/** * Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ var ws = require("ws"); var log; var server; var settings; var wsServer; var pendingConnections = []; var activeConnections = []; var retained = {}; var heartbeatTimer; var lastSentTime; function handleStatus(event) { publish("status/"+event.id,event.status,true); } function handleRuntimeEvent(event) { log.trace("runtime event: "+JSON.stringify(event)); publish("notification/"+event.id,event.payload||{},event.retain); } function init(_server,runtime) { server = _server; settings = runtime.settings; log = runtime.log; runtime.events.removeListener("node-status",handleStatus); runtime.events.on("node-status",handleStatus); runtime.events.removeListener("runtime-event",handleRuntimeEvent); runtime.events.on("runtime-event",handleRuntimeEvent); } function start() { var Tokens = require("../auth/tokens"); var Users = require("../auth/users"); var Permissions = require("../auth/permissions"); if (!settings.disableEditor) { Users.default().then(function(anonymousUser) { var webSocketKeepAliveTime = settings.webSocketKeepAliveTime || 15000; var path = settings.httpAdminRoot || "/"; path = (path.slice(0,1) != "/" ? "/":"") + path + (path.slice(-1) == "/" ? "":"/") + "comms"; wsServer = new ws.Server({ server:server, path:path, // Disable the deflate option due to this issue // https://github.com/websockets/ws/pull/632 // that is fixed in the 1.x release of the ws module // that we cannot currently pickup as it drops node 0.10 support //perMessageDeflate: false }); wsServer.on('connection',function(ws) { log.audit({event: "comms.open"}); var pendingAuth = (settings.adminAuth != null); ws._nr_stack = []; ws._nr_ok2tx = true; if (!pendingAuth) { activeConnections.push(ws); } else { pendingConnections.push(ws); } ws.on('close',function() { log.audit({event: "comms.close",user:ws.user}); removeActiveConnection(ws); removePendingConnection(ws); }); ws.on('message', function(data,flags) { var msg = null; try { msg = JSON.parse(data); } catch(err) { log.trace("comms received malformed message : "+err.toString()); return; } if (!pendingAuth) { if (msg.subscribe) { handleRemoteSubscription(ws,msg.subscribe); } } else { var completeConnection = function(userScope,sendAck) { try { if (!userScope || !Permissions.hasPermission(userScope,"status.read")) { ws.send(JSON.stringify({auth:"fail"})); ws.close(); } else { pendingAuth = false; removePendingConnection(ws); activeConnections.push(ws); if (sendAck) { ws.send(JSON.stringify({auth:"ok"})); } } } catch(err) { // Just in case the socket closes before we attempt // to send anything. } } if (msg.auth) { Tokens.get(msg.auth).then(function(client) { if (client) { Users.get(client.user).then(function(user) { if (user) { ws.user = user; log.audit({event: "comms.auth",user:ws.user}); completeConnection(client.scope,true); } else { log.audit({event: "comms.auth.fail"}); completeConnection(null,false); } }); } else { log.audit({event: "comms.auth.fail"}); completeConnection(null,false); } }); } else { if (anonymousUser) { log.audit({event: "comms.auth",user:anonymousUser}); completeConnection(anonymousUser.permissions,false); //TODO: duplicated code - pull non-auth message handling out if (msg.subscribe) { handleRemoteSubscription(ws,msg.subscribe); } } else { log.audit({event: "comms.auth.fail"}); completeConnection(null,false); } } } }); ws.on('error', function(err) { log.warn(log._("comms.error",{message:err.toString()})); }); }); wsServer.on('error', function(err) { log.warn(log._("comms.error-server",{message:err.toString()})); }); lastSentTime = Date.now(); heartbeatTimer = setInterval(function() { var now = Date.now(); if (now-lastSentTime > webSocketKeepAliveTime) { publish("hb",lastSentTime); } }, webSocketKeepAliveTime); }); } } function stop() { if (heartbeatTimer) { clearInterval(heartbeatTimer); heartbeatTimer = null; } if (wsServer) { wsServer.close(); wsServer = null; } } function publish(topic,data,retain) { if (server) { if (retain) { retained[topic] = data; } else { delete retained[topic]; } lastSentTime = Date.now(); activeConnections.forEach(function(conn) { publishTo(conn,topic,data); }); } } function publishTo(ws,topic,data) { if (topic && data) { ws._nr_stack.push({topic:topic,data:data}); } if (ws._nr_ok2tx && (ws._nr_stack.length > 0)) { ws._nr_ok2tx = false; try { ws.send(JSON.stringify(ws._nr_stack)); } catch(err) { removeActiveConnection(ws); removePendingConnection(ws); log.warn(log._("comms.error-send",{message:err.toString()})); } ws._nr_stack = []; setTimeout(function() { ws._nr_ok2tx = true; publishTo(ws); }, 50); // TODO: OK so a 50mS update rate should prob not be hard-coded } } function handleRemoteSubscription(ws,topic) { var re = new RegExp("^"+topic.replace(/([\[\]\?\(\)\\\\$\^\*\.|])/g,"\\$1").replace(/\+/g,"[^/]+").replace(/\/#$/,"(\/.*)?")+"$"); for (var t in retained) { if (re.test(t)) { publishTo(ws,t,retained[t]); } } } function removeActiveConnection(ws) { for (var i=0;i<activeConnections.length;i++) { if (activeConnections[i] === ws) { activeConnections.splice(i,1); break; } } } function removePendingConnection(ws) { for (var i=0;i<pendingConnections.length;i++) { if (pendingConnections[i] === ws) { pendingConnections.splice(i,1); break; } } } module.exports = { init:init, start:start, stop:stop, publish:publish }