/** * Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ RED.userSettings = (function() { var trayWidth = 700; var settingsVisible = false; var panes = []; function addPane(options) { panes.push(options); } function show(initialTab) { if (settingsVisible) { return; } if (!RED.user.hasPermission("settings.write")) { RED.notify(RED._("user.errors.settings"),"error"); return; } settingsVisible = true; var tabContainer; var trayOptions = { title: RED._("menu.label.userSettings"), buttons: [ { id: "node-dialog-ok", text: RED._("common.label.close"), class: "primary", click: function() { RED.tray.close(); } } ], resize: function(dimensions) { trayWidth = dimensions.width; }, open: function(tray) { var trayBody = tray.find('.editor-tray-body'); var settingsContent = $('
').appendTo(trayBody); var tabContainer = $('
',{id:"user-settings-tabs-container"}).appendTo(settingsContent); $('',{id:"user-settings-tabs"}).appendTo(tabContainer); var settingsTabs = RED.tabs.create({ id: "user-settings-tabs", vertical: true, onchange: function(tab) { setTimeout(function() { $("#user-settings-tabs-content").children().hide(); $("#" + tab.id).show(); if (tab.pane.focus) { tab.pane.focus(); } },50); } }); var tabContents = $('
',{id:"user-settings-tabs-content"}).appendTo(settingsContent); panes.forEach(function(pane) { settingsTabs.addTab({ id: "user-settings-tab-"+pane.id, label: pane.title, pane: pane }); pane.get().hide().appendTo(tabContents); }); settingsContent.i18n(); settingsTabs.activateTab("user-settings-tab-"+(initialTab||'view')) $("#sidebar-shade").show(); }, close: function() { settingsVisible = false; panes.forEach(function(pane) { if (pane.close) { pane.close(); } }); $("#sidebar-shade").hide(); }, show: function() {} } if (trayWidth !== null) { trayOptions.width = trayWidth; } RED.tray.show(trayOptions); } var viewSettings = [ { title: "menu.label.view.grid", options: [ {setting:"view-show-grid",oldSetting:"menu-menu-item-view-show-grid",label:"menu.label.view.showGrid",toggle:true,onchange:"core:toggle-show-grid"}, {setting:"view-snap-grid",oldSetting:"menu-menu-item-view-snap-grid",label:"menu.label.view.snapGrid",toggle:true,onchange:"core:toggle-snap-grid"}, {setting:"view-grid-size",label:"menu.label.view.gridSize",type:"number",default: 20, onchange:RED.view.gridSize} ] }, { title: "menu.label.nodes", options: [ {setting:"view-node-status",oldSetting:"menu-menu-item-status",label:"menu.label.displayStatus",default: true, toggle:true,onchange:"core:toggle-status"} ] }, { title: "menu.label.other", options: [ {setting:"view-show-tips",oldSettings:"menu-menu-item-show-tips",label:"menu.label.showTips",toggle:true,default:true,onchange:"core:toggle-show-tips"} ] } ]; var allSettings = {}; function createViewPane() { var pane = $('
'); var currentEditorSettings = RED.settings.get('editor') || {}; currentEditorSettings.view = currentEditorSettings.view || {}; viewSettings.forEach(function(section) { $('

').text(RED._(section.title)).appendTo(pane); section.options.forEach(function(opt) { var initialState = currentEditorSettings.view[opt.setting]; var row = $('
').appendTo(pane); var input; if (opt.toggle) { input = $('').appendTo(row).find("input"); input.prop('checked',initialState); } else { $('').appendTo(row); $('').appendTo(row).val(initialState); } }); }) return pane; } function setSelected(id, value) { var opt = allSettings[id]; var currentEditorSettings = RED.settings.get('editor') || {}; currentEditorSettings.view = currentEditorSettings.view || {}; currentEditorSettings.view[opt.setting] = value; RED.settings.set('editor', currentEditorSettings); var callback = opt.onchange; if (typeof callback === 'string') { callback = RED.actions.get(callback); } if (callback) { callback.call(opt,value); } } function toggle(id) { var opt = allSettings[id]; var currentEditorSettings = RED.settings.get('editor') || {}; currentEditorSettings.view = currentEditorSettings.view || {}; setSelected(id,!currentEditorSettings.view[opt.setting]); } function init() { RED.actions.add("core:show-user-settings",show); RED.actions.add("core:show-help", function() { show('keyboard')}); addPane({ id:'view', title: RED._("menu.label.view.view"), get: createViewPane, close: function() { viewSettings.forEach(function(section) { section.options.forEach(function(opt) { var input = $("#user-settings-"+opt.setting); if (opt.toggle) { setSelected(opt.setting,input.prop('checked')); } else { setSelected(opt.setting,input.val()); } }); }) } }) var currentEditorSettings = RED.settings.get('editor') || {}; currentEditorSettings.view = currentEditorSettings.view || {}; var editorSettingsChanged = false; viewSettings.forEach(function(section) { section.options.forEach(function(opt) { if (opt.oldSetting) { var oldValue = RED.settings.get(opt.oldSetting); if (oldValue !== undefined && oldValue !== null) { currentEditorSettings.view[opt.setting] = oldValue; editorSettingsChanged = true; RED.settings.remove(opt.oldSetting); } } allSettings[opt.setting] = opt; if (opt.onchange) { var value = currentEditorSettings.view[opt.setting]; if ((value === null || value === undefined) && opt.hasOwnProperty('default')) { value = opt.default; currentEditorSettings.view[opt.setting] = value; editorSettingsChanged = true; } var callback = opt.onchange; if (typeof callback === 'string') { callback = RED.actions.get(callback); } if (callback) { callback.call(opt,value); } } }); }); if (editorSettingsChanged) { RED.settings.set('editor',currentEditorSettings); } } return { init: init, toggle: toggle, show: show, add: addPane }; })();