } if (selectedPath.children) { var exists = false; selectedPath.children.forEach(function(f) { if (f.label === filename) { exists = true; } }); if (exists) { dialog.dialog("close"); var notification = RED.notify(RED._("clipboard.export.exists",{file:RED.utils.sanitize(filename)}),{ type: "warning", fixed: true, buttons: [{ text: RED._("common.label.cancel"), click: function() { notification.hideNotification() dialog.dialog( "open" ); } },{ text: RED._("clipboard.export.overwrite"), click: function() { notification.hideNotification() saveFlow(); } }] }); } else { saveFlow(); } } else { saveFlow(); } } } }, { // red-ui-clipboard-dialog-ok id: "red-ui-clipboard-dialog-ok", class: "primary", text: RED._("common.label.import"), click: function() { var addNewFlow = ($("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-import-opt > a.selected").attr('id') === 'red-ui-clipboard-dialog-import-opt-new'); if (activeTab === "red-ui-clipboard-dialog-import-tab-clipboard") { importNodes($("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-import-text").val(),addNewFlow); } else { var selectedPath = activeLibraries[activeTab].getSelected(); if (selectedPath.path) { $.get('library/'+selectedPath.library+'/'+selectedPath.type+'/'+selectedPath.path, function(data) { importNodes(data,addNewFlow); }); } } $( this ).dialog( "close" ); } }, { // red-ui-clipboard-dialog-import-conflict id: "red-ui-clipboard-dialog-import-conflict", class: "primary", text: RED._("clipboard.import.importSelected"), click: function() { var importMap = {}; $('#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-import-conflicts-list input[type="checkbox"]').each(function() { importMap[$(this).attr("data-node-id")] = this.checked?"import":"skip"; }) $('.red-ui-clipboard-dialog-import-conflicts-controls input[type="checkbox"]').each(function() { if (!$(this).attr("disabled")) { importMap[$(this).attr("data-node-id")] = this.checked?"replace":"copy" } }) // skip - don't import // import - import as-is // copy - import with new id // replace - import over the top of existing pendingImportConfig.importOptions.importMap = importMap; var newNodes = pendingImportConfig.importNodes.filter(function(n) { if (!importMap[n.id] || importMap[n.z]) { importMap[n.id] = importMap[n.z]; } return importMap[n.id] !== "skip" }) // console.table(pendingImportConfig.importNodes.map(function(n) { return {id:n.id,type:n.type,result:importMap[n.id]}})) RED.view.importNodes(newNodes, pendingImportConfig.importOptions); $( this ).dialog( "close" ); } } ], open: function( event, ui ) { RED.keyboard.disable(); }, close: function(e) { RED.keyboard.enable(); if (popover) { popover.close(true); currentPopoverError = null; } } }); dialogContainer = dialog.children(".dialog-form"); exportNodesDialog = '
'+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ ''+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
    '+ '
    '+ '
    '+ '
    '+ '
    '+ '
    '+ '
    '+ ''+ '
    '+ '
    '+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ '
    '+ '
    '+ '
    '+ '
    '+ ''+ '
    '+ '
    '+ '
    ' ; importNodesDialog = '
    '+ '
    '+ ''+ '
    '+ '
    '+ '
    '+ '
    '+ ' '+ ''+ '
    '+ '
    '+ ''+ '
    '+ '
    '+ '
    '+ '
    '+ '
    '+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ '
    '; importConflictsDialog = '
    '+ '

    '+ '
    '+ '
    '+ '
    '+ '
    '; } var validateExportFilenameTimeout function validateExportFilename() { if (validateExportFilenameTimeout) { clearTimeout(validateExportFilenameTimeout); } validateExportFilenameTimeout = setTimeout(function() { var filenameInput = $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-tab-library-name"); var filename = filenameInput.val().trim(); var valid = filename.length > 0 && !/[\/\\]/.test(filename); if (valid) { filenameInput.removeClass("input-error"); $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-export").button("enable"); } else { filenameInput.addClass("input-error"); $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-export").button("disable"); } },100); } var validateImportTimeout; function validateImport() { if (activeTab === "red-ui-clipboard-dialog-import-tab-clipboard") { if (validateImportTimeout) { clearTimeout(validateImportTimeout); } validateImportTimeout = setTimeout(function() { var importInput = $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-import-text"); var v = importInput.val().trim(); if (v === "") { popover.close(true); currentPopoverError = null; importInput.removeClass("input-error"); $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-ok").button("disable"); return; } try { if (!/^\[[\s\S]*\]$/m.test(v)) { throw new Error(RED._("clipboard.import.errors.notArray")); } var res = JSON.parse(v); for (var i=0;i').text(errString); var errorPos; // Chrome error messages var m = /at position (\d+)/i.exec(errString); if (m) { errorPos = parseInt(m[1]); } else { // Firefox error messages m = /at line (\d+) column (\d+)/i.exec(errString); if (m) { var line = parseInt(m[1])-1; var col = parseInt(m[2])-1; var lines = v.split("\n"); errorPos = 0; for (var i=0;i').appendTo(message); var code = $('
