/** * Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ var should = require("should"); var sinon = require("sinon"); var NR_TEST_UTILS = require("nr-test-utils"); var flows = NR_TEST_UTILS.require("@node-red/runtime/lib/api/flows") var mockLog = () => ({ log: sinon.stub(), debug: sinon.stub(), trace: sinon.stub(), warn: sinon.stub(), info: sinon.stub(), metric: sinon.stub(), audit: sinon.stub(), _: function() { return "abc"} }) describe("runtime-api/flows", function() { describe("getFlows", function() { it("returns the current flow configuration", function(done) { flows.init({ log: mockLog(), flows: { getFlows: function() { return [1,2,3] } } }); flows.getFlows({}).then(function(result) { result.should.eql([1,2,3]); done(); }).catch(done); }); }); describe("setFlows", function() { var setFlows; var loadFlows; var reloadError = false; beforeEach(function() { setFlows = sinon.spy(function(flows,credentials,type) { if (flows[0] === "error") { var err = new Error("error"); err.code = "error"; var p = Promise.reject(err); p.catch(()=>{}); return p; } return Promise.resolve("newRev"); }); loadFlows = sinon.spy(function() { if (!reloadError) { return Promise.resolve("newLoadRev"); } else { var err = new Error("error"); err.code = "error"; var p = Promise.reject(err); p.catch(()=>{}); return p; } }) flows.init({ log: mockLog(), flows: { getFlows: function() { return {rev:"currentRev",flows:[]} }, setFlows: setFlows, loadFlows: loadFlows } }) }) it("defaults to full deploy", function(done) { flows.setFlows({ flows: {flows:[4,5,6]} }).then(function(result) { result.should.eql({rev:"newRev"}); setFlows.called.should.be.true(); setFlows.lastCall.args[0].should.eql([4,5,6]); setFlows.lastCall.args[2].should.eql("full"); done(); }).catch(done); }); it("includes credentials when part of the request", function(done) { flows.setFlows({ flows: {flows:[4,5,6], credentials: {$:"creds"}}, }).then(function(result) { result.should.eql({rev:"newRev"}); setFlows.called.should.be.true(); setFlows.lastCall.args[0].should.eql([4,5,6]); setFlows.lastCall.args[1].should.eql({$:"creds"}); setFlows.lastCall.args[2].should.eql("full"); done(); }).catch(done); }); it("passes through other deploy types", function(done) { flows.setFlows({ deploymentType: "nodes", flows: {flows:[4,5,6]} }).then(function(result) { result.should.eql({rev:"newRev"}); setFlows.called.should.be.true(); setFlows.lastCall.args[0].should.eql([4,5,6]); setFlows.lastCall.args[2].should.eql("nodes"); done(); }).catch(done); }); it("triggers a flow reload", function(done) { flows.setFlows({ deploymentType: "reload" }).then(function(result) { result.should.eql({rev:"newLoadRev"}); setFlows.called.should.be.false(); loadFlows.called.should.be.true(); done(); }).catch(done); }); it("allows update when revision matches", function(done) { flows.setFlows({ deploymentType: "nodes", flows: {flows:[4,5,6],rev:"currentRev"} }).then(function(result) { result.should.eql({rev:"newRev"}); setFlows.called.should.be.true(); setFlows.lastCall.args[0].should.eql([4,5,6]); setFlows.lastCall.args[2].should.eql("nodes"); done(); }).catch(done); }); it("rejects update when revision does not match", function(done) { flows.setFlows({ deploymentType: "nodes", flows: {flows:[4,5,6],rev:"notTheCurrentRev"} }).then(function(result) { done(new Error("Did not reject rev mismatch")); }).catch(function(err) { err.should.have.property('code','version_mismatch'); err.should.have.property('status',409); done(); }).catch(done); }); it("rejects when reload fails",function(done) { reloadError = true; flows.setFlows({ deploymentType: "reload" }).then(function(result) { done(new Error("Did not return internal error")); }).catch(function(err) { err.should.have.property('code','error'); done(); }).catch(done); }); it("rejects when update fails",function(done) { flows.setFlows({ deploymentType: "full", flows: {flows:["error",5,6]} }).then(function(result) { done(new Error("Did not return internal error")); }).catch(function(err) { err.should.have.property('code','error'); done(); }).catch(done); }); }); describe("addFlow", function() { var addFlow; beforeEach(function() { addFlow = sinon.spy(function(flow) { if (flow === "error") { var err = new Error("error"); err.code = "error"; var p = Promise.reject(err); p.catch(()=>{}); return p; } return