                                currentPopoverError = errString;
                        } else {
                            currentPopoverError = null;
            } else {
                var file = activeLibraries[activeTab].getSelected();
                if (file && file.label && !file.children) {
                } else {
        function showImportNodes(mode) {
            if (disabled) {
            mode = mode || "clipboard";
            var tabs = RED.tabs.create({
                id: "red-ui-clipboard-dialog-import-tabs",
                vertical: true,
                onchange: function(tab) {
                    $("#" + tab.id).show();
                    activeTab = tab.id;
                    if (popover) {
                        currentPopoverError = null;
                    if (tab.id === "red-ui-clipboard-dialog-import-tab-clipboard") {
                    } else {
                id: "red-ui-clipboard-dialog-import-tab-clipboard",
                label: RED._("clipboard.clipboard")
            var libraries = RED.settings.libraries || [];
            libraries.forEach(function(lib) {
                var tabId = "red-ui-clipboard-dialog-import-tab-"+lib.id
                    id: tabId,
                    label: RED._(lib.label||lib.id)
                var content = $('
    ') .attr("id",tabId) .hide() .appendTo("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-import-tabs-content"); var browser = RED.library.createBrowser({ container: content, onselect: function(file) { if (file && file.label && !file.children) { $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-ok").button("enable"); } else { $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-ok").button("disable"); } }, onconfirm: function(item) { if (item && item.label && !item.children) { $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-ok").trigger("click"); } } }) loadFlowLibrary(browser,lib); activeLibraries[tabId] = browser; }) $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-tab-library-name").on("keyup", validateExportFilename); $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-tab-library-name").on('paste',function() { setTimeout(validateExportFilename,10)}); $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-export").button("enable"); dialogContainer.i18n(); $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-ok").show(); $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-cancel").show(); $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-export").hide(); $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-download").hide(); $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-import-conflict").hide(); $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-ok").button("disable"); $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-import-text").on("keyup", validateImport); $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-import-text").on('paste',function() { setTimeout(validateImport,10)}); $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-import-opt > a").on("click", function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); if ($(this).hasClass('disabled') || $(this).hasClass('selected')) { return; } $(this).parent().children().removeClass('selected'); $(this).addClass('selected'); }); $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-import-file-upload").on("change", function() { var fileReader = new FileReader(); fileReader.onload = function () { $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-import-text").val(fileReader.result); validateImport(); }; fileReader.readAsText($(this).prop('files')[0]); }) $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-import-file-upload-btn").on("click", function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-import-file-upload").trigger("click"); }) tabs.activateTab("red-ui-clipboard-dialog-import-tab-"+mode); if (mode === 'clipboard') { setTimeout(function() { $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-import-text").trigger("focus"); },100) } var dialogHeight = 400; var winHeight = $(window).height(); if (winHeight < 600) { dialogHeight = 400 - (600 - winHeight); } $(".red-ui-clipboard-dialog-box").height(dialogHeight); dialog.dialog("option","title",RED._("clipboard.importNodes")) .dialog("option","width",700) .dialog("open"); popover = RED.popover.create({ target: $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-import-text"), trigger: "manual", direction: "bottom", content: "" }); } function showExportNodes(mode) { if (disabled) { return; } mode = mode || "clipboard"; dialogContainer.empty(); dialogContainer.append($(exportNodesDialog)); var tabs = RED.tabs.create({ id: "red-ui-clipboard-dialog-export-tabs", vertical: true, onchange: function(tab) { $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-export-tabs-content").children().hide(); $("#" + tab.id).show(); activeTab = tab.id; if (tab.id === "red-ui-clipboard-dialog-export-tab-clipboard") { $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-export").button("option","label", RED._("clipboard.export.copy")) $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-download").show(); $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-export-tab-library-filename").hide(); } else { $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-export").button("option","label", RED._("clipboard.export.export")) $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-download").hide(); $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-export-tab-library-filename").show(); activeLibraries[activeTab].focus(); } } }); tabs.addTab({ id: "red-ui-clipboard-dialog-export-tab-clipboard", label: RED._("clipboard.clipboard") }); var libraries = RED.settings.libraries || []; libraries.forEach(function(lib) { if (lib.readOnly) { return } var tabId = "red-ui-clipboard-dialog-export-tab-library-"+lib.id tabs.addTab({ id: tabId, label: RED._(lib.label||lib.id) }) var content = $('
    ') .attr("id",tabId) .hide() .insertBefore("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-export-tab-library-filename"); var browser = RED.library.createBrowser({ container: content, folderTools: true, onselect: function(file) { if (file && file.label && !file.children) { $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-tab-library-name").val(file.label); } }, }) loadFlowLibrary(browser,lib); activeLibraries[tabId] = browser; }) $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-tab-library-name").on("keyup", validateExportFilename); $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-tab-library-name").on('paste',function() { setTimeout(validateExportFilename,10)}); $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-export").button("enable"); var clipboardTabs = RED.tabs.create({ id: "red-ui-clipboard-dialog-export-tab-clipboard-tabs", onchange: function(tab) { $(".red-ui-clipboard-dialog-export-tab-clipboard-tab").hide(); $("#" + tab.id).show(); } }); clipboardTabs.addTab({ id: "red-ui-clipboard-dialog-export-tab-clipboard-preview", label: RED._("clipboard.exportNodes") }); clipboardTabs.addTab({ id: "red-ui-clipboard-dialog-export-tab-clipboard-json", label: RED._("editor.types.json") }); var previewList = $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-export-tab-clipboard-preview-list").css({position:"absolute",top:0,right:0,bottom:0,left:0}).treeList({ data: [] }) refreshExportPreview(); $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-tab-library-name").val("flows.json").select(); dialogContainer.i18n(); var format = RED.settings.flowFilePretty ? "red-ui-clipboard-dialog-export-fmt-full" : "red-ui-clipboard-dialog-export-fmt-mini"; $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-export-fmt-group > a").on("click", function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); if ($(this).hasClass('disabled') || $(this).hasClass('selected')) { $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-export-text").trigger("focus"); return; } $(this).parent().children().removeClass('selected'); $(this).addClass('selected'); var flow = $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-export-text").val(); if (flow.length > 0) { var nodes = JSON.parse(flow); format = $(this).attr('id'); if (format === 'red-ui-clipboard-dialog-export-fmt-full') { flow = JSON.stringify(nodes,null,4); } else { flow = JSON.stringify(nodes); } $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-export-text").val(flow); setTimeout(function() { $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-export-text").scrollTop(0); },50); $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-export-text").trigger("focus"); } }); $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-export-rng-group > a").on("click", function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); if ($(this).hasClass('disabled') || $(this).hasClass('selected')) { return; } $(this).parent().children().removeClass('selected'); $(this).addClass('selected'); var type = $(this).attr('id').substring("red-ui-clipboard-dialog-export-rng-".length); var flow = ""; var nodes = null; if (type === 'selected') { var selection = RED.workspaces.selection(); if (selection.length > 0) { nodes = []; selection.forEach(function(n) { nodes.push(n); nodes = nodes.concat(RED.nodes.groups(n.id)); nodes = nodes.concat(RED.nodes.filterNodes({z:n.id})); }); } else { nodes = RED.view.selection().nodes||[]; } // Don't include the subflow meta-port nodes in the exported selection nodes = RED.nodes.createExportableNodeSet(nodes.filter(function(n) { return n.type !== 'subflow'})); } else if (type === 'flow') { var activeWorkspace = RED.workspaces.active(); nodes = RED.nodes.groups(activeWorkspace); nodes = nodes.concat(RED.nodes.filterNodes({z:activeWorkspace})); RED.nodes.eachConfig(function(n) { if (n.z === RED.workspaces.active() && n._def.hasUsers === false) { // Grab any config nodes scoped to this flow that don't // require any flow-nodes to use them nodes.push(n); } }); var parentNode = RED.nodes.workspace(activeWorkspace)||RED.nodes.subflow(activeWorkspace); nodes.unshift(parentNode); nodes = RED.nodes.createExportableNodeSet(nodes); } else if (type === 'full') { nodes = RED.nodes.createCompleteNodeSet(false); } if (nodes !== null) { if (format === "red-ui-clipboard-dialog-export-fmt-full") { flow = JSON.stringify(nodes,null,4); } else { flow = JSON.stringify(nodes); } } if (flow.length > 0) { $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-export").removeClass('disabled'); } else { $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-export").addClass('disabled'); } $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-export-text").val(flow); setTimeout(function() { $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-export-text").scrollTop(0); refreshExportPreview(type); },50); }) $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-ok").hide(); $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-cancel").hide(); $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-export").hide(); $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-import-conflict").hide(); var selection = RED.workspaces.selection(); if (selection.length > 0) { $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-export-rng-selected").trigger("click"); } else { selection = RED.view.selection(); if (selection.nodes) { $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-export-rng-selected").trigger("click"); } else { $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-export-rng-selected").addClass('disabled').removeClass('selected'); $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-export-rng-flow").trigger("click"); } } if (format === "red-ui-clipboard-dialog-export-fmt-full") { $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-export-fmt-full").trigger("click"); } else { $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-export-fmt-mini").trigger("click"); } tabs.activateTab("red-ui-clipboard-dialog-export-tab-"+mode); var dialogHeight = 400; var winHeight = $(window).height(); if (winHeight < 600) { dialogHeight = 400 - (600 - winHeight); } $(".red-ui-clipboard-dialog-box").height(dialogHeight); dialog.dialog("option","title",RED._("clipboard.exportNodes")) .dialog("option","width",700) .dialog("open"); $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-export-text").trigger("focus"); $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-cancel").show(); $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-export").show(); $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-download").show(); $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-import-conflict").hide(); } function refreshExportPreview(type) { var flowData = $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-export-text").val() || "[]"; var flow = JSON.parse(flowData); var flows = {}; var subflows = {}; var nodes = []; var nodesByZ = {}; var treeFlows = []; var treeSubflows = []; flow.forEach(function(node) { if (node.type === "tab") { flows[node.id] = { element: getFlowLabel(node,false), deferBuild: type !== "flow", expanded: type === "flow", children: [] }; treeFlows.push(flows[node.id]) } else if (node.type === "subflow") { subflows[node.id] = { element: getNodeLabel(node,false), deferBuild: true, children: [] }; treeSubflows.push(subflows[node.id]) } else { nodes.push(node); } }); var globalNodes = []; var parentlessNodes = []; nodes.forEach(function(node) { var treeNode = { element: getNodeLabel(node, false, false) }; if (node.z) { if (!flows[node.z] && !subflows[node.z]) { parentlessNodes.push(treeNode) } else if (flows[node.z]) { flows[node.z].children.push(treeNode) } else if (subflows[node.z]) { subflows[node.z].children.push(treeNode) } } else { globalNodes.push(treeNode); } }); var treeData = []; if (parentlessNodes.length > 0) { treeData = treeData.concat(parentlessNodes); } if (type === "flow") { treeData = treeData.concat(treeFlows); } else if (treeFlows.length > 0) { treeData.push({ label: RED._("menu.label.flows"), deferBuild: treeFlows.length > 20, expanded: treeFlows.length <= 20, children: treeFlows }) } if (treeSubflows.length > 0) { treeData.push({ label: RED._("menu.label.subflows"), deferBuild: treeSubflows.length > 10, expanded: treeSubflows.length <= 10, children: treeSubflows }) } if (globalNodes.length > 0) { treeData.push({ label: RED._("sidebar.info.globalConfig"), deferBuild: globalNodes.length > 10, expanded: globalNodes.length <= 10, children: globalNodes }) } $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-export-tab-clipboard-preview-list").treeList('data',treeData); } function loadFlowLibrary(browser,library) { var icon = 'fa fa-hdd-o'; if (library.icon) { var fullIcon = RED.utils.separateIconPath(library.icon); icon = (fullIcon.module==="font-awesome"?"fa ":"")+fullIcon.file; } browser.data([{ library: library.id, type: "flows", icon: icon, label: RED._(library.label||library.id), path: "", expanded: true, children: [{ library: library.id, type: "flows", icon: 'fa fa-cube', label: "flows", path: "", expanded: true, children: function(done, item) { RED.library.loadLibraryFolder(library.id,"flows","",function(children) { item.children = children; done(children); }) } }] }], true); } function hideDropTarget() { $("#red-ui-drop-target").hide(); } function copyText(value,element,msg) { var truncated = false; var currentFocus = document.activeElement; if (typeof value !== "string" ) { value = JSON.stringify(value, function(key,value) { if (value !== null && typeof value === 'object') { if (value.__enc__) { if (value.hasOwnProperty('data') && value.hasOwnProperty('length')) { truncated = value.data.length !== value.length; return value.data; } if (value.type === 'function' || value.type === 'internal') { return undefined } if (value.type === 'number') { // Handle NaN and Infinity - they are not permitted // in JSON. We can either substitute with a String // representation or null return null; } if (value.type === 'bigint') { return value.data.toString(); } if (value.type === 'undefined') { return undefined; } } } return value; }); } if (truncated) { msg += "_truncated"; } $("#red-ui-clipboard-hidden").val(value).focus().select(); var result = document.execCommand("copy"); if (result && element) { var popover = RED.popover.create({ target: element, direction: 'left', size: 'small', content: RED._(msg) }); setTimeout(function() { popover.close(); },1000); popover.open(); } $("#red-ui-clipboard-hidden").val(""); if (currentFocus) { $(currentFocus).focus(); } return result; } function importNodes(nodesStr,addFlow) { var newNodes = nodesStr; if (typeof nodesStr === 'string') { try { nodesStr = nodesStr.trim(); if (nodesStr.length === 0) { return; } newNodes = JSON.parse(nodesStr); } catch(err) { var e = new Error(RED._("clipboard.invalidFlow",{message:err.message})); e.code = "NODE_RED"; throw e; } } var importOptions = {generateIds: false, addFlow: addFlow}; try { RED.view.importNodes(newNodes, importOptions); } catch(error) { // Thrown for import_conflict confirmImport(error.importConfig, newNodes, importOptions); } } function confirmImport(importConfig,importNodes,importOptions) { var notification = RED.notify("


    ",{ type: "info", fixed: true, buttons: [ {text: RED._("common.label.cancel"), click: function() { notification.close(); }}, {text: RED._("clipboard.import.viewNodes"), click: function() { notification.close(); showImportConflicts(importConfig,importNodes,importOptions); }}, {text: RED._("clipboard.import.importCopy"), click: function() { notification.close(); // generateIds=true to avoid conflicts // and default to the 'old' behaviour around matching // config nodes and subflows importOptions.generateIds = true; RED.view.importNodes(importNodes, importOptions); }} ] }) } function showImportConflicts(importConfig,importNodes,importOptions) { pendingImportConfig = { importConfig: importConfig, importNodes: importNodes, importOptions: importOptions } var id,node; var treeData = []; var container; var