Promise.resolve("newId"); }); flows.init({ log: mockLog(), flows: { addFlow: addFlow } }); }) it("adds a flow", function(done) { flows.addFlow({flow:{a:"123"}}).then(function(id) { addFlow.called.should.be.true(); addFlow.lastCall.args[0].should.eql({a:"123"}); id.should.eql("newId"); done() }).catch(done); }); it("rejects when add fails", function(done) { flows.addFlow({flow:"error"}).then(function(id) { done(new Error("Did not return internal error")); }).catch(function(err) { err.should.have.property('code','error'); done(); }).catch(done); }); }); describe("getFlow", function() { var getFlow; beforeEach(function() { getFlow = sinon.spy(function(flow) { if (flow === "unknown") { return null; } return [1,2,3]; }); flows.init({ log: mockLog(), flows: { getFlow: getFlow } }); }) it("gets a flow", function(done) { flows.getFlow({id:"123"}).then(function(flow) { flow.should.eql([1,2,3]); done() }).catch(done); }); it("rejects when flow not found", function(done) { flows.getFlow({id:"unknown"}).then(function(flow) { done(new Error("Did not return internal error")); }).catch(function(err) { err.should.have.property('code','not_found'); err.should.have.property('status',404); done(); }).catch(done); }); }); describe("updateFlow", function() { var updateFlow; beforeEach(function() { updateFlow = sinon.spy(function(id,flow) { if (id === "unknown") { var err = new Error(); // TODO: quirk of internal api - uses .code for .status err.code = 404; var p = Promise.reject(err); p.catch(()=>{}); return p; } else if (id === "error") { var err = new Error(); // TODO: quirk of internal api - uses .code for .status err.code = "error"; var p = Promise.reject(err); p.catch(()=>{}); return p; } return Promise.resolve(); }); flows.init({ log: mockLog(), flows: { updateFlow: updateFlow } }); }) it("updates a flow", function(done) { flows.updateFlow({id:"123",flow:[1,2,3]}).then(function(id) { id.should.eql("123"); updateFlow.called.should.be.true(); updateFlow.lastCall.args[0].should.eql("123"); updateFlow.lastCall.args[1].should.eql([1,2,3]); done() }).catch(done); }); it("rejects when flow not found", function(done) { flows.updateFlow({id:"unknown"}).then(function(flow) { done(new Error("Did not return internal error")); }).catch(function(err) { err.should.have.property('code','not_found'); err.should.have.property('status',404); done(); }).catch(done); }); it("rejects when update fails", function(done) { flows.updateFlow({id:"error"}).then(function(flow) { done(new Error("Did not return internal error")); }).catch(function(err) { err.should.have.property('code','error'); err.should.have.property('status',400); done(); }).catch(done); }); }); describe("deleteFlow", function() { var removeFlow; beforeEach(function() { removeFlow = sinon.spy(function(flow) { if (flow === "unknown") { var err = new Error(); // TODO: quirk of internal api - uses .code for .status err.code = 404; var p = Promise.reject(err); p.catch(()=>{}); return p; } else if (flow === "error") { var err = new Error(); // TODO: quirk of internal api - uses .code for .status err.code = "error"; var p = Promise.reject(err); p.catch(()=>{}); return p; } return Promise.resolve(); }); flows.init({ log: mockLog(), flows: { removeFlow: removeFlow } }); }) it("deletes a flow", function(done) { flows.deleteFlow({id:"123"}).then(function() { removeFlow.called.should.be.true(); removeFlow.lastCall.args[0].should.eql("123"); done() }).catch(done); }); it("rejects when flow not found", function(done) { flows.deleteFlow({id:"unknown"}).then(function(flow) { done(new Error("Did not return internal error")); }).catch(function(err) { err.should.have.property('code','not_found'); err.should.have.property('status',404); done(); }).catch(done); }); it("rejects when delete fails", function(done) { flows.deleteFlow({id:"error"}).then(function(flow) { done(new Error("Did not return internal error")); }).catch(function(err) { err.should.have.property('code','error'); err.should.have.property('status',400); done(); }).catch(done); }); }); describe("getNodeCredentials", function() { beforeEach(function() { flows.init({ log: mockLog(), nodes: { getCredentials: function(id) { if (id === "unknown") { return undefined; } else if (id === "known") { return { username: "abc", password: "123" } } else if (id === "known2") { return { username: "abc", password: "" } } else { return {}; } }, getCredentialDefinition: function(type) { if (type === "node") { return { username: {type:"text"}, password: {type:"password"} } } else { return null; } } } }); }) it("returns an empty object for an unknown node", function(done) { flows.getNodeCredentials({id:"unknown", type:"node"}).then(function(result) { result.should.eql({}); done(); }).catch(done); }); it("gets the filtered credentials for a known node with password", function(done) { flows.getNodeCredentials({id:"known", type:"node"}).then(function(result) { result.should.eql({ username: "abc", has_password: true }); done(); }).catch(done); }); it("gets the filtered credentials for a known node without password", function(done) { flows.getNodeCredentials({id:"known2", type:"node"}).then(function(result) { result.should.eql({ username: "abc", has_password: false }); done(); }).catch(done); }); it("gets the empty credentials for a known node without a registered definition", function(done) { flows.getNodeCredentials({id:"known2", type:"unknown-type"}).then(function(result) { result.should.eql({}); done(); }).catch(done); }); }); describe("flow run state", function() { var startFlows, stopFlows, runtime; beforeEach(function() { let flowsStarted = true; let flowsState = "started"; startFlows = sinon.spy(function(type) { if (type !== "full") { var err = new Error(); // TODO: quirk of internal api - uses .code for .status err.code = 400; var p = Promise.reject(err); p.catch(()=>{}); return p; } flowsStarted = true; flowsState = "started"; return Promise.resolve(); }); stopFlows = sinon.spy(function(type) { if (type !== "full") { var err = new Error(); // TODO: quirk of internal api - uses .code for .status err.code = 400; var p = Promise.reject(err); p.catch(()=>{}); return p; } flowsStarted = false; flowsState = "stopped"; return Promise.resolve(); }); runtime = { log: mockLog(), settings: { runtimeState: { enabled: true, ui: true, }, }, flows: { get started() { return flowsStarted; }, startFlows, stopFlows, getFlows: function() { return {rev:"currentRev",flows:[]} }, } } }) it("gets flows run state", async function() { flows.init(runtime); const state = await flows.getState({}) state.should.have.property("started", true) state.should.have.property("state", "started") }); it("permits getting flows run state when setting disabled", async function() { runtime.settings.runtimeState.enabled = false; flows.init(runtime); const state = await flows.getState({}) state.should.have.property("started", true) state.should.have.property("state", "started") }); it("start flows", async function() { flows.init(runtime); const state = await flows.setState({requestedState:"start"}) state.should.have.property("started", true) state.should.have.property("state", "started") stopFlows.called.should.not.be.true(); startFlows.called.should.be.true(); }); it("stop flows", async function() { flows.init(runtime); const state = await flows.setState({requestedState:"stop"}) state.should.have.property("started", false) state.should.have.property("state", "stopped") stopFlows.called.should.be.true(); startFlows.called.should.not.be.true(); }); it("rejects starting flows when setting disabled", async function() { let err; runtime.settings.runtimeState.enabled = false; flows.init(runtime); try { await flows.setState({requestedState:"start"}) } catch (error) { err = error } stopFlows.called.should.not.be.true(); startFlows.called.should.not.be.true(); should(err).have.property("code", "not_allowed") should(err).have.property("status", 405) }); it("rejects stopping flows when setting disabled", async function() { let err; runtime.settings.runtimeState.enabled = false; flows.init(runtime); try { await flows.setState({requestedState:"stop"}) } catch (error) { err = error } stopFlows.called.should.not.be.true(); startFlows.called.should.not.be.true(); should(err).have.property("code", "not_allowed") should(err).have.property("status", 405) }); it("rejects setting invalid flows run state", async function() { let err; flows.init(runtime); try { await flows.setState({requestedState:"bad-state"}) } catch (error) { err = error } stopFlows.called.should.not.be.true(); startFlows.called.should.not.be.true(); should(err).have.property("code", "invalid_run_state") should(err).have.property("status", 400) }); }); });