addedHeader = false; for (id in importConfig.subflows) { if (importConfig.subflows.hasOwnProperty(id)) { if (!addedHeader) { treeData.push({gutter:$(''), label: '', class:"red-ui-clipboard-dialog-import-conflicts-item-header"}) addedHeader = true; } node = importConfig.subflows[id]; var isConflicted = importConfig.conflicted[node.id]; var isSelected = !isConflicted; var elements = getNodeElement(node, isConflicted, isSelected ); container = { id: node.id, gutter: elements.gutter.element, element: elements.element, class: isSelected?"":"disabled", deferBuild: true, children: [] } treeData.push(container); if (importConfig.zMap[id]) { importConfig.zMap[id].forEach(function(node) { var childElements = getNodeElement(node, importConfig.conflicted[node.id], isSelected, elements.gutter.cb); container.children.push({ id: node.id, gutter: childElements.gutter.element, element: childElements.element, class: isSelected?"":"disabled" }) }); } } } addedHeader = false; for (id in importConfig.tabs) { if (importConfig.tabs.hasOwnProperty(id)) { if (!addedHeader) { treeData.push({gutter:$(''), label: '', class:"red-ui-clipboard-dialog-import-conflicts-item-header"}) addedHeader = true; } node = importConfig.tabs[id]; var isConflicted = importConfig.conflicted[node.id]; var isSelected = true; var elements = getNodeElement(node, isConflicted, isSelected); container = { id: node.id, gutter: elements.gutter.element, element: elements.element, icon: "red-ui-icons red-ui-icons-flow", deferBuild: true, class: isSelected?"":"disabled", children: [] } treeData.push(container); if (importConfig.zMap[id]) { importConfig.zMap[id].forEach(function(node) { var childElements = getNodeElement(node, importConfig.conflicted[node.id], isSelected, elements.gutter.cb); container.children.push({ id: node.id, gutter: childElements.gutter.element, element: childElements.element, class: isSelected?"":"disabled" }) // console.log(" ["+(importConfig.conflicted[node.id]?"*":" ")+"] "+node.type+" "+node.id); }); } } } addedHeader = false; var extraNodes = []; importConfig.all.forEach(function(node) { if (node.type !== "tab" && node.type !== "subflow" && !importConfig.tabs[node.z] && !importConfig.subflows[node.z]) { var isConflicted = importConfig.conflicted[node.id]; var isSelected = !isConflicted || !importConfig.configs[node.id]; var elements = getNodeElement(node, isConflicted, isSelected); var item = { id: node.id, gutter: elements.gutter.element, element: elements.element, class: isSelected?"":"disabled" } if (importConfig.configs[node.id]) { extraNodes.push(item); } else { if (!addedHeader) { treeData.push({gutter:$(''), label: '', class:"red-ui-clipboard-dialog-import-conflicts-item-header"}) addedHeader = true; } treeData.push(item); } // console.log("["+(importConfig.conflicted[node.id]?"*":" ")+"] "+node.type+" "+node.id); } }) if (extraNodes.length > 0) { treeData.push({gutter:$(''), label: '', class:"red-ui-clipboard-dialog-import-conflicts-item-header"}) addedHeader = true; treeData = treeData.concat(extraNodes); } dialogContainer.empty(); dialogContainer.append($(importConflictsDialog)); var nodeList = $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-import-conflicts-list").css({position:"absolute",top:0,right:0,bottom:0,left:0}).treeList({ data: treeData }) dialogContainer.i18n(); var dialogHeight = 400; var winHeight = $(window).height(); if (winHeight < 600) { dialogHeight = 400 - (600 - winHeight); } $(".red-ui-clipboard-dialog-box").height(dialogHeight); $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-ok").hide(); $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-cancel").show(); $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-export").hide(); $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-download").hide(); $("#red-ui-clipboard-dialog-import-conflict").show(); dialog.dialog("option","title",RED._("clipboard.importNodes")) .dialog("option","width",500) .dialog( "open" ); } function getNodeElement(n, isConflicted, isSelected, parent) { var element; if (n.type === "tab") { element = getFlowLabel(n, isSelected); } else { element = getNodeLabel(n, isConflicted, isSelected); } var controls = $('
    ',{class:"red-ui-clipboard-dialog-import-conflicts-controls"}).appendTo(element); controls.on("click", function(evt) { evt.stopPropagation(); }); if (isConflicted && !parent) { var cb = $('').appendTo(controls); if (n.type === "tab" || (n.type !== "subflow" && n.hasOwnProperty("x") && n.hasOwnProperty("y"))) { cb.hide(); } } return { element: element, gutter: getGutter(n, isSelected, parent) } } function getGutter(n, isSelected, parent) { var span = $("